Chapter 1 MC9S12C and MC9S12GC Device Overview (MC9S12C128)
64 MC9S12C-Family / MC9S12GC-Family Freescale Semiconductor
Rev 01.22
1.7.2 BDM Alternate Clock
The BDM section reference to alternate clock is equivalent to the oscillator clock.
1.7.3 Extended Address Range Emulation Implications
In order to emulate the MC9S12GC or MC9S12C-Family / MC9S12GC-Family devices, external
addressing of a 128K memory map is required. This is provided in a 112 LQFP package version which
includes the 3 necessary extra external address bus signals via PortK[2:0]. This package version is for
emulation only and not provided as a general production package.
The reset state of DDRK is 0x0000, configuring the pins as inputs.
The reset state of PUPKE in the PUCR register is “1” enabling the internal Port K pullups.
In this reset state the pull-ups provide a defined state and prevent a floating input, thereby preventing
unnecessary current flow at the input stage.
To prevent unnecessary current flow in production package options, the states of DDRK and PUPKE
should not be changed by software.
Table 1-11. Device Specific Flash PAGE Mapping
Device PAGE PAGE Visible with PPAGE Contents
MC9S12GC16 3F $01,$03,$05,$07,$09......$35,$37,$39,$3B,$3D,$3F
3E $00,$02,$04,$06,$08,$0A,$0C,$0E,$10,$12......$2C,$2E,$30,$32,$34,$36,$38,$3A,$3C,$3E
3F $01,$03,$05,$07,$09,$0B,$0D,$0F,$11,$13.....$2D,$2F,$31,$33,$35,$37,$39,$3B,$3D,$3F
3C $04,$0C,$14,$1C,$24,$2C,$34,$3C
3D $05,$0D,$15,$1D,$25,$2D,$35,$3D
3E $06,$0E,$16,$1E,$26,$2E,$36,$3E
3F $07,$0F,$17,$1F,$27,$2F,$37,$3F
3A $02,$0A,$12,$1A,$22,$2A,$32,$3A
3B $03,$0B,$13,$1B,$23,$2B,$33,$3B
3C $04,$0C,$14,$1C,$24,$2C,$34,$3C
3D $05,$0D,$15,$1D,$25,$2D,$35,$3D
3E $06,$0E,$16,$1E,$26,$2E,$36,$3E
3F $07,$0F,$17,$1F,$27,$2F,$37,$3F
38 $00,$08,$10,$18,$20,$28,$30,$38
39 $01,$09,$11,$19,$21,$29,$31,$39
3A $02,$0A,$12,$1A,$22,$2A,$32,$3A
3B $03,$0B,$13,$1B,$23,$2B,$33,$3B
3C $04,$0C,$14,$1C,$24,$2C,$34,$3C
3D $05,$0D,$15,$1D,$25,$2D,$35,$3D
3E $06,$0E,$16,$1E,$26,$2E,$36,$3E
3F $07,$0F,$17,$1F,$27,$2F,$37,$3F