ETREES _ TALF-02052 Issue NO. % #f HF 2002444 F 2448 Date of Issue : April 24, 2002 % TF KF BL EE eH Classification: i New 1 change CJ Renewal DIGI-KEY WA fT tk & PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR INFORMATION fy & PR -T3 . Product Description _* Line Filter & on & . Product Part Number ~ ELF 18D2 O O O F mom & . Matsushita Part Number ELF1 8D2 U 0 O 3 AES) Applications Lae Om ICRU Cid, Sate A EC CMB ERY For other applications,contact our person signed below. 36 88 JAPAN / CHINA / SINGAPORE / INDONESIA Manufactured by AtREOSADHE , WAP 2007%4A238 ECHMELET. Term of Validity . April 23,2007 from the date of issue SABRC (HABA CUSTOMER USE ONLY COBMSHEPKSALELES This was certainly received by us. \ rate 5 m Ay tis Fee a i re & tt HB, Prepared by Ti ve _ NN a ~ AATILARS TY YIEVRAIIVb {2 Fe RAP SE ab to ot S Ft Matsushita Electronic Components Co.,Ltd. Tajima Matsushita Electric ay . Tel (0796 )52-3181 LCR Device Company ; Fax (0796 )52-5706 Inductive Products Strategic Business Unit gE fe El fp 4s F 668-0298 FRR HVE BRIT Se He He Approved Checked Designed 1,Tadachi, Izushi, Hyogo, 668-0298 Japan eGR) (0796) 52-3181 Tel (0796) 52-3181(Representative) , be 5 ye ZO bes Soir ft4. CORmMORAM AIL. FWA NBRRURESOMAILAT SKE [BEL TA CHIEF MRELTHRENTHOEHHATT. All the materials used in this product are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substances. AR GIS, EVbUA IL BES CHA SH CHSAVY BED A(ODC) SH ELERUBARR HAC-UMHALCTHELA. This product has not been manufactured with any ozone depleting chemical controlled under the Montreal Protocol. COMAINWSRLT SE COMIC, SRA EHAMSEl PBBOs, PBBsIZFSALTHYVERA, All the materials used in this product contain no brominated materials of PBBOs or PBBs as the flame-retardant. MALES Ol nA IS OLY T ASS. IK, PLUORLRUBERORSESA BHEMCLET, FOR, BRS HRB. BTMLELA, "The Term of Validity of Product Specifications for Information Unless otherwise requested ( including from customer), the term of validity shall be renewed automatically. Then , informations and specifications shall be not issued.S PECIFICATIONS CRO) Name 151-ELF18D210 LINE FILTER Customer s No Matsushita Code Withstanding Voltage Moisture Life Heat Life Thermal Shock Cold Resistancs Heat Resistance Moisture Resistance ELF18D2000 ELF18D2000 1 - 2 APPEARANCE & DIMENSIONS ( Unit: mm ) MOUNTING DETAILS APPLICABLE SAFTY STANDERD (Reference ) 4-91.e2t0.1 + E.A.M.S Law of Japan (DENKI YOHIN) /ftotniin) Kr, J oO + UL 1270, 1409, 1410, 1492, a x 3 1950, 6500 [Marking _| g S - TEC 60065, 60950 = = | al 1302005 S CSA 022.2 Nal, Na950 | U I" | LJ a Q o CONNECTIONS INSULATION DISTANCE in lo a 1 (4) + Bobbin Thickness 0.8mm min. 0 0 3 7 e H <> Base Thickness 0.7mm min. 1 Heo fe Wee + Space & Creepage Distance Cha " GB) Between Coil & Coil 3.2mm min. S| Between Coil & Core 2.0mm min. 13,020,5 Qa, _goe+01 Wire type: Wire size:Refer to each SPEC 20,01.0 ( 151-ELF18D210 ( 2-2) ) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temperature Range : -20 to 105 ( Including Self-Temperature-Rise )} Inductance ( L1 & L2 ) : Refer to each Specifications ( 151-ELF18D210 ( 2-2 ) ) Ll & L2 Difference (|L1-L2|) : Refer to each Specifications ( 151-ELF18D210 ( 2-2 ) } DC Resistance ( RDC ) : Refer to each Specifications ( 151-ELF18D210 ( 2-2 ) ) Rated Current ( Ir ) : Refer to each Specifications ( 151-ELF18D210 ( 2-2 ) ) Rated Voltage : 250 V[ rms J] max. ( 50Hz, 60Hz ) Temperature-Rise : 45K max. ( Passing Ir for 3+1h ) / Insulation Resistance ( IR ) : 100MOQ nin. ( at DC5OOV between