Low-Power 2.25V to 3.63V DC to 150MHz 1:4 Fanout Buffer IC
Mic rel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1(408) 944 -08 00 • fax +1(408 ) 474-1000 • Rev 1/27/11 Page 2
Input reference frequency.
The following guidelines are to assist you with a performance optimized PCB d esign:
Signal Integrity and Termination
- Keep traces short!
- Trace = Inductor. With a capacitive load this equals
- Long trace = Transmission Line. Without proper termi-
nation this will cause reflections ( looks like ringing ).
- Design long traces (> 1 inch) as “striplines” or
“microstrips” with defined impedance.
- Match trace at one side to avoid reflections bouncing
back and forth.
Decoupling and Power Supply
- Place decoupling capacitors as close as possible
to the VDD pin(s) to limit noise from the power
- Addition of a ferrite bead in series with VDD can
help prevent noise from other board sources
- Value of decoupling capacitor is frequency de-
pendant. Typical values to use are 0.1F for de-
signs using frequencies < 50MHz and 0.01F for
designs using frequencies > 50MHz.
Typical CMOS termination
Place Series Resistor as close as possible to CMOS output
CMOS Output Buffer
( Typical buffer impedance 20 ohm) To CMOS Input
Connect a 33 ohm series resistor at each of the output clocks to
enhance the stability of the output signal
50 ohm line