W hen delivered, and after each erasure, all bits of
the M2732A are in the “ 1" state. Data is introduced
by selectively programming ”0’s" into the desired
bit locations. Although only “0’s” will be pro-
gramm ed, both “1’ s” a nd “0’s ” can be present ed i n
the data word. The only way to change a “0" to a
”1" is by ultraviolet light erasure.
The M2732A is in the programming mode when the
GVPP input is at 21V. A 0.1µF capacitor must be
placed across GVPP and ground to suppress spu-
rious voltage transients which may damage the
device. The data to be programmed is applied, 8
bits in parallel, to the data output pin s. The levels
required for the address and data inputs are TTL.
When the address and data are stable, a 50ms,
active low, TTL program pulse is appl ied t o the E
input. A program pulse must be applied at each
address location to b e programmed. Any location
can be programmed at any time - either individually,
sequentially, or at random. The progr am pulse has
a maximum width of 55ms. The M2732A must not
be programmed with a DC signal applied to the E
Programming of multiple M2732As in parallel with
the same data can be easily ac complished due to
the simplicity of the programming requirements.
Inputs of the paralleled M2732As may be con-
nected together when they are programmed with
the same data. A low level TTL pulse applied to the
E input programs the paralleled 2732As.
Pro gram In hibit
Programming of multiple M2732As in parallel with
different data is also easily accomplished. Except
for E, all lik e inputs (including GVPP) of the parallel
M2732As may be common. A TTL level program
pulse applied to a M2732A’s E input with GVPP at
21V will program that M2732A . A high level E input
inhibits the other M2732As from being pro-
Program Verify
A verify should be performed on the programmed
bits to determine that they were correctly pro-
grammed. The verify is carried out with GVPP and
E a t VIL.
The erasure characteristics of the M2732A are
such that erasure begins when the cells are ex-
posed to light with wavelengths shorter than ap-
proximately 4000 Å. It should be noted that sunlight
and certa in types of fluorescent lamps hav e wave-
lengths in the 3000-4000 Å range. Research shows
that constant exposure to room level fluorescent
lighting could erase a typical M2732A in approxi-
mately 3 years, while it would take approximately
1 week to cause erasure when exposed to the
direct sunlight. If the M2732A is to be exposed to
these types of lighting conditions for extended pe-
riods of t ime, it is suggested that opaque labels b e
put over the M2732A window to prevent uninten-
tio nal erasure.
The recommended erasure procedure for the
M2732A is exposure to shortwave ultraviolet light
which has a wav elength of 2537 Å. The int egrated
dose (i.e. UV intensity x exposure time) for erasure
should be a minimum of 15 W-sec/cm2. The era-
sure time with this dosage is approximately 15 to
20 minutes using an ultraviolet lamp with 12000
µW/cm2 power rating. The M2732A should be
placed within 2.5 cm of the lamp tubes during
erasure. Some lamps have a filter on their tubes
which should be removed before erasur e.
Mode E GVPP VCC Q0 - Q7
Read VIL VIL VCC Data Out
Program VIL Pulse VPP VCC Data In
Verify VIL VIL VCC Data Out
Program Inhibit VIH VPP VCC Hi-Z
Standby VIH XV
Note: X = V IH or VIL.
Table 3. Op erati ng Mo de s