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Low-Power SoC (System-on-Chip) with MCU, Memory,
2.4 GHz RF Transceiver, and USB Controller
2400-2483.5 MHz ISM/SRD band systems
Consumer electronics
Wireless keyboard and mouse
Wireless voice-quality audio
RF enabled remote controls
Wireless sports and leisure equipment
Low power telemetry
: USB dongles
Product Description
is a true low-cost 2.4
GHz system-on-chip (SoC) designed for low-
power wireless applications. The
combines the excellent
performance of the state-of-the-art RF
transceiver CC2500 with an industry-standard
enhanced 8051 MCU, up to 32 kB of in-system
programmable flash memory and 4 kB of
RAM, and many other powerful features. The
small 6x6 mm package makes it very suited
for applications with size limitations.
is highly suited for
systems where very low power consumption is
required. This is ensured by several advanced
low-power operating modes. The
adds a full-speed USB controller to the feature
set of the
. Interfacing to a PC using
the USB interface is quick and easy, and the
high data rate (12 Mbps) of the USB interface
avoids the bottlenecks of RS-232 or low-speed
USB interfaces.
Key Features
o High-performance RF transceiver based on
the market-leading CC2500
o Excellent receiver selectivity and blocking
o High sensitivity (-103 dBm at 2.4 kBaud)
o Programmable data rate up to 500 kBaud
o Programmable output power up to 1 dBm for
all supported frequencies
o Frequency range: 2400 – 2483.5 MHz
o Digital RSSI / LQI support
Current Consumption
o Low current consumption (RX: 17.1 mA @
2.4 kBaud, TX: 18.5 mA @ -6 dBm output
o 0.3 µA in PM3 (the operating mode with the
lowest power consumption)
MCU, Memory, and Peripherals
o High performance and low power 8051
microcontroller core.
o 8/16/32 kB in-system programmable flash,
and 1/2/4 kB RAM
o Full-Speed USB Controller with 1 kB USB
o I
2S interface
o 7-12 bit ADC with up to eight inputs
o 128-bit AES security coprocessor
o Powerful DMA functionality
o Two USARTs
o 16-bit timer with DSM mode
o Three 8-bit timers
o Hardware debug support
o 21 (
) or 19 (
) GPIO pins
o Wide supply voltage range (2.0V – 3.6V)
o Green package: RoHS compliant and no
antimony or bromine, 6x6mm QLP36
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Table of Contents
1 ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................... 4
2 REGISTER CONVENTIONS .................................................................................................................. 5
3 KEY FEATURES (IN MORE DETAILS) .............................................................................................. 6
3.1 HIGH-PERFORMANCE AND LOW-POWER 8051-COMPATIBLE MICROCONTROLLER....................................... 6
3.2 8/16/32 KB NON-VOLATILE PROGRAM MEMORY AND 1/2/4 KB DATA MEMORY......................................... 6
)................................................................................................ 6
3.4 I2S INTERFACE.............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.5 HARDWARE AES ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION............................................................................................... 6
3.6 PERIPHERAL FEATURES ................................................................................................................................6
3.7 LOW POWER ................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.8 2.4 GHZ RADIO WITH BASEBAND MODEM ................................................................................................... 7
4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS...................................................................................................... 8
5 OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 8
OPERATING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 8
OPERATING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 8
6 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS.......................................................................................................... 9
7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 10
7.1 CURRENT CONSUMPTION ........................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 RF RECEIVE SECTION................................................................................................................................. 13
7.3 RF TRANSMIT SECTION .............................................................................................................................. 15
7.4 CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS ............................................................................................................................. 16
7.5 32.768 KHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR ........................................................................................................... 17
7.6 LOW POWER RC OSCILLATOR.................................................................................................................... 18
7.7 HIGH SPEED RC OSCILLATOR .................................................................................................................... 18
7.8 FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................... 19
7.9 ANALOG TEMPERATURE SENSOR ............................................................................................................... 19
7.10 7-12 BIT ADC............................................................................................................................................. 20
7.11 CONTROL AC CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................... 21
7.12 SPI AC CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................................................................... 22
7.13 DEBUG INTERFACE AC CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 23
7.14 PORT OUTPUTS AC CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................... 24
7.15 TIMER INPUTS AC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................ 24
7.16 DC CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................... 24
8 PIN AND I/O PORT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 26
9 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 30
9.1 CPU AND PERIPHERALS ............................................................................................................................. 31
9.2 RADIO ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
10 APPLICATION CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................................... 33
10.1 BIAS RESISTOR ........................................................................................................................................... 33
10.2 BALUN AND RF MATCHING........................................................................................................................ 33
10.3 CRYSTAL .................................................................................................................................................... 34
10.4 USB (
) ......................................................................................................................................... 34
10.5 POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING..................................................................................................................... 34
10.6 PCB LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................ 37
11 8051 CPU.................................................................................................................................................. 38
11.1 8051 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 38
11.2 MEMORY .................................................................................................................................................... 38
11.3 CPU REGISTERS ......................................................................................................................................... 52
11.4 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 54
11.5 INTERRUPTS................................................................................................................................................ 58
12 DEBUG INTERFACE............................................................................................................................. 68
12.1 DEBUG MODE............................................................................................................................................. 68
12.2 DEBUG COMMUNICATION........................................................................................................................... 68
12.3 DEBUG LOCK BIT ....................................................................................................................................... 69
12.4 DEBUG COMMANDS.................................................................................................................................... 70
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13 PERIPHERALS....................................................................................................................................... 74
13.1 POWER MANAGEMENT AND CLOCKS.......................................................................................................... 74
13.2 RESET......................................................................................................................................................... 81
13.3 FLASH CONTROLLER .................................................................................................................................. 82
13.4 I/O PORTS................................................................................................................................................... 88
13.5 DMA CONTROLLER ................................................................................................................................... 99
13.6 16-BIT TIMER, TIMER 1............................................................................................................................. 111
13.7 MAC TIMER (TIMER 2) ............................................................................................................................ 123
13.8 SLEEP TIMER ............................................................................................................................................ 125
13.9 8-BIT TIMERS, TIMER 3 AND TIMER 4 ....................................................................................................... 129
13.10 ADC......................................................................................................................................................... 140
13.11 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR ............................................................................................................... 146
13.12 AES COPROCESSOR.................................................................................................................................. 147
13.13 WATCHDOG TIMER................................................................................................................................... 150
13.14 USART .................................................................................................................................................... 152
13.15 I2S ............................................................................................................................................................ 163
13.16 USB CONTROLLER ................................................................................................................................... 170
14 RADIO.................................................................................................................................................... 187
14.1 COMMAND STROBES ................................................................................................................................187
14.2 RADIO REGISTERS .................................................................................................................................... 189
14.3 INTERRUPTS.............................................................................................................................................. 189
14.4 TX/RX DATA TRANSFER ......................................................................................................................... 191
14.5 DATA RATE PROGRAMMING..................................................................................................................... 192
14.6 RECEIVER CHANNEL FILTER BANDWIDTH................................................................................................ 192
14.7 DEMODULATOR, SYMBOL SYNCHRONIZER, AND DATA DECISION............................................................ 193
14.8 PACKET HANDLING HARDWARE SUPPORT ............................................................................................... 194
14.9 MODULATION FORMATS........................................................................................................................... 197
14.10 RECEIVED SIGNAL QUALIFIERS AND LINK QUALITY INFORMATION......................................................... 198
14.11 FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION WITH INTERLEAVING.............................................................................. 202
14.12 RADIO CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................... 203
14.13 FREQUENCY PROGRAMMING .................................................................................................................... 206
14.14 VCO......................................................................................................................................................... 207
14.15 OUTPUT POWER PROGRAMMING .............................................................................................................. 207
14.16 SELECTIVITY ............................................................................................................................................ 209
14.17 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS AND GUIDELINES ............................................................................................ 211
14.18 RADIO REGISTERS .................................................................................................................................... 213
15 VOLTAGE REGULATORS ................................................................................................................ 231
15.1 VOLTAGE REGULATOR POWER-ON........................................................................................................... 231
16 RADIO TEST OUTPUT SIGNALS..................................................................................................... 231
17 REGISTER OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 232
18 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION (QLP 36)................................................................................................ 236
18.1 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT FOR PACKAGE (QLP 36) .......................................................................... 237
18.2 SOLDERING INFORMATION........................................................................................................................ 237
18.3 TRAY SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 237
18.4 CARRIER TAPE AND REEL SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................ 238
19 ORDERING INFORMATION............................................................................................................. 238
20 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 239
21 GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................... 240
21.1 DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................................................... 240
21.2 PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................... 241
22 ADDRESS INFORMATION................................................................................................................ 242
23 TI WORLDWIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT..................................................................................... 242
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1 Abbreviations
∆Σ Delta-Sigma
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BER Bit Error Rate
BOD Brown Out Detector
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CBC-MAC Cipher Block Chaining Message
Authentication Code
CCA Clear Channel Assessment
CCM Counter mode + CBC-MAC
CFB Cipher Feedback
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CTR Counter mode (encryption)
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DMA Direct Memory Access
DSM Delta-Sigma Modulator
ECB Electronic Code Book
EM Evaluation Module
ENOB Effective Number of Bits
EP{0-5} USB Endpoints 0 – 5
ESD Electro Static Discharge
ESR Equivalent Series Resistance
ETSI European Telecommunications Standard
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FIFO First In First Out
GPIO General Purpose Input / Output
HSSD High Speed Serial Debug
I2S Inter-IC Sound
I/O Input / Output
I/Q In-phase / Quadrature-phase
IF Intermediate Frequency
IOC I/O Controller
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
IV Initialization Vector
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
kbps kilo bits per second
KB Kilo Bytes (1024 bytes)
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register
LNA Low-Noise Amplifier
LO Local Oscillator
LQI Link Quality Indication
LSB Least Significant Bit / Byte
MAC Medium Access Control
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MISO Master In Slave Out
MOSI Master Out Slave In
MSB Most Significant Bit / Byte
NA Not Applicable
OFB Output Feedback (encryption)
PA Power Amplifier
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PER Packet Error Rate
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PM{0-3} Power Mode 0-3
PMC Power Management Controller
POR Power On Reset
PWM Pulse Width Modulator
Px_n Port x pin n (x = 0, 1, or 2 and n = 0, 1, 2, .., 7)
QLP Quad Leadless Package
RAM Random Access Memory
RCOSC RC Oscillator
RF Radio Frequency
RoHS Restriction on Hazardous Substances
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indicator
RX Receive
SCK Serial Clock
SFD Start of Frame Delimiter
SFR Special Function Register
SINAD Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
T/R Transmit / Receive
TX Transmit
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous
USB Universal Serial Bus
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VGA Variable Gain Amplifier
WDT Watchdog Timer
XOSC Crystal Oscillator
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2 Register Conventions
Each SFR is described in a separate table. The table heading is given in the following format:
REGISTER NAME (SFR Address) - Register Description.
Each RF register is described in a separate table. The table heading is given in the following format:
XDATA Address: REGISTER NAME - Register Description
All register descriptions include a symbol denoted R/W describing the accessibility of each bit in the
register. The register values are always given in binary notation unless prefixed by ‘0x’, which
indicates hexadecimal notation.
Symbol Access Mode
R/W Read/write
R Read only
R0 Read as 0
R1 Read as 1
W Write only
W0 Write as 0
W1 Write as 1
H0 Hardware clear
H1 Hardware set
Table 1: Register Bit Conventions
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3 Key Features (in more details)
3.1 High-Performance and Low-Power
8051-Compatible Microcontroller
Optimized 8051 core which typically
gives 8x the performance of a standard
Two data pointers
In-circuit interactive debugging is
supported by the IAR Embedded
Workbench through a simple two-wire
serial interface
3.2 8/16/32 kB Non-volatile Program
Memory and 1/2/4 kB Data Memory
8, 16, or 32 kB of non-volatile flash
memory, in-system programmable
through a simple two-wire interface or
by the 8051 core
Minimum flash memory endurance:
1000 write/erase cycles
Programmable read and write lock of
portions of flash memory for software
1, 2, or 4 kB of internal SRAM
3.3 Full-Speed USB Controller (
5 bi-directional endpoints in addition to
control endpoint 0
Full-Speed, 12 Mbps transfer rate
Support for Bulk, Interrupt, and
Isochronous endpoints
1024 bytes of dedicated endpoint FIFO
8 – 512 byte data packet size supported
Configurable FIFO size for IN and OUT
direction of endpoint
3.4 I2S Interface
Industry standard I2S interface for
transfer of digital audio data
Full duplex
Mono and stereo support
Configurable sample rate and sample
Support for µ-law compression and
Typically used to connect to external
3.5 Hardware AES Encryption/Decryption
128-bit AES supported in hardware
3.6 Peripheral Features
Powerful DMA Controller
Power On Reset/Brown-Out Detection
ADC with eight individual input
channels, single-ended or differential
has six channels) and
configurable resolution
Programmable watchdog timer
Five timers: one general 16-bit timer
with DSM mode, two general 8-bit
timers, one MAC timer, and one sleep
Two programmable USARTs for
master/slave SPI or UART operation
21 configurable general-purpose digital
I/O-pins (
has 19)
Random number generator
3.7 Low Power
Four flexible power modes for reduced
power consumption
System can wake up on external
interrupt or when the Sleep Timer
0.5 µA current consumption in PM2,
where external interrupts or the Sleep
Timer can wake up the system
0.3 µA current consumption in PM3,
where external interrupts can wake up
the system
Low-power fully static CMOS design
System clock source is either a high
speed crystal oscillator (24 – 27 MHz for
and 48 MHz for
) or a
high speed RC oscillator (12 – 13.5 MHz
and 12 MHz for
The high speed crystal oscillator must
be used when the radio is active.
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Clock source for ultra-low power
operation can be either a low-power RC
oscillator or an optional 32.768 kHz
crystal oscillator
Very fast transition to active mode from
power modes enables ultra low average
power consumption in low duty-cycle
3.8 2.4 GHz Radio with Baseband Modem
Based on the industry leading
radio core
Few external components: On-chip
frequency synthesizer, no external filters
or RF switch needed
Flexible support for packet oriented
systems: On-chip support for sync word
detection, address check, flexible packet
length, and automatic CRC handling
Supports use of DMA for both RX and
TX resulting in minimal CPU intervention
even on high data rates
Programmable channel filter bandwidth
2-FSK, GFSK and MSK supported
Optional automatic whitening and de-
whitening of data
Programmable Carrier Sense (CS)
Programmable Preamble Quality
Indicator for detecting preambles and
improved protection against sync word
detection in random noise
Support for automatic Clear Channel
Assessment (CCA) before transmitting
(for listen-before-talk systems
Support for per-package Link Quality
Indication (LQI)
Suited for systems targeting compliance
with EN 300 328, EN 300 440, FCC
CFR47 Part 15 and ARIB STD-T-66
When transmitting in band 2480-
2483.5MHz under FCC, duty-cycling or
reducing output power might be needed
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4 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Under no circumstances must the absolute maximum ratings given in Table 2 be violated. Stress
exceeding one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device.
Parameter Min Max Units Condition
Supply voltage (VDD) -0.3 3.9 V All supply pins must have the same voltage
Voltage on any digital pin -0.3 VDD + 0.3,
max 3.9
Voltage on the pins RF_P, RF_N
-0.3 2.0 V
Voltage ramp-up rate 120 kV/µs
Input RF level +10 dBm
Storage temperature range -50 150 °C Device not programmed
Solder reflow temperature 260 °C According to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D
750 V According to JEDEC STD 22, method A114, Human
Body Model (HBM)
500 V According to JEDEC STD 22, C101C, Charged Device
Model (CDM)
750 V According to JEDEC STD 22, method A114, Human
Body Model (HBM)
500 V According to JEDEC STD 22, C101C, Charged Device
Model (CDM)
Table 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings
Caution! ESD sensitive device.
Precaution should be used when handling
the device in order to prevent permanent
5 Operating Conditions
Operating Conditions
The operating conditions for
are listed in Table 3 below.
Parameter Min Max Unit Condition
Operating ambient temperature, TA -40 85 °C
Operating supply voltage (VDD) 2.0 3.6 V All supply pins must have the same voltage
Table 3: Operating Conditions for
Operating Conditions
The operating conditions for
are listed in Table 4 below.
Parameter Min Max Unit Condition
Operating ambient temperature, TA 0 85 °C
Operating supply voltage (VDD) 3.0 3.6 V All supply pins must have the same voltage
Table 4: Operating Conditions for
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6 General Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Radio part
Frequency range 2400 2483.5 MHz There will be spurious signals at n/2·crystal
oscillator frequency (n is an integer number).
RF frequencies at n/2·crystal oscillator
frequency should therefore be avoided (e.g.
2405, 2418, 2431, 2444, 2457, 2470 and
2483 MHz when using a 26 MHz crystal).
Data rate 1.2
(Shaped) MSK (also known as differential
offset QPSK)
Optional Manchester encoding (the data rate
in kbps will be half the baud rate)
Wake-Up Timing
PM1 Æ Active Mode 4 µs Digital regulator on. HS RCOSC and high
speed crystal oscillator off. 32.768 kHz
XOSC or low power RCOSC running.
PM2/3Æ Active Mode 100 µs Digital regulator off. HS RCOSC and high
speed crystal oscillator off. 32.768 kHz
XOSC or low power RCOSC running (PM2).
No crystal oscillators or RC oscillators are
running in PM3.
Table 5: General Characteristics
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7 Electrical Specifications
7.1 Current Consumption
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference design ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition
4.8 mA System clock running at 26 MHz.
4.6 mA System clock running at 24 MHz.
Active mode, full
speed (high speed
crystal oscillator)1.
Low CPU activity. Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. No peripherals running.
Low CPU activity: No flash access (i.e. only cache hit), no RAM
Active mode, full
speed (HS
Low CPU activity.
2.5 mA System clock running at 26 MHz.
Digital regulator on. HS RCOSC and low power RCOSC running.
System clock running at 13 MHz. No peripherals running.
Low CPU activity: No flash access (i.e. only cache hit), no RAM
Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. Radio in RX mode (sensitivity optimized
19.8 mA 2.4 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
17.1 mA 2.4 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 203 kHz.
19.8 mA 2.4 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit, system clock running at
26 MHz.
21.5 mA 10 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
18.8 mA 10 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 203 kHz.
19.0 mA 10 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit, system clock running at
26 MHz.
22.9 mA 250 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
20.5 mA 250 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 1.625
19.6 mA 250 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit, system clock running at
26 MHz. See Figure 2 for typical variation over operating conditions
19.7 mA 500 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
17.5 mA 500 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 3.25
16.7 mA 500 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit
Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. Radio in RX mode (current optimized
17.4 mA 2.4 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
14.7 mA 2.4 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 203 kHz.
17.4 mA 2.4 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit, system clock running at
26 MHz.
19.4 mA 10 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 26 MHz.
15.7 mA 10 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit, system clock running at 203 kHz.
Active mode with
radio in RX
16.9 mA 10 kBaud, input well above sensitivity limit, system clock running at
26 MHz.
1 Note: In order to reduce the current consumption in active mode, the clock speed can be reduced by
setting CLKCON.CLKSPD 000 (see section 13.1 for details). Figure 1 shows typical current
consumption in active mode for different clock speeds
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Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition
System clock running at 24 MHz.
Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. Radio in RX mode (sensitivity optimized
20.6 mA 2.4 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit
22.1 mA 10 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit
22.7 mA 250 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit
Active mode with
radio in RX
20.8 mA 500 kBaud, input at sensitivity limit
System clock running at 26 MHz.
Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. Radio in TX mode
26 mA
0 dBm output power (PA_TABLE0=0xFE). See Table 7 for typical
variation over operating conditions
18.5 mA
-6 dBm output power (PA_TABLE0=0x7F)
15.5 mA
-12 dBm output power (PA_TABLE0=0x95)
Active mode with
radio in TX
26 mA System clock running at 24 MHz.
Digital regulator on. High speed crystal oscillator and low power
RCOSC running. Radio in TX mode w/0 dBm output power
PM0 4.3 mA Same as active mode, but the CPU is not running (see for
details). System clock running at 26 MHz
PM1 220
µA Digital regulator on. HS RCOSC and high speed crystal oscillator off.
32.768 kHz XOSC or low power RCOSC running (see for
PM2 0.5 1
µA Digital regulator off. HS RCOSC and high speed crystal oscillator off.
Low power RCOSC running (see for details)
PM3 0.3 1
µA Digital regulator off. No crystal oscillators or RC oscillators are
running (see for details)
Add to the figures above if the peripheral unit is activated
Timer 1 2.7 µA/MHz When running
Timer 2 1.3
µA/MHz When running
Timer 3 1.6 µA/MHz When running
Timer 4 2 µA/MHz When running
ADC 1.2 mA During conversion
Table 6: Current Consumption
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Figure 1: Current Consumption (Active Mode) vs. Clock Speed
Figure 2: Typical Variation in RX Current Consumption over Temperature and Input Power Level.
Data Rate = 250 kBaud.
Supply Voltage, VDD = 2 V Supply Voltage, VDD = 3 V Supply Voltage, VDD = 3.6 V
Temperature [°C] -40 +25 +85 -40 +25 +85 -40 +25 +85
Current [mA] 26 25.6 26 26.3 26 26.3 26.5 26.2 26.6
Table 7: Typical Variation in TX Current Consumption over Temperature and Supply Voltage
Typical Variation in RX Current Consumption over
Temperature and Input Power Level.
Data Rate = 250 kBaud
-120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0
Input Power Level [dBm]
Current [mA]
-40 °C
+25 °C
+85 °C
Current Consumption Active Mode. No Peripherals Running.
fxosc = 26 MHz
0 2 4 6 8 10121416182022242628
Clock Speed [MHz]
Measurements done for all valid CLKCON.CLKSPD settings
(000 – 111 for HS XOSC, 001 – 111 for HS RCOSC)
Current [mA]
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7.2 RF Receive Section
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference design ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Digital channel
filter bandwidth
58 812 kHz User programmable (see Section 14.6). The bandwidth limits are
proportional to crystal frequency (given values assume a 26.0 MHz
2.4 kBaud data rate, sensitivity optimized, MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0
(2-FSK, 1% packet error rate, 20 bytes packet length, 203 kHz digital channel filter bandwidth)
The RX current consumption can be reduced by approximately 2.4 mA
by setting MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=1. The typical sensitivity is then
-101 dBm.
The sensitivity can be improved to typically -105 dBm with
MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0 by changing registers TEST2 and
TEST1 (see Page 227). The temperature range is then from 0 oC to +85
Saturation -10 dBm
23 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 250 kHz channel
32 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 250 kHz channel
See Figure 54 for plot of selectivity versus frequency offset
±10 MHz offset
±20 MHz offset
±50 MHz offset
Wanted signal 3 dB above sensitivity level.
Compliant with ETSI EN 300 440 class 2 receiver requirements.
10 kBaud data rate, sensitivity optimized, MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0
(2-FSK, 1% packet error rate, 20 bytes packet length, 232 kHz digital channel filter bandwidth)
-98 dBm The RX current consumption can be reduced by approximately 2.2 mA
by setting MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=1. The typical sensitivity is then
-97 dBm.
The sensitivity can be improved to typically -100 dBm with
MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0 by changing registers TEST2 and
TEST1 (see Page 227). The temperature range is then from 0 oC to +85
Saturation -9 dBm
19 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 250 kHz channel
25 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 250 kHz channel
See Figure 55 for plot of selectivity versus frequency offset
±10 MHz offset
±20 MHz offset
±50 MHz offset
Wanted signal 3 dB above sensitivity level.
Compliant with ETSI EN 300 440 class 2 receiver requirements.
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Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
250 kBaud data rate, sensitivity optimized, MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0
(MSK, 1% packet error rate, 20 bytes packet length, 540 kHz digital channel filter bandwidth)
-90 dBm See Table 9 for typical variation over operating conditions
Saturation -11 dBm
21 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 750 kHz channel
30 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 750 kHz channel
See Figure 56 for plot of selectivity versus frequency offset
±10 MHz offset
±20 MHz offset
±50 MHz offset
Wanted signal 3 dB above sensitivity level.
Compliant with ETSI EN 300 440 class 2 receiver requirements.
500 kBaud data rate, sensitivity optimized, MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=0 (MDMCFG2.DEM_DCFILT_OFF=1 cannot
be used for data rates >100 kBaud)
(MSK, 1% packet error rate, 20 bytes packet length, 812 kHz digital channel filter bandwidth)
-82 dBm
Saturation -15 dBm
12 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 1 MHz channel spacing
23 dB Desired channel 3 dB above the sensitivity limit. 1 MHz channel spacing
See Figure 58 for plot of selectivity versus frequency offset
Conducted measurement in a 50 single ended load. Complies with EN
300 328, EN 300 440 class 2, FCC CFR47, Part 15 and ARIB STD-T-66.
25 MHz –
1 GHz
-57 dBm
Above 1 GHz
-47 dBm
Table 8: RF Receive Section
Supply Voltage, VDD = 2 V Supply Voltage, VDD = 3 V Supply Voltage, VDD = 3.6 V
Temperature [°C] -40 +25 +85 -40 +25 +85 -40 +25 +85
Sensitivity [dBm] -91.5 -90.3 -88.7 -90 -89.6 -88.1 -88.7 -89.3 -88.4
Table 9: Typical Variation in Sensitivity over Temperature and Supply Voltage @ 2.44 GHz and
250 kBaud Data Rate
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7.3 RF Transmit Section
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Differential load
80 + j74 Differential impedance as seen from the RF-port (RF_P and
RF_N) towards the antenna. Follow the CC2510EM
reference design [1] available from TI’s website.
Output power, highest
dBm Output power is programmable and is available across the
entire frequency band. See Figure 3 typical variation over
operating conditions (output power is 0 dBm)
Delivered to a 50 single-ended load via the CC2510EM
reference design [1] RF matching network.
Output power, lowest
dBm Output power is programmable and is available across the
entire frequency band
Delivered to a 50 single-ended load via the CC2510EM
reference design [1] RF matching network.
Occupied bandwidth
2.4 kBaud, 38.2 kHz deviation, 2-FSK, 250 kHz channel
10 kBaud, 38.2 kHz deviation, 2-FSK, 250 kHz channel
250 kBaud, MSK, 750 kHz channel spacing
500 kBaud, MSK, 1 MHz channel spacing
Spurious emissions 0 dBm output power.
25 MHz – 1 GHz -36 dBm
47 - 74, 87.5 - 118,
174 - 230, and 470 -
862 MHz
-54 dBm
1800-1900 MHz -47 dBm Restricted band in Europe
At 2·RF and 3·RF -41 dBm Restricted bands in USA
Otherwise above
1 GHz
-30 dBm
Table 10: RF Transmit Section
Figure 3: Typical Variation in Output Power over Frequency and Temperature
(0 dBm output power)
Typical Variation in Output Power (0 dBm) over Frequency and
2400 2408 2416 2424 2432 2440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480
Frequency [MHz]
Output Power [dBm]
vg -40 °C
vg +85 °C
vg +25 °C
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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7.4 Crystal Oscillators
Crystal Oscillator
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else is stated.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Crystal frequency 24 26 27 MHz Referred to as fXOSC. For operation in the range 24 – 26 MHz, please
refer to Table 4 for Operating Conditions.
Crystal frequency
±40 ppm This is the total tolerance including a) initial tolerance, b) crystal
loading, c) aging, and d) temperature dependence.
The acceptable crystal tolerance depends on RF frequency and
channel spacing / bandwidth.
C0 1 5 7 pF Simulated over operating conditions
Load capacitance 10 13 20 pF Simulated over operating conditions
ESR 100
Simulated over operating conditions
Start-up time 250 µs fXOSC = 26 MHz
Note: A Ripple counter of 12 bit is included to ensure duty-cycle
requirements. Start-up time includes ripple counter delay until
SLEEP.XOSC_STB is asserted
Table 11:
Crystal Oscillator Parameters
Crystal Oscillator
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else is stated.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Crystal frequency 48 MHz Referred to as fXOSC
Crystal frequency
±40 ppm This is the total tolerance including a) initial tolerance, b) crystal
loading, c) aging, and d) temperature dependence.
The acceptable crystal tolerance depends on RF frequency and
channel spacing / bandwidth.
Fundamental 0.85 1 1.15 pF Simulated over operating conditions. Variation given by reference
crystal NX2520SA from NDK
3rd overtone 2 3 7 pF
Load capacitance 15 16 17 pF Simulated over operating conditions
ESR 60
Simulated over operating conditions
Start-up time Note: A Ripple counter of 14 bit is included to ensure duty-cycle
requirements. Start-up time includes ripple counter delay until
SLEEP.XOSC_STB is asserted
Fundamental 650 µs
3rd overtone 3 ms Simulated value
Table 12:
Crystal Oscillator Parameters
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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7.5 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0V if nothing else is stated.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Crystal frequency 32.768 kHz
C0 0.9 2.0 pF Simulated over operating conditions
Load capacitance 12 16 pF Simulated over operating conditions
ESR 40 130
k Simulated over operating conditions
Start-up time 400 ms Value is simulated
Table 13: 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Parameters
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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7.6 Low Power RC Oscillator
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else is stated.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Calibrated frequency2 32.0 34.7 36.0 kHz Calibrated low power RC oscillator frequency is
fXOSC / 750
Frequency accuracy after
±1 %
Temperature coefficient +0.5 %/°C Frequency drift when temperature changes after
Supply voltage coefficient +3 %/V Frequency drift when supply voltage changes after
Initial calibration time 2 ms When the low power RC oscillator is enabled,
calibration is continuously done in the background
as long as the high speed crystal oscillator is
Table 14: Low Power RC Oscillator Parameters
7.7 High Speed RC Oscillator
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else is stated.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Calibrated frequency2 12 13 13.5 MHz Calibrated HS RCOSC frequency is fXOSC / 2
Uncalibrated frequency
±15 %
Calibrated frequency
±1 %
Start-up time 10 µs
Temperature coefficient -325 ppm/°C Frequency drift when temperature changes after
Supply voltage coefficient 28 ppm/V Frequency drift when supply voltage changes after
Initial calibration time 65 µs The HS RCOSC will be calibrated once when the
high speed crystal oscillator is selected as system
clock source (CLKCON.OSC is set to 0), and also
when the system wakes up from PM{1-3}. See for details).
Table 15: High Speed RC Oscillator Parameters
2 Min figures are given using fXOSC = 24 MHz. Typ figures are given using fXOSC = 26 MHz, and Max
figures are given using fXOSC = 27 MHz
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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7.8 Frequency Synthesizer Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Programmed frequency
367 397 412 Hz 24 - 27 MHz crystal.
Frequency resolution = fXOSC / 216
Synthesizer frequency
±40 ppm Given by crystal used. Required accuracy (including
temperature and aging) depends on frequency band and
channel bandwidth / spacing.
RF carrier phase noise -77 dBc/Hz @ 50 kHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -77 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -78 dBc/Hz @ 200 kHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -88 dBc/Hz @ 500 kHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -98 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -107 dBc/Hz @ 2 MHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -116 dBc/Hz @ 5 MHz offset from carrier
RF carrier phase noise -125 dBc/Hz @ 10 MHz offset from carrier
PLL turn-on / hop time3 85.1 88.4 95.8 µs Time from leaving the IDLE state until arriving in the RX,
FSTXON, or TX state, when not performing calibration.
Crystal oscillator running.
PLL RX/TX settling time3 9.3 9.6 10.4 µs Settling time for the 1·IF frequency step from RX to TX
PLL TX/RX settling time3 20.7 21.5 23.3 µs Settling time for the 1·IF frequency step from TX to RX
PLL calibration time3 694 721 780.8
µs Calibration can be initiated manually or automatically
before entering or after leaving RX/TX.
Table 16: Frequency Synthesizer Parameters
7.9 Analog Temperature Sensor
TA= 25 °C, VDD = 3.0V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Output voltage at -40 °C 0.654 V
Output voltage at 0 °C 0.750 V
Output voltage at +40 °C 0.848 V
Output voltage at +80 °C 0.946 V
Temperature coefficient 2.43 mV/°C Fitted from -20 °C to +80 °C
Error in calculated
temperature, calibrated
-2 * 0 2
* °C From -20°C to +80°C when using 2.43 mV / °C, after 1-point
calibration at room temperature
* The indicated minimum and maximum error with 1-point
calibration is based on measured values for typical process
Current consumption
increase when enabled
0.3 mA
Table 17: Analog Temperature Sensor Parameters
3 Min figures are given using fXOSC = 27 MHz. Typ figures are given using fXOSC = 26 MHz, and Max
figures are given using fXOSC = 24 MHz.
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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7.10 7-12 bit ADC
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0V if nothing else stated. The numbers given here are based on tests performed
in accordance with IEEE Std 1241-2000 [7]. The ADC data are from
characterization. As the
uses the same ADC, the numbers listed in Table 18 should be good indicators of the
performance to be expected from
. Note that these numbers will apply for 24 MHz
operated systems (like
using a 24 MHz crystal or
using a 48 MHz crystal).
Performance will be slightly different for other crystal frequencies (e.g. 26 MHz and 27 MHz).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Input voltage 0 AVDD V AVDD is voltage on AVDD pin
External reference voltage 0 AVDD V AVDD is voltage on AVDD pin
External reference voltage
0 AVDD V AVDD is voltage on AVDD pin
Input resistance, signal 197 k Simulated using 4 MHz clock speed (see Section
Full-Scale Signal4 2.97 V Peak-to-peak, defines 0 dBFS
ENOB4 5.7 bits 7-bits setting
Single ended input 7.5 9-bits setting
9.3 10-bits setting
10.8 12-bits setting
ENOB4 6.5 bits 7-bits setting
Differential input 8.3 9-bits setting
10.0 10-bits setting
11.5 12-bits setting
Useful Power Bandwidth 0-20 kHz 7-bits setting, both single and differential
-Single ended input -75.2 dB 12-bits setting, -6 dBFS
-Differential input -86.6 dB 12-bits setting, -6 dBFS
Signal To Non-Harmonic Ratio4
-Single ended input 70.2 dB 12-bits setting
-Differential input 79.3 dB 12-bits setting
Spurious Free Dynamic Range4
-Single ended input 78.8 dB 12-bits setting, -6 dBFS
-Differential input 88.9 dB 12-bits setting, -6 dBFS
CMRR, differential input <-84 dB 12- bit setting, 1 kHz Sine (0 dBFS), limited by ADC
Crosstalk, single ended input <-84 dB 12- bit setting, 1 kHz Sine (0 dBFS), limited by ADC
Offset -3 mV Mid. Scale
Gain error 0.68 %
DNL4 0.05 LSB 12-bits setting, mean
0.9 LSB 12-bits setting, max
INL4 4.6 LSB 12-bits setting, mean
13.3 LSB 12-bits setting, max
SINAD4 35.4 dB 7-bits setting
4 Measured with 300 Hz Sine input and VDD as reference.
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Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Single ended input 46.8 dB 9-bits setting
(-THD+N) 57.5 dB 10-bits setting
66.6 dB 12-bits setting
SINAD4 40.7 dB 7-bits setting
Differential input 51.6 dB 9-bits setting
(-THD+N) 61.8 dB 10-bits setting
70.8 dB 12-bits setting
Conversion time 20 µs 7-bits setting
µs 9-bits setting
µs 10-bits setting
µs 12-bits setting
Current consumption 1.2 mA
Table 18: 7-12 bit ADC Characteristics
7.11 Control AC Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
System clock,
0.1875 26 27 MHz High speed crystal oscillator used as source (HS XOSC)
MHz Calibrated HS RCOSC used as source. 0.1875 13 13.5
High speed crystal oscillator used as source.
0.1875 12 12 HS RCOSC used as source.
Min: fXOSC = 48 MHz, CLKCON.CLKSPD = 111
Typ and Max: fXOSC = 48 MHz, CLKCON.CLKSPD = 000
250 ns See item 1, Figure 4. This is the shortest pulse that is
guaranteed to be recognized as a reset pin request.
Note: Shorter pulses may be recognized but will not lead to
complete reset of all modules within the chip.
Interrupt pulse
tSYSCLK See item 2, Figure 4. This is the shortest pulse that is
guaranteed to be recognized as an interrupt request. In PM2/3
the internal synchronizers are bypassed so this requirement
does not apply in PM2/3.
Table 19: Control Inputs AC Characteristics
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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Figure 4: Control Inputs AC Characteristics
7.12 SPI AC Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
SCK period See
ns Master. See item 1, Figure 5
SCK duty cycle 50 % Master.
SSN low to SCK 2·tSYSCLK See item 5, Figure 5
SCK to SSN high 30 ns See item 6, Figure 5
MISO setup 10 ns Master. See item 2, Figure 5
MISO hold 10 ns Master. See item 3, Figure 5
SCK to MOSI 25 ns Master. See item 4, Figure 5, load = 10 pF
SCK period 100 ns Slave. See item 1, Figure 5
SCK duty cycle 50 % Slave.
MOSI setup 10 ns Slave. See item 2, Figure 5
MOSI hold 10 ns Slave. See item 3, Figure 5
SCK to MISO 25 ns Slave. See item 4, Figure 5, load = 10 pF
Table 20: SPI AC Characteristics
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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Figure 5: SPI AC Characteristics
7.13 Debug Interface AC Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Debug clock
125 ns See item 1, Figure 6
Note: CLKCON.CLKSPD must be 000 or 001 when using
the debug interface
Debug data setup 5 ns See item 2, Figure 6
Debug data hold 5 ns See item 3, Figure 6
Clock to data
10 ns See item 4, Figure 6, load = 10 pF
RESET_N inactive
after P2_2 rising
10 ns See item , Figure 6
Table 21: Debug Interface AC Characteristics
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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Figure 6: Debug Interface AC Characteristics
7.14 Port Outputs AC Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
P0_[0:7], P1_[2:7],
P2_[0:4] Port output
rise time
3.15 /
ns Load = 10 pF
Timing is with respect to 10% VDD and 90% VDD levels.
Values are estimated
P0_[0:7], P1_[2:7],
P2_[0:4] Port output
fall time
3.2 / 1.44 ns Load = 10 pF
Timing is with respect to 90% VDD and 10% VDD.
Values are estimated
Table 22: Port Outputs AC Characteristics
7.15 Timer Inputs AC Characteristics
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Condition/Note
Input capture
pulse width
tSYSCLK Synchronizers determine the shortest input pulse that can be
recognized. The synchronizers operate from the current
system clock rate (see Table 19)
Table 23: Timer Inputs AC Characteristics
7.16 DC Characteristics
The DC Characteristics of
are listed in Table 24 below.
TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V if nothing else stated. All measurement results are obtained using the
CC2510EM reference designs ([1]).
Digital Inputs/Outputs Min Typ Max Unit Condition
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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Logic "0" input voltage 30 % Of VDD supply (2.0 – 3.6 V)
Logic "1" input voltage 70 % Of VDD supply (2.0 – 3.6 V)
Logic "0" input current per pin NA 12 nA Input equals 0 V
Logic "1" input current per pin NA 12 nA Input equals VDD
Total logic “0” input current all pins 70 nA
Total logic “1” input current all pins 70 nA
I/O pin pull-up and pull-down resistor 20 k
Table 24: DC Characteristics
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8 Pin and I/O Port Configuration
pin-out is shown in Figure 7 and Table 25. See Section 13.4 for details on the I/O
Exposed die
attached pad
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Figure 7:
Pinout Top View
Note: The exposed die attach pad must be connected to a solid ground plane as this is the ground
connection for the chip.
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Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
AGND Ground The exposed die attach pad must be connected to a solid ground
1 P1_2 D I/O Port 1.2
2 DVDD Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital I/O
3 P1_1 D I/O Port 1.1
4 P1_0 D I/O Port 1.0
5 P0_0 D I/O Port 0.0
6 P0_1 D I/O Port 0.1
7 P0_2 D I/O Port 0.2
8 P0_3 D I/O Port 0.3
9 P0_4 D I/O Port 0.4
10 DVDD Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital I/O
11 P0_5 D I/O Port 0.5
12 P0_6 D I/O Port 0.6
13 P0_7 D I/O Port 0.7
14 P2_0 D I/O Port 2.0
15 P2_1 D I/O Port 2.1
16 P2_2 D I/O Port 2.2
17 P2_3/XOSC32_Q1 D I/O Port 2.3/32.768 kHz crystal oscillator pin 1
18 P2_4/XOSC32_Q2 D I/O Port 2.4/32.768 kHz crystal oscillator pin 2
19 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
20 XOSC_Q2 Analog I/O 26 MHz crystal oscillator pin 2
21 XOSC_Q1 Analog I/O 26 MHz crystal oscillator pin 1, or external clock input
22 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
23 RF_P RF I/O Positive RF input signal to LNA in receive mode
Positive RF output signal from PA in transmit mode
24 RF_N RF I/O Negative RF input signal to LNA in receive mode
Negative RF output signal from PA in transmit mode
25 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V – 3.6 V analog power supply connection
26 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
27 RBIAS Analog I/O External precision bias resistor for reference current
28 GUARD Power (Digital) Power supply connection for digital noise isolation
29 AVDD_DREG Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital core voltage regulator
30 DCOUPL Power decoupling 1.8 V digital power supply decoupling
31 RESET_N DI Reset, active low
32 P1_7 D I/O Port 1.7
33 P1_6 D I/O Port 1.6
34 P1_5 D I/O Port 1.5
35 P1_4 D I/O Port 1.4
36 P1_3 D I/O Port 1.3
Table 25:
Pin-out Overview
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pin-out is shown in Figure 8 and Table 26. See Section 13.4 for details on the I/O
Exposed die
attached pad
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Figure 8:
Pin-out Top View
Note: The exposed die attach pad must be connected to a solid ground plane as this is the ground
connection for the chip.
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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Pin Pin Name Pin Type Description
AGND Ground The exposed die attach pad must be connected to a solid ground
1 P1_2 D I/O Port 1.2
2 DVDD Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital I/O
3 P1_1 D I/O Port 1.1
4 P1_0 D I/O Port 1.0
5 P0_0 D I/O Port 0.0
6 P0_1 D I/O Port 0.1
7 P0_2 D I/O Port 0.2
8 P0_3 D I/O Port 0.3
9 P0_4 D I/O Port 0.4
10 DP USB I/O USB Differential Data Bus Plus
11 DM USB I/O USB Differential Data Bus Minus
12 DVDD Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital I/O
13 P0_5 D I/O Port 0.5
14 P2_0 D I/O Port 2.0
15 P2_1 D I/O Port 2.1
16 P2_2 D I/O Port 2.2
17 P2_3/XOSC32_Q1 D I/O Port 2.3/32.768 kHz crystal oscillator pin 1
18 P2_4/XOSC32_Q2 D I/O Port 2.4/32.768 kHz crystal oscillator pin 2
19 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
20 XOSC_Q2 Analog I/O 48 MHz crystal oscillator pin 2
21 XOSC_Q1 Analog I/O 48 MHz crystal oscillator pin 1, or external clock input
22 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
23 RF_P RF I/O Positive RF input signal to LNA in receive mode
Positive RF output signal from PA in transmit mode
24 RF_N RF I/O Negative RF input signal to LNA in receive mode
Negative RF output signal from PA in transmit mode
25 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
26 AVDD Power (Analog) 2.0 V - 3.6 V analog power supply connection
27 RBIAS Analog I/O External precision bias resistor for reference current
28 GUARD Power (Digital) Power supply connection for digital noise isolation
29 AVDD_DREG Power (Digital) 2.0 V - 3.6 V digital power supply for digital core voltage regulator
30 DCOUPL Power
1.8 V digital power supply decoupling
31 RESET_N DI Reset, active low
32 P1_7 D I/O Port 1.7
33 P1_6 D I/O Port 1.6
34 P1_5 D I/O Port 1.5
35 P1_4 D I/O Port 1.4
36 P1_3 D I/O Port 1.3
Table 26:
Pin-out Overview
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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9 Circuit Description
SFR bus SFR bus
8051 CPU
32 KB
4 KB
32.768 kHz
(24 – 27 MHz)
TIMER 1 (16-bit) + Module
TIMER 3 (8-bit)
TIMER 2 (8-bit MAC Timer)
TIMER 4 (8-bit)
VDD (2.0 - 3.6 V)
1 KB
P0_6 I2S
Figure 9:
C C2510Fx/CC2511Fx
Block Diagram
A block diagram of
shown in Figure 9. The modules can be
divided into one out of three categories: CPU-
related modules, radio-related modules, and
modules related to power, test, and clock
distribution. In the following subsections, a
short description of each module that appears
in Figure 9.
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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9.1 CPU and Peripherals
The 8051 CPU core is a single-cycle 8051-
compatible core. It has three different memory
access buses (SFR, DATA and
CODE/XDATA), a debug interface, and an
extended interrupt unit servicing 18 interrupt
sources. See Section 9.1 for details on the
The memory crossbar/arbitrator is at the
heart of the system as it connects the CPU
and DMA controller with the physical
memories and all peripherals through the SFR
bus. The memory arbitrator has four memory
access points, access at which can map to
one of three physical memories on the
and one of four physical memories
on the
: a 1/2/4 KB SRAM, 8/16/32 KB
flash memory, RF/I2S registers, and USB
registers (
). The memory arbitrator is
responsible for performing arbitration and
sequencing between simultaneous memory
accesses to the same physical memory.
The SFR bus is drawn conceptually in the
block diagram as a common bus that connects
all hardware peripherals, except USB, to the
memory arbitrator. The SFR bus also provides
access to the radio registers and I2S registers
in the radio register bank even though these
are indeed mapped into XDATA memory
The 1/2/4 KB SRAM maps to the DATA
memory space and part of the XDATA and
CODE memory spaces. The memory is an
ultra-low-power SRAM that retains its contents
even when the digital part is powered off (PM2
and PM3).
The 8/16/32 KB flash block provides in-circuit
programmable non-volatile program memory
for the device and maps into the CODE and
XDATA memory spaces. Table 27 shows the
available devices in the CC2510/CC2511
family. The available devices differ only in
flash memory size. Writing to the flash block is
performed through a Flash Controller that
allows page-wise (1024 byte) erasure and 2-
byte-wise reprogramming. See Section 13.3
for details.
Device Flash [KB]
CC2510-F8 8
CC2511-F8 8
CC2510-F16 16
CC2511-F16 16
CC2510-F32 32
CC2511-F32 32
Table 27:
Flash Memory Options
A versatile five-channel DMA controller is
available in the system. It accesses memory
using a unified memory space and has
therefore access to all physical memories.
Each channel is configured (trigger event,
priority, transfer mode, addressing mode,
source and destination pointers, and transfer
count) with DMA descriptors anywhere in
memory. Many of the hardware peripherals
rely on the DMA controller for efficient
operation (AES core, Flash Controller,
USARTs, Timers, and ADC interface) by
performing data transfers between a single
SFR address and flash/SRAM. See 13.5 for
The interrupt controller services 18 interrupt
sources, divided into six interrupt groups, each
of which is associated with one out of four
interrupt priorities. An interrupt request is
serviced even if the device is in PM1, PM2, or
PM3 by bringing the
back to
active mode.
The debug interface implements a proprietary
two-wire serial interface that is used for in-
circuit debugging. Through this debug
interface it is possible to perform an erasure of
the entire flash memory, control which
oscillators are enabled, stop and start
execution of the user program, execute
supplied instructions on the 8051 core, set
code breakpoints, and single step through
instructions in the code. Using these
techniques it is possible to perform in-circuit
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
SWRS055D Page 32 of 243
debugging and external flash programming.
See Section 12 for details.
The I/O-controller is responsible for all
general-purpose I/O pins. The CPU can
configure whether peripheral modules control
certain pins or if they are under software
control. In the latter case, each pin can be
configured as an input or output and it is also
possible to configure the input mode to be pull-
up, pull-down, or tristate. Each peripheral that
connects to the I/O-pins can choose between
two different I/O pin locations to ensure
flexibility in various applications. See Section
13.4 for details.
The Sleep Timer is an ultra-low power timer
which uses a 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or a
low power RC oscillator as clock source. The
Sleep Timer runs continuously in all operating
modes except active mode and PM3 and is
typically used to get out of PM0, PM1, or PM2.
See Section 13.8 for details.
A built-in watchdog timer allows the
to reset itself in case the
firmware hangs. When enabled, the watchdog
timer must be cleared periodically, otherwise it
will reset the device when it times out. See
Section 13.13 for details.
Timer 1 is a 16-bit timer which supports typical
timer/counter functions such as input capture,
output compare, and PWM functions. The
timer has a programmable prescaler, a 16-bit
period value, and three independent
capture/compare channels. Each of the
channels can be used as PWM outputs or to
capture the timing of edges on input signals. A
second order Sigma-Delta noise shaper mode
is also supported for audio applications. See
Section 13.6 for details.
Timer 2 (MAC timer) is specially designed to
support time-slotted protocols in software. The
timer has a configurable timer period and a
programmable prescaler range. See Section
13.7 for details.
Timers 3 and Timer 4 are two 8-bit timers
which supports typical timer/counter functions
such as output compare and PWM functions.
They have a programmable prescaler, an 8-bit
period value, and two compare channels each,
which can be used as PWM outputs. See
Section 13.9 for details.
USART 0 and USART 1 are each
configurable as either an SPI master/slave or
a UART. They provide hardware flow-control
and double buffering on both RX and TX and
are thus well suited for high-throughput, full-
duplex applications. Each has its own high-
precision baud-rate generator, hence leaving
the ordinary timers free for other uses. When
configured as an SPI slave they sample the
input signal using SCK directly instead of
using some over-sampling scheme and are
therefore well-suited for high data rates. See
Section 13.14 for details.
The AES encryption/decryption core allows
the user to encrypt and decrypt data using the
AES algorithm with 128-bit keys. See Section
13.12 for details.
The ADC supports 7 to 12 bits of resolution in
a 30 kHz to 4 kHz bandwidth respectively. DC
and audio conversions with up to eight input
channels (P0) are possible (
is limited
to six channels). The inputs can be selected
as single ended or differential. The reference
voltage can be internal, AVDD, or a single
ended or differential external signal. The ADC
also has a temperature sensor input channel.
The ADC can automate the process of
periodic sampling or conversion over a
sequence of channels. See Section 13.10 for
The USB allows the
to implement a
Full-Speed USB 2.0 compatible device. The
USB has a dedicated 1 KB SRAM that is used
for the endpoint FIFOs. 5 endpoints are
available in addition to control endpoint 0.
Each of these endpoints must be configured
as Bulk/Interrupt or Isochronous and can be
used as IN, OUT or IN/OUT. Double buffering
of packets is also supported for endpoints 1-5.
The maximum FIFO memory available for
each endpoint is as follows: 32 bytes for
endpoint 0, 32 bytes for endpoint 1, 64 bytes
for endpoint 2, 128 bytes for endpoint 3, 256
bytes for endpoint 4, and 512 bytes for
endpoint 5. When an endpoint is used as
IN/OUT, the FIFO memory available for the
endpoint can be distributed between IN and
OUT depending on the demands of the
application. The USB does not exist on the
. See Section 13.16 for details.
The I2S can be used to send/receive audio
samples to/from an external sound processor
or DAC and may operate at full or half duplex.
Samples of up to 16-bits resolution can be
used although the I2S can be configured to
send more low order bits if necessary to be
compliant with the resolution of the receiver
(up to 32 bit). The maximum bit-rate supported
is 3.5 Mbps. The I2S can be configured as a
master or slave device and supports both
mono and stereo. Automatic µ-Law expansion
and compression can also be configured. See
Section 13.15 for details.
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9.2 Radio
features an RF transceiver
based on the industry-leading
requiring very few external components. See
Section 14 for details.
10 Application Circuit
Only a few external components are required
for using the
. The
recommended application circuit for
is shown in Figure 10. The recommended
application circuits for
are shown in
Figure 11 and Figure 12. The first of the
circuit uses a
fundamental crystal and the second uses a 3rd
overtone crystal. The external components are
described in Table 28, and typical values are
given inTable 29.
10.1 Bias Resistor
The bias resistor R271 is used to set an
accurate bias current.
10.2 Balun and RF Matching
The balanced RF input and output of
share two common pins and
are designed for a simple, low-cost matching
and balun network on the printed circuit board.
The RX- and TX switching at the
front-end is controlled by a
dedicated on-chip function, eliminating the
need for an external RX/TX-switch.
A few passive external components combined
with the internal RX/TX switch/termination
circuitry ensures match in both RX and TX
has a balanced
RF input/output, the chip can be connected to
a single-ended antenna with few external low
cost capacitors and inductors.
The passive matching/filtering network
connected to
should have
the following differential impedance as seen
from the RF-port (RF_P and RF_N) towards
the antenna:
Zout = 80 + j74
C232, C242, and two inductive transmission
PCB lines form the recommended balun that
converts the differential RF port on
a single-ended RF signal. For the
balun, the inductive PCB lines are replaced by
L241 and L231. Note that either of the
solutions (PCB lines or discrete components)
can be used for both the chips. C241 and
C231 are needed for DC blocking. Together
with an appropriate LC filter network, the balun
components also transform the impedance to
match a 50 antenna (or cable). Component
values for the RF balun and LC network are
found in the latest CC2510EM and
CC2511Dongle reference designs ([1] and [2]).
