Micre l, Inc. MIC2341/2341R
October 2007 21 M9999-102507-A
(408) 944-0800
Standby Mode
Standb y mode is entered when on e or m or e of the MAIN
supply inputs (12VIN and/or 3VIN) are below its
respective UVLO threshold or OFF. The MIC2341 also
supplies 3.3V auxiliary outputs (VAUX[A/B]), satisfying
PCI Express specifications. These outputs are fed via
the VSTBY[A/B] input pins and controlled by the
AUXEN[A/B] input pins. These outputs are independent
of the MAIN o utputs (12 VIN[A/ B] and 3VIN[ A/B]). Sho uld
the MAIN supply inputs move below their respective
UVLO thresho lds, V AUX[A/ B] will s till f unction as lo ng as
VSTB Y[A/B] is pr esent. Pr ior to standb y mode, ONA a nd
ONB inputs should be de-asserted or the MIC2341 will
assert the /F AULT_MA IN[A/B] and /I NT output s ignals, if
an undervoltage condition on the MAIN supply inputs is
Circuit Breaker Function
The MIC2341 provides an electronic circuit breaker
function that protects against excessive loads, such as
short circ uits , at eac h supp l y. When the c urr ent f r om one
or more of a slot’s MAIN outputs exceeds the current
lim it threshol d (ILIM = 5 0m V/RSENSE) f or a duratio n great er
than tFLT, the circuit breaker is tripped and both MAIN
supplies (all outputs except VAUX[A/B]) are shut off.
Should the lo ad current c ause a MAIN ou tput’s VSENSE to
exceed VTHFAST, the outputs are im m ediate l y shut off with
no delay. Undervoltage conditions on the MAIN supply
inputs also trip the circuit breaker, but only when the
MAIN outputs are enabled (to signal a supply input
brown-out condition).
The VAUX[A/B] outputs have a different circuit-breaker
function. The VAUX[A/B] circuit breakers do not
incorpora te a fast- trip detector , instead the y regulate t he
output current into a fault to avoid exceeding their
operatin g current lim it. The circ uit break er will tr ip due to
an overcurrent on VAUX[A/B] when the fault timer
expires. This use of the tFLT timer prevents the circuit
breaker from tripping prematurely due to brief current
Follo wing a f ault condition, the outputs can be turned on
again by toggling the ON[A/B] input high-low-high (if the
fault occurred on one of the MAIN outputs), or similarly
toggling the AUXEN[A/B] input (if the fault occurred on
the AUX outputs), or by cycling both ON[A/B] and
AUXEN[A/B] (if faults occurred on both the MAIN and
AUX outputs). When the circuit breaker trips, the
corresponding /FAULT_MAIN[A/B] or /FAULT_AUX[A/B]
will be ass erted. At the sam e time, /INT will be asser ted.
Note that /INT is on ly d e-asserted b y applying a high-to-
low transition on the corresponding slot’s ON[A/B] or
AUXEN[A/B] input.
The response time (tFLT) of the MIC2341’s primary
overcurrent detector is set by external capacitors at the
CFILTER[A/B] pins to GND. For Slot A, CFILTER[A] is
located at Pin 2; for Slot B, CF ILTER[B] is loc ated at Pin
35. For a give n res pons e ti m e, the valu e for C FILTER[A/B] is
given by:
where tFLT[A/B] is the des ire d respons e time and qu ant iti es
IFILTER and VFILTER are specified in the MIC2341’s
“Electrical Characteristics” table.
Digital Filter and Auto-Retry Functions
New timers have been incorporated for additional
protection for overcurrent situations. In many
applications, external power MOSFETs used at
12VOUT[A/B] and at 3VOUT[A/B] have been damaged
during i nit ia l s tar t-up and o verc ur rent c o nd iti ons b ec a us e
the response time of the primary OC detectors was set
too long (that is, an incorrect value for CFILTER[A/B]
was used). In these products, a digital filter delay
counter is introduced, and is internally set to a typical
delay tim e of 40 m s. As shown in t he t ypical ap plic ations
circuit of the MIC2341, an external capacitor from
CFILTER[A/B] to ground is used to set the response
time of the primary overcurrent detectors to tFLT. At the
time a large inrush current causes the primary OC
detector to sense an overcurrent condition, a
CFILTER[A/B] charge-up sequence is initiated. At the
same time, the MIC2341’s digital filter delay counter is
also initiated and commences a count-up to 40 ms. The
MIC2341’s internal logic circuits have been designed to
trip the circuit break er after tFLT or tDFLT, whichever delay
is smaller. If the overcurrent condition causes the
electronic circuit breaker to latch off and thereby
asserting a FAULT condition, the MIC2341 remains
latched-off awaiting system intervention (by toggling
ON[A/B] and/or AUXEN[A/B] and/or cycling the input
power supplies). Internal to the MIC2341R only, a
second, or auto-retry, delay counter is initiated and
commences a count-up to approximately 820 ms to
allow the external power MOSFET to cool before
attempting another power-up sequence. Figure 6
illustrates the filter responses during an overcurrent fault.