DLTS-5 thru DLTS-30 DATA LINE TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR SCOTTSDALE DIVISION APPEARANCE This series of Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) devices is packaged in a ceramic, dual-in-line, hermetically sealed package. These components offer 15 protective devices, unidirectional or bidirectional, common buss connections, per package. The dual-in-line is designed specifically for data line protection, at the PC board level. TTL and MOS voltage levels are available for protection of input/output data circuits. Microsemi also offers numerous other TVS products to meet higher and lower power demands and special applications. IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI's website: http://www.microsemi.com FEATURES * * * * * APPLICATIONS / BENEFITS Multiple TVS array Ceramic dual-in-line, 16 PIN hermetic package Common-buss configuration Optional 100% screening for avionics grade is available by adding MA prefix to part number for added 100% temperature cycle -55oC to +125oC (10X) as well as surge (3X) and 24 hours HTRB with post test VZ & IR (in the operating direction for unidirectional or both directions for bidirectional) Options for screening in accordance with MIL-PRF19500 for JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS are also available by adding MQ, MX, MV, or MSP prefixes respectively to part numbers. * * * * * * * * MAXIMUM RATINGS * * * * * WWW . Microsemi .C OM DESCRIPTION Protects up to 15 lines Provides electrically isolated protection Unidirectional or Bidirectional selections Voltage range of 5 V to 30 V available Protects sensitive components such as IC's, 2 CMOS, Bipolar, BiCMOS, ECL, DTL, T L, etc. Protection from switching transients & induced RF Compliant to IEC61000-4-2 and IEC61000-4-4 for ESD and EFT protection respectively Inherently radiation hard as described in Microsemi MicroNote 050 MECHANICAL AND PACKAGING 500 Watts Peak Pulse Power/Position @ 8x20 s (see figure 1 and 2) tclamping (0 volts to V(BR) min.): < 100 ps theoretical for unidirectional and < 5 ns for bidirectional Operating and Storage temperatures: -55oC to +150oC. Forward Surge Rating: 10 Amps, 1/120 sec. @ 25oC (unidirectional) Repetition Rate (duty cycle): .01% * * * * CASE: Ceramic, 16 pin dual-in-line (.300" row spacing) POLARITY: Pin No. 1 marked with a flag on lead and a dot on top of package. MARKING: Body marked with part number WEIGHT: 3.5 grams (approximate) DLTS-5 thru 30 Copyright (c) 2009 1-08-09 REV B, SA4-35 Microsemi Scottsdale Division 8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503 Page 1 DLTS-5 thru DLTS-30 DATA LINE TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR SCOTTSDALE DIVISION REVERSE STAND-OFF VOLTAGE VWM VOLTS MINIMUM BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE @ 1 mA V(BR) VOLTS MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE @ IPP2 = 1A (8 X 20 s) VC1 VOLTS MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE @ IPP2 = 10A (8 X 20 s) VC2 VOLTS MAXIMUM REVERSE LEAKAGE @ VWM ID A MAXIMUM CAPACITANCE @ OV 1MHz C pF MAXIMUM VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE VARIATION OF V(BR) mV/C 5 5 12 12 17 6.0 6.0 13.3 13.3 19.2 10.2 9.5 21.1 19.1 30.4 12.5 10.6 26.0 23.5 37.4 200 200 2 2 2 880 880 440 440 330 5 5 18 18 20 DLTS-17A DLTS-24 DLTS-24A DLTS-30 DLTS-30A Bidirectional DLTS-8C DLTS-8CA DLTS-13C DLTS-13CA 17 24 24 30 30 19.2 26.7 26.7 33.3 33.3 27.5 42.3 38.3 52.8 47.8 33.9 52.1 47.2 65.0 58.8 2 2 2 2 2 330 275 275 220 220 20 31 31 39 39 8 8 13 13 8.5 8.5 14.4 14.4 13.4 12.2 22.8 20.6 16.6 15.0 28.1 25.4 10 10 4 4 440 440 385 385 9 9 18 18 DLTS-19C DLTS-19CA DLTS-30C DLTS-30CA 19 19 30 30 21.6 21.6 33.3 33.3 34.2 31.0 52.8 47.8 42.1 38.1 65.0 58.8 4 4 4 4 275 275 165 165 24 24 39 39 MICROSEMI PART NUMBER Unidirectional DLTS-5 DLTS-5A DLTS-12 DLTS-12A DLTS-17 WWW . Microsemi .C OM ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS "C" suffix denotes bidirectional and "A" suffix provides a lower selected clamping voltage tolerance NOTE 1: A TVS is normally selected according to the reverse "Stand Off Voltage" VWM which should be equal to or greater than the dc or continuous peak operating voltage level. tp - Pulse Time FIGURE 1 Peak Pulse Power vs. Pulse Time (per position) Copyright (c) 2009 1-08-09 REV B, SA4-35 DLTS-5 thru 30 Peak Pulse Power - PPP GRAPHS Pulse Waveform FIGURE 2 Microsemi Scottsdale Division 8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503 Page 2 DLTS-5 thru DLTS-30 DATA LINE TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR SCOTTSDALE DIVISION Peak Pulse (PPP) or Current (IPP) in o percent of 25 C rating WWW . Microsemi .C OM FIGURE 3 Derating Curve PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DLTS-5 thru 30 Copyright (c) 2009 1-08-09 REV B, SA4-35 Microsemi Scottsdale Division 8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503 Page 3