PRELIMINARY Am79761 Physical Layer 10-Bit Transceiver for Gigabit Ethernet (GigaPHYTM-SD) DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS n Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver operates at 1.25 Gigabits per second (Gbps) n Suitable for both Coaxial and Optical Link applications n 10-bit TTL Interface for Transmit and Receive Data n Monolithic Clock Synthesis and Clock Recovery requires no external components n Word Synchronization Function (Comma Detect) n Low Power Operation - 700 mW typical n 64-pin Standard PQFP -- 14 x 14 mm (0 C - 70 C) -- 10 x 10 mm (0 C - 50 C) n 125 MHz TTL Reference Clock n Loopback Diagnostic n Single +3.3 V Supply GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer Serializer/Deserializer (GigaPHY-SD) device is a 1.25 Gbps Ethernet Transceiver optimized for Gigabit Ethernet/ 1000BASE-X applications. It implements the Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) layer for a single port. When transmitting, the GigaPHY-SD device receives 10-bit 8B/10B code groups at 125 million code groups per second. It then serializes the parallel data stream, adding a reference clock, and transmits it through the PECL drivers. The GigaPHY-SD device can interface to fiber-optic media to support 1000BASE-LX and 1000BASE-SX applications and can interface to copper coax to support 1000BASE-CX applications. When receiving, the GigaPHY-SD device receives the PECL data stream from the network. It then recovers the clock from the data stream, deserializes the data stream into a 10-bit code group, and transmits it to the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) logic above. Optionally, it detects comma characters used to align the incoming word. The functions performed by the device include serializing the 8B/10B 10-bit data for transmission, deserializing received code groups, recovering the clock from the incoming data stream, and word synchronization. This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed product without notice. Publication# 21560 Rev: A Amendment/+1 Issue Date: April 1998 P R E L I M I N A R Y BLOCK DIAGRAM TXD[0:9] 10 TX+ Parallel to Serial DQ TX- PLL Clock Multiply REFCLK EWRAP RXD[0:9] 10 Serial to Parallel QD Clock Recovery 10 RX+ RX- RCLK 20 RCLKN COM_DET Frame Logic Comma Detect 21560A-1 EN_CDET 2 Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 N/C DVDD_P TX+ TXDVDD_P DVDD AVSS AVDD DVSS DVDD RX+ DVDD_P RXDVSS DVDD N/C CONNECTION DIAGRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 N/C COM_DET DVSS_T RXD0 RXD1 RXD2 DVDD_T RXD3 RXD4 RXD5 RXD6 DVDD_T RXD7 RXD8 RXD9 DVSS_T Note: N/C = No Connect N/C TEST1 EWRAP TEST2 DVSS REFCLK TEST3 EN_CDET DVSS TEST4 N/C DVDD DVDD_T RCLKN RCLK DVSS_T 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DVSS TXD0 TXD1 TXD2 DVDD TXD3 TXD4 TXD5 TXD6 DVDD TXD7 TXD8 TXD9 DVSS DVSS N/C 21560A-2 LOGIC SYMBOL DVDD PHY Control DVDD_T DVDD_P REFCLK RCLK RCLKN EN_CDET EWRAP COM_DET TXD [0:9] RXD [0:9] Am79761 GigaPHY-SD Test Port AVDD TEST4 TDST [3:1] DVSS DVSS_D Am79761 DVSS TX+ TX- RX+ RX- To PCS Transceiver 21560A-3 3 P R E L I M I N A R Y ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Products AMD standard products are available in several packages and operating ranges. The order number (Valid Combination) is formed by a combination of the elements below. Am79761 Y C -10 PACKAGE SIZE OPTION -10 = 10 x 10 mm body size -14 = 14 x 14 mm body size TEMPERATURE RANGE C = Commercial (0C to +70C) PACKAGE TYPE Y = 64-Pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PDH064) DEVICE NUMBER/DESCRIPTION Am79761 Physical Layer 10-Bit Transceiver for Gigabit Ethernet GigaPHYTM-SD) Valid Combinations Valid Combinations 4 Am79761YC -10 Am79761YC -14 Valid Combinations list configurations planned to be supported in volume for this device. Consult the local AMD sales office to confirm availability of specific valid combinations and to check on newly released combinations. Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y RELATED PRODUCTS Part No. Description Am7990 Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet (LANCE) Am7992B Serial Interface Adapter (SIA) Am7996 IEEE 802.3/Ethernet/Cheapernet Transceiver Am79C90 CMOS Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet (C-LANCE) Am79C98 Twisted Pair Ethernet Transceiver (TPEX) Am79C100 Twisted Pair Ethernet Transceiver Plus (TPEX+) Am79C871 Quad Fast Ethernet Transceiver for 100BASE-X Repeaters (QFEXrTM) Am79C981 Integrated Multiport Repeater Plus (IMR+TM) Am79C982 basic Integrated Multiport Repeater (bIMRTM) Am79C983 Integrated Multiport Repeater 2 (IMR2TM) Am79C984A enhanced Integrated Multiport Repeater (eIMRTM) Am79C985 enhanced Integrated Multiport Repeater Plus (eIMR+TM) Am79C987 Hardware Implemented Management Information Base (HIMIBTM) Am79C988A Quad Integrated Ethernet Transceiver (QuIETTM) Am79C900 Integrated Local Area Communications Controller (ILACCTM) Am79C940 Media Access Controller for Ethernet (MACETM) Am79C960 PCnetTM-ISA Single-Chip Ethernet Controller (for ISA bus) Am79C961 PCnetTM-ISA+ Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA (with Microsoft(R) Plug n' Play(R) Support) Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Am79C965 PCnetTM-32 Single-Chip 32-Bit Ethernet Controller Am79C970 PCnetTM-PCI Single-Chip Ethernet Controller (for PCI bus) Am79C970A PCnetTM-PCI II Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller (for PCI bus) Am79C971 PCnetTM-FAST Single-Chip Full-Duplex 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller for PCI Local Bus Am79761 5 P R E L I M I N A R Y PIN DESIGNATION Listed by Pin Number 6 Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name 1 DVSS 17 N/C 33 DVSS_T 49 N/C 2 TXD0 18 TEST1 34 RXD9 50 DVDD 3 TXD1 19 EWRAP 35 RXD8 51 DVSS 4 TXD2 20 TEST2 36 RXD7 52 RX- 5 DVDD 21 DVSS 37 DVDD_T 53 DVDD_P 6 TXD3 22 REFCLK 38 RXD6 54 RX+ 7 TXD4 23 TEST3 39 RXD5 55 DVDD 8 TXD5 24 EN_CDET 40 RXD4 56 DVSS 9 TXD6 25 DVSS 41 RXD3 57 AVDD 10 DVDD 26 TEST4 42 DVDD_T 58 AVSS 11 TXD7 27 N/C 43 RXD2 59 DVDD 12 TXD8 28 DVDD 44 RXD1 60 DVDD_P 13 TXD9 29 DVDD_T 45 RXD0 61 TX- 14 DVSS 30 RCLKN 46 DVSS_T 62 TX+ 15 DVSS 31 RCLK 47 COM_DET 63 DVDD_P 16 N/C 32 DVSS_T 48 N/C 64 N/C Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y PIN DESCRIPTION TX+, TXSerial Transmit Data PECL Output EN_CDET Enable Comma Detect TTL Input These pins are the 1000BASE-X port differential drivers which transmit the serial stream to the network. These pins are connected to the copper or fiber optic connectors. This pin is used to enable the word synchronization mode. When logic HIGH, the COM_DET output is enabled and word synchronization is active. When EWRAP is LOW, the pins assume normal operation. When HIGH, TX+ is logic HIGH and TX- is logic LOW. RX+, RXSerial Receive Data PECL Input These pins are the 1000BASE-X port differential receiver pair, receiving a serial stream of data from the network. These pins are connected to the copper or fiber optic connectors. When EWRAP is LOW, the pins assume normal operation. The pins are internally biased. TXD[0:9] Transmit Data TTL Input The TXD[0:9] pin is a set of 10 data signals which are driven from the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) above. The 10 bits of data are clocked in parallel on the rising edge of REFCLK. TXD0 is transmitted first on TX. RXD[0:9] Receive Data TTL Output The RXD[0:9] pin is a set of 10 data signals which are sent to the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) above. The 10 bits of data are clocked out in parallel on the rising edges of RCLK and RCLKN. RXD0 is received first on RX. REFCLK Reference Clock TTL Input This input is used for the 125-Mhz clock. The rising edge of this clock latches TXD[0:9] into an input register. This clock serves as the reference clock at 1/10th the baud rate for the PLL. RCLK, RCLKN Receive Clock TTL Output These pins provide the differential receive clock signals, derived from the RX data stream, and are at 1/20th the baud rate of the receive stream. Parallel data on RXD[0:9] is provided at each rising transition of RCLK and RCLKN. COM_DET Comma Detect Indicator TTL Output Comma Detect is asserted to indicate that the incoming word on RXD[0:9] contains a Comma character (0011111xxx). COM_DET goes HIGH for half of a RCLK period, and can be captured when RCKLN is rising. In order for COM_DET to provide indication, EN_CDET must be enabled (logic