Suggested values are also listed in Table 29.
The balun and LC filter component values,
their placement and layout are important in
order to keep the performance of the
optimized. It is highly
recommended to follow the CC2510EM /
CC2511Dongle reference designs. Gerber
files for the reference designs are available for
download from the TI website
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10.3 Crystal
The crystal oscillator for the
uses an
external crystal X1, with two loading capacitors
(C201 and C211).
should use a 48 MHz
fundamental (X3) or a 48 MHz 3rd overtone low
cost external crystal (X4). Depending on the
option selected, different loading capacitors
(C203 and C214 or C202, C212, and C213)
must be used. When X4 is used, an inductor
(L281) must also be connected in series with
The recommended application circuits also
show the connections for an optional 32.768
kHz crystal oscillator with external crystal X2
and loading capacitors C181 and C171. This
crystal can be used by the Sleep Timer if more
accurate wake-up intervals are needed than
what the internal RC oscillator can provide.
When not using X2, P2_3 and P2_4 may be
used as general IO pins.
The loading capacitor values depend on the
total load capacitance, CL, specified for the
crystal. The total load capacitance seen
between the crystal terminals should equal CL
for the crystal to oscillate at the specified
frequency. For the
using the crystal
X1, the load capacitance CL is given as:
ParasiticL C
The parasitic capacitance is constituted by pin
input capacitance and PCB stray capacitance.
Total parasitic capacitance is typically 2.5 pF.
The crystal oscillator is amplitude regulated.
This means that a high current is used to start
up the oscillations. When the amplitude builds
up, the current is reduced to what is necessary
to maintain approximately 0.4 Vpp signal
swing. This ensures a fast start-up, and keeps
the drive level to a minimum. The ESR of the
crystal should be within the specification in
order to ensure a reliable start-up
10.4 USB (
For the
, the DP and DM pins need
series resistors R262 and R263 for impedance
matching and the D+ line must have a pull-up
resistor, R264. The series resistors should
match the 90 ±15% characteristic
impedance of the USB bus.
Notice that the pull-up resistor must be tied to
a voltage source between 3.0 and 3.6 V
(typically 3.3 V). The voltage source must be
derived from or controlled by the VBUS power
supply provided by the USB cable. In this way,
the pull-up resistor does not provide current to
the D+ line when VBUS is removed. The pull-up
resistor may be connected directly between
VBUS and the D+ line. As an alternative, if the
firmware needs the ability to
disconnect from the USB bus, an I/O pin on
can be used to control the pull-up
10.5 Power Supply Decoupling
The power supply must be properly decoupled
close to the supply pins. Note that decoupling
capacitors are not shown in the application
circuit. The placement and the size of the
decoupling capacitors are very important to
achieve the optimum performance. TI provides
reference designs that should be followed
closely ([1] and [2]).
Note: The high speed crystal oscillator
must be stable (SLEEP.XOSC_STB=1)
before usin
the radio.
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20 XOSC_Q2
21 XOSC_Q1
18 XOSC32_Q2
17 XOSC32_Q1
Figure 10: Application Circuit for
(excluding supply decoupling capacitors)
20 XOSC_Q2
21 XOSC_Q1
18 XOSC32_Q2
17 XOSC32_Q1
Figure 11: Application Circuit for
with Fundamental Crystal (excluding supply decoupling
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20 XOSC_Q2
21 XOSC_Q1
18 XOSC32_Q2
17 XOSC32_Q1
Figure 12: Application Circuit for
with 3rd Overtone Crystal (excluding supply decoupling
Component Description
C301 Decoupling capacitor for on-chip voltage regulator to digital part
C203/C214 Crystal loading capacitors (X3)
C202/C212/C213 Crystal loading capacitors (X4)
C201/C211 Crystal loading capacitors (X1)
C231/C241 RF balun DC blocking capacitors
C232/C241 RF balun/matching capacitors
C233/C234 RF LC filter/matching capacitors
C181/C171 Crystal loading capacitors if X2 is used.
L231/L241 RF balun/matching inductors (inexpensive multi-layer type)
L232 RF LC filter inductor (inexpensive multi-layer type)
L281 Crystal inductor
R271 Resistor for internal bias current reference
R264 D+ Pull-up resistor
R262/R263 D+ / D- series resistors for impedance matching
X1 24 - 27 MHz crystal
X2 32.768 kHz crystal, optional
X3 48 MHz crystal (fundamental)
X4 48 MHz crystal (3rd overtone)
Table 28: Overview of External Components (excluding supply decoupling capacitors)
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Component Value
C301 1 µF ±10%, 0402 X5R
C203/C214 33 pF
C202 56 pF
C212 10 nF
C213 33 pF
C201, C211 27 pF ±5%, 0402 NP0
C231, C241 100 pF ±5%, 0402 NP0
C171, C181 15 pF ±5%, 0402 NP0
C232, C242 1.0 pF ±0.25 pF, 0402 NP0
C233 1.8 pF ±0.25 pF, 0402 NP0
C234 1.5 pF ±0.25 pF, 0402 NP0
L231, L232, L241 1.2 nH ±0.3 nH, 0402 monolithic, Murata LQG-15 series
L281 470 nH ±10%, Murata LQM18NNR47K00
R271 56 k ±1%, 0402
R264 1.5 k ±5%
R262/R263 33 ±2%
X1 26.0 MHz surface mount crystal
X2 32.768 kHz surface mount crystal (optional)
X3 48.0 MHz surface mount crystal (fundamental)
X4 48.0 MHz surface mount crystal (3rd overtone)
Table 29: Bill Of Materials for the CC2510Fx/CC2511Fx Application Circuits (subject to changes)
10.6 PCB Layout Recommendations
The top layer should be used for signal routing,
and the open areas should be filled with
metallization connected to ground using
several vias.
The area under the chip is used for grounding
and shall be connected to the bottom ground
plane with several vias for good thermal
performance and sufficiently low inductance to
ground. In the CC2510EM reference designs
[1] 9 vias are placed inside the exposed die
attached pad. These vias should be “tented”
(covered with solder mask) on the component
side of the PCB to avoid migration of solder
through the vias during the solder reflow
The solder paste coverage should not be
100%. If it is, out gassing may occur during the
reflow process, which may cause defects
(splattering, solder balling). Using “tented” vias
reduces the solder paste coverage below
See Figure 13 for top solder resist and top
paste masks recommendations.
Each decoupling capacitor should be placed
as close as possible to the supply pin it is
supposed to decouple. The best routing is from
the power line to the decoupling capacitor and
then to the
supply pin. Supply power
filtering is very important.
Each decoupling capacitor ground pad should
be connected to the ground plane using a
separate via. Direct connections between
neighboring power pins will increase noise
coupling and should be avoided unless
absolutely necessary.
The external components should ideally be as
small as possible (0402 is recommended) and
surface mount devices are highly
recommended. Please note that components
smaller than those specified may have differing
Schematic, BOM, and layout Gerber files are
all available from the TI website for both the
CC2510EM reference design [1] and the
CC2511 USB Dongle reference design [2].
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Figure 13: Left: Top Solder Resist Mask (negative). Right: Top Paste Mask. Circles are Vias.
11 8051 CPU
This section describes the 8051 CPU core,
with interrupts, memory, and instruction set.
11.1 8051 Introduction
includes an 8-bit CPU
core which is an enhanced version of the
industry standard 8051 core.
The enhanced 8051 core uses the standard
8051 instruction set. Instructions execute
faster than the standard 8051 due to the
One clock per instruction cycle is used
as opposed to 12 clocks per instruction
cycle in the standard 8051.
Wasted bus states are eliminated.
Since an instruction cycle is aligned with
memory fetch when possible, most of the
single byte instructions are performed in a
single clock cycle. In addition to the speed
improvement, the enhanced 8051 core also
includes architectural enhancements:
A second data pointer
Extended 18-source interrupt unit
The 8051 core is object code compatible with
the industry standard 8051 microcontroller.
That is, object code compiled with an industry
standard 8051 compiler or assembler
executes on the 8051 core and is functionally
equivalent. However, because the 8051 core
uses a different instruction-timing than many
other 8051 variants, existing code with timing
loops may require modification. Also because
the peripheral units such as timers and serial
ports differ from those on other 8051 cores,
code which includes instructions using the
peripheral units SFRs will not work correctly.
11.2 Memory
The 8051 CPU architecture has four different
memory spaces. The 8051 has separate
memory spaces for program memory and data
memory. The 8051 memory spaces are the
following (see Section 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 for
CODE. A 16-bit read-only memory space for
program memory.
DATA. An 8-bit read/write data memory
space, which can be directly or indirectly,
accessed by a single cycle CPU instruction,
thus allowing fast access. The lower 128 bytes
of the DATA memory space can be addressed
either directly or indirectly, the upper 128 bytes
only indirectly.
XDATA. A 16-bit read/write data memory
space, which usually requires 4 - 5 CPU
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instruction cycles to access, thus giving slow
access. XDATA assesses is also slower in
hardware than DATA accesses as the CODE
and XDATA memory spaces share a common
bus on the CPU core (instruction pre-fetch
from CODE can not be performed in parallel
with XDATA accesses).
SFR. A 7-bit read/write register memory
space, which can be directly accessed by a
single CPU instruction. For SFRs whose
address is divisible by eight, each bit is also
individually addressable.
The four different memory spaces are distinct
in the 8051 architecture, but are partly
overlapping in the
to ease
DMA transfers and hardware debugger
How the different memory spaces are mapped
onto the three physical memories (8/16/32 KB
flash program memory, 1/2/48 KB SRAM, and
hardware registers (SFR, radio, I2S, and USB
)) is described in Section 11.2.1 and
Section 11.2.2.
11.2.1 Memory Map
This section gives an overview of the memory
Both the DATA and the SFR memory space is
mapped to the XDATA and CODE memory
space as shown in Figure 14, Figure 15, and
Figure 16 (the CODE and XDATA memory
spaces are mapped identically), and
has what can be called a
unified memory space.
Mapping all the memory spaces to XDATA
allows the DMA controller access to all
physical memory and thus allows DMA
transfers between the different 8051 memory
spaces. This also means that any instruction
that read, write, or manipulate an XDATA
variable can be used on the entire unified
memory space, except writing to or changing
data in flash.
Mapping all memory spaces to the CODE
memory space is primarily done to allow
program execution out of the SRAM/XDATA.
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Figure 14:
Memory Mapping
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Figure 15:
Memory Mapping
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Figure 16:
Memory Mapping
Details about the mapping of all 8051 memory
spaces are given in the next section.
11.2.2 8051 Memory Space
This section describes the details of each
standard 8051 memory space. Any differences
between the standard 8051 and
is described. XDATA Memory Space
On a standard 8051 this memory space would
hold any extra RAM available.
The 8, 16, and 32 KB flash program memory is
mapped into the address ranges 0x0000 -
0x1FFF, 0x0000 - 0x3FFF, and 0x0000 -
0x7FFF respectively.
has a total of 1, 2, or 4
KB SRAM, starting at address 0xF000.
Compilers/assemblers must take into
consideration that the first address of usable
SRAM start at 0xF000 instead of 0x0000.
The 350 bytes of XDATA in location 0xFDA2-
0xFEFF on
do not
retain data when power modes PM2 or PM3
are entered. Refer to Section 13.1.2 on Page
75 for a detailed description of power modes.
The 256 bytes from 0xFF00 to 0xFFFF are the
DATA memory space mapped to XDATA.
These bytes are also reached through the
DATA memory space.
In addition the following is mapped into the
XDATA memory space:
Radio registers are mapped into
address range 0xDF00 - 0xDF3D.
2S registers are mapped into the
address range 0xDF40 - 0xDF48.
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All SFR except the registers shown in
gray in Table 30 are mapped into
address range 0xDF80-0xDFFF.
The USB registers are mapped into the
address range 0xDE00 - 0xDE3F on the
, but are not implemented on
This memory mapping allows the DMA
controller (and the CPU) access to all the
physical memories in a single unified address
Be aware that access to unimplemented areas
in the unified memory space will give an
undefined result. CODE Memory Space
On a standard 8051 this memory space would
hold the program memory, where the MCU
reads the program/instructions.
All memory spaces are mapped into the CODE
memory space and the mapping is identical to
the XDATA memory space, hence the
has what can be referred to
as a unified memory space.
Due to this, the
execution of a program stored in SRAM. This
allows the program to be easily updated
without writing to flash (which have a limited
erase/write cycles) This is particularly useful
on the
, where parts of the firmware
can be downloaded from the windows USB
Executing a program from SRAM instead of
flash will also result in a lower power
consumption and may be interesting for battery
powered devices. DATA Memory Space
The 8-bit address range of DATA memory
space is mapped into address 0xFF00 –
0xFFFF and is accessible through the unified
memory space. Just like on a standard 8051,
the upper 128 byte share address with the
SFR and can only be accessed indirectly, the
stack is normally located here. The lower 48
bytes are reserved, and hold 4 register banks
used by the MCU. The 16 bytes on addresses
0x20 to 0x2F are bit addressable.
The DATA memory will retain its contents in all
four power modes. SFR Memory Space
The SFR memory space is identical to a
standard 8051.
The 128 hardware SFRs are accessed through
this memory space.
Unlike on a standard 8051, the SFRs are also
accessible through the XDATA and CODE
memory space at the address range 0xDF80 -
Some CPU-specific SFRs reside inside the
CPU core and can only be accessed using the
SFR memory space and not through the
duplicate mapping into XDATA/CODE memory
space. These registers are shown in gray in
Table 30. Be aware that these registers can
not be accessed using DMA.
11.2.3 Physical Memory SRAM
contains static RAM. At
power-on the contents of RAM is undefined.
The RAM size is 1, 2, or 4 KB in total, mapped
to the memory range 0xF000 – 0xFFFF. In the
F8 version, memory range 0xF400 - 0xFFFF is
unimplemented while on the F16 version,
memory range 0xF800 – 0xFFFF is
The memory locations 0xFDA2 - 0xFEFF
consisting of 350 bytes in unified memory
space do not retain data when power modes
PM2 or PM3 is entered. All other RAM memory
locations are retained in all power modes. Flash Memory
The on-chip flash memory consists of 8192,
16384, or 32768 bytes (F8, F16, and F32). The
flash memory is primarily intended to hold
program code. The flash memory has the
following features:
Flash page erase time: 20 ms
Flash chip (mass) erase time: 200 ms
Flash write time (2 bytes): 20 µs
Data retention (at room temperature):
100 years
Program/erase endurance: Minimum
1,000 cycles
The flash memory consists of the Flash Main
Pages (up to 32 times 1 KB) which is where
the CPU reads program code and data. The
flash memory also contains a Flash
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Information Page (1 KB) which contains the
Flash Lock Bits. The lock protect bits are
written as a normal flash write to FWDATA but
the Debug Interface needs to select the Flash
Information Page first instead of the Flash
Main Page. The Information Page is selected
through the Debug Configuration which is
written through the Debug Interface only. The
Flash Controller (see Section 13.3) is used to
write and erase the contents of the flash main
When the CPU reads instructions from flash
memory, it fetches the next instruction through
a cache. The instruction cache is provided
mainly to reduce power consumption by
reducing the amount of time the flash memory
itself is accessed. The use of the instruction
cache may be disabled with the
MEMCTR.CACHDIS register bit, but doing so
will increase power consumption. Special Function Registers
The Special Function Registers (SFRs) control
several of the features of the 8051 CPU core
and/or peripherals. Many of the 8051 core
SFRs are identical to the standard 8051 SFRs.
However, there are additional SFRs that
control features that are not available in the
standard 8051. The additional SFRs are used
to interface with the peripheral units and RF
Table 30 shows the address to all SFRs in
. The 8051 internal SFRs are
shown with grey background, while the other
SFRs are specific to
Note: All internal SFRs (shown with grey
background in Table 30, can only be accessed
through SFR memory space as these registers
are not mapped into XDATA memory space.
Table 31 lists the additional SFRs that are not
standard 8051 peripheral SFRs or CPU-
internal SFRs. The additional SFRs are
described in the relevant sections for each
peripheral function.
8 Bytes
Table 30: SFR Address Overview
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Module Description Retention5
ADCCON1 0xB4 ADC ADC Control 1 Y
ADCCON2 0xB5 ADC ADC Control 2 Y
ADCCON3 0xB6 ADC ADC Control 3 Y
RNDL 0xBC ADC Random Number Generator Data Low Y
RNDH 0xBD ADC Random Number Generator Data High Y
ENCDI 0xB1 AES Encryption/Decryption Input Data N
ENCDO 0xB2 AES Encryption/Decryption Output Data N
ENCCS 0xB3 AES Encryption/Decryption Control and Status N
DMAIRQ 0xD1 DMA DMA Interrupt Flag Y
DMA1CFGL 0xD2 DMA DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Y
DMA1CFGH 0xD3 DMA DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Y
DMA0CFGL 0xD4 DMA DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Y
DMA0CFGH 0xD5 DMA DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Y
DMAARM 0xD6 DMA DMA Channel Arm Y
DMAREQ 0xD7 DMA DMA Channel Start Request and Status Y
FWT 0xAB FLASH Flash Write Timing Y
FADDRL 0xAC FLASH Flash Address Low Y
FADDRH 0xAD FLASH Flash Address High Y
FCTL 0xAE FLASH Flash Control [7:1]Y, [1:0]N
FWDATA 0xAF FLASH Flash Write Data Y
P0IFG 0x89 IOC Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag Y
P1IFG 0x8A IOC Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag Y
P2IFG 0x8B IOC Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag Y
PICTL 0x8C IOC Port Pins Interrupt Mask and Edge Y
P1IEN 0x8D IOC Port 1 Interrupt Mask Y
P0INP 0x8F IOC Port 0 Input Mode Y
PERCFG 0xF1 IOC Peripheral I/O Control Y
ADCCFG 0xF2 IOC ADC Input Configuration Y
P0SEL 0xF3 IOC Port 0 Function Select Y
P1SEL 0xF4 IOC Port 1 Function Select Y
P2SEL 0xF5 IOC Port 2 Function Select Y
P1INP 0xF6 IOC Port 1 Input Mode Y
P2INP 0xF7 IOC Port 2 Input Mode Y
P0DIR 0xFD IOC Port 0 Direction Y
P1DIR 0xFE IOC Port 1 Direction Y
P2DIR 0xFF IOC Port 2 Direction Y
MEMCTR 0xC7 MEMORY Memory System Control Y
5 Registers without retention are in their reset state after PM2 or PM3. This is only applicable for
registers / bits that are defined as R/W
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Module Description Retention5
SLEEP 0xBE PMC Sleep Mode Control [6:2]Y, [7,1:0]N
CLKCON 0xC6 PMC Clock Control Y
RFIM 0x91 RF RF Interrupt Mask Y
RFD 0xD9 RF RF Data N
RFIF 0xE9 RF RF Interrupt flags Y
RFST 0xE1 RF RF Strobe Commands NA
WORIRQ 0xA1 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer Interrupts Y
WORCTRL 0xA2 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer Control Y
WOREVT0 0xA3 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer Event 0 Timeout Low Byte Y
WOREVT1 0xA5 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer Event 0 Timeout High Byte Y
WORTIME0 0xA4 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer Low Byte Y
WORTIME1 0xA6 Sleep Timer Sleep Timer High Byte Y
T1CC0L 0xDA Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low Y
T1CC0H 0xDB Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High Y
T1CC1L 0xDC Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low Y
T1CC1H 0xDD Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High Y
T1CC2L 0xDE Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low Y
T1CC2H 0xDF Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High Y
T1CNTL 0xE2 Timer1 Timer 1 Counter Low Y
T1CNTH 0xE3 Timer1 Timer 1 Counter High Y
T1CTL 0xE4 Timer1 Timer 1 Control and Status Y
T1CCTL0 0xE5 Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control Y
T1CCTL1 0xE6 Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control Y
T1CCTL2 0xE7 Timer1 Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control Y
T2CT 0x9C Timer2 Timer 2 Timer Count N
T2PR 0x9D Timer2 Timer 2 Prescaler N
T2CTL 0x9E Timer2 Timer 2 Control N
T3CNT 0xCA Timer3 Timer 3 Counter Y
T3CTL 0xCB Timer3 Timer 3 Control Y,[2]N
T3CCTL0 0xCC Timer3 Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control Y
T3CC0 0xCD Timer3 Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Y
T3CCTL1 0xCE Timer3 Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control Y
T3CC1 0xCF Timer3 Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Y
T4CNT 0xEA Timer4 Timer 4 Counter Y
T4CTL 0xEB Timer4 Timer 4 Control Y,[2]N
T4CCTL0 0xEC Timer4 Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control Y
T4CC0 0xED Timer4 Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Y
T4CCTL1 0xEE Timer4 Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control Y
T4CC1 0xEF Timer4 Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Y
TIMIF 0xD8 TMINT Timers 1/3/4 Joint Interrupt Mask/Flags Y
U0CSR 0x86 USART0 USART 0 Control and Status Y
U0DBUF 0xC1 USART0 USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer Y
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Module Description Retention5
U0BAUD 0xC2 USART0 USART 0 Baud Rate Control Y
U0UCR 0xC4 USART0 USART 0 UART Control Y,[7]N
U0GCR 0xC5 USART0 USART 0 Generic Control Y
U1CSR 0xF8 USART1 USART 1 Control and Status Y
U1DBUF 0xF9 USART1 USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer Y
U1BAUD 0xFA USART1 USART 1 Baud Rate Control Y
U1GCR 0xFC USART1 USART 1 Generic Control Y
ENDIAN 0x95 MEMORY USB Endianess Control (
) Y
WDCTL 0xC9 WDT Watchdog Timer Control Y
Table 31: CC2510Fx/CC2511Fx Specific SFR Overview Radio Registers
The radio registers are all related to Radio
configuration and control. The RF registers can
only be accessed through XDATA memory
space and reside in address range 0xDF00 -
Table 32 gives a descriptive overview of these
registers. Each register is described in detail in
Section 14.18, starting on Page 213.
Register Description Retention6
0xDF00 SYNC1 Sync word, high byte Y
0xDF01 SYNC0 Sync word, low byte Y
0xDF02 PKTLEN Packet length Y
0xDF03 PKTCTRL1 Packet automation control Y
0xDF04 PKTCTRL0 Packet automation control Y
0xDF05 ADDR Device address Y
0xDF06 CHANNR Channel number Y
0xDF07 FSCTRL1 Frequency synthesizer control Y
0xDF08 FSCTRL0 Frequency synthesizer control Y
0xDF09 FREQ2 Frequency control word, high byte Y
0xDF0A FREQ1 Frequency control word, middle byte Y
0xDF0B FREQ0 Frequency control word, low byte Y
0xDF0C MDMCFG4 Modem configuration Y
0xDF0D MDMCFG3 Modem configuration Y
0xDF0E MDMCFG2 Modem configuration Y
0xDF0F MDMCFG1 Modem configuration Y
0xDF10 MDMCFG0 Modem configuration Y
0xDF11 DEVIATN Modem deviation setting Y
0xDF12 MCSM2 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Y
6 Registers without retention are in their reset state after PM2 or PM3. This is only applicable for
registers / bits that are defined as R/W
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Register Description Retention6
0xDF13 MCSM1 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Y
0xDF14 MCSM0 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration Y
0xDF15 FOCCFG Frequency Offset Compensation configuration Y
0xDF16 BSCFG Bit Synchronization configuration Y
0xDF17 AGCTRL2 AGC control Y
0xDF18 AGCTRL1 AGC control Y
0xDF19 AGCTRL0 AGC control Y
0xDF1A FREND1 Front end RX configuration Y
0xDF1B FREND0 Front end TX configuration Y
0xDF1C FSCAL3 Frequency synthesizer calibration N
0xDF1D FSCAL2 Frequency synthesizer calibration N
0xDF1E FSCAL1 Frequency synthesizer calibration N
0xDF1F FSCAL0 Frequency synthesizer calibration Y
Reserved Y
0xDF23 TEST2 Various Test Settings Y
0xDF24 TEST1 Various Test Settings Y
0xDF25 TEST0 Various Test Settings Y
Reserved Y
0xDF2E PA_TABLE0 PA output power setting Y
0xDF2F IOCFG2 Radio test signal configuration (P1_7) Y
0xDF30 IOCFG1 Radio test signal configuration (P1_6) Y
0xDF31 IOCFG0 Radio test signal configuration (P1_5) Y
0xDF36 PARTNUM Chip ID[16:8] NA
0xDF37 VERSION Chip ID[7:0] NA
0xDF38 FREQEST Frequency Offset Estimate NA
0xDF39 LQI Link Quality Indicator NA
0xDF3A RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication NA
0xDF3B MARCSTATE Main Radio Control State NA
0xDF3C PKSTATUS Packet status NA
0xDF3D VCO_VC_DAC PLL calibration current NA
Table 32: Overview of RF Registers I2S Registers
The I2S registers are all related to I2S
configuration and control. The I2S registers can
only be accessed through XDATA memory
space and reside in address range 0xDF40 -
0xDF48. Table 33 gives a descriptive overview
of these registers. Each register is described in
detail in Section 13.15.13, starting on Page
Register Description Retention7
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Register Description Retention7
0xDF40 I2SCFG0 I2S Configuration Register 0 Y
0xDF41 I2SCFG1 I2S Configuration Register 1 Y
0xDF42 I2SDATL I2S Data Low Byte N
0xDF43 I2SDATH I2S Data High Byte N
0xDF44 I2SWCNT I2S Word Count Register NA
0xDF45 I2SSTAT I2S Status Register NA
0xDF46 I2SCLKF0 I2S Clock Configuration Register 0 Y
0xDF47 I2SCLKF1 I2S Clock Configuration Register 1 Y
0xDF48 I2SCLKF2 I2S Clock Configuration Register 2 Y
Table 33: Overview of I2S Registers USB Registers
The USB registers are all related to USB
configuration and control. The USB registers
can only be accessed through XDATA
memory space and reside in address range
0xDE00 - 0xDE3F. These registers can be
divided into three groups: The Common USB
Registers (Table 34), The Indexed Endpoint
Registers (Table 35), and the Endpoint FIFO
Registers (Table 36). Each register is
described in detail in Section 13.16.11, starting
on Page 179. Notice that the upper register
addresses 0xDE2C – 0xDE3F are reserved.
Register Description
0xDE00 USBADDR Function Address
0xDE01 USBPOW Power/Control Register
0xDE02 USBIIF IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Flags
0xDE03 Reserved
0xDE04 USBOIF OUT Endpoints Interrupt Flags
0xDE05 Reserved
0xDE06 USBCIF Common USB Interrupt Flags
0xDE07 USBIIE IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Enable Mask
0xDE08 Reserved
0xDE09 USBOIE Out Endpoints Interrupt Enable Mask
0xDE0A Reserved
0xDE0B USBCIE Common USB Interrupt Enable Mask
0xDE0C USBFRML Current Frame Number (Low byte)
0xDE0D USBFRMH Current Frame Number (High byte)
0xDE0E USBINDEX Selects current endpoint. Make sure this register has the required value before any of the
registers in Table 35 are accessed. This register must be set to a value in the range 0 – 5.
Table 34: Overview of Common USB Registers
Note: All USB registers lose data in PM2
and PM3, meaning that these power
modes cannot be used on the
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Register Description Valid USBINDEX
0xDE10 USBMAXI Max. packet size for IN endpoint 1 – 5
USBCS0 EP0 Control and Status (USBINDEX = 0) 0
USBCSIL IN EP{1-5} Control and Status Low 1 – 5
0xDE12 USBCSIH IN EP{1-5} Control and Status High 1 – 5
0xDE13 USBMAXO Max. packet size for OUT endpoint 1 – 5
0xDE14 USBCSOL OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status Low 1 – 5
0xDE15 USBCSOH OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status High 1 – 5
USBCNT0 Number of received bytes in EP0 FIFO (USBINDEX = 0) 0
USBCNTL Number of bytes in OUT FIFO Low 1 – 5
0xDE17 USBCNTH Number of bytes in OUT FIFO High 1 – 5
Table 35: Overview of Indexed Endpoint Registers
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Register Description
0xDE20 USBF0 Endpoint 0 FIFO
0xDE22 USBF1 Endpoint 1 FIFO
0xDE24 USBF2 Endpoint 2 FIFO
0xDE26 USBF3 Endpoint 3 FIFO
0xDE28 USBF4 Endpoint 4 FIFO
0xDE2A USBF5 Endpoint 5 FIFO
Table 36: Overview of Endpoint FIFO Registers
11.2.4 XDATA Memory Access
provides an additional
SFR named MPAGE. This register is used
during instructions MOVX A,@Ri and MOVX
@Ri,A. MPAGE gives the 8 most significant
address bits, while the register Ri gives the 8
least significant bits.
In some 8051 implementations, this type of
XDATA access is performed using P2 to give
the most significant address bits. Existing
software may therefore have to be adapted to
make use of MPAGE instead of P2.
MPAGE (0x93) – Memory Page Select
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 MPAGE[7:0] 0x00 R/W Memory page, high-order bits of address in MOVX instruction
11.2.5 Memory Arbiter
includes a memory
arbiter which handles CPU and DMA access to
all memory space.
A control register MEMCTR is used to control
the flash cache. The MEMCTR register is
described below.
MEMCTR (0xC7) – Memory Arbiter Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 0 R/W Not used
Flash cache disable. Invalidates contents of instruction cache and forces all
instruction read accesses to read straight from flash memory. Disabling will
increase power consumption and is provided for debug purposes.
0 Cache enabled
1 Cache disabled
Flash prefetch disable. When set prefetch of flash data is disabled, when
cleared the next two bytes in flash are fetched when last byte in cache is
0 Prefetch enabled
1 Prefetch disabled
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11.3 CPU Registers
This section describes the internal registers
found in the CPU.
11.3.1 Data Pointers
has two data pointers,
DPTR0 and DPTR1, to accelerate the
movement of data blocks to/from memory. The
data pointers are generally used to access
CODE or XDATA space e.g.
The data pointer select bit, bit 0 in the Data
Pointer Select register DPS, chooses which
data pointer to use during the execution of an
instruction that uses the data pointer, e.g. in
one of the above instructions.
The data pointers are two bytes wide
consisting of the following SFRs:
DPH0 (0x83) – Data Pointer 0 High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPH0[7:0] 0 R/W Data pointer 0, high byte
DPL0 (0x82) – Data Pointer 0 Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPL0[7:0] 0 R/W Data pointer 0, low byte
DPH1 (0x85) – Data Pointer 1 High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPH1[7:0] 0 R/W Data pointer 1, high byte
DPL1 (0x84) – Data Pointer 1 Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DPL1[7:0] 0 R/W Data pointer 1, low byte
DPS (0x92) – Data Pointer Select
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:1 0 R/W Not used
Data pointer select
0 DPS 0 R/W
11.3.2 Registers R0 - R7
provides four register
banks of eight registers each. These register
banks are in the DATA memory space at
addresses 0x00-0x07, 0x08-0x0F, 0x10-0x17
and 0x18-0x1F and are mapped to address
range 0xFF00 to 0xFF1F in the unified
memory space. Each register bank contains
the eight 8-bit register R0 - R7. The register
bank to be used is selected through the
Program Status Word PSW.RS[1:0].
11.3.3 Program Status Word
The Program Status Word (PSW) contains
several bits that show the current state of the
CPU. The Program Status Word is accessible
as an SFR and it is bit-addressable. The PSW
register contains the Carry flag, Auxiliary Carry
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flag for BCD operations, Register Select bits,
Overflow flag, and Parity flag. Two bits in PSW
are uncommitted and can be used as user-
defined status flags.
PSW (0xD0) – Program Status Word
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 CY 0 R/W Carry flag. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry
(during addition) or borrow (during subtraction), otherwise cleared to 0 by all
arithmetic operations.
6 AC 0 R/W Auxiliary carry flag for BCD operations. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic
operation resulted in a carry into (during addition) or borrow from (during
subtraction) the high order nibble, otherwise cleared to 0 by all arithmetic
5 F0 0 R/W User-defined, bit-addressable
Register bank select bits. Selects which set of R7 - R0 registers to use from
four possible register banks in DATA space.
00 Bank 0, 0x00 – 0x07
01 Bank 1, 0x08 – 0x0F
10 Bank 2, 0x10 – 0x17
4:3 RS[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Bank 3, 0x18 – 0x1F
2 OV 0 R/W Overflow flag, set by arithmetic operations. Set to 1 when the last arithmetic
operation resulted in a carry (addition), borrow (subtraction), or overflow
(multiply or divide). Otherwise, the bit is cleared to 0 by all arithmetic
1 F1 0 R/W User-defined, bit-addressable
0 P 0 R/W Parity flag, parity of accumulator set by hardware to 1 if it contains an odd
number of 1’s, otherwise it is cleared to 0
11.3.4 Accumulator
ACC is the accumulator. This is the source
and destination of most arithmetic instructions,
data transfer and other instructions. The
mnemonic for the accumulator (in instructions
involving the accumulator) refers to A instead
of ACC.
ACC (0xE0) – Accumulator
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ACC[7:0] 0x00 R/W Accumulator
11.3.5 B Register
The B register is used as the second 8-bit
argument during execution of multiply and
divide instructions. When not used for these
purposes it may be used as a scratch-pad
register to hold temporary data.
B (0xF0) – B Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 B[7:0] 0x00 R/W B register. Used in MUL and DIV instructions.
11.3.6 Stack Pointer
The stack resides in DATA memory space and
grows upwards. The PUSH instruction first
increments the Stack Pointer (SP) and then
copies the byte into the stack. The Stack
Pointer is initialized to 0x07 after a reset and it
is incremented once to start from location
0x08, which is the first register (R0) of the
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second register bank. Thus, in order to use
more than one register bank, the SP should be
initialized to a different location not used for
data storage.
SP (0x81) – Stack Pointer
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SP[7:0] 0x07 R/W Stack Pointer
11.4 Instruction Set Summary
The 8051 instruction set is summarized in
Table 37. All mnemonics copyrighted © Intel
Corporation 1980.
The following conventions are used in the
instruction set summary:
Rn – Register R7-R0 of the currently
selected register bank.
direct – 8-bit internal data location’s
address. This can be DATA area (0x00
– 0x7F) or SFR area (0x80 – 0xFF).
@Ri – 8-bit internal data location, DATA
area (0x00 – 0xFF) addressed indirectly
through register R1 or R0.
#data – 8-bit constant included in
#data16 – 16-bit constant included in
addr16 – 16-bit destination address.
Used by LCALL and LJMP. A branch
can be anywhere within the 8/16/32 KB
CODE memory space.
addr11 – 11-bit destination address.
Used by ACALL and AJMP. The branch
will be within the same 2 KB page of
program memory as the first byte of the
following instruction.
rel – Signed (two’s complement) 8-bit
offset byte. Used by SJMP and all
conditional jumps. Range is –128 to
+127 bytes relative to first byte of the
following instruction.
bit – direct addressed bit in DATA area
or SFR.
The instructions that affect CPU flag settings
located in PSW are listed in Table 38 on Page
58. Note that operations on the PSW register or
bits in PSW will also affect the flag settings.
Mnemonic Description Hex
Bytes Cycles
Arithmetic Operations
ADD A,Rn Add register to accumulator 28-2F 1 1
ADD A,direct Add direct byte to accumulator 25 2 2
ADD A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to accumulator 26-27 1 2
ADD A,#data Add immediate data to accumulator 24 2 2
ADDC A,Rn Add register to accumulator with carry flag 38-3F 1 1
ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to A with carry flag 35 2 2
ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to A with carry flag 36-37 1 2
ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to A with carry flag 34 2 2
SUBB A,Rn Subtract register from A with borrow 98-9F 1 1
SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from A with borrow 95 2 2
SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from A with borrow 96-97 1 2
SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from A with borrow 94 2 2
INC A Increment accumulator 04 1 1
INC Rn Increment register 08-0F 1 2
INC direct Increment direct byte 05 2 3
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Mnemonic Description Hex
Bytes Cycles
INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 06-07 1 3
INC DPTR Increment data pointer A3 1 1
DEC A Decrement accumulator 14 1 1
DEC Rn Decrement register 18-1F 1 2
DEC direct Decrement direct byte 15 2 3
DEC @Ri Decrement indirect RAM 16-17 1 3
MUL AB Multiply A and B A4 1 5
DIV Divide A by B 84 1 5
DA A Decimal adjust accumulator D4 1 1
Logical Operations
ANL A,Rn AND register to accumulator 58-5F 1 1
ANL A,direct AND direct byte to accumulator 55 2 2
ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to accumulator 56-57 1 2
ANL A,#data AND immediate data to accumulator 54 2 2
ANL direct,A AND accumulator to direct byte 52 2 3
ANL direct,#data AND immediate data to direct byte 53 3 4
ORL A,Rn OR register to accumulator 48-4F 1 1
ORL A,direct OR direct byte to accumulator 45 2 2
ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to accumulator 46-47 1 2
ORL A,#data OR immediate data to accumulator 44 2 2
ORL direct,A OR accumulator to direct byte 42 2 3
ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte 43 3 4
XRL A,Rn Exclusive OR register to accumulator 68-6F 1 1
XRL A,direct Exclusive OR direct byte to accumulator 65 2 2
XRL A,@Ri Exclusive OR indirect RAM to accumulator 66-67 1 2
XRL A,#data Exclusive OR immediate data to accumulator 64 2 2
XRL direct,A Exclusive OR accumulator to direct byte 62 2 3
XRL direct,#data Exclusive OR immediate data to direct byte 63 3 4
CLR A Clear accumulator E4 1 1
CPL A Complement accumulator F4 1 1
RL A Rotate accumulator left 23 1 1
RLC A Rotate accumulator left through carry 33 1 1
RR A Rotate accumulator right 03 1 1
RRC A Rotate accumulator right through carry 13 1 1
SWAP A Swap nibbles within the accumulator C4 1 1
Data Transfers
MOV A,Rn Move register to accumulator E8-EF 1 1
MOV A,direct Move direct byte to accumulator E5 2 2
MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to accumulator E6-E7 1 2
MOV A,#data Move immediate data to accumulator 74 2 2
MOV Rn,A Move accumulator to register F8-FF 1 2
MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register A8-AF 2 4
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Mnemonic Description Hex
Bytes Cycles
MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to register 78-7F 2 2
MOV direct,A Move accumulator to direct byte F5 2 3
MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 88-8F 2 3
MOV direct1,direct2 Move direct byte to direct byte 85 3 4
MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 86-87 2 4
MOV direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte 75 3 3
MOV @Ri,A Move accumulator to indirect RAM F6-F7 1 3
MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM A6-A7 2 5
MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 76-77 2 3
MOV DPTR,#data16 Load data pointer with a 16-bit constant 90 3 3
MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to accumulator 93 1 3
MOVC A,@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to accumulator 83 1 3
MOVX A,@Ri Move external RAM (8-bit address) to A E2-E3 1 3-10
MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit address) to A E0 1 3-10
MOVX @Ri,A Move A to external RAM (8-bit address) F2-F3 1 4-11
MOVX @DPTR,A Move A to external RAM (16-bit address) F0 1 4-11
PUSH direct Push direct byte onto stack C0 2 4
POP direct Pop direct byte from stack D0 2 3
XCH A,Rn Exchange register with accumulator C8-CF 1 2
XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with accumulator C5 2 3
XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with accumulator C6-C7 1 3
XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low-order nibble indirect. RAM with A D6-D7 1 3
Program Branching
ACALL addr11 Absolute subroutine call xxx11 2 6
LCALL addr16 Long subroutine call 12 3 6
RET Return from subroutine 22 1 4
RETI Return from interrupt 32 1 4
AJMP addr11 Absolute jump xxx01 2 3
LJMP addr16 Long jump 02 3 4
SJMP rel Short jump (relative address) 80 2 3
JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 73 1 2
JZ rel Jump if accumulator is zero 60 2 3
JNZ rel Jump if accumulator is not zero 70 2 3
JC rel Jump if carry flag is set to 1 40 2 3
JNC Jump if carry flag is 0 50 2 3
JB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set to 1 20 3 4
JNB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is 0 30 3 4
JBC bit,direct rel Jump if direct bit is set to 1 and clear the bit to 0 10 3 4
CJNE A,direct rel Compare direct byte to A and jump if not equal B5 3 4
CJNE A,#data rel Compare immediate to A and jump if not equal B4 3 4
CJNE Rn,#data rel Compare immediate to reg. and jump if not equal B8-BF 3 4
CJNE @Ri,#data rel Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal B6-B7 3 4
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Mnemonic Description Hex
Bytes Cycles
DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register and jump if not zero D8-DF 2 3
DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct byte and jump if not zero D5 3 4
NOP No operation 00 1 1
Boolean Variable Operations
CLR C Clear carry flag C3 1 1
CLR bit Clear direct bit C2 2 3
SETB C Set carry flag to 1 D3 1 1
SETB bit Set direct bit to 1 D2 2 3
CPL C Complement carry flag B3 1 1
CPL bit Complement direct bit B2 2 3
ANL C,bit AND direct bit to carry flag 82 2 2
ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to carry B0 2 2
ORL C,bit OR direct bit to carry flag 72 2 2
ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit to carry A0 2 2
MOV C,bit Move direct bit to carry flag A2 2 2
MOV bit,C Move carry flag to direct bit 92 2 3
TRAP Set SW breakpoint in debug mode A5 1 1
Table 37: Instruction Set Summary
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Instruction CY OV AC
ADD x x x
ADDC x x x
SUBB x x x
MUL 0 x -
DIV 0 x -
DA x - -
RRC x - -
RLC x - -
SETB C 1 - -
CLR C x - -
CPL C x - -
ANL C,bit x - -
ANL C,/bit x - -
ORL C,bit x - -
ORL C,/bit x - -
MOV C,bit x - -
CJNE x - -
“0” = Clear to 0, “1” = Set to 1, “x” = Set to 1/Clear to 0, “-“ = Not affected
Table 38: Instructions that Affect Flag Settings
11.5 Interrupts
The CPU has 18 interrupt sources. Each
source has its own request flag located in a
set of Interrupt Flag SFRs. Each interrupt can
be individually enabled or disabled. The
definitions of the interrupt sources and the
interrupt vectors are given in Table 39.
I2S and USART1 share interrupts. On the
USB shares interrupt with Port 2
inputs. The interrupt aliases for I2S and USB
are listed in Table 40. However, in the
following sections the original interrupt names,
masks, and flags listed in Table 39 are
the ones used.
The interrupts are grouped into a set of priority
level groups with selectable priority levels.
The interrupt enable registers are described in
Section 11.5.1 and the interrupt priority
settings are described in Section 11.5.2 on
Page 66.
11.5.1 Interrupt Masking
Each interrupt can be individually enabled or
disabled by the interrupt enable bits in the
Interrupt Enable SFRs IEN0, IEN1, and IEN2.
The Interrupt Enable SFRs are described
below and summarized in Table 39.
Note that some peripherals have several
events that can generate the interrupt request
associated with that peripheral. This applies to
P0, P1, P2, DMA, Timer 1, Timer 2, Timer 3,
Timer 4, and Radio. These peripherals have
interrupt mask bits for each internal interrupt
source in the corresponding SFRs. Note that
I2S has its own interrupt enable bits even if it
has only one event per interrupt. For the
peripherals that have their own mask bits, one
or more of these bits must be set for the
associated CPU interrupt flag to be asserted.
In order to use any of the interrupts in the
the following steps must be
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1. Clear interrupt flags (see Section
2. Set individual interrupt enable bit in the
peripherals SFR, if any
3. Set the corresponding individual,
interrupt enable bit in the IEN0, IEN1,
or IEN2 registers to 1
4. Enable global interrupt by setting the
IEN0.EA = 1
5. Begin the interrupt service routine at the
corresponding vector address of that
interrupt. See Table 39 for
Description Interrupt
CPU Interrupt
CPU Interrupt Flag
1 ADC end of conversion ADC 0x0B IEN0.ADCIE TCON.ADCIF8
2 USART0 RX complete URX0 0x13 IEN0.URX0IE TCON.URX0IF8
3 USART1 RX complete
(Note: I2S RX complete, see Table
4 AES encryption/decryption
5 Sleep Timer compare ST 0x2B IEN0.STIE IRCON.STIF
6 Port 2 inputs
(Note: Also used for USB on
CC2511Fx,, see Table 40)
8 DMA transfer complete DMA 0x43 IEN1.DMAIE IRCON.DMAIF
9 Timer 1 (16-bit)
T1 0x4B
10 Timer 2 (MAC Timer) overflow T2 0x53 IEN1.T2IE IRCON.T2IF8,9
11 Timer 3 (8-bit) compare/overflow T3 0x5B IEN1.T3IE IRCON.T3IF8, 9
12 Timer 4 (8-bit) compare/overflow T4 0x63 IEN1.T4IE IRCON.T4IF8, 9
13 Port 0 inputs
(Note: P0_7 interrupt used for USB
Resume interrupt on CC2511Fx)
14 USART1 TX complete
(Note: I2S TX complete, see Table
15 Port 1 inputs P1INT 0x7B IEN2.P1IE IRCON2.P1IF9
16 RF general interrupts RF 0x83 IEN2.RFIE S1CON.RFIF9
17 Watchdog overflow in timer mode WDT 0x8B IEN2.WDTIE IRCON2.WDTIF
Table 39: Interrupts Overview
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Description Interrupt
CPU Interrupt
Mask Alias
CPU Interrupt Flag
3 I2S RX complete URX1/
6 USB Interrupt pending (
) P2INT/
13 USB resume interrupt (
P0_6 and P0_7 does not exist on
. USB resume interrupt
configured like P0_7 interrupt on
14 I2S TX complete UTX1/
Table 40: Shared Interrupt Vectors (I2S and USB)
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IEN1 (0xB8) – Interrupt Enable 1 Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 0 R/W Not used
6 - R0 Not used
Port 0 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
5 P0IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Timer 4 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
4 T4IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Timer 3 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
3 T3IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Timer 2 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
2 T2IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Timer 1 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 T1IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
DMA transfer interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
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IEN2 (0x9A) – Interrupt Enable 2 Register
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
Watchdog timer interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Port 1 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
4 P1IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
USART1 TX interrupt enable / I2S TX interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
3 UTX1IE /
0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
USART0 TX interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
2 UTX0IE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Port 2 interrupt enable (Also used for USB interrupt enable on
0 Interrupt disabled
1 P2IE /
0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
RF general interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
0 RFIE 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
11.5.2 Interrupt Processing
When an interrupt occurs, the CPU will vector
to the interrupt vector address shown in Table
39, if this particular interrupt has been
enabled. Once an interrupt service has begun,
it can be interrupted only by a higher priority
interrupt. The interrupt service is terminated by
a RETI (return from interrupt) instruction.
When a RETI is performed, the CPU will return
to the instruction that would have been next
when the interrupt occurred.
When the interrupt condition occurs, an
interrupt flag bit will be set in one of the CPU
interrupt flag registers and in the peripherals
interrupt flag register, if this is available. These
bits are asserted regardless of whether the
interrupt is enabled or disabled. If the interrupt
is enabled when an interrupt flag is asserted,
then on the next instruction cycle the interrupt
will be acknowledged by hardware forcing an
LCALL to the appropriate vector address.
Interrupt response will require a varying
amount of time depending on the state of the
CPU when the interrupt occurs. If the CPU is
performing an interrupt service with equal or
greater priority, the new interrupt will be
pending until it becomes the interrupt with
highest priority. In other cases, the response
time depends on the current instruction. The
fastest possible response to an interrupt is
seven instruction cycles. This includes one
machine cycle for detecting the interrupt and
six cycles to perform the LCALL.
Clearing interrupt flags must be done correctly
to ensure that no interrupts are lost or
processed more than once. For pulsed or
edge shaped interrupt sources one should
clear the CPU interrupt flag prior to clearing
the module interrupt flag, if available, for flags
that are not automatically cleared. For level
triggered interrupts (port interrupts) one has to
clear the module interrupt flag prior to clearing
the CPU interrupt flag. When handling
interrupts where the CPU interrupt flag is
cleared by hardware, the software should only
clear the module interrupt flag. The following
interrupts are cleared by hardware:
One or more module flags can be cleared at
once. However the safest approach is to only
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handle one interrupt source each time the
interrupt is triggered, hence clearing only one
module flag. When any module flag is cleared
the chip will check if there are any module
interrupt flags left that are both enabled and
asserted, if so the CPU interrupt flag will be
asserted and a new interrupt triggered.
The following code example shows how only
one module flag is handled and cleared each
time the interrupt occurs:
TCON (0x88) – CPU Interrupt Flag 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
USART1 RX interrupt flag / I2S RX interrupt flag
Set to 1 when USART1 RX interrupt occurs and cleared when CPU vectors
to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
7 URX1IF /
0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
6 0 R/W Not used
ADC interrupt flag. Set to 1 when ADC interrupt occurs and cleared when
CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 Interrupt pending
4 0 R/W Not used
USART0 RX interrupt flag. Set to 1 when USART0 interrupt occurs and
cleared when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
3 URX0IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
2 1 R/W Reserved. Must always be set to 1.
RF TX/RX complete interrupt flag. Set to 1 when RFTXRX interrupt occurs
and cleared when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 Interrupt pending
0 1 R/W Reserved. Must always be set to 1.
#pragma vector = RF_VECTOR
__interrupt void rf_interrupt (void)
S1CON &= ~0x03; // Clear CPU interrupt flag
if(RFIF & 0x80) // TX underflow
irq_txunf(); // Handle TX underflow
RFIF = ~0x80; // Clear module interrupt flag
else if(RFIF & 0x40) // RX overflow
irq_rxovf(); // Handle RX overflow
RFIF = ~0x40; // Clear module interrupt flag
// Use ”else if” to check and handle other RFIF flags
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S0CON (0x98) – CPU Interrupt Flag 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 0 R/W Not used
AES interrupt. ENCIF has two interrupt flags, ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0.
Interrupt source sets both ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0, but setting one of these
flags in SW will generate an interrupt request. Both flags are set when the
AES co-processor requests the interrupt.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 ENCIF_1 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
AES interrupt. ENCIF has two interrupt flags, ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0.
Interrupt source sets both ENCIF_1 and ENCIF_0, but setting one of these
flags in SW will generate an interrupt request. Both flags are set when the
AES co-processor requests the interrupt.
0 Interrupt not pending
0 ENCIF_0 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
S1CON (0x9B) – CPU Interrupt Flag 3
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
RF general interrupt. RFIF has two interrupt flags, RFIF_1 and RFIF_0.
Interrupt source sets both RFIF_1 and RFIF_0, but setting one of these
flags in SW will generate an interrupt request. Both flags are set when the
radio requests the interrupt.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 RFIF_1 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
RF general interrupt. RFIF has two interrupt flags, RFIF_1 and RFIF_0.
Interrupt source sets both RFIF_1 and RFIF_0, but setting one of these
flags in SW will generate an interrupt request. Both flags are set when the
radio requests the interrupt.
0 Interrupt not pending
0 RFIF_0 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
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IRCON (0xC0) – CPU Interrupt Flag 4
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Sleep Timer interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
7 STIF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
6 0 R/W Reserved. Must always be set to 0. Failure to do so will lead to ISR toggling
(interrupt routine sustained)
Port 0 interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
5 P0IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 4 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 4 interrupt occurs and cleared
when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
4 T4IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 3 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 3 interrupt occurs and cleared
when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
3 T3IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 2 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 2 interrupt occurs and cleared
when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
2 T2IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 1 interrupt flag. Set to 1 when Timer 1 interrupt occurs and cleared
when CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 T1IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
DMA complete interrupt flag.
0 Interrupt not pending
1 Interrupt pending
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IRCON2 (0xE8) – CPU Interrupt Flag 5
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 0 R/W Not used
Watchdog timer interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
1 Interrupt pending
Port 1 interrupt flag.
0 Interrupt not pending
3 P1IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
USART1 TX interrupt flag / I2S TX interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
2 UTX1IF /
0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
USART0 TX interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
1 UTX0IF 0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
Port2 interrupt flag / USB interrupt flag
0 Interrupt not pending
0 P2IF /
0 R/W
1 Interrupt pending
11.5.3 Interrupt Priority
The interrupts are grouped into six interrupt
priority groups and the priority for each group
is set by the registers IP0 and IP1. The
interrupt priority groups with assigned interrupt
sources are shown in Table 42. Each group is
assigned one of four priority levels, and by
default all six interrupt priority groups are
assign the lowest priority. In order to assign a
higher priority to an interrupt, i.e. to its interrupt
group, the corresponding bits in IP0 and IP1
must be set as shown in Table 41 on Page 67.
While an interrupt service request is in
progress, it cannot be interrupted by a lower or
same level interrupt. In the case when
interrupt requests of the same priority level are
received simultaneously, the polling sequence
shown in Table 43 is used to resolve the
priority of each requests.
