VLP100xS 9/98 REV CPage 2
Electrical Specifications
Specifications typical at TCase=+40°C, nominal input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise stated.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Voltage Range
VLP100LS 18 24 40 VDC
VLP100MS 33 48 75 VDC
Maximum Input Current
VLP100LS VIN = 16 VDC 7.7 A
VLP100MS VIN = 27VDC 4.1 A
Reflected Ripple Current Peak-Peak 20 mA
Input Ripple Rejection DC to 1KHz 50 60 dB
No Load Current LS/MS .50/100 mA
Power Dissipation LS/MS
No Load 3.6/4.8 W
Standby, Primary On/Off Disabled LS/MS 0.18/0.4 W
Inrush Charge
VLP100LS VIN =VIN Max. 0.520 mC
VLP100MS VIN =VIN Max. 0.360 mC
Quiescent Operating Current
Primar y On/Off Disabled 8 12 mA
Rated Power 0 100 W
Set Point Accuracy 1%
Line Regulation High line to low line 0.02 0.05 %
Load Regulation No load to rated load 0.02 0.05 %
Output Temperature Drift +0.02 %/°C
Output Ripple, p-p DC to 20 MHz BW 1% 100 VOUT Nom
Output Current Limit Inception 130% IOUT Nom
Output Shor t Circuit Current (2) Tes t 110% IOUT Nom
Output Overvoltage Limit 3.3V Output 4 5 V
5V Output 6.6 V
12V, 15V, 24V & 28V 125% 130% VOUTNom
Transient Response 50 to 100% Load step
Peak Deviation di/dt = 75A/µSec 7% VOUT Nom
Settling Time VOUT 1% of Nominal Output 75 100 µSec
Input to Output Peak test for 2 sec. 1500 VDC
Input to Baseplate 1500 VDC
Output to Baseplate 500 VDC
Resistance 10 MΩ
Capacitance 2000 pF
Leakage Current VISO=240VAC, 60 Hz 180 µA rms
Efficiency, Line, Load, Temp (3)
Switching Frequency 400 420 440 KHz
Remote Sense Compensation 0.5 V
Output Voltage Adjust Range (4) +10% VOUT Nom
Remote On/Off Control Inputs
Primar y Open collector/drain
Sink Current-Logic Low 2.5 mA
Turn-on Time Within 1% of rated output 10.0 12.5 mSec
Operation/Specification Case Temperature -40 +25 +100 °C
Storage Case Temperature -40 +25 +115 °C
Shutdown Temperature Case T emper ature +100 +115 °C
Thermal Impedance, Case Ambient 8.2 °C/W
Lead Solder Temperature 10 Seconds max +300 °C
For (), see “Notes” on pa ge 3.