Coil & Coil and Coil & Core. ) Shall withstand AC2000V for 1 minute applied between Coil & Coil and Coil & Core. (For manufacture line , apply 120% of specified Voltage for 2 seconds instead of above conditions) : Appearance,Structure and Withstanding Voltage shall not be remarkably damagedafter stored for 500+6 hours of exposure to 90 to 95% RH at 602C with AC250V loaded between Coil and Coil and left for 1 hour in room conditions. : Appearance,Structure and Withstanding Voltage shal] not be remarkably damaged after stored for 500+6 hours at 852C with AC250V loaded between Coil and Coil and left for 1 hour in room conditions. : Appearance, Structure and Withstanding Voltage shal] not be remarkably damaged after 5 cycles of storage at -2543 for 30 minutes and 85+2C for 30 minutes left for 1 hour in room conditions. : Appearance, Structure and Withstanding Voltage shall not be remarkably damaged after stored. for 96+4 hours at -25+3C and left for 1 hour in room conditions. : Change of inductance shall be within 415% and Appearance,Structure and Withstanding Voltage shall not be remarkably damaged after stored for 9644 hours at 85+2C and left for 1 hour in room conditions. : Change of inductance shall be within +15% and Appearance,Structure and Withstanding Voltage shall not be remarkably damaged after stored for 96+4 hours exposure to 90 to 95% RH at 60+2C and left for 1 hour in room conditions. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vibration Resistance Terminal Strength Solderabi lity Solder Heat Resistance : : Appearance and Structure shall have no abnormality after vibration at the frequency varying uniformly between the approximate limits of 10 and 55 Hz and the amplitude of 1.5 mm for 2 hours in each of 3 mutually perpendicular directions. : The terminal shall not be remarkably damaged by pulling and pushing of 10N {about 1.02kef} for 30+5 seconds in the axis directions. : Solder shall be attached uniformaly around the dipped portion after dipping into solder at 230+5C for 20.5 seconds. The electrical and mechanical characteristics shall not be deteriorated after dipping into solder at 270+5C for 540.5 seconds up to 1.0 to 1.5 mm from attachment surface. MARKING Product : Customers Code ( Refer to each SPEC ) ,Date Code of manufacture and Trade Mark ( (4) Mark ) shall be indicated. Packing : Part Name , Product Code , Quantity and Specified Item shal] be indicated. Z\ CAUTION The dropped product shall not be used. Do not input DC-bias to the product. There is a risk of safety trouble due to a smoking or deformation if this product is used under the abnormal condition : at 2 times of rated current in 2 minutes. Apr.24.2002 No. Date Revisions Checked | Designed serve Checked Designed Cpe" Z, Ghee F dui 2 MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CO.,LTD.SPECIFICATIONS (R 0) L5i-ELF1i8pD210 Name LINE FILTER Customer s No Matsushita Code ELF18D20O00 ELF18D2000 2 - 2 *K H Series #200 Type Li&L2 L1&L2 DCR Resistance | Rated Reference Customer s Matsushita Difference Q Current Wire size | Turns No. Code Marking | mH min. HH max. (Tolerance+20%)| Arms] Remarks f=1kHz [ | am Vose(rms)=0.1V ( at 20C ) 60Hz _ 2UEW ELF18D218 ELF18D218 ELF218 22.0 600 1.564 0.40 0.23 116 ELF18D210 ELF18D210 ELF210 18.0 550 1.217 0.50 0.25 102 ELF18D215 ELF18)215 ELF215 15.0 550 1.091 0.50 0.25 96 ELF18D214 ELFi8D214 ELF214 8.2 500 0.574 0.70 0.30 72 ELP1i8D225 ELF18D225 ELF225 6.8 300 0.519 0.80 0.30 66 ELP18D216 ELF18D216 ELF216 3.9 200 0.294 1.00 0.35 