HIGH). EWRAP Loopback Enable TTL Input When EWRAP is asserted, the transmitted data stream is sent back to the receiver through an internal loopback path. TX+ is logic HIGH, and TX- is logic LOW in this mode. This pin is logic LOW for normal operation. TEST[1:3] Factory Test Pins Input These pins should be tied to DVDD for normal operation. TEST[4] Factory Test Pin Output This pin should be left unconnected for normal operation. DVDD Power These pins supply power to the digital blocks of the device. They must be connected to a 3.3 V 5% source. DVDD_T TTL Power These pins supply power to the TTL blocks of the device. They must be connected to a 3.3 V 5% source. DVDD_P PECL Power These pins supply power to the PECL blocks of the device. They must be connected to a 3.3 V 5% source. It is critical that the signal supplied to these pins are clean to ensure good performance of the device. Am79761 7 P R E L I M I N A R Y AVDD Analog Power DVSS_T Ground These pins supply power to the analog blocks of the device. They must be connected to a 3m.3 V 5% source and require careful decoupling to ensure proper device performance. These pins are the ground connections for the TTL blocks. They must be connected to the common external ground plane. DVSS Ground These pins are the ground connections for the digital blocks. They must be connected to the common external ground plane. 8 AVSS Ground These pins are the ground connections for the analog blocks. They must be connected to an analog ground plane. Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Overview Clock Synthesizer The GigaPHY-SD device provides the PMA functionality for 1000BASE-X systems. The GigiaPHY-SD communicates with the PCS through the 10-bit code groups and communicates with the Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) layer to transmit and receive data from the network, through either fiber optic or copper coax media. The GigaPHY-SD device consists of the following functional blocks: n 1000BASE-X Transmit block including: -- Clock Synthesizer -- Serializer and Transmission interface n 1000BASE-X Receive block including: -- Clock Recovery Serializer The Am79761 device accepts TTL input data as a parallel 10-bit character on the TXD[0:9] bus which is latched into the input latch on the rising edge of REFCLK. This data will be serialized and transmitted on the TX PECL differential outputs at a baud rate of ten times the frequency of the REFCLK input, with bit TXD0 transmitted first. User data should be encoded for transmission using the 8B/10B block code described in the IEEE 802.3 specification. Transmission Character Interface -- Deserializer An encoded byte is 10 bits and is referred to as a transmission character. The 10-bit interface on the Am79761 device corresponds to a transmission character. This mapping is shown in Table 20. -- Word Alignment and synchronization Table 20. The Am79761 clock synthesizer multiplies the reference frequency provided on the REFCLK pin by 10 to achieve a baud rate clock at nominally 1.25 GHz. The clock synthesizer contains a fully monolithic PLL which does not require any external components. Transmission Order and Mapping of an 8B/10B Character Parallel Data Bits T9 T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 8B/10B Bit Position j h g f i e d c b a Comma Character X X X 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 First Data Bit Transmitted Last Data Bit Transmitted Clock Recovery The Am79761 device accepts differential high speed serial inputs on the RX pins, extracts the clock and retimes the data. The Am79761 clock recovery circuitry is completely monolithic and requires no external components. For proper operation, the baud rate of the data stream to be recovered should be within 0.01% of ten times the REFCLK frequency. For example, if the REFCLK used is 125 MHz, then the incoming serial baud rate must be 1.25 gigabaud 0.01 percent. Deserializer The re-timed serial bit stream is converted into a 10-bit parallel output character. The Am79761 device provides complementary TTL recovered clocks, RCLK and RCLKN, which are at 1/20th of the serial baud rate. This architecture is designed to simplify demultiplexing of the 10-bit data