SIMATIC S5 S5-135U/155U CPU 922/CPU928/CPU 928B/CPU 948 List of Operations Order No. 6ES5 997-3UA22, Release 03 C79000-H8576-C124-03 This publication is protected by copyright. Transmission and reproduction of this document as well as use and notification of its contents are not permitted without express authority. This also applies to translation into other languages. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Technical data subject to alteration. Copyright (c) Siemens AG 1993 All Rights Reserved Order No.: 6ES5 997-3UA22 Order from: Elektronikwerk Karlsruhe Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Contents Page Explanatory Notes on the List of Operations 1 Explanatory Notes on the Operands 3 Explanatory Notes on the Formal Operands (Block Parameters) 7 Basic Operations 10 Boolean Logic Operations Set/Reset Operations/Binary Load Operations Transfer Operations Timer Operations Counter Operations Arithmetic Operations Comparison Operations Block Call Operations Block End Operations Null Operations Stop Operation Display Construction Operations 10 16 20 28 34 36 38 42 48 52 54 54 54 Supplementary Operations 56 Logic Operations Digital Operations Bit Test Operations Set/Reset Operations Timer and Counter Operations Load and Transfer Operations Conversion Operations Shift and Rotate Operations Jump Operations Other Operations 56 56 58 62 66 70 74 76 78 80 C79000-J8576-C124-03 I Page System Operations 86 Load and Transfer Operations Arithmetic Operations Jump Operations Other Operations Set Operations Register to Register Transfer Operations Load, Transfer and Arithmetic Operations with the Base Address Register Access to local, word-oriented memory Test/set Busy location (global area) Access to global, byte-oriented memory Access to global, word-oriented memory Open page Test/set Busy location (page area) Access to byte-oriented pages Access to word-oriented pages 86 94 96 96 100 102 102 106 106 108 110 110 110 112 114 Machine Code Listing 116 Alphabetical Index of Operations (with Machine Code) 131 Explanatory Notes on the Condition Codes 144 List of Organization Blocks 146 OBs for Program Processing OBs for Start-up Procedures OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 922/928/928B OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 948 OBs with Special Functions 146 148 II 150 154 156 C79000-J8576-C124-03 Explanatory Notes on the List of Operations Abbreviations Explanations ACCU 1 ACCU 2 ACCU 3 ACCU 4 The four 32-bit accumulators ACCU 1-H ACCU 2-H ACCU 3-H ACCU 4-H The high word of the four 32-bit accumulators ACCU 1-L ACCU 2-L ACCU 3-L ACCU 4-L The low word of the four 32-bit accumulators Condition codes CC0/CC1 Condition codes 0/1 (see pages 119, 120) OV Overflow; this condition code is set e.g. if the number range is exceeded during arithmetic operations. OS Stored overflow; this condition code is set if at least one arithmetic operation causes an overflow (for detection of arithmetic errors). Formal operand C79000-J8576-C124-03 Y The condition code is set/reset depending on the statement. 1 Condition code is set 0 Condition code is reset N Condition code is not affected (see Explanatory Notes on the Condition Codes) Symbolic label with up to 4 characters. The first character must be a letter (see page 7ff). 1 Abbreviations Explanations PI Process Image memory areas for data that are read from the I/Os and/or transferred to the I/Os. The I/O image remains in these memory areas during one program cycle and is updated prior to the next. The binary logic and set/reset operations always use the PI. PII/PIQ Process Image of Inputs/Outputs RLO Binary Result of Logic Operation (1 bit) RLO-dependent command flow? Command execution depends on the RLO Y The statement is executed only if RLO = "1". Y The statement is executed only on the leading edge of the RLO (RLO changes from "0" to "1"). Y The statement is executed only after the RLO changes from "1" to "0" (falling edge). N The statement is always executed. RLO reset? RLO reloaded? STL 2 Command affects the RLO Y RLO is set to "1" or "0". Please refer to the function description of the corresponding statement for explanation on how the new RLO is formed. 1 RLO is set to "1". N RLO does not change. Y The RLO does not change. The RLO cannot be combined any further. If a command which reloads the RLO is followed by a binary logic operation, the scan result is reloaded and a new RLO is started. N The RLO can be combined further. Statement List method of representation in STEP 5. C79000-J8576-C124-03 Explanatory Notes on the Operands Abbr Description Permissible Value Range for Operands CPU Size in Bits Range BN Byte constant (fixed-point no.) all -128 to +127 8 C Counter all 0 to 255 - D Data bit all 0.0 to 255.15 1 DB Data block 922/ 928/ 928B 3 to 255 948 2 to 255 all 0 to 254 32 0 to FFFF FFFF 32 - DD Data double word DH Double word constant (hexadecimal) DL Data word (left-hand byte) all 0 to 255 8 DR Data word (right-hand byte) all 0 to 255 8 DW Data word (in a DB or DX) all 0 to 255 16 DX Data block (extension) 922/ 928 1 to 255 - all1) 928B/ 3 to 255 948 F Flag all 0.0 to 255.7 1 FB Function block all 0 to 255 - FD Flag double word all 0 to 252 32 FW Flag word all 0 to 254 16 FX Function block (extension) all 0 to 255 - 1) CPU 922 from version 09 C79000-J8576-C124-03 3 Abbr Description Permissible Value Range for Operands CPU Range FY Flag byte all 0 to 255 8 I Input (in PII) all 0.0 to 127.0 1 IB Input byte (in PII) all 0 to 127 8 ID Input double word (in PII) all 0 to 124 32 IW Input word (in PII) all 0 to 126 16 KB Constant (1 byte) all 0 to 255 8 KC Constant (count) all 0 to 999 16 KF Constant (fixed-point number) all -32768 to +32767 16 KG Constant (floating-point number) all 0,1701412 .10 39 to 0,1469368 .10 -38 32 KH Constant (hexadecimal code) all 0 to FFFF 16 KM Constant (2-byte bit pattern) all Arbitrary bit pattern 16 KS Constant (2 characters) all ASCII characters 16 KT Constant (time) all 0.0 to 999.3 16 KY Constant (2 bytes) all 0 to 255 (per byte) 16 OB Organization block all 1 to 39 OB Operating system special function - 922/ 928/ 110 to 255 928B 948 4 Size in Bits - 121 to 255 OW Word of the extended I/O area (without PII/PIQ update) all 0 to 254 16 OY Byte of the extended I/O area (without PII/PIQ update) all 0 to 255 8 C79000-J8576-C124-03 Abbr Description Permissible Value Range for Operands CPU Size in Bits Range PB Program block all PW Peripheral word of - digital inputs (direct reading of the PII) - analog inputs/digital inputs (without PII update) - digital outputs (with PIQ update) - analog outputs/digital outputs (without PIQ update) all Peripheral byte of - digital inputs (direct reading of the PII) - analog inputs/digital inputs (without PII update) - digital outputs (with PIQ update) - analog outputs/digital outputs (without PIQ update all Q Output (with PIQ update) all 0.0 to 127.0 1 QB Output byte (with PIQ update) all 0 to 127 8 QD Output double word (with PIQ update) all 0 to 124 32 QW Output word (with PIQ update) all 0 to 126 16 RI Interface data area all 0 to 255 16 RJ Extended interface data area all 0 to 255 16 RS System data area all 0 to 255 16 RT Extended system data area all 0 to 255 16 PY C79000-J8576-C124-03 0 to 255 16 0 to 126 128 to 254 0 to 126 128 to 254 8 0 to 127 128 to 255 0 to 127 128 to 255 5 Abbr Description S Flag, additional (S flag) SB Sequence block SD Flag double word, additional (S flag double word) SW SY T 6 Flag word, additional (S flag word) Flag byte, additional (S flag byte) Timer Permissible Value Range for Operands Size in Bits CPU Range 922 928 n/a n/a 928B 0.0 to 1023.7 948 0.0 to 4095.7 all 0 to 255 - 922 928 n/a n/a 32 928B 0 to 1020 948 0 to 4092 922 928 n/a n/a 928B 0 to 1022 948 0 to 4094 922 928 n/a n/a 928B 0 to 1023 948 0 to 4095 all 0 to 255 1 16 8 - C79000-J8576-C124-03 Explanatory Notes on the Formal Operands (Block Parameters) A maximum of 126 different formal operands (nos. 1 to 126) can be programmed per FB/FX. Parameter Type Data Type I, Q BI for an operand with bit address I, Q, F BY for an operand with byte address IB, QB, FY, DL, DR, PY, OY W for an operand with word address IW, QW, FW, DW, PW, OW D for an operand with double word address ID, QD, FD, DD KM for a binary pattern (16 bits) Constants KY for 2-byte serial absolute value numbers from 0 to 255 KH for a 4 digit hexadecimal number KS for a character (max. 2 alphanum. characters) KT for a time in BCD with time base 1.0 to 999.3 KC for a count value in BCD from 0 to 999 KF for a fixed-point number from -32768 to +32767 KG for a floating-point number from 0,1701412 . 10 39 to 0,1469368 . 10 -38 D C79000-J8576-C124-03 Actual Operands Permitted 7 Parameter Type Data Type Actual Operands Permitted B Type specification not permitted DB Data blocks: statement C DB is executed FB Function blocks (permitted without parameters only) are called unconditionally: JU FB OB Organization blocks are called unconditionally: JU OB PB Program blocks are called unconditionally : JU PB SB Sequence blocks are called unconditionally: JU SB 8 T Type specification not permitted T C Type specification not permitted C C79000-J8576-C124-03 Intentionally blank! C79000-J8576-C124-03 9 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Boolean Logic Operations All logic operations generate a result (RLO). The first RLO in a string of logic operations generates the new RLO from the signal status scanned. All subsequent logic operations generate the new RLO from the signal status scanned, and gate it with the old RLO. The string of logic operations is terminated by an operation that reloads the RLO (e.g., set/reset operation). A I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan input for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND A Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan output for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND A F 0.0 to 255.7 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan flag for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N N Y N 3.7 A S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N N Y N A D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N N Y N 37-38 29 3.4 0.77 Scan a bit in the data block (DB/DX) for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND A T 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a time for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND A C 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 19-23 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a