IP1 (0xB9) – Interrupt Priority 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
5 IP1_IPG5 0 R/W Interrupt group 5, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
4 IP1_IPG4 0 R/W Interrupt group 4, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
3 IP1_IPG3 0 R/W Interrupt group 3, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
2 IP1_IPG2 0 R/W Interrupt group 2, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
1 IP1_IPG1 0 R/W Interrupt group 1, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
0 IP1_IPG0 0 R/W Interrupt group 0, priority control bit 1, refer to Table 41
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IP0 (0xA9) – Interrupt Priority 0
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
5 IP0_IPG5 0 R/W Interrupt group 5, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
4 IP0_IPG4 0 R/W Interrupt group 4, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
3 IP0_IPG3 0 R/W Interrupt group 3, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
2 IP0_IPG2 0 R/W Interrupt group 2, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
1 IP0_IPG1 0 R/W Interrupt group 1, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
0 IP0_IPG0 0 R/W Interrupt group 0, priority control bit 0, refer to Table 41
IP1_x IP0_x Priority Level
0 0
0 (lowest)
0 1
1 0
1 1
3 (highest)
Table 41: Priority Level Setting
Group Interrupts
Table 42: Interrupt Priority Groups
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Interrupt Number Interrupt Name
16 RF
9 T1
2 URX0
10 T2
3 URX1 / I2SRX
11 T3
12 T4
5 ST
13 P0INT / (USB Resume)
7 UTX0
14 URX1 / I2STX
15 P1INT
17 WDT
Polling sequence
Table 43: Interrupt Polling Sequence
12 Debug Interface
includes an on-chip
debug module which communicates over a
two-wire interface. The debug interface allows
programming of the on-chip flash. It also
provides access to memory and registers
contents, and debug features such as
breakpoints, single-stepping, and register
The debug interface uses the I/O pins P2_1 as
Debug Data and P2_2 as Debug Clock during
Debug mode. These I/O pins can be used as
general purpose I/O only while the device is
not in Debug mode. Thus the debug interface
does not interfere with any peripheral I/O pins.
12.1 Debug Mode
Debug mode is entered by forcing two rising
edge transitions on pin P2_2 (Debug Clock)
while the RESET_N input is held low.
While in Debug mode pin P2_1 is the Debug
Data bi-directional pin and P2_2 is the Debug
Clock input pin.
12.2 Debug Communication
The debug interface uses an SPI-like two-wire
interface consisting of the P2_1 (Debug Data)
and P2_2 (Debug Clock) pins. Data is driven
on the bi-directional Debug Data pin at the
positive edge of Debug Clock and data is
sampled on the negative edge of this clock.
Debug commands are sent by an external host
and consist of 1 to 4 output bytes (including
Note: Debugging of PM2 and PM3 is not
supported. Also note that CLKCON.CLKSPD
must be 000 or 001 when using the debug
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command byte) from the host and an optional
input byte read by the host. Command and
data is transferred with MSB first. Figure 17
shows a timing diagram of data on the debug
Figure 17: Debug Interface Timing Diagram
12.3 Debug Lock Bit
For software and/or access protection, a set of
lock bits can be written. This information is
contained in the Flash Information Page (see
Section, at location 0x000. The Flash
Information Page can only be accessed
through the debug interface. There are three
kinds of lock protect bits as described in this
The lock size bits LSIZE[2:0] are used to
define which section of the flash memory
should be write protected, if any. The size of
the write protected area can be set to 0 (no
pages), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 KB (all pages),
starting from top of flash memory and defining
a section below this. Note that for
, and
, the only
supported value for LSIZE[2:0]is 0 and 7
(all or no pages respectively).
The second type of lock protect bits is
BBLOCK, which is used to lock the boot sector
page (page 0 ranging from address 0x0000 to
0x03FF). When BBLOCK is set to 0, the boot
sector page is locked.
The third type of lock protect bit is DBGLOCK,
which is used to disable hardware debug
support through the Debug Interface. When
DBGLOCK is set to 0, almost all debug
commands are disabled.
When the Debug Lock bit, DBGLOCK, is set to
0 (see Table 44) all debug commands except
GET_CHIP_ID are disabled and will not
function. The status of the Debug Lock bit can
be read using the READ_STATUS command
(see Section 12.4.2).
Note that after the Debug Lock bit has
changed due to a Flash Information Page write
or a flash mass erase, a HALT, RESUME,
STEP_REPLACE command must be executed
so that the Debug Lock value returned by
READ_STATUS shows the updated Debug
Lock value. For example a dummy NOP
DEBUG_INSTR command could be executed.
The Debug Lock bit will also be updated after
a device reset so an alternative is to reset the
chip and reenter debug mode.
The CHIP_ERASE command will set all bits in
flash memory to 1. This means that after
issuing a CHIP_ERASE command the boot
sector will be writable, no pages will be write-
protected, and all debug commands are
The lock protect bits are written as a normal
flash write to FWDATA (see Section 13.3.2), but
the Debug Interface needs to select the Flash
Information Page first instead of the Flash
Main Page which is the default setting. The
Information Page is selected through the
Debug Configuration which is written through
the Debug Interface only. Refer to Section
12.4.1 and Table 46 for details on how the
Flash Information Page is selected using the
Debug Interface.
Table 44 defines the byte containing the flash
lock protection bits. Note that this is not an
SFR, but instead the byte stored at location
0x000 in Flash Information Page.
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Bit Name Description
7:5 Reserved, write as 0
Boot Block Lock
0 Page 0 is write protected
1 Page 0 is writeable, unless LSIZE is 000
Lock Size. Sets the size of the upper flash area which is write-protected. Byte
sizes are listed below
000 32 KB (all pages)
001 24 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
010 16 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
011 8 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
100 4 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
101 2 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
110 1 KB CC2510F32 and CC2511F32 only
3:1 LSIZE[2:0]
111 0 bytes (no pages)
Debug lock bit
0 Disable debug commands
1 Enable debug commands
Table 44: Flash Lock Protection Bits Definition
12.4 Debug Commands
The debug commands are shown in Table 45.
Some of the debug commands are described
in further detail in the following sections
12.4.1 Debug Configuration
The commands WR_CONFIG and
RD_CONFIG are used to access the debug
configuration data byte. The format and
description of this configuration data is shown
in Table 46
12.4.2 Debug Status
A debug status byte is read using the
READ_STATUS command. The format and
description of this debug status is shown in
Table 47.
The READ_STATUS command is used e.g.
for polling the status of flash chip erase after a
CHIP_ERASE command or oscillator stable
status required for debug commands HALT,
12.4.3 Hardware Breakpoints
The debug command SET_HW_BRKPNT is
used to set a hardware breakpoint. The
supports up to four
hardware breakpoints. When a hardware
breakpoint is enabled it will compare the CPU
address bus with the breakpoint. When a
match occurs, the CPU is halted.
When issuing the SET_HW_BRKPNT debug
command, the external host must supply three
data bytes that define the hardware
breakpoint. The hardware breakpoint itself
consists of 18 bits while three bits are used for
control purposes. The format of the three data
bytes for the SET_HW_BRKPNT command is
as follows.
The first data byte consists of the following:
Bit Description
7:5 Unused
4:3 Breakpoint number; 0 - 3
Breakpoint enable
0 Disable
1 Enable
1:0 Reserved. Must be 00.
The second data byte consists of bits 15 - 8 of
the hardware breakpoint while the third data
byte consists of bits 7-0 of the hardware
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breakpoint. This means that the second and
third data byte sets the CPU CODE address
where the CPU is halted.
12.4.4 Flash Programming
Programming of the on-chip flash is performed
via the debug interface. The external host
must initially send instructions using the
DEBUG_INSTR debug command to perform
the flash programming with the Flash
Controller as described in Section 13.3.
Command Instruction Code Description
CHIP_ERASE 0001 0100
Perform flash chip erase (mass erase). The debug interface will be enabled
and no parts of flash will be write-protected after issuing this command. Do
not use any other commands than READ_STATUS until mass erase has
completed. Return 1 status byte to host
WR_CONFIG 0001 1101 Write configuration data. Return 1 status byte to host. Refer to Table 46 for
RD_CONFIG 0010 0100 Read configuration data. Return value set by WR_CONFIG command
GET_PC 0010 1000 Return value of 16-bit program counter
READ_STATUS 0011 0100 Read status byte. Refer to Table 47
SET_HW_BRKPNT 0011 1011 Set hardware breakpoint
HALT 0100 0100 Halt CPU operation. Return 1 status byte to host
RESUME 0100 1100 Resume CPU operation. To run this command, the CPU must have been
halted. Return 1 status byte to host
DEBUG_INSTR 0101 01yy
Run debug instruction. The supplied instruction will be executed by the CPU
without incrementing the program counter. To run this command, the CPU
must have been halted. Return 1 status byte to host.
yy: Number of bytes in the CPU instruction (see Table 37). Valid values are
01, 10, and 11
STEP_INSTR 0101 1100 Step CPU instruction. The CPU will execute the next instruction from
program memory and increment the program counter after execution. To run
this command, the CPU must have been halted. Return 1 status byte to host
STEP_REPLACE 0110 01 yy
Step and replace CPU instruction. The supplied instruction will be executed
by the CPU instead of the next instruction in program memory. The program
counter will be incremented after execution. To run this command, the CPU
must have been halted. Return 1 status byte to host.
yy: Number of bytes in the CPU instruction (see Table 37). Valid values are
01, 10, and 11
GET_CHIP_ID 0110 1000 Return value of 16-bit chip ID (PARTNUM:VERSION).
Table 45: Debug Commands
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Bit Name Description
7:4 Not used. Must be set to 0000
Disable timer operation (Timer 1/2/3/4). This overrides the
TIMER_SUSPEND bit and its function.
0 Do not disable timers
1 Disable timers
DMA pause
0 Enable DMA transfers
1 Pause all DMA transfers
Suspend timers (Timer 1/2/3/4). Timer operation is suspended for
debug instructions and if a step instruction is a branch. If not
suspended, these instructions would result an extra timer count
during the clock cycle in which the branch is executed
0 Do not suspend timers
1 Suspend timers
Select Flash Information Page in order to write flash lock bits (1
KB lowest part of flash)
0 Select flash Main Page
1 Select Flash Information Page
Table 46: Debug Configuration
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Bit Name Description
Flash chip erase done
0 Chip erase in progress
1 Chip erase done
PCON idle
0 CPU is running
1 CPU is idle (clock gated)
CPU halted
0 CPU running
1 CPU halted
Power Mode 0
0 Power Mode 1-3 selected
1 Power Mode 0 selected (active mode if the CPU is running)
Halt status. Returns cause of last CPU halt
0 CPU was halted by HALT debug command
1 CPU was halted by software or hardware breakpoint
Debug locked. Returns value of DBGLOCK bit
0 Debug interface is not locked
1 Debug interface is locked
Oscillators stable. This bit represents the status of the SLEEP.XSOC_STB
and SLEEP.HFRC_STB register bits.
0 Oscillators not stable
1 Oscillators stable
Stack overflow. This bit indicates when the CPU writes to DATA memory
space at address 0xFF, which is possibly a stack overflow
0 No stack overflow
1 Stack overflow
Table 47: Debug Status
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13 Peripherals
In the following sub-sections, each
peripheral is described in
13.1 Power Management and Clocks
This section describes the Power Management
Controller. The Power Management Controller
controls the use of active mode, power modes,
and clock control.
13.1.1 Power Management Introduction
uses different operating
modes to allow low-power operation. Ultra-low-
power operation is obtained by turning off
power supply to modules to avoid static
(leakage) power consumption and also by
using clock gating and turning off oscillators to
reduce dynamic power consumption.
has one active mode
and four power modes, called PM0, PM1, PM2
and PM3, where PM3 has the lowest power
consumption. The different operating modes
are shown in Table 48.
Operating Mode High-speed Oscillator Low-speed Oscillator Digital Voltage
Regulator CPU
A None ANone
B High speed XOSC BLow power RCOSC
Active B and / or C B or C On Running
PM0 B and / or C B or C On Idle
PM1 A B or C On Idle
PM2 A B or C Off Idle
PM3 A A Off Idle
Table 48: Operating Modes
Active mode: The full functional mode. The
voltage regulator to the digital core is on and
either the high speed RC oscillator or the high
speed crystal oscillator or both are running.
Either the Low power RC oscillator or the
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is running.
PM0: Same as active mode, but the CPU is
idle, meaning that no code is being executed.
PM1: The voltage regulator to the digital part is
on. Neither the high speed crystal oscillator nor
the high speed RC oscillator is running. Either
the low power RC oscillator or the 32.768 kHz
crystal oscillator is running. The system will go
to active mode on reset or an external interrupt
or when the Sleep Timer expires.
PM2: The voltage regulator to the digital core
is turned off. Neither the high speed crystal
oscillator nor the high speed RC oscillator is
running. Either the low power RC oscillator or
the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is running.
The system will go to active mode on reset or
an external interrupt or when the Sleep Timer
expires. The
will lose all USB state
information when PM2 is entered. Thus, PM2
should not be used with USB.
PM3: The voltage regulator to the digital core
is turned off. None of the oscillators are
running. The system will go to active mode on
reset or an external interrupt. The
lose all USB state information when PM3 is
entered. Thus, PM3 should not be used with
When an external interrupt occurs in PM1,
PM2, or PM3, or a Sleep Timer interrupt occur
in PM1 and PM2, active mode will be entered
and the code will start executing from where it
entered PM1/2/(3). Any enabled interrupt will
take the device from PM0 to active mode, and
also in this case the code will start executing
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from where it entered PM0. A reset, however,
will take the chip from any of the four power
modes to active mode, but the code will start
executing from the start of the program.
13.1.2 Active Mode and Power Modes
The different operating modes are described in
detail in the five following sections. Active Mode
This is the full functional mode of operation
where the CPU, peripherals, and RF
transceiver are active. The voltage regulator to
the digital core is on and either the high speed
RC oscillator or the high speed crystal
oscillator or both are running together with
either the Low power RC oscillator or the
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. PM0
If the PCON.IDLE bit is set to 1 while in active
mode, the CPU will be idle (clock gated) until
any interrupt occur. All other peripherals will
function as normal while the CPU is halted. PM1
In PM1, the high speed oscillators (high speed
XOSC and HS RCOSC) are powered down
thereby halting the CPU and peripherals. The
digital voltage regulator, the power-on reset,
external interrupts, the low power RC oscillator
or the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and Sleep
Timer peripherals are active. I/O pins retain the
I/O mode and output value set before entering
PM1. When PM1 is entered, a power down
sequence is run.
PM1 is used when the expected time until a
wakeup event is relatively short since PM1
uses a fast power down/up sequence. PM2
PM2 has the second lowest power
consumption. In PM2, the power-on reset,
external interrupts, the low power RC oscillator
or the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and Sleep
Timer peripherals are active. I/O pins retain the
I/O mode and output value set before entering
PM2. The content of RAM and most registers
is preserved in this mode (see Table 31, Table
32, and Table 33). All other internal circuits are
powered down. When PM2 is entered, a power
down sequence is run.
PM2 is typically entered when using the Sleep
Timer as the wakeup event. Please see
Section 13.8.1 for minimum sleep time when
using the Sleep Timer. PM3
In PM3 the internal voltage regulator and all
oscillators are turned off.
This power mode is used to achieve the
operating mode with the lowest power
consumption. In PM3 all internal circuits that
are powered from internal voltage regulators
are turned off.
Reset (POR, or external) and external I/O port
interrupts are the only functions that are
operating in this mode. I/O pins retain the I/O
mode and output value set before entering
PM3. A reset or external interrupt condition will
wake the device and make it enter active
mode. The content of RAM and registers is
preserved in this mode. PM3 uses the same
power down/up sequence as PM2.
PM3 is used to achieve ultra low power
consumption when waiting for an external
When entering active mode from PM1, PM2, or
PM3, the high-speed oscillators, which where
running when entering PM{1_3}, are started. If
the high speed crystal oscillator is selected as
source for the system clock (CLKCON.OSC=0),
the system clock will use the HS RCOSC as
clock source until the high speed crystal
oscillator is stable (SLEEP.XOSC_STB=1).
13.1.3 Power Management Control
The required power mode is selected by the
SLEEP.MODE setting. Setting the IDLE bit in
the PCON SFR after setting the MODE bits,
makes the
enter the
selected power mode. The following procedure
must be followed to be able to safely put the
device into one of the power modes PM{1-3}:
An interrupt from port pins or Sleep Timer (not
PM3), or a power-on reset will wake the device
and bring it into active mode by resetting the
MODE bits and clear the IDLE bit. Since an
interrupt can occur before the device has
// Pseudo Code
If (SLEEP_MODE != 0)
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actually entered PM{1-3}, it is necessary to
clear the MODE bits before returning from all
ISRs associated with interrupts that can be
used to wake the device from PM{1-3}. It
should be noted that all port interrupts and
Sleep Timer interrupt are blocked when
SLEEP.MODE is different from 00, thus the time
between setting SLEEP.MODE 0 and
asserting PCON.IDLE should be as short as
possible. The SLEEP.MODE will be cleared to
00 by HW when power mode is entered, thus
interrupts are enabled during power modes. All
interrupts not to be used to wake up from PM
modes must be disabled before setting
13.1.4 Power Management Registers
This section describes the Power Management
registers. All register bits retain their previous
values when entering PM2 or PM3 unless
otherwise stated.
PCON (0x87) – Power Mode Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 0 R/W Not used
1 0 R0/W1 Reserved. Must be set to 0. Failure to do so will stop CPU from operating.
0 IDLE 0 R0/W1
Power mode control. Writing a 1 to this bit forces
to enter
the power mode set by SLEEP.MODE. This bit is always read as 0.
All interrupt requests will clear this bit and
will reenter active
Note: See Section 13.1.3 for details on how this bit should be used.
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SLEEP (0xBE) – Sleep Mode Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
USB Enable (
). This bit is unused for
0 Disable (Setting this bit to 0 will reset the USB controller)
1 Enable
7 USB_EN 0 R/W
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
High speed crystal oscillator (fXOSC) stable status
0 Oscillator is not powered up or not yet stable
1 Oscillator is powered up and stable
High speed RC oscillator (HS RCOSC) stable status
0 Oscillator is not powered up or not yet stable
1 Oscillator is powered up and stable
Status bit indicating the cause of the last reset. If there are multiple resets, the
register will only contain the last event.
00 Power-on reset or Brown-out reset
01 External reset
4:3 RST[1:0] XX R
10 Watchdog timer reset
High speed XOSC and HS RCOSC power down setting. The bit is cleared if
the CLKCON.OSC bit is toggled. If there is a calibration in progress and the
CPU attempts to set this bit, the bit will be updated at the end of calibration.
0 Both oscillators powered up
2 OSC_PD 1 R/W
1 Oscillator not selected by CLKCON.OSC bit powered down
Power mode setting
00 PM0
01 PM1
10 PM2
11 PM3
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
These bits will be set to 00 when entering PM{1-3}.
Note: It is necessary to clear the MODE bits before returning from all ISRs
associated with interrupts that can be used to wake the device from PM{1-3}.
See Section 13.1.3 for details
13.1.5 Oscillators and Clocks
has one internal
system clock. The source for the system clock
can be either a high speed RC oscillator or a
high speed crystal oscillator. The crystal
oscillator for
operates at 24 - 27 MHz
while the crystal oscillator for
operates at 48 MHz. The 24 - 27 MHz clock is
used directly as the system clock for
, the 48 MHz clock is used by the
USB Controller only while a derived 24 MHz
clock is used as the system clock. The source
for the system clock is selected by the
There is also one 32 kHz clock source that can
either be a low power RCOSC or a 32.768 kHz
crystal oscillator. This is controlled by the
The choice of oscillator allows a trade-off
between high-accuracy in the case of the
crystal oscillator and low power consumption
when the RC oscillator is used. Note that
operation of the RF transceiver requires that
the high speed crystal oscillator is used.
Note: The high speed crystal oscillator
must be stable (SLEEP.XOSC_STB=1)
before usin
the rad
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Two high speed oscillators are present in the
High speed crystal oscillator (24 – 27
MHz for
and 48 MHz for
High speed RC oscillator (12 – 13.5
MHz for
and 12 MHz for
The high speed crystal oscillator startup time
may be too long for some applications, and the
device can therefore run on the high speed
RCOSC until the crystal oscillator is stable.
The HS RCOSC consumes less power than
the crystal oscillator, but since it is not as
accurate as the crystal oscillator it can not be
used for RF transceiver operation.
The CLKCON.OSC bit selects the source of the
system clock (high speed crystal oscillator or
high speed RC oscillator). The system clock
will not change clock source before the
selected clock source is stable (indicated by
The oscillator not selected as the system clock
source, will be set in power-down mode by
setting SLEEP.OSC_PD to 1 (the default state).
Thus the HS RCOSC may be turned off when
the high speed crystal oscillator has been
selected as system clock source and vice
versa. When SLEEP.OSC_PD is 0, both
oscillators are powered up and running. Be
aware that SLEEP.OSC_PD is cleared if the
CLKCON.OSC bit is toggled.
When the high speed crystal oscillator is
selected as system clock source
(CLKCON.OSC is set to 0), the HS RCOSC will
be calibrated once. If SLEEP.OSC_PD=0, the
HS RCOSC will run on the calibrated value
once the calibration is completed (see Table
15 for initial calibration time). If
SLEEP.OSC_PD=1, the HS RCOSC will be
turned off after calibration, but the calibration
value will be stored and used when the HS
RCOSC is started again. In order to calibrate
the HS RCOSC regularly (if so found
necessary based on the drift parameters listed
in Table 15) one should switch between using
the HS RCOSC and the high speed crystal
oscillator as system clock source.
If CLKCON.OSC is set to 0 when entering
PM{1-3}, the HS RCOSC will be calibrated
once when returning to active mode. System clock speed and radio
When the radio is to be used the system must
run on HS XOSC. The RF part will be
unaffected by the CLKCON.CLKSPD setting.
There is however parts of the RF core that
runs on the system clock affected by and this
will cause limitations in manageable data rates
in RF link. These limitations are summarized in
Table 49 below. Note that these numbers does
not apply for FEC usage. Using FEC requires
CLKCON.CLKSPD to be 000.
CLKCON Maksimum datarate, kBaud
000 500 250 500
001 500 250 500
010 500 250 500
011 500 250 500
100 400 250 400
101 200 200 200
110 100 100 100
111 50 50 50
Table 49: System clock speed VS data rate Low Speed Oscillators (32 kHz clock
Two low speed oscillators are present in the
Low speed crystal oscillator (32.768
Low power RC oscillator (32 – 36 kHz
and 32 kHz for
The low speed crystal oscillator is designed to
operate at 32.768 kHz and provide a stable
clock signal for systems requiring time
accuracy. The low power RC oscillator run at
fXOSC / 750 for
and fXOSC / 1500 for
, when calibrated. The calibration can
only take place when the high speed crystal
oscillator is enabled and stable. The low power
RC oscillator should be used to reduce cost
and power consumption compared to the
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator solution. The two
low speed oscillators can not be operated
By default, after a reset, the low power RC
oscillator is enabled and selected as the 32
kHz clock source. The RC oscillator consumes
less power, but is less accurate than the
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32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. Refer to 7.5 and
7.6 for characteristics of these oscillators.
The CLKCON.OSC32K bit selects the source of
the 32 kHz clock. This bit must only be
changed while using the HS RCOSC as the
system clock source. When the high speed
crystal oscillator is selected and it is stable, i.e.
SLEEP.XOSC_STB is 1, calibration of the low
power RC oscillator is continuously performed.
This calibration is only performed in active
mode and PM0. The result of the calibration is
a RC clock running at 32 – 36 kHz for
and 32 kHz for
The low power RC oscillator calibration may
take up to 2 ms to complete. The ongoing
calibration must be completed before entering
PM1 or PM2.
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CLKCON (0xC6) – Clock Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
32 kHz clock oscillator select. The HS RCOSC must be selected as system clock
source when this bit is to be changed.
0 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator
1 Low power RC oscillator (32 – 36 kHz for
and 32 kHz for
7 OSC32K 1 R/W
Note: This bit is not retained in PM2 and PM3. After re-entry to active mode from
one of these power modes this bit will be at the reset value 1.
System clock oscillator select.
0 High speed crystal oscillator
1 HS RC oscillator
6 OSC 1 R/W
This setting will only take effect when the selected oscillator is powered up and
stable. If the high speed crystal oscillator is not powered up, it should be enabled
by setting SLEEP.OSC_PD to 0 prior to selecting it as source. If the HS RCOSC
is to be the source and it is powered down, setting this bit will turn it on.
Timer ticks output setting. The value of TICKSPD cannot be higher than CLKSPD.
HS XOSC used as clock source
for system clock
Calibrated HS RCOSC used as
clock source for system clock
000 fRef 26 MHz* NA NA
001 fRef /2 13 MHz* fRef /2 13 MHz
010 fRef /4 6.5 MHz* fRef
4 6.5 MHz
011 fRef /8 3.25 MHz* fRef
8 3.25 MHz
100 fRef /16 1.625 MHz* fRef
16 1.625 MHz
101 fRef /32 812.5 kHz* fRef
32 812.5 kHz
110 fRef /64 406.25 kHz* fRef /64 406.25 kHz
111 fRef /128 203.125 kHz* fRef /128 203.125 kHz
5:3 TICKSPD[2:0] 001 R/W
fRef = fxosc for
and fRef = fxosc/2 for
Numbers above are for
with fxosc = 26 MHz
Clock speed setting. When a new CLKSPD value is written, the new setting is
read when the clock has changed.
HS XOSC used as clock source
for system clock
Calibrated HS RCOSC used as
clock source for system clock
000 fRef 26 MHz NA NA
001 fRef /2 13 MHz fRef /2 13 MHz
010 fRef /4 6.5 MHz fRef /4 6.5 MHz
011 fRef /8 3.25 MHz fRef /8 3.25 MHz
100 fRef /16 1.625 MHz fRef /16 1.625 MHz
101 fRef /32 812.5 kHz fRef /32 812.5 kHz
110 fRef /64 406.25 kHz fRef /64 406.25 kHz
111 fRef /128 203.125 kHz fRef /128 203.125 kHz
2:0 CLKSPD[2:0] 001 R/W
fRef = fxosc for
and fRef = fxosc/2 for
Numbers above are for
with fxosc = 26 MHz
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13.1.6 Timer Tick Generation
The power management controller generates
a tick or enable signal for the peripheral
timers, thus acting as a prescaler for the
timers. This is a global clock division for Timer
1, Timer 2, Timer 3, and Timer 4. The tick
speed is programmed from 0.203 to 26 MHz
assuming a 26 MHz crystal or
from 0.1875 to 24 MHz for
by setting
the CLKCON.TICKSPD register appropriately.
13.1.7 Data Retention
In PM2 and PM3, power is removed from most
of the internal circuitry. However, parts of
SRAM will retain its contents. The content of
internal registers is also retained in PM2 and
PM3, with some exceptions (see Table 31,
Table 32, and Table 33).
The XDATA memory locations 0xF000-
0xFFFF (4096 bytes) retain data in PM2 and
PM3. Please note the following exception:
The XDATA memory locations 0xFDA2-
0xFEFF (350 bytes) will lose all data when
PM2 or PM3 is entered. These locations will
contain undefined data when active mode is
The registers which retain their contents are
the CPU registers, peripheral registers and RF
registers, unless otherwise specified for a
given register bit field. Switching to power
modes PM2 and PM3 appears transparent to
software with the following exception:
Watchdog timer 15-bit counter is reset
to 0x0000 when entering PM2 or PM3
13.1.8 I/O and Radio
I/O port pins P1_0 and P1_1 do not have
internal pull-up/pull-down resistors. These pins
should therefore be set as outputs or pulled
high/low externally to avoid leakage current.
To save power, the radio should be turned off
when it is not used.
13.2 Reset
has four reset sources.
The following events generate a reset:
Forcing RESET_N input pin low
A power-on reset condition
A brown-out reset condition
Watchdog timer reset condition
The initial conditions after a reset are as
I/O pins are configured as inputs with
pull-up, except P1_0 and P1_1.
CPU program counter is loaded with
0x0000 and program execution starts at
this address
All peripheral registers are initialized to
their reset values (refer to register
Watchdog timer is disabled
13.2.1 Power On Reset and Brown Out
includes a Power On
Reset (POR) providing correct initialization
during device power-on. Also included is a
Brown Out Detector (BOD) operating on the
regulated 1.8 V digital power supply only, The
BOD will protect the memory contents during
supply voltage variations which cause the
regulated 1.8 V power to drop below the
minimum level required by flash memory and
When power is initially applied to the
the Power On Reset (POR)
and Brown Out Detector (BOD) will hold the
device in reset state until the supply voltage
reaches above the Power On Reset and
Brown Out voltages.
Figure 18 shows the POR/BOD operation with
the 1.8V (typical) regulated supply voltage
together with the active low reset signals
BOD_RESET and POR_RESET shown in the
bottom of the figure (note that these signals
are not available but are included on the figure
for illustration purposes).
The cause of the last reset can read from the
register bits SLEEP.RST. It should be noted
that a BOD reset will be read as a POR reset.
Note: CLKCON.TICKSPD cannot be set
higher than CLKCON.CLKSPD.
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Figure 18: Power-On-Reset and Brown Out Detector Operation
13.3 Flash Controller
contains 8, 16 or 32 KB
flash memory for storage of program code.
The flash memory is programmable from the
user software and through the debug interface.
See Table 27 on Page 31 for flash memory
size options.
The Flash Controller handles writing to the
embedded flash memory and erasing of the
same memory. The embedded flash memory
consists of 8, 16, or 32 pages (each page is
1024 bytes) depending on the total flash size.
The Flash Controller has the following
16-bit word programmable
Page erase
Lock bits for write-protection and code
Flash page erase time: 20 ms
Flash chip erase time: 200 ms
Flash write time (2 bytes): 20 µs
Auto power-down during low-frequency
CPU clock read access (divided clock
13.3.1 Flash Memory Organization
The flash memory is divided into 8, 16, or 32
flash pages consisting of 1 KB each. A flash
page is the smallest erasable unit in the
memory, while a 16-bit word is the smallest
writable unit that may be addressed through
the Flash Controller.
When performing write operations, the flash
memory is word-addressable using a 14-bit
address written to the address registers
When performing page erase operations, the
flash memory page to be erased is addressed
through the register bits FADDRH[5:1].
Note the difference in addressing the flash
memory; when accessed by the CPU to read
code or data, the flash memory is byte-
addressable. When accessed by the Flash
Controller, the flash memory is word-
addressable, where a word consists of 16 bits.
The next sections describe the procedures for
flash write and flash page erase in detail.
13.3.2 Flash Write
Data is written to the flash memory by using a
program command initiated by writing a 1 to
FCTL.WRITE. Flash write operations can
program any number of words in the flash
memory, single words or block of words in
sequence starting at the address set by
FADDRH:FADDRL. A bit in a word can be
change from 1 to 0, but not from 0 - 1 (writing a
1 to a bit that is 0 will be ignored). The only
way to change a 0 to a 1 is by doing a page
erase or chip erase through the debug
interface, as the erased bits are set to 1.
A write operation is performed using one out of
two methods;
Through DMA transfer
Through CPU SFR access
The DMA transfer method is the preferred way
to write to the flash memory.
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A write operation is initiated by writing a 1 to
FCTL.WRITE. The address to start writing at is
given by FADDRH:FADDRL. During each single
write operation FCTL.SWBSY is set high.
During a write operation, the data written to the
FWDATA register is forwarded to the flash
memory. The flash memory is 16-bit word-
programmable, meaning data is written as 16-
bit words. The first byte written to FWDATA is
the LSB of the 16-bit word. The actual writing
to flash memory takes place each time two
bytes have been written to FWDATA, meaning
that the number of bytes written to flash must
be a multiple of two.
0x0000 0x0001
0x03FE 0x03FF
0x0800 0x0801
Figure 19: Flash Address (in unified memory
When accessed by the Flash Controller, the
flash memory is word-addressable. Each page
in flash consists of 512 words, addressed
through FADDRH[0]:FADDRL[7:0].
FADDRH[5:1] is used to indicate the page
number. That means that if one wants to write
to the byte in flash mapped to address 0x0BFE
(see Figure 19), FADDRH:FADDRL should be
0x05FF (page 2, word 511).
The CPU will not be able to access the flash,
e.g. to read program code, while a flash write
operation is in progress. Therefore the
program code executing the flash write must
be executed from RAM, meaning that the
program code must reside in the area 0xF000
to 0xFEFF in CODE memory space (unified).
When using the DMA to write to flash, the code
can be executed from within flash memory.
When a flash write operation is executed from
RAM, the CPU continues to execute code from
the next instruction after initiation of the flash
write operation (FCTL.WRITE=1).
The FCTL.SWBSY bit must be 0 before
accessing the flash after a flash write,
otherwise an access violation occurs. This
means that FCTL.SWBSY must be 0 before
program execution can continue from a
location in flash memory. DMA Flash Write
When using the DMA to write to flash, the data
to be written is stored in the XDATA memory
space (RAM or flash). A DMA channel should
be configured to have the location of the stored
data as source address and the Flash Write
Data register, FWDATA, as the destination
address. The DMA trigger event FLASH
should be selected (TRIG[4:0]=10010).
Please see Section 13.5 for more details
regarding DMA operation. Thus the Flash
Controller will trigger a DMA transfer when the
Flash Write Data register, FWDATA, is ready to
receive new data.
When the DMA channel is armed, starting a
flash write by setting FCTL.WRITE to 1 will
trigger the first DMA transfer.
Figure 20 shows an example on how a DMA
channel is configured and how a DMA transfer
is initiated to write a block of data from a
location in XDATA to flash memory.
The DMA channel should be configured to
operate in single transfer mode, the transfer
count should be equal the size of the data
block to be transferred (must be a multiple of
2), and each transfer should be a byte. Source
address should be incremented by one for
each transfer, while the destination address
should be fixed.
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Figure 20: Flash Write Using DMA
When performing DMA flash write while
executing code from within flash memory, the
instruction that triggers the first DMA trigger
event FLASH (TRIG[4:0]=10010) must be
aligned on a 2-byte boundary. Figure 21 shows
an example of code that correctly aligns the
instruction for triggering DMA (Note that this
code is IAR specific). The code below is
shown for
, but will also work for
if the include file is being replaced by
; Write flash and generate FLASH DMA trigger
; Code is executed from flash memory
#include “ioCC2510.h”
MODULE flashDmaTrigger.s51
PUBLIC halFlashDmaTrigger
FUNCTION halFlashDmaTrigger, 0203H
ORL FCTL, #0x02;
Figure 21: DMA Flash Write Executed from within Flash Memory CPU Flash Write
The CPU can also write directly to the flash
when executing program code from RAM using
unified memory space. The CPU writes data to
the Flash Write Data register, FWDATA. The
flash memory is written each time two bytes
have been written to FWDATA, if a write has
been enabled by setting FCTL.WRITE to 1.
The CPU can poll the FCTL.SWBSY status to
determine when the flash is ready for two new
bytes to be written to FWDATA.
Note that there exist a timeout period of 40 µs
for writing one flash word to FWDATA, thus
writing two bytes to the FWDATA register has
to end within 40 µs after FCTL.SWBSY went
low and also within 40 µs after a write has
been initiated by writing a 1 to FCTL.WRITE
(see Figure 23). Failure to do so will clear the
FCTL.BYSY bit. FADDRH:FADDRL will contain
the address of the location where write
operation failed. A new write operation can be
started by setting FCTL.WRITE to 1 again and
write two bytes to FWDATA. If one wants to do
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the whole write operation over again and not
just start from where it failed, one has to erase
the page, writing the start address to
to 1 (see Section 13.3.3).
The steps required to start a CPU flash write
operation are shown in Figure 22. Note that
code must be run from RAM in unified memory
Disable interrupts
Setup FCTL, FWT,
Write two bytes to
FCTL.SWBSY=1? Transfer
Figure 22: CPU Flash Write Executed from RAM
40 µs
Write two bytes
(D0 and D1)
Write two bytes
40 µs 40 µs
Write two bytes
Write D0 and D1 to
flash addres n
Write D2 and D3 to
flash address n + 1
Write D4 and D5 to
flash address n + 2
Write operation failed due
to a timeout.
Figure 23. Flash Write Timeout
13.3.3 Flash Page Erase
After a flash page erase, all bytes in the
erased page are set to 1.
A page erase is initiated by setting
FCTL.ERASE to 1. The page addressed by
FADDRH[5:1] is erased when a page erase is
initiated. Note that if a page erase is initiated
simultaneously with a page write, i.e.
FCTL.WRITE is set to 1, the page erase will be
performed before the page write operation.
The FCTL.BUSY bit can be polled to see when
the page erase has completed.
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The steps required to perform a flash page
erase from within flash memory are outlined in
Figure 24.
Note that, while executing program code from
within flash memory, when a flash erase or
write operation is initiated, program execution
will resume from the next instruction when the
Flash Controller has completed the operation.
The flash erase operation requires that the
instruction that starts the erase i.e. writing to
FCTL.ERASE is followed by a NOP instruction
as shown in the example code. Omitting the
NOP instruction after the flash erase operation
will lead to undefined behavior.
Figure 24: Flash Page Erase Performed from Flash Memory
13.3.4 Flash DMA trigger
When the DMA channel is armed and the
FLASH trigger selected TRIG[4:0]=10010,
starting a flash write by setting FCTL.WRITE
to 1 will trigger the first DMA transfer. The
following DMA transfers will be triggered by
the Flash Controller when the Flash Write
Data register, FWDATA, is ready to receive new
13.3.5 Flash Write Timing
The Flash Controller contains a timing
generator, which controls the timing sequence
of flash write and erase operations. The timing
generator uses the information set in the Flash
Write Timing register, FWT.FWT[5:0], to set
the internal timing. FWT.FWT[5:0] must be
set to a value according to the currently
selected system clock frequency.
The value used for FWT.FWT[5:0] is given by
the following equation:
21000 F
where F is the system clock frequency. The
initial value held in FWT.FWT[5:0] after a
reset is 0x11, which corresponds to 13 MHz
system clock frequency (calibrated HS
RCOSC frequency for
when using a
26 MHz XOSC).
13.3.6 Flash Controller Registers
The Flash Controller registers are described in
this section.
; Erase page 1 in flash memory
; Assumes 26 MHz system clock is used
CLR EA ; Mask interrupts
C1: MOV A,FCTL ; Wait until flash controller is ready
MOV FADDRH,#02h ; Setup flash address (FADDRH[5:1] = 1)
MOV FWT,#2Ah ; Setup flash timing
MOV FCTL,#01h ; Erase page
NOP ; Must always execute a NOP after erase
RET ; Continues here when flash is ready
Note: If flash erase operations are
performed from within flash memory and
the watchdog timer is enabled, a watchdog
timer interval must be selected that is
longer than 20 ms, the duration of the flash
page erase operation, so that the CPU will
manage to clear the watchdog timer.
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FCTL (0xAE) – Flash Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 BUSY 0 R Indicates that write or erase is in operation when set to 1
6 SWBSY 0 R Indicates that a flash write is in progress. This byte is set to 1 after two bytes
has been written to FWDATA.
Do not write to FWDATA register while this bit is set.
5 - R0 Not used
Continuous read enable
0 Disable. To avoid wasting power, continuous read should only be
enabled when needed
1 Enable. Reduces internal switching of read enables, but greatly
increases power consumption.
3:2 - R0 Not used
1 WRITE 0 R0/W When set to 1, a program command used to write data to flash memory is
If ERASE is set to 1at the same time as this bit is set to 1, a page erase of the
whole page addressed by FADDRH[6:1] is performed before the write.
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
0 ERASE 0 R0/W
Page Erase. Erase page given by FADDRH[5:1].
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
FWDATA (0xAF) – Flash Write Data
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FWDATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W If FCTL.WRITE is set to 1, writing two bytes in a row to this register starts the
actual writing to flash memory. FCTL.SWBSY will be 1 during the actual flash
FADDRH (0xAD) – Flash Address High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
5:0 FADDRH[6:0] 000000 R/W Page address / High byte of flash word address
Bits 5:1 will select which page to access.
FADDRL (0xAC) – Flash Address Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FADDRL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Low byte of flash address
FWT (0xAB) – Flash Write Timing
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 0 R/W Not used
5:0 FWT[5:0] 0x11 R/W Flash Write Timing. Controls flash timing generator.
21000 F
=, where F is the system clock frequency (see Section
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13.4 I/O Ports
Note: P0_6 and P0_7 do not exist on
has 19 digital input/output pins
available and the ADC inputs A6 and A7 can
not be used. Apart from this, all information in
this section applies to both
. For all registers in this section, an x
in the register name can be replaced by 0, 1,
or, 2, referring to the port number, if nothing
else is stated.
has 21 digital input/output pins
that can be configured as general purpose
digital I/O or as peripheral I/O signals
connected to the ADC, Timers, I2S, or USART
peripherals. The usage of the I/O ports is fully
configurable from user software through a set
of configuration registers.
The I/O ports have the following key features:
21 digital input/output pins
General purpose I/O or peripheral I/O
Pull-up or pull-down capability on inputs,
except on P1_0 and P1_1.
External interrupt capability
The external interrupt capability is available on
all 21 I/O pins. Thus, external devices may
generate interrupts if required. The external
interrupt feature can also be used to wake up
from all four power modes (PM{0-3}).
13.4.1 General Purpose I/O
When used as general purpose I/O, the pins
are organized as three 8-bit ports, port 0, 1,
and 2, denoted P0, P1, and P2. P0 and P1 are
complete 8-bit wide ports while P2 has only
five usable bits (P2_0 to P2_4). All ports are
both bit- and byte addressable through the
SFRs P0, P1 and P2. Each port pin can
individually be set to operate as a general
purpose I/O or as a peripheral I/O.
To use a port as a general purpose I/O pin the
pin must first be configured. The registers
PxSEL are used to configure each pin in a port
either as a general purpose I/O pin or as a
peripheral I/O signal. All digital input/output
pins are configured as general-purpose I/O
pins by default.
By default, all general-purpose I/O pins are
configured as inputs. To change the direction
of a port pin, at any time, the registers PxDIR
are used to set each port pin to be either an
input or an output. Thus by setting the
appropriate bit within PxDIR to 1, the
corresponding pin becomes an output.
When reading the port registers P0, P1, and
P2, the logic values on the input pins are
returned regardless of the pin configuration.
This does not apply during the execution of
read-modify-write instructions. The read-
modify-write instructions are: ANL, ORL, XRL,
or SETB. Operating on a port registers the
following is true: When the destination is an
individual bit in a port register P0, P1 or P2 the
value of the register, not the value on the pin,
is read, modified, and written back to the port
When used as an input, the general purpose
I/O port pins can be configured to have a pull-
up, pull-down, or tri-state mode of operation.
By default, inputs are configured as inputs with
pull-up. To de-select the pull-up/pull-down
function on an input the appropriate bit within
the PxINP must be set to 1. The I/O port pins
P1_0 and P1_1 do not have pull-up/pull-down
In PM1, PM2, and PM3 the I/O pins retain the
I/O mode and output value (if applicable) that
was set when PM1/2/3 was entered.
13.4.2 Unused I/O Pins
Unused I/O pins should have a defined level
and not be left floating. One way to do this is
to leave the pin unconnected and configure
the pin as a general purpose I/O input with
pull-up resistor. This is the default state of all
pins after reset except for P1_0 and P1_1
which do not have pull-up/pull-down resistors
(note that only P2_2 has pull-up during reset).
Alternatively the pin can be configured as a
general purpose I/O output. In both cases the
pin should not be connected directly to VDD or
GND in order to avoid excessive power
13.4.3 Low I/O Supply Voltage
In applications where the digital I/O power
supply voltage pin DVDD is below 2.6 V, the
register bit PICTL.PADSC should be set to 1
in order to obtain output DC characteristics
specified in Section 7.16.
Note: P1_0 and P1_1 have LED driving
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13.4.4 General Purpose I/O Interrupts
General purpose I/O pins configured as inputs
can be used to generate interrupts. The
interrupts can be configured to trigger on
either a rising or falling edge of the external
signal. Each of the P0, P1 and P2 ports have
separate interrupt enable bits common for all
bits within the port located in the IENx
registers as follows:
IEN1.P0IE : P0 interrupt enable
IEN2.P1IE : P1 interrupt enable
IEN2.P2IE : P2 interrupt enable
In addition to these common interrupt enables,
the bits within each port have interrupt enable
bits located in I/O port SFRs. Each bit within
P1 has an individual interrupt enable bit,
P1_xIEN, where x is 0 - 7, located in the
P1IEN register. For P0, the low-order nibble
and the high-order nibble have their individual
interrupt enables, P0IENL and P0IENH
respectively, found in the PICTL register. For
the P2_0 – P2_4 inputs there is a common
interrupt enable, P2IEN, in the PICTL
When an interrupt condition occurs on one of
the general purpose I/O pins, the
corresponding interrupt status flag in the P0 -
P2 interrupt status flag registers, P0IFG ,
P1IFG, or P2IFG will be set to 1. The
interrupt status flag is set regardless of
whether the pin has its interrupt enable set.
The CPU interrupt flags located in IRCON2 for
P1 and P2, and IRCON for P0, will only be
asserted if one or more of the interrupt enable
bits found in P1IEN (P1) and PICTL (P0 and
P2) are set to 1. Note that the module interrupt
flag needs to be cleared prior to clearing the
CPU interrupt flag.
The SFRs used for I/O interrupts are
described in Section 11.5 on Page 58. The
registers are the following:
P1IEN: P1 interrupt enables
PICTL: P0/P2 interrupt enables and P0,
P1, and P2 edge configuration
P0IFG: P0 interrupt status flags
P1IFG: P1 interrupt status flags
P2IFG: P2 interrupt status flags
13.4.5 General Purpose I/O DMA
When used as general purpose I/O pins, the
P0_1 and P1_3 pins are each associated with
one DMA trigger. These DMA triggers are
IOC_0 for P0_1 and IOC_1 for P1_3 as shown
in Table 51 on Page 105.
The IOC_0 DMA trigger is activated when
there is a rising edge on P0_1
(P0SEL.SELP0_1 and P0DIR.P0_1 must be
0) and IOC_1 is activated when there is a
falling edge on P1_3 (P1SEL.SELP1_3 and
P1DIR.P1_3 must be 0). Note that only input
transitions on pins configured as general
purpose I/O, inputs will produce a DMA trigger.
13.4.6 Peripheral I/O
This section describes how the digital
input/output pins are configured as peripheral
I/Os. For each peripheral unit that can
interface with an external system through the
digital input/output pins, a description of how
peripheral I/Os are configured is given in the
following sub-sections.
In general, setting the appropriate PxSEL bits
to 1 is required to select peripheral I/O function
on a digital I/O pin.
Note that peripheral units have two alternative
locations for their I/O pins. Please see Table
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Periphery /
P0 P1 P2
712 612 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0
ADC A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
C SS M0 MI USART0 Alt. 1
MI M0 C SS USART1 Alt. 1
SPI Alt. 2 MI M0 C SS
2 1 0 TIMER1 Alt. 1
Alt. 2 0 1 2
1 0 TIMER3 Alt. 1
Alt. 2 1 0
1 0 TIMER4 Alt. 1
Alt. 2 1 0
CK WS RX TX I2S Alt. 1
Alt. 2 CK WS RX TX
32.768 kHz
Q2 Q1
Table 50: Peripheral I/O Pin Mapping USART0
The SFR bit PERCFG.U0CFG selects whether
to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the USART0 signals are shown
as follows:
P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of
precedence when assigning two peripherals to
the same pin location on P0. When set to 00,
USART0 has precedence if both USART0 and
USART1 are assigned to the same pins. Note
that if USART0 is configured to operate in
UART mode with hardware flow control
disabled, USART1 or timer 1 will have
precedence to use ports P0_4 and P0_5. It is
the user’s responsibility to not assign more
than two peripherals to the same pin locations,
as P2DIR.PRIP0 will not give a conclusive
order of precedence if more than two
peripherals are in conflict on a pin.
P2SEL.PRI1P1, and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select
the order of precedence when assigning two,
and in some cases three, peripherals to P1.
An example is if both the USARTs are assign
to P1 together with Timer 1 (channel 2, 1, and
0). By setting both PRI3P1 and PRI0P1 to 0,
USART0 will have precedence. Note that if
USART0 is configured to operate in UART
mode with hardware flow control disabled,
USART1 can still use P1_7 and P1_6, while
Timer 1 can use P1_2, P1_1, and P1_0. Also
on P1 it is the user’s responsibility to make
sure that there is a conclusive order of
precedence based on the PERCFG and P2SEL
settings. USART1
The SFR bit PERCFG.U1CFG selects whether
to use alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the USART1 signals are shown
as follows:
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P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of
precedence when assigning two peripherals to
the same pin location on P0. When set to 01,
USART1 has precedence if both USART0 and
USART1 are assigned to the same pins. Note
that if USART1 is configured to operate in
UART mode with hardware flow control
disabled, USART0 or timer 1 will have
precedence to use ports P0_3 and P0_2. It is
the user’s responsibility to not assign more
than two peripherals to the same pin locations,
as P2DIR.PRIP0 will not give a conclusive
order of precedence if more than two
peripherals are in conflict on a pin.
P2SEL.PRI1P1, and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select
the order of precedence when assigning two,
and in some cases three, peripherals to P1. By
setting PRI3P1 to 1 and PRI2P1 to 0,
USART1 will have precedence over both
USART0 and Timer 3. However, if USART1 is
configured to operate in UART mode with
hardware flow control disabled, there will be a
conflict on P1_4 between USART0 and Timer
3 (channel 1), which the P2SEL register
settings do not solve. It is the user’s
responsibility to avoid configurations where the
order of precedence is not conclusive. Timer 1
PERCFG.T1CFG selects whether to use
alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the Timer 1 signals are shown as
Channel 0 capture/compare pin: 0
Channel 1 capture/compare pin: 1
Channel 2 capture/compare pin: 2
P2DIR.PRIP0 selects the order of
precedence when assigning two peripherals to
the same pin location on P0. When set to 10
or 11, Timer 1 has precedence over USART1
and USART0 respectively. It is the user’s
responsibility to not assign more than two
peripherals to the same pin locations
P2SEL.PRI1P1, and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select
the order of precedence when assigning two,
and in some cases three, peripherals to P1.
When P2SEL.PRI1P1 = 0 and
P2SEL.PRI0P1 = 1, Timer 1 has precedence
over Timer 4 and USART0 respectively. It is
the user’s responsibility to avoid configurations
where the order of precedence is not
conclusive. Timer 3
PERCFG.T3CFG selects whether to use
alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the Timer 3 signals are shown as
Channel 0 compare pin: 0
Channel 1 compare pin: 1
P2SEL.PRI1P1, and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select
the order of precedence when assigning two,
and in some cases three, peripherals to P1.
Setting P2SEL.PRI2P1 = 1 gives Timer 3
precedence over USART1. It is the user’s
responsibility to avoid configurations where the
order of precedence is not conclusive. Timer 4
PERCFG.T4CFG selects whether to use
alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the Timer 4 signals are shown as
Channel 0 compare pin: 0
Channel 1 compare pin: 1
P2SEL.PRI1P1, and P2SEL.PRI0P1 select
the order of precedence when assigning two,
and in some cases three, peripherals to P1.
Setting P2SEL.PRI12P1 = 1 gives Timer 4
precedence over Timer 1. It is the user’s
responsibility to avoid configurations where the
order of precedence is not conclusive. I2S
The I2S configuration register bit
I2SCFG1.IOLOC selects whether to use
alternative 1 or alternative 2 locations.
In Table 50, the I2S signals are shown as
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Continuous Serial Clock (SCK): CK
Word Select: WS
Serial Data In: RX
Serial Data Out: TX
The I2S interface will have precedence in
cases where other peripherals (except for the
debug interface) are configured to be on the
same location.
13.4.7 ADC
When using the ADC in an application, some
or all of the P0 pins must be configured as
ADC inputs. The port pins are mapped to the
ADC inputs so that P0_7 – P0_0 corresponds
to AIN7 - AIN0. To configure a P0 pin to be
used as an ADC input the corresponding bit in
the ADCCFG register must be set to 1. The
default values in this register select the Port 0
pins as non-ADC input i.e. digital
The settings in the ADCCFG register override
the settings in P0SEL (the register used to
select a pin to be either GPIO or to have a
peripheral function).
The ADC can be configured to use the
general-purpose I/O pin P2_0 as an external
trigger to start conversions. P2_0 must be
configured as a general-purpose I/O in input
mode, when being used for ADC external
Refer to Section 13.10 on Page 140 for a
detailed description on how to use the ADC.
13.4.8 Debug Interface
Ports P2_1 and P2_2 are used for debug data
and clock signals, respectively. These are
shown as DD (debug data) and DC (debug
clock) in Table 50. The state of P2SEL is
overridden by the debug interface. Also,
P2DIR.DIRP2_1 and P2DIR.DIRP2_2 is
overridden when the chip changes the
direction to supply the external host with data.
13.4.9 32.768 kHz XOSC Input
Ports P2_3 and P2_4 are used to connect to
an external 32.768 kHz crystal. These port
pins will be set in analog mode and used by
the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator when
CLKCON.OSC32K is low, regardless of the
configurations of these pins.
