8/17/12 1059691-1 Product Detai ls - TE T E C onnec tivity My C art | My Part Lists | Sign In/Register H av e a Q uestion? What can we help you find? C hat with a P roduc t I nformation Spec ialis t Products Industries Resources About TE Eng lis h (C hange) Support Center 1059691-1 P ro duct Details My Account Sha r e Blind Ma te RF Co nne c to r s P r int Em a il Q uick Link s Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of C hec k P ric ing & A vailability Searc h for T ooling P roduc t Feature Selec tor C ontac t U s A bout T his P roduc t Compliance) P roduct H ighlight s: C onnec tor - RF O SP M iniature M odular P roduc t L ine A pplies T o P rinted C irc uit Board P lug N ot Sealed 1059691-1 TE Internal Number: 1059691-1 A c tive V iew all Features V iew 3 D P D F A dd to M y P art L is t Reques t Sample Find Similar P roduc ts Buy P roduc t Document at ion & A ddit ional I nf ormat ion P roduct Draw ings: O SP P RI N T E D WI RI N G BO A RD RI G H T A N G L E P L U G RE C E P T A C L E (P D F, E nglis h) Relat ed P roduct s: T ooling Cat alog P ages/Dat a Sheet s: Blind M ate C onnec tors (P D F, E nglis h) P roduct Specif icat ions: N one A vailable A pplicat ion Specif icat ions: N one A vailable I nst ruct ion Sheet s: N one A vailable CA D Files: (C A D Format & C ompres s ion I nformation) 2 D D rawing (D XF, V ers ion L ) 3 D M odel (I G E S, V ers ion L ) 3 D M odel (ST E P , V ers ion L ) L is t all D oc uments P roduct Feat ures (P le ase use t he P roduct D rawing f or all de sign act iv it y ) P roduct Type Feat ures: P roduc t T ype = C onnec tor - RF Cont act Feat ures: C enter C ontac t M aterial = Beryllium C opper P roduc t L ine = O SP M iniature M odular C enter C ontac t P lating = G old G ender = P lug I ndust ry St andards: RoH S/E L V C omplianc e = RoH S c ompliant, E L V c ompliant Sealed = N o Body Style = Right A ngle D ielec tric M aterial = T FE Fluoroc arbon Body M aterial = Stainles s Steel Body Finis h = G old L ead Free Solder P roc es s es = Wave s older c apable to 2 4 0 C , Wave s older c apable to 2 6 0 C , Wave s older c apable to 2 6 5 C RoH S/E L V C omplianc e H is tory = A lways was RoH S c ompliant Mechanical A t t achment : P anel M ount Retention = Without Elect rical Charact erist ics: I mpedanc e (N ominal) () = 5 0 Condit ions f or Usage: A pplies T o = P rinted C irc uit Board O t her: Brand = A M P Corporate Information Q uick L inks Customer Support Who We A re C hec k D is tributor I nventory E mail or C hat With U s I nves tors C ros s Referenc e Find a P hone N umber N ews Room Find D oc uments & D rawings Searc h Knowledge Bas e Supplier P ortal P roduc t C omplianc e Support C enter M anage your A c c ount C areers Site M ap www.te.com/catalog/pn/en/1059691-1?RQPN=1059691-1 1/2 8/17/12 1059691-1 Product Detai ls - TE Keep Me Informed Rec eive T E N ews , E vents & T ec hnology U pdates Ente r your e m ail addre ss (c) 2 0 1 2 T yc o E lec tronic s C orporation, a T E C onnec tivity L td. c ompany. A ll Rights Res erved www.te.com/catalog/pn/en/1059691-1?RQPN=1059691-1 P rivac yP Provide olic y Webs ite Feedbac k 2/2 8/17/12 earc Results - TE T E C onnec tivity My C art My Part Lists H av e a Q uestion? Industries Showing matches for Resources About TE Eng lis h (C hange) 565-0000-00 C hat with a P roduc t I nformation Spec ialis t Products Sign In/Register Support Center My Account 565-0000-00 Product Matches (1) Inform ation Matches (1) Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Show 0 per page 1059691-1 ie w P roduct D e t ails Blind Mat e RF Connect ors ie w P roduct D rawing (English) ( ie w 565 0000 00 Always EU RoH S/EL A c tive D P D F ( 50 6 KB) KB) A dd t o My P art List C ompliant R e ue st Sam ple Che ck P ricing & A v ailabilit y P r o d uc t H ig hlig hts P roduct Type RF Connect or Type P roduct L ine A pplies To C onnec tor RF Blind M ate O SP M iniature M odular P rinted C irc uit Board Sealed Blindmat e o es Connect or Design Brand RF C onnec tor A MP ender P lug P anel Mount Ret ent ion ithout Show 0 per page Corporate Information ho e A re I nves tors ews Room Q uick L inks Customer Support C hec k D is tributor I nventory E mail or C hat C ros s Referenc e Find a P hone ith U s umber Find D oc uments & D rawings Searc h Knowledge Bas e Supplier P ortal P roduc t C omplianc e Support C enter M anage your A c c ount C areers Site M ap Keep Me Informed Rec eive T E ews E vents & T ec hnology U pdates Ente r your e m ail addre ss 01 T yc o E lec tronic s C orporation a T E C onnec tivity L td c ompany A ll Rights Res erved www.te.com/catalog/products/en? = 565-0000-00 P rivac yP Provide olic y ebs ite Feedbac k 1/1