Si4706/49 Unmatched Programmability
Reduces interrupts and therefore power consumption
load of host processor
Especially useful in decoding ODA information with
large groups of data
Greater than 50 times more data than competition
On-chip buffer up to 25
RDS groups with
associated BLER by
block (100 blocks)
Allows error-thresholds, content-specific or
application-specific interrupts to save host power
Interrupts by block-
specific BLER
Allows host processor to post-process if user desires
User can also select interrupts by BLER level,
conserving host processor cycles
Full granularity with all
blocks and BLER
RDS block A almost never changes and block B
changes with programming content. Interrupts likely
indicate change or similarity in broadcaster or content
Interrupts on change in
block A and / or block B