ICS879S216AKI-02 REVISION A APRIL 8, 2011 10 ©2011 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Applications Information
Recommendations for Unused Input and Output Pins
For applications not requiring the use of a differential input, both the
PCLK and nPCLK pins can be left floating. Though not required, but
for additional protection, a 1kΩ resistor can be tied from PCLK to
LVCMOS Control Pins
All control pins have internal pullups or pulldowns; additional
resistance is not required but can be added for additional protection.
A 1kΩ resistor can be used.
LVPECL Outputs
All unused LVPECL outputs can be left floating. We recommend that
there is no trace attached. Both sides of the differential output pair
should either be left floating or terminated.
LVDS Outputs
All unused LVDS output pairs can be either left floating or terminated
with 100Ω across. If they are left floating, there should be no trace
Wiring the Differential Input to Accept Single-Ended Levels
Figure 1 shows how a differential input can be wired to accept single
ended levels. The reference voltage VREF = VCC/2 is generated by
the bias resistors R1 and R2. The bypass capacitor (C1) is used to
help filter noise on the DC bias. This bias circuit should be located as
close to the input pin as possible. The ratio of R1 and R2 might need
to be adjusted to position the VREF in the center of the input voltage
swing. For example, if the input clock swing is 2.5V and VCC = 3.3V,
R1 and R2 value should be adjusted to set VREF at 1.25V. The values
below are for when both the single ended swing and VCC are at the
same voltage. This configuration requires that the sum of the output
impedance of the driver (Ro) and the series resistance (Rs) equals
the transmission line impedance. In addition, matched termination at
the input will attenuate the signal in half. This can be done in one of
two ways. First, R3 and R4 in parallel should equal the transmission
line impedance. For most 50Ω applications, R3 and R4 can be 100Ω.
The values of the resistors can be increased to reduce the loading for
slower and weaker LVCMOS driver. When using single-ended
signaling, the noise rejection benefits of differential signaling are
reduced. Even though the differential input can handle full rail
LVCMOS signaling, it is recommended that the amplitude be
reduced. The datasheet specifies a lower differential amplitude,
however this only applies to differential signals. For single-ended
applications, the swing can be larger, however VIL cannot be less
than -0.3V and VIH cannot be more than VCC + 0.3V. Though some
of the recommended components might not be used, the pads
should be placed in the layout. They can be utilized for debugging
purposes. The datasheet specifications are characterized and
guaranteed by using a differential signal.
Figure 1. Recommended Schematic for Wiring a Differential Input to Accept Single-ended Levels