Metal Element Current Sense Resistor ULR Series * * * * * * Robust metal strip able to withstand high temperature and high current. Low TCR and Inductance Resistance Range from 0.5 m to 20 m Power ratings from 1W to 3W in 1206, 2010 and 2512 chip size Designed for current sense circuits in power electronic systems Higher wattage devices feature PCB clearance gap to maximize thermal performance Electrical Data IRC Type Coating1 Power rating at 80C (Watts) Standard Resistance Values (m)2 TCR Tolerance Dielectric (ppm/C) (%) Withstanding Voltage (Volts) 1206 Chip Size ULR-1 Green 1 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 50 1, 5 100 1.5 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 50 1, 5 100 1, 5 200 2010 Chip Size ULR-15 Green 2512 Chip Size ULR-1 1 11 - 20 50 ULR-2 2 7 - 10 50 2.5 4-6 50 0.5 - 0.75 100 1-3 50 ULR-25 Green ULR-3 ULR-1 3 Black ULR-2 1 2 2.5 - 3 150 4-5 100 0.5 - 2 50 Notes: 1.Black coating = wave or IR reflow soldering; Green coating = IR reflow solder. Wave reflow - solder mask must match the W and D dimensions on page 2 of data sheet. 2Non-standard resistance values available (contact factory). For resistance values above 20 m, please refer to our LRC / LRF series. 3 Package sizes 2010 and 1206 with the green coating are uncoated on the top surface and unmarked for resistance value. Environmental Data Test Short Term Overload (5x rated power for 5 seconds) R/R 0.5% + 0.5 m (black); R/R 1% (green) Load at rated power (1000 hours cyclic load @ 70C) R/R 1% + 0.5 m (black); R/R 1% (green) Temperatature Cycling (-55C to +150C; 100 cycles) R/R 0.5% + 0.5 m (black); R/R 1% (green) Dry Heat (+155C, no load; 96 hours) R/R 1% + 0.5 m (black); R/R 1% (green) Resistance to Solder Heat (260C for 10 seconds) R/R 0.5% + 0.5 m (black); R/R 1% (green) Solderability (235C for 2 seconds) Minimum 95% coverage Resistance to Solvents No deterioration of protective coating or marking Operating Temperature -55C to 170C General Note IRC reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to IRC's own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: A Subsidiary of TT electronics plc Issue December 2008 Sheet 1 of 6 Physical Data D L T W Coating Resistance Value (m) 1206 Chip Size Green 2010 Chip Size Green 2512 Chip Size Green L W T D 3.2 0.25 1.6 0.10 0.6 0.2 0.98 0.38 5.08 0.25 2.54 0.15 0.6 0.2 1.67 0.63 (1 Watt) 1.0 - 10 (1.5 Watt) 1.0 - 10 (2 Watt, 2.5 Watt, and 3 Watt) 0.5 2.68 0.25 0.75 2.48 0.25 1 - 1.5 1.43 0.25 2-3 4 6.35 0.25 3.18 0.35 0.6 0.2 2.18 0.25 5-6 1.93 0.25 7 1.43 0.25 8 - 20 Black 1.18 0.25 1.18 0.25 1 0.5 1.4 0.2 0.75 1.0 0.2 1 1 0.8 0.2 1 1.5 0.65 0.2 1 2 6.35 0.25 2.5 3.18 0.25 0.5 0.2 1 1.0 0.2 1.43 0.38 1 3 0.7 0.2 1 4 0.6 0.2 1 5 0.5 0.2 1 Note: 1 Dimensions are for reference only Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: Issue December 2008 Sheet 2 of 6 Electrical Connections 2512 Package 4-wire precision measurement points 2-wire pad layout 4-wire pad layout 1.8 1.8 5.4 1.45 4.75 1.0 0.5 1.5 3.6 4.75 unit: mm unit: mm unit: mm 2010 Package 4-wire pad layout 1.44 1.44 1.16 0.8 4-wire precision measurement points 2-wire pad layout 4.32 3.8 3.12 3.8 unit: mm 0.5 1.2 unit: mm unit: mm 1206 Package 4-wire pad layout 0.9 0.9 0.725 0.5 4-wire precision measurement points 2-wire pad layout 2.38 2.38 unit: mm 2.7 1.95 0.25 0.75 unit: mm unit: mm Note: 1 Green parts require the use of "D" dimensions on page 2 for parts being assembled in a wave reflow processes. Power Derating Curve Rated Power (%) Note: 100 50 0 0 85 170 The power derating curve is a guidance based on a conservative design model. The ULR is a solid metal alloy construction that can withstand significantly greater operating temperatures than the conservative model permits. The protective coating will operate up to 260C and the alloy can withstand in exess of 350C. Therefore, the system thermal design will be a more significant design parameter due to the heat limitations of the solder joint. Ambient Temperature (C) Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: Issue December 2008 Sheet 3 of 6 Construction Black Type Green Type Black Type A low TCR resistance alloy plate with plated connection bands is protectively coated and numerically marked with the resistance value, as described in Product Marking. This version has standard plated connection and is suitable for wave or IR reflow soldering processes. Green Type A low TCR alloy plate is grooved to set the final resistance. The lower faces are solder plated for connections, and the top surface