13.4.10 Radio Test Output Signals
For debug and test purposes, a number of
internal status signals in the radio may be
output on the port pins P1_7 – P1_5. This
debug option is controlled through the RF
registers IOCFG2-IOCFG0 (see Section 16 for
more details).
Setting IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG to a value other
than 0 will override the P1SEL_SELP1_7,
P1SEL_SELP1_6, and P1SEL_SELP1_5
settings, and the pins will automatically
become outputs. These pins cannot be used
when the I2S interface is enabled.
13.4.11 I/O Registers
The registers for the IO ports are described in
this section. The registers are:
P0 Port 0
P1 Port 1
P2 Port 2
PERCFG Peripheral Control
ADCCFG ADC Input Configuration
P0SEL Port 0 Function Select
P1SEL Port 1 Function Select
P2SEL Port 2 Function Select
P0DIR Port 0 Direction
P1DIR Port 1 Direction
P2DIR Port 2 Direction
P0INP Port 0 Input Mode
P1INP Port 1 Input Mode
P2INP Port 2 Input Mode
P0IFG Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag
P1IFG Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag
P2IFG Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag
PICTL Port Interrupt Control
P1IEN Port 1 Interrupt Mask
Note: P0_6 and P0_7 do not exist on
, hence six input channels are
available (AIN0 – AIN5)
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P0 (0x80) – Port 0
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P0[7:0] 0xFF R/W Port 0. General purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable.
P1 (0x90) – Port 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 P1[7:0] 0xFF R/W Port 1. General purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable.
P2 (0xA0) – Port 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 1 R/W Not used
4:0 P2[4:0] 0x1F R/W Port 2. General purpose I/O port. Bit-addressable.
PERCFG (0xF1) – Peripheral Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Timer 1 I/O location
0 Alternative 1 location
6 T1CFG 0 R/W
1 Alternative 2 location
Timer 3 I/O location
0 Alternative 1 location
5 T3CFG 0 R/W
1 Alternative 2 location
Timer 4 I/O location
0 Alternative 1 location
4 T4CFG 0 R/W
1 Alternative 2 location
3:2 - R0 Not used
USART1 I/O location
0 Alternative 1 location
1 U1CFG 0 R/W
1 Alternative 2 location
USART0 I/O location
0 Alternative 1 location
0 U0CFG 0 R/W
1 Alternative 2 location
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ADCCFG (0xF2) – ADC Input Configuration
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
ADC input configuration. ADCCFG[7:0] select P0_7 - P0_0 as ADC inputs
0 ADC input disabled
7:0 ADCCFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W
1 ADC input enabled
P0SEL (0xF3) – Port 0 Function Select
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P0_7 to P0_0 function select
0 General purpose I/O
7:0 SELP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W
1 Peripheral function
P1SEL (0xF4) – Port 1 Function Select
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P1_7 to P1_0 function select
0 General purpose I/O
7:0 SELP1_[7:0] 0 R/W
1 Peripheral function
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P2SEL (0xF5) – Port 2 Function Select
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Port 1 peripheral priority control. These bits shall determine the order of
precedence in the case when PERCFG assigns USART0 and USART1 to the
same pins.
0 USART0 has priority
6 PRI3P1 0 R/W
1 USART1 has priority
Port 1 peripheral priority control. These bits shall determine the order of
precedence in the case when PERCFG assigns USART1 and timer 3 to the
same pins.
0 USART1 has priority
5 PRI2P1 0 R/W
1 Timer 3 has priority
Port 1 peripheral priority control. These bits shall determine the order of
precedence in the case when PERCFG assigns timer 1 and timer 4 to the
same pins.
0 Timer 1 has priority
4 PRI1P1 0 R/W
1 Timer 4 has priority
Port 1 peripheral priority control. These bits shall determine the order of
precedence in the case when PERCFG assigns USART0 and timer 1 to the
same pins.
0 USART0 has priority
3 PRI0P1 0 R/W
1 Timer 1 has priority
P2_4 function select
0 General purpose I/O
2 SELP2_4 0 R/W
1 Peripheral function
P2_3 function select
0 General purpose I/O
1 SELP2_3 0 R/W
1 Peripheral function
P2_0 function select
0 General purpose I/O
0 SELP2_0 0 R/W
1 Peripheral function
P0DIR (0xFD) – Port 0 Direction
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P0_7 to P0_0 I/O direction
0 Input
7:0 DIRP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W
1 Output
P1DIR (0xFE) – Port 1 Direction
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P1_7 to P1_0 I/O direction
0 Input
7:0 DIRP1_[7:0] 0x00 R/W
1 Output
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P2DIR (0xFF) – Port 2 Direction
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Port 0 peripheral priority control. These bits shall determine the order of
precedence in the case when PERCFG assigns two peripherals to the same
10 Timer 1 channels 0 and 1 – USART1
7:6 PRIP0[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Timer 1 channel 2 – USART0
5 - R0 Not used
P2_4 to P2_0 I/O direction
0 Input
4:0 DIRP2_[4:0] 00000 R/W
1 Output
P0INP (0x8F) – Port 0 Input Mode
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P0_7 to P0_0 I/O input mode
0 Pull-up / pull-down
7:0 MDP0_[7:0] 0x00 R/W
1 Tristate
P1INP (0xF6) – Port 1 Input Mode
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
P1_7 to P1_2 I/O input mode
0 Pull-up / pull-down
7:2 MDP1_[7:2] 000000 R/W
1 Tristate
1:0 - R0 Not used
P2INP (0xF7) – Port 2 Input Mode
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Port 2 pull-up/down select. Selects function for all Port 2 pins configured as
pull-up/pull-down inputs.
0 Pull-up
7 PDUP2 0 R/W
1 Pull-down
Port 1 pull-up/down select. Selects function for all Port 1 pins configured as
pull-up/pull-down inputs.
0 Pull-up
6 PDUP1 0 R/W
1 Pull-down
Port 0 pull-up/down select. Selects function for all Port 0 pins configured as
pull-up/pull-down inputs.
0 Pull-up
5 PDUP0 0 R/W
1 Pull-down
P2_4 to P2_0 I/O input mode
0 Pull-up / pull-down
4:0 MDP2_[4:0] 00000 R/W
1 Tristate
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P0IFG (0x89) – Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt status flags.
0 No interrupt pending
7:0 P0IF[7:0] 0x00 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 USB_RESUME 0 R/W0 USB resume detected during suspend mode
6 0 R/W0 Not used
Port 0, inputs 5 to 0 interrupt status flags.
0 No interrupt pending
5:0 P0IF[5:0] 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
P1IFG (0x8A) – Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Port 1, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt status flags.
0 No interrupt pending
7:0 P1IF[7:0] 0x00 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
P2IFG (0x8B) – Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 - R0 Not used
Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt status flags.
0 No interrupt pending
4:0 P2IF[4:0] 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
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PICTL (0x8C) – Port Interrupt Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Drive strength control for I/O pins in output mode. Selects output drive
capability to account for low I/O supply voltage on pin DVDD.
0 Minimum drive capability. DVDD equal or greater than 2.6V
1 Maximum drive capability. DVDD less than 2.6V
Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt enable.
0 Interrupts are disabled
5 P2IEN 0 R/W
1 Interrupts are enabled
Port 0, inputs 7 to 4 interrupt enable.
0 Interrupts are disabled
4 P0IENH 0 R/W
1 Interrupts are enabled
Port 0, inputs 3 to 0 interrupt enable.
0 Interrupts are disabled
3 P0IENL 0 R/W
1 Interrupts are enabled
Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt
request condition for all port 2 inputs
0 Rising edge on input gives interrupt
2 P2ICON 0 R/W
1 Falling edge on input gives interrupt
Port 1, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt
request condition for all port 1 inputs
0 Rising edge on input gives interrupt
1 P1ICON 0 R/W
1 Falling edge on input gives interrupt
Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration. This bit selects the interrupt
request condition for all port 0 inputs. For
, this bit must be set to 0
when USB is used, since the internal USB resume interrupt mapped to P0[7]
uses rising edge.
0 Rising edge on input gives interrupt
0 P0ICON 0 R/W
1 Falling edge on input gives interrupt
P1IEN (0x8D) – Port 1 Interrupt Mask
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Port P1_7 to P1_0 interrupt enable
0 Interrupts are disabled
7:0 P1_[7:0]IEN 0x00 R/W
1 Interrupts are enabled
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13.5 DMA Controller
includes a direct
memory access (DMA) controller, which can
be used to relieve the 8051 CPU core of
handling data movement operations. Because
of this, the
can achieve high
overall performance with good power
efficiency. The DMA controller can move data
from a peripheral unit such as the ADC or RF
transceiver to memory with minimum CPU
The DMA controller coordinates all DMA
transfers, ensuring that DMA requests are
prioritized appropriately relative to each other
and CPU memory access. The DMA controller
contains 5 programmable DMA channels for
data movement.
The DMA controller controls data movement
over the entire XDATA memory space. Since
most of the SFRs are mapped into the XDATA
memory space these flexible DMA channels
can be used to unburden the CPU in
innovative ways, e.g. feed a USART and I2S
with data from memory, periodically transfer
samples between ADC and memory, transfer
data to and from USB FIFOs (
) etc.
Use of the DMA can also reduce system
power consumption by keeping the CPU idle
and not have it to wake up to move data to or
from a peripheral unit (see Section 13.1.2).
Note that Section describes which
SFRs are not mapped into XDATA memory
The main features of the DMA controller are
as follows:
Five independent DMA channels
Three configurable levels of DMA
channel priority
31 configurable transfer trigger events
Independent control of source and
destination address
Single, block, and repeated transfer
Supports variable transfer length by
including the length field in the transfer
Can operate in either word-size or byte-
size mode
13.5.1 DMA Operation
There are five DMA channels available in the
DMA controller numbered channel 0 to
channel 4. Each DMA channel can move data
from one place within XDATA memory space
to another i.e. between XDATA locations.
Some CPU-specific SFRs reside inside the
CPU core and can only be accessed using the
SFR memory space and can therefore not be
accessed using DMA. These registers are
shown in gray in Table 30 on Page 44.
In order to use a DMA channel it must first be
configured as described in Sections 13.5.2
and Section 13.5.3.
Once a DMA channel has been configured it
must be armed before any transfers are
allowed to be initiated. A DMA channel is
armed by setting the appropriate bit DMAARMn
in the DMA Channel Arm register DMAARM.
When a DMA channel is armed a transfer will
begin when the configured DMA trigger event
occurs. Note that it takes 9 system clocks from
the arm bit is set until the new configuration is
loaded. While the new configuration is being
loaded, the DMA channel will be able to
accept triggers. This will, however, not be the
trigger stored in the configuration data that are
currently loaded, but the trigger last used with
this channel (after a reset this will be trigger
number 0, manual trigger using the
DMAREQ.DMAREQn bit). If n channels are
armed at the same time, loading the
configuration takes n x 9 clock cycles. Channel
1 will first be ready, then channel 2, and finally
channel 0. It can not be assumed that channel
1 is ready after 9 clock cycles, channel 2 after
18 clock cycles, etc. To avoid having the DMA
channels starting transfers on unwanted
triggers when changing configuration, a
dummy configuration should be loaded in-
between configuration changes, setting TRIG
to 0. Alternatively, abort the currently armed
DMA channel before rearming it. There are 31
possible DMA trigger events, e.g. UART
transfer, Timer overflow etc. The DMA trigger
events are listed in Table 51.
Figure 25 shows a DMA operation flow chart.
Note: In the following sections, an n in the
register name represent the channel
number 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 if nothing else is
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Write DMA channel
DMA Channel Idle
DMA Channel Armed
Trigger or
Transfer one byte or word
when channel is granted
Load DMA Channel
Modify source/destination
Reached transfer
Set interrupt flag.
Repetitive transfer
Repetitive transfer
Setting DMAARM.ABORT=1 will abort all
channels where the DMAARMn bit is set
I.e., setting DMAARM=0x85 will abort
channel 1 and channel 3
Figure 25: DMA Operation
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13.5.2 DMA Configuration Parameters
Setup and control of the DMA operation is
performed by the user software. This section
describes the parameters which must be
configured before a DMA channel can be
used. Section 13.5.3 on Page 103 describes
how the parameters are set up in software and
passed to the DMA controller.
The behavior of each of the five DMA
channels is configured with the following
parameters: Source Address (SRCADDR)
The address of the location in XDATA memory
space where the DMA channel shall start to
read data for the transfer. Destination Address (DESTADDR)
The address of the location in XDATA memory
space where the DMA channel will write the
data read from the source address. The user
must ensure that the destination is writable. Transfer Count
The number of bytes/words needed to be
transferred for the DMA transfer to be
complete. When the transfer count is reached,
the DMA controller rearms or disarms the
DMA channel (depending on transfer mode)
and alert the CPU by setting the
IRCON.DMAIF will also be set and an interrupt
request is generated if IEN1.DMAIE=1. The
transfer count can be of fixed or variable
length depending on how the DMA channel is
Fixed Length Transfers: When VLEN=000 or
VLEN=111, the length is set by the LEN setting
Variable Length Transfers: When VLEN000
and VLEN111, the DMA channel will use the
first byte or word (for word, bits 12:0 are used)
in source data as the transfer count, hence
allowing variable length transfers. When using
variable length transfer, various options
regarding how to count number of bytes to
transfer is given.
Options are:
1. Default: Transfer number of bytes/words
commanded by first byte/word + 1
(transfers length byte/word, and then as
many bytes/words as dictated by length
2. Transfer number of bytes/words
commanded by first byte/word (transfers
length byte/word, and then as many
bytes/words as dictated by length
byte/word - 1)
3. Transfer number of bytes/words
commanded by first byte/word + 2
(transfers length byte/word, and then as
many bytes/words as dictated by length
byte/word + 1)
4. Transfer number of bytes/words
commanded by first byte/word + 3
(transfers length byte/word, and then as
many bytes/words as dictated by length
byte/word + 2)
In any case, the LEN setting is used as
maximum transfer count. LEN should be set to
the largest allowed transfer count (specified by
the first byte or word) plus one.
Note that the M8 bit is only used when byte
size transfers are chosen.
Figure 26 shows the different VLEN options.
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Byte/Word n
Byte/Word n-1
Byte/Word 3
Byte/Word 2
Byte/Word 1
Length = n
Byte/Word n+1
Byte/Word n+2
Byte/Word n+3
LEN > n
VLEN = 001
Byte/Word n
Byte/Word n-1
Byte/Word 3
Byte/Word 2
Byte/Word 1
Length = n
Byte/Word n+1
Byte/Word n+2
Byte/Word n+3
VLEN = 010
Byte/Word n
Byte/Word n-1
Byte/Word 3
Byte/Word 2
Byte/Word 1
Length = n
Byte/Word n+1
Byte/Word n+2
Byte/Word n+3
VLEN = 011
Byte/Word n
Byte/Word n-1
Byte/Word 3
Byte/Word 2
Byte/Word 1
Length = n
Byte/Word n+1
Byte/Word n+2
Byte/Word n+3
VLEN = 100
If LEN n, LEN bytes/words are
being transferred. The dotted line
shows the case where LEN = n
Byte/Word n-2 Byte/Word n-2 Byte/Word n-2 Byte/Word n-2
LEN > n
LEN > n
LEN > n
LEN = n
LEN = n
LEN = n
LEN = n
Figure 26: Variable Length (VLEN) Transfer Options Byte or Word Transfers (WORDSIZE)
Determines whether each DMA transfer
should be 8-bit (byte) or 16-bit (word). DMA Transfer Mode (TMODE)
The transfer mode determines how the DMA
channel behaves when transferring data.
There are four different transfer modes.
Single. On a trigger a single DMA transfer
occurs and the DMA channel awaits the next
trigger. After completing the number of
transfers specified by the transfer count, the
CPU is notified (DMAIRQ.DMAIFn=1) and the
DMA channel is disarmed.
Block. On a trigger the number of DMA
transfers specified by the transfer count is
performed as quickly as possible, after which
the CPU is notified (DMAIRQ.DMAIFn=1) and
the DMA channel is disarmed.
Repeated single. On a trigger a single DMA
transfer occurs and the DMA channel awaits
the next trigger. After completing the number
of transfers specified by the transfer count, the
CPU is notified (DMAIRQ.DMAIFn=1) and the
DMA channel is rearmed.
Repeated block. On a trigger the number of
DMA transfers specified by the transfer count
is performed as quickly as possible, after
which the CPU is notified
(DMAIRQ.DMAIFn=1) and the DMA channel is
rearmed. Trigger Event (TRIG)
All DMA transfers are initiated by so-called
DMA trigger events, which either starts a DMA
block transfer or a single DMA transfer (or
repeated versions of these). Each DMA
channel can be set up to sense on a single
trigger. The TRIG field in the configuration
determines which trigger the DMA channel is
to use. In addition to the configured trigger, a
DMA channel can always be triggered by
setting its designated DMAREQ.DMAREQn flag.
The DMA trigger sources are described in
Table 51 on Page 105. Source and Destination Increment
When the DMA channel is armed or rearmed,
the source and destination addresses are
transferred to internal address pointers. These
pointers, and hence the source and
destination addresses, can be controlled to
increment, decrement, or not change between
transfers in order to give good flexibility. The
possibilities for address increment/decrement
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Increment by zero. The address pointer
shall remain fixed after each transfer.
Increment by one. The address pointer
shall increment one count after each
Increment by two. The address pointer
shall increment two counts after each
Decrement by one. The address pointer
shall decrement one count after each
transfer. Interrupt Mask (IRQMASK)
The DMA transfer will upon completion set
IRCON.DMAIF=1 if this bit is set to 1. An
interrupt request is being generated if
IEN1.DMAIE=1. Mode 8 Setting (M8)
In variable length transfers (VLEN000 and
VLEN111) this field determines whether to
use seven or eight bits of the first byte in
source data as the transfer length. This
configuration is only applicable when doing
byte transfers. DMA Priority (PRIORITY)
A DMA priority is associated with each DMA
channel. The DMA priority is used to
determine the winner in the case of multiple
simultaneous internal memory requests, and
whether the DMA memory access should have
priority or not over a simultaneous CPU
memory access. In case of an internal tie, a
round-robin scheme is used to ensure access
for all. There are three levels of DMA priority:
High: Highest internal priority. DMA access
will always prevail over CPU access.
Normal: Second highest internal priority.
Guarantees that DMA access prevails over
CPU on at least every second try.
Low: Lowest internal priority. DMA access will
always defer to a CPU access.
13.5.3 DMA Configuration Setup
The DMA channel parameters such as
address mode, transfer mode and priority
described in the previous section have to be
configured before a DMA channel can be
armed and activated. The parameters are not
configured directly through SFRs, but instead
they are written in a special DMA configuration
data structure in memory. Each DMA channel
in use requires its own DMA configuration data
structure. The DMA configuration data
structure consists of eight bytes and is
described in Table 52. A DMA configuration
data structure may reside at any location in
unified memory space decided upon by the
user software, and the address location is
passed to the DMA controller through a set of
SFRs DMAxCFGH:DMAxCFGL (x is 0 or 1).
Once a channel has been armed, the DMA
controller will read the configuration data
structure for that channel, given by the
address in DMAxCFGH:DMAxCFGL.
It is important to note that the method for
specifying the start address for the DMA
configuration data structure differs between
DMA channel 0 and DMA channels 1-4 as
DMA0CFGH:DMA0CFGL gives the start address
for DMA channel 0 configuration data
DMA1CFGH:DMA1CFGL gives the start address
for DMA channel 1 configuration data structure
followed by channel 2 - 4 configuration data
This means that the DMA controller expects
the DMA configuration data structures for DMA
channels 1 - 4 to lie in a contiguous area in
memory, starting at the address held in
DMA1CFGH:DMA1CFGL and consisting of 32
13.5.4 Stopping DMA Transfers
Ongoing DMA transfer or armed DMA
channels will be aborted using the DMAARM
register to disarm the DMA channel.
One or more DMA channels are aborted by
writing a 1 to DMAARM.ABORT register bit, and
at the same time select which DMA channels
to abort by setting the corresponding,
DMAARM.DMAARMn bits to 1. When setting
bits for non-aborted channels must be written
as 0.
An example of DMA channel arm and disarm
is shown in Figure 27.
DMAARM, #0x03 ; Arm DMA channel 0 and 1
MOV DMAARM, #0x81 ; Disarm DMA channel 0, channel 1 is still armed
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Figure 27: DMA Arm/Disarm Example
13.5.5 DMA Interrupts
Each DMA channel can be configured to
generate an interrupt to the CPU upon
completion of a DMA transfer. This is
accomplished by setting the IRQMASK bit in
the channel configuration to 1. When this bit is
set to 1, IRCON.DMAIF=1 will be set to 1
when a transfer is completed. An interrupt
request is being generated if
IEN1.DMAIE=1.The corresponding interrupt
flag in the SFR will be set when the interrupt is
Regardless of the IRQMASK bit in the channel
configuration, DMAIRQ.DMAIFn will be set
upon DMA channel complete. Thus software
should always check (and clear) this register
when rearming a channel with a changed
IRQMASK setting. Failure to do so could
generate an interrupt based on the stored
interrupt flag.
13.5.6 DMA Memory Access
The DMA data transfer is affected by endian
convention. This as the memory system use
Big-Endian in XDATA memory, while Little-
Endian is used in SFR memory. This must be
accounted for in compilers.
13.5.7 DMA USB Endianess (
When a USB FIFO is accessed using word
transfer, the endianess of the word
read/written can be controlled by setting the
configuration bits in the ENDIAN register. See
Section 13.16 for details.
DMA Trigger
DMA Trigger
0 NONE DMA No trigger, setting DMAREQ.DMAREQx bit starts transfer
1 PREV DMA DMA channel is triggered by completion of previous channel
2 T1_CH0 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 0
3 T1_CH1 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 1
4 T1_CH2 Timer 1 Timer 1, compare, channel 2
5 Not in use.
6 T2_OVFL Timer 2 Timer 2, timer count reaches 0x00
7 T3_CH0 Timer 3 Timer 3, compare, channel 0
8 T3_CH1 Timer 3 Timer 3, compare, channel 1
9 T4_CH0 Timer 4 Timer 4, compare, channel 0
10 T4_CH1 Timer 4 Timer 4, compare, channel 1
11 ST Sleep Timer Sleep Timer compare
12 IOC_0 IO Controller P0_1 input transition15
13 IOC_1 IO Controller P1_3 input transition16
14 URX0 USART0 USART0 RX complete
15 UTX0 USART0 USART0 TX complete
16 URX1 USART1 USART1 RX complete
17 UTX1 USART1 USART1 TX complete
18 FLASH Flash
Flash data write complete
19 RADIO Radio RF packet byte received/transmit
20 ADC_CHALL ADC ADC end of a conversion in a sequence, sample ready
21 ADC_CH0 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN0, single-ended or AIN0 – AIN1, differential).
Sample ready
22 ADC_CH1 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN1, single-ended or AIN0 – AIN1, differential).
Sample ready
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DMA Trigger
DMA Trigger
23 ADC_CH2 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN2, single-ended or AIN2 – AIN3, differential).
Sample ready
24 ADC_CH3 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN3, single-ended or AIN2 – AIN3, differential).
Sample ready
25 ADC_CH4 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN4, single-ended or AIN4 – AIN5, differential).
Sample ready
26 ADC_CH5 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN5, single-ended or AIN4 – AIN5, differential).
Sample ready
ADC_CH6 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN6, single-ended or AIN6 – AIN7, differential).
Sample ready
I2SRX I2S I2S RX complete
ADC_CH7 ADC ADC end of conversion (AIN7, single-ended or AIN6 – AIN7, differential).
Sample ready
I2STX I2S I2S TX complete
29 ENC_DW AES AES encryption processor requests download input data
30 ENC_UP AES AES encryption processor requests upload output data
Table 51: DMA Trigger Sources
Bit Field Name Description
0 7:0 SRCADDR[15:8] The DMA channel source address, high byte
1 7:0 SRCADDR[7:0] The DMA channel source address, low byte
2 7:0 DESTADDR[15:8] The DMA channel destination address, high byte.
Note that flash memory is not directly writeable.
3 7:0 DESTADDR[7:0] The DMA channel destination address, low byte.
Note that flash memory is not directly writeable.
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Bit Field Name Description
Variable length transfer mode. In word mode, bits 12:0 of the first word is considered
as the transfer length.
000 Use LEN for transfer count
001 Transfer number of bytes/words commanded by first byte/word + 1
(transfers length byte/word, and then as many bytes/words as dictated by
length byte/word up to a maximum specified by LEN).
010 Transfer number of bytes/words commanded by first byte/word (transfers
length byte/word, and then as many bytes/words as dictated by length
byte/word – 1 up to a maximum specified by LEN).)
011 Transfer number of bytes/words commanded by first byte/word + 2
(transfers length byte/word, and then as many bytes/words as dictated by
length byte/word + 1 up to a maximum specified by LEN)
100 Transfer number of bytes/words commanded by first byte/word + 3
(transfers length byte/word, and then as many bytes/words as dictated by
length byte/word + 2 up to a maximum specified by LEN)
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
4 7:5 VLEN[2:0]
111 Alternative for using LEN as transfer count
4 4:0 LEN[12:8] The DMA channel transfer count.
This value is used as transfer count when VLEN=000 or VLEN=111 (fixed length
transfers) and as maximum allowable length when VLEN000 and VLEN111
(variable length transfers). The DMA channel counts in words when in WORDSIZE
mode, and otherwise in bytes.
5 7:0 LEN[7:0] The DMA channel transfer count.
This value is used as transfer count when VLEN=000 or VLEN=111 (fixed length
transfers) and as maximum allowable length when VLEN000 and VLEN111
(variable length transfers). The DMA channel counts in words when in WORDSIZE
mode, and otherwise in bytes.
6 7 WORDSIZE Selects whether each DMA transfer shall be 8-bit (0) or 16-bit (1).
The DMA channel transfer mode:
00 Single
01 Block
10 Repeated single
6 6:5 TMODE[1:0]
11 Repeated block
Select DMA trigger
00000 No trigger (writing to DMAREQ is only trigger)
00001 The previous DMA channel finished
6 4:0 TRIG[4:0]
Selects one of the triggers shown in Table 51. The trigger is selected in the
order shown in the table.
Source address increment mode (after each transfer)
00 0 bytes/words
01 1 bytes/words
10 2 bytes/words
7 7:6 SRCINC[1:0]
11 -1 bytes/words
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Bit Field Name Description
Destination address increment mode (after each transfer)
00 0 bytes/words
01 1 bytes/words
10 2 bytes/words
7 5:4 DESTINC[1:0]
11 -1 bytes/words
Interrupt Mask for this channel.
0 Disable interrupt generation
1 Enable interrupt generation upon DMA channel done
Mode of 8th bit in transfer count for variable length transfers (VLEN000 and
VLEN111). Only applicable when WORDSIZE=0.
0 Use all 8 bits for transfer count
7 2 M8
1 Use 7 LSB for transfer count
The DMA channel priority:
00 Low, DMA access will always defer to a CPU access
01 Normal, guarantees that DMA access prevails over CPU on at least every
second try.
10 High, DMA access will always prevail over CPU access.
7 1:0 PRIORITY[1:0]
11 Reserved
Table 52: DMA Configuration Data Structure
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13.5.8 DMA Registers
This section describes the SFRs associated with the DMA Controller.
DMAARM (0xD6) – DMA Channel Arm
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
DMA abort. Ongoing DMA transfer or armed DMA channels
will be aborted when writing a 1 to this bit, and at the same
time select which DMA channels to abort by setting the
corresponding, DMAARM.DMAARMn bits to 1
0 Normal operation
7 ABORT 0 R0/W
1 Abort channels all selected channels
6:5 - R0 Not used
4 DMAARM4 0 R/W DMA arm channel 4
This bit must be set to 1 in order for any DMA transfers to
occur on the channel. For non-repetitive transfer modes, the
bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count is reached
3 DMAARM3 0 R/W DMA arm channel 3
This bit must be set to 1 in order for any DMA transfers to
occur on the channel. For non-repetitive transfer modes, the
bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count is reached
2 DMAARM2 0 R/W DMA arm channel 2
This bit must be set to 1 in order for any DMA transfers to
occur on the channel. For non-repetitive transfer modes, the
bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count is reached
1 DMAARM1 0 R/W DMA arm channel 1
This bit must be set to 1 in order for any DMA transfers to
occur on the channel. For non-repetitive transfer modes, the
bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count is reached
0 DMAARM0 0 R/W DMA arm channel 0
This bit must be set to 1 in order for any DMA transfers to
occur on the channel. For non-repetitive transfer modes, the
bit is automatically cleared when the transfer count is reached
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DMAREQ (0xD7) – DMA Channel Start Request and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 - R0 Not used
4 DMAREQ4 0 R/W1
DMA transfer request, channel 4 (manual trigger)
Setting this bit to 1 will have the same effect as a single trigger
This bit is cleared when the DMA channel is granted access.
3 DMAREQ3 0 R/W1
DMA transfer request, channel 3 (manual trigger)
Setting this bit to 1 will have the same effect as a single trigger
This bit is cleared when the DMA channel is granted access.
2 DMAREQ2 0 R/W1
DMA transfer request, channel 2 (manual trigger)
Setting this bit to 1 will have the same effect as a single trigger
This bit is cleared when the DMA channel is granted access.
1 DMAREQ1 0 R/W1
DMA transfer request, channel 1 (manual trigger)
Setting this bit to 1 will have the same effect as a single trigger
This bit is cleared when the DMA channel is granted access.
0 DMAREQ0 0 R/W1
DMA transfer request, channel 0 (manual trigger)
Setting this bit to 1 will have the same effect as a single trigger
This bit is cleared when the DMA channel is granted access.
DMA0CFGH (0xD5) – DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA0CFG[15:8] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 0 configuration address, high byte
DMA0CFGL (0xD4) – DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA0CFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 0 configuration address, low byte
DMA1CFGH (0xD3) – DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA1CFG[15:8] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 1 - 4 configuration address, high byte
DMA1CFGL (0xD2) – DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DMA1CFG[7:0] 0x00 R/W The DMA channel 1 - 4 configuration address, low byte
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DMAIRQ (0xD1) – DMA Interrupt Flag
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 - R0 Not used
DMA channel 4 interrupt flag.
0 DMA channel transfer not complete
4 DMAIF4 0 R/W0
1 DMA channel transfer complete/interrupt pending
DMA channel 3 interrupt flag.
0 DMA channel transfer not complete
3 DMAIF3 0 R/W0
1 DMA channel transfer complete/interrupt pending
DMA channel 2 interrupt flag.
0 DMA channel transfer not complete
2 DMAIF2 0 R/W0
1 DMA channel transfer complete/interrupt pending
DMA channel 1 interrupt flag.
0 DMA channel transfer not complete
1 DMAIF1 0 R/W0
1 DMA channel transfer complete/interrupt pending
DMA channel 0 interrupt flag.
0 DMA channel transfer not complete
0 DMAIF0 0 R/W0
1 DMA channel transfer complete/interrupt pending
ENDIAN (0x95) – USB Endianess Control (
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 0 R/W Not used
USB Write Endianess setting for DMA channel word transfers to USB.
0 Big Endian
1 Little Endian
USB Read Endianess setting for DMA channel word transfers from USB.
0 Big Endian
1 Little Endian
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13.6 16-bit Timer, Timer 1
Timer 1 is an independent 16-bit timer which
supports typical timer/counter functions such
as input capture, output compare, and PWM
functions. The timer has three independent
capture/compare channels and uses one I/O
pin per channel.
The features of Timer 1 are as follows:
Three capture/compare channels
Rising, falling, or any edge input capture
Set, clear, or toggle output compare
Free-running, modulo or up/down
counter operation
Clock prescaler for divide by 1, 8, 32, or
Interrupt request generation on
capture/compare and when reaching the
terminal count value
Capture triggered by radio
DMA trigger function
Delta-Sigma Modulator (DSM) mode
13.6.1 16-bit Timer Counter
The timer consists of a 16-bit counter that
increments or decrements at each active clock
edge. The frequency of the active clock edges
is given by CLKCON.TICKSPD and
T1CTL.DIV. CLKCON.TICKSPD is used to set
the timer tick speed. The timer tick speed will
vary from 203.125 kHz to 26 MHz for
and 187.5 kHz to 24 MHz for
the use of a 26 MHz or 48 MHz crystal
respectively). Note that the clock speed of the
system clock is not affected by the TICKSPD
setting. The timer tick speed is further divided
in Timer 1 by the prescaler value set by
T1CTL.DIV. This prescaler value can be 1, 8,
32, or 128. Thus the lowest clock frequency
used by Timer 1 is 1.587 kHz and the highest
is 26 MHz when a 26 MHz crystal oscillator is
used as system clock source (
). The
lowest clock frequency used by Timer 1 is
1.465 kHz and the highest is 24 MHz for
. When the high speed RC oscillator is
used as system clock source, the highest
clock frequency used by Timer 1 is fXOSC/2 for
and 12 MHz for
, given that
the HS RCOSC has been calibrated.
The counter operates as either a free-running
counter, a modulo counter, or as an up/down
counter for use in centre-aligned PWM. It can
also be used in DSM mode.
It is possible to read the 16-bit counter value
through the two 8-bit SFRs; T1CNTH and
T1CNTL, containing the high-order byte and
low-order byte respectively. When the T1CNTL
register is read, the high-order byte of the
counter at that instant is buffered in T1CNTH
so that the high-order byte can be read from
T1CNTH . Thus T1CNTL shall always be read
first before reading T1CNTH.
All write accesses to the T1CNTL register will
reset the 16-bit counter.
The counter may produce an interrupt request
when the terminal count value (overflow) is
reached (see Section - It is
possible to start and halt the counter with
T1CTL control register settings. The counter is
started when a value other than 00 is written to
T1CTL.MODE. If 00 is written to T1CTL.MODE
the counter halts at its present value.
13.6.2 Timer 1 Operation
In general, the control register T1CTL is used
to control the timer operation. The various
modes of operation are described in the
following three sections. Free-running Mode
In free-running mode the counter starts from
0x0000 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter reaches the terminal
count value 0xFFFF (overflow), the counter is
loaded with 0x0000 and continues
incrementing its value as shown in Figure 28.
When 0xFFFF is reached, the T1CTL.OVFIF
flag is set. The IRCON.T1IF flag is only
asserted if the corresponding interrupt mask
bit TIMIF.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request
is generated when both TIMIF.OVFIM and
IEN1.T1EN are set to 1. The free-running
mode can be used to generate independent
time intervals and output signal frequencies.
Note: In the following sections, an n in the
register name represent the channel
number 0, 1, or 2 if nothing else is stated
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Figure 28: Free-running Mode Modulo Mode
In modulo mode the counter starts from
0x0000 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter value matches the
terminal count value T1CC0 (overflow), held in
the registers T1CC0H:T1CC0L, the counter is
loaded with 0x0000 and continues
incrementing its value as shown in Figure 29.
When T1CC0 is reached, the T1CTL.OVFIF
flag is set. The IRCON.T1IF flag is only
asserted if the corresponding interrupt mask
bit TIMIF.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request
is generated when both TIMIF.OVFIM and
IEN1.T1EN are set to 1. The modulo mode
can be used for applications where a period
other than 0xFFFF is required.
Figure 29: Modulo Mode Up/Down Mode
In up/down mode the counter starts from
0x0000 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter value matches the
terminal count value T1CC0, held in the
registers T1CC0H:T1CC0L, the counter counts
down until 0x0000 is reached and it starts
counting up again as shown in Figure 30.
When 0x0000 is reached, the T1CTL.OVFIF
flag is set. The IRCON.T1IF flag is only
asserted if the corresponding interrupt mask
bit TIMIF.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request
is generated when both TIMIF.OVFIM and
IEN1.T1EN are set to 1. The up/down mode
can be used when symmetrical output pulses
are required with a period other than 0xFFFF,
and therefore allows implementation of centre-
aligned PWM output applications.
Figure 30: Up/Down Mode
13.6.3 Channel Mode Control
The channel mode is set with each channel’s
control and status register T1CCTLn. The
settings include input capture and output
compare modes.
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Note: Before an I/O pin can be used by the
timer, the required I/O pin must be configured
as a Timer 1 peripheral pin as described in
Section 13.4.6 on Page 89 .
13.6.4 Input Capture Mode
When a channel is configured as an input
capture channel, the I/O pin associated with
that channel, is configured as an input. After
the timer has been started, a rising edge,
falling edge or any edge on the input pin will
trigger a capture of the 16-bit counter contents
into the associated capture register. Thus the
timer is able to capture the time when an
external event takes place.
The channel input pin is synchronized to the
internal system clock. Thus pulses on the input
pin must have a minimum duration greater
than the system clock period.
The contents of the 16-bit capture register can
be read from registers T1CCnH:T1CCnL.
When the capture takes place, the interrupt
flag for the appropriate channel
T1CTL.CH2IF for channel 0, 1, and 2
respectively) is asserted. The IRCON.T1IF
flag is only asserted if the corresponding
interrupt mask bit T1CCTL0.IM, T1CCTL1.IM,
or T1CCTL2.IM is set to 1. An interrupt
request is generated if the corresponding
interrupt mask bit is set together with
IEN1.T1EN. RF Event Capture
Each timer channel may be configured so that
the RF events associated with the RF interrupt
(interrupt #16) will trigger a capture instead of
the normal input pin capture. This is done by
setting T1CCTLn.CPSEL=1. When this
configuration is chosen, the RF event(s)
enabled by RFIM (see Section 14.3.1 on Page
189) will trigger a capture. This way the timer
can be used to capture a value when e.g. a
start of frame delimiter (SFD) is detected.
13.6.5 Output Compare Mode
In output compare mode the I/O pin associated
with a channel is set as an output. After the
timer has been started, the contents of the
counter are compared with the contents of the
channel compare register T1CCnH:T1CCnL. If
the compare register equals the counter
contents, the output pin is set, reset, or toggled
according to the compare output mode setting
of T1CCTLn.CMP. Note that all edges on
output pins are glitch-free when operating in a
given output compare mode. Writing to the
compare register T1CCnL is buffered so that a
value written to T1CCnL does not take effect
until the corresponding high order register,
T1CCnH is written. For output compare modes
0 - 2, a new value written to the compare
register T1CCnH:T1CCnL takes effect after
the registers have been written. For other
output compare modes the new value written
to the compare register takes effect when the
timer reaches 0x0000.
Note that channel 0 has fewer output compare
modes than channel 1 and 2 because
T1CC0H:T1CC0L has a special function in
modes 6 and 7, meaning these modes would
not be useful for channel 0.
When a compare occurs, the interrupt flag for
the appropriate channel (T1CTL.CH0IF,
T1CTL.CH1IF, or T1CTL.CH2IF for channel
0, 1, and 2 respectively) is asserted. The
IRCON.T1IF flag is only asserted if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit T1CCTL0.IM,
T1CCTL1.IM, or T1CCTL2.IM is set to 1. An
interrupt request is generated if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit is set together
with IEN1.T1EN. When operating in up-down
mode, the interrupt flag for channel 0 is set
when the counter reaches 0x0000 instead of
when a compare occurs.
Examples of output compare modes in various
timer modes are given in Figure 31, Figure 32,
and Figure 33.
Edge-aligned: PWM output signals can be
generated using the timer modulo mode and
channels 1 and 2 in output compare mode 5 or
6 (defined by T1CCTLn.CMP bits, where n is 1
or 2) as shown in Figure 32. The period of the
PWM signal is determined by the setting in
T1CC0 and the duty cycle is determined by
PWM output signals can also be generated
using the timer free-running mode and
channels 1 and 2 in output compare mode 5 or
6 as shown in Figure 31. In this case the
period of the PWM signal is determined by
CLKCON.TICKSPD and the prescaler divider
value in T1CTL.DIV and the duty cycle is
determined by T1CCn (n = 1 or 2).
Note: When using an RF event to trigger a
capture, both CLKCON.CLKSPD and
CLKCON.TICKSPD must be set to 000.
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The polarity of the PWM signal is determined
by whether output compare mode 5 or 6 is
For both modulo mode and free-running mode
it is also possible to use compare mode 3 or 4
to generate a PWM output signal (see Figure
31 and Figure 32).
The polarity of the PWM signal is determined
by whether output compare mode 3 or 4 is
Centre-aligned: PWM outputs can be
generated when the timer up/down mode is
selected. The channel output compare mode 3
or 4 (defined by T1CCTLn.CMP bits, where n is
1 or 2) is selected depending on required
polarity of the PWM signal (see Figure 33).
The period of the PWM signal is determined by
T1CC0 and the duty cycle for the channel
output is determined by T1CCn (n = 1 or 2).
0: Set output on compare
1: Clear output on compare
2: Toggle output on compare
3: Set output on compare-up,
clear on 0
5: Set when T1CCn,
clear when T1CC0
6: Clear when T1CCn,
set when T1CC0
4: Clear output on compare-up,
set on 0
Figure 31: Output Compare Modes, Timer Free-running Mode
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0: Set output on compare
1: Clear output on compare
2: Toggle output on compare
3: Set output on compare-up,
clear on 0
5: Set when T1CCn,
clear when T1CC0
6: Clear when T1CCn,
set when T1CC0
4: Clear output on compare-up,
set on 0
Figure 32: Output Compare Modes, Timer Modulo Mode
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0: Set output on compare
1: Clear output on compare
2: Toggle output on compare
3: Set output on compare-up,
clear on compare down
5: Set when T1CCn,
clear when T1CC0
6: Clear when T1CCn,
set when T1CC0
4: Clear output on compare-up,
set on compare-down
Figure 33: Output Modes, Timer Up/Down Mode
13.6.6 Timer 1 Interrupts
There is one interrupt vector assigned to the
timer. This is T1 (Interrupt #9, see Table
39). The following timer events may generate
an interrupt request:
Counter reaches terminal count value
(overflow) or turns around on zero
Input capture event
Output compare event
The register bits T1CTL.OVFIF,
T1CTL.CH2IF contains the interrupt flags for
the terminal count value event (overflow), and
the three channel compare/capture events,
respectively. These flags will be asserted
regardless off the channel n interrupt mask bit
(T1CCTLn.IM). The CPU interrupt flag,
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IRCON.T1IF will only be asserted if one or
more of the channel n interrupt mask bits are
set to 1. An interrupt request is only generated
when the corresponding interrupt mask bit is
set together with IEN1.T1EN. The interrupt
mask bits are T1CCTL0.IM, T1CCTL1.IM,
T1CCTL2.IM, and TIMIF.OVFIM. Note that
enabling an interrupt mask bit will generate a
new interrupt request if the corresponding
interrupt flag is set.
When the timer is used in Free-running Mode
or Modulo Mode the interrupt flags are set as
T1CTL.CH2IF are set on
compare/capture event
T1CTL.OVFIF is set when counter
reaches terminal count value (overflow)
When the timer is used in Up/Down Mode the
interrupt flags are set as follows:
In compare mode:
are set when counter turns around on
are set on compare event
In capture mode:
T1CTL.OVFIF is set when counter
turns around on zero
T1CTL.CH2IF are set on capture event
I addition, the CPU interrupt flag, IRCON.T1IF
will be asserted if the channel n interrupt mask
bit (T1CCTLn.IM) is set to 1.
13.6.7 Timer 1 DMA Triggers
There are three DMA triggers associated with
Timer 1, one for each channel. These are DMA
triggers T1_CH0, T1_CH1 and T1_CH2, which
are generated on timer compare events as
T1_CH0 - Channel 0 compare
T1_CH1 - Channel 0 compare
T1_CH2 - Channel 0 compare
13.6.8 DSM Mode
Timer 1 also contains a 1-bit Delta-Sigma
Modulator (DSM) of second order that can be
used to produce a mono audio output PWM
signal. The DSM removes the need for high
order external filtering required when using
regular PWM mode.
The DSM operates at a fixed speed of either
1/4 or 1/8 of the timer tick speed set by
CLKCON.TICKSPD. The DSM speed is set by
T1CCTL1.MODE. The input samples are
updated at a configurable sampling rate set by
the terminal count value T1CC0.
An interpolator is used to match the sampling
rate with the DSM update rate. This
interpolator is of first order with a scaling
compensation. The scaling compensation is
due to variable gain defined by the difference
in sampling speed and DSM speed. This
interpolation mechanism can be disabled by
setting T1CCTL1.CAP=10 or
T1CCTL1.CAP=11, thus using a zeroth order
In addition to the interpolator, a shaper can be
used to account for differences in rise/fall times
in the output signal. Also the shaper is
enabled/disabled using the two CAP bits in the
T1CCTL1 register. This shaper ensures a
rising and a falling edge per bit and will thus
limit the output swing to 1/8 to 7/8 of I/O VDD
when the DSM operates at 1/8 of the timer tick
speed or 1/4 to 3/4 of I/O VDD when the DSM
operates at 1/4 of the timer tick speed.
The DSM is used as in PWM mode where the
terminal count value T1CC0 defines the
period/sampling rate. The DSM can not use
the Timer 1 prescaler to further slow down the
Timer 1 must be configured to operate in
modulo mode (T1CTL.MODE=10) and channel
0 must be configured to compare mode
(T1CCTL0.MODE=1). The terminal count
value T1CC0, held in the registers
T1CC0H:T1CC0L, defines the sample rate.
Table 53 shows some T1CC0 settings for
different sample rates
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Sample Rate T1CC0H T1CC0L
8 kHz @ 24 MHz 0x0B 0xB7
8 kHz @ 26 MHz 0x0C 0xB1
16 kHz @ 24 MHz 0x05 0xDB
16 kHz @ 26 MHz 0x06 0x59
48 kHz @ 24 MHz 0x01 0xF3
48 kHz @ 26 MHz 0x02 0x1D
64 kHz @ 24 MHz 0x01 0x76
64 kHz @ 26 MHz 0x01 0x96
Table 53: Channel 0 Period Setting for some Sampling Rates (CLKCON.TICKSPD=000)
Since the DSM starts immediately after DSM
mode has been enabled by setting
T1CCTL1.CMP=111, all configuration should
have been performed prior to enabling DSM
mode. Also, the Timer 1 counter should be
cleared and started just before starting the
DSM operation (all write accesses to the
T1CNTL register will reset the 16-bit counter
while writing a value other than 00 to
T1CTL.MODE will start the counter). A simple
procedure for setting up DSM mode should
then be as follows:
1. Suspend timer 1 (T1CTL.MODE=00)
2. Clear timer counter by writing any
value to T1CNTL, (CNT=0x0000)
3. Set the sample rate by writing to
4. Set Timer 1 channel 0 compare mode
5. Load first sample if available (or zero if
no sample available) into
6. Set timer operation to modulo mode
7. Configure the DSM by setting the
MODE and CAP fields of the T1CCTL1
8. Enable DSM mode
On each Timer 1 IRQ or Timer 1 DMA trigger,
write a new sample to the T1CC1H:T1CC1L
registers. The least significant bits must be
written to T1CC1L before the most significant
bits are written to T1CC1H.
The samples written must be signed 2’s
complement values. The 2 least significant bits
will always be treated as 0, thus the effective
sample size is 14 bits.
13.6.9 Timer 1 Registers
This section describes the following Timer 1
T1CNTH – Timer 1 Counter High
T1CNTL – Timer 1 Counter Low
T1CTL – Timer 1 Control and Status
T1CCTLn – Timer 1 Channel n
Capture/Compare Control
T1CCnH – Timer 1 Channel n
Capture/Compare Value High
T1CCnL Timer 1 Channel n
Capture/Compare Value Low
The TIMIF register is described in Section
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T1CNTH (0xE3) – Timer 1 Counter High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[15:8] 0x00 R Timer count high order byte. Contains the high byte of the 16-bit timer
counter buffered at the time T1CNTL is read.
T1CNTL (0xE2) – Timer 1 Counter Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer count low order byte. Contains the low byte of the 16-bit timer counter.
Writing anything to this register results in the counter being cleared to
T1CTL (0xE4) – Timer 1 Control and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Timer 1 channel 2 interrupt flag
0 No interrupt pending
7 CH2IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 1 channel 1 interrupt flag
0 No interrupt pending
6 CH1IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 1 channel 0 interrupt flag
0 No interrupt pending
5 CH0IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Timer 1 counter overflow interrupt flag. Set when the counter reaches the
terminal count value in free-running or modulo mode or when counter turns
around on zero in up/down mode
0 No interrupt pending
4 OVFIF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to update the
counter as follows:
00 Tick frequency/1
01 Tick frequency/8
10 Tick frequency/32
11 Tick frequency/128
3:2 DIV[1:0] 00 R/W
Note: The prescaler counter is not reset when writing these bits, hence one
prescaler period may be needed before updated data is used.
Timer 1 mode select. The timer operating mode is selected as follows:
00 Operation is suspended
01 Free-running, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
10 Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Up/down, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0 and from T1CC0
down to 0x0000
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T1CCTL0 (0xE5) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Timer 1 channel 0 capture select
0 Use normal capture input
1 Use RF event(s) enabled in the RFIM register to trigger a capture
Channel 0 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 0 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T1CC0
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in
up/down mode)
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in
up/down mode)
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Reserved
Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 0 capture or compare mode
0 Capture mode
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Compare mode
Channel 0 capture mode select
00 No capture
01 Capture on rising edge
10 Capture on falling edge
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Capture on both edges
T1CC0H (0xDB) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC0[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 0 capture/compare value, high order byte.
Set the DSM sample rate in DSM mode
T1CC0L (0xDA) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 0 capture/compare value, low order byte
Set the DSM sample rate in DSM mode
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T1CCTL1 (0xE6) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Timer 1 channel 1 capture select
0 Use normal capture input
1 Use RF event(s) enabled in the RFIM register to trigger a capture
Channel 1 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 1 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value equals
compare value in T1CC1
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in up/down
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in up/down
101 Set when equal to T1CC1, clear when equal to T1CC0
110 Clear when equal to T1CC1, set when equal to T1CC0
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 DSM mode enable
CMP 111 CMP = 111
Select Timer 1 channel 1 capture
or compare mode
Set the DSM speed
0 Capture mode 1/8 of timer tick speed
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Compare mode 1/2 of timer tick speed
Channel 1 capture mode
select (timer mode)
DSM interpolator and output shaping
configuration (DSM mode)
00 No capture DSM interpolator and output shaping
01 Capture on rising edge DSM interpolator enabled and output
shaping disabled
10 Capture on falling edge DSM interpolator disabled and output
shaping enabled
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Capture on both edges DSM interpolator and output shaping
T1CC1H (0xDD) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC1[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 1 capture/compare value, high order byte
DSM data high order byte (DSM mode)
T1CC1L (0xDC) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 1 capture/compare value, low order byte
DSM data low order byte. The two least significant bits are not used. (DSM mode)
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T1CCTL2 (0xE7) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Timer 1 channel 2 capture select
0 Use normal capture input
1 Use RF event(s) enabled in the RFIM register to trigger a capture
Channel 2 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 2 compare mode select. Selects action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T1CC2
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in
up/down mode)
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in
up/down mode)
101 Set when equal to T1CC2, clear when equal to T1CC0
110 Clear when equal to T1CC2, set when equal to T1CC0
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Not used
Mode. Select Timer 1 channel 2 capture or compare mode
0 Capture mode
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Compare mode
Channel 2 capture mode select
00 No capture
01 Capture on rising edge
10 Capture on falling edge
1:0 CAP[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Capture on both edges
T1CC2H (0xDF) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC2[15:8] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 2 capture/compare value, high order byte
T1CC2L (0xDE) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 T1CC2[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 1 channel 2 capture/compare value, low order byte
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13.7 MAC Timer (Timer 2)
The MAC timer is designed for slot timing
operations used by the MAC layer in an RF
protocol. The timer includes a highly tunable
prescaler allowing the user to select a timer
interval that equals, or is an integer fraction of,
a transmission slot.
8-bit timer
18-bit tunable prescaler
13.7.1 Timer Operation
This section describes the operation of the
The timer count can be read from the T2CT
SFR. At each active clock edge, the timer
count is decremented by one. When the timer
count reaches 0x00, the register bit
T2CTL.TEX is set to 1. When T2CTL.TIG=0,
the timer will not wrap around when the timer
count reaches 0x00. When T2CTL.TIG=1,
timer count will wrap around and start counting
down from 0xFF.
If T2CTL.INT=1, IRCON.T2IF will also be
asserted when T2CTL.TEX is set to 1. An
interrupt request will be generated if both
T2CTL.INT and IEN1.T2IE are set to 1.
When a new value is written to the timer count
register, T2CT, this value is stored in the
counter immediately. If an active clock edge
and a write to T2CT occur at the same time,
the written value will be decremented before it
is stored.
The 18 bit prescaler is controlled by:
Timer tick speed (CLKCON.TICKSPD)
Prescaler value (T2PR)
All events in timer 2 are aligned to timer tick
speed given by CLKCON.TICKSPD.
