THC63LVD1023B _Rev.3.1_E
Copyright©2015 THine Electronics, Inc. 26/26 THine Electronics, Inc.
Security E
N otices a nd Requests
1. The product specifications described in this material are subject to change without prior notice.
2. The circui t diagrams described in this material are examples of the application which may not always apply
to the customer's desi gn. We are not responsible for possible errors and om issions in this mater ial. Please
note if errors or omissions should be found in this material, we may not be able to correct the
i mmediately.
3. This material contains our copyr ight, know-how or other proprietary. Copying or disclos ing to third parties
the contents of this material witho ut our prior permission is prohibited.
4. Note that i f i nfringement of any third party's industrial ow nership should occur by using this product, w e
will be exempted from the responsibility unle ss it directly relates to the production process or functions o
the product.
5. Product Application
5.1 Application of this product is intended for and limited to the following applications: audio-video
device, office automation device, communication device, consumer electronics, smartphone, feature
phone, and amusement machine device. This product must not be used for applications that require
ex tr emely hi gh-reli abili ty/s afet y s uch as a erospa ce de vice, traf fi c devi ce , tra nsp ort at io n devi ce, nucl ear
o w er cont rol d evi ce, com b ust io n c ham ber de vic e, m e dical de vic e r elate d t o cri tical ca re , or any kin d
of safety device.
5.2 Th is p roduct is no t intende d to be us ed as an autom oti ve part , u nle ss the produ ct i s s peci fied a s
roduct conforming to the demands and specifications of ISO/TS16949 ("the Specified Product") in
this data she et. THi ne Electro nic s, Inc . (“T Hine ”) ac cepts no lia bil ity wha ts oeve r fo r any produc t other
than the Specified Product for it not conforming to the aforementioned demands and specifications.
5.3 THi ne ac cep ts l ia bility for deman ds and spec ificatio ns of t he Spec if ied Pro duct only to th e extent
that the user and THine have been previously and explicitly agreed to each o ther.
6. Despite our utmost efforts to improve the quality and reliability of the product, faults will occur with
certain small probability, which is inevita ble to a semi-conductor product. Therefore, you are e ncouraged to
have sufficiently redundant or error preventive design applied to the use of the product so as not to have our
product cause any social or public damage.
7. Please note that this product is not desi gned to be radiation-proof.
8. Customers are asked, if required, to judge by themselves if this product falls under the category of strategic
goods under the Foreign Exchange a nd Foreign Trade Control Law.
9. The product or peripheral parts may be dama ged by a surge in voltage over the absolute maximum r at ings o
malfunction, if pins of the product are shorted by such as foreign substance. The damages may cause
smoking and ignition. Therefore, you are encouraged to implement safety measures by adding protection
devices, such as fuses.
THine Electronics, Inc.