is protectively coated and numerically marked with the resistance value, as described in Product Marking. This part is suitable for wave and IR reflow soldering processes. Wave reflow requires the solder mask to be dimensioned according to page 2 using the W and D dimensions of the part. Product Marking Part resistance is indicated by using two marking notation syles: * 4-digit: R002 = 2 m; R designates the decimal location in ohms. * 3-digit: 1M5 = 1.5 m; M designates the decimal location in milli-ohm. Plastic Tape Specification Top Tape D 0 E A F B T P1 Resistor P2 W D direction of unreeling P0 1 1.4Min. Emboss Tape Size Resistance (m) 0.5 - 7 2512 0.5 - 20 A 3.40.1 B 6.730.1 6.750.1 W E F P0 P1 P2 120.1 1.750.1 5.50.05 40.1 40.1 20.05 D0 T 1.50.1 0.810.1 1.550.1 0.800.1 2010 1 - 10 2.850.1 5.550.1 120.1 1.750.1 5.50.1 40.1 40.1 20.05 1.550.1 0.850.1 1206 1 - 10 1.90.1 3.60.1 80.2 1.750.1 3.50.1 40.1 40.1 20.05 1.550.1 0.870.1 Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The cumulative tolerance of 10 sprocket hole pitch is 0.2 mm. Carrier camber shall not be more than 1 mm per 100 mm through a length of 250 mm. A & B measured 0.3 mm from the bottom of the packet. T measured at a point on the inside bottom of the packet to the top surface of the carrier. Pocket position relative to sprocket hole is measured as the true position of the pocket and not the pocket hole. Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: Issue December 2008 Sheet 4 of 6 IRC Solder Reflow Recommendations Sn-Pb Eutectic and Pb-Free Reflow Profiles tP TP Ramp-up Critical Zone TL to TP TL tL Temperature Tsmax Tsmin ts Preheat 25 Ramp-down t 25C to Peak Time * Based on Industry Standards and IPC recommendations Profile Feature Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly 3C / second max. 3C / second max. Preheat - Temperature Min (Tsmin) - Temperature Max (Tsmax) - Time (Tsmin to Tsmax) (ts) 100C 150C 60 -120 seconds 150C 200C 60 -180 seconds Time maintained above - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) 183C 60 - 150 seconds 217C 60 - 150 seconds Peak Temperature (TP) See Table 1 See Table 2 Average Ramp-up rate (Tsmax to Tp) Time within 5C of actual Peak Temperature (tp)2 Ramp-down Rate Time 25C to Peak Temperature 10 - 30 seconds 20 - 40 seconds 6C / second max. 6C / second max. 6 minutes max. 8 minutes max. Tabel 1: SnPb Eutectic Process Package Peak Reflow Temperatures Package Thickness Volume mm3 < 350 Volume mm3 350 < 2.5 mm 240 +0/-5C 225 +0/-5C 2.5 mm 225 +0/-5C 225 +0/-5C Tabel 2: Pb-free Process Package Peak Reflow Temperatures Package Thickness Volume mm3 < 350 Volume mm3 350 - 2000 Volume mm3 > 2000 < 1.6 mm 260C * 260C * 260C * 1.6 mm - 2.5 mm 260C * 250C * 245C * 2.5 mm 250C * 245C * 245C * Note 1: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface. Note 2: Time within 5 C of actual peak temperature (tp) specified for the reflow profiles is a "supplier" minimum and a "user" maximum. Note 1: Package volume excludes external terminals (balls, bumps, lands, leads) and/or nonintegral heat sinks. Note 2: The maximum component temperature reached during reflow depends on package thickness and volume. The use of convection reflow processess reduces the thermal gradients between packages. However, thermal gradients due to differences in thermal mass of SMD packages may still exist. Note 3: Components intended for use in "leadfree" assembly process shall be evaluated using the "lead-free" peak temperature and profiles defined in Table 1, 2 and reflow profile whether or not lead-free. * Tolerance: The device manufacturer/supplier shall assure process compatibility up to and including the stated classification temperature at the rated MSL level. Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: Issue December 2008 Sheet 5 of 6 Packaging Quantity Series Emboss Plastic Tape 2512 2010 1206 2,000 2,000 2,000 Ordering Data Specify type, resistance, tolerance, ROHS compliance and packaging. Example: Metal Element Current Sense Resistor, 1-watt, 10 m resistor. Sample Part No. ULR G 1 2512 R010 F LF SLT IRC Type Coating Color Code G = Green, B = Black Power Rating (see specs table) Package Size Resistance Value (EIA 4-digit code) Example: 0.010 = R010 Tolerance (EIA format) F = 1% J = 5% RoHS - Compliance LF = RoHS compliant Construction Packaging SLT = Standard Lead Tape Wire and Film Technologies Division * 4222 South Staples Street * Corpus Christi Texas 78411 USA Telephone: 361 992 7900 * Facsimile: 361 992 3377 * Website: Issue December 2008 Sheet 6 of 6