SWRS039B Page 36 of 58
FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and FSCAL1 register values
in MCU memory. Between each frequency
hop, the calibration process can then be
replaced by writing the FSCAL3, FSCAL2 and
FSCAL1 register values corresponding to the
next RF frequency. The PLL turn on time is
approximately 90 µs. The blanking interval
between each frequency hop is then
approximately 90 us. The VCO current
calibration result is available in FSCAL2 and is
not dependent on the RF frequency. Neither is
the charge pump current calibration result
available in FSCAL3. The same value can
therefore be used for all frequencies.
3) Run calibration on a single frequency at
startup. Next write 0 to FSCAL3[5:4] to
disable the charge pump calibration. After
writing to FSCAL3[5:4] strobe STX with
MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1 for each new
frequency hop. That is, VCO current and VCO
capacitance calibration is done but not charge
pump current calibration. When charge pump
current calibration is disabled the calibration
time is reduced from approximately 720 µs to
approximately 150 µs. The blanking interval
between each frequency hop is then
approximately 240 us
There is a trade off between blanking time and
memory space needed for storing calibration
data in non-volatile memory. Solution 2) above
gives the shortest blanking interval, but
requires more memory space to store
calibration values. Solution 3) gives
approximately 570 µs smaller blanking interval
than solution 1).
27.3 Wideband Modulation not Using
Spread Spectrum
Digital modulation systems under FCC part
15.247 includes 2-FSK and GFSK modulation.
A maximum peak output power of 1 W (+30
dBm) is allowed if the 6 dB bandwidth of the
modulated signal exceeds 500 kHz. In
addition, the peak power spectral density
conducted to the antenna shall not be greater
than +8 dBm in any 3 kHz band.
Operating at high data rates and high
frequency separation, the
is suited for
systems targeting compliance with digital
modulation systems as defined by FCC part
15.247. An external power amplifier is needed
to increase the output above +1 dBm.
27.4 Data Burst Transmissions
The high maximum data rate of
up for burst transmissions. A low average data
rate link (e.g. 10 kBaud), can be realized using
a higher over-the-air data rate. Buffering the
data and transmitting in bursts at high data
rate (e.g. 500 kBaud) will reduce the time in
TX mode, and hence also reduce the average
current consumption significantly. Reducing
the time in TX mode will reduce the likelihood
of collisions with other systems, e.g. WLAN.
27.5 Continuous Transmissions
In data streaming applications the
opens up for continuous transmissions at 500
kBaud effective data rate. As the modulation is
done with a closed loop PLL, there is no
limitation in the length of a transmission (open
loop modulation used in some transceivers
often prevents this kind of continuous data
streaming and reduces the effective data rate.)
27.6 Spectrum Efficient Modulation
also has the possibility to use
Gaussian shaped 2-FSK (GFSK). This
spectrum-shaping feature improves adjacent
channel power (ACP) and occupied
bandwidth. In ‘true’ 2-FSK systems with abrupt
frequency shifting, the spectrum is inherently
broad. By making the frequency shift ‘softer’,
the spectrum can be made significantly
narrower. Thus, higher data rates can be
transmitted in the same bandwidth using
27.7 Low Cost Systems
A differential antenna will eliminate the need
for a balun, and the DC biasing can be
achieved in the antenna topology, see Figure
3. The CC25XX Folded Dipole reference
design [7] contains schematics and layout files
for a CC2500EM with a folded dipole PCB
antenna. This design note can also be used
with the
. Please see DN004 [8] for
more details on this design.
A HC-49 type SMD crystal is used in the
CC2550EM reference design. Note that the
crystal package strongly influences the price.
In a size constrained PCB design a smaller,
but more expensive, crystal may be used.
27.8 Battery Operated Systems
In low power applications, the SLEEP state
should be used when the
is not active.