characters into a 20-bit half-word in the downstream controller chip. The clocks are generated by dividing down the high-speed clock which is phase locked to the serial data. The serial data is re-timed by the internal high-speed clock and deserialized. The resulting parallel data will be captured by the adjoining protocol logic on the rising edges of RCLK and RCLKN. In order to maximize the setup and hold times available at this interface, the parallel data is loaded into the output register at a point nominally midway between the transition edges of RCLK and RCLKN. If serial input data is not present or does not meet the required baud rate, the Am79761 will continue to produce a recovered clock so that downstream logic may continue to function. The RCLK and RCLKN output frequency under these circumstances may differ from their expected frequency by no more than 1 percent. Am79761 9 P R E L I M I N A R Y Word Alignment The Am79761 device provides 7-bit comma character recognition and data word alignment. Word synchronization is enabled by asserting EN_CDET HIGH. When synchronization is enabled, the Am79761 device constantly examines the serial data for the presence of the Comma character. This pattern is 0011111XXX, where the leading zero corresponds to the first bit received. The comma sequence is not contained in any normal 8B/10B coded data character or pair of adjacent characters. It occurs only within special characters, known as K28.1, K28.5, and K28.7, which are defined specifically for synchronization purposes. Improper alignment of the comma character is defined as any of the following conditions: 1. The comma is not aligned within the 10-bit transmission character such that TXD0...TXD6 = "0011111." 2. The comma straddles the boundary between two 10-bit transmission characters. 3. The comma is properly aligned but occurs in the received character presented during the rising edge of RCLK rather than RCLKN. When EN_CDET is HIGH and an improperly aligned comma is encountered, the internal data is shifted in such a manner that the comma character is aligned properly in RXD[0:9]. This results in proper character and half-word alignment. When the parallel data alignment changes in response to an improperly aligned comma pattern, some data which would have been presented on the parallel output port may be lost. However, the synchronization character and subsequent data will be output correctly and properly aligned. When EN_CDET is LOW, the current alignment of the serial data is maintained indefinitely, regardless of data pattern. When encountering a comma character, COM_DET is driven HIGH to inform the user that realignment of the parallel data field may have occurred. The COM_DET pulse is presented simultaneously with the comma character and has a duration equal to the data, or half of an RCLK period. The COM_DET signal is timed such that it can be captured by the adjoining protocol logic on the rising edge of RCLKN. Functional waveforms for synchronization are given in Figure 18 and Figure 19. Figure 18 shows the case when a comma character is detected and no phase adjustment is necessary. It illustrates the position of the COM_DET pulse in relation to the comma character on RXD[0:9]. Figure 19 shows the case where K28.5 is detected, but it is out of phase and a change in the output data alignment is required. Note that up to three characters prior to the comma character may be corrupted by the realignment process. RCLK RCLKN COM_DET RXD[0:9] K28.5 TChar TChar TChar Note : TChar = 10-bit Transmission Character Figure 18. 10 21560A-4 Detection of a Properly Aligned Comma Character Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y RCLK RCLKN COM_DET RXD[0:9] K28.5 TChar TChar TChar K28.5 TChar Potentially Corrupted 21560A-5 Figure 19. Receiving Two Consecutive K28.5 + TCharacter Transmission Words Am79761 11 P R E L I M I N A R Y ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS OPERATING RANGES Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . .-65 C to +150 C Temperature (TA) 0 C to +70 C for 14 x 14 mm PQFP Ambient Temperature Under Bias . .