LDH-45 DC-DC Step-Up Constant Current LED driver series Features : DC/DC step-up converter Constant current output : 350mA to 1050mA Wide output LED string voltage up to 126VDC High efficiency up to 95% Built-in EMI filter,comply with EN55015 without additional input filter and capacitors PWM + analog dimming and remote ON/OFF control [(Blank) type or W type] DALI dimming [(Blank)DA type or WDA type] Protections: Short circuit / Over voltage / Under voltage Cooling by free air convection Fully encapsulated 3 years warranty (for DA-Type only) LDH-45 -350 =A or B; A: 9~18VDC input range, B: 18~32VDC input range =(Blank) or W or (Blank)DA or WDA ; (Blank): PIN style, PWM+analog dimming W: Wire style, PWM+analog dimming (Blank)DA: PIN style, DALI dimming WDA: Wire style, DALI dimming SPECIFICATION MODEL OUTPUT INPUT LDH-45A-500 350mA 500mA LDH-45A-700 LDH-45A-1050 LDH-45B-350 LDH-45B-500 LDH-45B-700 LDH-45B-1050 1050mA 700mA 1050mA CURRENT ACCURACY(Typ.) 5% at 12VDC input 12~86VDC 12~86VDC VOLTAGE RANGE Non-DALI Note.2 24~86VDC 24~86VDC DALI 500mA 350mA 5% at 24VDC input 12~64VDC 12~43VDC 21~126VDC 21~86VDC 21~64VDC 21~43VDC 24~64VDC 24~43VDC 36~126VDC 36~86VDC 36~64VDC 36~43VDC NO LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE(max.) 100V 100V 75V 50V 146V 100V 75V 50V 30.1W RATED POWER RIPPLE & NOISE (max.) Note.3 2.5Vp-p 43W 44.8W 45.15W 43W 44.8W 45.15W 2.5Vp-p 1.9Vp-p 1.9Vp-p 44.1W 2.5Vp-p 1.7Vp-p 1.2Vp-p 1.2Vp-p 94% 2.1A 95% 95% 2A 2A RATED VOLTAGE 12VDC VOLTAGE RANGE Note.2 EFFICIENCY (max.) 9~18VDC DC CURRENT (Typ.) PWM REMOTE ON/OFF DIMMING & PWM DIMMING FREQUENCY ON/OFF CONTROL QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT IN SHUTDOWN MODE(Typ.) ANALOG DIMMING & ON/OFF CONTROL LDH-45A-350 700mA RATED CURRENT 91% 2.8A 24VDC 18~32VDC 90% 90% 91% 93% 4.1A 4.2A 4.2A 2.1A Leave open if not used Power ON with dimming: PWM signal >2~8VDC or open circuit, between PWM DIM and DIMPower OFF : PWM signal <0.5VDC or short or PWM duty is equal to 0%, between PWM DIM and DIM1K~10KHz 7mA when PWM dimming OFF REMOTE ON/OFF Leave open if not used Power on with dimming: DC input >0.25~8VDC or open circuit, between Analog DIM and DIM- DIM INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE Power off : DC input <0.2VDC or short, between Analog DIM and DIM0.25~1.3VDC MAX OPERATION VOLTAGE 8V; The output current remains constant when voltage changes from 1.3V to 8V QUIESCENT INPUT CURRENT 7mA when Analog dimming OFF IN SHUTDOWN MODE(Typ.) SHORT CIRCUIT Protection type : Power OFF and fuse open PROTECTION OVER VOLTAGE (max.) WORKING TEMP. WORKING HUMIDITY ENVIRONMENT STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY TEMP. COEFFICIENT VIBRATION SAFETY & EMC OTHERS SAFETY STANDARDS EMC EMISSION EMC IMMUNITY MTBF DIMENSION PACKING NOTE 75V 50V 100V 146V 100V 75V 50V Protection type : Constant output voltage and shut off o/p current, recovers automatically after fault condition is removed -40 ~ +70 (Refer to "Derating Curve") 20 ~ 90% RH non-condensing 100V -40 ~ +85, 10 ~ 95% RH 0.03%/ (0 ~ 50) 10 ~ 500Hz, 2G 10min./1cycle, period for 60min. each along X, Y, Z axes EAC TP TC 004 approved Compliance to EN55015;EAC TP TC 020 Compliance to EN61547,EN61000-4-2,3,4,6,8; light industry level, criteria A;EAC TP TC 020 1179.3Khrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25 ) 75*53*22.7mm (L*W*H) 138g;100pcs/14.8Kg/0.83CUFT[(Blank) type or (Blank) DA type],1.04CUFT(W type or WDA type) 1. All parameters are specified at normal input(12VDC,24VDC), rated load, 25 70% RH ambient. 2. (Blank) type and W type output voltage must step up by 3 Volts from input DC voltage; (Blank)DA type and WDA type output voltage must step up by 12 Volts from input DC voltage. 