Ohms. If these are used as output capacitors for the LP3878-
ADJ, the regulator stability requirements are satisfied.
It is important to remember that capacitor tolerance and vari-
ation with temperature must be taken into consideration when
selecting an output capacitor so that the minimum required
amount of output capacitance is provided over the full oper-
ating temperature range. (See Capacitor Characteristics sec-
The output capacitor must be located not more than 0.5" from
the output pin and returned to a clean analog ground.
NOISE BYPASS CAPACITOR: The 10 nF capacitor on the
Bypass pin significantly reduces noise on the regulator output
and is required for loop stability. However, the capacitor is
connected directly to a high-impedance circuit in the bandgap
Because this circuit has only a few microamperes flowing in
it, any significant loading on this node will cause a change in
the regulated output voltage. For this reason, DC leakage
current through the noise bypass capacitor must never ex-
ceed 100 nA, and should be kept as low as possible for best
output voltage accuracy.
The types of capacitors best suited for the noise bypass ca-
pacitor are ceramic and film. High-quality ceramic capacitors
with either NPO or COG dielectric typically have very low
leakage. 10 nF polypropolene and polycarbonate film capac-
itors are available in small surface-mount packages and typ-
ically have extremely low leakage current.
The feedforward capacitor designated CFF in the Basic Ap-
plication circuit is required to increase phase margin and
assure loop stability. Improved phase margin also gives better
transient response to changes in load or input voltage, and
faster settling time on the output voltage when transients oc-
cur. CFF forms both a pole and zero in the loop gain, the zero
providing beneficial phase lead (which increases phase mar-
gin) and the pole adding undesirable phase lag (which should
be minimized). The zero frequency is determined both by the
value of CFF and R1:
fz = 1 / (2 x π x CFF x R1)
The pole frequency resulting from CFF is determined by the
value of CFF and the parallel combination of R1 and R2:
fp = 1 / (2 x π x CFF x (R1 // R2))
At higher output voltages where R1 is much greater than R2,
the value of R2 primarily determines the value of the parallel
combination of R1 // R2. This puts the pole at a much higher
frequency than the zero. As the regulated output voltage is
reduced (and the value of R1 decreases), the parallel effect
of R2 diminishes and the two equations become equal (at
which point the pole and zero cancel out). Because the pole
frequency gets closer to the zero at lower output voltages, the
beneficial effects of CFF are increased if the frequency range
of the zero is shifted slightly higher for applications with low
Vout (because then the pole adds less phase lag at the loop's
crossover frequency).
CFF should be selected to place the pole zero pair at a fre-
quency where the net phase lead added to the loop at the
crossover frequency is maximized. The following design
guidelines were obtained from bench testing to optimize
phase margin, transient response, and settling time:
For Vout ≤ 2.5V: CFF should be selected to set the zero fre-
quency in the range of about 50 kHz to 200 kHz.
For Vout > 2.5V: CFF should be selected to set the zero fre-
quency in the range of about 20 kHz to 100 kHz.
CERAMIC: The LP3878-ADJ was designed to work with ce-
ramic capacitors on the output to take advantage of the
benefits they offer: for capacitance values in the 10 µF range,
ceramics are the least expensive and also have the lowest
ESR values (which makes them best for eliminating high-fre-
quency noise). The ESR of a typical 10 µF ceramic capacitor
is in the range of 5 mΩ to 10 mΩ, which meets the ESR limits
required for stability by the LP3878-ADJ.
One disadvantage of ceramic capacitors is that their capaci-
tance can vary with temperature. Many large value ceramic
capacitors (≥ 2.2 µF) are manufactured with the Z5U or Y5V
temperature characteristic, which results in the capacitance
dropping by more than 50% as the temperature goes from 25°
C to 85°C.
Another significant problem with Z5U and Y5V dielectric de-
vices is that the capacitance drops severely with applied
voltage. A typical Z5U or Y5V capacitor can lose 60% of its
rated capacitance with half of the rated voltage applied to it.
For these reasons, X7R and X5R type ceramic capacitors
must be used on the input and output of the LP3878-
The LP3878-ADJ is shut off by pulling the Shutdown input low,
and turned on by pulling it high. If this feature is not to be used,
the Shutdown input should be tied to VIN to keep the regulator
output on at all times.
To assure proper operation, the signal source used to drive
the Shutdown input must be able to swing above and below
the specified turn-on/turn-off voltage thresholds listed in the
Electrical Characteristics section under VON/OFF.
The PNP power transistor used as the pass element in the
LP3878-ADJ has an inherent diode connected between the
regulator output and input.
During normal operation (where the input voltage is higher
than the output) this diode is reverse-biased.
However, if the output is pulled above the input, this diode will
turn ON and current will flow into the regulator output.
In such cases, a parasitic SCR can latch which will allow a
high current to flow into VIN (and out the ground pin), which
can damage the part.
In any application where the output may be pulled above the
input, an external Schottky diode must be connected from
VIN to VOUT (cathode on VIN, anode on VOUT), to limit the re-
verse voltage across the LP3878-ADJ to 0.3V (see Absolute
Maximum Ratings).
The output voltage is set using resistors R1 and R2 (see Basic
Application Circuit).
The formula for output voltage is:
VOUT = VADJ x (1 + (R1 / R2))
R2 must be less than 5 kΩ to ensure loop stability.
To prevent voltage errors, R1 and R2 must be located near
the LP3878-ADJ and connected via traces with no other cur-
rents flowing in them (Kelvin connect). The bottom of the R1/
R2 divider must be connected directly to the LP3878-ADJ
ground pin.
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