Datasheet Revision 3.0 04-Nov-2016
CFR0011-120-01 11 of 150 © 2014 Dialog Semiconductor
Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 SoC with Flash Memory FINAL
The DA14583 is optimized for deeply embedded appli-
cations such as health monitoring, sports measuring,
human interaction devices etc. Customers are able to
develop and test their own applications. Upon comple-
tion of the development, the application code can be
programmed into the Flash memory. In general, the
system has three functional modes of operation:
A. Development Mode: During this phase application
code is developed using the ARM Cortex-M0 SW envi-
ronment. The compiled code is then downloaded into
the System RAM or any Retention RAMs by means of
SWD (JTAG) or any serial interface (e.g. UART).
Address 0x00 is remapped to the physical memory that
contains the code and the CPU is configured to reset
and execute code from the remapped device. This
mode is enabling application development, debugging
and on-the-fly testing.
B. Normal Mode: When the application is ready and
has been verified, the code can be burned into the
embedded Flash memory. When the system boots/
wakes up, the DMA of the OTP controller will automati-
cally copy the secondary boot loader from OTP to sys-
tem RAM. This boot loader then copies the content of
the Flash memory into system RAM. Next, a software
reset or a jump to the system RAM occurs and execu-
tion of the application code is started. Hence, in this
mode the system is autonomous, contains the required
software in the Flash memory and is ready for integra-
tion into the final product.
C. Calibration Mode: Between Development and Nor-
mal mode, there is an intermediate stage where the
chip needs to be calibrated with respect to two impor-
tant features:
• Programming of the Bluetooth device address
• Programming of the trimming value for the external
16 MHz crystal.
This mode of operation applies to the final product and
is performed by the customer. During this phase, cer-
tain fields in the OTP should be programmed
The DA14583 supports three different power modes:
•Active mode: System is active and operates at full
•Sleep mode: No power gating has been pro-
grammed, the ARM CPU is idle, waiting for an inter-
rupt. PD_SYS is on. PD_PER and PED_RAD
depending on the programmed enabled value.
•Extended Sleep mode: All power domains are off
except for the PD_AON, the programmed PD_RRx
and the PD_SR. Since the SysRAM retains its data,
no OTP/Flash mirroring is required upon waking up
the system.
4.6.1 UARTs
The UART is compliant to the industry-standard 16550
and is used for serial communication with a peripheral,
modem (data carrier equipment, DCE) or data set.
Data is written from a master (CPU) over the APB bus
to the UART and it is converted to serial form and
transmitted to the destination device. Serial data is also
received by the UART and stored for the master (CPU)
to read back.
There is no DMA support on the UART block since its
contains internal FIFOs. Both UARTs support hardware
flow control signals (RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR).
• 16 bytes Transmit and receive FIFOs
• Hardware flow control support (CTS/RTS)
• Shadow registers to reduce software overhead and
also include a software programmable reset
• Transmitter Holding Register Empty (THRE) inter-
rupt mode
• IrDA 1.0 SIR mode supporting low power mode.
• Functionality based on the 16550 industry standard:
• Programmable character properties, such as num-
ber of data bits per character (5-8), optional
• parity bit (with odd or even select) and number of
stop bits (1, 1.5 or 2)
• Line break generation and detection
• Prioritized interrupt identification
• Programmable serial data baud rate as calculated
by the following: baud rate = (serial clock frequency)/
4.6.2 SPI+
This interface supports a subset of the Serial Periph-
eral Interface SPITM. The serial interface can transmit
and receive 8, 16 or 32 bits in master/slave mode and
transmit 9 bits in master mode. The SPI + interface has
enhanced functionality with bidirectional 2x16-bit word
SPI™ is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
• Slave and Master mode
• 8 bit, 9 bit, 16 bit or 32 bit operation
• Clock speeds upto 16 MHz for the SPI controller.
Programmable output frequencies of SPI source
clock divided by 1, 2, 4, 8
• SPI clock line speed up to 8 MHz
• SPI mode 0, 1, 2, 3 support (clock edge and phase)