F-210-2 HSEC8-125-01-S-DV-A HSEC8-149-01-S-DV-A (0,80mm) .0315" HSEC8-DV SERIES TM VERTICAL EDGE RATE CARD SOCKET * Board lock option * Latch option TM SPECIFICATIONS For complete specifications and recommended PCB layouts see www.samtec.com?HSEC8-DV Insulator Material: Black Liquid Crystal Polymer Contact: BeCu Plating: Au or Sn over 50" (1,27m) Ni Current Rating: 3.1A @ 30C Temperature Rise (See website for details) Operating Temp: -55C to +125C Card Insertion Depth: (3,15mm) .125" nominal RoHS Compliant: Yes Processing: Lead-Free Solderable: Yes SMT Lead Coplanarity: (0,10mm) .004" max (10-60) STANDARD & CUSTOM CARDS AVAILABLE * Standard high speed interface cards for 19mm, 25mm & 30mm mated heights, single-ended & differential applications. See HSC8 Series. * Custom cards for low-cost stack height customization * Samtec supplied card layout/artwork to make your own cards * Specialty card shapes BOARD-TO-BOARD APPLICATIONS Mates with: 1,60mm thick cards, ECDP, HSC8, HSF8 (R) fina -EM to -DV 1 POSITIONS PER ROW -DV to ECDP Alignment Pins -DV to HSF8 CARD THICKNESS = (1,60mm) .062" thick card 10, 13, 20, 25, 30, 37, 40, 49, 50, 60 -03 = (2,36mm) .093" thick card No. of Positions x (0,80) .0315 + (4,60) .181 (0,80) .0315 B C 01 (7,98) .314 No. of Positions x (0,80) .0315 + (2,20) .087 No. of Positions x (0,80) .0315 + (7,80) .307 E D 02 Note: Some lengths, styles and options are non-standard, non-returnable. 01 -S -K = (5,50mm) .217" DIA Polyimide Film Pick & Place Pad CARD THICKNESS A (1,75) .070 (2,54) .100 -03 B C (5,60) (7,00) .220 .276 (6,39) (7,79) .252 .307 10, 20 & 30 (1,12) .044 DIA Note: Other Gold plating options available. Contact Samtec. OTHER OPTION A -TR = Tape & Reel Packaging -L1 = Latching Option (For use with ECDP.) (13, 25, 37, 49 only) APPLICATION SPECIFIC OPTION (1,32) .052 DV = 30" (0,76m) Gold on contact, Matte Tin on tail -01 A (7,80) .307 Guide Rails. Call Samtec. PLATING OPTION -01 02 PCB to -DV HIGH SPEED CABLE & FLEX APPLICATIONS l i nch.com 0,80mm HSEC8 Rated @ 3dB Insertion Loss 7,98mm Stack Height Single-Ended Signaling 8 GHz / 16 Gbps Differential Pair Signaling 10.5 GHz / 21 Gbps For complete test data go to www.samtec.com?HSEC8-DV or contact sig@samtec.com HSEC8 -DV to -DV -BL (7,98) .314 (4,25) .167 POSITIONS PER ROW 13* 25* 37* 40 49* 50 60 -BL -L1 D E (6,10) .240 (6,10) .240 (18,10) .713 (18,90) .744 (22,90) .902 (22,90) .902 (26,90) 1.059 (15,00) .591 (24,60) .969 (34,20) 1.346 (36,60) 1.441 (43,80) 1.724 (44,60) 1.756 (52,60) 2.071 Positions where no dimensions are given do not have keying feature. *Mates with ECDP Series. WWW.SAMTEC.COM = Board Locks (40, 50, 60 only) (Other sizes available. Contact Samtec.) -WT = Weld tab CONNECTOR CABLE* HSEC8-113 HSEC8-125 HSEC8-137 HSEC8-149 ECDP-08 ECDP-16 ECDP-24 ECDP-32