-55 C to +125 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 C to +50 C for 10 x 10 mm PQFP Power Supply Voltage (VDD) . . . . . . . -0.5 V to +4.0 V Power Supply Voltage (DVDD) . . . . . . . . . +3.3 V 5% DC Voltage (PECL Inputs) . . . . . .-0.5 V to VDD +0.5 V Operating ranges define those limits between which functionality of the device is guaranteed. DC Voltage (TTL Inputs). . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to +5.5 V Output Current (TTL Outputs) . . . . . . . . . . . . -50 mA Output Current (PECL Outputs) . . . . . . . . . . . -50 mA Maximum Input ESD (Human Body Model) . . . 1500 V Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause per manent device failure. Functionality at or above these limits is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC CHARACTERISTICS (over recommended operating conditions) Symbol Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VIH Input HIGH voltage (TTL) 2.0 -- 5.5 V VIL Input LOW voltage (TTL) 0 -- 0.8 V IIH Input HIGH current (TTL) VIN =2.4 V -- 50 500 A IIL Input LOW current (TTL) VIN =0.5 V -- -- -500 A VOH Output HIGH voltage (TTL) IOH = -1.0 mA 2.4 -- -- V VOL Output LOW voltage (TTL) IOL = +1.0 mA -- -- 0.5 V VOUT75 TX Output differential peak-topeak voltage swing 75 to VDD - 2.0 V 1200 -- 2200 mVp-p VOUT50 TX Output differential peak-topeak voltage swing 50 to VDD - 2.0 V 1200 -- 2200 mVp-p VIN Receiver differential peak-topeak Input Sensitivity RX Internally biased to VDD/2 400 -- 3200 mVp-p IDD Supply Current Outputs open, VDD = VDD max -- 210 290 mA PD Power dissipation Outputs open, VDD = VDD max -- 700 1000 mW 12 Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y DVDD DVDD INPUT Current Limit INPUT R INPUT All Resistors R 3.3K DVSS DVSS REFCLK and TTL Inputs High Speed Differential Input (RX) A B Figure 20. 21560A-6 Input Structures Am79761 13 P R E L I M I N A R Y KEY TO SWITCHING WAVEFORMS WAVEFORM INPUTS OUTPUTS Must be Steady Will be Steady May Change from H to L Will be Changing from H to L May Change from L to H Will be Changing from L to H Don't Care, Any Change Permitted Changing, State Unknown Does Not Apply Center Line is HighImpedance "Off" State KS000010-PAL AC CHARACTERISTICS REFCLK T1 TXD[0:9] 10 Bit Data Symbol Data Valid T2 Data Valid Data Valid 21560A-7 Figure 21. Transmit Timing Waveforms Table 21. Transmit AC Characteristics Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Unit T1 Measured between the valid data TXD[0:9] Setup time to the rising level of TXD[0:9] to the 1.4 V point of edge of REFCLK REFCLK 1.5 -- ns T2 TXD[0:9] hold time after the rising edge of REFCLK 1.0 -- ns TSDR,TSDF TX rise and fall time -- 300 ps TLAT Latency from rising edge of REFCLK to TXD0 appearing on TX- 11bc - 1ns -- -- 14 20% to 80%, 75 load to VSS, Tested on a sample basis bc = Bit clocks ns = Nano second Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y AC CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) T4 T3 RCLK RCLKN T1 RXD[0:9] Data Valid T2 Data Valid Data Valid 21560A-8 Figure 22. Table 22. Symbol Receive Timing Waveform Receive AC Characteristics Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Max Unit T1 Data or COM_DET Valid prior to RCLK/RCLKN rise 3.0 -- ns T2 Data or COM_DET Valid after RCLK or RCLKN rise Measured between the 1.4 V point of RCLK or RCLKN and a valid level of RXD[0:9]. All outputs driving 10 pF load. 2.0 -- ns -500 500 ps Whether or not locked to serial data -1.0 1.0 % Between VIL(MAX) and VIH(MIN), into 10 pf load. -- 2.4 ns 15 bc + 2 ns 34 bc + 2 ns -- -- 2.0 s -- 40 ps T3 Deviation of RCLK rising edge to RCLKN rising edge delay Nominal delay is 10 bit times. from nominal. Tested on sample basis f delay = ----------- T 3 10 baud Deviation of RCLK, RCLKN frequency from nominal. T4 f REFCLK - T4 f RCLK = ------------------2 TR, TF RXD[0:9], COM_DET, RCLK, RCLKN rise and fall time Rlat Latency from RX to RXD[0:9] TLOCK Data acquisition lock time @ 1.25 Gbps 8B/10B IDLE pattern. Receive Data Jitter Power dBc, RMS for 10-12 Bit Error Ratio Tested on a sample basis Receive Data Jitter 1 -------------------------------2 x BitTime bc = Bit clock ns = Nano second Tested on a sample basis PhaseNoise 100KHz Am79761 15 P R E L I M I N A R Y REFERENCE CLOCK REQUIREMENTS TL TH Vih (min) Vil (max) REFCLK Figure 