We’ve Got The Power.™
Features Operating Characteristics
Model Nominal
Output Voltage
Current (mA) Type
Dimensions: in. (mm) Weight
lbs. (kg)
Length Width Height
PSC-6250F 6 6.83 / NA 400 Fixed volt oat 2.20 (56) 1.96 (50) 1.88 (48) 0.50 (0.23)
PSC-6250A 6 6.75 / 7.35 400 Dual Rate 2.20 (56) 1.96 (50) 1.88 (48) 0.50 (0.23)
PSC-6300A 6 6.84 / 7.35 300 Dual Rate 2.75 (69) 2.75 (70) 3.75 (95) 1.36 (0.62)
PSC-61000A 6 6.84 / 7.35 1000 Dual Rate 2.75 (70) 2.75 (70) 3.75 (95) 1.36 (0.62)
PSC-12800A 12 13.68 / 14.70 800 Dual Rate 2.75 (69) 2.75 (70) 3.75 (95) 1.36 (0.62)
PSC-122000A 12 13.50 / 14.70 2000 Dual Rate 5.55 (141) 3.60 (91) 2.89 (73) 3.80 (1.73)
PSC-124000A 12 13.50 / 14.70 4000 Dual Rate 6.65 (169) 5.30 (135) 3.40 (86) 7.40 (3.36)
PSC-124000AP 12 13.50 / 14.70 2,500/2,200 Charger/Pwr. Supply 6.65 (169) 5.30 (135) 3.40 (86) 7.40 (3.36)
Electronically regulated - current limited chargers for
sealed lead-acid type batteries.
Wall mount plug-in design for 250, 300, 500, 800 series
and 61000A; counter top design for 241000A, 2000, 4000
and 10A series.
Operating temperature range: 32ºF - 104ºF (0ºC - 40ºC).
Input voltage: 110/120 VAC, 60Hz. 122000A and 241000A
can be switched to accept 220/230 VAC, 50Hz.
LED’s: For 250A & 500A series: “POWER ON” and
“CHARGING MODE” (ON=high-rate charging, OFF=oat
charging). For 300, 800, 1000, & 10A series: “FLOAT” and
“FAST CHARGE” indicators. For 2000A, 241000A and 4000
series: single tri-color indicator.
Hi-impact resistant thermo-plastic housing for 250,
300, 500, and 800 series; metal housing for 1000, 2000,
4000, and 10A series.
Screw-type terminals for 250 & 500 series, I/O cord with
battery connectors for 300, 800, 1000, 2000, 4000 and
10A series chargers.
“A” Series: Automatic dual rate chargers sense battery
requirements and automatically switch from the fast charge
to oat mode, or vice versa. LED’s provide visual indication
of the charging mode. Automatic chargers combine the
advantages of oat and cycle chargers; recharge time is
short yet batteries are safe from being overcharged. This
charger is ideal for cyclic applications where recharge time
is critical and the battery may be left on charge indenitely.
As a result charging is fool-proof.
“F” Series: Float chargers are designed to provide optimum
life for batteries used in standby applications where
charging is continuous. The chargers deliver a constant
voltage of 2.25 to 2.30 volts per cell which allow the battery
to seek its own current level and maintain itself in a fully
charged condition. This series is best suited for burglar
and re alarm equipment, emergency lighting, memory
protection, or UPS systems where the battery serves as
back-up power to the AC source.
A&F Series Transformer Type Battery Chargers