Binder Section: AC/DC Powe r Supplies 11/ 20/00 Made in Canada
IN 4U (7”) X 19” X 15” PACKAGE
• Compact size
• Up to 5000W output power
• Full electronic protection
• Telecom quality
• Field-proven design topology
The HBC5000 Series is a highly compact AC/DC converter which uses established design techniques to ensure
high reliability. Suitable for a wide range of applications, the HBC5000 features full electronic protection, high
efficiency and low output noise. The built-in fan provides sufficient airflow for operation without de-rating up
to 50oC ambient temperature. Options include a 3-phase input, extended operating temperature -40 to +65oC.
Custom versions are also available.
Input Volta ge
240VAC, range (180-264VAC)
47-63Hz, +/-15%
208VAC 3-phase and other
input options
Input Protection
Therm al fuse (internal)
Inr us h cur rent lim iting
Input Isolation/Safety
2250VDC input to chassis
4300VDC input to output
8mm spacing
Up to 2250VDC output to chassis
Full compliance to IEC950,
CSA 22-2-950 and UL 1950
Please consult factory for approval
status for the requested
input/output configuration
Output Volta ges
48V/104A, 200VDC/25A and
Consult factory for other voltages
Min 80% at full load
Line r egula tion
Load Regulation
+/-1.5% from no load to full load
Tight er regulated version s
Output Overvoltage Protection
Second regula r loop, co m pletely
stable and independent of main
regulator loop
Output Protecti on
Rectangular current limiting.
Typically 110% of rated output
Thermal shutdown with automatic
reset in case of continuous
overload or short circuit.
RFI Suppression
Meets FCC 20780 Class A
and EN 55022 Class A
conducted emissions
Output Ripple/Volta ge
Better than 1% of output voltage
peak to peak or 0.2% RMS of the
output voltage (20MHZ BW)
Hold Up Time
Minimum 10ms at full load and
nominal input for 5% drop of
output voltage
Operating Temperature Range
0o C to +50o C
Wider temp. range available
Temperature Drift
0.03% per o C over opera tin g
temperature ran g e
Package Size
Custom 4U x 19” rack-mount
frame, 15” deep
Screw-type terminal bloc k
on the rear panel
Warranty: Twelve months subj ect t o application within good engineering p r actice
Enhancements to these general specifications can be accommodated upon request
Designed to meet common approval requirements
Designer and manufacturer of quality converters, inverters, UPS systems, complete rack mount systems
and DC-input fluorescent lamp inverters since 1982. Custom or standard.
Absopulse is a BAB T-a pproved Facility
110 Walgreen Road
Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0 CANADA
Tel: (613) 836-3511 Fax: (613) 836-7488 E-mail: absopulse@absopulse.com
Visi t us at www.ab sopulse.com