Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor/HA Surface Mount Type Series: HA V Type : Long life Features Endurance : 105C 1000 h HA 5.5 mm height (< 6.3) S Specifications Category temp. range -40 to +105C 6.3 to 100 V .DC Rated W.V. Range Nominal Cap. Range Capacitance Tolerance 0.1 to 1500 F 20 % (120Hz/+20C) I < 0.01 CV or 3( A) after 2 minutes (Whichever , greater) Please see the attached standard products list DC Leakage Current Dissipation Factor W.V. (V) -25 / +20 C -40 / +20 C Characteristics at Low Temperature 6.3 4 8 10 3 6 16 2 4 25 2 4 35 2 3 50 2 3 63 3 4 100 3 4 (Impedance ratio at 120 Hz) After applying rated working voltage for 1000 hours at +1052C and then being stabilized at +20C, capacitors shall meet the following limits. Endurance Capacitance change D.F. DC leakage current 20% of initial measured value(6.3W.V. of minature : 30%) <200 % of initial specified value <initial specified value After storage for 1000 hours at +1052C with no voltage applied and then being stabilized at +20C, capacitors shall meet the limits specified in "Endurance".(With voltage treatment) Shelf Life After reflow soldering ( Refer to page 20 for recommendable temperature profile.) and then being stabilized at +20C, capacitor shall meet the following limits. Resistance to Soldering Heat Capacitance change 10% of initial measured value < D.F. = initial specified value < DC leakage current = initial specified value Dimensions in mm (not to scale) Example:50V 1 F (Polarized) @ A0.2 ( ) reference size H HA Series identification L+0.1 -0.2 E,F,G = L0.3 Size code B C D E F G Lot number W.V. code V Code H Capacitance (F) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 j A C E V H J 2A w D L A H 4.0 5.4 4.3 5.5 MAX 5.0 5.4 5.3 6.5 MAX 6.3 5.4 6.6 7.8 MAX 8.0 6.2 8.3 9.5 MAX 8.0 10.2 8.3 10.0MAX 10.0 10.2 10.3 12.0MAX I 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 W 0.65 0.1 0.650.1 0.650.1 0.650.1 0.900.2 0.900.2 P 1.0 1.5 1.8 2.2 3.1 4.6 (I) Negative polarity marking 1 D0.5 W.V. code (P) K 0.3 max (I) Marking K 0.35 -0.20 to +0.15 0.35 -0.20 to +0.15 0.35 -0.20 to +0.15 0.35 -0.20 to +0.15 0.70 0.2 0.70 0.2 Case size W.V.(V) 6.3 (0J) 10 (1A) 16 (1C) 25 (1E) Cap. (F) 0.1 to 2.2 3.3 4.7 B B 10 C(B) (B) C(B) 22 B D(C) 33 C(B) (C) (B) D(C) D(C) 47 (C) C(B) E(D) (D) 100 E(D) D(C) F G(F) F 220 (D) G(F) G(F) 330 F G(F) G(F) G(F) 470 G 680 G 1000 G(F) 1500 G 35 (1V) 50 (1H) B C(B) D(C) E(D) F G(F) G(F) G B B C D E F G(F) G(F) G 63(1J) 100(2A) E F G G E F F G G Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consulation without fail. - EE34 - (mm) Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors/HA Standard Products W.V. Cap. (20%) (V) (F) Length Size Code (120Hz) (+20C) Part No. D.F. Min.Packaging Q'ty Taping (pcs) (mm) 22 4 5.4 B 29 0.30 EEVHA0J220R 2000 33 4 5.4 B 29 0.35 EEVHA0J330WR 2000 47 4 5.4 B 36 0.35 EEVHA0J470WR 2000 5 5.4 C 46 0.30 EEVHA0J470R 1000 5 5.4 C 47 0.35 EEVHA0J101WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 71 0.35 EEVHA0J101P 1000 220 6.3 5.4 D 74 0.35 EEVHA0J221WP 1000 330 8 10.2 F 230 0.35 EEVHA0J331P 500 8 10.2 F 300 0.35 EEVHA0J102UP 500 10 10.2 G 400 0.35 EEVHA0J102P 500 1500 10 10.2 G 480 0.22 EEVHA0J152P 22 4 5.4 B 28 0.30 EEVHA1A220WR 2000 33 4 5.4 B 29 0.30 EEVHA1A330WR 2000 5 5.4 C 43 0.22 EEVHA1A330R 1000 5 5.4 C 43 0.30 EEVHA1A470WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 71 0.26 EEVHA1A101WP 1000 8 6.2 E 110 0.30 EEVHA1A101P 1000 220 8 10.2 F 160 0.26 EEVHA1A221P 500 470 8 10.2 F 200 0.26 EEVHA1A471UP 500 10 10.2 G 420 