counter for "1" and combine with RLO with RLO through logic AND AN I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan input for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND AN Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan output for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND 10 0.39 Scan S flag for "1" and combine with RLO through logic AND C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 11 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 20-25 0.9 0.57 0.18 Function Boolean Logic Operations (continued) AN F 0.0 to 255.7 N N N N N Y N S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N N Y N Scan flag for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND 3.7 AN 0.39 Scan S flag for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N N Y N AN D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N N Y N 36-41 29 3.4 0.77 Scan a bit in the data block (DB/DX) for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND AN T 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 22 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a time for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND AN C 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 18-20 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a counter for "0" and combine with RLO through logic AND O I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 19-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan input for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR O Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 19-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan output for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR O F 0.0 to 257.7 N N N N N Y N 19-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan flag for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N N Y N 3.7 O O 12 S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N N Y N D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N N Y N 0.39 35-38 28 C79000-K8576-C124-03 3.4 0.77 Scan S flag for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR Scan a bit in the data block (DB/DX) for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR C79000-K8576-C124-03 13 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Boolean Logic Operations (continued) O T 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 18-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a time for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR O C 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 17-20 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a counter for "1" and combine with RLO through logic OR ON I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 18-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan input for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR ON Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N Y N 18-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan output for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR ON F 0.0 to 255.7 N N N N N Y N 18-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan flag for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N N Y N 3.7 ON S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N N Y N ON D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N N Y N 35-37 28 3.4 0.77 Scan a bit in the data block (DB/DX) for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR ON T 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 19-21 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a time for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR ON C 0 to 255 N N N N N Y N 16-20 0.9 0.57 0.18 Scan a counter for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR N N N N N Y Y 12-14 0.8 0.57 0.18 Combine AND operations through logic OR O 14 - 0.39 Scan S flag for "0" and combine with RLO through logic OR C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 15 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Boolean Logic Operations (continued) A( - N N N N N Y Y 20 1.2 0.57 0.18 Combine expressions enclosed with parentheses (8 levels) through logic AND O( - N N N N N Y Y 21 1.2 0.57 0.18 Combine expressions enclosed with parentheses (8 levels) through logic OR ) - N N N N N Y N 20-22 1.2 0.57 0.18 Right parenthesis (End of operation in parentheses) Set/Reset Operations, Binary S I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N Y N Y 19-21 1.2 0.63 0.32 The input of the process image is set to "1" if the RLO is "1" S Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N Y N Y 19-21 1.2 0.63 0.32 The output of the process image is set to "1" if the RLO is "1" S F 0.0 to 255.7 N N N N Y N Y 19-21 1.2 0.63 0.32 The flag is set to "1" if the RLO is "1" S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N Y N Y S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N Y N Y S D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N Y N Y 35-37 28 0.63 0.77 The bit in the data block (DB/DX) is set to "1" if the RLO is "1" R I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N Y N Y 18-22 1.2 0.63 0.32 The input of the process image is reset to "0" if the RLO is "1" R Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N Y N Y 18-22 1.2 0.63 0.32 The output of the process image is reset to "0" if the RLO is "1" 3.9 S 16 The S flag is set to "1" if the RLO is "1" 0.48 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 17 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution = Operation with this 3 not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 18-22 1.2 0.63 0.32 Function Set/Reset Operations, Binary (continued) R F 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N Y N Y S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N Y N Y S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N Y N Y R D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N Y N Y 33-38 27 3.4 0.77 The bit in the data block (DB/DX) is reset to "0" if the RLO is "1" = I 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N N Y 20 1.2 0.63 0.32 The value of the RLO is assigned to the input in the process image = Q 0.0 to 127.7 N N N N N N Y 20 1.2 0.63 0.32 The value of the RLO is assigned to the output in the process image = F 0.0 to 255.7 N N N N N N Y 20 1.2 0.63 0.32 The value of the RLO is assigned to the flag S 0.0 to 1023.7 N N N N N N Y S 0.0 to 4095.7 N N N N N N Y D 0.0 to 255.15 N N N N N N Y 3.9 R The S flag is reset to "0" if the RLO is "1" 0.48 3.9 = = 18 The flag is reset to "0" if the RLO is "1" The value of the RLO is assigned to the S flag 0.48 37 29 C79000-K8576-C124-03 3.4 0.77 The value of the RLO is assigned to the bit in the data block (DB/DX) C79000-K8576-C124-03 19 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 not possible CPU CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Load Operations The original contents of ACCU 1 are passed on to ACCU 2 before the byte, word or double word addressed is loaded into ACCU 1. During byte and word operations, the high bits (not loaded) of ACCU 1 are deleted (bits 8 to 31 for byte operations, bits 16 to 31 for word operations). If you use ACCU 3 and ACCU 4, you must insert the "ENT" operation from the supplementary operation set to restore the accumulator contents. 20 L IB 0 to 127 N N N N N N N 22 12 0.81 0.18 Load an input byte from the PII into ACCU 1-L L IW 0 to 126 N N N N N N N 22 13 0.94 0.50 Load an input word from the PII into ACCU 1-L: byte n bits 8-15, byte n+1 bits 0-7 L ID 0 to 244 N N N N N N N 24 16 1.6 0.71 Load an input double word from the PII into ACCU 1: byte n bits 24-31, byte n+1 bits 16-23, byte n+2 bits 8-15, byte n+3 bits 0-7 L QB 0 to 127 N N N N N N N 21 12 0.81 0.18 Load an output byte from the PIQ into ACCU 1-L L QW 0 to 126 N N N N N N N 22 12 0.94 0.50 Load an output word from the PIQ into ACCU 1-L: byte n bits 8-15, byte n+1 bits 0-7 L QD 0 to 124 N N N N N N N 24 16 1.6 0.71 Load an output double word from the PIQ into ACCU 1: byte n bits 24-31, byte n+1 bits 16-23, byte n+2 bits 8-15, byte n+3 bits 0-7 L FY 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 22 12 0.81 0.18 Load a flag byte into ACCU 1-L L FW 0 to 254 N N N N N N N 22 12 0.94 0.50 Load a flag word into ACCU 1-L: byte n bits 8-15, byte n+1 bits 0-7 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 21 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 24 16 1.6 0.71 Function Load Operations (continued) L FD 0 to 252 N N N N N N N SY 0 to 1023 N N N N N N N SY 0 to 4095 N N N N N N N SW 0 to 1022 N N N N N N N 2.4 L Load an S flag byte into ACCU 1-L 0.39 2.5 L 0.59 22 Load an S flag word into ACCU 1-L: Byte n bits 8-15,byte n+1 bits 0-7 SW 0 to 4094 N N N N N N N SD 0 to 1020 N N N N N N N SD 0 to 4092 N N N N N N N L DH 0 to FFFF FFFF N N N N N N N 20.11) 15 1.7 0.57 Load a constant (hexadecimal code as double word) into ACCU 1 L DL 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 24 14 1.7 0.50 Load the left byte of a data word of the current data block into ACCU 1-L 3.1 L 1) Load a flag double word into ACCU 1: byte n bits 24-31, byte n+1 bits 16-23, byte n+2 bits 8-15, byte n+3 bits 0-7 0.77 Load an S flag double word into ACCU 1: byte n bits 24-31, byte n+1 bits 16-23, byte n+2 bits 8-15, byte n+3 bits 0-7 Operation possible from version 09 onwards. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 23 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 time in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Load Operations (continued) L DR 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 24 14 1.7 0.50 Load the right byte of a data word of the current data block into ACCU 1-L L DW 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 24 14 1.5 0.50 Load a data word of the current data block into ACCU 1-L L DD 0 to 254 N N N N N N N 25 17 2.0 0.68 Load a flag double word into ACCU 1: word n bits 16-31, word n+1 bits 0-7 L KB 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 19 8 0.63 0.18 Load a constant (1-byte number) into ACCU 1-L L KC 0 to 999 N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (count in BCD) into ACCU 1-L N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (fixed-point number) into ACCU 1-L L KG (see page 4) N N N N N N N 21 15 1.7 0.57 Load a constant (floating point number) into ACCU 1-L L KH 0 to FFFF N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (hexadecimal code) into ACCU 1-L L KM bit pattern, 16 bit N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (bit pattern) into ACCU 1-L L L L L 24 KF -32768 to +32767 KS (2 ASCII characters) N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (2 characters in ASCII format) into ACCU 1-L KT 0.0 to 999.3 N N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant time (time in BCD) into ACCU 1-L KY 2 bytes N 0 to 255 each N N N N N N 20 14 1.2 0.39 Load a constant (2-byte number) into ACCU 1-L C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 25 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU Function 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Load Operations (continued) Load a peripheral byte from the digital/analog inputs into ACCU 1-L L PY 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 30 1) 16 1) 1.4 1) 1.7 1) L PW 0 to 254 N N N N N N N 31 1) 211) 2.1 1) 2.69 L OY 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 301) 161) 1.4 1) 1.7 1) Load a byte of the extended I/O area into ACCU 1-L L OW 0 to 254 N N N N N N N 311) 211) 2.1 1) 2.7 1) Load a word of the extended I/O area into ACCU 1-L: byte n bits 8-15, byte n+1 bits 0-7 L T 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 25 14 0.81 0.30 Load a time in binary code into ACCU 1-L L C 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 24 14 0.81 0.30 Load a count in binary code into ACCU 1-L LC T 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 38 16 3.7 0.39 Load a time in BCD into ACCU 1-L (including binary-BCD conversion) LC C 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 35 15 3.7 0.39 Load a count in BCD into ACCU 1-L (including binary-BCD conversion) 1) 26 1) Load a peripheral word from the digital/analog inputs into ACCU 1-L: byte n bits 8-15, byte n+1 bits 0-7 Execution time for single processing operation and for immediate bus access in multiprocessing operations. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 27 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 not possible CPU CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Transfer Operations The contents of ACCU 1 are transferred to the operand specified. 28 T IB 0 to 127 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.75 0.18 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to an input byte (into the PII) T IW 0 to 126 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.88 0.41 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to an input word (into PII): bits 8-15 byte n, bits 0-7 byte n+1 T ID 0 to 124 N N N 0 N N N 20 15 1.9 0.59 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to an input double word (into the PII): bits 24-31 byte n, bits 16-23 byte n+1, bits 8-15 byte n+2, bits 0-7 byte n+3 T QB 0 to 127 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.75 0.18 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to an output byte (into the PIQ) T QW 0 to 126 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.88 0.41 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to an output word (into the PIQ): bits 8-15 byte n, bits 0-7 byte n+1 T QD 0 to124 N N N 0 N N N 20 15 1.9 0.59 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to an output double word (into the PIQ): bits 24-31 byte n, bits 16-23 byte n+1, bits 8-15 byte n+2, bits 0-7 byte n+3 T FY 0 to255 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.75 0.18 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to a flag byte (bits 0-7) T FW 0 to 254 N N N 0 N N N 15 11 0.88 0.41 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to a flag word: bits 8-15 byte n, bits 0-7 byte n+1 T FD N N N 0 N N N 20 15 1.9 0.59 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to a flag double word: bits 24-31 byte n, bits 16-23 byte n+1, bits 8-15 byte n+2, bits 0-7 byte n+3 0 to 252 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 29 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution 2 3 N N N = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 not possible CPU CPU 928B Function CPU 948 Transfer Operations (continued) SY 0 to 1023 N N N 0 2.3 T SY 0.39 0 to 4095 N N N 0 N N N SW 0 to 1022 N N N 0 N N N SW 0 to 4094 N N N 0 N N N SD 0 to 1020 N N N 0 N N N SD 0 to 4092 N N N 0 N N N T DL 0 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 22 15 1.5 0.68 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to a data word (left byte) in a DB/DX T DR 0 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 22 14 1.4 0.68 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to a data word (right byte) in a DB/DX T DW 0 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 22 14 1.4 0.41 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-15) to a data word in a DB/DX T DD 0 to 254 N N N 0 N N N 25 18 1.9 0.59 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to a data double word in a DB/DX: bits 16-31 word n, bits 0-15 word n+1 2.3 0.41 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to an S flag word: bits 8-15 byte n, bits 0-7 byte n+1 0.59 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to an S flag double word: bits 24-31 byte n, bits 16-23 byte n+1, bits 8-15 byte n+2, bits 0-7 byte n+3 T 3.4 T 30 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to an S flag byte (bits 0-7) C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 31 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Transfer Operations (continued) PY 0 to 127 N N N 0 N N N 27 1) 15 1) 2.0 1) 1.6 1) Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to a peripheral byte of the digital or analog outputs. The PIQ is also corrected. PY 128 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 27 1) 14 1) 1.21) 1.5 1) Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to a peripheral byte of the digital or analog outputs. 30 1) 21 1) 1) T PW 0 to 126 N N N 0 N N N 3.2 2.6 1) T 1) 32 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-15) to a peripheral word of the digital or analog outputs: bits 8-15 byte n; bits 0-7 byte n+1 The PIQ is also corrected. PW 128 to 254 N N N 0 N N N 30 1) 18 1) 2.0 1) 2.4 1) Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-15) to a peripheral word of the digital or analog outputs: bits 8-15 byte n; bits 0-7 byte n+1 T OY 0 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 23 1) 14 1) 1.2 1) 1.5 1) Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L (bits 0-7) to a byte of the extended periphery of the digital or analog outputs (no process image). T OW 0 to 254 N N N 0 N N N 26 1) 18 1) 2.0 1) 2.4 1) Transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to a word of the extended periphery of the digital or analog outputs (no process image): bits 8-15 byte n; bits 0-7 byte n+1 Execution time for single processing operation and for immediate bus access in multiprocessing operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 33 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this times in s not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Timer Operations SP T 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 20/ 42 1) 1.2/ 18 1) 3.6 0.18 Start timer (stored in ACCU 1-L) as pulse (start timer with continuous enable) SE T 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 21/ 43 1) 1.2/ 18 1) 3.6 0.18 Start timer (stored in ACCU 1-L) as extended pulse (start timer with one-shot enable) SD T 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 20/ 45 1) 1.2/ 18 1) 3.6 0.18 Start timer (stored in ACCU 1-L) as ON delay SS T 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 21/ 46 1) 1.2/ 18 1) 3.6 0.18 Start timer (stored in ACCU 1-L) as stored ON delay SF T 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 22/ 44 1) 1.2/ 18 1) 3.6 0.18 Start timer (stored in ACCU 1-L) as OFF delay R T 0 to 255 N N N N Y Y 14/ 18 2) 12/ 15 2) 1.4 0.18 Reset timer N 1) Time applies when "S5 time is not started/S5 time is started". 2) Time applies when RLO = 0 / RLO = 1. 34 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 35 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this times in s not possible CPU CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Counter Operations CU C 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 18/ 23 1) 1.2/ 14 1) 2.1 0.18 Counter counts up 1 CD C 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 18/ 24 1) 1.2/ 14 1) 2.0 0.18 Counter counts down 1 S C 0 to 255 N N N N Y N Y 17/ 38 1) 16/ 23 1) 3.8 0.18 Set counter with the value stored in ACCU 1-L (BCD number from 0 to 999) R C 0 to 255 N N N N Y Y 12/ 16 2) 12/ 14 2) 1.4 0.18 Reset counter N 1) Time applies when "S5 time is not started/S5 time is started". 2) Time applies when RLO = 0 / RLO = 1. 36 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 37 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Arithmetic Operations The result (numerical value) of an arithmetic operation is stored in ACCU 1. All other accumulator contents change as follows: For +F, -F, xF, ACCU-2-L: ACCU-3-L: ACCU-4-L: :F: = ACCU-3-L = ACCU-4-L = ACCU-4-L For +G, -G, xG, :G, +D, -D: ACCU 2: = ACCU 3 ACCU 3: = ACCU 4 ACCU 4: = ACCU 4 The original contents of ACCU 2-L or ACCU 2 are lost. Whether the result is <0, >0 or =0 can be evaluated via CC0 and CC1 (see Explanatory Notes on the Condition Codes). Fixed-point numbers, 16 bits +F - Y Y Y Y N N N 26-32 15-18 0.94 0.55 Add two fixed-point numbers: (ACCU 1-L) + (ACCU 2-L) -F - Y Y Y Y N N N 26-33 15-20 0.94 0.55 Subtract one fixed-point number from another: (ACCU 2-L) - (ACCU 1-L) xF - Y Y Y Y N N N 36-39 20-21 7.9 3.2 Multiply one fixed-point number by another: (ACCU 1-L) x (ACCU 2-L) :F - Y Y Y Y N N N 27-50 13-24 10.4 3.8 Divide one fixed-point number by another: (ACCU 2-L) : (ACCU 1-L). ACCU 1-L: result; ACCU 2-H: remainder 38 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 39 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 not possible CPU Function CPU 928B CPU 948 9.1 3.3 Add two floating-point numbers: ACCU 1 + ACCU 2 9.1 3.5 Subtract one floating-point number from another: ACCU 1 - ACCU 2 5.2 Multiply one floating-point number by another: ACCU 1 x ACCU 2 6.3 Divide one floating-point number by another: ACCU 2: ACCU 1; Result: ACCU 1-L: mantissa low ACCU 1-H: mantissa high and exponent Arithmetic Operations (continued) Floating-point numbers, 32 bits When performing arithmetic operations with a 16-bit mantissa (default), the eight low bits are set to "0". 