INVERTER SCRs 700 TO 1000 AMPERES GE TYPE C394 C395 C444/C445 C447/C448 C449 CONSTRUCTION AMPLIFYING AMPLIFYING AMPLIFYING AMPLIFYING AMPLIFYING GATE GATE GATE GATE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE RANGE 100-600 100-600 500-1200 FORWARD CONDUCTION 'Tc RMS) Max. forward conduction sinusoidal @ Tc = 65 C, 50% duty (A) @ 60Hz @ 600 Hz @ 1200 Hz @ 2500 Hz @ 5000 Hz Max. peak one cycle, non-repetitive surge current (A) Max. |*t for fusing for 5 to 8.3 msec (A2 sec) 415,000 Max. thermal impedance (C/W) Typical turn-on time ({isec) Turn-off time @ rated voltage and Ty VR = 5O0V min. (Usec) @ 20V/ sec reapplied @ 200V / Lisec reapplied @ 400V / LUsec reapplied di/dt Critical rate-of-rise of on-state current (A/([isec) Ty Junction operating temperature range (C) 40 to 125C - 40 to 125C BLOCKING dv/dt Min. critical rate-of-rise off-state voltage exponential to rated Vo RM @ Max. Ty (V/ psec) FIRING lot Max. required gate current to trigger (mA) @ 40C @ 125C Vet Max. required voltage to trigger (V) @ 40C @ 125C (Min.) VOLTAGE TYPES Repetitive Peak Forward and Reverse Voltages 100 200 300 400 500 C447/C448E 600 C447/C448M 700 C447/C448S 800 C447/C448N 900 C447/C448T 1000 C447/C44e8P 1100 C447/C448PA 1200 C447/C448PB 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 PACKAGE TYPE 1 PRESS PAK 1 PRESS PAK PACKAGE OUTLINE NO. 276 276 149HIGH SPEED IROVATIONS \ . _ | C444 /C445 | B | Silicon Controlled Rectifier SEMICONDUCTORS a~- 600 Volts 1100A RMS smucvinc care The General Electric C444 and C445 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers are de- signed for power switching at high frequencies. These are all-diffused Press- Pak devices employing the field-proven interdigitated amplifying gate system. FEATURES: Interdigitated gate structure to maximize high frequency current switching capability. Fully characterized for operation in inverter applications. High di/dt ratings. High dv/dt capability with selections available. Guaranteed maximum turn-off time with selections available. Rugged hermetic glazed ceramic package having 1 creepage path. 2200 SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM 2000 180 CONDUCTION 50% DUTY CYCLE 1800 65C CASE TEMP. Vow = Vp = 400V 1600 5.0.,,.25 iF SNUBBER 1400 1200 1000 800 600 PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES 400 200 Qo 100 200 400 600 1000 2,000 4,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 100,000 FREQUENCY - Hz Equipment designers can use the C444/C445 SCR in demanding applications, such as: e Choppers e Sonar Transmitters e Cycloconverters Inverters e UPS e DC to DC Converters e Regulated Power Supply e Induction Heaters e High Frequency FOR SINE WAVE OPERATION Like the Types C358, C385, C388, C395 and C398, the C444/C445 SCR is Rated For: e Peak Current e Frequency VS. e Pulse Width e Case Temperature 976MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RATINGS C444/C445 REPETITIVE PEAK ! REPETITIVIE PEAK ! NON-REPETITIVE PEAK ! OFF-STATE VOLTAGE REVERSE VOLTAGE REVERSE VOLTAGE TYPES Vorm Vram VRsM Ty = -40C to +125C Ty = -40C to +125C Ty = 4+125C C444/C445A 100 Volts 100 Volts 150 Volts C444/C445B 200 200 300 C444/C445C 300 300 400 C444/C445D 400 400 500 C444/C445E 500 500 600 C444/C445M 600 600 720 1 Half sinewave waveform, 10 ms max. pulse width. Peak One Cycle Surge (Non-Repetitive) On-State Current, Iggy .....-.- wee eee ee 12,000 Amperes I?t (for fusing) for times > 1.5 milliseconds .. ees 190,000 (RMS Ampere)? Seconds It (for fusing) for times > 8.3 milliseconds ...........0...00000- Lee 600,000 (RMS Ampere)? Seconds Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, Non-Repetitive.... 