3. Ripple & noise are measured at 20MHz of bandwidth by using a 12" twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1uf parallel capacitor. File Name:LDH-45-SPEC 2019-01-18 LDH-45 DC-DC Step-Up Constant Current LED driver Mechanical Specification Pin Configuration Unit: mm [inch] LDH (PIN Style): 53 [2.09] 19.75 7.4 22.7 [0.89] 3.5 [ 0.138 ] 6 6 6 8.1 2 3 4 5 1 PIN No. Output 1 Vin+ DC Supply 2 Vin- Don't connect to Vout- DIM- =(Blank) type:GND of DIM signal Don't connect to Vout- or Vin- DA- =(Blank)DA type:DALI- signal SIDE VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 75 [2.95] 3 4 =(Blank) type: ON/OFF and analog dimming (leave open if not used) =(Blank)DA type:DALI+ signal DA+ 7.4 32.8 Description Analog DIM 6 7 series ON/OFF and PWM dimming PWM DIM (leave open if not used) [(Blank)DA type: no such PIN] 5 12.75 NOTE:PIN size tolerance 1.00.05mm 6 Vout- LED - connection 7 Vout+ LED + connection LDH (Wire Style): PIN No. 53 [2.09] 22.7 [0.89] 8mm 10010mm =WDA type:DALI- signal Analog DIM (white) =W type: ON/OFF and analog dimming (leave open if not used) DA+(blue) =WDA type:DALI+ signal 5 ON/OFF and PWM dimming PWM DIM (leave open if not used) (blue) [WDA type:no such PIN] 6 Vout-(black) LED - connection 7 Vout+(red) LED + connection Static Characteristics B type B type 100 100 LOAD (%) LOAD (%) =W type:GND of DIM signal Don't connect to Vout- or Vin- DA-(white) 6 Derating Curve DC Supply DIM(black) 4 75 [2.95] SIDE VIEW 8mm 75 A type 50 25 -40 Vin-(black) Don't connect to Vout- 5 6 7 2 3 BOTTOM VIEW Description Vin+(red) 10010mm 2 3 4 5 1 Output 1 75 A type 50 25 0 25 50 60 Ta () 70 100 9 18 12 20 14 24 16 28 18 (A type) 32 (B type) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) File Name:LDH-45-SPEC 2019-01-18 LDH-45 DC-DC Step-Up Constant Current LED driver series Standard Application Operation without dimming: Io operates at rated current without dimming function when the pins of analog DIM and PWM DIM keep open Vin+ 1st LED DC Input Vin- LDH-45 Last LED Vout+ DIMAnalog DIM Vout- PWM DIM PWM Dimming Control (non DA type): Io adjustment by PWM Signal During PWM dimming operation, Io will change with the PWM duty (PWM Signal: 1K~10KHz) Vin+ 1st LED 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% Last LED Vin- LDH-45 I out(% ) DC Input Vout+ DIMH Analog DIM L H:2~8VDC L:0~0.5VDC Vout- PWM DIM tolerance:10% 1KHZ 10KHZ 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% PWM duty 12VDC&24VDC input, full load Note: DALI dimming curve refer to 10KHz curve Analog Dimming Control (non DA type): Io adjustment by DC voltage During analog dimming operation, Io will change with DC input voltage Vin+ Vin- LDH-45 Last LED I out(% ) 1st LED DC Input Vout+ DIM0.25V~1.3V Analog DIM Vout- PWM DIM 2 0. 3 00..25 Vin+ 1st LED DC Input LDH-45 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 0. 9 1 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 Analog voltage (V) 12VDC input&24VDC input, full load DALI Dimming Control (DA type only): Io adjustment by DALI signal Vin- tolerance:10% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Vout+ Last LED DALI protocol including 16 groups and 64 addresses. Min. dimming level is about 8% of output. DADALI signal DA+ Vout- File Name:LDH-45-SPEC 2019-01-18 LDH-45 DC-DC Step-Up Constant Current LED driver series Efficiency VS Output Voltage(Number of LEDs) LDH-45B-350 24VDC input Vf = 3 . 09V LDH-45A-350 12VDC input Vf = 3 . 15V 96% EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 7 11 15 19 23 95% 94% 93% 92% 27 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 Number of LEDs Number of LEDs LDH-45A-500 12VDC input Vf = 3 . 33V LDH-45B-500 24VDC input Vf = 3 . 25V EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 97% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 6 10 14 18 22 26 96% 95% 94% 93% 11 14 17 Number of LEDs 26 LDH-45B-700 24VDC input Vf = 3 . 43V 97% 95% EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 23 Number of LEDs LDH-45A-700 12VDC input Vf = 3 . 43V 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 5 7 10 13 16 19 96% 95% 94% 93% 7 10 Number of LEDs EFFICIENCY (%) 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 8 10 Number of LEDs 16 19 LDH-45B-1050 24VDC input Vf = 3 . 15V 95% 6 13 Number of LEDs LDH-45A-1050 12VDC input Vf = 3 . 15V EFFICIENCY (%) 20 12 14 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 9 10 11 12 13 14 Number of LEDs Application Notes: 1.The positive and negative input terminals must be connected correctly and negative voltage can not be input to avoid damage to the power supply. 2.Due to the large input current, please pay attention to the voltage drop of the wiring, to ensure the power supply to work properly. 3. A t dim off,LDH output voltage will drop to the same level as input voltage.To get luminaires complete dark, please make luminaires are light off when they are driving by the input voltage. File Name:LDH-45-SPEC 2019-01-18