Product Data Sheet 100 WATT SINGLE OUTPUT DC/DC CONVERTER VLP100xS Series FEATURES 18 - 36V & 33 - 75V INPUT RANGE SMALL SIZE: 2.3" X 2.4" X 0.5" HIGH EFFICIENCY: 87% TYPICAL AT 5V DESCRIPTION The VLP100xS Series DC/DC converters present an economical and practical solution for distributed power system architectures which require high power density and efficiency while maintaining system modularity and upgradeability. With the ability to operate over wide input voltage ranges of 18 to 36 and 33 to 75 volts, these modules are ideal for use in battery backup applications common in todays' telecommunication and electronic data processing applications. The output is fully isolated from the input, allowing for a variety of polarity and grounding configurations. The VLP100xS's proprietary control circuitry responds to 50-100% load steps in 100Seconds to within 1% nominal VOUT. The patented fixed frequency architecture combined with surface mount technology results in a compact, efficient and reliable solution for DC/DC conversion requirements. 100 S TRANSIENT RESPONSE 50-100% LOAD STEP 420kHZ FIXED-FREQUENCY OPERATION OPERATION TO +100C BASEPLATE TEMPERATURE PRIMARY REMOTE ON/OFF ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VOLTAGE REMOTE SENSE CONTINUOUS SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL SHUTDOWN CONFORMS TO SAFETY PER UL1950, EN 60950 AND CSA 22.2 #234 BY DESIGN APPLICATIONS DISTRIBUTED POWER ARCHITECTURES TELECOMMUNICATION & EDP SYSTEMS HUBS & ROUTERS NETWORKING SYSTEMS AGENCY APPROVALS PENDING Internet: Power Electronics Division, United States Power Electronics Division, Europe 3400 E Britannia Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85706 Phone: 800.547.2537 Fax: 520.770.9369 C&D Technologies (Power Electronics) Ltd. 132 Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: +353.61.474.133 Fax:+353.61.474.141 VLP100xS 9/98 REV C Page 1 Electrical Specifications Specifications typical at TCase=+40C, nominal input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise stated. Parameter Input Voltage Range VLP100LS VLP100MS Maximum Input Current VLP100LS VLP100MS Reflected Ripple Current Input Ripple Rejection No Load Current LS/MS Power Dissipation LS/MS No Load Standby, Primary On/Off Disabled LS/MS Inrush Charge VLP100LS VLP100MS Quiescent Operating Current Primary On/Off Disabled Output Rated Power Set Point Accuracy Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Temperature Drift Output Ripple, p-p Output Current Limit Inception Output Short Circuit Current (2) Output Overvoltage Limit Transient Response Peak Deviation Settling Time Isolation Input to Output Input to Baseplate Output to Baseplate Resistance Capacitance Leakage Current General Efficiency, Line, Load, Temp (3) Switching Frequency Remote Sense Compensation Output Voltage Adjust Range (4) Remote On/Off Control Inputs Primary Sink Current-Logic Low VLOW VHIGH Turn-on Time Temperature Operation/Specification Storage Shutdown Temperature Conditions VIN = 16 VDC VIN = 27VDC Peak-Peak DC to 1KHz Typ Max Units 18 33 24 48 40 75 VDC VDC 7.7 4.1 A A mA dB mA 50 20 60 .50/100 3.6/4.8 0.18/0.4 VIN =VIN Max. VIN =VIN Max. mC mC 12 mA 100 1 0.05 0.05 125% 100 130% 110% 5 6.6 130% W % % % %/C VOUT Nom IOUT Nom IOUT Nom V V VOUTNom 75 7% 100 VOUT Nom Sec 0 High line to low line No load to rated load 0.02 0.02 +0.02 1% DC to 20 MHz BW Test 3.3V Output 5V Output 12V, 15V, 24V & 28V 50 to 100% Load step di/dt = 75A/Sec VOUT 1% of Nominal Output Peak test for 2 sec. W W 0.520 0.360 8 4 1500 1500 500 10 VDC VDC VDC M pF A rms 2000 180 VISO=240VAC, 60 Hz 400 420 440 0.5 KHz V VOUT Nom 2.5 1 6 12.5 mA