204 54176. 74176 Asynchronous 35-MHz Presettable Decade Counter/Latch Schotty TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL . Package . Package . Package | Package . Package Device Type | D T i evice Type | aT Step ice| Device Type ie SIMICE Device Type CIpIMce Device Type lSTPI mice Device Type CIP Ime T. | SN54176 Jy wy _ SN 74176 JING FAIRCHILD _ ; F MS4176/F M93176[0(0 FC74176/F 093176 [DD| PO MOTOROLA | MC 74176 PO NSC, Po. tpt ; i 4280 NO PHILPIPS = }-.--- + - : N74176 & SIGNETICS [ | N74176 , SIEMENS tL FUJITSU HITACHI HD74176 MITUBISH| = ;| t M53376 PO NEC : te TOSHIBA ! | | | Electrical Characteristics SN54176/ SN74176 absolute maximum rating over poerating free-air temperature range Supply voltage, Voc WV Operating frea-ar | SNS4@ | S5T to 125 Input voltage 5.5V temperature range | S54 0 to 70 Interanitter voltage (see Note I) 5.5V Storage temperature range =65E to 150T recommended operating conditions SN54U76 SN74176 UNIT (iN NOM MAX [MIN NOM MAX Supply vonage. Voc 45 5 5.5[4.78 5 5.2] Vv High-level output current. low ~800 so] 2A Low-level output current. IOL 16 le] ma Count trequere: Clock-! input 9 35 a 35 ount Frequ +- averey Clock-2 input 7.6] 0 5s, Clock-f inaut 14 16 Clock -2 input 28 28 Pulse width, t arse wet we Crear 20 20 "s Load 5 25 High-level ) t input hold time, thot [tignevel cata _| tw(ioad w( load) ns Low-level data tw (joad) tw(load} Input setup time. t High-level data 15 15 up time, npr setup setup Low-level data 20 20 ns Count enable time, tenabia (see Note 2} 25 25 ns Operating free-air temperature, TA 58 s25{ 9 wy te electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range PARAMETER * [___TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP$ MAX | UNIT VIM High-level input voltage | 2 v Vu Low-level input voltage 0.8 v VI Input clamp voltage Voc=MN, W=1l2mA =1.5; Vv Vec=MIN, Vips=2v Vv High-level output voltage 434 ve OF High level output volta Vy =0.8V. IQ =800uA Voo=MIN, ViH=2V v Low-level output voltage 0.2 o4] Vv OL Lowrlevel ourpar voliag ViL=O.8V, Ig, = temas n Pout current at maxerue oput vohage | VGQ=MAX, Vi=5.5 +] mA High-level | Data, count/load 40 4H input Clear, clock 1 | Vog=MAX, Wi=2.4V sol va current Clock 2 120 Low-level Data, count/toad ah6 spat me [lear Voc=MAX, Vj=0.4V 321 nn u | = =0. He Clock | {ee oO 48, Ciook 2 4.8 SNSA 57 \ Short-ciroutt output current | Vog =MA I A Os cg =MAX [snv ~s7| oc Suppiy current Voc=MAX, See Note 3 wo 48) mA Imax | trom Clock | to output Oa 38 50 MHz 8 13 JHELH | trom Clock 1 10 output Oa <4 as 'PHL ul 7 1 WW 7 PPL tom Clock 2 to output OB ns cae 7 2B tp Voo=sv. 27 4 from Clock (PHL irom Clock 2 to output IG Ta=250, 3 sr] " top| , CL=I5pF, 13 20 PHL rom Clock 2 to put OD AL =4000 7 26] P from A, B, 6, 0 19 al is {pHy | te output Qa. Qg. Og Ip 31 45 tPLH 2 4a PAPLHS trom Load to any output ns IPHL 32 48 PHL | from Clear to any output 22 aa| ins Pin Assignment (Top View) DATA INPUTS CLOCK Veo CLEAR a5 D 5 ag \ 14 3 12 "1 10 s a CLEAR 0p oD 8 OB COUNT/ Stock LPAD ' CLOCK Qe c A Qa ; 1 2 3 4 Ss 6 7 COUNT/ c A Q4 CLOCK GND (oan sTe) eyes A 3 DATA INPUTS asynchrons input: Low input to clear sets Qa, Qg. Qc, and Op low Function Table BL-QUINARY (5-2) 176 (See Note B) DECADE (BCD) "176 (See Note A) count! OUTPUT COUNT, OUTPUT Qp @c QB Qa A Q2DQc Gp 0 bob ek 0 bok tok t Loko oL oH t tL Lc LH 2 bub LO Hk 2 tL t HL 3 }u tL HH 3 {LU LH K 4 4 Lb Hk L 5 tL H L H 5 H L EL 6 Lo oH HL 6 H L tH 7 L H H H 7 H L HL 8 re or 8 H L HOW 9 H L L oH 9 H HO LOL H=high level, L=low jevel NOTES: !.thisis the voltage between two emitters of a multiple-emitter transistor. For this ciruit, this rating applies between the clear and count/load inputs. 2,Count enable time is the interval immediately preceaing the negative-going edge of the clock pulse during which interval the count/load and clear inputs must both be high to ensure counting. 3.lggis Measured with all inputs grounded and outputs open. A. Output Qa connected to clock-2 input. B. Output Qp connected to clock-1 input. #on outputs are tested at Ig. =16 mA plus the jimit value of | for the ciock-2 input. This permits driving the clock-2 input while fanning out to 10 Series 54/74 loads. + For counditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specitied under recommended operating conditions for the appticable device type. # fmax = Maximum input counc frequericy__ 'PLH = Propagation delay time, low-to-high-level output TAI typical values are at Vog=S5V. Ta =25T @Not more than one cutpu: should be shorted at a time. y = tion delay tima, high-to-low-level output IPHL = propagation delay time, hig! w-level pt conti ON NEXT PAGE (RANG) a