aeted zeae Pe Pn Pan rm sour eee Functions RAR RAR RR RR ORIGIN * o o o Data output @ @ Specifications Accuracy: BIN 862 Resolution: 0.01 mm luminance (operation) 60 Lux Delivered in soft case, incl. factory certificate Optional accessories Super Caliper No, OSCZA624 Signal cable (1m) No, OSCZA625 Signal cable (2 m) Solar Caliper with data output No. 959149 Signal cable with data switch (1 m) No. 959150 Signal cable with data switch (2 m) No. 959143) Hale-Unit (only 500-444 / 445) All types No. 050083 = Extension for depth measurement (see page 148) No, 050084 = Extension for depth measurement (see page 148) Protection class IP-67 Protection from foreign matters and dust Code number 6 = dust-praat Protection trom malsture/humidity ABSOLUTE DIGIMATIC SUPER Caliper Umweltfreundlicher, kihImittelgeschiitzter SolarMessschieber mit hoher IP-Schutzklasse. * Integrated absolute encoder. * Entitled to bear the environmental label Blue Angk. * Operation w/o battery, through solar technology already starting from 60 Ix. * Voltage reserve at under 60 Ix due to super capacitor. Serie 500 Super Caliper DIN 862 * |P-67 Coolant Proof: Highly resistant m _gttlvg, against coolants and lubricants. ABSOLUTE A % + Impact- proof housing. Tiv Absolute System Patented by MITUTOYO Solr operation starting trom 60 Ix Oy eT TOY Fhein band Oa Do past o0Q-772-1 Also available with round depth gage (Order No. S00-792-1} Measuring No. Depth Protection cass Data L a b c d Mass range nm gage IPG? Output rim mm oomim =omm sim gq OH150 500-772-1 o e a 233 40 210 165 16 180 OH150 500-792-1 1,9 mn @ = 233 40 210 165 16 180 OH200 500-773-1 * - = 290 50 245 20016 210 O-150 500-778-1 o @ o 233 40 210 165 16 180 OH200 500-770-1 Z + Z 290 50 245 20016 210 ABSOLUTE Absolute System Patented by MITUTOYO Factory tast cartifikata Series 500 DIN 862 with data output @) Code number 7 = Temporary submersion 500-444 } } i } 5 p Series 500 DIN 862 without data output | Ps Ht: 5 Illuminance table in accordance with Arbeitsstattenverordnung (Workplace Ordinance) Demands Nominal Examples: s00-A5 on the illuminance visual task in x } yery anall 50 Sforeroamns, ware houses J Factory tast small 100 Break rooms, ssl traffic zones Measuring No. Comments Data L a b e d Mlass small 150 Traffic zones lange mm cutput mm mm mm mim rn g with vehicks, O50 500-444 with drive roller = 231 40 210 165 16 10 Loading areas 200 500-445 with drive roller # 288 50 245 200 16 200 moderate 200-300 Working at planing bench- O+150 500-457 - 231 40 210 165 16 150 es, Machine took, lige 0-200 500-458 - 8 200245 si6CSs*SD work, Reception counters ni hotels L 1 mediurn 500 Offices | high ASOHOO0 ran raid rawing, hens nemechanicsprntshops |) LS eee ee =| very high 1500 Watchmalersshops ekc- | it | tronic workshops extraordinary 2000 Engraving, nveibe mending Patent numbers see page 480 ees Mitutoyo