Open Air Resistor
Metal Element Current Sense
OAR & OAR-TP Series
• 4222 South Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA
Wire and Film Technologies Division
Telephone: 361 992 7900 • Facsimile: 361 992 3377 • Website: www.irctt.com
Physical Data
Dimensions (Inches and (mm))
OAR-1 0.450 +0.040/-0.020
(11.43 +1.020/-0.508)
0.27 Typ
0.32 (8.12) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
OAR-3 0.600 +0.040/-0.020
(15.24 +1.020/0.508)
0.65 Typ
0.92 (23.4) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
OAR-5 0.800 +0.040/-0.020
(20.32 +1.020/-0.508)
0.65 Typ
0.88 (22.4) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
On lower ranges stand-off may be
Contact factory for:
1. Variations of “A” dimension.
2. Different lead diameter.
Test Point (Kelvin connection)
The thermal images (not simulations) above are of the OAR products at their respective power rating. Notice the
solder joint temperature is much lower than the hotspot. The unique construction of the OAR isolates the tempera-
ture of the hotspot from the circuit board material preventing damage to the circuit board. Additionally, the thermal
energy is dissipated to the air instead of being conducted into the circuit board potentially causing a nearby power
component to exceed its rating.
The standard test circuit board consists of a four layer FR4 material with 2 ounce (70µm) outer layers and 1 ounce
(35µm) inner layers, which is typical of many industry designs. The test conditions were in ambient temperature
conditions, approximately 22 °C with no forced air. Contact TT electronics for more details or for other thermal image
test data for specific resistance values and power levels.
Thermal Image Data
OAR-1 5 mΩ @ 1 Watt
Hot Spot: 87°C
Solder Joint: 45°C
OAR-3 5 mΩ @ 3 Watt
Hot Spot: 160°C
Solder Joint: 70°C
OAR-5 5 mΩ @ 5 Watt
Hot Spot: 230°C
Solder Joint: 96°C
Open Air Resistor
Metal Element Current Sense
OAR Series Issue June 2011 Sheet 2 of 3
• 4222 South Staples Street • Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA
Wire and Film Technologies Division
Telephone: 361 992 7900 • Facsimile: 361 992 3377 • Website: www.irctt.com
Physical Data
Dimensions (Inches and (mm))
OAR-1 0.450 +0.040/-0.020
(11.43 +1.020/-0.508)
0.27 Typ
0.32 (8.12) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
OAR-3 0.600 +0.040/-0.020
(15.24 +1.020/0.508)
0.65 Typ
0.92 (23.4) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
OAR-5 0.800 +0.040/-0.020
(20.32 +1.020/-0.508)
0.65 Typ
0.88 (22.4) max
0.125 ±0.030
(3.18 ±0.762)
0.065 +0.010/-0.005
(1.65 +0.254/-0.127)
0.040 ±0.002
(1.02 ±0.051)
On lower ranges stand-off may be
Contact factory for:
1. Variations of “A” dimension.
2. Different lead diameter.
Test Point (Kelvin connection)
The thermal images (not simulations) above are of the OAR products at their respective power rating. Notice the
solder joint temperature is much lower than the hotspot. The unique construction of the OAR isolates the tempera-
ture of the hotspot from the circuit board material preventing damage to the circuit board. Additionally, the thermal
energy is dissipated to the air instead of being conducted into the circuit board potentially causing a nearby power
component to exceed its rating.
The standard test circuit board consists of a four layer FR4 material with 2 ounce (70µm) outer layers and 1 ounce
(35µm) inner layers, which is typical of many industry designs. The test conditions were in ambient temperature
conditions, approximately 22 °C with no forced air. Contact TT electronics for more details or for other thermal image
test data for specific resistance values and power levels.
Thermal Image Data
OAR-1 5 mΩ @ 1 Watt
Hot Spot: 87°C
Solder Joint: 45°C
OAR-3 5 mΩ @ 3 Watt
Hot Spot: 160°C
Solder Joint: 70°C
OAR-5 5 mΩ @ 5 Watt
Hot Spot: 230°C
Solder Joint: 96°C
Open Air Resistor
Metal Element Current Sense
OAR Series Issue June 2011 Sheet 2 of 3
Type ABmax C E F
OAR1 0.45+0.04/-0.02
OAR1TP 0.197+0.04/-0.03
OAR3 0.60+0.04/-0.02
OAR5 0.80+0.04/-0.02
OAR5TP 0.275+0.04/-0.03
General Note
TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specication without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT Electronics plc
BI Technologies IRC Welwyn