The 4316 provides the basic building blocks for
a wide variety of dynamics processing applications:
an exponentially controlled VCA and a logarithmic
RMS detector. These elements are especially versatile
because the audio performance of designs using
these blocks is determined primarily by the control
loop (or "side chain") from the detector to the VCA
control port. Theory of the interconnection of expo-
nentially controlled VCAs and log-responding level
detectors is covered in THAT Corporation’s design
note DN01A, "The Mathematics of Log-Based
Dynamic Processors".
Perhaps the most important application for the
4316 is wireless audio companding systems. In this
data sheet, we cover this application in some detail.
However, many other configurations are possible,
including all those covered within THAT's collection
of application notes for dynamics processors (though
shown with previous VCA/detector parts or Analog
Engines). For assistance with these and any other
applications, please contact our applications engi-
neers at
Noise Reduction (Compander)
A primary use of the 4316 is for noise reduction
systems, particularly within battery-operated devices.
In these applications, one 4316 is configured for use
as a compressor (or encoder) to condition audio sig-
nals before feeding them into a noisy channel such as
a radio-frequency (RF) link. A second 4316, config-
ured as an expander (or decoder), is located at the
receiver end of the noisy channel.
The compressor reduces the dynamic range of
the audio signals so that it can fit better through a
channel with limited dynamic range. The expander
works in an opposite, complementary fashion to
restore the dynamic range of the original audio sig-
nal (as present at the input of the compressor).
As shown in Figure 17, during low-level audio
passages, the compressor increases signal levels,
bringing them up above the noise floor of the
channel. At the receiving end, the expander reduces
the signal back to its original level, in the process
attenuating the channel noise.
During high-level audio passages, the compressor
decreases signal levels, reducing them to fit within
the headroom limits of the channel. The expander
then increases the signal back to its original level.
While the channel noise may be increased by this
action, in a well-designed compander, the noise floor
will be masked by the high-level audio signal.
Advantages of True-RMS-Level Detection
The 4316's RMS detector has the property that it
responds faster to large increases in signal level than
to small ones. This is because it responds to the
square of the input signal, instead of the signal itself.
Essentially, its attack time varies, becoming shorter
for large level changes than that for small ones. This
mimics the behavior of the human ear, resulting in
more "musical" response to audio signals than for
average or peak responding detectors.
In companding applications, the "variable" attack
time ensures that overloads are kept short in dura-
tion, because the compressor responds quickly in
cases where a low-level audio signal (causing high
VCA gain) is followed suddenly by a much higher
level signal (which reduces the VCA gain over time as
the detector acquires the new level). This minimizes
the duration of overloads for a given time constant
when compared to those using average responding
Another advantage of RMS detection over average
or peak detection is that it is relatively insensitive to
phase shifts in the signal being measured. This is
particularly helpful in companding applications
because low- and high-frequency phase shifts com-
mon in a bandlimited transmission channel cause
less difference between the compressor’s detector
reading and that of the expander. This ensures better
tracking between the expander and detector in real-
world applications.
The combination of insensitivity to phase shift
and variable attack behavior causes companders
based on true-RMS detection to sound better than
those based on either average- or peak-responding
Versatility in Compander Design
The 4316 was designed to facilitate the design of
a wide variety of companding noise reduction sys-
tems. The RMS detector responds accurately over a
wide range of input current (Figure 10), while the
VCA responds accurately to a wide range of gain
commands (Figure 6). The RMS output and the VCA
control inputs are fully configurable, which makes it
easy to configure the 4316 for companding ratios
different from the traditional 2:1. (See the section
"3:1 Compander" below for one such example.)
The 4316 supports a wide range of compander
designs (and more), including simple 2:1 wide range
(level-independent) systems, level-dependent systems
with thresholds and varying companding slopes, sys-
tems including noise gating and/or limiting, and sys-
tems with varying degrees of pre-emphasis and filter-
ing in both the signal and control paths. Generally,
these variations can be accomplished by conditioning
the detector side chain rather than the audio signal
itself. The audio signal passes through as little as two
VCAs and two opamps, and still supports multiple
ratios, thresholds, and time constants.
In this datasheet, we show the part used in three
example designs. First is a simple 2:1 companding
noise reduction system. Next, we show a high-
performance 2:1 compander with pre- and
Document 600177 Rev 00 Page 8 of 20 THAT4316 Pre-Trimmed, Very Low-
Low-Power Analog Engine® IC
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