T2CTL.TIP defines how fast the prescaler
counter counts up towards its maximum value
where it is reset and starts over again. The
prescaler value, T2PR, defines the 8 MSB of
the 18 bit counter and thus set the maximum
The timer 2 interval / time slot, T, can be given
T = T2PR · Val(T2CTL.TIP)/ timer tick speed,
where the function Val(x) is set by T2CTL.TIP
and defined as
Val(00) = 64
Val(01) = 128
Val(10) = 256
Val(11) = 1024
T2PR = 0x09
T2CTL.TIP = 10
CLKCON.TICKSPD = 101 (812.5 kHz @ when
fxosc = 26 MHz)
T = 9 · 256 / 812.5 kHz = 2.84 ·10-3 s
13.7.2 Timer 2 DMA Trigger
There is one DMA trigger associated with
Timer 2. This is the DMA trigger T2_OVFL,
which is generated when T2CTL.TEX is set to
13.7.3 Timer 2 Registers
The SFRs associated with Timer 2 are listed in
this section. These registers are the following:
T2CTL – Timer 2 Control
T2PR – Timer 2 Prescaler
T2CT – Timer 2 Count
Note: These registers will be in their reset
state when returning to active mode from
PM2 and PM3.
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T2CTL (0x9E) – Timer 2 Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 0 R/W0 Reserved
6 TEX 0 R/W0 This bit is set to 1 when the timer count reaches 0x00. Writing a 1 to this bit has no
5 0 R/W Reserved. Always set to 0.
Timer 2 Interrupt enable
0 Interrupt enabled
4 INT 0 R/W
1 Interrupt disabled
3 0 R/W Reserved. Always set to 0
Tick generator mode
0 Tick generator is running when T2CT not equal to 0x00. The tick generator will
always start running form its null state.
2 TIG 0 R/W
1 Tick generator is in free-running mode. If it is not already running it will start
from its null state when this bit is set to 1
This value is used to calculate the timer 2 interval / time slot, T
T = T2PR · Val(T2CTL.TIP)/ timer tick speed,
00 64
01 128
10 256
1:0 TIP[1:0] 00 R/W
11 1024
T2CT (0x9C) – Timer 2 Count
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer count. Contents of 8-bit counter.
T2PR (0x9D) – Timer 2 Prescaler
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 PR[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer prescaler multiplier. 0x00 is interpreted as 256
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13.8 Sleep Timer
The Sleep Timer is used to control when the
exits from PM{0-2} and
hence the Sleep Timer can be used to
implement a wake up functionality which
to periodically wake
up to active mode and listen for incoming RF
13.8.1 Sleep Timer Operation
This section describes the operation of the
The Sleep Timer consists of a 31-bit counter.
The appropriate bits of this counter are
selected according to a resolution setting
determined by the WORCTRL.WOR_RES
register bits. The Sleep Timer is either clocked
by the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator or by the
low power RC oscillator (fref / 750). The timer
can only be used in PM0, PM1, and PM2.
The Sleep Timer has a programmable timing
event called Event 0. While in PM0, PM1, or
PM2, reaching Event 0 will make the
enter active mode.
The time between two consecutive Event 0’s
(tEvent0) is programmed with a mantissa value
given by WOREVT1.EVENT0 and
WOREVT0.EVENT0, and an exponent value set
by WORCTRL.WOR_RES. When using the low
power RC oscillator to clock the Sleep Timer,
tEvent0 is given by:
If the 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator is used to
clock the Sleep Timer, tEvent0 is calculated as
Event EVENTt _5
The time from the
PM2 until the next Event 0 is programmed to
appear (tSLEEPmin) should be larger than 11.08
ms when fref is 26 MHz and 12 ms when fref is
24 MHz (Sleep Timer clocked by the low
power RC oscillator).
min =
When the Sleep Timer is clocked by the
32.768 kHz crystal oscillator, tSLEEPmin = 11.72
ms (384/32768).
13.8.2 Sleep Timer and Power Mode 2
Entering PM2 has to be aligned to a positive
edge on the 32 kHz clock source. Note that
any updates to the compare value, EVENT0,
has to happen prior to this positive edge.
There has to be at least two positive edges on
the 32 kHz clock source between
WORCTRL.WOR_RESET being asserted and
entering PM2.
If EVENT0 is changed to a value smaller than
the current counter value, an Event 0 will
occur immediately.
Note: In this section of the document, fRef is
used to denote the reference frequency for
the synthesizer.
ref ff = and for
When referring to the low power RCOSC,
calibrated values are assumed
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13.8.3 Low Power RC Oscillator and Timing
This section applies to using the low power RC
oscillator as clock source for the Sleep Timer.
The frequency of the low-power RC oscillator,
which can be used as clock source for the
Sleep Timer, varies with temperature and
supply voltage. In order to keep the frequency
as accurate as possible, the RC oscillator
should be calibrated whenever possible, which
is when the high speed crystal oscillator is
running and the chip is in active mode or PM0.
When the chip goes to PM1 or PM2, the RC
oscillator will use the last valid calibration
result. The frequency of the low power RC
oscillator is therefore locked to fref / 750.
13.8.4 Sleep Timer Interrupt
The Sleep Timer generates the Sleep Timer
interrupt, ST, when Event 0 occurs. This
interrupt source can be masked using the
WORIRQ.EVENT0_MASK interrupt mask bit.
The interrupt flag bit WORIRQ.EVENT0_FLAG
will be set when Event 0 occurs.
13.8.5 Sleep Timer DMA Trigger
There is one DMA trigger associated with the
Sleep Timer. This is the DMA trigger ST,
which is generated when Event 0 occurs.
13.8.6 Sleep Timer Registers
This section describes the SFRs associated
with the Sleep Timer.
// Reset timer and align the entering of PM2 to a positive edge on the 32 kHz
// clock source
WORCTRL |= 0x04; // Reset Sleep Timer
char temp = WORTIME0;
while(temp == WORTIME0); // Wait until a positive 32 kHz edge
temp = WORTIME0;
while(temp == WORTIME0); // Wait until a positive 32 kHz edge
PCON |= 0x01; // Enter PM
// Alignment of entering PM2 to a positive edge on the 32 kHz clock source
char temp = WORTIME0;
while(temp == WORTIME0); // Wait until a positive 32 kHz edge
PCON |= 0x01; // Enter PM
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WORTIME0 (0xA5) – Sleep Timer Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 WORTIME0[7:0] 0x00 R 8 LSB of the16 bits selected from the 31-bit Sleep Timer according to the
setting of WORCTRL.WOR_RES[1:0]
WORTIME1 (0xA6) – Sleep Timer High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 WORTIME1[15:8] 0x00 R 8 MSB of the16 bits selected from the 31-bit Sleep Timer according to the
setting of WORCTRL.WOR_RES[1:0]
WOREVT1 (0xA4) – Sleep Timer Event0 Timeout High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
High byte of Event 0 timeout register
Sleep Timer clocked by low power
Sleep Timer clocked by 32.768 kHz
crystal oscillator
7:0 EVENT0[15:8] 0x87 R/W
Event EVENTt _5
WOREVT0 (0xA3) – Sleep Timer Event0 Timeout Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 EVENT0[7:0] 0x6B R/W Low byte of Event 0 timeout register
WORCTRL (0xA2) – Sleep Timer Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6:4 111 R/W Reserved. Always write 000
3 - R0 Not used
2 WOR_RESET 0 R0/W1 Reset timer. The timer will be reset to 4.
Sleep Timer resolution
Controls the resolution and maximum timeout for the Sleep Timer.
Adjusting the resolution does not affect the clock cycle counter:
Setting Resolution (1 LSB) Bits selected from the 31-bit Sleep
00 1 period 15:0
01 25 periods 20:5
10 210 periods 25:10
1:0 WOR_RES[1:0] 00 R/W
11 215 periods 30:15
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WORIRQ (0xA1) – Sleep Timer Interrupt Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5 0 R/W Reserved. Always write 0
Event 0 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt is disabled
1 Interrupt is enabled
3:2 - R0 Not used
1 0 R/W0 Reserved
Event 0 interrupt flag
0 No interrupt is pending
1 Interrupt is pending
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13.9 8-bit Timers, Timer 3 and Timer 4
Timer 3 and Timer 4 are two 8-bit timers which
supports typical timer/counter functions such
as output compare and PWM functions. The
timers have two independent compare
channels each and use one I/O pin per
The features of Timer 3/4 are as follows:
Two compare channels
Set, clear, or toggle output compare
Free-running, modulo, down, or
up/down counter operation
Clock prescaler for divide by 1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, 64, 128
Interrupt request generation on compare
and when reaching the terminal count
DMA trigger function
13.9.1 8-bit Timer Counter
Both timers consist of an 8-bit counter that
increments or decrements at each active clock
edge. The frequency of the active clock edges
is given by CLKCON.TICKSPD and
TxCTL.DIV. CLKCON.TICKSPD is used to set
the timer tick speed. The timer tick speed will
vary from 203.125 kHz to 26 MHz for
and 187.5 kHz to 24 MHz for
the use of a 26 MHz or 48 MHz crystal
respectively). Note that the clock speed of the
system clock is not affected by the TICKSPD
setting. The timer tick speed is further divided
in Timer 3/4 by the prescaler value set by
TxCTL.DIV. This prescaler value can be 1,
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. Thus the lowest
clock frequency used by Timer 3/4 is 1.587
kHz and the highest is 26 MHz when a 26
MHz crystal oscillator is used as system clock
source (
). The lowest clock frequency
used by Timer 3/4 is 1.465 kHz and the
highest is 24 MHz for
. When the high
speed RC oscillator is used as system clock
source, the highest clock frequency used by
Timer 3/4 is fXOSC/2 for
and 12 MHz
, given that the HS RCOSC has
been calibrated.
The counter operates as either a free-running
counter, a modulo counter, a down counter, or
as an up/down counter for use in centre-
aligned PWM.
It is possible to read the 8-bit counter value
through the SFR TxCNT.
Writing a 1 to TxCTL.CLR will reset the 8-bit
The counter may produce an interrupt request
when the terminal count value (overflow) is
reached (see Section – Section It is possible to start and halt the
counter with the TxCTL.START bit. The
counter is started when a 1 is written to
TxCTL.START. If a 0 is written to
TxCTL.START, the counter halts at its
present value.
13.9.2 Timer 3/4 Operation
In general, the control register TxCTL is used
to control the timer operation. The timer
modes are described in the following four
sections. Free-running Mode
In free-running mode the counter starts from
0x00 and increments at each active clock
edge. When the counter reaches the terminal
count value 0xFF (overflow), the counter is
loaded with 0x00 and continues incrementing
its value as shown in Figure 34. When 0xFF is
reached, the TIMIF.TxOVFIF flag is set. The
IRCON.TxIF flag is only asserted if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit
TxCTL.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request is
generated when both TxCTL.OVFIM and
IEN1.TxEN are set to 1. The free-running
mode can be used to generate independent
time intervals and output signal frequencies.
Note: In the following sections, an n in the
register name represent the channel
number 0 or 1 if nothing else is stated. An
x in the register name refers to the timer
number, 3 or 4
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Figure 34: Free-running Mode Modulo Mode
In modulo mode the counter starts from 0x00
and increments at each active clock edge.
When the counter value matches the terminal
count value TxCC0, the counter is loaded with
0x00 and continues incrementing its value as
shown in Figure 35. When TxCC0 is reached,
the TIMIF.TxOVFIF flag is set. The
IRCON.TxIF flag is only asserted if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit
TxCTL.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request is
generated when both TxCTL.OVFIM and
IEN1.TxEN are set to 1. Modulo mode can be
used for applications where a period other
than 0xFF is required.
Figure 35: Modulo Mode Down Mode
In down mode, after the timer has been
started, the counter is loaded with the contents
in TxCC0. The counter then counts down to
0x00 (terminal count value) and remains at
0x00 as shown in Figure 36. The flag
TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when 0x00 is reached.
IRCON.TxIF is only asserted if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit
TxCTL.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request is
generated when both TxCTL.OVFIM and
IEN1.TxEN are set to 1. The timer down
mode can generally be used in applications
where an event timeout interval is required.
Figure 36: Down Mode Up/Down Mode
In up/down mode the counter starts from 0x00
and increments at each active clock edge.
When the counter value matches the terminal
count value TxCC0, the counter counts down
until 0x00 is reached and it starts counting up
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again as shown in Figure 37. When 0x00 is
reached, the TIMIF.TxOVFIF flag is set. The
IRCON.TxIF flag is only asserted if the
corresponding interrupt mask bit
TxCTL.OVFIM is set. An interrupt request is
generated when both TxCTL.OVFIM and
IEN1.TxEN are set to 1. The up/down mode
can be used when symmetrical output pulses
are required with a period other than 0xFF,
and therefore allows implementation of centre-
aligned PWM output applications.
Figure 37: Up/Down Mode
13.9.3 Channel Mode Control
The channel mode is set with each channel’s
control and status register TxCCTLn.
13.9.4 Output Compare Mode
In output compare mode the I/O pin
associated with a channel is set as an output.
After the timer has been started, the contents
of the counter are compared with the contents
of the channel compare register TxCCn. If the
compare register equals the counter contents,
the output pin is set, reset, or toggled
according to the compare output mode setting
of TxCCTLn.CMP. Note that all edges on
output pins are glitch-free when operating in a
given compare output mode. Writing to the
compare register TxCC0 does not take effect
on the output compare value until the counter
value is 0x00. Writing to the compare register
TxCC1 takes effect immediately.
When a compare occurs, the interrupt flag for
the appropriate channel (TIMIF.TxCHnIF) is
asserted. The IRCON.TxIF flag is only
asserted if the corresponding interrupt mask
bit TxCCTLn.IM is set to 1. An interrupt
request is generated if the corresponding
interrupt mask bit is set together with
IEN1.TxEN. When operating in up-down
mode, the interrupt flag for channel 0 is set
when the counter reaches 0x00 instead of
when a compare occurs.
For simple PWM use, output compare modes
3 and 4 are preferred.
13.9.5 Timer 3 and 4 Interrupts
There is one interrupt vector assigned to each
of the timers. These are T3 and T4 (interrupt
#11 and #12, see Table 39). The
following timer events may generate an
interrupt request:
Counter reaches terminal count value
(overflow) or turns around on zero /
reach zero
Output compare event
The register bits TIMIF.T3OVFIF,
TIMIF.T4CH1IF contains the interrupt flags
for the two terminal count value event
(overflow), and the four channel compare
events, respectively. These flags will be
asserted regardless off the channel n interrupt
mask bit (TxCCTLn.IM). The CPU interrupt
flag, IRCON.TxIF will only be asserted if one
or more of the channel n interrupt mask bits
are set to 1. An interrupt request is only
generated when the corresponding interrupt
mask bit is set together with IEN1.TxEN. The
interrupt mask bits are T3CCTL0.IM,
T3CTL.OVFIM, and T4CTL.OVFIM. Note that
enabling an interrupt mask bit will generate a
new interrupt request if the corresponding
interrupt flag is set.
Note: before an I/O pin can be used by the
timer, the required I/O pin must be
configured as a Timer 3/4 peripheral pin as
described in section 13.4.6 on page 64.
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When the timer is used in Free-running Mode
or Modulo Mode the interrupt flags are set as
TIMIF.TxCH1IF are set on compare
TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when counter
reaches terminal count value (overflow)
When the timer is used in Down Mode the
interrupt flags are set as follows:
TIMIF.TxCH1IF are set on compare
TIMIF.TxOVFIF is set when counter
reaches zero
When the timer is used in Up/Down Mode the
interrupt flags are set as follows:
TIMIF.TxOVFIF are set when the
counter turns around on zero
TIMIF.TxCH1IF is set on compare
In addition, the CPU interrupt flag,
IRCON.TxIF will be asserted if the channel n
interrupt mask bit (TxCCTLn.IM) is set to 1.
13.9.6 Timer 3 and Timer 4 DMA Triggers
There are two DMA triggers associated with
Timer 3 and two DMA triggers associated with
Timer 4. These are DMA triggers T3_CH0,
T3_CH1, T4_CH0, and T4_CH1, which are
generated on timer compare events as follows:
T3_CH0: Timer 3 channel 0 compare
T3_CH1: Timer 3 channel 1 compare
T4_CH0: Timer 4 channel 0 compare
T4_CH1: Timer 4 channel 1 compare
13.9.7 Timer 3 and 4 Registers
This section describes the following Timer 3
and Timer 4 registers:
T3CNT - Timer 3 Counter
T3CTL - Timer 3 Control
T3CCTLn - Timer 3 Channel n Compare
T3CCn - Timer 3 Channel n Compare
T4CNT - Timer 4 Counter
T4CTL - Timer 4 Control
T4CCTLn - Timer 4 Channel n Compare
T4CCn - Timer 4 Channel n Compare
TIMIF - Timer 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag
T3CNT (0xCA) – Timer 3 Counter
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R Timer count byte. Contains the current value of the 8-bit counter
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T3CTL (0xCB) – Timer 3 Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to update the
counter as follows:
000 Tick frequency /1
001 Tick frequency /2
010 Tick frequency /4
011 Tick frequency /8
100 Tick frequency /16
101 Tick frequency /32
110 Tick frequency /64
111 Tick frequency /128
7:5 DIV[2:0] 000 R/W
Note: Changes to these bits has immediate effect on the frequency of the active
clock edges.
Start timer
0 Suspended
1 Normal operation
Overflow interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
3 OVFIM 1 R/W0
1 Interrupt enabled
2 CLR 0 R0/W1 Clear counter. Writing a 1 resets the counter to 0x00.
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
Timer 3 mode select. The timer operating mode is selected as follows:
00 Free running, repeatedly count from 0x00 to 0xFF
01 Down, count from T3CC0 to 0x00
10 Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T3CC0
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Up/down, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T3CC0 and from T3CC0 down
to 0x00
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T3CCTL0 (0xCC) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Channel 0 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 0 compare output mode select. Specified action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T3CC0
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in up/down
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in up/down
101 Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110 Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Not used
Timer 3 channel 0 compare mode enable
0 Disable
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Enable
1:0 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
T3CC0 (0xCD) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Compare Value
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 3 channel 0 compare value
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T3CCTL1 (0xCE) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Channel 1 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 1 compare output mode select. Specified action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T3CC1
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in up/down
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in up/down
101 Set output on compare, clear on T3CC0
110 Clear output on compare, set on T3CC0
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Not used
Timer 3 channel 1 compare mode enable
0 Disable
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Enable
1:0 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
T3CC1 (0xCF) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Compare Value
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 3 channel 1 compare value
T4CNT (0xEA) – Timer 4 Counter
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CNT[7:0] 0x00 R Timer count byte. Contains the current value of the 8-bit counter
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T4CTL (0xEB) – Timer 4 Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Prescaler divider value. Generates the active clock edge used to update the
counter as follows:
000 Tick frequency /1
001 Tick frequency /2
010 Tick frequency /4
011 Tick frequency /8
100 Tick frequency /16
101 Tick frequency /32
110 Tick frequency /64
111 Tick frequency /128
7:5 DIV[2:0] 000 R/W
Note: Changes to these bits has immediate effect on the frequency of the active
clock edges.
Start timer
0 Suspended
1 Normal operation
Overflow interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
3 OVFIM 1 R/W0
1 Interrupt enabled
2 CLR 0 R0/W1 Clear counter. Writing a 1 resets the counter to 0x00.
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
Timer 4 mode select. The timer operating mode is selected as follows:
00 Free running, repeatedly count from 0x00 to 0xFF
01 Down, count from T4CC0 to 0x00
10 Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T4CC0
1:0 MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Up/down, repeatedly count from 0x00 to T4CC0 and from T4CC0 down to
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T4CCTL0 (0xEC) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Channel 0 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 0 compare output mode select. Specified action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T4CC0
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in up/down
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in up/down
101 Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF
110 Clear output on compare, set on 0x00
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Not used
Timer 4 channel 0 compare mode enable
0 Disable
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Enable
1:0 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
T4CC0 (0xED) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Compare Value
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 4 channel 0 compare value
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T4CCTL1 (0xEE) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Compare Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Channel 0 interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
6 IM 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Channel 0 compare output mode select. Specified action on output when timer value
equals compare value in T4CC0
000 Set output on compare
001 Clear output on compare
010 Toggle output on compare
011 Set output on compare-up, clear on 0 (clear on compare-down in up/down
100 Clear output on compare-up, set on 0 (set on compare-down in up/down
101 Set output on compare, clear on T4CC0
110 Clear output on compare, set on T4CC0
5:3 CMP[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Not used
Timer 4 channel 1 compare mode enable
0 Disable
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Enable
1:0 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
T4CC1 (0xEF) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Compare Value
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VAL[7:0] 0x00 R/W Timer 4 channel 1 compare value
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TIMIF (0xD8) – Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Timer 1 overflow interrupt mask
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Timer 4 channel 1 interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
5 T4CH1IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
Timer 4 channel 0 interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
4 T4CH0IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
Timer 4 overflow interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
3 T4OVFIF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
Timer 3 channel 1 interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
2 T3CH1IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
Timer 3 channel 0 interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
1 T3CH0IF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
Timer 3 overflow interrupt flag. Writing a 1 has no effect
0 No interrupt is pending
0 T3OVFIF 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt is pending
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13.10 ADC
13.10.1 ADC Introduction
The ADC supports up to 12-bit analog-to-
digital conversion. The ADC includes an
analog multiplexer with up to eight individually
configurable channels, reference voltage
generator, and conversion results written to
memory through DMA. Several modes of
operation are available.
The main features of the ADC are as follows:
Selectable decimation rates which also
sets the resolution (7 to 12 bits).
Eight individual input channels, single-
ended or differential (
has only
six channels)
Reference voltage selectable as
internal, external single ended, external
differential, or AVDD.
Interrupt request generation
DMA triggers at end of conversions
Temperature sensor input
Battery measurement capability
Figure 38: ADC Block Diagram
13.10.2 ADC Operation
This section describes the general setup and
operation of the ADC and describes the usage
of the ADC control and status registers
accessed by the CPU. ADC Core
The ADC is capable of converting an analog
input into a digital representation with up to 12
bits resolution. The ADC uses a selectable
positive reference voltage. ADC Inputs
The signals on the P0 port pins can be used as
ADC inputs.
To configure a P0 pin to be used as an ADC
input the corresponding bit in the ADCCFG
register must be set to 1. The default value in
this register disables the ADC inputs. Please
see Section 13.4.7 on Page 92 for more details
on how to configure the ADC input pins. In the
following these port pin will be referred to as
the AIN0 - AIN7 pins. The ADC can be set up
to automatically perform a sequence of
conversions and optionally perform an extra
It is possible to configure the inputs as single-
ended or differential inputs. In the case where
differential inputs are selected, the differential
inputs consist of the input pairs AIN0 - AIN1,
AIN2 - AIN3, AIN4 - AIN5, and AIN6 - AIN7.
Note that neither a negative supply, nor a
supply larger than VDD (unregulated power)
can be applied to these pins. It is the
difference between the pairs that are
converted in differential mode.
Note: P0_6 and P0_7 do not exist on
, hence only six input channels are
available (AIN0 – AIN5)
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In addition to the input pins AIN0 - AIN7, the
output of an on-chip temperature sensor can
be selected as an input to the ADC for
temperature measurements.
It is also possible to select a voltage
corresponding to AVDD/3 as an ADC input.
This input allows the implementation of e.g. a
battery monitor in applications where this
feature is required. ADC Conversion Sequences
The ADC will perform a sequence of
conversions, and the results can be moved to
memory (through DMA) without any interaction
from the CPU.
The ADCCON2.SCH register bits are used to
define an ADC conversion sequence from the
ADC inputs. If some of the inputs in this
sequence are not configured to be analog
input signals in the ADCCFG register, these will
be skipped. For differential inputs both input
pins must be configured to be analog input
0000 ADCCON2.SCH 0111: Single-
ended inputs
1000 ADCCON2.SCH 1011:
Differential inputs
1100 ADCCON2.SCH 1111: GND,
internal voltage reference, temp. sensor,
and AVDD/3
When ADCCON2.SCH is set to a value less
than 1000 a conversion sequence will contain
a conversion from each ADC input, starting at
AIN0 and ending at the input programmed in
ADCCON2.SCH. When ADCCON2.SCH is set to
a value ranging from 1000 to 1011, the
sequence will start at the differential input pair
(AIN0 – AIN1) and stop at the input pair given
by ADCCON2.SCH. For even higher settings,
only single conversions are performed. In
addition to this sequence of conversions, the
ADC can be programmed to perform a single
conversion (see next section). ADC Operating Modes
This section describes the operating modes
and initialization of conversions.
The ADC has three control registers:
registers are used to configure the ADC and to
report status.
The ADCCON1.EOC bit is a status bit that is set
high when a conversion ends and cleared
when ADCH is read.
The ADCCON1.ST bit is used to start a
sequence of conversions. A sequence will start
when this bit is set high,
ADCCON1.STSEL=11, and no conversion is
currently running. When the sequence is
completed, this bit is automatically cleared.
The ADCCON1.STSEL bits select which event
that will start a new sequence of conversions.
The options which can be selected are rising
edge on external pin P2_0, end of previous
sequence, a Timer 1 channel 0 compare
event, or ADCCON1.ST is 1.
ADCCON2.SREF is used to select the reference
voltage. The reference voltage should only be
changed when no conversion is running.
The ADCCON2.SDIV bits select the decimation
rate (and thereby also the resolution and time
required to complete a conversion and sample
rate). The decimation rate should only be
changed when no conversion is running.
The ADCCON2.SCH register bits are used to
define an ADC conversion sequence.
The ADC can be programmed to perform a
single conversion (single-ended, differential,
GND, internal voltage reference, temperature
sensor, or AVDD/3). This is called an extra
conversion and is controlled with the ADCCON3
register. This conversion is triggered by writing
to ADCCON3. If this register is written while the
ADC is running, the conversion will take place
as soon as the sequence has completed. If the
register is written while the ADC is not running,
the conversion will take place immediately
after the ADCCON3 register is updated.
The ADCCON3 register controls which input to
use, reference voltage, and decimation rate for
the extra conversion. The coding of the
register bits is exactly as for ADCCON2. ADC Reference Voltage
The positive reference voltage for analog-to-
digital conversions is selectable as either an
internally generated 1.25 V voltage, the AVDD
pin, an external voltage applied to the AIN7
input pin, or a differential voltage applied to the
Note: If a sequence of conversions is
started without setting any of the P0 pins
as analog inputs, ADCCON2.SCH and
ADCCON1.EOC will still be updated, as if
the conversions had taken place.
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AIN6 - AIN7 inputs (AIN6 must have the
highest input voltage). It is possible to select
the reference voltage as the input to the ADC
in order to perform a conversion of the
reference voltage e.g. for calibration purposes.
Similarly, it is possible to select the ground
terminal GND as an input. ADC Conversion Results
The digital conversion result is represented in
two's complement form. For single ended
configurations the result is always positive (the
result is the difference between ground and the
input signal AINn, where n is 0, 1, 2, …, 7) and
will be a value between 0 and 2047. The
maximum value is reached when the input
amplitude is equal VREF, the selected voltage
reference. For differential configurations the
difference between two pin pairs are converted
and this difference can be negatively signed.
For 12-bit resolution the digital conversion
result is 2047 when the analog input is equal to
VREF, and the conversion result is -2048
when the analog input is equal to -VREF.
The digital conversion result is available in
ADCH and ADCL when ADCCON1.EOC is set to
1. Note that the conversion result always
resides in MSB section of ADCH:ADCL.
When reading the ADCCON2.SCH bits, the
number returned will indicate what the last
conversion was. Notice that when the value
written to ADCCON2.SCH is less than 1100, the
number returned will be the number written +
1. For example, after a sequence of
conversions from AIN0 to AIN4 has completed,
ADCCON2.SCH will be read as 0101, while
after a single conversion of the temperature
sensor has completed, the register field will be
read as 1110 (same as the value written to it).
If an extra conversion has been initiated by
writing to ADCCON3.ECH, ADCCON2.SCH will
be updated, after the conversion has
completed, with the same value as written to
ADCCON3.ECH, even if this value was less
than 1100. ADC Conversion Timing
The high speed crystal oscillator should be
selected as system clock when the ADC is
used and CLKCON.CLKSPD should be 000.
The ADC runs on a clock which is the system
clock divided by 6 to give a 4.33/4 MHz ADC
clock. Both the delta-sigma modulator and the
decimation filter use the ADC clock for their
calculations. Using other frequencies will affect
the results, and conversion time. All data
presented within this data sheet assume the
use of the high speed crystal oscillator.
The time required to perform a conversion
depends on the selected decimation rate.
When, for instance, the decimation rate is set
to 128, the decimation filter uses exactly 128
ADC clock periods to calculate the result.
When a conversion is started, the input
multiplexer is allowed 16 ADC clock periods to
settle in case the channel has been changed
since the previous conversion. The 16 clock
cycles settling time applies to all decimation
rates. This means that the conversion time,
Tconv, is given by:
Tconv = (decimation rate + 16) x T where
0.22 µs T 0.23 µs for
, depending
on the frequency of the high speed crystal
T = 0.25 µs for
CC2511Fx ADC Interrupts
The ADC will only generate an interrupt when
an extra conversion has completed. ADC DMA Triggers
DMA triggers 20 – 28 are associated with
single-ended or differential conversion
sequences (ADCCON2.SCH 1100). The ADC
will generate a DMA trigger event when a new
sample is ready from a conversion in the
sequence. The same is the case if a single
conversion is completed (ADCCON2.SCH
1100). Be aware that DMA trigger number 27
and 28 are shared with the I2S module.
In addition there is one DMA trigger,
ADC_CHALL, which is active when new data
is ready from any of the conversions in the
ADC conversion sequence and from the single
conversion defined by ADCCON2.SCH. A
completion of an extra conversion will not
generate a trigger event.
The DMA triggers are listed in Table 51 on
Page 105.
Note: P0_6 and P0_7 do not exist on
, hence it is not possible to use
external voltage reference for the ADC on
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13.10.3 ADC Registers
This section describes the ADC registers.
ADCL (0xBA) – ADC Data Low
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 ADC[3:0] 0000 R Least significant part of ADC conversion result. The decimation rate
configures through ADCCON2.SDIV determines how many of these bits are
relevant to use.
3:0 0000 R
ADCH (0xBB) – ADC Data High
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 ADC[11:4] 0x00 R Most significant part of ADC conversion result. The decimation rate configures
through ADCCON2.SDIV determines how many of these bits are relevant to
ADCCON1 (0xB4) – ADC Control 1
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
End of conversion. Cleared when ADCH has been read. If a new conversion
is completed before the previous data has been read, the EOC bit will remain
0 Conversion not complete
7 EOC 0 R
1 Conversion completed
Start conversion. Read as 1 until conversion has completed
0 No conversion in progress
6 ST 0 R/W1
1 Start a conversion sequence if ADCCON1.STSEL=11 and no
sequence is running.
Start select. Selects which event that will start a new conversion sequence.
00 External trigger on P2_0 pin.
01 Full speed. Do not wait for triggers.
10 Timer 1 channel 0 compare event
5:4 STSEL[1:0] 11 R/W
Controls the 16 bit random generator. When set to 01, the setting will
automatically return to 00 when operation has completed.
00 Normal (13x unrolling) or operation completed
01 Clock the LFSR once (no unrolling).
10 Reserved
3:2 RCTRL[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Stopped. Random generator is turned off.
1:0 11 R/W Reserved. Always write 11
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ADCCON2 (0xB5) – ADC Control 2
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Selects reference voltage used for the sequence of conversions
00 Internal 1.25V reference
01 External reference on AIN7 pin (only
10 AVDD pin
7:6 SREF[1:0] 00 R/W
11 External reference on AIN6-AIN7 differential input (only
Sets the decimation rate for channels included in the sequence of
conversions. The decimation rate also determines the resolution and time
required to complete a conversion.
00 64 dec rate (7 bits resolution)
01 128 dec rate (9 bits resolution)
10 256 dec rate (10 bits resolution)
5:4 SDIV[1:0] 01 R/W
11 512 dec rate (12 bits resolution)
Sequence Channel Select. Selects the end of the sequence.
SCH 0111: A conversion sequence will contain a conversion from each
ADC input, starting at AIN0 and ending at the input programmed in
1000 SCH 1011: The sequence will start at the differential input pair
(AIN0 – AIN1) and stop at the input pair given by ADCCON2.SCH.
SCH 1100: Only single conversions are performed.
When reading the ADCCON2.SCH bits, the number returned will indicate what
the last conversion was. Please see Section for details.
0000 AIN0
0001 AIN1
0010 AIN2
0011 AIN3
0100 AIN4
0101 AIN5
0110 AIN6
0111 AIN7
1000 AIN0-AIN1
1001 AIN2-AIN3
1010 AIN4-AIN5
1011 AIN6-AIN7
1100 GND
1101 Positive voltage reference
1110 Temperature sensor
3:0 SCH[3:0] 00 R/W
1111 AVDD/3
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ADCCON3 (0xB6) – ADC Control 3
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
Selects reference voltage used for the extra conversion
00 Internal 1.25V reference
01 External reference on AIN7 pin (only
10 AVDD pin
7:6 EREF[1:0] 00 R/W
11 External reference on AIN6-AIN7 differential input (only
Sets the decimation rate used for the extra conversion. The decimation rate
also determines the resolution and time required to complete the conversion.
00 64 dec rate (7 bits resolution)
01 128 dec rate (9 bits resolution)
10 256 dec rate (10 bits resolution)
5:4 EDIV[1:0] 00 R/W
11 512 dec rate (12 bits resolution)
Extra channel select. An extra conversion will be triggered by writing to these
bits. If they are written while the ADC is running, the conversion will take
place as soon as the sequence has completed. If the bits are written while
the ADC is not running, the conversion will take place immediately after this
register has been updated.
The bits are automatically cleared when the extra conversion has finished.
0000 AIN0
0001 AIN1
0010 AIN2
0011 AIN3
0100 AIN4
0101 AIN5
0110 AIN6
0111 AIN7
1000 AIN0-AIN1
1001 AIN2-AIN3
1010 AIN4-AIN5
1011 AIN6-AIN7
1100 GND
1101 Positive voltage reference
1110 Temperature sensor
3:0 ECH[3:0] 0000 R/W
1111 VDD/3
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13.11 Random Number Generator
13.11.1 Introduction
The random number generator has the
following features.
Generate pseudo-random bytes which
can be read by the CPU.
Calculate CRC16 of bytes that are
written to RNDH.
Seeded by value written to RNDL.
The random number generator is a 16-bit
Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) with
polynomial 1
21516 +
(i.e. CRC16).
It uses different levels of unrolling depending
on the operation it performs. The basic version
(no unrolling) is shown below.
The random number generator is turned off
when ADCCON1.RCTRL=11.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+ +
Figure 39: Basic Structure of the Random Number Generator
13.11.2 Random Number Generator
The operation of the random number generator
is controlled by the ADCCON1.RCTRL bits. The
current value of the 16-bit shift register in the
LFSR can be read from the RNDH and RNDL
registers. Semi Random Sequence
The default operation (ADCCON1.RCTRL=00)
is to clock the LSFR once (13x unrolling) thus
give a new pseudo-random byte from LSB of
the LSFR each time the RNDL register is read.
Another way is to update the LFSR is to set
ADCCON1.RCTRL=01. This will clock the LFSR
once (no unrolling) and the ADCCON1.RCTRL
bits will automatically be cleared when the
operation has completed. Seeding
The LFSR can be seeded by writing to the
RNDL register twice. Each time the RNDL
register is written, the 8 LSB of the LFSR is
copied to the 8 MSB and the 8 LSBs are
replaced with the new data byte that was
written to RNDL. CRC16
The LFSR can also be used to calculate the
CRC value of a sequence of bytes. Writing to
the RNDH register will trigger a CRC
calculation. The new byte is processed from
the MSB end and an 8x unrolling is used, so
that a new byte can be written to RNDH every
clock cycle.
Note that the LFSR must be properly seeded
by writing to RNDL, before the CRC
calculations start. Usually the seed value
should be 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. Using 0xFFFF
as seed value will give the CRC used by the
For the following byte sequence:
0x03, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43
The CRC will be 0xB4BC when using 0xFFFF
as seed value.
13.11.3 Registers
The random number generator registers are
described in this section.
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RNDL (0xBC) – Random Number Generator Data Low Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
[7:0] RNDL[7:0] 0xFF R/W Random value/seed or CRC result, low byte
When used for random number generation writing this register twice will
seed the random number generator. Writing to this register copies the 8
LSBs of the LFSR to the 8 MSBs and replaces the 8 LSBs with the data
value written.
The value returned when reading from this register is the 8 LSBs of the
When used for random number generation, reading this register returns the 8
LSBs of the random number. When used for CRC calculations, reading this
register returns the 8 LSBs of the CRC result.
RNDH (0xBD) – Random Number Generator Data High Byte
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
[7:0] RNDH[7:0] 0xFF R/W Random value or CRC result/input data, high byte
When written, a CRC16 calculation will be triggered, and the data value
written is processed starting with the MSB bit.
The value returned when reading from this register is the 8 MSBs of the
When used for random number generation, reading this register returns the 8
MSBs of the random number. When used for CRC calculations, reading this
register returns the 8 MSBs of the CRC result.
13.12 AES Coprocessor
data encryption is
performed using a dedicated coprocessor
which supports the Advanced Encryption
Standard, AES. The coprocessor allows
encryption/decryption to be performed with
minimal CPU usage.
The coprocessor has the following features:
MAC modes.
Hardware support for CCM mode
128-bits key and IV/Nonce
DMA transfer trigger capability
13.12.1 AES Operation
To encrypt a message, the following procedure
must be followed:
Load key
Load initialization vector (IV)/nonce
Download and upload data for
The AES coprocessor works on blocks of 128
bits. A block of data is loaded into the
coprocessor, encryption is performed, and the
result must be read out before the next block
can be processed. Before each block load, a
dedicated start command must be sent to the
13.12.2 Key and IV
Before a key or IV/nonce load starts, an
appropriate load key or IV/nonce command
must be issued to the coprocessor. When
loading the IV it is important to also set the
correct mode.
A key load or IV load operation aborts any
processing that could be running.
The key, once loaded, stays valid until a key
reload takes place.
The IV must be downloaded before the
beginning of each message (not block).
Both key and IV are cleared by a reset of the
device and when PM2 or PM3 are entered.
13.12.3 Padding of Input Data
AES works on blocks of 128 bits. If the last
block contains less than 128 bits, it must be
padded with zeros when written to the
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13.12.4 Interface to CPU
The CPU communicates with the coprocessor
using three SFRs:
ENCCS, Encryption control and status
ENCDI, Encryption input register
ENCDO, Encryption output register
Read/write to the control and status register is
done by the CPU, while read/write the
output/input registers is intended for use
together with direct memory access (DMA).
When using DMA, one channel is used for
input data and one for output data. The DMA
channels must be initialized before a start
command is written to the ENCCS. Writing a
start command generates a DMA trigger and
the transfer is started. After each block is
processed, the interrupt flag, S0CON.ENCIF, is
asserted, and an interrupt request generated if
IEN0.ENCIE is set to 1. The interrupt is used
to issue a new start command to the ENCCS.
13.12.5 Modes of Operation
ECB and CBC modes are performed as
described in Section 13.12.1
When using CFB, OFB, and CTR mode, the
128 bits blocks are divided into four 32 bit
blocks. 32 bits are loaded into the AES
coprocessor and the resulting 32 bits are read
out. This continues until all 128 bits have been
encrypted. The only time one has to consider
this is if data is loaded/read directly using the
CPU. When using DMA, this is handled
automatically by the DMA triggers generated
by the AES coprocessor, thus DMA is
Both encryption and decryption are performed
The CBC-MAC mode is a variant of the CBC
mode. When performing CBC-MAC, data is
downloaded to the coprocessor one 128 bits
block at a time, except for the last block.
Before the last block is loaded, the mode must
be changed to CBC. The last block is then
downloaded and the block uploaded will be the
MAC value. CBC-MAC decryption is similar to
encryption. The message MAC uploaded must
be compared with the MAC to be verified.
13.12.6 AES Interrupts
The AES interrupt flag, S0CON.ENCIF, is
asserted when encryption or decryption of a
block is completed. An interrupt request is
generated if IEN0.ENCIE is set to 1
13.12.7 AES DMA Triggers
There are two DMA triggers associated with
the AES coprocessor. These are ENC_DW,
which is active when input data needs to be
downloaded to the ENCDI register, and
ENC_UP, which is active when output data
needs to be uploaded from the ENCDO register.
The ENCDI and ENCDO registers should be set
as destination and source locations for DMA
channels used to transfer data to or from the
AES coprocessor.
13.12.8 AES Registers
This section describes the AES coprocessor
registers. These registers will be in their reset
state when returning to active mode from PM2
and PM3.
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ENCCS (0xB3) – Encryption Control and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Encryption/decryption mode
000 CBC
001 CFB
010 OFB
011 CTR
100 ECB
110 Reserved
6:4 MODE[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Reserved
Encryption/decryption ready status
0 Encryption/decryption in progress
3 RDY 1 R
1 Encryption/decryption is completed
Command to be performed when a 1 is written to ST.
00 Encrypt block
01 Decrypt block
10 Load key
2:1 CMD[1:0] 0 R/W
11 Load IV/nonce
0 ST 0 R/W1
Start processing command set by CMD. Must be issued for each command or
128 bits block of data. Cleared by hardware
ENCDI (0xB1) – Encryption Input Data
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DIN[7:0] 0x00 R/W Encryption input data.
ENCDO (0xB2) – Encryption Output Data
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DOUT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Encryption output data.
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13.13 Watchdog Timer
The watchdog timer (WDT) is intended as a
recovery method in situations where the
software hangs. The WDT shall reset the
system when software fails to clear the WDT
within a selected time interval. The watchdog
can be used in applications where high
reliability is required. If the watchdog
function is not needed in an application, it is
possible to configure the watchdog timer to
be used as an interval timer that can be
used to generate interrupts at selected time
The features of the watchdog timer are as
Four selectable timer intervals
Watchdog mode
Timer mode
Interrupt request generation in timer
Clock independent from system clock
The operation of the WDT module is
controlled by the WDCTL register. The
watchdog timer consists of a 15-bit counter
clocked by the one of the low speed
oscillators. Note that the content of the 15-bit
counter is not user-accessible. The content
of the 15-bit counter is reset to 0x0000 when
a PM2 or PM3 is entered.
13.13.1 Watchdog Mode
The watchdog timer is disabled after a
system reset. To set the WDT in watchdog
mode the WDCTL.MODE bit must be set to 0.
The watchdog timer counter starts
incrementing when the enable bit WDCTL.EN
is set to 1. When the timer is enabled in
watchdog mode it is not possible to disable
the timer. Therefore, writing a 0 to
WDCTL.EN has no effect if a 1 was already
written to this bit when WDCTL.MODE was 0.
The WDT operates with a watchdog timer
clock frequency of 32.768 kHz (low speed
crystal oscillator) or 32 - 36 kHz (calibrated
low power RC oscillator). The timer interval
depend on the count value settings (64, 512,
8192, and 32768 respectively) configured in
If the counter reaches the selected timer
interval value (watchdog timeout), the
watchdog timer generates a reset signal for
the system. If a watchdog clear sequence is
performed before the counter reaches the
selected timer interval value, the counter is
reset to 0x0000 and continues incrementing
its value. The watchdog clear sequence
consists of writing 1010 to
WDCTL.CLR[3:0] followed by writing 0101
to the same register bits within one half of a
watchdog clock period. If this complete
sequence is not performed, the watchdog
timer generates a reset signal for the
system. Note that as long as a correct
watchdog clear sequence begins within the
selected timer interval, the counter is reset
when the complete sequence has been
When the watchdog timer has been enabled
in watchdog mode, it is not possible to
change the mode by writing to the
WDCTL.MODE bit. The timer interval value
can be changed by writing to the
WDCTL.INT[1:0] bits.
Note that a change in the timer interval
value should be followed by a clearing of
the watchdog timer to avoid an unwanted
watchdog reset.
In watchdog mode, the WDT does not
produce an interrupt request.
13.13.2 Timer Mode
To set the WDT in normal timer mode, the
WDCTL.MODE bit is set to 1. When register
bit WDCTL.EN is set to 1, the timer is started
and the counter starts incrementing. When
the counter reaches the selected interval
value, the IRCON2.WDTIF flag is asserted
and an interrupt request is generated if
watchdog timer interrupt is enabled
In timer mode, it is possible to clear the timer
contents by writing a 1 to WDCTL.CLR[0].
When the timer is cleared the contents of the
counter is set to 0x0000. The timer is
stopped by setting WDCTL.EN=0 and
restarted from 0x000 by setting
The timer interval is set by the
WDCTL.INT[1:0] bits. In timer mode, a
reset will not be produced when the timer
interval value is reached.
13.13.3 Watchdog Mode and Power Modes
In active mode and PM0 the WDT runs and
resets the chip upon timeout. To avoid reset,
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the watchdog timer must be cleared before the counter expires.
Power Mode Comments
PM1 The WDT runs but does not reset the chip upon timeout. If active mode is entered just as the timer
expires, the chip will be reset immediately, hence the WDT needs to be cleared regularly (before
timeout) also when in PM1.
PM2 and PM3 The WDT is disabled and reset, and the configuration is retained. The counter will start from 0x0000
when active mode is entered from PM2 or PM3
Table 54: Watchdog Mode and Power Modes
13.13.4 Watchdog Timer Register
WDCTL (0xC9) – Watchdog Timer Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 CLR[3:0] 0000 R/W Clear timer. When 1010 followed by 0101 is written to these bits, the counter is reset to
0x0000. Note that the watchdog will only be cleared when 0101 is written within 0.5
watchdog clock period after 1010 was written. Writing to these bits when EN is 0 has no
Enable timer. When a 1 is written to this bit the timer is enabled and starts
incrementing. Writing a 0 to this bit in timer mode stops the timer. Writing a 0 to this bit
in watchdog mode has no effect.
0 Timer disabled
3 EN 0 R/W
1 Timer enabled
Mode select.
0 Watchdog mode
2 MODE 0 R/W
1 Timer mode
Timer interval select. These bits select the timer interval defined as a given number of
low speed oscillator periods.
Timer interval
# of periods 32.768 kHz crystal
32 kHz RCOSC
34.667 kHz RCOSC
running @ 26 MHz)
00 32768 1 s 1.024 s 0.945 s
01 8192 0.25 s 0.256 s 0.236 s
10 512 15.625 ms 16 ms 14.769 ms
1:0 INT[1:0] 00 R/W
11 64 1.953 ms 2 ms 1.846 ms
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13.14 USART
USART0 and USART1 are serial
communications interfaces that can be
operated separately in either asynchronous
UART mode or in synchronous SPI mode. The
two USARTs are identical in functionality but
are assigned to separate I/O pins. Refer to
Section 13.4 on Page 88 for I/O configuration.
13.14.1 UART Mode
For asynchronous serial interfaces, the UART
mode is provided. In UART mode the interface
uses a two-wire or four-wire interface
consisting of the pins RXD and TXD, and
optionally RTS and CTS. The UART mode
includes the following features:
8 or 9 data bits
Odd, even, or no parity
Configurable start and stop bit level
Configurable LSB or MSB first transfer
Independent receive and transmit
Independent receive and transmit DMA
Parity and framing error status
The UART mode provides full duplex
asynchronous transfers and the
synchronization of bits in the receiver does not
interfere with the transmit function. A UART
byte transfer consists of a start bit, eight data
bits, an optional ninth data or parity bit, and
one or two stop bits. Note that the data
transferred is referred to as a byte, although
the data can actually consist of eight or nine
The UART operation is controlled by the
USART x Control and Status registers, UxCSR,
and the USART x UART Control register,
UxUCR, where x is the USART number, 0 or 1.
The UART mode is selected when
UxCSR.MODE is set to 1. UART Transmit
A UART transmission is initiated when the
USART Receive/Transmit Data Buffer,
UxDBUF register is written. The byte is
transmitted on the TXDx output pin. The
UxDBUF register is double-buffered.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the
byte transmission starts and low when it ends.
When the transmission ends, the
UxCSR.TX_BYTE bit is set to 1. The USARTx
TX complete CPU interrupt flag
(IRCON2.UTXxIF) is asserted when the
UxDBUF register is ready to accept new
transmit data, and an interrupt request is
generated if IEN2.UTXxIE=1. This happens
immediately after the transmission has been
started, hence a new data byte value can be
loaded into the data buffer while the byte is
being transmitted. UART Receive
Data reception on the UART is initiated when a
1 is written to the UxCSR.RE bit. The UART
will then search for a valid start bit on the
RXDx input pin and set the UxCSR.ACTIVE bit
high. When a valid start bit has been detected
the received byte is shifted into the receive
register. The UxCSR.RX_BYTE bit and the
CPU interrupt flag, TCON.URXxIF, is set to 1
when the operation has completed and an
interrupt request is generated if
IEN0.URXxIE=1. At the same time
UxCSR.ACTIVE will go low.
The received data byte is available through the
UxDBUF register. When UxDBUF is read,
UxCSR.RX_BYTE is cleared by hardware. UART Hardware Flow Control
Hardware flow control is enabled when the
UxUCR.FLOW bit is set to 1. The RTS output
will then be driven low when the receive
register is empty and reception is enabled.
Transmission of a byte will not occur before
the CTS input go low. UART Character Format
If the BIT9 and PARITY bits in register UxUCR
are set high, parity generation and detection is
enabled. The parity is computed and
transmitted as the ninth bit, and during
reception, the parity is computed and
compared to the received ninth bit. If there is a
parity error, the UxCSR.ERR bit is set high.
This bit is cleared when UxCSR is read.
The number of stop bits to be transmitted is set
to one or two bits determined by the register bit
UxUCR.SPB. The receiver will always check for
one stop bit. If the first stop bit received during
reception is not at the expected stop bit level, a
framing error is signaled by setting register bit
UxCSR.FE high. UxCSR.FE is cleared when
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UxCSR is read. The receiver will check both
stop bits when UxUCR.SPB=1. Note that the
USARTx RX complete CPU interrupt flag,
TCON.URXxIF, and the UxCSR.RX_BYTE bit
will be asserted when the first stop bit is
checked OK. If the second stop bit is not OK,
the framing error bit, UxCSR.FE, will be
asserted. This means that this bit is updated 1
bit duration later than the 2 other above
mentioned bits. The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit will be
de-asserted after the second stop bit (if
13.14.2 SPI Mode
This section describes the SPI mode of
operation for synchronous communication. In
SPI mode, the USART communicates with an
external system through a 3-wire or 4-wire
interface. The interface consists of the pins
MOSI, MISO, SCK and SSN. Refer to Section
13.4 on Page 88 for I/O configuration.
The SPI mode includes the following features:
3-wire (master) and 4-wire SPI interface
Master and slave modes
Configurable SCK polarity and phase
Configurable LSB or MSB first transfer
The SPI mode is selected when UxCSR.MODE
is set to 0.
In SPI mode, the USART can be configured to
operate either as an SPI master or as an SPI
slave by setting UxCSR.SLAVE to 0 or 1,
respectively. SPI Master Operation
An SPI byte transfer in master mode is initiated
when the UxDBUF register is written. The
USART generates the SCK signal using the
baud rate generator (see Section 13.14.3) and
shifts the provided byte from the transmit
register onto the MOSI output. At the same
time the receive register shifts in the received
byte from the MISO input pin.
The polarity and clock phase of the serial clock
SCK is selected by UxGCR.CPOL and
UxGCR.CPHA. The order of the byte transfer is
selected by the UxGCR.ORDER bit.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the
transfer starts and low when the transfer ends.
When the transfer ends, the UxCSR.TX_BYTE
bit is set to 1.
At the end of the transfer, the USARTx RX
complete CPU interrupt flag, TCON.URXxIF, is
asserted and the received data byte is
available in UxDBUF. An interrupt request is
generated if IEN0.URXxIE=1
Since UxDBUF is double-buffered, the
assertion of the USARTx TX complete CPU
interrupt flag (IRCON2.UTXxIF) happens just
after a transmission has been initiated, and is
therefore not safe to use. Instead, the
assertion of the UxCSR.TX_BYTE bit should be
used as an indication on when new data can
be written to UxDBUF. For DMA transfers this
is handled automatically, but with the limitation
that the UxGDR.CPHA bit must be set to zero.
For systems requiring setting
UxGDR.CPHA=1, the DMA can not be used.
Also note that the USARTx TX complete
interrupt occurs approximately 1 byte period
prior to the USARTx RX complete interrupt.
In SPI master mode, only the MOSI, MISO,
and SCK should be configured as peripherals
(see Section and Section If
the external slave requires a slave select
signal (SSN) this can be implemented by using
a general-purpose I/O pin and control from
SW. SPI Slave Operation
An SPI byte transfer in slave mode is
controlled by the external system. The data on
the MOSI input is shifted into the receive
register controlled by the serial clock SCK,
which is an input in slave mode. At the same
time the byte in the transmit register is shifted
out onto the MISO output.
The UxCSR.ACTIVE bit goes high when the
transfer starts and low when the transfer ends.
