Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C
Luminous Intensity Total Flux Peak Color, Dominant Viewing Angle Luminous
Part Number IV (mcd) V (mlm) Wavelength Wavelength 2½ E cacy
(Low Current) @ 0.5 mA[1] @ 0.5 mA[2] peak (nm) d[3] (nm) Degrees[4] v[5]
HLMP- Min. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. (lm/w)
Q156-H00xx 2.5 7 10.5 654 644 15 85
Q152-G00xx 1.6 2 - 654 644 35 85
P156-EG0xx 0.63 2 10.5 654 644 75 85
1. The luminous intensity, Iv, is measured at the mechanical axis of the lamp package. The actual peak of the spatial radiation pattern may not be
aligned with this axis.
2. v is the total luminous ux output as measured with an integrating sphere.
3. The dominant wavelength, d, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the device.
4. 1/2 is the o -axis angle where the liminous intensity is 1/2 the peak intensity.
5. Radiant intensity, Iv, in watts/steradian, may be calculated from the equation Iv = Iv/v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and v is the
luminous e cacy in lumens/watt.
Optical Characteristics at TA = 25°C
Luminous Intensity Total Flux Peak Color, Dominant Viewing Angle Luminous
V (mcd) V (mlm) Wavelength Wavelength 2½ E cacy
Part Number @ 20 mA[1] @ 20 mA[2] peak (nm) d[3] (nm) Degrees[4] v[5]
HLMP- Min. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. Typ. (lm/w)
Q106-R00xx 100 400 280 654 644 15 85
Q102-N00xx 25 100 - 654 644 35 85
P106-Q00xx 63 130 280 654 644 75 85
Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C
Parameters Title
DC Forward Current [1] 50 mA
Peak Forward Current [2] 300 mA
Average Forward Current [2,3] 30 mA
Transient Forward Current (10 s Pulse) [4] 500 mA
Power Dissipation 100 mW
Reverse Voltage 5 V
Junction Temperature 110°C
Operating Temperature -55°C to +100°C
Storage Temperature -55°C to +100°C
Lead Soldering Temperature 260°C for 5 seconds
[1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body]
Re ow Soldering Temperature 260°C for 20 seconds
1. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 6.
2. Refer to Figure 7 to establish pulsed operating conditions.
3. Maximum IAVG at f = 1 kHz, DF = 10%.
4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the device can withstand
without damaging the LED die and wire bonds. It is not recommended that the device be
operated at peak currents above the Absolute Maximum Peak Forward Current.