Diffuse Mode models are excellent for sensing objects of adequate size and reflectivity at short range. Divergent models are useful for
sensing small items and translucent or transparent materials at close range. The SME312DV sensors effectively sense specular surfaces
like semi-conductor wafers, disk drive media, glass and machined surfaces. The collimated optics of the SME312DV also permits the
sensor to be mounted against clear container walls, view ports and other types of optical “feed-throughs.”
Convergent Mode models are a good choice for counting adjacent radiused objects and for accurate position sensing. Blue, green and
white beam models are recommended for color mark sensing.
Glass Fiber Optic models are an excellent option for sensing in tight or otherwise inaccessible areas. Fibers withstand vibration and
shock and are immune to electrical noise. Glass fibers withstand high temperatures, extreme moisture and corrosive materials. Glass
fibers are not recommended for applications requiring bending or repeated flexing (see plastic fiber models). Visible beam models are
recommended for color mark sensing.
Plastic Fiber Optic models are an excellent option for sensing in tight or otherwise inaccessible areas. Fibers withstand vibration and
shock and are immune to electrical noise. Plastic fibers function well at temperatures from –30° to +70° C (–20° F to +158° F), and stand
up to repeated flexing. Most are easy to shorten in the field, for custom installations. Plastic fibers are not recommended for severe
environments (see glass fiber models). Plastic fiber optic sensors are recommended for color mark sensing.
Status Indicators
Normal sensor operation is called RUN mode. Sensor configuration (setting the sensitivity threshold and selecting output ON and OFF
conditions) is performed in TEACH mode. The two LED indicators (bi-color green/red and yellow) have distinct roles in the two operation
modes. If contrast is marginal, the bi-color indicator will flash green to indicate instability. If this occurs, reconfigure or realign the sensor,
or clean the sensor or fiber lenses.
The Signal Strength indicator is Banner’s exclusive AID™ (Alignment Indicating Device). Its pulse rate increases as the received light
signal strength increases (during programming). This feature simplifies accurate alignment during TEACH mode, and gives a relative
indication of sensing contrast between the light and dark conditions.
Solid green Power is on
Flashing green Sensed light level is approaching sensing threshold*
Solid red Sensor “sees” its own modulated light source; pulse rate is
proportional to the received light signal strength**
Yellow on Outputs conducting Ready to TEACH output ON condition
Yellow off Outputs not conducting Ready to TEACH output OFF condition
* This is the Stability indicator, which signals when maintenance, realignment, or reconfiguration is needed during RUN mode.
** The faster the pulse rate, the stronger the light signal.
Remote Configuration
The remote function may be used to configure the sensor remotely or to disable the push button for security. Connect the gray wire of the
sensor to ground (0V dc), with a remote programming switch connected between them. Pulse the remote line according to the diagrams
in the configuration procedures. The length of the individual programming pulses is equal to the value T where: 0.04 seconds ≤ “T” ≤ 0.8
If the MINI-BEAM Expert’s Power LED alternately flashes red/green, this indicates a microprocessor memory error. To clear the error, re-
teach the sensor or cycle the power ON and OFF and re-teach the sensor. If this does not solve the problem, or if it occurs frequently,
replace the sensor.
Static Teach
The two sensing conditions may be presented in either order. The condition presented first is the condition for which the output will ener-
gize (the “Output ON” target).
MINI-BEAM SME312 Expert Series
P/N 055214 Rev. F www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164 3