0.16 EEVHA1A471P 500 4 5.4 B 28 0.16 EEVHA1C100R 2000 2000 100 1000 47 100 10 500 4 5.4 B 28 0.26 EEVHA1C220WR 5 5.4 C 39 0.16 EEVHA1C220R 1000 33 5 5.4 C 35 0.26 EEVHA1C330WR 1000 47 5 5.4 C 39 0.26 EEVHA1C470WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 70 0.20 EEVHA1C470P 1000 100 6.3 5.4 D 70 0.26 EEVHA1C101WP 1000 220 8 10.2 F 150 0.20 EEVHA1C221UP 500 10 10.2 G 210 0.20 EEVHA1C221P 500 8 10.2 F 170 0.20 EEVHA1C331UP 500 10 10.2 G 230 0.20 EEVHA1C331P 500 8 10.2 F 190 0.20 EEVHA1C471UP 500 10 10.2 G 340 0.20 EEVHA1C471P 500 10 10.2 G 380 0.14 EEVHA1C681P 500 4 5.4 B 22 0.14 EEVHA1E4R7R 2000 4 5.4 B 22 0.20 EEVHA1E100WR 2000 5 5.4 C 28 0.14 EEVHA1E100R 1000 5 5.4 C 35 0.20 EEVHA1E220WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 55 0.14 EEVHA1E220P 1000 5 5.4 C 42 0.20 EEVHA1E330WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 65 0.16 EEVHA1E330P 1000 6.3 5.4 D 70 0.20 EEVHA1E470WP 1000 8 6.2 E 91 0.16 EEVHA1E470P 1000 22 16 Dia. Ripple current (120Hz) (+105C) (m A ) (mm) 6.3 10 Specification Case size 330 470 680 4.7 10 22 25 33 47 The taping dimension are explained on p.24 of our Catalog. Please use it as a reference guide. Endurance: 105C 1000h Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consulation without fail. - EE35 - Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors/HA Standard Products W.V. Cap. (20%) (V) (F) 100 220 25 (mm) (mm) 8 10.2 Min.Packaging Q'ty (120Hz) (+20C) F 130 0.16 EEVHA1E101P 500 Size Code D.F. Taping (pcs) 8 10.2 F 160 0.16 EEVHA1E221UP 500 10 10.2 G 190 0.16 EEVHA1E221P 500 10.2 F 180 0.16 EEVHA1E331UP 500 10.2 G 340 0.16 EEVHA1E331P 500 10 10.2 G 360 0.12 EEVHA1E471P 500 4.7 4 5.4 B 22 0.12 EEVHA1V4R7R 2000 10 4 5.4 B 22 0.16 EEVHA1V100WP 2000 5 5.4 C 30 0.12 EEVHA1V100R 1000 5 5.4 C 35 0.16 EEVHA1V220WR 1000 6.3 5.4 D 60 0.14 EEVHA1V220P 1000 6.3 5.4 D 42 0.16 EEVHA1V330WP 1000 8 6.2 E 64 0.14 EEVHA1V330P 1000 8 10.2 F 98 0.14 EEVHA1V470P 500 8 10.2 F 120 0.14 EEVHA1V101UP 500 10 10.2 G 160 0.14 EEVHA1V101P 500 8 10.2 F 170 0.14 EEVHA1V221UP 500 10 10.2 G 210 0.14 EEVHA1V221P 500 22 33 35 47 100 220 10 10.2 G 250 0.14 EEVHA1V331P 500 0.1 4 5.4 B 1 0.12 EEVHA1HR10R 2000 0.22 4 5.4 B 2 0.12 EEVHA1HR22R 2000 0.33 4 5.4 B 3 0.12 EEVHA1HR33R 2000 0.47 4 5.4 B 5 0.12 EEVHA1HR47R 2000 1 4 5.4 B 10 0.12 EEVHA1H1R0R 2000 2.2 4 5.4 B 16 0.12 EEVHA1H2R2R 2000 3.3 4 5.4 B 16 0.12 EEVHA1H3R3R 2000 4.7 5 5.4 C 23 0.12 EEVHA1H4R7R 1000 330 10 6.3 5.4 D 35 0.12 EEVHA1H100P 1000 22 8 6.2 E 70 0.12 EEVHA1H220P 1000 33 8 10.2 F 91 0.12 EEVHA1H330P 500 47 8 10.2 F 95 0.12 EEVHA1H470UP 500 10 10.2 G 100 0.12 EEVHA1H470P 500 8 10.2 F 110 0.12 EEVHA1H101UP 500 10 10.2 G 120 0.12 EEVHA1H101P 500 220 10 10.2 G 150 0.12 EEVHA1H221P 500 10 8 6.2 E 25 0.18 EEVHA1J100P 1000 22 8 10.2 F 30 0.18 EEVHA1J220P 500 33 10 10.2 G 45 0.18 EEVHA1J330P 500 G 500 100 10 10.2 50 0.18 EEVHA1J470P 3.3 8 6.2 E 30 0.18 EEVHA2A3R3P 1000 4.7 8 10.2 F 50 0.18 EEVHA2A4R7P 500 10 8 10.2 F 55 0.18 EEVHA2A100P 500 22 10 10.2 G 60 0.18 EEVHA2A220P 500 33 10 10.2 G 65 0.18 EEVHA2A330P 500 47 100 Length Part No. 8 470 63 Dia. Specification Ripple current (120Hz) (+105C) (m A ) 10 330 50 Case size The taping dimension are explained on p.24 of our Catalog. Please use it as a reference guide. Endurance : 105C 1000h Design, Specifications are subject to change without notice. Ask factory for technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Whenever a doubt about safety arises from this product, please inform us immediately for technical consulation without fail. - EE36 -