V V mSec +100 +115 +115 C C C C/W C +10% Open collector/drain Within 1% of rated output Case Temperature Case Temperature Case Temperature 10.0 -40 -40 +100 +25 +25 8.2 Thermal Impedance, Case Ambient Lead Solder Temperature Min 10 Seconds max +300 For (), see "Notes" on page 3. Page 2 VLP100xS 9/98 REV C ORDERING INFORMATION NOTES: (1) (2) (3) (4) See Typical Performance Curves, page 3 Continuous Mode See graphs for Efficiency vs. Output Load, VIN, TCASE 3.3, 5V Models Limited in Trim Down Range VLP100 xSzz B Device Family Indicates 100 Watt Regulated Unit Model Number Selected from Table of Electrical Characteristics Where: x = Input Voltage (L = 24VDC; M = 48VDC) zz = Output Voltage Package Designator (Standard Pkg.) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES TA = +40C, nominal input voltage, rated load, recommended external components applied, unless otherwise specified. EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT LOAD EFFICIENCY vs OUTPUT LOAD 95 95 90 EFFICIENCY vs TEMPERATURE 28V 24V 15V 90 12V +10 Change in Efficiency (%) 3.3V 80 Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) 5V 85 85 15V 80 28V 75 75 +5 TYP 100% Load 20% Load -5 24V 70 20 40 60 80 Output Load (% of Rated) 0 70 100 EFFICIENCY vs INPUT VOLTAGE -10 -55 100 50% Load -5 Normalized Output Ripple 100% Load Normalized Output Ripple TYP 1.25 1.00 0.75 10% Load -10 Vin, min Vin, typ Vin, max +25 Tcase (C) +65 +105 3.0 1.50 +5 -15 OUTPUT RIPPLE vs TEMPERATURE OUTPUT RIPPLE vs INPUT VOLTAGE +10 Change in Efficiency (%) 20 40 60 80 Output Load (% of Rated) 0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.33 0.50 Vin, min Vin, typ Vin, max -55 -15 +25 +65 +105 Tcase (C) +100 Vin (VDC) REFLECTED RIPPLE CURRENT vs TEMPERA TURE POWER DERATING WITH NO HEATSINK 16 14 +50 12 200 LFM Airflow TYP 400 LFM Airflow 10 -50 -100 -55 -15 +25 Tcase (C) +65 +105 Dissipated Power, PD (W) Change in Reflected Ripple Current (%) Vin (VDC) Natural Convection 8 6 4 2 0 25 50 75 100 Ambient Temperature (C) VLP100xS 9/98 REV C Page 3 MECHANICAL PACKAGE 2.300 (58.42) TOP VIEW Pin Connections +Vout +Vin +S On/Off 2.150 (54.61) TRIM 2.400 (60.96) 1 +VIN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON/OFF -VIN -VOUT -S TRIM +S +VOUT -S -Vin -Vout f0.125 (3.18) SIDE VIEW NOTES: 0.125 (3.18) 2.050 (52.07) All dimensions are in inches. PIN PLACEMENT TOLERANCE: 0.005" 0.500 (12.06) BOTTOM VIEW 0.015" Marked with: specific model 1.900 (48.26) 3 f0.040 (1.02) 0.900 (22.86) VLP SERIES 2 0.500 (12.70) 1 DC-DC POWER MODULE 4 1.900 (48.26) 5 1.200 (38.10) 6 1.200 (30.48) 7 0.900 (22.86) 8 0.500 (12.70) ordered, date code, job code. 0.000 (00.00) 0.020 (0.51) 2.100 (53.34) 0.200 (5.08) Model Input Voltage VLP100LS03 VLP100LS05 24VDC VLP100LS12 VLP100LS15 VLP100LS24 MECHANICAL TOLERANCE: f0.0480 (2.03) (18-36) 0.220 (5.59) Efficiency(%) VOUT (VDC) IOUT (A) 3.3V 30.0 80 81 VLP100MS03 (see Note 1 pg. 3) Min Typ Model 5.0V 20.0 85 86 VLP100MS05 12.0V 8.3 87 88 VLP100MS12 15.0V 6.7 88 89 VLP100MS15 24.0V 4.2 88 90 VLP100MS24 Input Voltage 48VDC (33-75) Efficiency(%) VOUT (VDC) IOUT (A) 3.3V 30.0 5.0V 20.0 86 87 12.0V 8.3 88 89 (see Note 1 pg. 3) Min 80 Typ 81 15.0V 6.7 89 90 24.0V 4.2 89 90 The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, C&D TECHNOLOGIES assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. C&D TECHNOLOGIES assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user's own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. C&D TECHNOLOGIES does not authorize or warrant any C&D TECHNOLOGIES product for use in life support devices/systems or in aircraft control applications. Page 4 VLP100xS 9/98 REV C