Alle Rechte vorbehalten! Al rights reserved 5 | 4 3 2 | 4 Secor ing to IEC 603-7 15,75 maxi p> A . No By 2 ns J] NATIT [ = | O @4 i | | l SCALE 1:1 Light pipe cH I ght pip ZL 3.05@ @ LO 10.85 @ SCHEMATIC Material: Housing and insert material: High Temperature BK UL94V-0 PART NUMBER Shield material: Brass C2680 H. Plat ing Nickel Contact mater al: Phosphor Bronze t=0.35nm Verret @ DATA CODE ating contact: gold plating over nicke JACK LAYOUT t @ Ak mee itis Tr accordance with IEEE 802.3u & TIA 10964 8 see we 5 Far 100 base franseission over UTP-5 cable : . o$_ {Rr ic a. x Operating lifetine: #50 cycles min 8| 8 > ~ perating lifetime: s| Bees 2 S HARTING | 4 _ rae: 56 pieces per tray and 13 trays per carton | al a H \ SMD led L VAAS L VAAS L VAAS L SECTION A-A: " 1 t t pfa] Schema ec Os Pe. Board an ce ee a a ws al ALL Dimensions in mm | Techn. Character. Nicht tolerierte WaBe/ free size tolerances Original Size DIN A & Dat. Wane Mafstab/Scale HART | NG RJ | ndus tr ale Detail. (24/06/11) AB . . = 204 RJ45 jack with transformer nsp. [24/06/11] JMV : f 10/100 Mbit o. 36317 16/01/12 AB _| stand or | ~~ EC04225103/01/12} AB Blatt/ page @) EC03526[11/07/11| AB pte San fmf 1B 09 45 351 1130 Ye Mod. Dat. Name arts www fu. 4Alle Rechte vorbehalten! Al rights reserved 5 4 3 2 1 MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR FARTING PUSHPULL MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR HART ING PUSHPULL COMPACT RECEPTACLE HOUSING EASYINSTALL RECEPTACLE HOUSINGS PN: 09 45 545 0023 PN: 09 45 545 0030 PN: 09 45 545 0033 PN: 09 45 595 0030 SECTION Ae: M2.5 HOUSING @ wax. 034.3 for metal SECTION B-B: wy 3 Ger E13 .07-0008 fr mt ern . | = =| fy | lg 3 f= : 1. | 3 s\|= To = pane. ~~ 1Q0) F ~ g FLAT SEAL 7640.05 = iS QVERMDLDED or Panel & | . 11.76 #0,05 1) 8 Recta ea eG can ioot nS to Receptacle mating side according To PCB LAYOUT - alte 7 oof |slaf =| m6 we = | asf et rl at" a AUC Dimensions in mm | Techn. Character. Nicht tolerierte Mafe/ Free size folerances 2 = 7 . Original Size DIN AS a | sae 1 | CHARTING RJ Industriale 18.2 mo iy. peoestit wy | (Ott | | RJ45 jack with transformer . thickness: 1.6nm +/-0.1 36317 6/01/14 AB Stand. for 10/100 Mbit i LED used, mor panetUpieknss or Fushpoltcomect EC04225 03/01/12 AB Blatt/ page (2) vex PCB trent side posi tion If SMD led NOT used ser ae pte ants Sei Ib OY 49 391 30 aAlle Rechte vorbehalten! Al rights reserved 5 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 MOUNTING INSTRUCTION FOR HAN 3A RJ45 HOUSING WITH HAN 3A ADAPTER WITHOUT FIXING CLIPS 09 45 515 0022 A= SECTION A-A: 4 3.60.1 A= PCB LAYOUT Receptacle mating side according to yi IEC 61076-3-106 variant 5 wo HTT mt ,6 -& a AU Dinensions in am | Techn. Character. Nicht tolerierte WaBe/ free size tolerances 3,2 | ne Pat F Original Size DIN A 4 s eee o Dat. Hane Nabstab/ Scale ' * oF S weal DEOG711 AB HARTING RJ Industrial a J 0,6 imp. 406/111 JV 2+ 4 RJ45 jack with transformer iss 36317 [16/017/12) AB | Stan. for 10/100 Mbit 18,6492 EC04225103/01/12| AB Blatt/ page bm #7 HARTING EURL amfi1B 09 45 551 1130 PCB thickness: 1.6mm +/-0.1 EC03526)11/07/11| AB . ARTING 3 Mod. Dat. Name F-95972 Paris uw Sub. AAlle Rechte vorbehalten! Al rights reserved 5 4 | 3 2 | 1 MOUNTING INSTRUCTION FOR HAN PUSHPULL RJ4&5 HOUSING 09 35 002 0301 , Dy, g5002 i" Flat seal Meee tng ee gm ng to 7-37 ) Vi housing I~ CX 7 ver I) PCB LAYOUT 3,05 12,26 8.4 na_/|| Ms 15,5 PCB thickness: 1.6mm +/-0.1 , i [| X SS , 05 20,2 L @117.0420,05) ~ ___ Panel AUL Dimensions in mm Original Size DIN A & Techn. Character. Nicht tolerierte WaBe/ free size tolerances Dat. Wane Mafstab/Scale ' vera BL706/111 AB HART ING RJ Industrial . RJ45 jack with transformer inp. 24/06/11] JMV | 2: | for 10/100 Mbit 36317 (16/01/12) AB Stand. EC04225(03/01/12)} AB Blatt/ page HARTING EURL mye 7B 09 45 551 1130 EC03526(11/07/11| AB , 4 Mod. Dat. Name F-95972 Paris ww Ou. A