23. Table 23. Symbol REFCLK Timing Waveform Reference Clock Requirements Test Conditions Min Max Units Frequency Range Range over which both transmit and receive reference clocks on any link may be centered 123 127 MHz FO Frequency Offset Maximum frequency offset between transmit and receive reference clocks on one link -200 200 ppm DC REFCLK duty cycle Measured at 1.5 V 30 70 % TRCR,TRCF REFCLK rise and fall time Between VIL(MAX) and VIH(MIN) -- 1.0 ns FR 16 Parameter Description 21560A-9 Am79761 P R E L I M I N A R Y MEASUREMENTS Serial Input Rise and Fall Time TTL Input and Output Rise and Fall Time 80% Vih(min) 20% Vil(max) Tf Tr Tf Tr Receiver Input Eye Diagram Jitter Tolerance Task Mask Bit Time Amplitude Eye Width% Parametric Test Load Circuit Serial Output Load TTL AC Output Load 10 pF 75 Z0 = 75W VDD - 2.0 V Figure 24. 21560A-10 Parametric Measurement Information Am79761 17 P R E L I M I N A R Y MEASUREMENTS (Continued) Random Jitter Measurement BERT Pattern Generator DATA DATA CLK = 1.25 GHz DATA = 00000 0000011111 11111 125 MHz Trigger Digitizing Scope 125 MHz Am79761 RJ -K28.7 0011111000 -K28.7 0011111000 REFCLK TXD[0:9] TX+ TX- 1.25 Gbps Single-Ended Measurement Random jitter (RJ) measurements performed according to Fibre Channel 4.3 Annex A, Test Methods, Section A.4.4. Measure standard deviation of all 50% crossing points. Peak to peak RJ is 7 sigma of distribution. Deterministic Jitter Measurement BERT Pattern Generator DATA PAT SYNC CLK = 1.25 GHz DATA = 00000 0000011111 11111 125 MHz Trigger Digitizing Scope 125 MHz Am79761 DJ -K28.5 0011111010 K28.5 1100000101 REFCLK TXD[0:9] TX+ TX- 1.25 Gbps Single-Ended Measurement TRIGGER DATA 20 bit time 19 bit time 18 bit time 17 bit time 12 bit time 10 bit time 9 bit time 8 bit time 7 bit time Deterministic jitter (DJ) measurements performed according to Fibre Channel 4.3 Annex A, Test Methods, Section A.4.3. Measure time of all the 50% points of all ten transitions. DJ is the range of the timing variation from expected. 21560A-11 2 bit time Figure 25. Transmitter Jitter Measurement Method Transmitter Output Jitter Allocation Trj Serial data output random jitter (RMS) RMS, tested on a sample basis TDJ Serial data output deterministic jitter (p-p) Peak to peak, tested on a sample basis (refer to Figure 8) 18 (refer to Figure 8) Am79761 -- 20 ps -- 100 ps P R E L I M I N A R Y THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS The Am79761 is packaged in a 14-mm or a 10-mm conventional PQFP with an internal heat spreader. These packages use an industry-standard EIAJ footprint, but have been enhanced to improve thermal dissipation. The construction of the packages are as shown in Figure 26. Plastic Molding Compound Lead Copper Heat Spreader Figure 26. 21560A-12 Package Cross Section Table 24. Symbol Die Bond Wire Thermal Resistance Description 10 mm Value 14 mm Value Units jc Thermal resistance from junction to case 10.0 9.5 oC/W ca Thermal resistance from case to ambient in still air including conduction through the leads. 50.8 29 oC/W ca-100 Thermal resistance from case to ambient with 100 LFM airflow 41.2 26.1 oC/W ca-200 Thermal resistance from case to ambient with 200 LFM airflow 36.9 23.8 oC/W ca-400 Thermal resistance from case to ambient with 400 LFM airflow 31.8 20.5 oC/W ca-600 Thermal resistance from case to ambient with 600 LFM airflow 27.8 17.9 oC/W The Am79761 is designed to operate with a junction temperature up to 105oC. The user must guarantee that the temperature specification is not violated. With the Thermal Resistances shown above, the 10x10 PQFP can operate in still air ambient temperatures of 50oC, while the 14x14 PQFP can operate in still air ambient temperatures of 72oC. If the ambient air temperature exceeds these limits then some form of cooling through a heatsink or an increase in airflow must be provided. Notes: 1. 50oC=110oC-1W*(10oC/W+50.8oC/W) 2. 72oC=110oC-1W*(95oC/W+29oC/W) Am79761 19 P R E L I M I N A R Y PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS PDH064 64-Pin (measured in millimeters) Trademarks Copyright (c) 1998 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. GigaPHY is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. 20 Am79761