The MAX1114 has true differential analog and digital
data paths from the preamplifiers to the output buffers
(Current-Mode Logic) for reducing potential missing
codes while rejecting common-mode noise.
Careful layout of the analog circuitry reduces signature
errors. Every comparator has a clock buffer to reduce
differential delays and to improve signal-to-noise ratio.
The output drive capability of the device can provide
full ECL swings into 50Ωloads.
___________Typical Interface Circuit
Figure 1 shows the typical interface circuit. The
MAX1114 is relatively easy to apply, depending on the
accuracy needed. Wire-wrap may be employed with
careful point-to-point ground connections if desired, but
a double-sided PC board with a ground plane on the
component side, separated into digital and analog sec-
tions gives the best performance. The converter is
bonded-out to place the digital pins on the left side of
the package and the analog pins on the right side.
Additionally, an RF bead connection through a single
point from the analog to digital ground planes reduces
ground noise pickup.
Figure 2 (CERQUAD package only) shows the most
elaborate method of achieving the least error by cor-
recting for integral nonlinearity, input-induced distor-
tion, and power-supply/ground noise. It uses external
reference ladder tap connections, an input buffer, and
supply decoupling. The function of each pin and exter-
nal connections to other components is as follows:
VEE is the supply pin with AGND as ground for the
device. The power-supply pins should be bypassed as
close to the device as possible with at least a 0.01µF
ceramic capacitor. A 1µF tantalum should also be used
for low-frequency suppression. DGND is the ground for
the ECL outputs and should be referenced to the output
pulldown voltage and bypassed as shown in Figure 1.
Analog Input VIN
There are two analog input pins that are tied to the
same point internally. Either one may be used as an
analog input sense and the other for input force. This is
convenient for testing the source signal to see if there is
sufficient drive capability. The pins can also be tied
together and driven by the same source. The MAX1114
is superior to similar devices due to a preamplifier
stage before the comparators (Figure 4). This makes
the device easier to drive because it has constant
capacitance and induces less slew-rate distortion. An
optional input buffer may be used.
Clock Inputs CLK,
The clock inputs are designed to be driven differentially
with ECL levels. The clock may be driven single-ended
since CLK is internally biased to -1.3V (Figure 5). CLK
may be left open but a 0.01µF bypass capacitor from
CLK to AGND is recommended. NOTE: System perfor-
mance may be degraded due to increased clock noise
or jitter.
Output Logic Control MINV, LINV
These are ECL-compatible digital controls for changing
the output code from straight binary to two's comple-
ment, etc. (Table 1 and Figure 4). Both MINV and LINV
are in the logic low (0) state when they are left open.
The high state can be obtained by tying to AGND
through a diode or 3.9kΩresistor.
Digital Outputs D0 to D7
The digital outputs can drive ECL levels into 50Ωwhen
pulled down to -2V. When pulled down to -5.2V, the out-
puts can drive 150Ωto 1kΩloads.
Reference Inputs VRBF, VR2, VRTF
There are two reference inputs and one external refer-
ence voltage tap. These are -2V (VRBF), mid-tap (VR2)
and AGND (VRTF). The reference pins can be driven as
shown in Figure 1. VR2 should be bypassed to AGND
for further noise suppression.
8-Bit, 150Msps Flash ADC
6 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Table 1. Output Coding
0V 111...11 100...00 011...11 000...00
111...10 100...01 011...10 000...01.
. 011...11 000...00 111...11 100...00
-2V 000...00 011...11 100...00 111...11
000...01 011...10 100...01 111...10.
. 100...00 111...11 000...00 011...11
1: V
0: V