HIGH POWER ATTENUATORS DC-4 GHz GENERAL INFORMATION The KDI/Triangle PPA Series of attenuators utilize a Beryllium Oxide chip and thin film technology to provide devices which can dissipate up to 200 watts of R.F. power. The PPA series must be thermally bonded to a heat sink, using the mounting holes provided, in order ta operate within the temperature rating indicated. The flange temperatures must not exceed 100C under rated power conditions. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Impedance: 50 Ohms Operating Temperature: -55C to +150C Exceeds applicable require- ments of MIL-E-5400 and MIL-R-55342 0.0001 dB/dB/PC Attenuation Stability: SERIES PPA ORDERING INFORMATION Substrate: Beryilium Oxide Ceramic The Power Attenuators listed are available in 1 dB increments from 1 Resistive Element: Proprietary Thin Film thru 20 dB. Specify by selecting any of the series listed and add the Flange: Copper, Nickel Plated per QQ-N-290 attenuation value desired to the basic series designation. Tabs: Beryllium Copper, Gold Plated per MIL-G-45204 EXAMPLE: PPA 20-10 i ; Basic Desired dB Cover: Alumina Ceramic Series PPA Power Value PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Attenuation: input Attenuation (1) Accuracy 1dB Increments Frequency Power (dB) VSWR Model (dB} Range (Watts) dB DC-1 GHz 1-2.5 GHz 2.5-4 GHz (Maximum) c 1-10 #0.5 +0.5 21.0 134 PPA 10 1-20 DC-4 GHz 10 11-20 +10 42.0 43.0 3 4-5 #.5 +0.5 +05 6-9 40.5 +0.5 +1.0 | 1.15:1 - DC-1.0 GHz PPA 20 1-20 DG-4 GHz 20 40-15 20.75 40 215 | 135-1 -1.0-2.5 GHz 16-20 +1.f) +2.0 +3.0 1.50:1 - 2.5-4.0 GHz +0.3 DC-500 MHz 1.25:1 - DC-500 MHz 1- -1GH * PPA SO 20 DG-1 GHz 0 I +0.5 500 MHz-1 GHz 1.50:1 - 500 MHz-1 GHz TO - 1.25:1 - DC-200 MHz - - 100 +0. PPA 100 1-20 DC-500 MHz 0 #05 150-1 ~ 200-500 MHz PPA 200 1-20 DC-200 MHz 200 +05 1.25:1 - DC-200 MHz Notes: PPA 10 outline PPA 20 outline 1. Custom products are available at higher frequencies 300 rose67ie| ae 515 ee a | with optimized VSWR and attenuation accuracy over 4011.02] x.o98{0.13] /* "17 je (13,08] =| ooo ed +.004{0,03] THK + : >| |--.060[1.52] Heel narrow frequency bandwidths. r) conan i | 903{0.254 2. VSWR as measured in a 0.125 ground plane stripline >| [5.1] Ne 95) 1A NHN | l om ME 25] A circuit. ry i 2006.11 <1 asoi6.a 2 t t Y % TF se.te ; 10025} eae 2008.11) | | 12BiS.183 | 25016,4} MIN { er | PPA 50 outline col bee too vee + - mel fei25[3.48) 062(1.57)- 160[4.06]}- jt MAX 1503 Bi! a MAX PPA 100 outline PPA 200 outline oR9 : 49514, 95] | i 286 KO | ca 2 [6 oraeecgy fo ; Ti ' i | sess ' { On 4 4874 75 1.04 i I } ee | ee \ Q i 270 1 - : visas. | f i 4 Y ] LET. 425[3.18; MIN j ji} $ sasagitel a [4,22] DIA. f : ae 1.000525 4] -> i i [-1.58038,4] _ saree ~ 1.900:48,3} : ar = ae = = == = iso 9001 REGISTERED FIRM An MCE Company /TRIANGLE CORPORATION 60 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Tel: 973-887-8100 Fax: 973-884-0445 E-Mail: kdisales@aol.com See us on the web @ www.kditriangle.com