When the transfer ends, the UxCSR.RX_BYTE
bit is set to 1
At the end of the transfer, the USARTx RX
complete CPU interrupt flag, TCON.URXxIF, is
asserted and the received data byte is
available in UxDBUF. An interrupt request is
generated if IEN0.URXxIE=1. The USARTx
TX complete CPU interrupt flag,
IRCON2.UTXxIF, is asserted at the start of
the operation and an interrupt request is
generated if IEN2.UTXxIE=1.
The expected polarity and clock phase of SCK
is selected by UxGCR.CPOL and UxGCR.CPHA
as shown in Figure 40. The expected order of
the byte transfer is selected by the
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SWRS055D Page 154 of 243 Slave Select pin (SSN)
When the USART is operating in SPI slave
mode, a 4-wire interface is used with the Slave
Select (SSN) pin as an input to the SPI (edge
controlled). The SPI slave becomes active
after a falling edge on SSN and will receive
data on the MOSI input and send data on the
MISO output. After a rising edge on SSN, the
SPI slave is inactive and will not receive data.
Note that the MISO output is not tri-stated
when the SPI slave is inactive. Also note that
the rising edge on SSN must be aligned to the
end of the byte sent / received. If this is not the
case, the next received byte will be corrupted.
If there is a rising edge on SSN in the middle
of a byte, this should be followed by a USART
flush to avoid corruption of the following byte.
In SPI master mode, the SSN pin is not used.
When the USART operates as an SPI master
and a slave select signal is needed by an
external SPI slave device, a general purpose
I/O pin should be used to implement the slave
select signal function in software.
Figure 40: SPI Dataflow
13.14.3 Baud Rate Generation
An internal baud rate generator set up the
UART baud rate when operating in UART
mode and the SPI master clock frequency
when operating in SPI mode.
The UxBAUD.BAUD_M[7:0] and
UxGCR.BAUD_E[4:0] registers define the
baud rate used for UART transfers and the
rate of the serial clock (SCK) for SPI transfers.
The baud rate is given by the following
where F is the system clock frequency set by
the selected system clock source.
The register values required for standard baud
rates are shown in Table 55 (F = 26 MHz) and
Table 56 (24 MHz). The tables also give the
difference in actual baud rate to standard baud
rate value as a percentage error.
The maximum baud rate for UART mode is
F/16 (UxGCR.BAUD_E[4:0]=16 and
The maximum baud rate for SPI master mode
and thus SCK frequency is F/8
(UxGCR.BAUD_E[4:0]=17 and
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UxBAUD.BAUD_M[7:0]=0). If SPI master
mode does not need to receive data, the
maximum SPI rate is F/2
(UxGCR.BAUD_E[4:0]=19 and
UxBAUD.BAUD_M[7:0]=0). Setting higher
baud rates than this will give erroneous results.
For SPI slave mode the maximum baud rate is
always F/8.
Note that the baud rate must be configured
before any other UART or SPI operations take
place (the baud rate should never be changed
when UxCSR.ACTIVE is asserted).
Baud rate [bps] UxBAUD.BAUD_M UxGCR.BAUD_E Error (%)
2400 131 6 0.04
4800 131 7 0.04
9600 131 8 0.04
14400 34 9 0.13
19200 131 9 0.04
28800 34 10 0.13
38400 131 10 0.04
57600 34 11 0.13
76800 131 11 0.04
115200 34 12 0.13
230400 34 13 0.13
Table 55: Commonly used Baud Rate Settings for 26 MHz System Clock
Baud rate [bps] UxBAUD.BAUD_M UxGCR.BAUD_E Error (%)
2400 163 6 0.08
4800 163 7 0.08
9600 163 8 0.09
14400 59 9 0.13
19200 163 9 0.10
28800 59 10 0.14
38400 163 10 0.10
57600 59 11 0.14
76800 163 11 0.10
115200 59 12 0.14
230400 59 13 0.14
Table 56: Commonly used Baud Rate Settings for 24 MHz System Clock
13.14.4 USART Flushing
The current operation can be aborted
(operation stopped and all data buffers
cleared) by setting
UxUCR.FLUSH=1.Asserting the FLUSH bit
should either be aligned with USART interrupts
or a wait time of one bit duration (at current
baud rate) should be added after setting the bit
to 1 before accessing the USART registers.
13.14.5 USART Interrupts
Each USART has two interrupts. These are the
USART x RX complete interrupt
(TCON.URXxIF) and the USART x TX
complete interrupt (IRCON2.UTXxIF). The
interrupts are enabled by setting
IEN0.URXxIE=1 and IEN2.UTXxIE=1,
respectively. Please see the previous sections
on how the interrupt flags are asserted in the
different modes of operation (UART RX, UART
TX, SPI master, and SPI Slave).
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The interrupt enables and flags are
summarized below.
Interrupt enable bits:
Interrupt flags:
13.14.6 USART DMA Triggers
There are two DMA triggers associated with
each USART (URX0, UTX0, URX1, and
UTX1). The DMA triggers are activated by RX
complete and TX complete events i.e. the
same events that might generate USART
interrupt requests. A DMA channel can be
configured using a USART Receive/transmit
buffer, UxDBUF, as source or destination
Refer to Table 51 on Page 105 for an overview
of the DMA triggers.
13.14.7 USART Registers
The registers for the USART are described in
this section. For each USART there are five
registers consisting of the following (x refers to
USART number i.e. 0 or 1):
UxCSR USART x Control and Status
UxGCR USART x Generic Control
UxDBUF USART x Receive/Transmit
Data Buffer
UxBAUD USART x Baud Rate Control
Note: For systems requiring setting
UxGDR.CPHA=1, the DMA can not be
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U0CSR (0x86) – USART 0 Control and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
USART 0 mode select
0 SPI mode
7 MODE 0 R/W
1 UART mode
UART 0 receiver enable
0 Receiver disabled
6 RE 0 R/W
1 Receiver enabled
SPI 0 master or slave mode select
0 SPI master
1 SPI slave
UART 0 framing error status
0 No framing error detected
4 FE 0 R/W0
1 Byte received with incorrect stop bit level
Note: TCON.URX0IF and U0CSR.RX_BYTE bit will be asserted when
the first stop bit is checked OK, meaning that if two stop bits are sent and
the second stop bit is not OK, this bit is asserted 1 bit duration later than
the 2 other above mentioned bits.
UART 0 parity error status
0 No parity error detected
3 ERR 0 R/W0
1 Byte received with parity error
Receive byte status
0 No byte received
2 RX_BYTE 0 R/W0
1 Received byte ready
Transmit byte status
0 Byte not transmitted
1 TX_BYTE 0 R/W0
1 Last byte written to Data Buffer register transmitted
USART 0 transmit/receive active status
0 USART 0 idle
1 USART 0 busy in transmit or receive mode
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U0UCR (0xC4) – USART 0 UART Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 FLUSH 0 R0/W1 Flush unit. When set to 1, this event will immediately stop the current
operation and return the unit to idle state.
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
UART 0 hardware flow control enable. Selects use of hardware flow control
with RTS and CTS pins
0 Flow control disabled
6 FLOW 0 R/W
1 Flow control enabled
UART 0 data bit 9 contents. This value is used when 9 bit transfer is
enabled. When parity is disabled the value written to D9 is transmitted as the
9th bit when BIT9=1.
If parity is enabled then this bit sets the parity level as follows.
0 Even parity
5 D9 0 R/W
1 Odd parity
UART 0 9-bit data enable
0 8 bits transfer
4 BIT9 0 R/W
19 bits transfer (content of the 9th bit is given by D9 and PARITY.)
UART 0 parity enable
0 Parity disabled
1 Parity enabled
UART 0 number of stop bits
0 1 stop bit
2 SPB 0 R/W
1 2 stop bits
UART 0 stop bit level
0 Low stop bit
1 STOP 1 R/W
1 High stop bit
UART 0 start bit level. The polarity of the idle line is assumed to be the
opposite of the selected start bit level.
0 Low start bit
1 High start bit
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U0GCR (0xC5) – USART 0 Generic Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
SPI 0 clock polarity
0 Negative clock polarity (SCK low when idle)
7 CPOL 0 R/W
1 Positive clock polarity (SCK high when idle)
SPI 0 clock phase
0 Data centered on first edge of SCK period
6 CPHA 0 R/W
1 Data centered on second edge of SCK period
Bit order for transfers
0 LSB first
1 MSB first
4:0 BAUD_E[4:0] 0x00 R/W Baud rate exponent value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M decides the UART 0
baud rate and the SPI 0 clock (SCK) frequency
U0DBUF (0xC1) – USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W USART 0 receive and transmit data buffer. Writing data to U0DBUF places
the data into the internal transmit buffer. Reading U0DBUF returns the
contents of the receive buffer.
U0BAUD (0xC2) – USART 0 Baud Rate Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BAUD_M[7:0] 0x00 R/W Baud rate mantissa value. BAUD_M along with BAUD_E decides the UART 0
baud rate and the SPI 0 clock (SCK) frequency
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U1CSR (0xF8) – USART 1 Control and Status
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
USART 1 mode select
0 SPI mode
7 MODE 0 R/W
1 UART mode
UART 1 receiver enable
0 Receiver disabled
6 RE 0 R/W
1 Receiver enabled
SPI 1 master or slave mode select
0 SPI master
1 SPI slave
UART 1 framing error status
0 No framing error detected
4 FE 0 R/W0
1 Byte received with incorrect stop bit level
Note that TCON.URX1IF and U1CSR.RX_BYTE bit will be asserted
when the first stop bit is checked OK, meaning that if two stop bits are
sent and the second stop bit is not OK, this bit is asserted 1 bit duration
later than the 2 other above mentioned bits.
UART 1 parity error status
0 No parity error detected
3 ERR 0 R/W0
1 Byte received with parity error
Receive byte status
0 No byte received
2 RX_BYTE 0 R/W0
1 Received byte ready
Transmit byte status
0 Byte not transmitted
1 TX_BYTE 0 R/W0
1 Last byte written to Data Buffer register transmitted
USART 1 transmit/receive active status
0 USART 1 idle
1 USART 1 busy in transmit or receive mode
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U1UCR (0xFB) – USART 1 UART Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7 FLUSH 0 R0/W1 Flush unit. When set to 1, this event will immediately stop the current
operation and return the unit to idle state.
This bit will be 0 when returning from PM2 and PM3
UART 1 hardware flow control enable. Selects use of hardware flow control
with RTS and CTS pins
0 Flow control disabled
6 FLOW 0 R/W
1 Flow control enabled
UART 1 data bit 9 contents. This value is used when 9 bit transfer is
enabled. When parity is disabled the value written to D9 is transmitted as the
9th bit when BIT9=1.
If parity is enabled then this bit sets the parity level as follows.
0 Even parity
5 D9 0 R/W
1 Odd parity
UART 1 9-bit data enable
0 8 bits transfer
4 BIT9 0 R/W
19 bits transfer (content of the 9th bit is given by D9 and PARITY.)
UART 1 parity enable
0 Parity disabled
1 Parity enabled
UART 1 number of stop bits
0 1 stop bit
2 SPB 0 R/W
1 2 stop bits
UART 1 stop bit level
0 Low stop bit
1 STOP 1 R/W
1 High stop bit
UART 1 start bit level. The polarity of the idle line is assumed to be the
opposite of the selected start bit level.
0 Low start bit
1 High start bit
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U1GCR (0xFC) – USART 1 Generic Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
SPI 1 clock polarity
0 Negative clock polarity (SCK low when idle)
7 CPOL 0 R/W
1 Positive clock polarity (SCK high when idle)
SPI 1 clock phase
0 Data centered on first edge of SCK period
6 CPHA 0 R/W
1 Data centered on second edge of SCK period
Bit order for transfers
0 LSB first
1 MSB first
4:0 BAUD_E[4:0] 0x00 R/W Baud rate exponent value. BAUD_E along with BAUD_M decides the UART 1
baud rate and the SPI 1 clock (SCK) frequency
U1DBUF (0xF9) – USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DATA[7:0] 0x00 R/W USART 1 receive and transmit data buffer. Writing data to U1DBUF places
the data into the internal transmit buffer. Reading U1DBUF returns the
contents of the receive buffer.
U1BAUD (0xFA) – USART 1 Baud Rate Control
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 BAUD_M[7:0] 0x00 R/W Baud rate mantissa value. BAUD_M along with BAUD_E decides the UART 1
baud rate and the SPI 1 clock (SCK) frequency
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13.15 I2S
provides an industry
standard I2S interface. The I2S interface can be
used to transfer digital audio samples between
and an external audio
The I2S interface can be configured to operate
as master or slave and may use mono as well
as stereo samples. When mono mode is
enabled, the same audio sample will be used
for both channels. Both full and half duplex is
supported and automatic µ-Law compression
and expansion can be used.
The I2S interface consists of 4 signals:
Continuous Serial Clock (SCK)
Word Select (WS)
Serial Data In (RX)
Serial Data Out (TX)
Please see Section for details on I/O
pin mapping for the I2S interface. When the
module is in master mode, it drives the SCK
and WS lines. When the I2S interface is in slave
mode, these lines are driven by an external
master. The data on the serial data lines is
transferred one bit per SCK cycle, most
significant bit first. The WS signal selects the
channel of the current word transfer (left = 0,
right = 1). It also determines the length of each
word. There is a transition on the WS line one
bit time before the first word is transferred and
before the last bit of each word. Figure 41
shows the I2S signaling. Only a single serial
data signal is shown in this figure. The SD
signal could be the RX or TX signal depending
on the direction of the data.
Figure 41: I2S Digital Audio Signaling
13.15.1 Enabling I2S
The I2SCFG0.ENAB bit must be set to 1 to
enable the I2S transmitter/receiver. However,
when I2SCFG0.ENAB is 0, the I2S can still be
used as a stand-alone µ-Law
compression/expansion engine. Refer to
Section 13.15.12 on Page 166 for more details
about this.
13.15.2 I2S Interrupts
The I2S has two interrupts:
2S RX complete interrupt (I2SRX)
2S TX complete interrupt (I2STX)
The I2S interrupt enable bits are found in the
I2SCFG0 register. The interrupt flags are
located in the I2SSTAT register. The interrupt
enables and flags are summarized below.
Interrupt enable bits:
Interrupt flags:
The TX interrupt flag I2SSTAT.TXIRQ is
asserted together with IRCON2.I2STXIF
when the internal TX buffer is empty and the
I2S fetches the new data previously written to
the I2SDATH:I2SDATL registers. The TX
interrupt flag, I2SSTAT.TXIRQ, is cleared
when I2SDATH register is written. An interrupt
request is only generated when
both set to 1.
The RX interrupt flag I2SSTAT.RXIRQ is
asserted together with TCON.I2SRXIF when
the internal RX buffer is full and the contents of
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the RX buffer is copied to the pair of internal
data registers that can be read from the
I2SDATH:I2SDATL registers. The RX
interrupt flag, I2SSTAT.RXIRQ, is cleared
when the I2SDATH register is read. An
interrupt request is only generated when
both set to 1.
Notice that interrupts will also be generated if
the corresponding RXIRQ or TXIRQ flags are
set from software, given that the interrupts are
The I2S shares interrupt vector with USART 1,
and the ISR must take this into account if both
modules are used. Refer to Section 11.5 on
Page 58 for more details about interrupts.
13.15.3 I2S DMA Triggers
There are two DMA triggers associated with
the I2S interface, I2SRX and I2STX. The DMA
triggers are activated by RX complete and TX
complete events, i.e. the same events that can
generated the I2S interrupt requests. The DMA
triggers are not masked by the interrupt enable
hence a DMA channel can be configured to
use the I2S receive/transmit data registers,
I2SDATH:I2SDATL, as source or destination
address and let RX and TX complete trigger
the DMA.
Notice that the DMA triggers I2SRX and
ADC_CH6 share the same DMA trigger
number (# 27) in the same way as I2STX and
ADC_CH7 share DMA trigger number 28. This
means that I2SRX can not be used together
with ADC_CH6 and I2STX can not be used
together with ADC_CH7. On the
channels 6 and 7 cannot be used since P0_6
and P0_7 I/O pins are not available.
Refer to Table 51 on Page 105 for an overview
of the DMA triggers.
13.15.4 Underflow/Overflow
If the I2S attempts to read from the internal TX
buffer when it is empty, an underflow condition
occurs. The I2S will then continue to read from
the data in the TX buffer, and
I2SSTAT.TXUNF will be asserted.
If the I2S attempts to write to the internal RX
buffer while it is full, an overflow condition
occurs. The contents of the RX buffer will be
overwritten and the I2SSTAT.RXOVF flag will
be asserted.
Thus, when debugging an application,
software may check for underflow/overflow
when an interrupt is generated or when the
application completes. The TXUNF / RXOVF
flags should be cleared in software.
13.15.5 Writing a Word (TX)
When each sample fits into a single byte or µ-
Law compressed samples (always 8 bits) are
written, i.e. µ-Law expansion is enabled
(I2SCFG0.ULAWE=1), only the I2SDATH
register needs to be written.
When each sample is more than 8 bits the low
byte must be written to the I2SDATL register
before the high byte is written to the I2SDATH
register, hence writing the I2SDATH register
indicates the completion of the write operation.
When the I2S is configured to send stereo, i.e.
flag can be used to determine whether the left-
or right-channel sample is to be written to the
data registers.
13.15.6 Reading a Word (RX)
If each sample fits into a single byte or if µ-Law
compression is enabled (I2SCFG0.ULAWC=1),
only the I2SDATH register needs to be read.
When each sample is more than 8 bits the low
byte must be read from the I2SDATL register
before the high byte is being read from the
I2SDATH register, hence reading from the
I2SDATH register indicates the completion of
the read operation.
When the I2S is configured to receive stereo,
i.e. I2SCFG0.RXMONO is 0, the
I2SSTAT.RXLR flag can be used to determine
whether the sample currently in the data
registers is a left- or right-channel sample.
13.15.7 Full vs. Half Duplex
The I2S interface supports full duplex and half
duplex operation.
In full duplex both the RX and TX lines will be
used. Both the I2SCFG0.TXIEN and
I2SCFG0.RXIEN interrupt enable bits must be
set to 1 if interrupts are used and both DMA
triggers I2STX and I2SRX must be used.
When half duplex is used only one of the RX
and TX lines are typically connected. Only the
appropriate interrupt flag should be set and
only one of the DMA triggers should be used.
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13.15.8 Master Mode
The I2S is configured as a master device by
setting I2SCFG0.MASTER to 1. When the
module is in master mode, it drives the SCK
and WS lines. Clock Generation
When the I2S is configured as master, the
frequency of the SCK clock signal must be set
to match the sample rate. The clock frequency
must be set before master mode is enabled.
SCK is generated by dividing the system clock
using a fractional clock divider. The amount of
division is given by the 15 bit numerator, NUM ,
and 9-bit denominator, DENOM, as shown in the
following formula:
sck =
where 35.3>
Fclk is the system clock frequency and Fsck is the
I2S SCK sample clock frequency.
The value of the numerator is set in the
registers and the denominator value is set in
Please note that to stay within the timing
requirements of the I2S specification [6], a
minimum value of 3.35 should be used for the
(NUM / DENOM) fraction.
The fractional divider is made such that most
normal sample rates should be supported for
most normal word sizes with a 24 MHz system
clock frequency (
). Examples of
supported configurations for a 24 MHz system
clock are given in Table 57. Table 58 shows the
configuration values for a 26 MHz system clock
frequency. Notice that the generated I2S
frequency is not exact for the 44.1 kHz, 16 bits
word size configuration at 26 MHz. The
numbers are calculated using the following
formulas, where Fs is the sample rate and W is
the word size:
Fsck (kHz) Word Size (W) CLKDIV I2SCLKF2 I2SCLKF1 I2SCLKF0 Exact
8 8 93.75 0x01 0x77 0x04 Yes
8 16 46.875 0x01 0x77 0x08 Yes
44.1 16 8.503401 0x04 0xE2 0x93 Yes
48 16 7.8125 0x00 0x7D 0x10 Yes
Table 57: Example I2S Clock Configurations (
, 24 MHz)
Fsck (kHz) Word Size (W) CLKDIV I2SCLKF2 I2SCLKF1 I2SCLKF0 Exact
8 8 101.5625 0x06 0x59 0x10 Yes
8 16 50.78125 0x06 0x59 0x20 Yes
44.1 16 9.21201 0x8A 0x2F 0x1B No
48 16 8.46354 0x06 0x59 0xC0 Yes
Table 58: Example I2S Clock Configurations (
, 26 MHz) Word Size
The word size must be set before master
mode is enabled. The word size is the number
of bits used for each sample and can be set to
a value between 1 and 33. To set the word
size, write word size – 1 to the
I2SCFG1.WORDS[4:0] bits. Setting the word
size to a value of 17 or more causes the I2S to
pad each word with 0’s in the least significant
bits since the data registers provide maximum
16 bits. This feature allows samples to be sent
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to an I2S device that takes a higher resolution
than 16 bits.
If the size of the received samples exceeds 16
bits, only the 16 most significant bits will be put
in the data registers and the remaining low
order bits will be discarded.
13.15.9 Slave Mode
The I2S is configured as a slave device by
setting I2SCFG0.MASTER to 0. When in slave
mode the SCK and WS signals are generated
by an external I2S master and are inputs to the
I2S interface. Word Size
When the I2S operates in slave mode, the word
size is determined by the master that
generates the WS signal.
The I2S will provide bits from the internal 16-bit
buffer until the buffer is empty. If the buffer
becomes empty and the master still requests
more bits, the I2S will send 0’s (low order bits).
If more than 16 bits are being received, the low
order bits are discarded.
13.15.10 Mono
The I2S also supports mono audio samples.
To receive mono samples, I2SCFG0.RXMONO
should be set to 1. Words from the right
channel will then not be read into the data
registers. This feature is included because
some mono devices repeat their audio data in
both channels and the left channel is the
default mono channel.
To send mono samples, I2SCFG0.TXMONO
should be set to 1. Each word will then be
repeated in both channels before a new word
is fetched from the data registers. This is to
enable sending a mono audio signal to a
stereo audio sink device.
13.15.11 Word Counter
The I2S contains a 10-bit word counter, which
is counting transitions on the WS line. The
counter can be cleared by triggers or by writing
to the I2SWCNT register. When a trigger
occurs, or a value is written to I2SWCNT, the
current value of the word counter is copied into
sters and the word counter is cleared.
Three triggers can be used to copy/clear the
word counter.
USB SOF: USB Start of Frame. Occurs
every ms (
T1_CH0: Timer 1, compare, channel 0
IOC_1: IO pin input transition (P1_3)
Which trigger to use is configured through the
TRIGNUM field in the I2SCFG1 register. When
the I2S is configured not to use any trigger
(I2SCFG1.TRIGNUM=0), the word counter can
only be copied/cleared from software.
The word counter will saturate if it reaches its
maximum value. Software should configure the
trigger-interval and sample-rate to ensure this
never happens.
The word counter is typically used to
calculate the average sample rate over a long
period of time (e.g. 1 second) needed by
adaptive isochronous USB endpoints. The
USB SOF event must then be used as trigger.
13.15.12 µ-Law Compression and Expansion
The I2S interface can be configured to perform
µ-Law compression and expansion. µ-Law
compression is enabled by setting the
I2SCFG0.ULAWC bit to 1 and µ-Law
expansion is enabled by setting the
I2SCFG0.ULAWE bit to 1.
When the I2S interface is enabled, i.e. the
I2SCFG0.ENAB bit is 1, and µ-Law expansion
is enabled, every byte of µ-Law compressed
data written to the I2SDATH register is
expanded to a 16-bit sample before being
transmitted. When the I2S interface is enabled
and µ-Law compression is enabled each
sample received is compressed to an 8-bit µ-
Law sample and put in the I2SDATH register.
When the I2S interface is disabled, i.e. the
I2SCFG0.ENAB bit is 0, it can still be used to
perform µ-Law compression/expansion for
other resources in the system. To perform an
expansion, I2SCFG0.ULAWE must be 1 and
I2SCFG0.ULAWC must be 0 before writing a
byte of compressed data to the I2SDATH
register. The expansion takes one clock cycle
to perform, and then the result can be read
from the I2SDATH:I2SDATL registers.
To perform a compression I2SCFG0.ULAWE
must be 01 and I2SCFG0.ULAWC must be 1.
To start the compression, an un-compressed
16-bit sample should be written to the
I2SDATH:I2SDATL registers. The
compression takes one clock cycle to perform,
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and then the result can be read from the
I2SDATH register.
Only one of the flags I2SCFG0.ULAWC and
I2SCFG0.ULAWE should be set to 1 when the
I2SCFG0.ENAB bit is 0.
13.15.13 I2S Registers
This section describes all the registers used for
I2S control and status. The I2S registers reside
in XDATA memory space in the region 0xDF40-
0xDF48. Table 33 on Page 49 gives an
overview of register addresses while the tables
in this section describe each register. Notice
that the reset values for the registers reflect a
configuration with 16-bit stereo samples and
44.1 kHz sample rate. The I2S is not enabled at
0xDF40: I2SCFG0 – I2S Configuration Register 0
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Transmit interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Receive interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
µ-Law expansion enable
0 Expansion disabled
Expansion enabled
ENAB=0 Enable expansion of data to transmit
ENAB=1 Expand data written to I2SDATH
µ-Law compression enable
0 Compression disabled
Compression enabled
ENAB=0 Enable compression of data received
ENAB=1 Compress data written to I2SDATH:I2SDATL
TX mono enable
0 Stereo mode
1 Each sample of audio data will be repeated in both channels before a new
sample is fetched. This is to enable sending a mono signal to a stereo audio sink
RX mono enable
0 Stereo mode
1 Data from the right channel will be discarded, i.e. not be read into the data
registers. This feature is included because some mono devices repeat their
audio data in both channels and left is the default mono channel.
Master mode enable
0 Slave (CLK and WS are read from the pads)
1 Master (generate the CLK and WS)
I2S interface enable
0 Disable (I2S can be used as a µ-Law compression/expansion unit)
0 ENAB 0 R/W
1 Enable
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0xDF41: I2SCFG1 – I2S Configuration Register 1
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 WORDS[4:0] 01111 R/W This field gives the word size – 1. The word size is the bit-length of one sample for
one channel. Used to generate the WS signal when in master mode.
Reset value 01111 corresponds to 16 bit samples.
Word counter copy / clear trigger
00 No trigger. Counter copied / cleared by writing to the I2SWCNT register
01 USB SOF (
10 IOC_1 (P1_3)
2:1 TRIGNUM[1:0] 00 R/W
11 T1_CH0
The pin locations for the I2S signals. This bit selects between the two alternative pin
mapping alternatives. Refer to Table 50 on Page 90 for an overview of pin locations.
0 Alt. 1 in Table 50 is used
1 Alt. 2 in Table 50 is used
Note: The I2S interface will have precedence in cases where other peripherals
(except for the debug interface) are configured to be on the same location.
0xDF42: I2SDATL – I2S Data Low Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 I2SDAT[7:0] 0x00 R/W Data register low byte.
If this register is not written between two writes to the I2SDATH register, the low byte
of the TX register will be cleared.
Note: This register will be in its reset state when returning to active mode from PM2
and PM3.
0xDF43: I2SDATH – I2S Data High Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 I2SDAT[15:8] 0x00 R/W Data register high byte.
When this register is read, I2SSTAT.RXIRQ is de-asserted and the RX buffer is
considered empty. When this register is written, I2SSTAT.TXIRQ is de-asserted and
the TX buffer is considered full.
Note: This register will be in its reset state when returning to active mode from PM2
and PM3.
0xDF44: I2SWCNT – I2S Word Count Register
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 WCNT[7:0] 0x00 R/W This register contains the 8 low order bits of the 10-bit internal word counter at the
time of the last trigger. If this register is written (any value),the value of the internal
word counter is copied into this register and I2SSTAT.WCNT[9:8], and the internal
word counter is cleared.
Refer to Section 13.15.11 for details about how to use this register.
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0xDF45: I2SSTAT – I2S Status Register
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 TXUNF 0 R/W TX buffer underflow. This bit must be cleared by software
6 RXOVF 0 R/W Rx buffer overflow. This bit must be cleared by software
0 Left channel should be placed in transmit buffer 5 TXLR 0 R
1 Right channel should be placed in transmit buffer
0 Left channel currently in receive buffer 4 RXLR 0 R
1 Right channel currently in receive buffer
TX interrupt flag. This bit is cleared by hardware when the I2SDATH register is
0 Interrupt not pending
3 TXIRQ 0 R/W1
1 Interrupt pending
RX Interrupt flag. This is cleared by hardware when the I2SDATH register is read.
0 Interrupt not pending
2 RXIRQ 0 R/W1
1 Interrupt pending
1:0 WCNT[9:8] 00 R Upper 2 bits of the 10-bit internal word counter at the time of the last trigger
0xDF46: I2SCLKF0 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 0
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DENOM[7:0] 0x93 R/W The clock division denominator low bits
0xDF47: I2SCLKF1 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 1
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 NUM[7:0] 0xE2 R/W Clock division numerator low bits
0xDF48: I2SCLKF2 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 2
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 DENOM[8] 0 R/W Clock division denominator high bits
6:0 NUM[14:8] 0x04 R/W Clock division numerator high bits
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13.16 USB Controller
CC2511Fx contains
a Full-Speed USB 2.0
compatible USB controller for serial
communication with a PC or other equipment
with USB host functionality.
The USB controller monitors the USB bus for
relevant activity and handles packet transfers.
will always operate as a slave on
the USB bus and responds only on requests
from the host (a packet can only be sent (or
received) when the USB host sends a request
in the form of a token).
Appropriate response to USB interrupts and
loading/unloading of packets into/from
endpoint FIFOs is the responsibility of the
firmware. The firmware must be able to reply
correctly to all standard requests from the USB
host and work according to the protocol
implemented in the driver on the PC.
The USB Controller has the following features:
Full-Speed operation (up to 12 Mbps)
5 endpoints (in addition to endpoint 0)
that can be used as IN, OUT, or IN/OUT
and can be configured as bulk/interrupt
or isochronous.
1 KB SRAM FIFO available for storing
USB packets
Endpoints supporting packet sizes from
8 – 512 bytes
Support for double buffering of USB
Figure 42 shows a block diagram of the USB
controller. The USB PHY is the physical
interface with input and output drivers. The
USB SIE is the Serial Interface Engine which
controls the packet transfer to/from the
endpoints. The USB controller is connected to
the rest of the system through the Memory
Note: This section will focus on describing
the functionality of the USB controller, and
it is assumed that the reader has a good
understanding of USB and is familiar with
the terms and concepts used. Refer to the
Universal Serial Bus Specification for
details [5].
Standard USB nomenclature is used
regarding IN and OUT. I.e., IN is always
into the host (PC) and OUT is out of the
host (into the
Note: The USB controller is only available
on the
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USB Controller
1 KB
Figure 42: USB Controller Block Diagram
13.16.1 48 MHz Clock
A 48 MHz external crystal must be used for the
USB Controller to operate correctly. This 48
MHz clock is divided by two internally to
generate a maximum system clock frequency
of 24 MHz. It is important that the crystal
oscillator is stable before the USB Controller is
accessed. See for details on how to
set up the crystal oscillator.
13.16.2 USB Enable
The USB Controller must be enabled before it
is used. This is performed by setting the
SLEEP.USB_EN bit to 1. Setting
SLEEP.USB_EN to 0 will reset the USB
13.16.3 USB Interrupts
There are 3 interrupt flag registers with
associated interrupt enable mask registers.
Interrupt Flag Description Associated Interrupt
Enable Mask Register
USBCIF Contains flags for common USB interrupts USBCIE
USBIIF Contains interrupt flags for endpoint 0 and all the IN
endpoints USBIIE
USBOIF Contains interrupt flags for all OUT endpoints USBOIE
Note: All interrupts except SOF and suspend are initially enabled after reset
Table 59: USB Interrupt Flags Interrupt Enable Mask Registers
In addition to the interrupt flags in the registers
shown in Table 59, there are two CPU interrupt
flags associated with the USB controller;
interrupt request to be generated, IEN1.P0IE
and/or IEN2.USBIE must be set to 1 together
with the desired interrupt enable bits from the
USBCIE, USBIIE, and USBOIE registers.
When an interrupt request has been
generated, the CPU which will start executing
the ISR if there are no higher priority interrupts
pending. The USB controller uses interrupt #6
for USB interrupts. This interrupt number is
shared with Port 2 inputs, hence the interrupt
routine must also handle Port 2 interrupts if
they are enabled. The interrupt routine should
read all the interrupt flag registers and take
action depending on the status of the flags.
The interrupt flag registers will be cleared
when they are read and the status of the
individual interrupt flags should therefore be
saved in memory (typically in a local variable
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on the stack) to allow them to be accessed
multiple times.
At the end of the ISR, after the interrupt flags
have been read, the interrupt flags should be
cleared to allow for new USB/P2 interrupts to
be detected. The port 2 interrupt status flags in
the P2IFG register should be cleared prior to
clearing IRCON2.P2IF (see Section 11.5.2).
Refer to
Table 39 and Table 40 for a complete list of
interrupts, and Section 11.5 for more details
about interrupts. USB Resume Interrupt
P0_7 does not exist on the
, but the
corresponding interrupt is used for USB
resume interrupt. This means that to be able to
wake up the
from PM1/suspend when
resume signaling has been detected on the
USB bus, IEN1.P0IE must be set to 1
together with PICTL.P0IENH.
PICTL.P0ICON must be 0 to enable interrupts
on rising edge. The P0 ISR should check the
P0IFG.USB_RESUME, and resume if this bit is
set to 1. If PM1 is entered from within an ISR
due to a suspend interrupt, it is important that
the priority of the P0 interrupt is set higher than
the priority of the interrupt from which PM1
was entered. See Section 13.16.9 for more
details about suspend and resume.
13.16.4 Endpoint 0
Endpoint 0 (EP0) is a bi-directional control
endpoint and during the enumeration phase all
communication is performed across this
endpoint. Before the USBADDR register has
been set to a value other than 0, the USB
controller will only be able to communicate
through endpoint 0. Setting the USBADDR
register to a value between 1 and 127 will
bring the USB function out of the Default state
in the enumeration phase and into the Address
state. All configured endpoints will then be
available for the application.
The EP0 FIFO is only used as either IN or
OUT and double buffering is not provided for
endpoint 0. The maximum packet size for
endpoint 0 is fixed at 32 bytes.
Endpoint 0 is controlled through the USBCS0
register by setting the USBINDEX register to 0.
The USBCNT0 register contains the number of
bytes received.
13.16.5 Endpoint 0 Interrupts
The following events may generate an EP0
interrupt request:
A data packet has been received
A data packet that was loaded into the
EP0 FIFO has been sent to the USB
host (USBCS0.INPKT_RDY should be
set to 1 when a new packet is ready to
be transferred. This bit will be cleared by
HW when the data packet has been
An IN transaction has been completed
(the interrupt is generated during the
Status stage of the transaction)
A STALL has been sent
A control transfer ends due to a
premature end of control transfer
Any of these events will cause the
USBIIF.EP0IF to be asserted regardless of
the status of the EP0 interrupt mask bit
USBIIE.EP0IE. If the EP0 interrupt mask bit
is set to 1, the CPU interrupt flag
IRCON2.USBIF will also be asserted. An
interrupt request is only generated if
IEN2.USBIE and USBIIE.EP0IE are both
set to 1. Error Conditions
When a protocol error occurs, the USB
controller sends a STALL handshake. The
USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit is asserted and an
interrupt request is generated if the endpoint 0
interrupt is properly enabled. A protocol error
can be any of the following:
An OUT token is received after
USBCS0.DATA_END has been set to
complete the OUT Data stage (the host
tries to send more data than expected)
An IN token is received after
USBCS0.DATA_END has been set to
complete the IN Data stage (the host
tries to receive more data than
The USB host tries to send a packet that
exceeds the maximum packet size
during the OUT Data stage
The size of the DATA1 packet received
during the Status stage is not 0
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The firmware can also terminate the current
transaction by setting the
controller will then send a STALL handshake in
response to the next requests from the USB
If an EP0 interrupt is caused by the assertion
of the USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit, this bit
should be de-asserted and firmware should
consider the transfer as aborted (free memory
buffers etc.).
If EP0 receives an unexpected token during
the Data stage, the USBCS0.SETUP_END bit
will be asserted and an EP0 interrupt will be
generated (if enabled properly). EP0 will then
switch to the IDLE state. Firmware should then
set the USBCS0.CLR_SETUP_END bit to 1 and
abort the current transfer. If
USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY is asserted, this
indicates that another Setup Packet has been
received that firmware should process. SETUP Transactions (IDLE State)
The control transfer consists of 2 – 3 stages of
transactions (Setup – Data - Status or Setup -
Status). The first transaction is a Setup
transaction. A successful Setup transaction
comprises three sequential packets (a token
packet, a data packet, and a handshake
packet), where the data field (payload) of the
data packet is exactly 8 bytes long and are
referred to as the Setup Packet. In the Setup
stage of a control transfer, EP0 will be in the
IDLE state. The USB controller will reject the
data packet if the Setup Packet is not 8 bytes.
Also, the USB controller will examine the
contents of the Setup Packet to determine
whether or not there is a Data stage in the
control transfer. If there is a Data stage, EP0
will switch state to TX (IN transaction) or RX
(OUT transaction) when the
USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit is set to 1 (if
When a packet is received, the
USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY bit will be asserted and
an interrupt request is generated (EP0
interrupt) if the interrupt has been enabled.
Firmware should perform the following when a
Setup Packet has been received:
1. Unload the Setup Packet from the EP0
2. Examine the contents and perform the
appropriate operations
3. Set the USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit
to 1. This denotes the end of the Setup
stage. If the control transfer has no Data
stage, the USBCS0.DATA_END bit must
also be set. If there is no Data stage, the
USB Controller will stay in the IDLE
state. IN Transactions (TX state)
If the control transfer requires data to be sent
to the host, the Setup stage will be followed by
one or more IN transactions in the Data stage.
In this case the USB controller will be in TX
state and only accept IN tokens. A successful
IN transaction comprises two or three
sequential packets (a token packet, a data
packet, and a handshake packet17). If more
than 32 bytes (maximum packet size) is to be
sent, the data must be split into a number of 32
byte packets followed by a residual packet. If
the number of bytes to send is a multiple of 32,
the residual packet will be a zero length data
packet, hence a packet size less than 32 bytes
denotes the end of the transfer.
Firmware should load the EP0 FIFO with the
first data packet and set the
USBCS0.INPKT_RDY bit as soon as possible
after the USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY bit has
been set. The USBCS0.INPKT_RDY will be
cleared and an EP0 interrupt will be generated
when the data packet has been sent. Firmware
might then load more data packets as
necessary. An EP0 interrupt will be generated
for each packet sent. Firmware must set
USBCS0.DATA_END in addition to
USBCS0.INPKT_RDY when the last data
packet has been loaded. This will start the
Status stage of the control transfer.
EP0 will switch to the IDLE state when the
Status stage has completed. The Status stage
may fail if the USBCS0.SEND_STALL bit is set
to 1. The USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit will then
be asserted and an EP0 interrupt will be
generated as explained in Section
If USBCS0.INPKT_RDY is not set when
receiving an IN token, the USB Controller will
reply with a NAK to indicate that the endpoint
is working, but temporarily has no data to
send. OUT Transactions (RX state)
If the control transfer requires data to be
received from the host, the Setup stage will be
followed by one or more OUT transactions in
the Data stage. In this case the USB controller
will be in RX state and only accept OUT
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tokens. A successful OUT transaction
comprises two or three sequential packets (a
token packet, a data packet, and a handshake
packet18). If more than 32 bytes (maximum
packet size) is to be received, the data must
be split into a number of 32 byte packets
followed by a residual packet. If the number of
bytes to receive is a multiple of 32, the residual
packet will be a zero length data packet, hence
a data packet with payload less than 32 bytes
denotes the end of the transfer.
The USBCS0.OUTPKT_RDY bit will be set and
an EP0 interrupt will be generated when a data
packet has been received. The firmware
should set USBCS0.CLR_OUTPKT_RDY when
the data packet has been unloaded from the
EP0 FIFO. When the last data packet has
been received (packet size less than 32 bytes)
firmware should also set the
USBCS0.DATA_END bit. This will start the
Status stage of the control transfer. The size of
the data packet is kept in the USBCNT0
registers. Note that this value is only valid
EP0 will switch to the IDLE state when the
Status stage has completed. The Status stage
may fail if the DATA1 packet received is not a
zero length data packet or if the
USBCS0.SEND_STALL bit is set to 1. The
USBCS0.SENT_STALL bit will then be
asserted and an EP0 interrupt will be
generated as explained in Section
13.16.6 Endpoints 1 – 5
Each endpoint can be used as an IN only, an
OUT only, or IN/OUT. For an IN/OUT endpoint
there are basically two endpoints, an IN
endpoint and an OUT endpoint associated with
the endpoint number. Configuration and
control of IN endpoints is performed through
the USBCSIL and USBCSIH registers. The
USBCSOL and USBCSOH registers are used to
configure and control OUT endpoints. Each IN
and OUT endpoint can be configured as either
Isochronous (USBCSIH.ISO=1 and/or
USBCSOH.ISO=1) or Bulk/Interrupt
(USBCSIH.ISO=0 and/or
USBCSOH.ISO=0) endpoints. Bulk and
Interrupt endpoints are handled identically by
the USB controller but will have different
properties from a firmware perspective.
The USBINDEX register must have the value of
the endpoint number before the Indexed
Endpoint Registers are accessed (see Table
35 on Page 50). FIFO Management
Each endpoint has a certain number of FIFO
memory bytes available for incoming and
outgoing data packets. Table 60 shows the
FIFO size for endpoints 1 - 5. It is the firmware
that is responsible for setting the USBMAXI and
USBMAXO registers correctly for each endpoint
to prevent data from being overwritten.
When both the IN and the OUT endpoint of an
endpoint number do not use double buffering,
the sum of USBMAXI and USBMAXO must not
exceed the FIFO size for the endpoint. Figure
43 a) shows how the IN and OUT FIFO
memory for an endpoint is organized with
single buffering. The IN FIFO grows down from
the top of the endpoint memory region while
the OUT FIFO grows up from the bottom of the
endpoint memory region.
When the IN or OUT endpoint of an endpoint
number use double buffering, the sum of
USBMAXI and USBMAXO must not exceed half
the FIFO size for the endpoint. Figure 43 b)
illustrates the IN and OUT FIFO memory for an
endpoint that uses double buffering. Notice
that the second OUT buffer starts from the
middle of the memory region and grows
upwards. The second IN buffer also starts from
the middle of the memory region but grows
To configure an endpoint as IN only, set
USBMAXO to 0 and to configure an endpoint as
OUT only, set USBMAXI to 0.
For unused endpoints, both USBMAXO and
USBMAXI should be set to 0.
EP Number FIFO Size (in bytes)
1 32
2 64
3 128
4 256
5 512
Table 60: FIFO Sizes for EP 1 – 5
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(Buffer 1)
(Buffer 1)
(Buffer 2)
(Buffer 2)
Figure 43: IN/OUT FIFOs, a) Single Buffering b) Double Buffering Double Buffering
To enable faster transfer and reduce the need
for retransmissions,
double buffering, allowing two packets to be
buffered in the FIFO in each direction. This is
highly recommended for isochronous
endpoints, which are expected to transfer one
data packet every USB frame without any
retransmission. For isochronous endpoint one
data packet will be sent/received every USB
frame. However, the data packet may be
sent/received at any time during the USB
frame period and there is a chance that two
data packets may be sent/received at a few
micro seconds interval. For isochronous
endpoints, an incoming packet will be lost if
there is no buffer available and a zero length
data packet will be sent if there is no data
packet ready for transmission when the USB
host requests data. Double buffering is not as
critical for bulk and interrupt endpoints as it is
for isochronous endpoint since packets will not
be lost. Double buffering, however, may
improve the effective data rate for bulk
To enable double buffering for an IN endpoint,
USBCSIH.IN_DBL_BUF must be set to 1. To
enable double buffering for an OUT endpoint,
The endpoint FIFOs are accessed by reading
and writing to the registers in Table 36 on
Page 51. Writing to a register causes the byte
written to be inserted into the IN FIFO.
Reading a register causes the next byte in the
OUT FIFO to be extracted and the value of this
byte to be returned.
When a data packet has been written to an IN
FIFO, the USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit must be
set to 1. If double buffering is enabled, the
USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit will be cleared
immediately after it has been written and
another data packet can be loaded. This will
not generate an IN endpoint interrupt, since an
interrupt is only generated when a packet has
been sent. When double buffering is used
firmware should check the status of the
USBCSIL.PKT_PRESENT bit before writing to
the IN FIFO. If this bit is 0, two data packets
can be written. Double buffered isochronous
endpoints should only need to load two
packets the first time the IN FIFO is loaded.
After that, one packet is loaded for every USB
frame. To send a zero length data packet,
USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY should be set to 1
without loading a data packet into the IN FIFO.
A data packet can be read from the OUT FIFO
when the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is 1. An
interrupt will be generated when this occurs, if
enabled. The size of the data packet is kept in
the USBCNTH:USBCNTL registers. Note that
this value is only valid when
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY=1. When the data
packet has been read from the OUT FIFO, the
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit must be cleared. If
double buffering is enabled there may be two
data packets in the FIFO. If another data
packet is ready when the
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is cleared the
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit will be asserted
immediately and an interrupt will be generated
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(if enabled) to signal that a new data packet
has been received. The
USBCSOL.FIFO_FULL bit will be set when
there are two data packets in the OUT FIFO.
The AutoClear feature is supported for OUT
endpoints. When enabled, the
USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is cleared
automatically when USBMAXO bytes have been
read from the OUT FIFO. The AutoClear
feature is enabled by setting
feature can be used to reduce the time the
data packet occupies the OUT FIFO buffer and
is typically used for bulk endpoints.
A complementary AutoSet feature is supported
for IN endpoints. When enabled, the
USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit is set automatically
when USBMAXI bytes have been written to the
IN FIFO. The AutoSet feature is enabled by
setting USBCSIH.AUTOSET=1. The AutoSet
feature can reduce the overall time it takes to
send a data packet and is typically used for
bulk endpoints. Endpoint 1 – 5 Interrupts
The following events may generate an IN EPx
interrupt request (x indicates the endpoint
A data packet that was loaded into the
IN FIFO has been sent to the USB host
(USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY should be set to
1 when a new packet is ready to be
transferred. This bit will be cleared by
HW when the data packet has been
A STALL has been sent
Bulk/Interrupt endpoints can be stalled
The IN FIFO is flushed due to the
to 1
Any of these events will cause
USBIIF.INEPxIF to be asserted regardless
of the status of the IN EPx interrupt mask bit
USBIIE.INEPxIE. If the IN EPx interrupt
mask bit is set to 1, the CPU interrupt flag
IRCON2.USBIF will also be asserted. An
interrupt request is only generated if
set to 1. The x in the register names refer to
the endpoint number 1 - 5)
The following events may generate an OUT
EPx interrupt request:
A data packet has been received
A STALL has been sent
Bulk/Interrupt endpoints can be stalled
Any of these events will cause
USBOIF.OUTEPxIF to be asserted
regardless of the status of the OUT EPx
interrupt mask bit USBOIE.OUTEPxIE. If the
OUT EPx interrupt mask bit is set to 1, the
CPU interrupt flag IRCON2.USBIF will also be
asserted. An interrupt request is only
generated if IEN2.USBIE and
USBOIE.OUTEPxIE are both set to 1. Bulk/Interrupt IN Endpoint
Interrupt IN transfers occur at regular intervals
while bulk IN transfers utilize available
bandwidth not allocated to isochronous,
interrupt, or control transfers.
Interrupt IN endpoints may set the
USBCSIH.FORCE_DATA_TOG bit. When this bit
is set the data toggle bit is continuously
toggled regardless of whether an ACK was
received or not. This feature is typically used
by interrupt IN endpoints that are used to
communicate rate feedback for Isochronous
A Bulk/Interrupt IN endpoint can be stalled by
setting the USBCSIL.SEND_STALL bit to 1.
When the endpoint is stalled, the USB
controller will respond with a STALL
handshake to IN tokens. The
USBCSIL.SENT_STALL bit will then be set
and an interrupt will be generated, if enabled.
A bulk transfer longer than the maximum
packet size is performed by splitting the
transfer into a number of data packets of
maximum size followed by a smaller data
packet containing the remaining bytes. If the
transfer length is a multiple of the maximum
packet size, a zero length data packet is sent
last. This means that a packet with a size less
than the maximum packet size denotes the
end of the transfer. The AutoSet feature can
be useful in this case, since many data
packets will be of maximum size. Isochronous IN Endpoint
An Isochronous IN endpoint is used to transfer
periodic data from the USB controller to the
host (one data packet every USB frame).
If there is no data packet loaded in the IN FIFO
when the USB host requests data, the USB
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controller sends a zero length data packet and
the USBCSIL.UNDERRUN bit will be asserted.
Double buffering requires that a data packet is
loaded into the IN FIFO during the frame
preceding the frame where it should be sent. If
the first data packet is loaded before an IN
token is received, the data packet will be sent
during the same frame as it was loaded and
hence violate the double buffering strategy.
Thus, when double buffering is used, the
USBPOW.ISO_WAIT_SOF bit should be set to
1 to avoid this. Setting this bit will ensure that a
loaded data packet is not sent until the next
SOF token has been received.
The AutoSet feature will typically not be used
for isochronous endpoints since the packet
size will increase or decrease from frame to
frame. Bulk/Interrupt OUT Endpoint
Interrupt OUT transfers occur at regular
intervals while bulk OUT transfers utilize
available bandwidth not allocated to
isochronous, interrupt, or control transfers.
A Bulk/Interrupt OUT endpoint can be stalled
by setting the USBCSOL.SEND_STALL bit to
1. When the endpoint is stalled, the USB
controller will respond with a STALL
handshake when the host is done sending the
data packet. The data packet is discarded and
is not placed in the OUT FIFO. The USB
controller will assert the
handshake is sent and generate an interrupt
request if the OUT endpoint interrupt is
As the AutoSet feature is useful for bulk IN
endpoints, the AutoClear feature is useful for
OUT endpoints since many packets will be of
maximum size. Isochronous OUT Endpoint
An Isochronous OUT endpoint is used to
transfer periodic data from the host to the USB
controller (one data packet every USB frame).
If there is no buffer available when a data
packet is being received, the
USBCSOL.OVERRUN bit will be asserted and
the packet data will be lost. Firmware can
reduce the chance for this to happen by using
double buffering and use DMA to effectively
unload data packets.
An isochronous data packet in the OUT FIFO
may have bit errors. The hardware will detect
this condition and set USBCSOL.DATA_ERROR.
Firmware should therefore always check this
bit when unloading a data packet.
The AutoClear feature will typically not be used
for isochronous endpoints since the packet
size will increase or decrease from frame to
13.16.7 DMA
DMA should be used to fill the IN endpoint
FIFOs and empty the OUT endpoint FIFOs.
Using DMA will improve the read/write
performance significantly compared to using
the 8051 CPU. It is therefore highly
recommended to use DMA unless timing is not
critical or only a few bytes are to be
There are no DMA triggers for the USB
controller, meaning that DMA transfers must
be triggered by firmware.
The word size can be byte (8 bits) or word (16
bits). When word size transfer is used the
ENDIAN register must be set correctly (see
Section The ENDIAN.USBRLE bit
selects whether a word is read as little or big
endian from the OUT FIFOs and the
ENDIAN.USBWLE bit selects whether a word is
written as little or big endian to the IN FIFOs.
Writing and reading words for the different
settings is shown in Figure 44 and Figure 45
respectively. Notice that the setting for these
bits will be used for all endpoints.
Consequently, it is not possible to have
multiple DMA channels active at once that use
different endianess. The ENDIAN register must
be configured to use big endian for both read
and write for a word size transfer to produce
the same result as a byte size transfer of an
even number of bytes. Word size transfers are
slightly more efficient than byte transfers.
Refer to Section 13.5 for more details
regarding DMA.
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Figure 44: Writing Big/Little Endian
Figure 45: Reading Big/Little Endian
13.16.8 USB Reset
When reset signaling is detected on the bus,
the USBCIF.RSTIF flag will be asserted. If
will also be asserted and an interrupt request
is generated if IEN2.USBIE=1. The firmware
should take appropriate action when a USB
reset occurs. A USB reset should place the
device in the Default state where it will only
respond to address 0 (the default address).
One or more resets will normally take place
during the enumeration phase right after the
USB cable is connected.
The following actions are performed by the
USB controller when a USB reset occurs:
USBADDR is set to 0
USBINDEX is set to 0
All endpoint FIFOs are flushed
USBCSOL, USBCSOH are cleared.
All interrupts, except SOF and suspend,
are enabled
An interrupt request is generated (if
IEN2.USBIE=1 and
Firmware should close all pipes and wait for a
new enumeration phase when USB reset is
13.16.9 Suspend and Resume
The USB controller will assert
USBCIF.SUSPENDIF and enter suspend
mode when the USB bus has been
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continuously idle for 3 ms, provided that
be asserted if USBCIE.SUSPENDIE is
enabled, and an interrupt request is generated
if IEN2.USBIE=1.
