MCC44-16io8B Thyristor Module VRRM = 2x 1600 V I TAV = 49 A VT = 1.34 V Phase leg Part number MCC44-16io8B Backside: isolated 3 6 1 5 2 Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: TO-240AA Thyristor for line frequency Planar passivated chip Long-term stability Direct Copper Bonded Al2O3-ceramic Line rectifying 50/60 Hz Softstart AC motor control DC Motor control Power converter AC power control Lighting and temperature control Isolation Voltage: 3600 V~ Industry standard outline RoHS compliant Soldering pins for PCB mounting Base plate: DCB ceramic Reduced weight Advanced power cycling IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a MCC44-16io8B Ratings Thyristor Conditions Symbol V RSM/DSM Definition max. non-repetitive reverse/forward blocking voltage TVJ = 25C max. 1700 Unit V V RRM/DRM max. repetitive reverse/forward blocking voltage TVJ = 25C 1600 V I R/D reverse current, drain current VR/D = 1600 V TVJ = 25C 100 A VR/D = 1600 V TVJ = 125C 5 mA I T = 100 A TVJ = 25C 1.34 V 1.75 V 1.34 V VT forward voltage drop min. typ. I T = 200 A TVJ = 125 C I T = 100 A I T = 200 A I TAV average forward current TC = 85C 180 sine I T(RMS) RMS forward current VT0 threshold voltage rT slope resistance R thJC thermal resistance junction to case for power loss calculation only R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink Ptot total power dissipation I TSM max. forward surge current It value for fusing 1.80 V T VJ = 125 C 49 A 77 A TVJ = 125 C 0.85 V 180 W t = 10 ms; (50 Hz), sine TVJ = 45C 1.15 kA t = 8,3 ms; (60 Hz), sine VR = 0 V 1.24 kA t = 10 ms; (50 Hz), sine TVJ = 125 C 980 A t = 8,3 ms; (60 Hz), sine VR = 0 V 1.06 kA t = 10 ms; (50 Hz), sine TVJ = 45C 6.62 kAs t = 8,3 ms; (60 Hz), sine t = 10 ms; (50 Hz), sine VR = 0 V 6.40 kAs TVJ = 125 C 4.80 kAs t = 8,3 ms; (60 Hz), sine VR = 0 V VR = 400 V f = 1 MHz TVJ = 25C PGM max. gate power dissipation t P = 30 s T C = 125 C 4.63 kAs 54 t P = 300 s average gate power dissipation critical rate of rise of current K/W 0.20 junction capacitance (di/dt) cr m K/W TC = 25C CJ PGAV 3.7 0.53 TVJ = 125C; f = 50 Hz repetitive, IT = 150 A pF 10 W 5 W 0.5 W 150 A/s t P = 200 s; di G /dt = 0.45 A/s; I G = 0.45 A; VD = VDRM non-repet., IT = 49 A 500 A/s (dv/dt) cr critical rate of rise of voltage TVJ = 125C VGT gate trigger voltage VD = 6 V TVJ = 25 C TVJ = -40 C 1.6 V I GT gate trigger current VD = 6 V TVJ = 25 C 100 mA TVJ = -40 C 200 mA TVJ = 125 C 0.2 V 10 mA TVJ = 25 C 450 mA VD = VDRM 1000 V/s R GK = ; method 1 (linear voltage rise) VGD gate non-trigger voltage I GD gate non-trigger current IL latching current VD = VDRM t p = 10 s 1.5 V IG = 0.45 A; di G /dt = 0.45 A/s IH holding current VD = 6 V R GK = TVJ = 25 C 200 mA t gd gate controlled delay time VD = 1/2 VDRM TVJ = 25 C 2 s tq turn-off time IG = 0.45 A; di G /dt = 0.45 A/s VR = 100 V; I T = 150 A; VD = VDRM TVJ = 125 C di/dt = 10 A/s; dv/dt = IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved 150 s 20 V/s; t p = 200 s Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a MCC44-16io8B Package Ratings TO-240AA Symbol I RMS Definition Conditions RMS current per terminal Tstg storage temperature T VJ virtual junction temperature min. typ. max. 200 Unit A -40 125 C -40 125 C Weight 90 MD mounting torque MT terminal torque d Spp/App d