0020 eee ee es 800 A/us Critical Rate-of-Rise of On-State Current, Repetitivef... 2... 2... ee ens 500 A/us Average Gate Power Dissipation, Pa(ayy .-- ee ee ee es 2 Watts Storage Temperature, Typg 0. eee eet e es -40C to +150C Operating Temperature, Ty 2... eee eas -40C to +125C Mounting Force Required... 2... ee eens 3000 Lbs. + 500 Lbs. 0 Lbs. 13.3 KN + 2.2 KN-OKN +di/dt ratings established in accordance with EIA-NEMA Standard RS-397, Section for conditions of max. rated VpRM: 20 volts, 20 ohms gate trigger source with 0.5us short circuit trigger current rise time. CHARACTERISTICS TEST SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX, UNITS TEST CONDITION Repetitive Peak Reverse IRRM - 5 25 mA Ty = +25C, V = Vorm = Var and Off-State Current and IpRM Repetitive Peak Reverse IDRM _ 20 45 mA | Ty = +125C, V = Vprm = Var and Off-State Current and IpRM Thermal Resistance Rgsc - 0.04 | C/watt | Junction-to-Case Double-Side Cooled Critical Rate-of-Rise of dv/dt 200 ~ Vipsec | Ty = +125C, Gate Open. Vor = Off-State Voltage (Higher Rated, linear or exponential values may cause device waveform. switching) Exponential dv/dt = PEM (.632) Higher minimum dv/dt selections available consult factory. DC Gate Trigger Current Ior _ _ 200 mAdc To = +25C, Vp = 10 Vdc, Ry = 1 ohm - _ 400 Tc = -40C, Vp = 10 Vdc, Ry = 1 ohm = 150 To =+125C, Vp = 10 Vde, Ry = 1 ohm DC Gate Trigger Voltage Vor _ - 3.0 Vdc | Te = +25C to +125C, Vp = 10 Vde, Ry = 1 ohm - _ 5.0 Tc = -40Cto +25C, Vp =10 Vde, Ry = 1 ohm 0.25 _ Tc = 125C, Vprm, Ry = 1000 ohms 977C444/C445 CHARACTERISTICS TEST SYMBOL | MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITION Peak On-State Voltage Vim _ 2.5 Volts Te = 425C, Iym = 2000 Amps. peak. Duty cycle < .01% Conventional Circuit Com- tg usec (1) Te = +125C mutated Turn-Off Time (2) Iym = 500 Amps. (with Reverse Voltage) (3) Vp = 50 Volts min. (4) VDRM Reapplied C444 _ _ 10 (5) Rate-of-Rise of reapplied off-state C445 - - 20 voltage = 200 V/usec (linear) (6) Communication di/dt = 25 Amps/ysec (7) Repetition rate = 1 pps. (8) Gate bias during turn-off interval = 0 volts, 100 ohms Conventional Circuit Com- tq jusec (1) Te =tl 25C mutated Turn-Off Time (diode) (2) Iym = 500 Amps. (with Feedback Diode) (3) Vp = 1.5 Volts (4) Vprm Reapplied C444 _ 15 Tt (5) Rate-of-Rise of reapplied off-state C445 _ 25 T voltage = 200 V/psec (linear) (6) Commutation di/dt = 25 Amps/ysec (7) Repetition rate = 1 pps. (8) Gate bias during turn-off interval = 0 volts, 100 ohms Consult factory for maximum turn-off time. SINE WAVE CURRENT RATING DATA 10,000 10,000 A & S88 1,000 1,000 PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES too {00 10 100 1,000 10,000 Te) 100 1,000 10,000 PULSE BASEWIOTH - 4S PULSE BASEWIDTH ~ pS 1. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE 2. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT VS. PULSE WIDTH (Tg = 65C) CURRENT VS, PULSE WIDTH (Tg = 90C) 10,000 WATT-SECOND PER PULSE NOTES: (Pertaining to Sine and Trapezoidal Wave 1,000 : Current Ratings) 1. Switching voltage < 400 volts. Reverse voltage < 400 volts. R-C Snubber/59, .25uf Double-side cooled. See chart for required gate drive. PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES SA PFWON 100 lo 100 1,000 10,000 PULSE BASE WIDTH - nS 3. ENERGY PER PULSE FOR SINUSOIDAL PULSES 978PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT -AMPERES PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT -AMPERES TRAPEZOIDAL WAVE CURRENT RATING SQUARE WAVE +di/dt = 1OOAMS, -di/dt = 1(OOAS Vew * 400V, 52, .25uF Ve 400V Toase = 65C 100 10 100 1000 10000 PULSE BASE WIDTH -v~S 4. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT VS. PULSE WIDTH (Tg = 65C) SQUARE WAVE +di/dt * 100A/LS, -di/dt = 100ASuS Vew = 400V, 50, .25uF Vr S$ 400V Tcase * 90C 100 PULSE BASE WIDTH-mS 5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT VS. PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 90C) SQUARE WAVE +di/dt = 100A/zS ae -di/dt = 100A/pS + Vew * 400V So =P 458 50, .25F CS LY, Vp S$ 400V Ty = 125C 100 1000 PULSE BASE WIDTH - wS 6. ENERGY PER PULSE VS. PEAK CURRENT AND PULSE WIDTH 979 C444/C4452 12+ (RMSAMp) HALF SINE WAVE C444/C445 | 10,000 Ol 1,000 ON-STATE CURRENT - AMPERES TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE (C/W) 1005 10 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 OOS) Ol ri \ 10 100 ON-STATE VOLTAGE - VOLTS TIME - SECONDS 7. MAXIMUM ON-STATE CHARACTERISTICS 8 TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE JUNCTION-TO-CASE 1000 1,000 800 2 800 SINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM 6 800 _ 400 a * 300 us o mr i eg DI/DT = x 200 #5 PULSE WIDTH oO Oo 150 = 8 100 ul & 100 uJ 3 = EO os ao wow = 40 ew n * : a a ew 20 a Ss * 0 1,000 0) LS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 1 10 100 . PULSE WIDTH (MSEC} REVERSE DI/DT - AMPERES /MICGROSECOND oO 9. SUB-CYCLE SURGE (NON-REPETITIVE) 10. TYPICAL RECOVERED CHARGE (125 C) ON-STATE CURRENT AND I*t RATING a its NOTES: 1. The locus of possible DC trigger points lies outside the boundaries shown at various case temperatures. 2, Tp = rectangular gate current pulse width, 3. 20V-202 is the minimum gate source loadline when rate of circuit current rise > 100 Amp/usec. Maximum long-term repetitive anode di/dt = 500 Amps/usec. with 20V-202 gate source, INSTANTANEOUS GATE VOLTAGE - 0 5 I INSTANTANEOUS GATE CURRENT - AMPERES 11. GATE TRIGGER CHARACTERISTICS AND POWER RATINGS 980| c4aaa/caas OUTLINE DRAWING DECIMAL METRIC INCHES MLM. SYM | MIN. | MAX. MIN. MAX. A .240 .260 6.096 | 6.604 B 110 .130 2,794 | 3.302 Cc .245 6.223 D 186 191 4.724 | 4.851 E 060 075 1.524 | 1.905 F 1.430 36.32 G 1.065 27.051 H 2.200 | 2.500] 55.88 | 63.50 J .011 .019 2.794 | 3.483 K 030 .130 762 | 3.302 L 056 .060 1.422 | 1.524 care m | 1.000 | 1.065 | 25.40 | 27.05 N .030 .096 .762 | 2.438 P 130 "150 3.302 | 3.810 Q 1.300 | 1.345 | 33.02 | 34.16 N cree hace R 2.150 54.61 Ss .067 .083 1.702 | 2.11 T [12.200 [12.360 | 309.9 [313.9 T= LENGTH OF U 137 153 3.480 | 3.886 STRAIGHT LEAG SUGGESTED MOUNTING METHODS FOR PRESS-PAKS TO HEAT DISSIPATORS When the Press-Pak is assembled to a heat sink in accord- ance with the following general instructions, a reliable and low thermal interface will result. 3. Sand each surface lightly with 600 grit paper just prior to assembly. Clean off and apply silicon oil (GE SF1154, 200 centistoke viscosity) or silicone grease . Check each mating surface for nicks, scratches, flatness and surface finish. The heat dissipator mating surface should be flat within .0005 inch/inches and have a sur- face finish of 63 micro-inches. . It is recommended that the heat dissipator be plated with nickel or tin. Bare aluminum or copper surfaces will oxidize in time resulting in excessively high thermal resistance. 981 (GE G322L or Dow Corning DC 3, 4, 340 or 640). Clean off and apply again as a thin film. (A thick film will adversely affect the electrical and thermal resistances.) . Assemble with the specified mounting force applied through a self-leveling, swivel connection. The force has to be evenly distributed over the full area. Center holes on both top and bottom of the Press-Pak are for locating purposes only.