TABLE 14: NPN HIGH FREQUENCY The devices shown in this table are designed for high frequency operation in such application areas as amplification, switching and oscillation. Max. Max. RF Po or Max. Vcetsat) Min. f+ Noise figure Cobo RF Pg at Max. at at at at 1MHz| mW Type |Vceqg| Ic le Ip le N lc f Ves or f Vo|mA] V | mA] mA] MHz | mA} dB] vA |MHz! pF} V dB MHz NPN ZTX327!| 30 [400] 1.0/100] 20 | 800*) 25 | _ | 3.0} 30 |350mW | 400 ZTX320| 15 |500/0.4/ 10 ]1.0; 600 |} 4 | <6 1 60 | 1.7) 10] 15dB | 200 ZTX321| 15 |500/0.4/3.0/0.3] 600 | 4 | <6 1 60 | 1.7} 10] 15dB | 200 ZTX322| 15 |500/0.4/ 10 ]1.0}] 600} 4 | <6 1 60 ;1.7/ 10] 15dB | 200 ZTX323| 15 |500!10.4] 1011.0] 600 | 4 | <6 1 60 |} 1.7/ 10] 15dB | 200 2ZTX325/ 15 | 50 | | | |1000] 2 5 | 2000] 500/ 1.5 | 10 |175mW | 500 * Typical. TABLE 15: NPN AVALANCHE TRANSISTOR Specifically designed to operate in the avalanche mode. Suitable for pulsing laser diodes and other applications requiring very fast edges. hee Peakt Prot Iog* fy Type Vero | Veo at | Collector Current t a 5C at at le lon amb Ve Ic Vv Vv Min | mA A mw A Vo | MHz | mA ZTX415 | 260 | 100 | 25 | 10 60 680 25 | 250] 40 | 10 *Current in second breakdown. t+tMaximum pulse width 20n sec.