Spb/Apb VISOL creepage distance on surface | striking distance through air t = 1 minute Ordering Standard Part Number MCC44-16io8B Similar Part MCMA50P1600TA MCMA65P1600TA Equivalent Circuits for Simulation I V0 R0 Package TO-240AA-1B TO-240AA-1B * on die level 2.5 4 Nm Nm 9.7 mm terminal to backside 16.0 16.0 mm 3600 V 3000 V Delivery Mode Box Quantity 6 Code No. 452971 Voltage class 1600 1600 T VJ = 125 C Thyristor V 0 max threshold voltage 0.85 V R 0 max slope resistance * 4.1 m IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved 4 13.0 50/60 Hz, RMS; IISOL 1 mA Marking on Product MCC44-16io8B 2.5 terminal to terminal t = 1 second isolation voltage g Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a MCC44-16io8B Outlines TO-240AA 3 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved 6 1 5 2 Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a MCC44-16io8B Thyristor 104 1200 100 VR = 0 V 50 Hz, 80% VRRM 1000 DC 180 sin 120 60 30 80 TVJ = 45C 800 ITSM IFSM I2t TVJ = 45C 600 TVJ = 125C [A2s] [A] 60 ITAVM [A] 40 400 TVJ = 125C 20 200 103 0 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 1 t [s] Fig. 1 Surge overload current ITSM, IFSM: Crest value, t: duration 2 3 6 8 0 10 0 t [ms] RthJA 100 150 TC [C] Fig. 3 Maximum forward current at case temperature Fig. 2 I2t versus time (1-10 ms) 120 50 10 [K/W] 1: IGT, TVJ = 125C 2: IGT, TVJ = 25C 3: IGT, TVJ = -40C 1 100 1.5 2 PT [W] 80 2.5 VG 3 60 [V] 5 40 DC 180 sin 120 60 30 20 2 1 4 3 0 20 40 60 80 0 50 ITAVM, IFAVM [A] 4 100 0.1 100 150 101 TA [C] 4: PGAV = 0.5 W 5: PGM = 5 W 6: PGM = 10 W 102 103 104 IG [mA] Fig. 4 Power dissipation vs. onstate current and ambient temperature (per thyristor/diode) Fig. 5 Gate trigger characteristics 1000 500 RthKA [K/W] TVJ = 25C 0.1 0.15 400 0.2 300 0.4 200 Limit tgd 0.3 [W] typ. 100 0.25 Ptot 6 6 IGD, TVJ = 125C 0 5 1 [s] 0.5 Circuit B6 3x MCC44 or 3x MCD44 10 0.6 100 0 0 50 100 IdAVM [A] 0 50 100 TA [C] Fig. 6 Three phase rectifier bridge: Power dissipation versus direct output current and ambient temperature IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved 150 1 10 100 1000 IG [mA] Fig. 7 Gate trigger delay time Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a MCC44-16io8B Thyristor 500 RthJA [KW] 0.1 0.15 400 0.2 0.25 Ptot 300 0.3 0.4 [W] 200 100 0 0.5 Circuit W3 3x MCC44 or 3x MCD44 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.6 0 50 IRMS [A] 100 150 TA [C] Fig. 8 Three phase AC-controller: Power dissipation versus RMS output current and ambient temperature 0.8 RthJC for various conduction angles d: 30 60 DC 0.53 180 180 0.55 DC 120 0.58 60 0.60 30 0.62 120 0.6 0.4 Constants for ZthJC calculation: 0.2 0 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 1 0.015 0.0035 2 0.026 0.0200 3 0.489 0.1950 103 Fig. 9 Transient thermal impedance junction to case (per thyristor) 1.0 RthJK for various conduction angles d: 30 60 0.8 DC 180 120 60 30 120 180 DC 0.6 0.73 0.75 0.78 0.80 0.82 Constants for ZthJC calculation: 0.4 1 2 3 4 0.2 0 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 0.015 0.026 0.489 0.200 0.0035 0.0200 0.0195 0.6800 103 Fig. 10 Transient thermal impedance junction to heatsink (per thyristor) IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2013 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20130605a