3.1 What can I Safely Measure with the PmodDPG1?
The recommended pressure differential range for the embedded MP3V5010 on the PmodDPG1 is between 0 kPa
and 10 kPa, so it is ideally suited for applications such as measuring small pressure changes inside a venturi meter,
as a pressure plate to detect when something touches it, or to determine the air pressure exerted by the normal
human lung (presuming you are not a trumpet player or in another field where you need above average lung
pressure). Notably, the PmodDPG1 is not able to measure the air pressure inside of a car or bike tire.
The reference article for the human lung pressure, for those of you that are interested, can be found from the
National Center for Biotechnology Information website here.
Additionally, the PmodDPG1 is only able to measure dry fluids, such as air, as opposed to being able to measure
water pressure.
But what is the lowest pressure that the PmodDPG1 can detect? With an embedded 12-bit ADC that is powered at
3 V, the LSB will have a corresponding voltage of 0.732 mV, but the MP3V5010 has a listed sensitivity of 270 mV
per kPa, or equivalently, 0.270 mV per Pascal. This means an LSB change will not occur until an approximate
change of 3 Pascals of pressure occurs. Based on Wikipedia's list of orders of magnitude of pressure, a U.S. dollar
bill exerts approximately 1 Pascal. Additionally, the lung air pressure difference of a normal breath from a person is
approximately 300 Pascals, so the module is very capable of measuring very small changes in pressure.
3.2 Pinout Table Diagram
The PmodDPG1 is capable of converting up to 1 MSa per second of 12-bit data, but the transducer response time
to a step change of 1 kPa is 1 ms. Smaller changes in pressure will take less time for the transducer to change its
output voltage.
Any external power applied to the PmodDPG1 must be within 2.7 V and 3.3 V to ensure that the on-board chips
operate correctly; however, it is recommended that Pmod is operated at 3.3 V since an embedded regulator
reduces the 3.3 V down to 3 V for the various embedded components.