30-33 1) +G - Y Y Y Y N N N 56-86 31-56 2) 30-42 1) -G - Y Y Y Y N N N 56-86 31-47 2) 29-39 xG - Y Y Y Y N N N 52-74 1) 12.1 1) 30-66 20.5 2) 2) 28-42 :G - Y Y Y Y N N N 51-81 1) 15.6 1) 31-69 23.3 2) 2) 1) Time in the case of 16-bit mantissa (default) 2) Time in the case of 24-bit mantissa 40 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 41 Basic Operations Permissible for all blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Comparison Operations The contents of ACCU 2 (operand) are compared with the contents of ACCU 1 (operand 2). The RLO is set to "1" if the comparison condition is fulfilled or to "0" if it is not fulfilled. Whether the contents of ACCU 2 are <, > or = those in ACCU 1, can be evaluated via CC0 and CC1 (see Explanatory Notes on the Condition Codes). Fixed-point numbers, 16 bits !=F - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 18 14-15 0.88 0.30 Compare two fixed-point numbers for equal to: if ACCU 2-L = ACCU 1-L, the RLO is "1" >F - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 18 13-14 0.88 0.30 Compare two fixed-point numbers for greater than: if ACCU 2-L > ACCU 1-L, the RLO is "1" >=F - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 18 14-15 0.88 0.30 Compare two fixed-point numbers for greater than or equal to: if ACCU 2-L ACCU 1-L, the RLO is "1" G - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 19-27 16-18 1.9 1.4 Compare two floating-point numbers for greater than: if ACCU 2 > ACCU 1, the RLO is "1" >=G - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 19-27 17-19 1.9 1.4 Compare two floating-point numbers for greater than or equal to: if ACCU 2 ACCU 1, the RLO is "1" D - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 19-24 14-16 1.6 0.52 Compare two fixed-point double words for greater than: if ACCU 2 > ACCU 1, the RLO is "1" >=D - Y Y 0 0 N Y N 19-24 15-17 1.6 0.52 Compare two fixed-point double words for greater than or equal to: if ACCU 2 ACCU 1, the RLO is "1" "0": the jump is only made if CC1 = 1 and CC0 = 0 Jump if result < "0": the jump is only made if CC1 = 0 and CC0 = 1 Jump on "overflow": the jump is only made if the OV bit is set. Jump on "stored overflow": the jump is only made if the OS bit is set If CC 1 = "1" and CC 0 ="1", not executed for CPU 948 C79000-K8576-C124-03 79 Supplementary Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Other Operations IA - N N N N N N N 12 25 52 0.30 Disable interrupt: process interrupts are no longer serviced RA - N N N N N N N 12 25 52 0.30 Enable interrupt: cancels the effect of IA IAE - N N N N N N N 0.32 Disable addressing error RAE - N N N N N N N 0.32 Enable addressing error: cancels the effect of IAE BAS - N N N N Y N Y 0.50 Disable output command: PIQ is no longer affected, i.e., the outputs are no longer changed by the S Q, R Q, =Q, T PY, T PW operations. BAF - N N N N Y N Y 0.50 Enable output command: cancels the effect of BAS 80 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 81 Supplementary Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Other Operations (continued) D 0-255 N N N N N N N 11 9 0.57 0.18 Decrement the low byte (bits 0 to 7) of ACCU 1 by the value n (n=0 to 255) (without carry) I 0-255 N N N N N N N 11 9 0.57 0.18 Increment the low byte (bits 0 to 7) of ACCU 1 by the value n (n=0 to 255) (without carry) ENT - N N N N N N N 26 8 0.75 0.39 The contents of the accumulators are restored1). SED 0-312) Y 0 N N N N N 32-37 23 4.1 3) 3.0 3) Set semaphore with the number specified (operation applicable exclusively in multiprocessor mode) SEE 0-312) Y 0 N N N N N 32-36 23 4.1 3) 3.1 3) Enable semaphore with the number specified (operation applicable exclusively in multiprocessor mode) 1) New value of := ACCU 1 := ACCU 2 := ACCU 3 := ACCU 4 := The original contents of ACCU 2) Semaphore locations on the coordinator module 3) Add the waiting time for the bus allocation 82 Old value of ACCU 1 ACCU 2 ACCU 2 ACCU 3 4 are lost. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 83 Supplementary Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO times in s Execution 1dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S = Operation with this 1 2 3 CPU 922 1) 1) 1) 12-15 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B 2) 1.7 2) Function CPU 948 Other Operations (continued) 1) 1) 1) Formal operand 1) DO DW 0 to 255 N N N N N N N 20-26 12-26 3.3 0.84 2) Process data word: the following operation is executed with the parameter specified in the data word 3) DO FW 0 to 254 N N N N N N N 19-25 23-26 3.2 0.75 2) Process flag word: the following operation is executed with the parameter specified in the flag word 3) 15 2) 1) The condition codes are evaluated and changed according to the operation executed. 2) The execution time of the substituted operation must be added. 3) The following operations are possible: 0.82 2) Call block as formal operand (only C DB, JU PB/FB/SB/OB can be substituted) DO= - A.., AN.., O.., ON.., S.., R..,=.. with the areas I, Q, F and S, - FR T, R T, SF T, SR T, SP T, SS T, SE T, FR C, R C, S C, CD C, CU C, - L.., T.. with the areas P, O, I, Q, F, S, D, RI, RJ, RS and RT, - L T, L C, - LC T, LC C, - JU=, JC=, JZ=, JN=, JP=, JM=, JO=, - SLW, SRW, - D, I, SED, SEE, - C DB, JU.., JC.., G DB, GX DX, CX DX, DOC FX, DOU FX 84 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 85 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 = Operation with this 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function 3) CPU 948 Load and Transfer Operations LIR Register no. 0 to 15 N N N N N N N 26-35 2-23 TIR Register no. 0 to 15 N N N N N N N 26-38 5-19 1) Registers for LIR and TIR (register width = 16 bits) Reg.-No. 0 1 2 3 5 6 Register designation ACCU 1-H ACCU 1-L ACCU 2-H ACCU 2-L BSP (only on CPU 922/948) DBA high word ACCU 1 low word ACCU 1 high word ACCU 2 low word ACCU 2 Block Stack Pointer Start address of the current data block (address of the first DW) 8 DBL (not on CPU 922) Length of the current data block (number of data words) 9 10 11 12 15 ACCU 3-H ACCU 3-L ACCU 4-H ACCU 4-L SAC (not on CPU 948) high word ACCU 3 low word ACCU 3 high word ACCU 4 low word ACCU 4 Step Address Counter 45-51 0.9-2.1 Load register with the contents of a memory word 2) addressed by ACCU 11) 36-50 0.7-1.9 Transfer register contents into the memory word 2) addressed by ACCU 11) 2) 2) 2) Execution time for single processing operation and for immediate bus access in multiprocessing operation. l/Os acknowledge within 0.1s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. 3) Differences in the CPU 948: The operations LIR/TIR operate with 20 bit absolute addresses. Specifying the address in ACCU 1: ACCU-1-H:Bit no. 15 to 4= 0 Bit no. 3 to 0= address bits nos. 19 to 16 ACCU-1-L:Bit no. 15 to 0= address bits nos. 15 to 0 - Access to the 8-bit memory: LIR: the high byte of the register is loaded with FFH (except on CPU 948, S flag and I/Os) TIR: the high byte of the register is lost 86 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 87 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function 3) CPU 948 Load and Transfer Operations (continued) LDI Register name 1) TDI Register name 1) N N N N N N N 0 N N N N N Load the specified 32 bit register with the contents by ACCU 1-H/L 1.1-3.2 of a memory word n addressed 2) and the following word n+1 3): register HIGH = memory word n register LOW = memory word n+1 N Transfer the contents of the specified 32 bit by 1.0-2.4 register into the memory word n addressed 2) ACCU 1-H/L and the following word n+1 3): memory word n = register HIGH memory word n+1 = register LOW 1) Registers for LDI and TDI (register width = 32 bits) Reg.-No. Register designation 2) Execution time for single processing operation and for immediate bus access in multiprocessing operation. l/Os acknowledge within 0.1s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. 3) A1 A2 SA BA BR ACCU 1 ACCU 2 SAC = STEP address counter BA register (block start address, bit no. 0 to 19) BR register (block address register, bit no. 0 to 19) Specifying the address in ACCU 1: ACCU-1-H:Bit no. 15 to 4= 0 Bit no. 3 to 0= address bits nos. 19 to 16 ACCU-1-L:Bit no. 15 to 0= address bits nos. 15 to 0 - Access to the 8-bit memory: LDI: the HIGH byte of the register is loaded with FFH (except on CPU 948, S flag and I/Os) TDI: the high byte of the register is lost 88 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 89 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function (only CPU 922/928/928B) CPU 948 Load and Transfer Operations (continued) TNB TNW Length of area 0 to 255 N Length of area 0 to 255 N N N N N 01) N N 01) N N N N 54 1530 66 1226 55 3010 65 2340 1) With CPU 928/928B the OS bit is not influenced by TNB 0/TNW 0. 2) Execution time for single processing operation and for bus access in multiprocessing operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. 1001258 2) 952400 2) 3) Block transfer 0 to 255 bytes3): End address of target area in ACCU 1-L End address of source area in ACCU 2-L Block transfer 0 to 255 words3): End address of target area in ACCU 1-L End address of source area in ACCU 2-L Block transfer operations function decrementally, i.e., the number of words/bytes specified is transferred starting with the end address. Source area and target area must be located completely within one of the following memory areas: Address area CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B 0000 - 7FFF (16 bit) 8000 - DD7F (16 bit) DD80 - E3FF (16 bit) E400 - E7FF (8 bit) E400 - E7FF (16 bit) E800 - EDFF (16 bit) AC00 - EDFF (16 bit) EE00 - EFFF (8 bit) F000 - FFFF (8 bit) A conversion takes place in case of block transfers between 8 and 16 bit memory areas. Two bytes are converted into a word and vice versa. 90 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 91 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function (only CPU 948) CPU 948 Load and Transfer Operations (continued) The block transfer operations of the CPU 948 listed below function with 20 bit absolute addresses. Only these operations can be interrupted by timeout (QVZ) and power failure (NAU). 