While in suspend mode, only limited current
can be sourced from the USB bus. See the
USB 2.0 Specification [5] for details about this.
To be able to meet the suspend-current
requirement, the
should be taken
down to PM1 when suspend is detected. The
should not enter PM2 or PM3 since
this will reset the USB controller.
Any valid non-idle signaling on the USB bus
will cause the USBCIF.RESUMIF to be
asserted and an interrupt request to be
generated and wake up the system if the USB
resume interrupt is configured correctly. Refer
to for details about how to set up the
USB resume interrupt.
Any valid non-idle signaling on the USB bus
will cause the USBCIF.RESUMIF to be
asserted and an interrupt request to be
generated and wake up the system if the USB
resume interrupt is configured correctly. Refer
to for details about how to set up the
USB resume interrupt.
When the system wakes up (enters active
mode) from suspend, no USB registers must
be accessed before the 48 MHZ crystal
oscillator has stabilized.
A USB reset will also wake up the system from
suspend. A USB resume interrupt request will
be generated, if the interrupt is configured as
described in, but the
USBCIF.RSTIF interrupt flag will be set
instead of the USBCIF.RESUMIF interrupt
13.16.10 Remote Wakeup
The USB controller can resume from suspend
by signaling resume to the USB hub. Resume
is performed by setting USBPOW.RESUME to 1
for approximately 10 ms. According to the USB
2.0 Specification [5], the resume signaling
must be present for at least 1 ms and no more
than 15 ms. It is, however, recommended to
keep the resume signaling for approximately
10 ms. Notice that support for remote wakeup
must be declared in the USB descriptor, and
that the USB host must grant the device the
privilege to perform remote wakeup (through a
SET_FEATURE request).
13.16.11 USB Registers
This section describes all USB registers used
for control and status for the USB. The USB
registers reside in XDATA memory space in
the region 0xDE00 - 0xDE3F. These registers
can be divided into three groups: The Common
USB Registers, the Indexed Endpoint
Registers, and the Endpoint FIFO Registers.
Table 34, Table 35, and Table 36 give an
overview of the registers in the three groups
respectively, while the remaining of this section
will describe each register in detail. The
Indexed Endpoint Registers represent the
currently selected endpoint. The USBINDEX
register is used to select the endpoint.
Notice that the upper register addresses
0xDE2C – 0xDE3F are reserved.
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0xDE00: USBADDR – Function Address
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 UPDATE 0 R This bit is set when the USBADDR register is written and cleared when the
address becomes effective.
6:0 USBADDR[6:0] 0x00 R/W Device address
0xDE01: USBPOW – Power/Control Register
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 ISO_WAIT_SOF 0 R/W When this bit is set to 1, the USB controller will send zero length data packets
from the time INPKT_RDY is asserted and until the first SOF token has been
received. This only applies to isochronous endpoints.
6:4 - R0 Not used
3 RST 0 R During reset signaling, this bit is set to1
2 RESUME 0 R/W Drive resume signaling for remote wakeup. According to the USB Specification
the duration of driving resume must be at least 1 ms and no more than 15 ms.
It is recommended to keep this bit set for approximately 10 ms.
1 SUSPEND 0 R Suspend mode entered. This bit will only be used when SUSPEND_EN=1.
Reading the USBCIF register or asserting RESUME will clear this bit.
0 SUSPEND_EN 0 R/W Suspend Enable. When this bit is set to 1, suspend mode will be entered when
USB bus has been idle for 3 ms.
0xDE02: USBIIF – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Flags
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5 INEP5IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 5. Cleared by HW when read
4 INEP4IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 4. Cleared by HW when read
3 INEP3IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 3. Cleared by HW when read
2 INEP2IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 2. Cleared by HW when read
1 INEP1IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for IN endpoint 1. Cleared by HW when read
0 EP0IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for endpoint 0. Cleared by HW when read
0xDE04: USBOIF – Out Endpoints Interrupt Flags
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5 OUTEP5IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 5. Cleared by HW when read
4 OUTEP4IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 4. Cleared by HW when read
3 OUTEP3IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 3. Cleared by HW when read
2 OUTEP2IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 2. Cleared by HW when read
1 OUTEP1IF 0 R, H0 Interrupt flag for OUT endpoint 1. Cleared by HW when read
0 - R0 Not used
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0xDE06: USBCIF – Common USB Interrupt Flags
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 - R0 Not used
3 SOFIF 0 R, H0 Start-Of-Frame interrupt flag. Cleared by HW when read
2 RSTIF 0 R, H0 Reset interrupt flag. Cleared by HW when read
1 RESUMIF 0 R, H0 Resume interrupt flag. Cleared by HW when read
0 SUSPENDIF 0 R, H0 Suspend interrupt flag. Cleared by HW when read
0xDE07: USBIIE – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Enable Mask
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
IN endpoint 5 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
IN endpoint 4 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
IN endpoint 3 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
IN endpoint 2 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
IN endpoint 1 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Endpoint 0 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
0 EP0IE 1 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
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0xDE09: USBOIE – Out Endpoints Interrupt Enable Mask
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
OUT endpoint 5 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
OUT endpoint 4 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
OUT endpoint 3 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
OUT endpoint 2 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
OUT endpoint 1 interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
0 - R0 Not used
0xDE0B: USBCIE – Common USB Interrupt Enable Mask
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 - R0 Not used
Start-Of-Frame interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Reset interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Resume interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Suspend interrupt enable
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
0xDE0C: USBFRML – Current Frame Number (Low byte)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FRAME[7:0] 0x00 R Low byte of 11-bit frame number
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0xDE0D: USBFRMH – Current Frame Number (High byte)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 - R0 Not used
2:0 FRAME[10:8] 000 R 3 MSB of 11-bit frame number
0xDE0E: USBINDEX – Current Endpoint Index Register
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:4 - R0 Not used
3:0 USBINDEX[3:0] 0000 R/W Endpoint selected. Must be set to value in the range 0 – 5
0xDE10: USBMAXI – Max. Packet Size for IN Endpoint{1-5}
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBMAXI[7:0] 0x00 R/W Maximum packet size in units of 8 bytes for IN endpoint selected by
USBINDEX register. The value of this register should correspond to the
wMaxPacketSize field in the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the endpoint.
This register must not be set to a value grater than the available FIFO
memory for the endpoint.
0xDE11: USBCS0 – EP0 Control and Status (USBINDEX=0)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Set this bit to 1 to de-assert the SETUP_END bit of this register. This bit will be
cleared automatically.
Set this bit to 1 to de-assert the OUTPKT_RDY bit of this register. This bit will
be cleared automatically.
Set this bit to 1 to terminate the current transaction. The USB controller will
send the STALL handshake and this bit will be de-asserted.
4 SETUP_END 0 R This bit is set if the control transfer ends due to a premature end of control
transfer. The FIFO will be flushed and an interrupt request (EP0) will be
generated if the interrupt is enabled. Setting CLR_SETUP_END=1 will de-
assert this bit
This bit is used to signal the end of a data transfer and must be asserted in
the following three situations:
1 When the last data packet has been loaded and USBCS0.INPKT_RDY is
set to 1
2 When the last data packet has been unloaded and
3 When USBCS0.INPKT_RDY has been asserted without having loaded
the FIFO (for sending a zero length data packet).
The USB controller will clear this bit automatically
This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. An interrupt request
(EP0) will be generated if the interrupt is enabled This bit must be cleared
from firmware.
Set this bit when a data packet has been loaded into the EP0 FIFO to notify
the USB controller that a new data packet is ready to be transferred. When
the data packet has been sent, this bit is cleared and an interrupt request
(EP0) will be generated if the interrupt is enabled.
0 OUTPKT_RDY 0 R Data packet received. This bit is set when an incoming data packet has been
placed in the OUT FIFO. An interrupt request (EP0) will be generated if the
interrupt is enabled. Set CLR_OUTPKT_RDY=1 to de-assert this bit.
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0xDE11: USBCSIL – IN EP{1-5} Control and Status Low
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Setting this bit will reset the data toggle to 0. Thus, setting this bit will force
the next data packet to be a DATA0 packet. This bit is automatically
5 SENT_STALL 0 R/W This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. The FIFO will be
flushed and the INPKT_RDY bit in this register will be de-asserted. An
interrupt request (IN EP{1 - 5}) will be generated if the interrupt is enabled.
This bit must be cleared from firmware.
4 SEND_STALL 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 to make the USB controller reply with a STALL handshake
when receiving IN tokens. Firmware must clear this bit to end the STALL
condition. It is not possible to stall an isochronous endpoint, thus this bit will
only have effect if the IN endpoint is configured as bulk/interrupt.
Set to 1 to flush next packet that is ready to transfer from the IIN FIFO. The
INPKT_RDY bit in this register will be cleared. If there are two packets in
the IN FIFO due to double buffering, this bit must be set twice to completely
flush the IN FIFO. This bit is automatically cleared.
In isochronous mode, this bit is set if an IN token is received when
INPKT_RDY=0, and a zero length data packet is transmitted in response to
the IN token. In Bulk/Interrupt mode, this bit is set when a NAK is returned
in response to an IN token. Firmware should clear this bit.
1 PKT_PRESENT 0 R This bit is 1 when there is at least one packet in the IN FIFO.
Set this bit when a data packet has been loaded into the IN FIFO to notify
the USB controller that a new data packet is ready to be transferred. When
the data packet has been sent, this bit is cleared and an interrupt request
(IN EP{1 - 5}) will be generated if the interrupt is enabled.
0xDE12: USBCSIH – IN EP{1-5} Control and Status High
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
When this bit is 1, the USBCSIL.INPKT_RDY bit is automatically asserted
when a data packet of maximum size (specified by USBMAXI) has been
loaded into the IN FIFO.
Selects IN endpoint type
0 Bulk/Interrupt
6 ISO 0 R/W
1 Isochronous
5:4 10 R/W Reserved. Always write 10
3 FORCE_DATA_TOG 0 R/W Setting this bit will force the IN endpoint data toggle to switch and the data
packet to be flushed from the IN FIFO even though an ACK was received.
This feature can be useful when reporting rate feedback for isochronous
2:1 - R0 Not used
Double buffering enable (IN FIFO)
0 Double buffering disabled
1 Double buffering enabled
0xDE13: USBMAXO – Max. Packet Size for OUT{1-5} Endpoint
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBMAXO[7:0] 0x00 R/W Maximum packet size in units of 8 bytes for OUT endpoint selected by
USBINDEX register. The value of this register should correspond to the
wMaxPacketSize field in the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the endpoint.
This register must not be set to a value grater than the available FIFO memory
for the endpoint.
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0xDE14: USBCSOL – OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status Low
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Setting this bit will reset the data toggle to 0. Thus, setting this bit will force the
next data packet to be a DATA0 packet. This bit is automatically cleared.
6 SENT_STALL 0 R/W This bit is set when a STALL handshake has been sent. An interrupt request
(OUT EP{1 - 5}) will be generated if the interrupt is enabled. This bit must be
cleared from firmware
5 SEND_STALL 0 R/W Set this bit to 1 to make the USB controller reply with a STALL handshake
when receiving OUT tokens. Firmware must clear this bit to end the STALL
condition. It is not possible to stall an isochronous endpoint, thus this bit will
only have effect if the IN endpoint is configured as bulk/interrupt.
Set to 1 to flush next packet that is to be read from the OUT FIFO. The
OUTPKT_RDY bit in this register will be cleared. If there are two packets in the
OUT FIFO due to double buffering, this bit must be set twice to completely flush
the OUT FIFO. This bit is automatically cleared.
3 DATA_ERROR 0 R This bit is set if there is a CRC or bit-stuff error in the packet received. Cleared
when OUTPKT_RDY is cleared. This bit will only be valid if the OUT endpoint is
2 OVERRUN 0 R/W This bit is set when an OUT packet cannot be loaded into the OUT FIFO.
Firmware should clear this bit. This bit is only valid in isochronous mode
1 FIFO_FULL 0 R This bit is asserted when no more packets can be loaded into the OUT FIFO
0 OUTPKT_RDY 0 R/W This bit is set when a packet has been received and is ready to be read from
OUT FIFO. An interrupt request (OUT EP{1 - 5}) will be generated if the
interrupt is enabled. This bit should be cleared when the packet has been
unloaded from the FIFO.
0xDE15: USBCSOH – OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status High
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
When this bit is set to 1, the USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY bit is automatically
cleared when a data packet of maximum size (specified by USBMAXO) has been
unloaded to the OUT FIFO.
Selects OUT endpoint type
0 Bulk/Interrupt
6 ISO 0 R/W
1 Isochronous
5:4 00 R/W Reserved. Always write 00
3:1 - R0 Not used
Double buffering enable (OUT FIFO)
0 Double buffering disabled
1 Double buffering enabled
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0xDE16: USBCNT0 – Number of Received Bytes in EP0 FIFO (USBINDEX=0)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5:0 USBCNT0[5:0] 000000 R Number of received bytes into EP 0 FIFO. Only valid when OUTPKT_RDY is
0xDE16: USBCNTL – Number of Bytes in EP{1 – 5} OUT FIFO Low
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBCNT[7:0] 0x00 R 8 LSB of number of received bytes into OUT FIFO selected by USBINDEX
register. Only valid when USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY is asserted.
0xDE17: USBCNTH – Number of Bytes in EP{1 – 5} OUT FIFO High
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:3 - R0 Not used
2:0 USBCNT[10:8] 000 R 3 MSB of number of received bytes into OUT FIFO selected by USBINDEX
register. Only valid when USBCSOL.OUTPKT_RDY is set
0xDE20: USBF0 – Endpoint 0 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 0 FIFO. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP0 FIFO.
Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP0 FIFO.
Note: The FIFO memory for EP0 is used for both incoming and outgoing data
0xDE22: USBF1 – Endpoint 1 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF1[7:0] 0x00 R/W Endpoint 1 FIFO register. Reading this register unloads one byte from the EP1
OUT FIFO. Writing to this register loads one byte into the EP1 IN FIFO.
0xDE24: USBF2 – Endpoint 2 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF2[7:0] 0x00 R/W See Endpoint 1 FIFO description.
0xDE26: USBF3 – Endpoint 3 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF3[7:0] 0x00 R/W See Endpoint 1 FIFO description.
0xDE28: USBF4 – Endpoint 4 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF4[7:0] 0x00 R/W See Endpoint 1 FIFO description.
0xDE2A: USBF5 – Endpoint 5 FIFO
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 USBF5[7:0] 0x00 R/W See Endpoint 1 FIFO description.
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14 Radio
Figure 46: CC2510Fx/CC2511Fx Radio Module
A simplified block diagram of the radio module
in the
is shown in Figure 46.
features a low-IF receiver.
The received RF signal is amplified by the low-
noise amplifier (LNA) and down-converted in
quadrature (I and Q) to the intermediate
frequency (IF). At IF, the I/Q signals are
digitized by the ADCs. Automatic gain control
(AGC), fine channel filtering, demodulation
bit/packet synchronization are performed
The transmitter part of
based on direct synthesis of the RF frequency.
The frequency synthesizer includes a
completely on-chip LC VCO and a 90 degrees
phase shifter for generating the I and Q LO
signals to the down-conversion mixers in
receive mode.
The high speed crystal oscillator generates the
reference frequency for the synthesizer, as
well as clocks for the ADC and the digital part.
An SFR interface is used for data buffer
access from the CPU. Configuration and status
registers are accessed through registers
mapped to XDATA memory.
The digital baseband includes support for
channel configuration, packet handling, and
data buffering.
14.1 Command Strobes
The CPU uses a set of command strobes to
control operation of the radio.
Command strobes may be viewed as single
byte instructions which each start an internal
sequence in the radio. These command
strobes are used to enable the frequency
synthesizer, enable receive mode, enable
transmit mode, etc. (see Figure 47).
The 6 command strobes are listed in Table 61
on Page 189.
Note: In this section of the document, fRef is used to denote
the reference frequency for the synthesizer.
XOSCref ff = and for
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Frequency synthesizer is turned on, can optionally be
calibrated, and then settles to the correct frequency.
Transitional state.
Transmit mode Receive mode
Manual freq.
synth. calibration
synthesizer on
synthesizer startup,
optional calibration,
Optional freq.
synth. calibration
Default state when the radio is not
receiving or transmitting..
Used for calibrating frequency
synthesizer upfront (entering
receive or transmit mode can
then be done quicker).
Transitional state.
Frequency synthesizer is on,
ready to start transmitting.
Transmission starts very
quickly after receiving the
STX command strobe.
Optional transitional state.
TX Overflow RX Overflow
Reception is turned
off and this state is
entered if the RFD
register overflows.
Transmission is
turned off and this
state is entered if
the RFD register
becomes empty in
the middle of a
Figure 47: Simplified State Diagram
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Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1). If in RX (with
Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).
0x01 SCAL Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off. SCAL can be strobed from IDLE mode
without setting manual calibration mode (MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=0)
0x02 SRX Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.
0x03 STX In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.
If in RX state and CCA is enabled: Only go to TX if channel is clear.
0x04 SIDLE Enter IDLE state (frequency synthesizer turned off).
SNOP No operation.
Table 61: Command Strobes
14.2 Radio Registers
The operation of the radio is configured
through a set of RF registers. These RF
registers are mapped to XDATA memory
space as shown in Figure 14 on Page 40 .
In addition to configuration registers, the RF
registers also provide status information from
the radio.
Section on Page 47 gives a full
description of all RF registers.
14.3 Interrupts
There are two interrupt vector assigned to the
radio. These are the RFTXRX interrupt
(interrupt #0) and the RF interrupt (interrupt
RFTXRX: RX data ready or TX data
complete (related to the RFD register)
RF: All other general RF interrupts
The RF interrupt vector combines the
interrupts shown in the RFIM register shown
on Page 191. Note that these RF interrupts are
rising-edge triggered meaning that an interrupt
is generated when e.g. the SFD status flag
goes from 0 to 1.
The RF interrupt flags are described in the
next section.
14.3.1 Interrupt Registers RFTXRX
The RFTXTX interrupt is related to the RFD
register. The CPU interrupt flag RFTXRXIF
found in the TCON register is asserted when
there are data in the RFD register ready to be
read (RX), and when a new byte can be written
For an interrupt request to be generated when
TCON.RFTXRXIF is asserted,
IEN0.RFTXRXIE must be 1. RF
There are 8 different events that can generate
an RF interrupt request. These events are:
TX underflow
RX overflow
RX timeout
Packet received/transmitted. Also used
to detect overflow/underflow conditions
PQT reached
Each of these events has a corresponding
interrupt flag in the RFIF register which is
asserted when the event occurs. If the
corresponding mask bit is set in the RFIM
register, the CPU interrupt flag S1CON.RFIF
will also be asserted in addition to the interrupt
flag in RFIF. If IEN2.RFIE=1 when
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S1CON.RFIF is asserted, and interrupt
request will be generated.
Refer to 11.5 for details about the interrupts.
RFIF (0xE9) – RF Interrupt Flags
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
TX underflow
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
RX overflow
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
RX timeout, no packet has been received in the programmed period
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
Packet received/transmitted. Also used to detect underflow/overflow
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
Carrier sense
0 No interrupt pending
3 IRQ_CS 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Preamble quality threshold reached
0 No interrupt pending
2 IRQ_PQT 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Clear Channel Assessment
0 No interrupt pending
1 IRQ_CCA 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
Start of Frame Delimiter, sync word detected
0 No interrupt pending
0 IRQ_SFD 0 R/W0
1 Interrupt pending
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RFIM (0x91) – RF Interrupt Mask
Bit Name Reset R/W Description
TX underflow
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
RX overflow
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
RX timeout, no packet has been received in the programmed period.
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Packet received/transmitted. Also used to detect underflow/overflow conditions
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
Carrier sense
0 Interrupt disabled
3 IM_CS 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Preamble quality threshold reached.
0 Interrupt disabled
2 IM_PQT 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Clear Channel Assessment
0 Interrupt disabled
1 IM_CCA 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
Start of Frame Delimiter, sync word detected
0 Interrupt disabled
0 IM_SFD 0 R/W
1 Interrupt enabled
14.4 TX/RX Data Transfer
Data to transmit is written to the RF Data
register, RFD. Received data is read from the
same register. The RFD register can be viewed
as a 1 byte FIFO. That means that if a byte is
received in the RFD register, and it is not read
before the next byte is received, the radio will
enter RX_OVERFLOW state and the
RFIF.IRQ_RXOVF flag will be set together
with RFIF.IRQ_DONE. In TX, the radio will
enter TX_UNDERFLOW state
be asserted) if too few bytes are written to the
RFD register compared to what the radio
expect. To exit RX_OVERFLOW and/or
TX_UNDERFLOW state, an SIDLE strobe
command should be issued.
RX and TX FIFOs can be implemented in
memory and it is recommended to use the
DMA to transfer data between the FIFOs and
the RF Data register, RFD. The DMA channel
used to transfer received data to memory
when the radio is in RX mode would have RFD
as the source (SRCADDR[15:0]), the RX
FIFO in memory as destination
(DRSTADDR[15:0]), and RADIO as DMA
trigger (TRIG[4:0]). For description on the
usage of DMA, refer to Section 13.5 on Page
A simple example of transmitting data is shown
in Figure 48. This example does not use DMA.
Note: The RFD register content will not be
retianed in PM2 and PM3
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Figure 48: Simple RF Transmit Example
14.5 Data Rate Programming
The data rate used when transmitting, or the
data rate expected in receive is programmed
by the MDMCFG3.DRATE_M and the
MDMCFG4.DRATE_E configuration registers.
The data rate is given by the formula below.
The following approach can be used to find
suitable values for a given data rate:
If DRATE_M is rounded to the nearest integer
and becomes 256, increment DRATE_E and
use DRATE_M=0.
14.6 Receiver Channel Filter Bandwidth
In order to meet different channel width
requirements, the receiver channel filter is
programmable. The MDMCFG4.CHANBW_E and
MDMCFG4.CHANBW_M configuration registers
control the receiver channel filter bandwidth.
The following formula gives the relation
between the register settings and the channel
filter bandwidth:
channel MCHANBW
BW _
2_4(8 +
For best performance, the channel filter
bandwidth should be selected so that the
signal bandwidth occupies at most 80% of the
channel filter bandwidth. The channel centre
tolerance due to crystal accuracy should also
be subtracted from the signal bandwidth. The
following example illustrates this:
With the channel filter bandwidth set to 600
kHz, the signal should stay within 80% of 600
kHz, which is 480 kHz. Assuming 2.44 GHz
frequency and ±20 ppm frequency uncertainty
for both the transmitting device and the
receiving device, the total frequency
uncertainty is ±40 ppm of 2.44 GHz, which is
±98 kHz. If the whole transmitted signal
bandwidth is to be received within 480 kHz, the
transmitted signal bandwidth should be
maximum 480 kHz – 2·98 kHz, which is 284
supports channel filter
bandwidths shown in Table 62 and Table 63
; Transmit the following data: 0x02, 0x12, 0x34
; (Assume that the radio has already been configured, the high speed
; crystal oscillator is selected as system clock, and CLKCON.CLKSPD=000)
MOV RFST,#03H ; Start TX with STX command strobe
C1: JNB RFTXRXIE,C1 ; Wait for interrupt flag telling radio is
CLR RFTXRXIE ; ready to accept data, then write first
MOV RFD,#02H ; data byte to radio (packet length = 2)
C2: JNB RFTXRXIE,C2 ; Wait for radio
MOV RFD,#12H ; Send first byte in payload
C3: JNB RFTXRXIE,C3 ; Wait for radio
MOV RFD,#34H ; Send second byte in payload
; Done
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CHANBW_M 00 01 10 11
00 812 406 203 102
01 650 325 162 81
10 541 270 135 68
11 464 232 116 58
Table 62: Channel Filter Bandwidths [kHz]
(assuming fref = 26 MHz)
CHANBW_M 00 01 10 11
00 750 375 188 94
01 600 300 150 75
10 500 250 125 63
11 429 214 107 54
Table 63: Channel Filter Bandwidths [kHz]
(assuming fref = 24 MHz)
14.7 Demodulator, Symbol Synchronizer, and Data Decision
contains an advanced and
highly configurable demodulator. Channel
filtering and frequency offset compensation is
performed digitally. To generate the RSSI level
(see Section 14.10.3 for more information) the
signal level in the channel is estimated. Data
filtering is also included for enhanced
14.7.1 Frequency Offset Compensation
When using 2-FSK, GFSK, or MSK
modulation, the demodulator will compensate
for the offset between the transmitter and
receiver frequency, within certain limits, by
estimating the centre of the received data.
This value is available in the FREQEST status
register. Writing the value from FREQEST into
FSCTRL0.FREQOFF the frequency
synthesizer is automatically adjusted
according to the estimated frequency offset.
The tracking range of the algorithm is
selectable as fractions of the channel
bandwidth with the FOCCFG.FOC_LIMIT
configuration register.
If the FOCCFG.FOC_BS_CS_GATE bit is set,
the offset compensator will freeze until carrier
sense asserts. This may be useful when the
radio is in RX for long periods with no traffic,
since the algorithm may drift to the boundaries
when trying to track noise.
The tracking loop has two gain factors, which
affects the settling time and noise sensitivity of
the algorithm. FOCCFG.FOC_PRE_K sets the
gain before the sync word is detected, and
FOCCFG.FOC_POST_K selects the gain after
the sync word has been found.
14.7.2 Bit Synchronization
The bit synchronization algorithm extracts the
clock from the incoming symbols. The
algorithm requires that the expected data rate
is programmed as described in Section 14.5
on Page 192. Re-synchronization is performed
continuously to adjust for error in the incoming
symbol rate.
14.7.3 Byte Synchronization
Byte synchronization is achieved by a
continuous sync word search. The sync word
is a 16 bit configurable field (can be repeated
to get a 32 bit) that is automatically inserted at
the start of the packet by the modulator in
transmit mode. The demodulator uses this
field to find the byte boundaries in the stream
of bits. The sync word will also function as a
system identifier, since only packets with the
correct predefined sync word will be received if
the sync word detection in RX is enabled in
register MDMCFG2 (see Section 14.10.1). The
sync word detector correlates against the
user-configured 16 or 32 bit sync word. The
correlation threshold can be set to 15/16,
16/16, or 30/32 bits match. The sync word can
be further qualified using the preamble quality
indicator mechanism described below and/or a
carrier sense condition. The sync word is
configured through the SYNC1 and SYNC0
registers and is sent MSB first.
In order to make false detections of sync
words less likely, a mechanism called
preamble quality indication (PQI) can be used
to qualify the sync word. A threshold value for
the preamble quality must be exceeded in
order for a detected sync word to be accepted.
See Section 14.10.2 on Page 198 for more
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14.8 Packet Handling Hardware Support
has built-in hardware
support for packet oriented radio protocols.
In transmit mode, the packet handler can be
configured to add the following elements to the
A programmable number of preamble
A two byte synchronization (sync) word.
Can be duplicated to give a 4-byte sync
word (recommended). It is not possible
to only insert preamble or only insert a
sync word.
A CRC checksum computed over the
data field
The recommended setting is 4-byte preamble
and 4-byte sync word, except for 500 kBaud
data rate where the recommended preamble
length is 8 bytes.
In addition, the following can be implemented
on the data field and the optional 2-byte CRC
Whitening of the data with a PN9
Forward error correction by the use of
interleaving and coding of the data
(convolutional coding).
In receive mode, the packet handling support
will de-construct the data packet by
implementing the following (if enabled):
Preamble detection
Sync word detection
CRC computation and CRC check
One byte address check
Packet length check (length byte
checked against a programmable
maximum length)
De-interleaving and decoding
Optionally, two status bytes (see Table 64 and
Table 65) with RSSI value, Link Quality
Indication, and CRC status can be appended
to the received packet.
Bit Field Name Description
7:0 RSSI RSSI value
Table 64: Received Packet Status Byte 1
(first byte appended after the data)
Bit Field name Description
7 CRC_OK 1: CRC for received data OK (or
CRC disabled)
0: CRC error in received data
6:0 LQI The Link Quality Indicator
estimates how easily a received
signal can be demodulated
Table 65: Received Packet Status Byte 2
(second byte appended after the data)
Note that register fields that control the packet
handling features should only be altered when
is in the IDLE state.
14.8.1 Data Whitening
From a radio perspective, the ideal over the air
data are random and DC free. This results in
the smoothest power distribution over the
occupied bandwidth. This also gives the
regulation loops in the receiver uniform
operation conditions (no data dependencies).
Real world data often contain long sequences
of zeros and ones. Performance can then be
improved by whitening the data before
transmitting, and de-whitening the data in the
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receiver. With
, this can be
done automatically by setting
PKTCTRL0.WHITE_DATA=1. All data, except
the preamble and the sync word, are then
XOR-ed with a 9-bit pseudo-random (PN9)
sequence before being transmitted as shown
in Figure 49. At the receiver end, the data are
XOR-ed with the same pseudo-random
sequence. This way, the whitening is reversed,
and the original data appear in the receiver.
The PN9 sequence is reset to all 1’s.
Data whitening can only be used when
PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=0 (default).
Figure 49: Data Whitening in TX Mode
14.8.2 Packet Format
The format of the data packet can be
configured and consists of the following items:
Synchronization word
Length byte or constant programmable
packet length
Optional Address byte
Optional 2 byte CRC
Preamble bits
Sync word
Length field
Address field
Data field
Optional CRC-16 calculation
Optionally FEC encoded/decoded
8 x n bits 16/32 bits 8
bits 8 x n bits 16 bits
Optional data whitening
Inserted automatically in TX,
processed and removed in RX.
Optional user-provided fields processed in TX,
processed but not removed in RX.
Unprocessed user data (apart from FEC
and/or whitening)
Figure 50: Packet Format
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The preamble pattern is an alternating
sequence of ones and zeros (101010101…).
The minimum length of the preamble is
programmable through the NUM_PREAMBLE
field in the MDMCFG1 register. When enabling
TX, the modulator will start transmitting the
preamble. When the programmed number of
preamble bytes have been transmitted, the
modulator will send the sync word, and then
data from the RFD register. If no data has been
written to the RFD register when the radio is
done transmitting the programmed number of
preamble bytes, the modulator will continue to
send preamble bytes until the first byte is
written to RFD. It will then send the sync word
followed by the data written to RFD.
The synchronization word is a two-byte value
set in the SYNC1 and SYNC0 registers. The
sync word provides byte synchronization of the
incoming packet. A one-byte sync word can be
emulated by setting the SYNC1 value to the
preamble pattern. It is also possible to emulate
a 32 bit sync word by using
MDMCFG2.SYNC_MODE set to 3 or 7. The sync
word will then be repeated twice.
supports both fixed packet
length protocols and variable packet length
protocols. Variable or fixed packet length
mode can be used for packets up to 255
Fixed packet length mode is selected by
desired packet length is set by the PKTLEN
In variable packet length mode,
length is configured by the first byte after the
sync word. The packet length is defined as the
payload data, excluding the length byte and
the optional CRC. The PKTLEN register is
used to set the maximum packet length
allowed in RX. Any packet received with a
length byte with a value greater than PKTLEN
will be discarded.
14.8.3 Packet Filtering in Receive Mode
supports two different types of packet-
filtering: address filtering and maximum length
filtering. Address Filtering
Setting PKTCTRL1.ADR_CHK to any other
value than zero enables the packet address
filter. The packet handler engine will compare
the destination address byte in the packet with
the programmed node address in the ADDR
register and the 0x00 broadcast address when
PKTCTRL1.ADR_CHK=10 or both 0x00 and
0xFF broadcast addresses when
PKTCTRL1.ADR_CHK=11. If the received
address matches a valid address, the packet
is accepted and the RFTXRXIF flag is asserted
and a DMA trigger is generated. If the address
match fails, the packet is discarded and
receive mode restarted (regardless of the
MCSM1.RXOFF_MODE setting). The
RFIF.IRQ_DONE flag will be asserted but the
DMA will not be triggered. Maximum Length Filtering
In variable packet length mode,
PKTLEN.PACKET_LENGTH register value is
used to set the maximum allowed packet
length. If the received length byte has a larger
value than this, the packet is discarded and
receive mode restarted (regardless of the
MCSM1.RXOFF_MODE setting). The
RFIF.IRQ_DONE flag will be asserted but the
DMA will not be triggered.
14.8.4 Packet Handling in Transmit Mode
The payload that is to be transmitted must be
written into RFD. The first byte written must be
the length byte when variable packet length is
enabled. The length byte has a value equal to
the payload of the packet (including the
optional address byte). If fixed packet length is
enabled, then the first byte written to RFD is
interpreted as the destination address, if this
feature is enabled in the device that receives
the packet.
The modulator will first send the programmed
number of preamble bytes. If data has been
written to RFD, the modulator will send the two-
byte (optionally 4-byte) sync word and then the
content of the RFD register. If CRC is enabled,
the checksum is calculated over all the data
pulled from the RFD register and the result is
sent as two extra bytes following the payload
data. If fewer bytes are written to the RFD
registers than what the radio expects the radio
will enter TX_UNDERFLOW state and the
RFIF.IRQ_TXUNF flag will be set together
with RFIF.IRQ_DONE. An SIDLE strobe
needs to be issued to return to IDLE state.
If whitening is enabled, everything following
the sync words will be whitened. This is done
before the optional FEC/Interleaver stage.
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Whitening is enabled by setting
If FEC/Interleaving is enabled, everything
following the sync words will be scrambled by
the interleaver and FEC encoded before being
modulated. FEC is enabled by setting
14.8.5 Packet Handling in Receive Mode
In receive mode, the demodulator and packet
handler will search for a valid preamble and
the sync word. When found, the demodulator
has obtained both bit and byte synchronism
and will receive the first payload byte.
If FEC/Interleaving is enabled, the FEC
decoder will start to decode the first payload
byte. The interleaver will de-scramble the bits
before any other processing is done to the
If whitening is enabled, the data will be de-
whitened at this stage.
When variable packet length mode is enabled,
the first byte is the length byte. The packet
handler stores this value as the packet length
and receives the number of bytes indicated by
the length byte. If fixed packet length mode is
used, the packet handler will accept the
programmed number of bytes.
Next, the packet handler optionally checks the
address and only continues the reception if the
address matches. If automatic CRC check is
enabled, the packet handler computes CRC
and matches it with the appended CRC
At the end of the payload, the packet handler
will optionally write two extra packet status
bytes that contain CRC status, link quality
indication and RSSI value.
If a byte is received in the RFD register, and it
is not read before the next byte is received,
the radio will enter RX_OVERFLOW state and
the RFIF.IRQ_RXOVF flag will be set together
with RFIF.IRQ_DONE. An SIDLE strobe
needs to be issued to return to IDLE state.
14.9 Modulation Formats
supports frequency and
phase shift modulation formats. The desired
modulation format is set in the
Optionally, the data stream can be Manchester
coded by the modulator and decoded by the
demodulator. This option is enabled by setting
encoding is not supported at the same time as
using the FEC/Interleaver option.
14.9.1 Frequency Shift Keying
2-FSK can optionally be shaped by a
Gaussian filter with BT=1, producing a GFSK
modulated signal.
The frequency deviation is programmed with
in the DEVIATN register. The value has an
exponent/mantissa form, and the resultant
deviation is given by:
17 2)_8(
The symbol encoding is shown in Table 66.
Format Symbol Coding
2-FSK/GFSK ‘0’ - Deviation
‘1’ + Deviation
Table 66: Symbol Encoding for 2-FSK/GFSK Modulation
14.9.2 Minimum Shift Keying
When using MSK19, the complete transmission
(preamble, sync word, and payload) will be
MSK modulated.
Phase shifts are performed with a constant
transition time.
The fraction of a symbol period used to
change the phase can be modified with the
DEVIATN.DEVIATION_M setting. This is
equivalent to changing the shaping of the
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The MSK modulation format implemented in
inverts the sync word and
data compared to e.g. signal generators.
14.10 Received Signal Qualifiers and Link Quality Information
has several qualifiers that
can be used to increase the likelihood that a
valid sync word is detected.
14.10.1 Sync Word Qualifier
If sync word detection in RX is enabled in
register MDMCFG2 the
not start writing received data to the RFD
register and perform the packet filtering
described in Section 14.8.3 before a valid sync
word has been detected. The sync word
qualifier mode is set by MDMCFG2.SYNC_MODE
and is summarized in Table 67. Carrier sense
in Table 67 is described in Section 14.10.4.
Sync Word Qualifier Mode
000 No preamble/sync
001 15/16 sync word bits detected
010 16/16 sync word bits detected
011 30/32 sync word bits detected
100 No preamble/sync, carrier sense
above threshold
101 15/16 + carrier sense above threshold
110 16/16 + carrier sense above threshold
111 30/32 + carrier sense above threshold
Table 67: Sync Word Qualifier mode
14.10.2 Preamble Quality Threshold (PQT)
The Preamble Quality Threshold (PQT) sync-
word qualifier adds the requirement that the
received sync word must be preceded with a
preamble with a quality above a programmed
Another use of the preamble quality threshold
is as a qualifier for the optional RX termination
timer. See Section 14.12.3 on Page 206 for
The preamble quality estimator increases an
internal counter by one each time a bit is
received that is different from the previous bit,
and decreases the counter by 8 each time a
bit is received that is the same as the last bit.
The threshold is configured with the register
field PKTCTRL1.PQT. A threshold of 4·PQT for
this counter is used to gate sync word
detection. By setting the value to zero, the
preamble quality qualifier of the sync word is
A “Preamble Quality Reached” signal can be
observed on P1_5, P1_6, or P1_7 by setting
IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG=1000. It is also possible
to determine if preamble quality is reached by
checking the PQT_REACHED bit in the
PKTSTATUS register. This signal / bit asserts
when the received signal exceeds the PQT.
14.10.3 RSSI
The RSSI value is an estimate of the signal
level in the chosen channel. This value is
based on the current gain setting in the RX
chain and the measured signal level in the
In RX mode, the RSSI value can be read
continuously from the RSSI status register
until the demodulator detects a sync word
(when sync word detection is enabled). At that
point the RSSI readout value is frozen until the
next time the chip enters the RX state. The
RSSI value is in dBm with ½ dB resolution.
The RSSI update rate, fRSSI, depends on the
receiver filter bandwidth (BWchannel defined in
Section 14.6) and
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If PKTCTRL1.APPEND_STATUS is enabled the
RSSI value at sync word detection is
automatically added to the first byte appended
after the data payload.
The RSSI value read from the RSSI status
register is a 2’s complement number. The
following procedure can be used to convert the
RSSI reading to an absolute power level
1) Read the RSSI status register
2) Convert the reading from a hexadecimal
number to a decimal number
3) If RSSI_dec 128 then RSSI_dBm =
(RSSI_dec - 256)/2 – RSSI_offset
4) Else if RSSI_dec < 128 then RSSI_dBm
= (RSSI_dec)/2 – RSSI_offset
Table 68 provides typical values for the
Figure 51 shows typical plots of RSSI readings
as a function of input power level for different
data rates.
Data Rate [kBaud] RSSI_offset [dB]
2.4 74
10 74
250 71
500 72
Table 68: Typical RSSI_offset Values
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Figure 51: Typical RSSI Value vs. Input Power Level for Some Typical Data Rates
14.10.4 Carrier Sense (CS)
The Carrier Sense (CS) flag is used as a sync
word qualifier and for CCA. The CS flag can
be set based on two conditions, which can be
individually adjusted:
CS is asserted when the RSSI is above
a programmable absolute threshold, and
de-asserted when RSSI is below the
same threshold (with hysteresis).
CS is asserted when the RSSI has
increased with a programmable number
of dB from one RSSI sample to the next,
and de-asserted when RSSI has
decreased with the same number of dB.
This setting is not dependent on the
absolute signal level and is thus useful
to detect signals in environments with a
time varying noise floor.
Carrier Sense can be used as a sync word
qualifier that requires the signal level to be
higher than the threshold for a sync word
search to be performed. The signal can also
be observed on P1_5, P1_6, or P1_7 by
setting IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG=1110 and in the
status register bit PKTSTATUS.CS.
Other uses of Carrier Sense include the TX-if-
CCA function (see Section 14.10.7 on Page
201) and the optional fast RX termination (see
Section 14.12.3 on Page 206).
CS can be used to avoid interference from e.g.
14.10.5 CS Absolute Threshold
The absolute threshold related to the RSSI
value depends on the following register fields:
For a given AGCCTRL2.MAX_LNA_GAIN and
absolute threshold can be adjusted ±7 dB in
steps of 1 dB using
The MAGN_TARGET setting is a compromise
between blocker tolerance/selectivity and
sensitivity. The value sets the desired signal
level in the channel into the demodulator.
Increasing this value reduces the headroom
for blockers, and therefore close-in selectivity.
It is strongly recommended to use SmartRF®
Studio [8] to generate the correct
MAGN_TARGET setting.
Table 69 and Table 70 show the typical RSSI
readout values at the CS threshold at 2.4
kBaud and 250 kBaud data rate respectively.
The default CARRIER_SENSE_ABS_THR=0 (0
dB) and MAGN_TARGET=11 (33 dB) have been
-120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
Input power [dBm]
RSSI readout [dBm]
2.4 kBaud 250 kBaud, reduced current 500 kBaud
10 kBaud 250 kBaud
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For other data rates the user must generate
similar tables to find the CS absolute
00 01 10 11
000 -99 -93 -87 -81.5
001 -97 -90.5 -85 -78.5
010 -93.5 -87 -82 -76
011 -91.5 -86 -80 -74
100 -90.5 -84 -78 -72.5
101 -88 -82.5 -76 -70
110 -84.5 -78.5 -73 -67
111 -82.5 -76 -70 -64
Table 69: Typical RSSI Value in dBm at CS
Threshold with Default MAGN_TARGET at 2.4
00 01 10 11
000 -96 -90 -84 -78.5
001 -94.5 -89 -83 -77.5
010 -92.5 -87 -81 -75
011 -91 -85 -78.5 -73
100 -87.5 -82 -76 -70
101 -85 -79.5 -73.5 -67.5
110 -83 -76.5 -70.5 -65
111 -78 -72 -66 -60
Table 70: Typical RSSI Value in dBm at CS
Threshold with Default MAGN_TARGET at 250
If the threshold is set high, i.e. only strong
signals are wanted, the threshold should be
adjusted upwards by first reducing the
MAX_LNA_GAIN value and then the
MAX_DVGA_GAIN value. This will reduce
power consumption in the receiver front end,
since the highest gain settings are avoided.
14.10.6 CS Relative Threshold
The relative threshold detects sudden changes
in the measured signal level. This setting is not
dependent on the absolute signal level and is
thus useful to detect signals in environments
with a time varying noise floor. The register
is used to enable/disable relative CS, and to
select threshold of 6 dB, 10 dB or 14 dB RSSI
14.10.7 Clear Channel Assessment (CCA)
The Clear Channel Assessment CCA) is used
to indicate if the current channel is free or
busy. The current CCA state is viewable on
P1_5, P1_6, or P1_7 by setting
MCSM1.CCA_MODE selects the mode to use
when determining CCA.
When the STX or SFSTXON command strobe is
given while
is in the RX
state, the TX or FSTXON state is only entered
if the clear channel requirements are fulfilled.
The chip will otherwise remain in RX (if the
channel becomes available, the radio will not
enter TX or FSTXON state before a new
strobe command is being issued). This feature
is called TX-if-CCA.
Four CCA requirements can be programmed:
Always (CCA disabled, always goes to
If RSSI is below threshold
Unless currently receiving a packet
Both the above (RSSI below threshold
and not currently receiving a packet)
14.10.8 Link Quality Indicator (LQI)
The Link Quality Indicator is a metric of the
current quality of the received signal. If
PKTCTRL1.APPEND_STATUS is enabled, the
value is automatically added to the last byte
appended after the payload. The value can
also be read from the LQI status register. The
LQI gives an estimate of how easily a received
signal can be demodulated by accumulating
the magnitude of the error between ideal
constellations and the received signal over the
64 symbols immediately following the sync
word. LQI is best used as a relative
measurement of the link quality (a high value
indicates a better link than what a low value
does), since the value is dependent on the
modulation format.
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14.11 Forward Error Correction with Interleaving
14.11.1 Forward Error Correction (FEC)
has built in support for
Forward Error Correction (FEC). To enable
this option, set MDMCFG1.FEC_EN to 1. FEC is
only supported in fixed packet length mode
employed on the data field and CRC word in
order to reduce the gross bit error rate when
operating near the sensitivity limit.
Redundancy is added to the transmitted data
in such a way that the receiver can restore the
original data in the presence of some bit
The use of FEC allows correct reception at a
lower SNR, thus extending communication
range. Alternatively, for a given SNR, using
FEC decreases the bit error rate (BER). As the
packet error rate (PER) is related to BER by:
)1(1 = ,
a lower BER can be used to allow longer
packets, or a higher percentage of packets of
a given length, to be transmitted successfully.
Finally, in realistic ISM radio environments,
transient and time-varying phenomena will
produce occasional errors even in otherwise
good reception conditions. FEC will mask such
errors and, combined with interleaving of the
coded data, even correct relatively long
periods of faulty reception (burst errors).
The FEC scheme adopted for
is convolutional coding, in
which n bits are generated based on k input
bits and the m most recent input bits, forming
a code stream able to withstand a certain
number of bit errors between each coding
state (the m-bit window).
The convolutional coder is a rate 1/2 code with
a constraint length of m=4. The coder codes
one input bit and produces two output bits;
hence, the effective data rate is halved. I.e. to
transmit at the same effective data rate when
using FEC, it is necessary to use twice as high
over-the-air data rate. This will require a higher
receiver bandwidth, and thus reduce
sensitivity. In other words, the improved
reception by using FEC and the degraded
sensitivity from a higher receiver bandwidth
will be counteracting factors.
14.11.2 Interleaving
Data received through radio channels will
often experience burst errors due to
interference and time-varying signal strengths.
In order to increase the robustness to errors
spanning multiple bits, interleaving is used
when FEC is enabled. After de-interleaving, a
continuous span of errors in the received
stream will become single errors spread apart.
employs matrix interleaving,
which is illustrated in Figure 52. The on-chip
interleaving and de-interleaving buffers are 4 x
4 matrices. In the transmitter, the data bits
from the rate ½ convolutional coder are written
into the rows of the matrix, whereas the bit
sequence to be transmitted is read from the
columns of the matrix. Conversely, in the
receiver, the received symbols are written into
the columns of the matrix, whereas the data
passed onto the convolutional decoder is read
from the rows of the matrix.
When FEC and interleaving is used at least
one extra byte is required for trellis
termination. In addition, the amount of data
transmitted over the air must be a multiple of
the size of the interleaver buffer (two bytes).
The packet control hardware therefore
automatically inserts one or two extra bytes at
the end of the packet, so that the total length
of the data to be interleaved is an even
number. Note that these extra bytes are
invisible to the user, as they are removed
before the received packet enters the RFD
data register.
When FEC and interleaving is used the
minimum data payload is 2 bytes.
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Encoder Modulator
Write buffer
Read buffer
Demodulator FEC
Write buffer
Read buffer
Figure 52: General Principle of Matrix Interleaving
14.12 Radio Control
has a built-in state machine
that is used to switch between different
operation states (modes). The change of state
is done either by using command strobes or by
internal events such as TX FIFO underflow.
A simplified state diagram is shown in Figure
47 on Page 188. The complete radio control
state diagram is shown in Figure 53. The
numbers refer to the state number readable in
the MARCSTATE status register. This register is
primarily for test purposes.
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Figure 53: Complete Radio Control State Diagram
14.12.1 Active Modes
The radio has two active modes: receive and
transmit. These modes are activated directly
by writing the SRX and STX command strobes
to the RFST register.
The frequency synthesizer must be calibrated
has one manual
calibration option (using the SCAL strobe), and
three automatic calibration options, controlled
by the MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL setting:
Calibrate when going from IDLE to
either RX or TX (or FSTXON)
Calibrate when going from either RX or
TX to IDLE automatically
Calibrate every fourth time when going
from either RX or TX to IDLE
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If the radio goes from TX or RX to IDLE by
issuing an SIDLE strobe, calibration will not be
performed. The calibration takes a constant
number of XOSC cycles (see Table 71 for
timing details).
When RX is activated, the chip will remain in
receive mode until a packet is successfully
received or the RX termination timer expires
(see Section 14.12.3). Note: The probability
that a false sync word is detected can be
reduced by using PQT, CS, maximum sync
word length, and sync word qualifier mode as
describe in Section 14.10.1. After a packet is
successfully received the radio controller will
then go to the state indicated by the
MCSM1.RXOFF_MODE setting. The possible
destinations are:
FSTXON: Frequency synthesizer on
and ready at the TX frequency. Activate
TX with STX.
TX: Start sending preambles
RX: Start search for a new packet
Similarly, when TX is active the chip will
remain in the TX state until the current packet
has been successfully transmitted. Then the
state will change as indicated by the
MCSM1.TXOFF_MODE setting. The possible
destinations are the same as for RX.
It is possible to change the state from RX to
TX and vice versa by using the command
strobes. If the radio controller is currently in
transmit and an SRX strobe is written to the
RFST register, the current transmission will be
ended and the transition to RX will be done.
If the radio controller is in RX when the STX or
SFSTXON command strobes are used and
MCSM1.CCA_MODE 00, the TX-if-CCA
function will be used. If the channel is not
clear, the chip will remain in RX. For more
details on clear channel assessment, see
Section 14.10.7 on Page 201.
The SIDLE command strobe can always be
used to force the radio controller to go to the
IDLE state.
14.12.2 Timing
The radio controller controls most timing in
, such as synthesizer
calibration, PLL lock time and RX/TX
turnaround times. Timing from IDLE to RX and
IDLE to TX is constant, dependent on the auto
calibration setting. RX/TX and TX/RX
turnaround times are constant. The calibration
time is constant 18739 clock periods (fRef).
Table 71 shows the timing for key state
Power on time and XOSC start-up times are
variable, but within the limits stated in Table 11
and Table 12
Note that in a frequency hopping spread
spectrum or a multi-channel protocol it is
possible to reduce the calibration time
significantly. This is explained in Section
Transition Time
Description fRef Periods fRef = 26 MHz fRef = 24 MHz
Idle to RX, no calibration 2298 88.4 µs 95.8 µs
Idle to RX, with calibration ~21037 809 µs 876.5 µs
Idle to TX/FSTXON, no
2298 88.4 µs 95.8 µs
Idle to TX/FSTXON, with
~21037 809 µs 876.5 µs
TX to RX switch 560 21.5 µs 23.3 µs
RX to TX switch 250 9.6 µs 10.4 µs
RX or TX to IDLE, no calibration 2 0.1 µs 0.1 µs
RX or TX to IDLE, with calibration ~18739 721 µs 780.8 µs
Manual calibration ~18739 721 µs 780.8 µs
Table 71: State Transition Timing
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14.12.3 RX Termination Timer
has optional functions for
automatic termination of RX after a
programmable time. The termination timer
starts when in RX state. The timeout is
programmable with the MCSM2.RX_TIME
setting. When the timer expires, the radio
controller will check the condition for staying in
RX; if the condition is not met, RX will
The programmable conditions are:
MCSM2.RX_TIME_QUAL=0: Continue
receive if sync word has been found
MCSM2.RX_TIME_QUAL=1: Continue
receive if sync word has been found or
preamble quality is above threshold
If the system can expect the transmission to
have started when enabling the receiver, the
MCSM2.RX_TIME_RSSI function can be used.
The radio controller will then terminate RX if
the first valid carrier sense sample indicates
no carrier (RSSI below threshold). See Section
14.10.4 on Page 200 for details on Carrier
If RX terminates due to no carrier sense when
the MCSM2.RX_TIME_RSSI function is used,
or if no sync word was found when using the
MCSM2.RX_TIME timeout function, the chip
will always go back to IDLE.
14.13 Frequency Programming
The frequency programming in
is designed to minimize the
programming needed in a channel-oriented
To set up a system with channel numbers, the
desired channel spacing is programmed with
MDMCFG1.CHANSPC_E registers. The channel
spacing registers are mantissa and exponent
18 2_256
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The base or start frequency is set by the 24 bit
frequency word located in the FREQ2, FREQ1
and FREQ0 registers. This word will typically
be set to the centre of the lowest channel
frequency that is to be used.
The desired channel number is programmed
with the 8-bit channel number register,
CHANNR.CHAN, which is multiplied by the
channel offset. The resultant carrier frequency
is given by:
16 2)_256(
With a reference frequency, fRef, equal to 26
MHz, the maximum channel spacing is 405
kHz. To get e.g. 1 MHz channel spacing one
solution is to use 333 kHz channel spacing
and select each third channel in
The preferred IF frequency is programmed
with the FSCTRL1.FREQ_IF register. The IF
frequency is given by:
IF _
210 =
Note that the SmartRF® Studio software [8]
automatically calculates the optimum register
setting based on channel spacing and channel
filter bandwidth.