50 ELP18D213 ELF18D213 ELF2Z13 3.3 200 0.266 1.00 0.35 46 ELF18D219 | ELF18D219 ELF219 2.7 150 0.197 1.30 0.40 42 ELF18D217 ELF18D217 ELF217 1.5 100 0.119 1.60 0.46 32 ELF18D222F ELF 18D222F ELF222F 68.0 700 4.024 0.25 0.18 186 ELF18D235F ELF18D235F ELF235F 47.0 600 2.768 0.30 0.20 154 ELFisD221F ELF18D221F ELF221F 33.0 500 1.790 0.40 0.23 128 ELF18D227F ELF18D227F ELF227F 4.7 200 0.294 1.00 0.35 50 ELFi8D228F ELF18D228F ELF 228F 2.2 100 0.153 1.50 0.40 34 ELFi8D230F ELF18D230F ELF230F 1.2 100 0.082 2.00 0.50 26 ELF18D212F ELFi8D212F ELF212F 1.0 100 0.067 2.10 0.50 22 Apr.24.2002 No, Date Revisions Checked [Designed| Approved. Checked Designed Cpe | 7 ae Phen, MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CO.,LTD. &Classification No. SPECIFICATION (MATERIAL) 151-ELF18D20M Subject LINE FILTER ee 1 oft STRUCTURE 5 1 3 MATERIAL LIST ITEM | PART NAME MATERIALS MANUFACTURE Polypropylene Resin i | Bobbin ( 2527 y-0 50955) CHISSO CORP. Phenolic Resin ( PM-8315 y-0 41429. ) SUMITOMO BAKELITE CO.,LTD. 2 | Base ( PM-9820 y-0 41429 ) SUMITOMO BAKELITE CO.,LTD. ( CY-9610 V-0 | 41404 ) MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC WORKS LTD. ( F5800F y-0 E46770_) FUDOW CO.,LTD. 3 | Core Ferrite OPTIONAL DAIICHI DENKO CO.,LTD. RIKEN ELECTRIC WIRE CO.,LTD. TOTOKU ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. 4 | Wire Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire | JUNGSHING WIRE CO.,LTD. SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES LTD. CHANGZHOU ZHONGSHAN WIRE&CABLE CO.,LTD. HITACHI CABLE LTD. etc. 5 | Terminal NLT Plating Copper-Ply-Wire KYOWA ELECTRIC WIRE CO.,LTD. INSULATION DISTANCE ITEM DIMENSIONS Bobbin Thickness 0.8 mm min. Base Barrier Thickness 0.7 mm min. Space or Creepage Distance Between Coil and Core 2.0 mm min. Between Coil and Coil 3.2 mm min. WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE ITEM WITHSTAND VOLTAGE Between Coil and Core AC 2kV_ min. Between Coil and Coil for 1 minute. Approved Checked Desi MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CO.,LTD. Sy Le fp LOPES) a, ae AZ1: ft ( 1~10 ) BOERS, ( Spec.) mR ERE (RABE) ees (Mo) SPECIFICATION ( Attached ) 151-LF-108 i % ( Name ) FAV IANA BERRA LINE FILTER INDICATION METHOD OF DATE CODE 1. Schksn ( Products ) - ROMS ( Manufacture ) HABA ( HRA : AREER ++ H WS ( Overseas ) Domestic ( HASHIMOTO ELECTRIC )+++--+> H YY AR)V ( Singapore ) / SINCOM--++-++> G 4EAYY ( Indonesia ) / SINCOM-BT---> Q FA ER] ( China ) / WWS te eeeees W fl: ( Ex. ) 1 1 H G or Q or W 1 1 i, s s "01 1A Ris he Ye SEAT 01 1A (01) (January) (Manufacture) (overseas division) (01) (January) - ERS ( Date Marking ) Got te fg fc ats |e lt dl 8 | 8 | to lo | oe (year) 700 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 00 ON OD Ol 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 1N iD 2. eA ( Packing Case_) AABIA ( HRAt: BARB )----- H wa, ( Overseas ) Domestic ( HASHIMOTO ELECTRIC )-----+> H YYAMR)V ( Singapore ) / SINCOM----+-- G 4 EAYY ( Indonesia ) / SINCOM-BT---- Q Ey ( China ) / WWS coeeeeee WwW . 7 CC) Co cr) EL 4 - a moe we cae ar) oven) (Period) (Manufacture) (Manufacture) (Year) oben OP eciot) fil: ( Ex. ) 1 1 1 H GorQorW 1 J 1 S 8 F , ff 4 "01 1p Ok ERS Sees Ol 1p OE (01) (January)(Period) (Manufacture) (Manufacture). (01) (January) (Period) 3: F@ ( 21~H ) 1: (1i~10 ) ~20 ) 3: (21~END ) imi - UT ( Remarks - Revision ) me >? he El fae 01 5A 11 ; tale {OLE 5A A KK GF RRARAH bo, oa ee i an ii O14E 5A 11H ( Matsushita Electronic Components Co.,Ltd. ) a / ay