Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use.
Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consultation without fail.
Ð EF76 Ð
Ultrasonic Ceramic Sensors
Application Notes
Because the Ultrasonic Sensors are designed for
use in the air, they can not be used under the
water or others liquid.
1. Design Engineering Notes
1. Application of DC voltage
DC voltage shall not be applied to the
Ultrasonic Sensors because insulation
resistance may deteriorate.
2. Maximum Input Voltage
The Ultrasonic Sensors shall not be operated
beyond the specified ÒMaximum Input VoltageÓ
in the catalog or the specifications.
3. Characteristics change owing to load
Center frequency and sensitivity change in
accordance with load impedance.
Therefore, the load characteristics chart shall
be taken into consideration in designing
4. In the Design of Transmitting Circuits
It shall be noted that the impedance of the
device is as low as 500 Ω (approximately) at
the resonance frequency.
2. Mounting Notes
1. Installation
It is recommended to hold the Ultrasonic
Sensors by means of rubber
sheets or cushions
for absorption of mechanical stresses such as
shock and vibration. ✽Except sulfurated rubber
2. Soldering
Soldering of the lead terminals shall be done
at a position of 2.5 mm or more apart from
bottom plain of the devices.
3. Bending force to the Terminals
Abnormal bending force shall not be applied
to the terminals of the Sensors, otherwise
holding parts of the terminals may be easily
broken, resulting in failures and damages of
the devices.
4. Directivity
Please be cafeful enough in deciding facing
position of the sensor because of directivity.
3. Storage Notes
1. Environmental Conditions
The Ultrasonic Sensors shall not be operated
and/or stored under following environmental
a) To be exposed directly to water or salt
b) Under conditions of dew formation or frost.
c) Under conditions of corrosive atomosphere
such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid,
chlorine and ammonia.
2. Long Term Storage
The Ultrasonic Sensors shall not be stored
under severe conditions of high temperature
and high humidity. Store them indoors under
40 ¡C max. and 75 %RH max. Use them within
one year and check the solderbility before