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Enpirion Power Datasheet ES1022SI Adjustable Quad Sequencer May 2014 Altera Corporation
Once EN_A is active (released high on the ES1022SI) a counter is started and using the resistor on TDLY_AB as a timing
component a delay is generated before EN_B is activated. At this time, the counter is restarted using the resistor on
TDLY_BC as its timing component for a separate timed delay until EN_C is activated. This process is repeated for the
resistor on TDLY_CD to complete the A-B-C-D sequencing order of the EN outputs. At any time during sequencing if an
OV or UV event is registered, all four EN outputs will immediately return to their low reset state. CTIME is immediately
discharged after initial ramp up thus waiting for subsequent voltage compliance to restart. Once sequencing is complete,
any subsequently registered UV or OV event will trigger an immediate and simultaneous reset of all EN outputs.
On the ES1022SI, enabling of on or off sequencing can also be signaled via the SEQ_EN input pin once voltage
compliance is met. Initially, the SEQ_EN pin should be held low and released when sequence start is desired. SEQ_EN is
internally pulled high and sequencing is enabled unless it is pulled low. The on sequence of the EN outputs is as
previously described. The off sequence is D off, then C off, then B off and finally A off. Once SEQ_EN is signaled low, the
TIME cap is charged to 2V once again. Once this Vth is reached, EN_D transitions to its reset state and CTIM is
discharged. A delay and subsequent sequence off is then determined by TDLY_CD resistor to EN_C. Likewise, a delay to
EN_B and then EN_A turn-off is determined by TDLY_BC and TDLY_AB resistor values respectively.
The FAULT signal is always valid at operational voltages and can be used as justification for SEQ_EN release or even
controlled with an RC timer for sequence on.
Programming the Under and Overvoltage Limits
When choosing resistors for the divider remember to keep the current through the string bounded by power loss at the top
end and noise immunity at the bottom end. For most applications, total divider resistance in the 10kΩ to1000kΩ range is
advisable with high precision resistors being used to reduce monitoring error. Although for the ES1022SI, two dividers of
two resistors each can be employed to separately monitor the OV and UV levels for the VIN voltage. We will discuss using a
single three resistor string for monitoring the VIN voltage, referencing Figure 1. In the three resistor divider string with Ru
(upper), Rm (middle) and Rl (lower), the ratios of each in combination to the other two is balanced to achieve the desired
UV and OV trip levels. Although this IC has a bias range of 3.3V to 24V, it can monitor any voltage >1.22V.
The ratio of the desired overvoltage trip point to the internal reference is equal to the ratio of the two upper resistors to the
lowest (gnd connected) resistor.
The ratio of the desired undervoltage trip point to the internal reference voltage is equal to the ratio of the uppermost
(voltage connected) resistor to the lower two resistors.
These assumptions are true for both rising (turn-on) or falling (shutdown) voltages.
The following is a practical example worked out. For detailed equations on how to perform this operation for a given
supply requirement please see the next section.
1. Determine if turn-on or shutdown limits are preferred. In this example, we will determine the resistor values based on
the shutdown limits.
2. Establish lower and upper trip level: 12V ±10% or 13.2V (OV) and 10.8V (UV)
3. Establish total resistor string value: 100kΩ, Ir = divider current
4. (Rm+Rl) x Ir = 1.1V @ UV and Rl x Ir = 1.2V @ OV
5. Rm+Rl = 1.1V/Ir @ UV = Rm+Rl = 1.1V/(10.8V/100kΩ) = 10.370kΩ
6. Rl = 1.2V/Ir @ OV = Rl = 1.2V/(13.2V/100kΩ) = 9.242kΩ
7. Rm = 10.370kΩ - 9.242kΩ = 1.128kΩ
8. Ru = 100kΩ - 10.370kΩ = 89.630kΩ
9. Choose standard value resistors that most closely approximate these ideal values. Choosing a different total divider
resistance value may yield a more ideal ratio with available resistor’s values.
In our example, with the closest standard values of Ru = 90.9kΩ, Rm = 1.13kΩ and Rl = 9.31kΩ, the nominal UV falling and
OV rising will be at 10.9V and 13.3V respectively.
Programming the EN Output Delays
The delay timing between the four sequenced EN outputs are programmed with four external passive components. The
delay from SEQ_EN being valid to EN_A is determined by the value of the capacitor on the TIME pin to GND. The external
TIME pin capacitor is charged with a 2.6µA current source. Once the voltage on TIME is charged up to the internal