Wide Input Voltage, Fault Tolerant, Independently Controlled
Multi-Channel LED Driver with I2C Interface
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
955 Perimeter Road
Manchester, NH 03103-3353 U.S.A.
The A8522 is an I2C programmable, multi-channel LED driver
for automotive lighting applications. It incorporates a current-
mode boost controller with internal DMOS boost switch, and
8 integrated current sinks to regulate currents through up to
8 LED strings. Each LED string can be independently enabled or
disabled, with its own LED current and PWM duty cycle pro-
grammed through I2C registers.
Enabling the IC
The IC turns on when a logic high signal, VEN(H) , is applied
on the EN pin, and the input voltage present on the VIN pin is
greater than the UVLO threshold, VINUV(ON) . The EN pin is
rated for 40 V, so it can be tied directly to VIN for certain appli-
cations (see Application Information section). In addition, if the
FSET/SYNC pin is pulled low, the IC does not power up.
The A8522 performs a detailed startup sequence, flow chart and
timing diagram are shown in figures 4a to 4c. Before the LEDs
are enabled, the device goes through a system check to determine
if there are any possible fault conditions that might prevent the
system from functioning correctly. Once the LEDs pass the “LED
short during start up” test the FLAG pin will be pulled low for a
short period of time. If no subsequent faults are detected during
this startup sequence, the IC pulls down the GPO2 pin to signal
to the system controller that the A8522 is ready to receive I2C
The system controller programs the A8522 internal registers
through I2C Write commands, in order to configure individual
LED strings before they can be turned on. On initial startup I2C
should first send a clear command to bit 2 of register bank num-
ber 56, this ensures that an erroneous fault does not prevent the
LEDs turning on. This command is only required on power up
and/or enable (via EN pin) of the A8522. I2C can now communi-
cate regularly with the A8522. Ensure I2C only enables populated
LED’s. If I2C tries to enable unpopulated LED strings an illegal
action is declared and no LEDs will turn on.
In the event of a genuine fault during start up, the FLAG pin is
pulled low, and the system controller can issue I2C Read com-
mands to investigate the status of fault registers. In this instance
I2C should not clear bit 2 of register bank number 56.
The device enters into shutdown mode when the EN pin is pulled
low, VEN(L) .
Frequency Selection and Synchronization
The internally-generated switching frequency of the boost
converter, fSW , is set by the resistor RFSET , connected from the
FSET/SYNC pin to GND. The frequency can be set in the range
from 400 kHz to 2.3 MHz. The switching frequency is deter-
mined according to the following equation:
fSW (MHz) = 19.9 / RFSET (kΩ) + 0.01 (1)
Figure 1 illustrates how fSW varies with RFSET.
Alternatively, the switching frequency can also be synchronized
using an external clock signal on the FSET/SYNC pin. The exter-
nal clock should be a logic signal between 400 kHz and 2.3 MHz.
When an external clock is applied, the RFSET resistor is ignored.
If the A8522 is started up with a valid external SYNC signal, but
the SYNC signal is lost during normal operation, then one of the
following happens:
1. If the external SYNC signal becomes high impedance (open),
detected, before it resumes normal operation at the switching
2. If the external SYNC signal gets stuck low (shorted to
ground), the A8522 will still attempt to operate at switching
frequency set by RFSET. However, since RFSET is shorted
to GND by the external SYNC signal, it will trip the FSET to
GND short fault and shut down the output. The Fault Flag is
pulled low in this case.
Figure 1: Switching Frequency versus Value of the
RFSET Resistor
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Switching Frequency, fSW (MHz)