2-250 TNW Length of area 0 to 255 N N N 0 N N N 1) Block transfer in words in the 16 bit memory area 2) 3-560 3-180 TXB - N N N 0 N N N 1) 5-480 3-180 TXW - N N N 0 N N N 1) 5-480 1) Execution time for single processing operation and for immediate bus access in multiprocessing operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution time for longer acknowledgement time. Address area of the CPU 948 0 0000 to E FBFF (16 bit) Block transfer from the 16 bit to the 8 bit memory area 2): The high byte of the source date is transferred into the byte with address n, the low byte of the source date is transferred into the byte with address n+1. Block transfer operations function decrementally, i.e., the number of words specified is transferred starting with the end address. The end address of the target area (20 bit) must be located in ACCU 1, the end address of the source area (20 bit) must be located in ACCU 2. Both the source and the target area must be completely within a memory area listed in the table. For TXB and TXW ACCU 3 must contain the block length (number of words, 0 to 127). E A000 to E AFFF (8 bit - S flag) E FC00 to E FFFF (8 bit) A conversion takes place in case of block transfers between 8 and 16 bit memory areas. Two bytes are converted into a word and vice versa. F 0000 to F FFFF (8/16 bit) 92 2) Block transfer from the 8 bit to the 16 bit memory area 2): The byte from address n is transferred into the high byte, the byte from address n+1 is transferred into the low byte of the target date. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 93 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Arithmetic Operations ADD BN -128 to + 127 N N N N N N N 12 11 0.57 0.18 Add byte constant (fixed-point number) to contents of ACCU 1-L (operation includes sign change); ACCUs 2 to 4 remain unchanged ADD KF - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 13 12 1.2 0.39 Add fixed-point constant (word) to contents of ACCU 1-L; ACCUs 2 to 4 remain unchanged ADD DH 0 to FFFF FFFF N N N N N N N 20.2 1) 14 1.7 0.57 Add fixed-point constant (double word) to contents of ACCU 11); ACCUs 2 to 4 remain unchanged +D - Y Y Y Y N N N 17-19 1.6 0.64 Add two double word fixed-point numbers 2): ACCU 1 + ACCU 2; result can be evaluated via CC0/CC1 -D - Y Y Y Y N N N 20-23 1.6 0.62 Subtract two double word fixed-point numbers 2): ACCU 2 - ACCU 1; result can be evaluated via CC0/CC1 1) Operation possible from version 09 2) For changes to ACCU 2 and ACCU 3 see Arithmetic Operations, page 38 94 38-41 1) 42-46 1) C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 95 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V N N N 1) 1) 1) RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution = Operation with this not possible CPU Function 2 3 CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 N N N N 15 11 1.2 0.68 Any jump within a function block 1) 1) 1) 15-19 1.1 2) Execute an operation 3) whose operation code is stored in a formal operand. The number of the formal operand must be stored in ACCU 1. Jump Operation JUR - 32768 to + 32767 Other Operations DI DO TAK - RS 60 to 63 - 1) 2) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 16 2) N N N N N N N 24 1) The codes are evaluated and changed according to the operation executed. 2) The execution time of the operation must be added. 18 2) 1.7 2) 17 2) 0.93 2) 9 0.88 3) 3) 0.71 2) Execute an operation whose operation code is stored in the system data 0.18 2) Swap the contents of ACCU 1 and ACCU 2. The following operations are possible: - A.., AN.., O.., ON.., S.., R.., =.. with the areas I, Q, F, and S, - FR T, R T, SF T, SR T, SP T, SS T, SE T, FR C, R C, S C, CD C, CU C, - L.., T.. with the areas P, O, I, Q, F, S, D, RI, RJ, RS and RT, - L T, L C, - LC T, LC C, - JU=, JC=, JZ=, JN=, JP=, JM=, JO=, - SLW, SRW, - D, I, SED, SEE, - C DB, JU.., JC.., G DB, GX DX, CX DX, DOC FX, DOU FX 96 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 97 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function CPU 948 Other Operations (continued) Stop operation with direct transition to SMOOTH STOP mode (communication capability with CPs) STS - N N N N N N N 2.0 1) STW - N N N N N N N - SIM - N N N N N N N 0.48 Set interrupt mask (bit pattern in ACCU 1 - 32 bit) LIM - N N N N N N N 0.18 Load interrupt mask (32 bit) into ACCU 1 1) 98 Stop operation resulting in HARD STOP mode (can only be reset by POWER OFF/ POWER ON) Add the time for the ISTACK operation (approx. 6.5 s) C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 99 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function CPU 948 Set Operations SU RS 60.0 to 63.15 N N N N N N Y 0.48 Set a bit in the RS area unconditionally SU RT 0.0 to RT 255.15 N N N N N N Y 0.48 Set a bit in the RT area unconditionally RU RS 60.0 to 63.15 N N N N N N Y 0.48 Reset a bit in the RS area unconditionally RU RT 0.0 to RT 255.15 N N N N N N Y 0.48 Reset a bit in the RT area unconditionally 100 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 101 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B Function (only for CPU 928/928B) CPU 948 Register to Register Transfer Operations These operations transfer the contents of one register into another register. MAS - N N N N N N N 9 0.88 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 (bits 20 to 2 14) into the step address counter (SAC) MAB - N N N N N N N 12 0.62 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 (bits 20 to 2 31) into the base address register (BR) MSA - N N N N N N N 11 0.69 Transfer the contents of the step address counter (SAC) into ACCU 1 MSB - N N N N N N N 11 0.69 Transfer the contents of the step address counter (SAC) into the base address register (BR) 1) MBA - N N N N N N N 12 0.62 Transfer the contents of the base address register (BR) into ACCU 1 MBS - N N N N N N N 10 0.88 Transfer the contents of the base address register (BR) (bits 20 to 2 14) into the step address counter (SAC) Load, Transfer and Arithmetic Operations with the Base Address Register The base address register (32 bits) allows address arithmetic and indirect load and transfer operations without using the accumulators for addressing. The following applies: Absolute address = contents of base address register + constant MBR 0 to FF FFF N N N N N N N 15 1.1 Load a 20-bit constant into the base address register 2) ABR - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 14 1.1 Add a 16-bit constant to the contents of the base address register 1) The bits 2 15 to 231 are set to "0". 2) The bits 2 20 to 2 31of the BR register are set to "0". . 102 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 103 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO Execution 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 CPU 928 times in s not possible CPU CPU 928B Function (only for CPU 948) CPU 948 Register to Register Transfer Operations These operations transfer the contents of one register into another register. MAS - N N N N N N N 0.66 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 (bits 20 to 2 19) into the step address counter (SAC) MAB - N N N N N N N 0.30 Transfer the contents of ACCU 1 (bits 20 to 2 19) into the base address register (BR) MSA - N N N N N N N 0.30 Transfer the contents of the step address counter (SAC) into ACCU 1 MSB - N N N N N N N 0.18 Transfer the contents of the step address counter (SAC) into the base address register (BR) 1) MBA - N N N N N N N 0.30 Transfer the contents of the base address register (BR) into ACCU 1 MBS - N N N N N N N 0.48 Transfer the contents of the base address register (BR) into the step address counter (SAC) Load, Transfer and Arithmetic Operations with the Base Address Register The base address register (20 bits) allows address arithmetic and indirect load and transfer operations without using the accumulators for addressing. The following applies: Absolute address = contents of base address register + constant MBR 0 to F FFFF N N N N N N N 0.48 Load a 20-bit constant into the base address register ABR - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 0.39 Add a 16-bit constant to the contents of the base address register 1) 104 The bits 2 20 to 231 are set to "0". C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 105 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Access to local, word-oriented memory: 1) LRW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 22 3.6 0.59 Add the constant specified to the contents of the BR register and load the address of the word specified into ACCU 1-L 1). LRD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 30 5.0 0.77 Add the constant specified to the contents of the BR register and load the address of the double word specified into ACCU 1 1). TRW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 21 3.4 0.59 Add the constant specified to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to the address of the word specified 1). TRD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 28 5.0 0.77 Add the constant specified to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to the address of the double word specified 1). 4.7 2) 2.9 2) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register, and test and set the Busy location 1) addressed. Test/set Busy location (global area): 1) TSG 1) 106 - 32768 to + 32767 Y Y 0 N N N N 26 2) 2) Possible absolute addresses: CPU 928/928B CPU 948 LRW/TRW 0000 to E3FF and E800 to EDFF 0 0000 to E FBFF LRD/TRD 0000 to E3FE and E800 to EDFE 0 0000 to E FBFE TSG 0000 to EFFF F 0000 to F FFFF C79000-K8576-C124-03 Execution time for single processor operation and for bus access in multiprocessor operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution times for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 107 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Access to global, byte-oriented memory: LY GB - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 22 1) 3.0 1) 1.8 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the byte addressed into ACCU 1-LL 2). LY GW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 26 1) 3.9 1) 2.4 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the word addressed into ACCU 1-L 2). LY GD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 31 1) 5.5 1) 4.4 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the double word addressed into ACCU 1 2). TY GB - 32768to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 21 1) 2.9 1) 1.8 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-LL to the byte addressed 2). TY GW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 25 1) 3.7 1) 2.5 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to the word addressed 2). TY GD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 30 1) 5.3 1) 4.0 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to the double word addressed 2). 