PCB 100C (M55302/75) plug (.100 center to center spacing) (386 +.005 -.002 7-122 DIA +002 ENLARGED 2 HOLES FoR 10-285461-256 PRESS FIT NUT 75: 007 DIA @ 7) 2 PLACES .239 +.005 8 -007 182 DIA +.003 2 PLACES [@[D @-005 TR VIEW _AT_C Proprietary Military Oty. of A B E Part Number Part Number Contact Contacts +.010 (TP) Max. 10-285416-5S* M55302/75-02t 10-251416-72F 59 4,280 4.000 3.085 10-285416-35** 10-251416-72F 59 4.280 4,000 3.085 10-285416-6S* M55302/75-01t 10-251416-72F 39 3.280 3.000 2.085 10-2854 16-2S** 10-251416-72F 39 3.280 3.000 2.085 *Contacts and polarization squares are included but unassembied in sealed bag containing connector. **Shipped less contacts and polarization squares (10-285422-2). All dimensions for reference only. tConnectors ordered to MS55302/75 are supplied with 10-251416-725 contacts. 17