HCS12 Document Methodology
Document Types
The HCS12 Family document set is designed to give the customer the most up-to-date,
comprehensive information in an efficient manner. The device documentation is broken down
into two types:
• Device Guides — Listed under the data sheet category. These provide device-specific
information, such as which modules are incorporated in a device and how those modules
interact. There is a document reference table near the beginning of each device guide. It
indicates which version of each block guide should be consulted for all modules on chip.
Examples of information contained in the device guides are:
— Module list (reference to applicable block guides)
— Pin assignments
— Top-level block diagram
— Top-level memory map
— Interrupt vectors
— Electrical specifications
— Package mechanical information
• Block Guides — Listed under the reference manual category. These provide detailed module-
specific information. They contain:
— Module register map
— Module functional description
The document set for each device may be downloaded individually or as a collection contained in
a single zip file.
Revision Numbering
Understanding the way the HCS12 Family documents are versioned is vital to understanding
organization of the literature. There are two revision levels on each document:
• Major — V04.11 (The four in this example is the major revision number.) When a document
is changed to reflect a functional change in the way a device operates, from one version of
silicon to another or from one version of a module to another, the functional change will be
described in a document that increments the major revision number. This major version
number is included in the order number of the document, for example S12CRGV4/D, where
S12CRGV3/D documents an earlier version of the CRG module still included on some
devices. The specification for the CRG module changed between V3 and V4 of the block
• Minor — V04.11 (The eleven in this example is the minor revision number.) Minor revisions
indicate that typos were fixed, or other minor corrections were made to the document. Minor
revisions do not indicate a functional change.
On the Web display, the document number will show as S12CRGV4/D, Rev. 11, because V4.11 is
the eleventh revision of major version 4 of the document.
When consulting documentation for the HCS12 Family devices, be aware that the date on the
cover of the document indicates the date the document was released to publication. The date
displayed on the Web is the day the document appeared on the Web. The two dates may not
match. The important thing to look at is the major.minor revision number, and not the date.
Detailed revision history tables within each of the documents describe what changes were made,
and when.
Freescale Semiconductor, I
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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