1) 108 Execution time for single processor operation and for bus access in multiprocessor operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1s or proportionally longer execution times for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 2) Possible absolute addresses: CPU 928/928B CPU 948 LY GB/TY GW 0000 to EFFF F 0000 to F FFFF LY GW/TY GW 0000 to EFFE F 0000 to F FFFE LY GD/TY GD 0000 to EFFC F 0000 to F FFFC C79000-K8576-C124-03 109 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 2 times in s Execution 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Access to global, word-oriented memory: LW GW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 27 1) 4.3 1) 1.8 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the word addressed into ACCU 1-L 2). LW GD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 33 1) 5.7 1) 2.4 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the double word addressed into ACCU 1-L 2). TW GW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 26 1) 4.0 1) 1.8 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the word addressed into ACCU 1-L 2). TW GD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 32 1) 5.4 1) 2.5 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to the double word addressed 2). N N N N N N N 11 1) 0.571) 0.32 1) Open the page whose number is in ACCU 1-L 3). N 29 1) 5.3 1) 3.6 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and test/set the Busy location 2) addressed on the page opened. Open page: ACR - Test/set Busy location (page area): TSC 1) 3) 110 - 32768 to + 32767 Y Y 0 N N N Execution time for single processor operation and for bus access in multiprocessor operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution times for longer acknowledgement time. Possible values: 0 to 255 C79000-K8576-C124-03 2) Possible absolute addresses: CPU 928/928B CPU 948 LW GB/TW GW 0000 to EFFF F 0000 to F FFFF LW GW/ TW GW 0000 to EFFE F 0000 to F FFFE TSC F400 to FBFF F F400 to F FBFF C79000-K8576-C124-03 111 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU Function CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Access to byte-oriented pages: LY CB - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 29 1) 3.6 1) 2.6 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the byte addressed from the page opened into ACCU 1-LL 2). LY CW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 30 1) 4.5 1) 3.4 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the word addressed from the page opened into ACCU 1-L 2). LY CD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 34 1) 6.1 1) 5.2 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the double word addressed from the page opened into ACCU 1 2). TY CB - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 28 1) 3.5 1) 2.5 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-LL to the byte addressed on the page opened 2). TY CW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 29 1) 4.2 1) 1) TY CD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 34 1) 5.9 1) 1) 112 Execution time for single processor operation and for bus access in multiprocessor operation. I/Os acknowledge within 0.1 s or proportionally longer execution times for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 2) 3.3 4.8 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to the word addressed on the page opened 2). Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to the double word addressed on the page opened 2). Possible absolute addresses: CPU 928/928B CPU 948 LY CB/TY CB F400 to FBFF F F400 to F FBFF LY CW/TY CW F400 to FBFE F F400 to F FBFE LY CD/TY CD F400 to FBFC F F400 to F FBFC C79000-K8576-C124-03 113 System Operations Permissible only in function blocks Ope- Condition codes affected raOperands tion STL C C 1 C C 0 O V RLO 1 dep. 2 affect. O 3 reload S 1 times in s Execution 2 3 = Operation with this CPU 922 not possible CPU CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Function Access to word-oriented pages: 1) LW CW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 34 1) 4.9 1) 2.6 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the word addressed with the contents of the BR register from the page opened into ACCU 1-L 2). LW CD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N N N N N 38 1) 6.3 1) 3.4 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and load the double word addressed with the contents of the BR register from the page opened into ACCU 1 2). TW CW - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 33 1) 4.7 1) 2.5 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1-L to the word addressed with the contents of the BR register on the page opened 2). TW CD - 32768 to + 32767 N N N 0 N N N 37 1) 6.0 1) 3.3 1) Add the specified constant to the contents of the BR register and transfer the contents of ACCU 1 to the double word addressed with the contents of the BR register on the page opened 2). 1) 114 Execution time for single processor operation and for bus access in multiprocessor operation. l/Os acknowledge within 0.1s or proportionally longer execution times for longer acknowledgement time. C79000-K8576-C124-03 2) Possible absolute addresses: CPU 928/928B CPU 948 LW CW/TW CW F400 to FBFF F F400 to F FBFF LW CD/TW CD F400 to FBFE F F400 to F FBFE C79000-K8576-C124-03 115 Machine Code Listing Explanation of subscripts a + byte address b + bit address c + formal operand address d + operand value e + constant f + block number g + word address h + number of shifts i + relative jump destination address k + register number l + block length in bytes m + jump displacement (16 bits) n + semaphore number o + block length in words B0 to B5: 1st to 6th machine code byte Machine Code B0 B1 B2 L R L R 0 0 0 0 NOP 0 0 1 0 0 CFW 0 2 0d 0d L 0 3 0l 0l TNB 0 4 0d 0d FR 0 5 0 0 BEC 0 6 0c 0c FR= 0 7 0c 0c A= 0 8 0 0 IA 0 8 8 0 RA 0 9 0 0 CSW 116 L Operation B3 R L Operand R T T C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 R L Operand L R L R 0 A 0d 0d L FY 0 B 0d 0d T FY 0 C 0d 0d LD T 0 D 0i 0i JO= 0 E 0c 0c LD= 0 F 0c 0c O= 1 0 0e 0e BLD 0-255 1 0 8 2 BLD 130 1 0 8 3 BLD 131 1 0 8 4 BLD 132 1 0 8 5 BLD 133 1 0 F F BLD 255 1 1 0e 0e I 1 2 0d 0d L FW 1 3 0d 0d T FW 1 4 0d 0d SF T 1 5 0i 0i JP= 1 6 0c 0c SFD= 1 7 0c 0c S= 1 8 0d 0d DO 1 9 0e 0e D 1 A 0d 0d L FD 1 B 0d 0d T FD 1 C 0d 0d SE T 1 D 0f 0f JC FB C79000-K8576-C124-03 L Operation B3 R RS 117 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 R L Operand L R L R 1 E 0c 0c SEC= 1 F 0c 0c == 2 0 0f 0f C 2 1 2 0 >F 2 1 4 0 =F 2 1 C 0 <=F 2 2 0d 0d L DL 2 3 0d 0d T DL 2 4 0d 0d SD T 2 5 0i 0i JM= 2 6 0c 0c SD= 2 7 0c 0c AN= 2 8 0e 0e L 2 9 0h 0h SLD 2 A 0d 0d L DR 2 B 0d 0d T DR 2 C 0d 0d SS T 2 D 0i 0i JU= 2 E 0c 0c SSU= 2 F 0c 0c ON= 3 0 0 1 0e 0e 0e 0e L KC 3 0 0 2 0e 0e 0e 0e L KT 118 L Operation B3 R DB KB C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 1) B1 B2 Operation B3 Operand L R L R L R L R 3 0 0 4 0e 0e 0e 0e L KF 3 0 1 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L KS 3 0 2 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L KY 3 0 4 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L KH 3 0 8 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L KM 3 1 2 0 >G 3 1 4 0 =G 3 1 C 0 <=G 3 2 0d 0d L DW 3 3 0d 0d T DW 3 4 0d 0d SP T 3 5 0i 0i JN= 3 6 0c 0c SP= 3 7 0c 0c RB= 3 8 0 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L KG 1) 3 8 4 0 0e 0e 0e 0e L DH 1) 3 9 2 0 >D 3 9 4 0 =D 3-word command with B4 and B5, filled with 0 e C79000-K8576-C124-03 119 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 R L Operand L R L R 3 9 C 0 <=D 3 A 0d 0d L DD 3 B 0d 0d T DD 3 C 0d 0d R T 3 D 0f 0f JU FB 3 E 0c 0c RD= 3 F 0c 0c LW= 4 0 0 0k LIR 4 1 0 0 AW 4 2 0d 0d L 4 3 0o 0o TNW 4 4 0d 0d FR 4 5 0i 0i JZ= 4 6 0c 0c L= 4 7 0d 0d L 4 8 0 0k TIR 4 9 0 0 OW 4 A 0d 0d L IB 4 A 8d 0d L QB 4 B 0d 0d T IB 4 B 8d 0d T QB 4 C 0d 0d LD C 4 D 0f 0f JC OB 4 E 0d 0d DO FW 4 F 0d 0d L RT 120 L Operation B3 R C C RJ C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 1) B1 B2 L Operation B3 L R L R 5 0 0e 0e ADD 5 1 0 0 XOW 5 2 0d 0d L IW 5 2 8d 0d L QW 5 3 0d 0d T IW 5 3 8d 0d T QW 5 4 0d 0d CD C 5 5 0f 0f JC PB 5 6 0c 0c LDW= 5 7 0d 0d L OW 5 8 0 0 ADD KF 5 9 0 0 -F 5 A 0d 0d L ID 5 A 8d 0d L QD 5 B 0d 0d T ID 5 B 8d 0d T QD 5 C 0d 0d S C 5 D 0f 0f JC SB 5 F 0d 0d L OY 6 0 0 0 :F 6 0 0 3 :G 6 0 0 4 xF 6 0 0 5 6 0 0 7 0e 0e R 0e 0e L Operand 0e 0e R 0e 0e ADD BN DH 1) xG 3-word command with B4 und B5, filled with 0 e C79000-K8576-C124-03 121 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 R L R 6 0 0 8 ENT 6 0 0 9 -D 6 0 0 B -G 6 0 0 C 6 0 0 D +D 6 0 0 F +G 6 1 0 0h SLW 6 2 0d 0d L RS 6 3 0d 0d T RS 6 4 0h 0h RLD 6 5 0 0 BE 6 5 0 1 BEU 6 6 0c 0c T= 6 7 0d 0d T 6 8 0 0 6 8 0h 1 SSW 6 8 0 2 GFD 6 8 0 3 0e 0e 0e 0e TRW 6 8 0 4 0e 0e 0e 0e LRD 6 8 0 5 0e 0e 0e 0e TRD 6 8 0 6 FDG 6 8 0 7 CSD 6 8 0 8 DUF 6 8 0 A DUD 6 8 0 B LDI 0 0e R 0 0e L Operand L 122 L Operation B3 0i 0e R 0i 0e JOS= RJ LRW A1 C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 B2 B3 R L Operand L R L R 6 8 0 C DEF 6 8 0 E DED 6 8 0 F TDI 6 8 1 9 MAS 6 8 2 9 MAB 6 8 2 B LDI A2 6 8 2 F TDI A2 6 8 4 9 MSA 6 8 4 B LDI SA 6 8 4 F TDI SA 6 8 6 9 MSB 6 8 8 9 MBA 6 8 9 9 MBS 6 8 9 B LDI BA 6 8 9 F TDI BA 6 8 A B LDI BR 6 8 A F TDI BR 6 9 0 0h SRW 6 A 0d 0d L RI 6 B 0d 0d T RI 6 C 0d 0d CU C 6 D 0f 0f JU OB 6 E 0d 0d DO DW 6 F 0d 0d T RT 7 0 0 0 STS C79000-K8576-C124-03 L Operation B4 R A1 123 Machine Code B0 B2 B3 R L R 7 0 0 2 TAK 7 0 0 3 STP 7 0 0 4 STW 7 0 0 B 7 0 0 C LIM 7 0 0 D SIM 7 0 0 E 0 0b 0g 0g RU RT 7 0 0 E 4 0b 0g 0g SU RT 7 0 0 E 8 0b 0g 0g TBN RT 7 0 0 E C 0b 0g 0g TB RT 7 0 0 F 7 0 1 5 0 0b 0g 0g RU C 7 0 1 5 4 0b 0g 0g SU C 7 0 1 5 8 0b 0g 0g TBN C 7 0 1 5 C 0b 0g 0g TB C 7 0 1 E 0 0b 0g 0g RU RJ 7 0 1 E 4 0b 0g 0g SU RJ 7 0 1 E 8 0b 0g 0g TBN RJ 7 0 1 E C 0b 0g 0g TB RJ 7 0 1 F 7 0 2 5 0 0b 0g 0g RU T 7 0 2 5 4 0b 0g 0g SU T 7 0 2 5 8 0b 0g 0g TBN T 7 0 2 5 C 0b 0g 0g TB T 7 0 3 8 0 0b 0a 0a RU I 0m R 0m L Operand L 124 L Operation B4 0m R 0m JUR TXW TXB C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 B2 B3 Operation B4 Operand L R L R L R L R 7 0 3 8 0 0b 8a 0a RU Q 7 0 3 8 4 0b 0a 0a SU I 7 0 3 8 4 0b 8a 0a SU Q 7 0 3 8 8 0b 0a 0a TBN I 7 0 3 8 8 0b 8a 0a TBN Q 7 0 3 8 C 0b 0a 0a TB I 7 0 3 8 C 0b 8a 0a TB Q 7 0 4 6 0 0b 0g 0g RU D 7 0 4 6 4 0b 0g 0g SU D 7 0 4 6 8 0b 0g 0g TBN D 7 0 4 6 C 0b 0g 0g TB D 7 0 4 7 0 0b 0g 0g RU RI 7 0 4 7 4 0b 0g 0g SU RI 7 0 4 7 8 0b 0g 0g TBN RI 7 0 4 7 C 0b 0g 0g TB RI 7 0 4 9 0 0b 0a 0a RU F 7 0 4 9 4 0b 0a 0a SU F 7 0 4 9 8 0b 0a 0a TBN F 7 0 4 9 C 0b 0a 0a TB F 7 0 5 7 0 0b 0g 0g RU RS 7 0 5 7 4 0b 0g 0g SU RS 7 0 5 7 8 0b 0g 0g TBN RS 7 0 5 7 C 0b 0g 0g TB RS 7 1 0h 0h SSD 7 2 0d 0d L C79000-K8576-C124-03 PY 125 Machine Code B0 B2 B3 R L Operand L R L R 7 3 0d 0d T 7 4 0h 0h RRD 7 5 0f 0f JU 7 6 0c 0c DO= 7 7 0d 0d T 7 8 0 0 IAE 7 8 0 