© Freescale Semiconductor , Inc., 2004. All ri ghts reserved.
Freescale Semicondu ctor
Quick Start Guide Rev. 0.0, 08/25/2004
DEMO908GZ60 Quick Start Guide
Introduction and Default Settings
This kit contains everything you need to get started minus the +9 VDC power supply. This guide will walk
you tho ugh ho w to co nnect th e boar d to y our PC , run the pre-p rogrammed LED t es t , ins t all t he correct
version of C odeWarri or Development St udio, and loa d an ATD (Ana log to Di gital) te s t pr ogram. Sour ce
code for DEMO908GZ60_LED (LED test) and DEMO908GZ60_ATD (ATD test) are provided on the
Axio m C D in the “E x am ple s” fo lder.
Below are diagrams of t he defau l t se ttings f or t he DEM O90 8GZ60 demo boa rd. Please ref er to the
DEMO9 08GZ60 Us er’s Guid e on the Ax iom C D fo r inf ormat ion on ot her conf igura t ions. A ll diagra m s in
this gu ide are ori ented with the MON08 header in t he bottom right -hand corner. Bla ck blocks ind icate the
“on” or “ins t alled” pos it ion of jumpers. P lease c heck the settings before cont inuin g.
Figure 1. DEMO908GZ60 Default Settings
DEMO908GZ60 Quick Start Guide, Rev. 0.0
2 Freescale Semiconductor
Introduction and Default Settings
Connect the DEMO908GZ60 to your computer and apply power
1. Con nect the 9-pin se rial cable pro v ided to th e C OM1 port of the DEM O board. C onnect th e ot her
end t o a CO M port on y our host PC .
2. The r e are tw o w ay s t o apply power to the demo board : via th e power term inal blo c k or the J 1
MCU_PORT. Re fer to the DEMO908GZ60 Use rs Guide about using the MCU_PORT. Otherwise,
con nec t t he +9 V D C su pply int o t he scre w -t y pe term inal blo c k . P lease review t he diag ram above
for wire placement. Apply power to the power and turn on the power switch. The +5V LED should
turn on. If the LED is not on, please check the PWR_SEL jumpers, PWR switch, and the placement
of the +9 VDC pow er supply w ires.
Please Note: +9 VDC supply must be used for pro per MON08 moni tor operation .
Run the DEM O908GZ60_LED program
Th e DEMO90 8GZ6 0 is ship ped with the DEMO908GZ60_LED stored in on-c hip Fl ash me mory. You may
view the source code for this program by accessi ng t he DEMO908GZ60_LED.zip file on the Axiom CD
(located in the examples folder).
1. Press SW 1 and LED1 will turn on . Relea se SW1 and LE D1 sho uld turn of f .
2. Press SW 2 and LED2 will turn on . Relea se SW2 and LE D2 sho uld turn of f .
Install CodeWarrior Development Studio Version 3.1 for HC(S)08
If you do not have version 3.1 of CodeWarrior for HC(S)08 Special Edition installed on your computer,
please refer to the provided CodeWarrior Development Studio for M otorola CD for HC(S)08 Special
Edition Ver s ion 3. 1 an d t he included CodeWar rior Qui c k Start. Important: You must reg ister an d obt ain
a lice ns e k ey t o us e CodeWarrio r. You mus t als o obtain ano t her spec ial ed it ion licens e key , which w ill
allow you to e xper ience all the fe at ures of th e C odeWarr ior deb ugger (se e insta ll, regist er, and license
key instructions in the CodeWarrior Quick Start).
Use the MON08 Monitor to install DEMO908GZ60_ATD program
The MON08 Monitor allows a user to program the MCU Flash and debug application via serial connection.
1. On t he A xiom CD ( examples f older), co py an d open the DEMO908GZ60_ATD.zip file to your PC,
and ex t ract the files int o a working fo lder on your des ktop. Note: Be sure to extract, an d not just
copy, the files.
2. If you have not already done so, connect serial cable and apply power to the board.
3. In the working folder on the desktop, double click on the DEMO908GZ60.mcp project file. The
Cod eW arrio r I D E w ill laun c h.
4. Open DEMO908GZ60_ATD.c i n t he s ource folder by doubl e c lic king on
5. Pleas e change the jumpers o n t he boa rd t o ensure pro per com m unication betw een the PC and
DEM O9 08GZ60 bo ard.
DEMO908GZ60 Quick Start Guide, Rev. 0.0
Freescale Semiconductor 3
Figure 2. MON08 Debug Se tting for Serial Connection
6. Click on Debug under Project in the menu bar or hit F5. The True-Time Simulator & Real-Time
Debugger interface window will appear. Please follow the instructions on the screen to complete
the Flas h progr am m ing p roc ess.
7. If the Attempting to contact target and pass security…” wi ndow ap pear s , pleas e mak e s ure th e
follo w ing options are configured corre ctly :
Target Hardware Type: Class 3
Serial Port: 1 (De pends on the PC CO M Port)
Baud: 7200 Baud
Targe t MCU Securi ty bytes: Check the IGNORE security failure and enter monitor mode
8. Click the C ontac t ta rget w ith th es e settings…” button an d f ollow th e instru c t ions on t he s c reen .
When the Era s e and P rogram Flas h? window appe ars , c lic k th e Yes button.
9. To cycle the power, you should use the PWR switch near the power terminal block (TB 1). Click
OK in the Power Cycle Dialog window. Please follow the remaining instructions on the screen
to complete the Flash programming process.
10. The CPROG08SZ Programmer window should close after the MCU Flash is programmed. You
ar e now rea dy to run th e DEMO908GZ60_ATD code. Cli ck on t he gree n arrow in the tool bar at t he
top o f the scre en to run the progra m . Once y ou c lic k this bu tton, a message in th e command
window (bottom right-hand side) should say RUNNING.
11. T urn the R V1 dia l (s ome t im es referred as a pot) and acc ordin g t o t he posit ion of th e R V1 LE D 1
thro ugh LE D 8 w ill be turned on and o ff.
Code will not run after rese t
Make sure the MON_EN an d VTST_EN jumpers are removed and press reset again.
Reinstall the jumpers to the default position. Refer to figure 1.
Unable to program the part using MON08 Monitor
Make sure the jumpers are in the debug position. Refer to fig ure 2.
Make sure the COM port matches the serial po rt in Attempting to co nt ac t t arget and pa ss
security…” window.
Make sure t he supply vo lt age conne cted to th e t erminal po w er bloc k is +9 VD C .
Rev. 0.0, 08/25/2004
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