Electrical Characteristics at 3.3V
Operating VDD = +3.3V to +3.7V; TA =0°C to 70°C unless otherwise stated
Note 1: Parameter is guaranteed by design and characterization. Not 100% tested in production.
Note 2: With the STOPCLK pin low (active).
Note 3: Absolute Jitter measured as the shortest and longest period difference to the mean period of the sample set.
DC Characteristics
Input Low Voltage VIL - - 0.2 VDD V
Input High Voltage VIH 0.7 VDD --V
Input Low Current IIL VIN=0V -7.0 -2.5 µA
Input High Current IIH VIN=VDD -2.0 - 2.0 µA
Pull-up Resistor, Note 1 Rpu VIN=VDD-1V - 600 900 k ohms
Output Low Current, Note 1 IOL VOUT=0.2V 15 24 - mA
Output High Current, Note 1 IOH VOUT=0.7V - -13 -8 mA
Output Low Voltage, Note 1 VOL IOL=60mA - 0.05 V DD 0.1 V DD V
Output High Voltage, Note 1 VOH IOH=-4.0mA 6.85 V DD 0.94 V DD -V
Supply Current IDD No load, at 50 MHz - 13 25 mA
Output Frequency Change over
Supply and Temperature, Note 1 FdWith respect to typical
frequency - 0.002 0.05 %
Standby Supply Current, Note 2 IDDSTDBY No load - 8 15 mA
AC Characteristics
Output Frequency, Note 1 foClock1 12.0 - 100 MHz
Input Frequency, Note 1 fi2.0 32 38 kHz
Rise time, Note 1 tr15pF load, 20% to 80% VDD - 2.2 3.5 ns
Fall time, Note 1 tf15pF load, 80% to 20% VDD - 1.2 2.5 ns
Duty cycle, Note 1 dt15pF load @50% V DD 43 - 53 %
Jitter, 1 sigma , Note 1 Tjis 10,000 samples - 50 150 ps
Jitter, Absolute, Note 1, 3 Tjabs 10,000 samples -250 250 ps
Jitter, 1 sigma from 16-25 MHz Tjis 10,000 samples - 60 150 ps
Jitter, Absolute from 16-25 MHz Tjabs 10,000 samples -600 - 600 ps
Jitter, 1 sigma from 14 to below Tjis 10,000 samples - 1 3 %
Jitter, Absolute from 14 to below Tjabs 10,000 samples - 2 5 %
Frequency Transition time, Note 1 tft 6.7 14.0 ms
Power-up time, Note 1 tpu - 8.55 17.0 ms