1 0 1 0f 0c DOU FX 7 8 0 2 0 9 0f 0c DOC FX 7 8 0 3 1 1 0f 0f CX DX 7 8 0 4 0 0 0f 0f GX DX 7 8 0 5 0 0 0f 0f G DB 7 8 0 6 0 0 0n 0n SED 7 8 0 7 0 0 0n 0n SEE 7 8 0e 9 0e 0e 0e 0e MBR 7 8 0 A 0o 0o 0o 0o ABR 7 8 0 B 0b 0a 0a 0a A 7 8 0 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LYCB 7 8 0 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LYGB 7 8 1 0 7 8 1 B 0b 0a 0a 0a O 7 8 1 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LYCW 7 8 1 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LYGW 7 8 2 B 0b 0a 0a 0a S 7 8 2 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LYCD 7 8 2 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LYGD 126 L Operation B4 R PY PB OW S RAE S S C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 B2 B3 Operation B4 Operand L R L R L R L R 7 8 3 B 0b 0a 0a 0a 7 8 3 D 7 8 3 F 0 0b 0g 0g A D 7 8 3 F 1 0b 0g 0g O D 7 8 3 F 2 0b 0g 0g AN D 7 8 3 F 3 0b 0g 0g ON D 7 8 3 F 4 0b 0g 0g S D 7 8 3 F 5 0b 0g 0g R D 7 8 3 F 6 0b 0g 0g = D 7 8 4 B 0b 0a 0a 0a AN S 7 8 5 B 0b 0a 0a 0a ON S 7 8 5 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LWCW 7 8 5 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LWGW 7 8 6 B 0b 0a 0a 0a R 7 8 6 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LWCD 7 8 6 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LWGD 7 8 8 D 0e 0e 0e 0e TYCB 7 8 8 E 0e 0e 0e 0e TYGB 7 8 9 D 0e 0e 0e 0e TYCW 7 8 9 E 0e 0e 0e 0e TYGW 7 8 A B 0 0d 0d 0d L 7 8 A D 0e 0e 0e 0e TYCD 7 8 A E 0e 0e 0e 0e TYGD 7 8 B B 0 0d 0d 0d T SY 7 8 C B 0 0d 0d 0d L SW C79000-K8576-C124-03 = S ACR S SY 127 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 Operation B3 Operand L R L R L R L R 7 8 C D 0e 0e 0e 0e TSC 7 8 C E 0e 0e 0e 0e TSG 7 8 D B 0 0d 0d 0d T 7 8 D D 0e 0e 0e 0e TWCW 7 8 D E 0e 0e 0e 0e TWGW 7 8 E B 0 0d 0d 0d L 7 8 E D 0e 0e 0e 0e TWCD 7 8 E E 0e 0e 0e 0e TWGD 7 8 F B 0 0d 0d 0d T 7 9 0 0 +F 7 A 0d 0d L PW 7 B 0d 0d T PW 7 C 0d 0d R C 7 D 0f 0f JU SB 7 E 0 0 DI 7 F 0d 0d T OY 8 0b 0a 0a A F 8 8b 0a 0a O F 9 0b 0a 0a S F 9 8b 0a 0a = F A 0b 0a 0a AN F A 8b 0a 0a ON F B 0b 0a 0a R F B 8 0d 0d A C B 9 0d 0d O C 128 SW SD SD C79000-K8576-C124-03 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 R L Operand L R L R B A 0 0 A( B B 0 0 O( B C 0d 0d AN C B D 0d 0d ON C B E 0 0 BAS B F 0 0 ) C 0b 0a 0a A I C 0b 8a 0a A Q C 8b 0a 0a O I C 8b 8a 0a O Q D 0b 0a 0a S I D 0b 8a 0a S Q D 8b 0a 0a = I D 8b 8a 0a = Q E 0b 0a 0a AN I E 0b 8a 0a AN Q E 8b 0a 0a ON I E 8b 8a 0a ON Q F 0b 0a 0a R I F 0b 8a 0a R Q F 8 0d 0d A T F 9 0d 0d O T F A 0i 0i JC= F B 0 0 O F C 0d 0d AN C79000-K8576-C124-03 L Operation B3 R T 129 Machine Code B0 B1 B2 L R L R F D 0d 0d ON F E 0 0 BAF F F F F NOP 1 130 L Operation B3 R L Operand R T C79000-K8576-C124-03 Alphabetical Index of Operations (with Machine Code) For explanation of subscripts see page 116. Operation Operand Page Machine Code A C 10 B 8 0d 0d D 10 7 8 3 F F 10 8 0b 0a 0a I 10 C 0b0a 0a Q 10 C 0b 8a 0a S 10 7 8 0 B T 10 F 8 0d 0d 0 0b 0g 0g 0b 0a 0a 0a A( --- 16 B A 0 0 A= Formal oper. 56 0 7 0c 0c ABR Constant 102 7 8 0 A 110 7 8 3 D BN 94 5 0 0e 0e DH 94 6 0 0 5 0e 0e 0e 0 e 0 e 0e 0e 0 e KF 94 5 8 0 0 0e 0e 0e 0 e C 12 B C 0d 0d D 12 7 8 3 F F 12 A 0b 0a 0a ACR ADD AN --- C79000-K8576-C124-03 0o 0o 0o 0o 4 0 b 0g 0g 131 Operation Operand AN I 10 E 0b 0a 0a Q 10 E 0b 8a 0a S 12 7 8 4 B T 12 F C 0d 0d AN= Formal oper. 56 2 7 0c 0c AW --- 56 4 1 0 0 BAF --- 80 F E 0 0 BAS --- 80 B E 0 0 BE --- 52 6 5 0 0 BEC --- 52 0 5 0 0 BEU --- 52 6 5 0 1 0 - 255 54 1 0 0e 0e 130 54 1 0 8 2 131 54 1 0 8 3 132 54 1 0 8 4 133 54 1 0 8 5 255 54 1 0 F F C DB 50 2 0 0 f 0f CD C 36 5 4 0d 0d BLD Page Machine Code CFW --- 74 0 1 0 0 CSD --- 74 6 8 0 7 CSW --- 74 0 9 0 0 0b 0a 0a 0a CU C 36 6 C 0d 0d CX DX 50 7 8 0 3 D 0 - 255 82 1 9 0e 0e DED --- 74 6 8 0 E DEF --- 74 6 8 0 C 132 1 1 0f 0f C79000-K8576-C124-03 Operation Operand DI Machine Code 96 7 E 0 0 DW 84 6 E 0d 0d FW 84 4 E 0d 0d RS 96 1 8 0d 0d DO = Formal oper. 84 7 6 0c 0c DOC FX 50 7 8 0 2 0 9 0f 0f DOU FX 48 7 8 0 1 0 1 0f 0f DO --- Page DUD --- 74 6 8 0 A DUF --- 74 6 8 0 8 ENT --- 82 6 0 0 8 FDG --- 74 6 8 0 6 C 68 4 4 0d 0d T 68 0 4 0d 0d FR = Formal oper. 66 0 6 0c 0c G DB 52 7 8 0 5 74 6 8 0 2 FR GFD --- GX DX 52 7 8 0 4 I 0 - 255 82 1 1 0e 0e IA --- 80 0 8 0 0 IAE --- 80 7 8 0 0 FB 48 1 D 0f 0f OB 50 4 D 0f 0f PB 48 5 5 0f 0f SB 50 5 D 0f 0f JC = Symb. addr. 78 F A 0i 0i JM = Symb. addr. 78 2 5 0i 0i JN = Symb. addr. 78 3 5 0i 0i JO = Symb. addr. 78 0 D 0i 0i JC C79000-K8576-C124-03 0 0 0f 0f 0 0 0f 0f 133 Operation Operand JOS = Symb. addr. 78 6 0 0 C JP = Symb. addr. 78 1 5 0i 0i JU FB 48 3 D 0f 0f OB 48 6 D 0f 0f PB 48 7 5 0f 0 f SB 48 7 D 0f 0 f JU = Symb. addr. 78 2 D 0i 0i JUR Constant 96 7 0 0 B JZ = Symb. addr. 78 4 5 0i 0i L C 26 4 2 0d 0d DD 24 3 A 0d 0d DH 22 3 8 4 0 DL 22 2 2 0d 0d DR 24 2 A 0d 0d DW 24 3 2 0d 0d FD 22 1 A 0d 0d FW 20 1 2 0d 0d FY 20 0 A 0d 0d IB 20 4 A 0d 0d ID 20 5 A 0d 0d IW 20 5 2 0d 0d KB 24 2 8 0e 0e KC 24 3 0 0 1 0e 0e 0e 0e KF 24 3 0 0 4 0e 0e 0e 0e KG 24 3 8 0 0 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 134 Page Machine Code 0 0 0i 0i 0m 0m 0m0m 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e 0e C79000-K8576-C124-03 Operation Operand L KH 24 3 0 4 0 0e 0e 0e 0e KM 24 3 0 8 0 0e 0e 0e 0e KS 24 3 0 1 0 0e 0e 0e 0e KT 24 3 0 0 2 0e 0e 0 e 0 e KY 24 3 0 2 0 0e 0e 0e 0e OW 26 5 7 0d 0d OY 26 5 F 0d 0d PW 26 7 A 0d 0d PY 26 7 2 0d 0d QB 20 4 A 8d 0d QD 20 5 A 8d 0d QW 20 5 2 8d 0d RI 70 6 A 0d 0d RJ 70 4 7 0d 0 d RS 70 6 2 0 d 0d RT 70 4 F 0d 0d SD 22 7 8 E B 0 0d 0d 0d SW 22 7 8 C B 0 0d 0d 0d SY 22 7 8 A B 0 0d 0d 0d T 26 0 2 0d 0d L= Formal oper. 70 4 6 0c 0c LC C 26 4 C 0d 0d T 26 0 C 0d 0d A1 88 6 8 0 B A2 88 6 8 2 B BA 88 6 8 9 B LDI C79000-K8576-C124-03 Page Machine Code 135 Operation Operand LDI BR 88 6 8 A B SA 88 6 8 4 B LD = Formal oper. 70 0 E 0c 0c LDW = Formal oper. 70 5 6 0c 0c --- 98 7 0 0 C LIM Page Machine Code LIR Register no. 86 4 0 0 0k LRD Constant 106 6 8 0 4 0e 0e 0e 0e LRW Constant 106 6 8 0 0 0e 0e 0e 0e LW = Formal oper. 70 3 F 0c 0c LW CD Constant 114 7 8 6 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LW CW Constant 114 7 8 5 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LW GD Constant 110 7 8 6 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LW GW Constant 110 7 8 5 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LY CB Constant 112 7 8 0 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LY CD Constant 112 7 8 2 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LY CW Constant 112 7 8 1 D 0e 0e 0e 0e LY GB Constant 108 7 8 0 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LY GD Constant 108 7 8 2 E 0e 0e 0e 0e LY GW Constant 108 7 8 1 E 0e 0e 0e 0e MAB --- 104 6 8 2 9 MAS --- 104 6 8 1 9 MBA --- 104 6 8 8 9 104 7 8 0e 9 MBR Constant MBS --- 104 6 8 9 9 MSA --- 104 6 8 4 9 MSB --- 104 6 8 6 9 NOP 0 --- 54 0 0 0 0 NOP 1 --- 54 F F F F 136 0e 0e 0e 0e C79000-K8576-C124-03 Operation Operand O C 14 B 9 0d 0d D 12 7 8 3 F F 12 8 8b 0a 0a I 12 C 8b 0a 0a Q 12 C 8b 8a 0a S 12 7 8 1 B T 14 F 9 0d 0d --- 14 F B 0 0 O( --- 16 B B 0 0 O= Formal oper. 56 0 F 0c 0c ON C 14 B D 0d 0d D 14 7 8 3 F F 14 A 8b 0a 0a I 14 E 8b 0a 0a Q 14 E 8b 8a 0a S 14 7 8 5 B T 14 F D 0d 0d Formal oper. 56 2 F 0c 0c --- 56 4 9 0 0 C 36 7 C 0d 0d D 18 7 8 3 F F 18 B 0b 0a 0a I 16 F 0b 0a 0a Q 16 F 0b 8a 0a S 18 7 8 6 B T 34 3 C 0d 0d 80 0 8 8 0 ON = OW R RA C79000-K8576-C124-03 --- Page Machine Code 1 0b 0g 0g 0b 0a 0a 0a 3 0b 0g 0g 0b 0a 0a 0a 5 0 b 0g 0g 0b 0a 0a 0a 137 Operation Operand Page Machine Code RAE --- 80 7 8 1 0 RB = Formal oper. 62 3 7 0c 0c RD = Formal oper. 62 3 E 0c 0c RLD Constant 76 6 4 0h 0h RRD Constant 76 7 4 0h 0h RU C 64 7 0 1 5 0 0b 0g 0g D 64 7 0 4 6 0 0b 0g 0g F 64 7 0 4 9 0 0b 0g 0g I 64 7 0 3 8 0 0b 0a 0a Q 64 7 0 3 8 0 0b 8a 0a RI 64 7 0 4 7 0 0b 0g 0g RJ 64 7 0 1 E 0 0b 0g 0g RS 100 7 0 5 7 0 0b 0g 0g RT 100 7 0 0 E 0 0b 0g 0g T 64 7 0 2 5 0 0b 0g 0g C 36 5 C 0d 0d D 16 7 8 3 F F 16 9 0b 0a 0a I 16 D 0b 0a 0a Q 16 D 0b 8a 0a S 16 7 8 2 B S= Formal oper. 62 1 7 0c 0c SD T 34 2 4 0d 0d SD = Formal oper. 66 2 6 0c 0c SE T 34 1 C 0d 0d SEC = Formal oper. 66 1 E 0c 0c SED Constant 82 7 8 0 6 S 138 4 0 b 0g 0g 0b 0a 0a 0a 0 0 0n 0n C79000-K8576-C124-03 Operation Operand Page SEE Constant 82 7 8 0 7 SF T 34 1 4 0d 0d SFD = Formal oper. 66 1 6 0c 0c --- 98 7 0 0 D SIM Machine Code SLD Constant 76 2 9 0h 0h SLW Constant 76 6 1 0 0h SP T 34 3 4 0d 0d SP = Formal oper. 66 3 6 0c 0c SRW Constant 76 6 9 0 0h SS T 34 2 C 0d 0d SSD Constant 76 7 1 0h 0h SSU = Formal oper. 66 2 E 0c 0c SSW Constant 76 6 8 0h 1 0 0 0n 0n STP --- 54 7 0 0 3 STS --- 98 7 0 0 0 STW --- 98 7 0 0 4 C 62 7 0 1 5 4 0b 0g 0g D 64 7 0 4 6 4 0b 0g 0g F 62 7 0 4 9 4 0b 0g 0g I 62 7 0 3 8 4 0b 0a 0a Q 62 7 0 3 8 4 0b 8a 0a RI 64 7 0 4 7 4 0b 0g 0g RJ 64 7 0 1 E 4 0b 0g 0g RS 100 7 0 5 7 4 0b 0g 0g RT 100 7 0 0 E 4 0b 0g 0g T 62 7 0 2 5 4 0b 0g 0g SU C79000-K8576-C124-03 139 Operation Operand T DD 30 3 B 0d 0d DL 30 2 3 0d 0d DR 30 2 B 0d 0d DW 30 3 3 0d 0d FD 28 1 B 0d 0d FW 28 1 3 0d 0d FY 28 0 B 0d 0d IB 28 4 B 0d 0d ID 28 5 B 0d 0d IW 28 5 3 0d 0d OW 32 7 7 0d 0d OY 32 7 F 0d 0d PW 32 7 B 0d 0d PY 32 7 3 0d 0d QB 28 4 B 8d 0d QD 28 5 B 8d 0d QW 28 5 3 8d 0d RI 72 6 B 0d 0d RJ 72 6 7 0d 0d RS 72 6 3 0d 0d RT 72 6 F 0d 0d SD 30 7 8 F B 0 0d 0d 0d SW 30 7 8 D B 0 0 d 0 d 0d SY 30 7 8 B B 0 0 d 0d 0d T= Formal oper. 70 6 6 0c 0 c TB C 58 7 0 1 5 C 0b 0g 0g D 58 7 0 4 6 C 0b 0g 0g 140 Page Machine Code C79000-K8576-C124-03 Operation Operand TB F 58 7 0 4 9 C 0b 0a 0a I 58 7 0 3 8 C 0b 0a 0a Q 58 7 0 3 8 C 0b 8a 0a RI 58 7 0 4 7 C 0b 0g 0g RJ 58 7 0 1 E C 0b 0g 0g RS 58 7 0 5 7 C 0b 0g 0g RT 58 7 0 0 E C 0b 0g 0g T 58 7 0 2 5 C 0b 0g 0g C 60 7 0 1 5 8 0b 0g 0g D 60 7 0 4 6 8 0b 0g 0g F 60 7 0 4 9 8 0b 0a 0a I 60 7 0 3 8 8 0b 0a 0a Q 60 7 0 3 8 8 0b 8a 0a RI 60 7 0 4 7 8 0b 0g 0g RJ 60 7 0 1 E 8 0b 0g 0g RS 60 7 0 5 7 8 0b 0g 0g RT 60 7 0 0 E 8 0b 0g 0g T 60 7 0 2 5 8 0b 0g 0g 96 7 0 0 2 A1 88 6 8 0 F A2 88 6 8 2 F BA 88 6 8 9 F BR 88 6 8 A F SA 88 6 8 4 F TIR Register no. 86 4 8 0 0k TNB Constant 90 0 3 0l 0l TNW Constant 90 4 3 0o 0o TBN TAK TDI --- C79000-K8576-C124-03 Page Machine Code 141 Operation Operand Page Machine Code TRD Constant 106 6 8 0 5 0e 0e 0e0e TRW Constant 106 6 8 0 3 0e 0e 0e0e TSC Constant 110 7 8 C D 0e 0e 0e0e TSG Constant 106 7 8 C E 0e 0e 0e0e TW CD Constant 114 7 8 E D 0e 0e 0e0e TW CW Constant 114 7 8 D D 0e 0e 0e0e TW GD Constant 110 7 8 E E 0e 0e 0e0e TW GW Constant 110 7 8 D E 0e 0e 0e0e TXB --- 92 7 0 1 F TXW --- 92 7 0 0 F TY CB Constant 112 7 8 8 D 0e 0e 0e0e TY CD Constant 112 7 8 A D 0e 0e 0e0e TY CW Constant 112 7 8 9 D 0e 0e 0e0e TY GB Constant 108 7 8 8 E 0e 0e 0e0e TY GD Constant 108 7 8 A E 0e 0e 0e0e TY GW Constant 108 7 8 9 E 0e 0e 0e0e 56 5 1 0 0 16 B F 0 0 D 18 7 8 3 F F 18 9 8b 0a 0a I 18 D 8b 0a 0a Q 18 D 8b 8a 0a S 18 7 8 3 B == Formal oper. 62 1 F 0c 0c >D --- 46 3 9 2 0 =D --- 46 3 9 A 0 <=D --- 46 3 9 C 0 +D --- 94 6 0 0 D -D --- 94 6 0 0 9 :F --- 38 6 0 0 0 xF --- 38 6 0 0 4 +F --- 38 7 9 0 0 -F --- 38 5 9 0 0 !