tycea Packaging 107-90021 Electronics Specification 20/07/01 Rev. A Packaging Specification for Sub D connectors 1. SCOPE : TUBE PACKAGING FOR SUB D SEMIMANUFACTURED CONNECTORS 2. USED PACKAGING PHANTOM NUMBERS AND QUANTITIES Product Packaging Phantom Number UNIT Shipper QTY QTY 9 way connector 1-1392022-6 32 1536 15 way connector 1-1392022-6 22 1056 25 way connector 1-1392022-6 15 720 37 way connector 1-1392022-6 10 480 3. PACKAGING COMPOSITION Composition of 1-1392022-6 Packaging material PNR Description Quantity 1392007-6 shipper box 1 1486519-1 Tube C1 (is reused) 48 1486538-1 Stopper V7117C11 (is reused) | 96 1485825-1 Box (for void fill) A9990C 139 1 999639-1 Licence tag Label 1 4. PACKAGING METHOD -Pack the components in the tube. -Glose the tube ends with the stoppers. -Close bottom side of the box with transparant PP-tape. -Insert a fibreboard box into the shipper box at one head end. -Insert 48 tubes into the shipper box. -Close the top side of the box with transparant PP-tape. -Put a label 999639-1 on the short side of the box, in the upper right corner. -When palletizing the boxes , keep the labels visible. DR. Van Reybrouck DATE 20/07/01 APVD. Van Reybrouck EG-SR 10-031 7-01 10/07/01 BATE 20/007/01 Tyco Electronics Corporation This controlled document is subject to change. 1 of 1 Harrisburg, PA Use EC Express to verify the latest revision All International Rights Reserved Copies are available from REDC and AMPCentral *Trademark lindicates change Ri-1 (Rev. 02-00} LOC GW