If any frequency programming register is
altered when the frequency synthesizer is
running, the synthesizer may give an
undesired response. Hence, the frequency
programming should only be updated when
the radio is in the IDLE state.
14.14 VCO
The VCO is completely integrated on-chip.
14.14.1 VCO and PLL Self-Calibration
The VCO characteristics will vary with
temperature and supply voltage changes, as
well as the desired operating frequency. In
order to ensure reliable operation,
includes frequency
synthesizer self-calibration circuitry. This
calibration should be done regularly, and must
be performed after turning on power and
before using a new frequency (or channel).
The number of fRef periods for completing the
PLL calibration is given in Table 71 on Page
The calibration can be initiated automatically or
manually. The synthesizer can be
automatically calibrated each time the
synthesizer is turned on, or each time the
synthesizer is turned off automatically. This is
configured with the MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL
register setting. In manual mode, the
calibration is initiated when the SCAL
command strobe is activated in the IDLE
Note that the calibration values are maintained
in power-down modes PM1/2/3, so the
calibration is still valid after waking up from
these power-down modes (unless supply
voltage or temperature has changed
14.15 Output Power Programming
The RF output power level from the device is
programmed through the PA_TABLE0 register.
Table 72 contains recommended PA_TABLE0
settings for various output levels and
frequency bands, together with current
consumption in the RF transceiver.
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Output Power [dBm]
Typical +25 ºC, 3.0 V
Setting Current Consumption, typ. [mA]
(–55 or less) 0x00 12
–30 0x44 13
–28 0x41 13
–26 0x54 15
–24 0x53 14
–22 0x83 14
–20 0xC1 14
–18 0xC8 15
–16 0x87 14.5
–14 0x59 15
–12 0x95 15.5
–10 0xCB 16
–8 0x99 16.5
–6 0x7F 18.5
–4 0xAA 20
–2 0xBF 21.5
0 0xFE 26
1 0xFF 26.5
Table 72: Optimum PA_TABLE0 Settings for Various Output Power Levels (subject to changes)
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14.16 Selectivity
Figure 54 to Figure 58 show the typical selectivity performance (adjacent and alternate rejection).
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Frequency offset [MHz]
Selectivity [dB]
Figure 54: Typical Selectivity at 2.4 kBaud. IF Frequency is 273.9 kHz.
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Frequency offset [MHz]
Selectivity [dB]
Figure 55: Typical Selectivity at 10 kBaud. IF Frequency is 273.9 kHz.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Frequency offset [MHz]
Selectivity [dB]
Figure 56: Typical Selectivity at 250 kBaud. IF Frequency is 177.7 kHz.
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-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Fre quency offset [MHz]
Selectivity [dB]
Figure 57:Typical Selectivity at 250 kBaud. IF Frequency is 457 kHz.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Frequency offset [MHz]
Selectivity [dB]
Figure 58: Typical Selectivity at 500 kBaud. IF Frequency is 307.4 kHz.
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14.17 System considerations and Guidelines
14.17.1 SRD Regulations
International regulations and national laws
regulate the use of radio receivers and
transmitters. The most important regulations
for the 2.4 GHz band are EN 300 440 and EN
300 328 (Europe), FCC CFR47 part 15.247
and 15.249 (USA), and ARIB STD-T66
(Japan). A summary of the most important
aspects of these regulations can be found in
Application Note AN032 [9].
Please note that compliance with regulations is
dependent on complete system performance.
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that
the system complies with regulations.
14.17.2 Frequency Hopping and Multi-
Channel Systems
The 2.400 – 2.4835 GHz band is shared by
many systems both in industrial, office and
home environments. It is therefore
recommended to use frequency hopping
spread spectrum (FHSS) or a multi-channel
protocol because the frequency diversity
makes the system more robust with respect to
interference from other systems operating in
the same frequency band. FHSS also combats
multipath fading.
Charge pump current, VCO current and VCO
capacitance array calibration data is required
for each frequency when implementing
frequency hopping for
There are 3 ways of obtaining the calibration
data from the chip:
1) Frequency hopping with calibration for each
hop. The PLL calibration time is approximately
720 µs and the blanking interval between each
frequency hop is then approximately 810 µs
(PLL turn on time is 90 us) when fRef is 26
MHz. When fRef is 24 MHz, these numbers are
780 µs and 875 µs respectively.
2) Fast frequency hopping without calibration
for each hop can be done by calibrating each
frequency at startup and saving the resulting
FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values
in memory. Between each frequency hop, the
calibration process can then be replaced by
writing the FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1
register values corresponding to the next RF
frequency. The PLL turn on time is
approximately 90 µs when fRef is 26 MHz and
95 µs when fRef is 24 MHz. The blanking
interval between each frequency hop is then
approximately equal to the PLL turn on time.
The VCO current calibration result is available
in FSCAL2 and is not dependent on the RF
frequency. Neither is the charge pump current
calibration result available in FSCAL3. The
same value can therefore be used for all
3) Run calibration on a single frequency at
startup. Next write 0 to FSCAL3[5:4] to
disable the charge pump calibration. After
writing to FSCAL3[5:4] strobe SRX (or STX)
with MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1 for each new
frequency hop. That is, VCO current and VCO
capacitance calibration is done but not charge
pump current calibration. When charge pump
current calibration is disabled the calibration
time is reduced from approximately 720 µs to
approximately 150 µs when fRef is 26 MHz and
from 780 µs to 163 µs when fRef is 24 MHz.
The blanking interval between each frequency
hop is then approximately 240 µs us and 260
µs respectively.
There is a trade off between blanking time and
memory space needed for storing calibration
data in non-volatile memory. Solution 2) above
gives the shortest blanking interval, but
requires more memory space to store
calibration values. Solution 3) gives
approximately 570 µs smaller blanking interval
than solution 1 when fRef is 24 MHz and
approximately 615 µs smaller blanking interval
than solution 1 when fRef is 24 MHz ).
14.17.3 Wideband Modulation not Using
Spread Spectrum
Digital modulation systems under FCC part
15.247 includes 2-FSK and GFSK modulation.
A maximum peak output power of 1 W (+30
dBm) is allowed if the 6 dB bandwidth of the
modulated signal exceeds 500 kHz. In
addition, the peak power spectral density
conducted to the antenna shall not be greater
than +8 dBm in any 3 kHz band.
Operating at high data rates and high
frequency separation, the
suited for systems targeting compliance with
digital modulation systems as defined by FCC
part 15.247. An external power amplifier is
needed to increase the output above +1 dBm.
14.17.4 Data Burst Transmissions
The high maximum data rate of
opens up for burst
transmissions. A low average data rate link
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(e.g. 10 kBaud), can be realized using a higher
over-the-air data rate. Buffering the data and
transmitting in bursts at high data rate (e.g.
500 kBaud) will reduce the time in active
mode, and hence also reduce the average
current consumption significantly. Reducing
the time in active mode will reduce the
likelihood of collisions with other systems, e.g.
14.17.5 Crystal Drift Compensation
has a very fine
frequency resolution (see Table 16). This
feature can be used to compensate for
frequency offset and drift.
The frequency offset between an ‘external’
transmitter and the receiver is measured in the
and can be read back from
the FREQEST status register as described in
Section 14.7.1. The measured frequency offset
can be used to calibrate the frequency using
the ‘external’ transmitter as the reference. That
is, the received signal of the device will match
the receiver’s channel filter better. In the same
way the centre frequency of the transmitted
signal will match the ‘external’ transmitter’s
14.17.6 Spectrum Efficient Modulation
also has the possibility to
use Gaussian shaped 2-FSK (GFSK). This
spectrum-shaping feature improves adjacent
channel power (ACP) and occupied bandwidth.
In ‘true’ 2-FSK systems with abrupt frequency
shifting, the spectrum is inherently broad. By
making the frequency shift ‘softer’, the
spectrum can be made significantly narrower.
Thus, higher data rates can be transmitted in
the same bandwidth using GFSK.
14.17.7 Low Cost Systems
A differential antenna will eliminate the need
for a balun (see Figure 10, Figure 11, and
Figure 12). The CC25XX Folded Dipole
reference design [3] contains schematics and
layout files for a CC2500EM with a folded
dipole PCB antenna. This antenna design can
also be used by the
provide a low cost system. Please see DN004
[10] for more details on this design.
A HC-49 type SMD crystal is used in the
CC2510EM reference design [1]. Note that the
crystal package strongly influences the price.
In a size constrained PCB design a smaller,
but more expensive, crystal may be used.
14.17.8 Battery Operated Systems
In low power applications, PM2 or PM3 should
be used when the
is not
active. The Sleep Timer can be used in PM2.
14.17.9 Increasing Output Power
In some applications it may be necessary to
extend the link range. Adding an external
power amplifier is the most effective way of
doing this.
The power amplifier should be inserted
between the antenna and the balun, and two.
T/R switches are needed to disconnect the PA
in RX mode. See Figure 59
Figure 59: Block Diagram of
Usage with External Power Amplifier
CC2510Fx /
switch T/R
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14.18 Radio Registers
This Section describes all RF registers used for control and status for the radio.
0xDF2F: IOCFG2 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_7)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6 GDO2_INV 0 R/W Invert output, i.e. select active low (1) / high (0)
5:0 GDO2_CFG[5:0] 000000 R/W Debug output on P1_7 pin. See Table 73 for a
description of internal signals which can be output on
this pin for debug purpose
0xDF30: IOCFG1 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_6)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Enable / disable drive strength enhancement for all port
outputs. To be used below 2.6 V
0 Disable
7 GDO_DS 0 R/W
1 Enable
Invert output
0 Active high
6 GDO1_INV 0 R/W
1 Active low
5:0 GDO1_CFG[5:0] 000000 R/W Debug output on P1_6 pin. See Table 73 for a
description of internal signals which can be output on
this pin for debug purpose
0xDF31: IOCFG0 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_5)
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6 GDO0_INV 0 R/W Invert output, i.e. select active low (1) / high (0)
5:0 GDO0_CFG[5:0] 000000 R/W Debug output on P1_5 pin. See Table 73 for a
description of internal signals which can be output on
this pin for debug purpose.
0xDF00: SYNC1 – Sync Word, High Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC[15:8] 0xD3 R/W 8 MSB of 16-bit sync word
0xDF01: SYNC0 – Sync Word, Low Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 SYNC[7:0] 0x91 R/W 8 LSB of 16-bit sync word
0xDF02: PKTLEN – Packet Length
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 PACKET_LENGTH 0xFF R/W Indicates the packet length when fixed length packets
are enabled. If variable length packets are used, this
value indicates the maximum length packets allowed
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0xDF03: PKTCTRL1 – Packet Automation Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 PQT[2:0] 000 R/W Preamble quality estimator threshold. The preamble quality estimator
increases an internal counter by one each time a bit is received that is
different from the previous bit, and decreases the counter by 8 each
time a bit is received that is the same as the last bit.
A threshold of 4·PQT for this counter is used to gate sync word
detection. When PQT=0 a sync word is always accepted
4:3 - R0 Not used
2 APPEND_STATUS 1 R/W When enabled, two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the
packet. The status bytes contain RSSI and LQI values, as well as the
CRC OK flag
Controls address check configuration of received packages.
00 No address check
01 Address check, no broadcast
10 Address check, 0 (0x00) broadcast
1:0 ADR_CHK[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Address check, 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF) broadcast
0xDF04: PKTCTRL0 – Packet Automation Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
Whitening enable. Data whitening can only be used when
PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=0 (default).
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Packet format of RX and TX data
00 Normal mode
01 Reserved
Random TX mode; sends random data using PN9 generator.
Used for test.
Works as normal mode, setting 00, in RX.
5:4 PKT_FORMAT[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Reserved
CC2400 support enable. Use same CRC implementation as CC2400.
The CC2400 CRC can only be used if PKTCTRL0.WHITE_DATA=0
0 Disable
3 CC2400_EN 0 R/W
1 Enable
CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enable
0 Disable
2 CRC_EN 1 R/W
1 Enable
Packet Length Configuration
00 Fixed packet length mode. Length configured in PKTLEN register
01 Variable packet length mode. Packet length configured by the
first byte after sync word
10 Reserved
1:0 LENGTH_CONFIG[1:0] 01 R/W
11 Reserved
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0xDF05: ADDR – Device Address
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DEVICE_ADDR[7:0] 0x00 R/W Address used for packet filtration. Optional broadcast addresses
are 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF).
0xDF06: CHANNR – Channel Number
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CHAN[7:0] 0x00 R/W The 8-bit unsigned channel number, which is multiplied by the channel
spacing setting and added to the base frequency.
0xDF07: FSCTRL1 – Frequency Synthesizer Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5 0 R/W Reserved
4:0 FREQ_IF[4:0] 01111 R/W The desired IF frequency to employ in RX. Subtracted from FS base
frequency in RX and controls the digital complex mixer in the
IF _
210 =
The default value gives an IF frequency of 381 kHz when fRef = 26 MHz
and 352 kHz when fRef = 24 MHz.
0xDF08: FSCTRL0 – Frequency Synthesizer Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQOFF[7:0] 0x00 R/W Frequency offset added to the base frequency before being used by the
FS. (2’s complement).
Resolution is fRef /214
Range is ±186 kHz to ±209 kHz for
and ±186 kHz
0xDF09: FREQ2 – Frequency Control Word, High Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 FREQ[23:22] 01 R FREQ[23:22]
5:0 FREQ[21:16] 11110 R/W FREQ[23:0] is the base frequency for the frequency synthesizer in
increments of fRef /216.
216 FREQ
carrier =
0xDF0A: FREQ1 – Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQ[15:8] 11000100 R/W
Ref. FREQ2 register
0xDF0B: FREQ0 – Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQ[7:0] 11101100 R/W
Ref. FREQ2 register
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0xDF0C: MDMCFG4 – Modem configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 CHANBW_E[1:0] 10 R/W
5:4 CHANBW_M[1:0] 00 R/W Sets the decimation ratio for the delta-sigma ADC input stream and thus the
channel bandwidth.
channel MCHANBW
BW _
2_4(8 +
The default values give 203 kHz channel filter bandwidth when fRef = 26 MHz
and 188 kHz when fRef = 24 MHz.
3:0 DRATE_E[3:0] 1100 R/W The exponent of the user specified symbol rate.
0xDF0D: MDMCFG3 – Modem Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 DRATE_M[7:0] 0x22 R/W The mantissa of the user specified symbol rate. The symbol rate is configured
using an unsigned, floating-point number with 9-bit mantissa and 4-bit
exponent. The 9th bit is a hidden ‘1’. The resulting data rate is:
The default values give a data rate of 115.051 kBaud when fRef = 26 MHz and
106.201 kHz when fRef = 24 MHz.
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0xDF0E: MDMCFG2 – Modem Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Disable digital DC blocking filter before demodulator. The recommended IF
frequency changes when the DC blocking is disabled. Please use SmartRF®
Studio [8] to calculate correct register setting.
0 Enable Better Sensitivity
1 Disable Current optimized. Only for data rates 100 kBaud
The modulation format of the radio signal
000 2-FSK
001 GFSK
010 Reserved
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Reserved
110 Reserved
6:4 MOD_FORMAT[2:0] 000 R/W
111 MSK
Manchester encoding/decoding enable
0 Disable
1 Enable
Sync-word qualifier mode.
The values 000 and 100 disables preamble and sync word transmission in
TX and preamble and sync word detection in RX.
The values 001, 010, 101 and 110 enables 16-bit sync word transmission in
TX and 16-bits sync word detection in RX. Only 15 of 16 bits need to match
in RX when using setting 001 or 101. The values 011 and 111 enables
repeated sync word transmission in TX and 32-bits sync word detection in
RX (only 30 of 32 bits need to match).
000 No preamble/sync
001 15/16 sync word bits detected
010 16/16 sync word bits detected
011 30/32 sync word bits detected
100 No preamble/sync, carrier-sense above threshold
101 15/16 + carrier-sense above threshold
110 16/16 + carrier-sense above threshold
2:0 SYNC_MODE[2:0] 010 R/W
111 30/32 + carrier-sense above threshold
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0xDF0F: MDMCFG1 – Modem Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Enable Forward Error Correction (FEC) with interleaving for packet
payload. FEC is only supported for fixed packet length mode, i.e.
0 Disable
7 FEC_EN 0 R/W
1 Enable
Sets the minimum number of preamble bytes to be transmitted
000 2
001 3
010 4
011 6
100 8
101 12
110 16
6:4 NUM_PREAMBLE[2:0] 010 R/W
111 24
3:2 - R0 Not used
1:0 CHANSPC_E[1:0] 10 R/W 2 bit exponent of channel spacing
0xDF10: MDMCFG0 – Modem Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 CHANSPC_M[7:0] 0xF8 R/W 8-bit mantissa of channel spacing (initial 1 assumed). The channel
spacing is multiplied by the channel number CHAN and added to the base
frequency. It is unsigned and has the format:
18 2_256
The default values give 199.951 kHz channel spacing when fRef = 26
MHz and 184.570 kHz when fRef = 24 MHz.
0xDF11: DEVIATN – Modem Deviation Setting
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6:4 DEVIATION_E[2:0] 100 R/W Deviation exponent
3 - R0 Not used
2:0 DEVIATION_M[2:0] 111 R/W When MSK modulation is enabled:
Sets fraction of symbol period used for phase change. Refer to the
SmartRF® Studio software [8] for correct DEVIATN setting when using
When 2-FSK/GFSK modulation is enabled:
Deviation mantissa, interpreted as a 4-bit value with MSB implicit 1. The
resulting deviation is given by:
17 2)_8(
The default values give ±47.607kHz deviation when fRef = 26 MHz and
43.945 kHz when fRef = 24 MHz.
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0xDF12: MCSM2 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 - R0 Not used
4 RX_TIME_RSSI 0 R/W Direct RX termination based on RSSI measurement (carrier
3 RX_TIME_QUAL 0 R/W When the RX_TIME timer expires the chip stays in RX mode
if sync word is found when RX_TIME_QUAL=0, or either sync
word is found or PQT is reached when RX_TIME_QUAL=1.
2:0 RX_TIME[2:0] 111 R/W Timeout for sync word search in RX. The timeout is relative to
the programmed tEvent0.
The RX timeout in µs is given by EVENT0·C(RX_TIME, WOR_RES) ·26/X, where C is given by the table below and X is
the reference frequency (fRef) in MHz:
000 3.6058 18.0288 32.4519 46.8750
001 1.8029 9.0144 16.2260 23.4375
010 0.9014 4.5072 8.1130 11.7188
011 0.4507 2.2536 4.0565 5.8594
100 0.2254 1.1268 2.0282 2.9297
101 0.1127 0.5634 1.0141 1.4648
110 0.0563 0.2817 0.5071 0.7324
111 Until end of packet
As an example, EVENT0 = 34666, WOR_RES = 0 and RX_TIME = 6 corresponds to 1.96 ms RX timeout
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0xDF13: MCSM1 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
Selects CCA_MODE; Reflected in CCA signal
00 Always
01 If RSSI below threshold
10 Unless currently receiving a packet
5:4 CCA_MODE[1:0] 11 R/W
11 If RSSI below threshold unless currently receiving a packet
Select what should happen (next state) when a packet has been received
10 TX
11 Stay in RX
3:2 RXOFF_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
It is not possible to set RXOFF_MODE to be TX or FSTXON and at the same
time use CCA.
Select what should happen (next state) when a packet has been sent (TX)
10 Stay in TX (start sending preamble)
1:0 TXOFF_MODE[1:0] 00 R/W
11 RX
0xDF14: MCSM0 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
Select calibration mode (when to calibrate)
00 Never (manually calibrate using SCAL strobe)
01 When going from IDLE to RX or TX (or FSTXON)
10 When going from RX or TX back to IDLE automatically
5:4 FS_AUTOCAL[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Every 4th time when going from RX or TX to IDLE automatically
3:0 0100 R/W Reserved. Always set to 0100
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0xDF15: FOCCFG – Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6 1 R/W Reserved. Always write 0
5 FOC_BS_CS_GATE 1 R/W If set, the demodulator freezes the frequency offset compensation and
clock recovery feedback loops until the CARRIER_SENSE signal goes
The frequency compensation loop gain to be used before a sync word is
00 K
01 2K
10 3K
4:3 FOC_PRE_K[1:0] 10 R/W
11 4K
The frequency compensation loop gain to be used after a sync word is
0 Same as FOC_PRE_K
1 K/2
The saturation point for the frequency offset compensation algorithm:
00 ±0 (no frequency offset compensation)
01 ±BWCHAN / 8
10 ±BW CHAN / 4
1:0 FOC_LIMIT[1:0] 10 R/W
11 ±BW CHAN / 2
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0xDF16: BSCFG – Bit Synchronization Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
The clock recovery feedback loop integral gain to be used before a sync word
is detected (used to correct offsets in data rate):
00 KI
01 2KI
10 3KI
7:6 BS_PRE_KI[1:0] 01 R/W
11 4KI
The clock recovery feedback loop proportional gain to be used before a sync
word is detected
00 KP
01 2KP
10 3KP
5:4 BS_PRE_KP[1:0] 10 R/W
11 4KP
The clock recovery feedback loop integral gain to be used after a sync word is
0 Same as BS_PRE_KI
1 KI /2
The clock recovery feedback loop proportional gain to be used after a sync
word is detected.
0 Same as BS_PRE_KP
1 KP
The saturation point for the data rate offset compensation algorithm:
00 ±0 (No data rate offset compensation performed)
01 ±3.125% data rate offset
10 ±6.25% data rate offset
1:0 BS_LIMIT[1:0] 00 R/W
11 ±12.5% data rate offset
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0xDF17: AGCCTRL2 – AGC Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Reduces the maximum allowable DVGA gain.
00 All gain settings can be used
01 The highest gain setting can not be used
10 The 2 highest gain settings can not be used
7:6 MAX_DVGA_GAIN[1:0] 00 R/W
11 The 3 highest gain settings can not be used
Sets the maximum allowable LNA + LNA 2 gain relative to the
maximum possible gain.
000 Maximum possible LNA + LNA 2 gain
001 Approx. 2.6 dB below maximum possible gain
010 Approx. 6.1 dB below maximum possible gain
011 Approx. 7.4 dB below maximum possible gain
100 Approx. 9.2 dB below maximum possible gain
101 Approx. 11.5 dB below maximum possible gain
110 Approx. 14.6 dB below maximum possible gain
5:3 MAX_LNA_GAIN[2:0] 000 R/W
111 Approx. 17.1 dB below maximum possible gain
These bits set the target value for the averaged amplitude from the
digital channel filter (1 LSB = 0 dB).
000 24 dB
001 27 dB
010 30 dB
011 33 dB
100 36 dB
101 38 dB
110 40 dB
2:0 MAGN_TARGET[2:0] 011 R/W
111 42 dB
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0xDF18: AGCCTRL1 – AGC Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6 AGC_LNA_PRIORITY 1 R/W Selects between two different strategies for LNA and LNA2
gain adjustment. When 1, the LNA gain is decreased first.
When 0, the LNA2 gain is decreased to minimum before
decreasing LNA gain.
Sets the relative change threshold for asserting carrier sense
00 Relative carrier sense threshold disabled
01 6 dB increase in RSSI value
10 10 dB increase in RSSI value
11 14 dB increase in RSSI value
Sets the absolute RSSI threshold for asserting carrier sense
(Equal to channel filter amplitude when AGC has not
decreased gain). The 2-complement signed threshold is
programmed in steps of 1 dB and is relative to the
MAGN_TARGET setting.
1000 (-8) Absolute carrier sense threshold disabled
1001 (-7) 7 dB below MAGN_TARGET setting
… …
1111 (-1) 1 dB below MAGN_TARGET setting
0000 (0) At MAGN_TARGET setting
0001 (1) 1 dB above MAGN_TARGET setting
… …
0111 (7) 7 dB above MAGN_TARGET setting
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0xDF19: AGCCTRL0 – AGC Control
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
Sets the level of hysteresis on the magnitude deviation
(internal AGC signal that determines gain changes).
00 No hysteresis, small symmetric dead zone, high gain
01 Low hysteresis, small asymmetric dead zone, medium
10 Medium hysteresis, medium asymmetric dead zone,
medium gain
7:6 HYST_LEVEL[1:0] 10 R/W
11 Large hysteresis, large asymmetric dead zone, low gain
Sets the number of channel filter samples from a gain
adjustment has been made until the AGC algorithm starts
accumulating new samples.
00 8
01 16
10 24
5:4 WAIT_TIME[1:0] 01 R/W
11 32
Controls when the AGC gain should be frozen.
00 Normal operation. Always adjust gain when required.
01 The gain setting is frozen when a sync word has been
10 Manually freeze the analog gain setting and continue to
adjust the digital gain.
3:2 AGC_FREEZE[1:0] 00 R/W
11 Manually freezes both the analog and the digital gain
settings. Used for manually overriding the gain.
Sets the averaging length for the amplitude from the channel
filter. Please use the SmartRF® Studio software [8] for
recommended settings.
00 8
01 16
10 32
1:0 FILTER_LENGTH[1:0] 01 R/W
11 64
0xDF1A: FREND1 – Front End RX Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 LNA_CURRENT[1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts front-end LNA PTAT current output
5:4 LNA2MIX_CURRENT[1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts front-end PTAT outputs
3:2 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_RX[1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts current in RX LO buffer (LO input to mixer)
1:0 MIX_CURRENT[1:0] 10 R/W Adjusts current in mixer
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0xDF1B: FREND0 – Front End TX Configuration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5:4 LODIV_BUF_CURRENT_TX[1:0] 01 R/W Adjusts current TX LO buffer (input to PA). The value to
use in this field is given by the SmartRF® Studio software
3 - R0 Not used
2:0 000 R/W Reserved. Always set to 000
0xDF1C: FSCAL3 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 FSCAL3[7:6] 10 R/W Frequency synthesizer calibration configuration. The value to
write in this register before calibration is given by the
SmartRF® Studio software [8].
5:4 CHP_CURR_CAL_EN[1:0] 10 R/W Disable charge pump calibration stage when 0
3:0 FSCAL3[3:0] 1001 R/W Frequency synthesizer calibration result register. Digital bit
vector defining the charge pump output current, on an
exponential scale: IOUT=I0·2FSCAL3[3:0]/4
Fast frequency hopping without calibration for each hop can
be done by calibrating upfront for each frequency and saving
the resulting FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values.
Between each frequency hop, calibration can be replaced by
writing the FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values
corresponding to the next RF frequency.
Note: This register will be in its reset state when returning to active mode from PM2 and PM3.
0xDF1D: FSCAL2 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
Select VCO
0 Low.
1 High. Note that High VCO is not intended for use
4:0 FSCAL2[4:0] 01010 R/W Frequency synthesizer calibration result register. VCO
current calibration result and override value
Fast frequency hopping without calibration for each hop can
be done by calibrating upfront for each frequency and saving
the resulting FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values.
Between each frequency hop, calibration can be replaced by
writing the FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values
corresponding to the next RF frequency.
Note: This register will be in its reset state when returning to active mode from PM2 and PM3.
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0xDF1E: FSCAL1 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:6 - R0 Not used
5:0 FSCAL1[5:0] 100000 R/W Frequency synthesizer calibration result register. Capacitor
array setting for VCO coarse tuning.
Fast frequency hopping without calibration for each hop can
be done by calibrating upfront for each frequency and saving
the resulting FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values.
Between each frequency hop, calibration can be replaced by
writing the FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values
corresponding to the next RF frequency.
Note: This register will be in its reset state when returning to active mode from PM2 and PM3.
0xDF1F: FSCAL0 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 - R0 Not used
6:0 FSCAL0[6:0] 0001101 R/W Frequency synthesizer calibration control. The value to use in this
register is given by the SmartRF® Studio software [8].
0xDF23: TEST2 – Various Test Settings
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 TEST2[7:0] 0x88 R/W For improved sensitivity at low data rates (100 kBaud) this register
can be written to 0x81. The temperature range is then from 0 oC to
+85 oC.
0xDF24: TEST1 – Various Test Settings
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 TEST1[7:0] 0x11 R/W Must be written to 0x31.
For improved sensitivity at low data rates (100 kbps) this register can
be written to 0x35.The temperature range is then from 0 oC to +85 oC.
0xDF25: TEST0 – Various Test Settings
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:2 TEST0[7:2] 000010 R/W The value to use in this register is given by the SmartRF® Studio
software [8].
1 VCO_SEL_CAL_EN 1 R/W Enable VCO selection calibration stage when 1
0 TEST0[0] 1 R/W
The value to use in this register is given by the SmartRF® Studio
software [8].
0xDF2E: PA_TABLE0 – PA Power Setting
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 PA_TABLE0[7:0] 0x00 R/W Power amplifier output power setting
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0xDF36: PARTNUM – Chip ID[15:8]
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 PARTNUM[7:0] 0x81
R Chip part number
0xDF37: VERSION – Chip ID[7:0]
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VERSION[7:0] 0x04 R Chip version number.
0xDF38: FREQEST – Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 FREQOFF_EST 0x00 R The estimated frequency offset (2’s complement) of the carrier.
Resolution is fRef/214
Range is ±186 kHz to ±209 kHz for
and ±186 kHz
0xDF39: LQI – Demodulator Estimate for Link Quality
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 CRC_OK 0 R The last CRC comparison matched. Cleared when entering/restarting RX
mode. Only valid if PKTCTRL0.CC2400_EN=1. This bit will be 1 if CRC
check is disabled (PKTCTRL0.CRC_EN=0)
6:0 LQI_EST[6:0] 0000000 R The Link Quality Indicator estimates how easily a received signal can be
demodulated. Calculated over the 64 symbols following the sync word.
0xDF3A: RSSI – Received Signal Strength Indication
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 RSSI 0x80 R Received signal strength indicator
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0xDF3B: MARCSTATE – Main Radio Control State Machine State
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:5 - R0 Not used
Main Radio Control FSM State
Value State Name State (Figure 53, Page 204)
00010 Not Used
01101 RX RX
01110 RX_END RX
01111 RX_RST RX
10011 TX TX
10100 TX_END TX
4:0 MARC_STATE[4:0] 0001 R
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0xDF3C: PKTSTATUS –Packet Status
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7 CRC_OK 0 R The last CRC comparison matched. Cleared when entering/restarting RX
6 CS 0 R Carrier sense
5 PQT_REACHED 0 R Preamble Quality reached
4 CCA 0 R Channel is clear
3 SFD 0 R Sync word found
2:0 - R0 Not used
0xDF3D: VCO_VC_DAC – Current Setting from PLL Calibration Module
Bit Field Name Reset R/W Description
7:0 VCO_VC_DAC[7:0] 0x94 R Status register for test only.
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15 Voltage Regulators
includes a low drop-out
voltage regulator. This is used to provide a 1.8
V power supply to the
power supply. The voltage regulator should not
be used to provide power to external circuits
because of limited power sourcing capability
and also due to noise considerations.
The voltage regulator input pin AVDD_DREG is
to be connected to the unregulated 2.0 V to 3.6
V power supply. The output of the digital
regulator is connected internally in the
to the digital power supply.
The voltage regulator requires an external
decoupling capacitor connected to the DCOUPL
pin as described in Section 10 on Page 33.
15.1 Voltage Regulator Power-on
The voltage regulator is disabled when the
is placed in power modes
PM2 or PM3 (see Section 13.1). When the
voltage regulator is disabled, register and RAM
contents will be retained while the unregulated
2.0 V - 3.6 V power supply is present.
16 Radio Test Output Signals
For debug and test purposes, a number of
internal status signals in the radio may be
output on the port pins P1_7 – P1_5. This
debug option is controlled through the RF
registers IOCFG2-IOCFG0. Table 73 shows
the value written to IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG[5:0]
with the corresponding internal signals that will
be output in each case.
Setting IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG to a value other
than 0 will override the P1SEL_SELP1_7,
P1SEL_SELP1_6, and P1SEL_SELP1_5
settings, and the pins will automatically
become outputs.
000000 The pin is configured according to the I/O registers. See 13.4.11
000001 – 000111 Reserved
001000 Preamble Quality Reached. Asserts when the PQI is above the programmed PQT value.
001001 Clear channel assessment. High when RSSI level is below threshold (dependent on the current
CCA_MODE setting)
001010 – 001101 Reserved
001110 Carrier sense. High if RSSI level is above threshold.
001111 CRC_OK. The last CRC comparison matched. Cleared when entering/restarting RX mode.
010000 - 010101 Reserved
010110 RX_HARD_DATA[1]. Can be used together with RX_SYMBOL_TICK for alternative serial RX output.
010111 RX_HARD_DATA[0]. Can be used together with RX_SYMBOL_TICK for alternative serial RX output.
011000 – 011010 Reserved
011011 PA_PD. Can be used to control an external PA or RX/TX switch. Signal is asserted when the radio
enters TX state.
011100 LNA_PD. Can be used to control an external LNA or RX/TX switch. Signal is asserted when the radio
enters RX state.
011101 RX_SYMBOL_TICK. Can be used together with RX_HARD_DATA for alternative serial RX output.
011110 - 101110 Reserved
101111 HW to 0 (HW1 achieved by setting GDOx_INV=1). Can be used to control an external LNA/PA or
RX/TX switch.
110000 - 111111 Reserved
Table 73: Radio Test Output Signals
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17 Register Overview
MPAGE (0x93) – Memory Page Select .................................................................................. 51
MEMCTR (0xC7) – Memory Arbiter Control........................................................................ 51
DPH0 (0x83) – Data Pointer 0 High Byte............................................................................... 52
DPL0 (0x82) – Data Pointer 0 Low Byte................................................................................ 52
DPH1 (0x85) – Data Pointer 1 High Byte............................................................................... 52
DPL1 (0x84) – Data Pointer 1 Low Byte................................................................................ 52
DPS (0x92) – Data Pointer Select ........................................................................................... 52
PSW (0xD0) – Program Status Word...................................................................................... 53
ACC (0xE0) – Accumulator.................................................................................................... 53
B (0xF0) – B Register ............................................................................................................. 53
SP (0x81) – Stack Pointer .......................................................................................................54
IEN1 (0xB8) – Interrupt Enable 1 Register............................................................................. 61
IEN2 (0x9A) – Interrupt Enable 2 Register ............................................................................ 62
TCON (0x88) – CPU Interrupt Flag 1..................................................................................... 63
S0CON (0x98) – CPU Interrupt Flag 2................................................................................... 64
S1CON (0x9B) – CPU Interrupt Flag 3 .................................................................................. 64
IRCON (0xC0) – CPU Interrupt Flag 4 .................................................................................. 65
IRCON2 (0xE8) – CPU Interrupt Flag 5................................................................................. 66
IP1 (0xB9) – Interrupt Priority 1............................................................................................. 66
IP0 (0xA9) – Interrupt Priority 0............................................................................................. 67
PCON (0x87) – Power Mode Control..................................................................................... 76
SLEEP (0xBE) – Sleep Mode Control ................................................................................... 77
CLKCON (0xC6) – Clock Control ........................................................................................ 80
FCTL (0xAE) – Flash Control ................................................................................................ 87
FWDATA (0xAF) – Flash Write Data.................................................................................... 87
FADDRH (0xAD) – Flash Address High Byte....................................................................... 87
FADDRL (0xAC) – Flash Address Low Byte ........................................................................ 87
FWT (0xAB) – Flash Write Timing........................................................................................ 87
P0 (0x80) – Port 0 ................................................................................................................... 93
P1 (0x90) – Port 1 ................................................................................................................... 93
P2 (0xA0) – Port 2 .................................................................................................................. 93
PERCFG (0xF1) – Peripheral Control .................................................................................... 93
ADCCFG (0xF2) – ADC Input Configuration........................................................................ 94
P0SEL (0xF3) – Port 0 Function Select .................................................................................. 94
P1SEL (0xF4) – Port 1 Function Select .................................................................................. 94
P2SEL (0xF5) – Port 2 Function Select .................................................................................. 95
P0DIR (0xFD) – Port 0 Direction ........................................................................................... 95
P1DIR (0xFE) – Port 1 Direction............................................................................................ 95
P2DIR (0xFF) – Port 2 Direction ............................................................................................ 96
P0INP (0x8F) – Port 0 Input Mode......................................................................................... 96
P1INP (0xF6) – Port 1 Input Mode......................................................................................... 96
P2INP (0xF7) – Port 2 Input Mode......................................................................................... 96
P0IFG (0x89) – Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag ........................................................................... 97
P1IFG (0x8A) – Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag .......................................................................... 97
P2IFG (0x8B) – Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag........................................................................... 97
PICTL (0x8C) – Port Interrupt Control................................................................................... 98
P1IEN (0x8D) – Port 1 Interrupt Mask ................................................................................... 98
DMAARM (0xD6) – DMA Channel Arm ............................................................................ 108
DMAREQ (0xD7) – DMA Channel Start Request and Status.............................................. 109
DMA0CFGH (0xD5) – DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte....................... 109
DMA0CFGL (0xD4) – DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte ........................ 109
DMA1CFGH (0xD3) – DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte.................... 109
DMA1CFGL (0xD2) – DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte..................... 109
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DMAIRQ (0xD1) – DMA Interrupt Flag.............................................................................. 110
ENDIAN (0x95) – USB Endianess Control (
) ....................................................... 110
T1CNTH (0xE3) – Timer 1 Counter High............................................................................ 119
T1CNTL (0xE2) – Timer 1 Counter Low ............................................................................. 119
T1CTL (0xE4) – Timer 1 Control and Status ....................................................................... 119
T1CCTL0 (0xE5) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control...................................... 120
T1CC0H (0xDB) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High ................................ 120
T1CC0L (0xDA) – Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low ................................. 120
T1CCTL1 (0xE6) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control...................................... 121
T1CC1H (0xDD) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High ................................ 121
T1CC1L (0xDC) – Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low ................................. 121
T1CCTL2 (0xE7) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control...................................... 122
T1CC2H (0xDF) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High................................. 122
T1CC2L (0xDE) – Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low.................................. 122
T2CTL (0x9E) – Timer 2 Control......................................................................................... 124
T2CT (0x9C) – Timer 2 Count.............................................................................................. 124
T2PR (0x9D) – Timer 2 Prescaler......................................................................................... 124
WORTIME0 (0xA5) – Sleep Timer Low Byte..................................................................... 127
WORTIME1 (0xA6) – Sleep Timer High Byte .................................................................... 127
WOREVT1 (0xA4) – Sleep Timer Event0 Timeout High.................................................... 127
WOREVT0 (0xA3) – Sleep Timer Event0 Timeout Low..................................................... 127
WORCTRL (0xA2) – Sleep Timer Control .......................................................................... 127
WORIRQ (0xA1) – Sleep Timer Interrupt Control .............................................................. 128
T3CNT (0xCA) – Timer 3 Counter....................................................................................... 132
T3CTL (0xCB) – Timer 3 Control ........................................................................................ 133
T3CCTL0 (0xCC) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control..................................... 134
T3CC0 (0xCD) – Timer 3 Channel 0 Compare Value.......................................................... 134
T3CCTL1 (0xCE) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Compare Control................................................... 135
T3CC1 (0xCF) – Timer 3 Channel 1 Compare Value .......................................................... 135
T4CNT (0xEA) – Timer 4 Counter....................................................................................... 135
T4CTL (0xEB) – Timer 4 Control ........................................................................................ 136
T4CCTL0 (0xEC) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control..................................... 137
T4CC0 (0xED) – Timer 4 Channel 0 Compare Value .......................................................... 137
T4CCTL1 (0xEE) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Compare Control................................................... 138
T4CC1 (0xEF) – Timer 4 Channel 1 Compare Value........................................................... 138
TIMIF (0xD8) – Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag .............................................................. 139
ADCL (0xBA) – ADC Data Low.......................................................................................... 143
ADCH (0xBB) – ADC Data High......................................................................................... 143
ADCCON1 (0xB4) – ADC Control 1 ................................................................................... 143
ADCCON2 (0xB5) – ADC Control 2 ................................................................................... 144
ADCCON2 (0xB5) – ADC Control 2 ................................................................................... 144
ADCCON3 (0xB6) – ADC Control 3 ................................................................................... 145
RNDL (0xBC) – Random Number Generator Data Low Byte ............................................. 147
RNDH (0xBD) – Random Number Generator Data High Byte............................................ 147
ENCCS (0xB3) – Encryption Control and Status ................................................................. 149
ENCDI (0xB1) – Encryption Input Data.............................................................................. 149
ENCDO (0xB2) – Encryption Output Data.......................................................................... 149
WDCTL (0xC9) – Watchdog Timer Control ........................................................................ 151
U0CSR (0x86) – USART 0 Control and Status .................................................................... 157
U0UCR (0xC4) – USART 0 UART Control ........................................................................ 158
U0GCR (0xC5) – USART 0 Generic Control....................................................................... 159
U0DBUF (0xC1) – USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer.............................................. 159
U0BAUD (0xC2) – USART 0 Baud Rate Control ............................................................... 159
U1CSR (0xF8) – USART 1 Control and Status.................................................................... 160
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U1UCR (0xFB) – USART 1 UART Control ........................................................................ 161
U1GCR (0xFC) – USART 1 Generic Control ...................................................................... 162
U1DBUF (0xF9) – USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer .............................................. 162
U1BAUD (0xFA) – USART 1 Baud Rate Control ............................................................... 162
0xDF40: I2SCFG0 – I2S Configuration Register 0 ............................................................... 167
0xDF41: I2SCFG1 – I2S Configuration Register 1 ............................................................... 168
0xDF42: I2SDATL – I2S Data Low Byte ............................................................................. 168
0xDF43: I2SDATH – I2S Data High Byte ............................................................................ 168
0xDF44: I2SWCNT – I2S Word Count Register................................................................... 168
0xDF45: I2SSTAT – I2S Status Register .............................................................................. 169
0xDF46: I2SCLKF0 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 0.................................................. 169
0xDF47: I2SCLKF1 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 1.................................................. 169
0xDF48: I2SCLKF2 – I2S Clock Configuration Register 2.................................................. 169
0xDE00: USBADDR – Function Address ............................................................................ 180
0xDE01: USBPOW – Power/Control Register ..................................................................... 180
0xDE02: USBIIF – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Flags .................................................. 180
0xDE04: USBOIF – Out Endpoints Interrupt Flags.............................................................. 180
0xDE06: USBCIF – Common USB Interrupt Flags ............................................................. 181
0xDE07: USBIIE – IN Endpoints and EP0 Interrupt Enable Mask...................................... 181
0xDE09: USBOIE – Out Endpoints Interrupt Enable Mask ................................................. 182
0xDE0B: USBCIE – Common USB Interrupt Enable Mask ................................................ 182
0xDE0C: USBFRML – Current Frame Number (Low byte)................................................ 182
0xDE0D: USBFRMH – Current Frame Number (High byte)............................................... 183
0xDE0E: USBINDEX – Current Endpoint Index Register................................................... 183
0xDE10: USBMAXI – Max. Packet Size for IN Endpoint{1-5}.......................................... 183
0xDE11: USBCS0 – EP0 Control and Status (USBINDEX=0) ............................................ 183
0xDE11: USBCSIL – IN EP{1-5} Control and Status Low ................................................. 184
0xDE12: USBCSIH – IN EP{1-5} Control and Status High ................................................ 184
0xDE13: USBMAXO – Max. Packet Size for OUT{1-5} Endpoint .................................... 184
0xDE14: USBCSOL – OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status Low............................................ 185
0xDE15: USBCSOH – OUT EP{1-5} Control and Status High .......................................... 185
0xDE16: USBCNT0 – Number of Received Bytes in EP0 FIFO (USBINDEX=0).............. 186
0xDE16: USBCNTL – Number of Bytes in EP{1 – 5} OUT FIFO Low ............................. 186
0xDE17: USBCNTH – Number of Bytes in EP{1 – 5} OUT FIFO High ............................ 186
0xDE20: USBF0 – Endpoint 0 FIFO .................................................................................... 186
0xDE22: USBF1 – Endpoint 1 FIFO .................................................................................... 186
0xDE24: USBF2 – Endpoint 2 FIFO .................................................................................... 186
0xDE26: USBF3 – Endpoint 3 FIFO .................................................................................... 186
0xDE28: USBF4 – Endpoint 4 FIFO .................................................................................... 186
0xDE2A: USBF5 – Endpoint 5 FIFO ................................................................................... 186
RFIF (0xE9) – RF Interrupt Flags......................................................................................... 190
RFIM (0x91) – RF Interrupt Mask........................................................................................ 191
0xDF2F: IOCFG2 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_7).............................................. 213
0xDF30: IOCFG1 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_6).............................................. 213
0xDF31: IOCFG0 – Radio Test Signal Configuration (P1_5).............................................. 213
0xDF00: SYNC1 – Sync Word, High Byte........................................................................... 213
0xDF01: SYNC0 – Sync Word, Low Byte ........................................................................... 213
0xDF02: PKTLEN – Packet Length ..................................................................................... 213
0xDF03: PKTCTRL1 – Packet Automation Control ............................................................ 214
0xDF04: PKTCTRL0 – Packet Automation Control ............................................................ 214
0xDF05: ADDR – Device Address ....................................................................................... 215
0xDF06: CHANNR – Channel Number................................................................................ 215
0xDF07: FSCTRL1 – Frequency Synthesizer Control ......................................................... 215
0xDF08: FSCTRL0 – Frequency Synthesizer Control ......................................................... 215
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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0xDF09: FREQ2 – Frequency Control Word, High Byte..................................................... 215
0xDF0A: FREQ1 – Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte................................................. 215
0xDF0B: FREQ0 – Frequency Control Word, Low Byte..................................................... 215
0xDF0C: MDMCFG4 – Modem configuration .................................................................... 216
0xDF0D: MDMCFG3 – Modem Configuration ................................................................... 216
0xDF0E: MDMCFG2 – Modem Configuration.................................................................... 217
0xDF0F: MDMCFG1 – Modem Configuration.................................................................... 218
0xDF10: MDMCFG0 – Modem Configuration .................................................................... 218
0xDF11: DEVIATN – Modem Deviation Setting................................................................. 218
0xDF12: MCSM2 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration .............................. 219
0xDF13: MCSM1 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration .............................. 220
0xDF14: MCSM0 – Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration .............................. 220
0xDF15: FOCCFG – Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration ................................. 221
0xDF16: BSCFG – Bit Synchronization Configuration........................................................ 222
0xDF17: AGCCTRL2 – AGC Control ................................................................................. 223
0xDF18: AGCCTRL1 – AGC Control ................................................................................. 224
0xDF19: AGCCTRL0 – AGC Control ................................................................................. 225
0xDF1A: FREND1 – Front End RX Configuration.............................................................. 225
0xDF1B: FREND0 – Front End TX Configuration .............................................................. 226
0xDF1C: FSCAL3 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration ..................................................... 226
0xDF1D: FSCAL2 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration ..................................................... 226
0xDF1E: FSCAL1 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration ..................................................... 227
0xDF1F: FSCAL0 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration...................................................... 227
0xDF23: TEST2 – Various Test Settings.............................................................................. 227
0xDF24: TEST1 – Various Test Settings.............................................................................. 227
0xDF25: TEST0 – Various Test Settings.............................................................................. 227
0xDF2E: PA_TABLE0 – PA Power Setting......................................................................... 227
0xDF36: PARTNUM – Chip ID[15:8] ................................................................................. 228
0xDF37: VERSION – Chip ID[7:0]...................................................................................... 228
0xDF38: FREQEST – Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator................................. 228
0xDF39: LQI – Demodulator Estimate for Link Quality...................................................... 228
0xDF3A: RSSI – Received Signal Strength Indication......................................................... 228
0xDF3B: MARCSTATE – Main Radio Control State Machine State.................................. 229
0xDF3C: PKTSTATUS –Packet Status ................................................................................ 230
0xDF3D: VCO_VC_DAC – Current Setting from PLL Calibration Module....................... 230
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18 Package Description (QLP 36)
All dimensions are in millimeters, angles in
degrees. Note: The CC2510Fx/CC2511Fx is
available in RoHS lead-free package only.
Compliant with JEDEC: MO-220.
Figure 60: Package Dimensions Drawing
Quad Leadless Package (QLP)
A A1 A2 D D1 E E1 e b L D2 E2
QLP36 Min
Table 74: Package Dimensions
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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18.1 Recommended PCB Layout for Package (QLP 36)
Figure 61: Recommended PCB Layout for QLP 36 Package
Note: The figure is an illustration only and not to scale. There are nine 14 mil diameter via holes
distributed symmetrically in the ground pad under the package. See also the CC2510EM
reference design [1] and theCC2511 USB-Dongle reference design [2].
Thermal Resistance
Air velocity [m/s] 0
Rth,j-a [C/W] 32
Table 75: Thermal Properties of QLP 36 Package
18.2 Soldering information
The recommendations for lead-free reflow in
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D should be followed.
The lead finish is annealed (150 °C for 1 hr)
pure matte tin.
18.3 Tray Specification
Tray Specification
Package Tray Length Tray Width Tray Height Units per Tray
QLP 36 322.6 mm 135.9 mm 7.62 mm 490
Table 76: Tray Specification
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18.4 Carrier Tape and Reel Specification
Carrier tape and reel is in accordance with EIA Specification 481.
Tape and Reel Specification
Package Carrier Tape
Hole Pitch Reel Diameter Reel Hub
Units per
QLP 36 16 mm 12 mm 4 mm 13 inches 100 mm 2500
Table 77: Carrier Tape and Reel Specification
19 Ordering Information
Ordering Part
Description Minimum Order
CC2510F8RSP 8 kB flash, 1 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2510F8RSPR 8 kB flash, 1 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2510F16RSP 16 kB flash, 2 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2510F16RSPR 16 kB flash, 2 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2510F32RSP 32 kB flash, 4 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2510F32RSPR 32 kB flash, 4 kB RAM, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2511F8RSP 8 kB flash, 1 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2511F8RSPR 8 kB flash, 1 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2511F16RSP 16 kB flash, 2 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2511F16RSPR 16 kB flash, 2 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2511F32RSP 32 kB flash, 4 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, Tray with 490 pcs per tray.
CC2511F32RSPR 32 kB flash, 4 kB RAM, full-speed USB, System-on-Chip RF Transceiver.
QLP36 package, RoHS compliant Pb-free assembly, T&R with 2500 pcs per
CC2510-CC2511DK CC2510Fx and CC2511Fx Development Kit 1
CC2510EMK CC2510 Evaluation Module Kit 1
CC2511EMK CC2511 Evaluation Module Kit 1
Table 78: Ordering Information
C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
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20 References
[1] CC2510EM Reference Design (
[2] CC2511 USB-Dongle Reference Design (
[3] CC25XX Folded Dipole Reference Design (
[4] NIST FIPS Pub 197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 197, US Department of Commerce/N.I.S.T., November
26, 2001. Available from the NIST website.
[5] Universal Serial Bus Revision 2.0 Specification. Available from the USB Implementers
Forum website.
[6] I2S bus specification, Philips Semiconductors, Available from the Philips Semiconductors
[7] IEEE Std 1241-2000, IEEE standard for terminology and test methods for analog-to-digital
[8] SmartRF® Studio (
[9] AN032 2.4 GHz Regulations (swra060.pdf)
[10] DN004 Folded Dipole Antenna for CCC25xx (swra118.pdf)
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21 General Information
21.1 Document History
Revision Date Description/Changes
1.0 2005.11.17 First release, preliminary
1.01 2006.05.11 Preliminary status updated
SWRS055 2006.05.30 CC2511Fx, CC2510F8 and CC2510F16 added to datasheet.
SWRS055A 2006.07.06 Changed recommended PCB layout for package (QLP 36)
SWRS055B 2007.09.14 First data sheet for released product.
Preliminary data sheets exist for engineering samples and pre-production
prototype devices, but these data sheets are not complete and may be incorrect in
some aspects compared with the released product.
SWRS055C 2007.09.19
- Removed
waiver information
- Changed layout on front page slightly and listing of abbrevations
- Changed register FREQEST and FSCTRL0 max range from ±20910 to ±209
- Removed ppm requirement in Table 13 on page 17
- Added power numbers for RX (Table 6) when using other system clock speeds.
- Added section, describing limitations in data rates and system clock speed
SWRS055D 2007.09.20 - Stated in section 3.8 that duty-cycling or reduced output power might be needed at
2480-2483.5MHz when operating under FCC
- Stated that High VCO is not intended for use in Radio Register
00xDF1D: FSCAL2 – Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
Table 79: Document History
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21.2 Product Status Definitions
Data Sheet Identification Product Status Definition
Advance Information Planned or Under
This data sheet contains the design specifications for product
development. Specifications may change in any manner without
Preliminary Experimental and
Prototype Devices
This data sheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary
data will be published at a later date. Texas Instruments reserves
the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to
improve design and supply the best possible product. The
product at this point is not yet fully qualified.
No Identification Noted Full Production This data sheet contains the final specifications. Texas
Instruments reserves the right to make changes at any time
without notice in order to improve design and supply the best
possible product.
Obsolete Not In Production This data sheet contains specifications on a product that has
been discontinued by Texas Instruments. The data sheet is
printed for reference information only.
Table 80: Product Status Definitions
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C2510Fx / CC2511Fx
SWRS055D Page 243 of 243
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