6EMC/EMI ProductsSchaffner Group Datasheets
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Headquarters, global
innovation and development
SwitzerlandSchaffner Group
Nordstrasse 114542 LuterbachT +41 32 681 66 26info@schaffner.comwww.schaffner.com
Sales and application centers
ChinaSchaffner EMC Ltd. Shanghai
T20-3 C, No 565 Chuangye Road,Pudong district201201 ShanghaiT +86 21 3813 9500cschina@schaffner.comwww.schaffner.com.cnFinlandSchaffner Oy
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Via Ticino, 3020900 Monza (MB)T +39 039 21 41 070italysales@schaffner.comJapanSchaffner EMC K.K.
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#05-09, Kg Ubi Ind. Estate408705 SingaporeT +65 6377 3283F +65 6377 3281singaporesales@schaffner.comSpainSchaffner EMC España
Calle Caléndula 93, Miniparc III, Edificio EEl Soto de Moraleja, Alcobendas28109 MadridT +34 917 912 900F +34 917 912 901spainsales@schaffner.comSwedenSchaffner EMC AB
Tegeluddsvägen 76, 2tr115 28 StockholmT +46 8 5050 2425swedensales@schaffner.comwww.schaffner.comSwitzerlandSchaffner EMV AG
Nordstrasse 114542 LuterbachT +41 32 681 66 26switzerlandsales@schaffner.comTaiwan R.O.C.Schaffner EMV Ltd.
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5 Ashville Way, Molly Millars LaneWokinghamRG41 2PL BerkshireT +44 118 9770070F +44 118 9792969uksales@schaffner.comUSASchaffner EMC Inc.
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6722 Thirlane Road24019 Roanoke, VirginiaT +1 276 228 7943F +1 276 228 7953Schaffner North America
823 Fairview Road24382 Wytheville, VirginiaT +1 276 228 7943F +1 276 228 7258