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Installation Guide
Substrate Preparation
Preparation of the substrate
depends on the part to be
bonded. Following are two
preparation procedures.
The first applies to plated
metals and adapters; the
second applies to polymer
molded parts, cable jack-
ets, and tubing materials.
Plated Metals and Adapters
Thoroughly degrease the
surface with a clean cloth
or paper wipe dampened
with a solvent. The cloth or
paper should not be
saturated with the solvent.
Allow the part to stand for
a minute or two to allow
complete evaporation of
the solvent.
Molded Parts, Cable Jackets,
and Tubing Materials
Carefully and evenly abrade
the surface with #320 emery
cloth. Wipe contaminants
and abraded particles away
with a clean cloth or paper
wipe dampened with a sol-
vent. The cloth or paper
should not be saturated
with the solvent. Allow the
part to stand for a minute
or two to allow complete
evaporation of the solvent.
IAvoid contamination of the pre-
pared surface. If using primer,
apply it according to the manufac-
turer’s instructions and allow it to
IEpoxy adhesives may cause skin
and eye irritation. Be sure to
observe the handling instructions.
IWhen using hot-melt adhesives on
substrates with high heat-sink
capacity (such as connector back-
shells), preheat the substrate until
it is hot to touch, then apply the
adhesive tape and shrink the
molded part in place.
The use of cleaning solvent
is described in the prepara-
tion of various components
for adhesive bonding.
Please observe the solvent
manufacturer’s safety rec-
ommendations. Several
Raychem epoxy adhesives
and solvent base primers
are also described in some
cases. For specific handling
precautions, please consult
the appropriate Raychem
material safety data sheet
for the adhesive being used.
Installation Procedures
The three sets of installation
instructions that follow are
based on the type and/or
form of adhesive or sealant
to be used.
Select the set of instructions
that applies to your
Tape Adhesives and Sealants
Connector Boot
1. Degrease the area of
the adapter to which
the boot will be bonded,
using appropriate
solvent on a paper
tissue or clean cloth. Do
not abrade the adapter.
2. Lightly abrade the
bonding area of the
cable jacket with #320
emery cloth, then wipe
off loose particles with
a tissue or clean cloth
dampened with a
3. Lightly abrade and wipe
25.4 [1.0] back inside
each end of the boot.
4. When using primer,
apply a thin, uniform
coating to the bonding
surface and let it air dry
(15–20 minutes).
5. Double-wrap the
adhesive tape around
the cleaned area of the
adapter, placing slight
tension on the tape as
you wrap. Tack the ends
in place with a soldering
iron or hot tool.
6. Double-wrap adhesive
tape around the cable
jacket where the end of
the boot is to be located.
7. Position the boot on the
adapter and the cable.
Apply heat, starting at
the connector end.
8. Recover the connector
end of the boot onto the
adapter and continue
heating until the area is
fully recovered and the
adhesive tape is prop-
erly melted.
9. Complete the recovery
of the boot, continuing
toward the cable end.
Heat the cable end of
the boot where the
adhesive is placed,
until the part is fully
recovered and the tape
has properly melted or
flowed. The tape should
appear wet, form a bead
or fillet between the
cable and boot, and
show no definition
between the layers
of tape.
10.Where oven curing is
required to complete
adhesive bonding, heat
the assembled harness
in a preheated oven
according to the
following schedule:
2 hours at 155°C [311°F]
90 minutes at 150°C [302°F]
1. Lightly abrade the
bonding area of the
cable jacket with #320
emery cloth, then wipe
off loose particles with
a tissue or clean cloth
dampened with a
2. Abrade and wipe the
inside of each transition
3. When using primer,
apply a thin, uniform
coating to the bonding
surface and let it air dry
(15–20 minutes).