=F --- 42 2 1 8 0 >F --- 42 2 1 2 0 =F --- 42 2 1 A 0 <=F --- 42 2 1 C 0 >G --- 44 3 1 2 0 =G --- 44 3 1 A 0 <=G --- 44 3 1 C 0 :G --- 40 6 0 0 3 xG --- 40 6 0 0 7 +G --- 40 6 0 0 F -G --- 40 6 0 0 B C79000-K8576-C124-03 143 Explanatory Notes on the Condition Codes Structure of the Condition Code Byte Bit codes Word codes C C1 CC0 OV OS OR STA 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bit Abbreviations RL O E RA B 1 0 Description CC 0 / CC 1 Condition codes 0/1 (see Evaluation of CC 0 and CC 1) OV Overflow. This condition code is set if the maximum number range is exceeded during arithmetic operations. OS Stored overflow. The overflow bit is stored. This is an indication of whether and when an overflow error has occurred in the course of arithmetic operations. OR Internal condition code of the processor relating to AND and OR operations. STA STATUS; Signal status of the bit scanned. RLO Result of Logic Operation. Contains the result of individual bit operations and comparison operations. ERAB First bit scanned. ERAB = 0 identifies the beginning and the end of a string of logic operations. The first operation of the string sets the ERAB bit to "1". Only at the end of the string is the ERAB bit reset (e.g. by a set/reset operation). 144 C79000-K8576-C124-03 Evaluation of CC0 and CC1 1) C C 1 C C 0 Arithmetic Operations 0 0 Result =0 0 1 Result <0 1 0 Result >0 1 1 Divide by 0 Digital Logic Operations Result =0 - Result 0 - Comparison Operations Shift Operations ACCU 2 shifted = bit ACCU 1 = 0 ACCU 2 < ACCU 1 - ACCU 2 shifted > bit ACCU 1 = 1 - - For SED, SEE Semaphore has been set - Semaphore is set now - Jump Operations Executed JZ JM JN JP JN JN 1) not executed with CPU 948 C79000-K8576-C124-03 145 List of Organization Blocks = OB available on this CPU Organization = OB not available on this CPU Function Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 OBs for Program Processing OB 1 1) 1) 1) OB for cyclic program processing OB 2 3) Interrupt-driven program processing OB 3 to OB 8 3) Interrupt-driven program processing OB 6 3) Delay interrupt OB 9 3) Time-driven program processing OB 10 10 ms 10 ms 0.1 s 2) 3) OB 11 20 ms 20 ms 0.2 s 2) 3) OB 12 50 ms 50 ms 0.5 s 2) 3) 100 ms 100 ms 1.0 s 2) 3) OB 14 200 ms 200 ms 2.0 s 2) 3) OB 15 500 ms 500 ms 5.0 s 2) 3) OB 16 1s 1s 10.0 s 2) 3) OB 17 2s 2s 20.0 s 2) 3) OB 18 5s 5s 50.0 s 2) 3) OB 13 100 ms 1) alternative FB 0 2) Default setting, can be changed via DX 0 146 3) C79000-K8576-C124-03 Time interrupts with set time grid Details about the functions of these OBs of the CPU 948 can be found in the "CPU 948 Programming Guide". C79000-K8576-C124-03 147 List of Organization Blocks = OB available on this CPU Organization = OB not available on this CPU Function Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 OBs for Program Processing (continued) 1) OB 31 Set cycle monitoring time Organization of the cyclic program for communication in SMOOTH STOP OB 39 OBs for Start-up Procedures OB 20 Manual or automatic cold restart (can be set in DX 0) OB 21 Manual warm restart OB 22 Automatic warm restart after power failure OB 38 Organization of the restart behavior for communication in SMOOTH STOP 1) 148 The setting of the cycle monitoring time via OB 31 has a higher priority than the setting via DX 0 (CPU 948). C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 149 List of Organization Blocks = OB not available on this CPU Organization = OB not available on this CPU Cause of error Block CPU 922 CPU 928 Reaction without OB CPU 928B OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 922/928/928B OB 19 Call of a block not programmed (LZF) Stop OB 23 Timeout in the case of direct access to the I/O module (QVZ) none OB 24 Timeout when updating the process image and transferring interprocessor communication flags none OB 25 Addressing error (ADF) Stop OB 26 Scan time exceeded (ZYK-FE) Stop OB 27 Substitution error (BCF) Stop OB 28 Stop by PG function/Stop switch/S5-BUS (ABBR) Stop1) OB 29 Operation error (BCF) Stop OB 30 Parameter assignment error (BCF) Stop OB 31 Other execution time errors (LZF) Stop 1) 150 Switchover to the STOP state always occurs independently of whether OB 28 is programmed and how it is programmed. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 151 List of Organization Blocks = OB available on this CPU Organization = OB not available on this CPU Cause of error Block CPU 922 CPU 928 Reaction without OB CPU 928B OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 922/928/928B (continued) Transfer errors in the case of data blocks (LZF)1) Stop OB 33 Collision of two timed interrupts (WECK-FE) Stop OB 34 Error in PID controller processing Stop OB 35 Interface error none OB 32 1) 152 1) On CPU 928B also loading error C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 153 List of Organization Blocks Organization Block Cause of error Reaction without OB OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 948 Call a block that is not loaded (KB) Organization Block none OB 29 OB 23 Timeout during direct access (user program) to CP, IP, COR or I/O modules via the S5 bus (QVZ) OB 24 Timeout while updating the process image or transferring the IPC flags Timeout for distributed peripherals for the address areas: - F 0000H to F EFFFH, F F200H to F FFFFH OB 30 Parity error and QVZ in the user memory (PARE) Stop none none OB 32 Load/transfer error (TLAF) Stop Collision of time interrupts: - Queue overflow (WEFES) Stop Addressing error (ADF) 1) OB 33 - Stop OB 26 Cycle time exceeded (ZYK) OB 27 Substitution error (SUF) Stop OB 28 Timeout in input byte IB 0 (QVZ) Stop 1) 154 none Stop Stop OB 25 Reaction without OB OBs for Handling Controller Errors in the CPU 948 (continued) OB 19 Open a data block that is not loaded (KDB) Cause of error OB 34 The time interrupt pulse has been masked for too long (WEFEH) Error while generating a data block with G DB or GX DX (FEDBX) none Stop if not inhibited by IAE C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 155 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 18 - 20 1.7 Access to the condition-code byte OB 111 12 1.2 Reset accumulators OB 112 14 2.0 Roll up accumulator OB 113 14 2.0 Roll down accumulator 36 - 128 68 Activate/deactivate "Disable all interrupts" 36 - 136 68 Activate/deactivate "Disable cyclic time interrupts individually" Special Function OBs OB 110 OB 120 31 - 34 1) 70 - 76 1) OB 121 58 - 78 47 - 52 1) 37 - 39 Set/read system time (compatible to CPU 946/947) Activate/deactivate "Delay all interrupts" 73 OB 122 26 OB 123 39 - 54 Activate/deactivate "Disable all interrupts" Ativate/deactivate "Delay cyclic time interrupts individually" 73 OB 124 1327 Delete STEP 5 blocks OB 125 1477 Generate STEP 5 blocks OB 126 93 1) 156 Define and transfer process images OB only available from version 09 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 157 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Special Functions OBs (continued) OB 129 15 Determine battery status OB 131 1.8 Delete Accu 1 to 4 OB 132 2.2 Accu roll up OB 133 2.4 Accu roll down OB 141 47 Activate/deactivate "Disable cyclic time interrupts individually" OB 142 49 Activate/deactivate "Delay all interrupts" OB 143 47 Ativate/deactivate "Delay cyclic time interrupts individually" 265 266 Set system time 132 153 Read system time OB 150 Clock-controlled time interrupt Job type 125 262 max. 267 max. 284 123 166 0 max. 152 202 1 to 7 Function 0 OB 151 set 1 to 7 read 158 C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 159 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Special Function OBs (continued) OB 152 Cycle scan statistic 90 Delay interrupt OB 153 OB 160 - 163 OB 170 66 110 1 Define and start delay time 60 72 2 Stop delay time 70 80 3 Read current remaining time 11 - 14 1.1 55 + n * 27.5 1) 34 + n * 15.8 60 + n * 13.3 16 1.0 76 Random data block access 24 - 29 3.6 38 Test data blocks (DB/DX) 171 + n * 0.65 170+n 1 2) 170+n 10.5 3) Copy data area; 4) n = number of data words 40 - 53 1) OB 182 1) OB only available from version 09. 2) For copy direction decrementing 3) For copy direction incrementing 160 Function 21 - 23 1) OB 180 OB 181 Function no. Repeat loops Read block stack (BSTACK); n = number of BSTACK elements 4) CPU 948: The copy direction "decrementing" is standard. The direction "incrementing" is only selected if the data areas overlap each other. This includes that the start address of the source area is smaller than the end address of the source area. C79000-K8576-C124-03 C79000-K8576-C124-03 161 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Special Function OBs (continued) 1) 47 + n * 0.75 2) OB 190 48.5 + n * 0.5 3) 1) 47 + n * 0.75 2) OB 191 48 + n * 0.5 1) 3) 46 + n * 2.8 2) 46 + n * 2.55 25 + n * 0.5 25 + n * 0.3 2) 25 + n * 0.5 25 + n * 0.3 2) 3) 3) 54 + n * 0.5 55 + n * 0.3 2) 54 + n * 0.5 55 + n * 0.3 2) 3) Transfer flag byte by byte into data block; n = number of flag bytes 3) Transfer data field byte by byte into flag area; n = number of flag bytes 25 + n * 1.8 2) 40 + n * 0.57 3) 51 + n * 1.8 2) 53 + n * 0.57 3) Transfer flag word by word into a data block; n = number of flag bytes 51 + n * 1.8 2) 53 + n * 0.57 3) Transfer data field word by word into flag area; n = number of flag bytes 3) 25 + n * 1.8 2) 40 + n * 0.57 3) 4) 4) 4) OB 216 31.8 - 42.5 28 - 35 58 - 65 Access to page frames OB 217 32.6 - 43.1 30 - 35 60 - 66 Access to page frames OB 218 26.3 21 54 Access to page frames OB 192 3) 1) OB 193 OB 200, 202 - 205 46 + n * 2.8 2) 46 + n * 2.55 1) OB only available from version 09. 2) If number of first flag byte is uneven. 3) If number of first flag byte is even. 4) See manual of relevant CPU. 162 C79000-K8576-C124-03 4) Interprocessor communication in multiprocessor mode C79000-K8576-C124-03 163 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Special Function OBs (continued) Convert the contents of ACCU 1 from a 16-bit fixedpoint number to a 32-bit fixed-point number OB 220 25 14 0.57 OB 221 44.5 36 62 OB 222 21.5 18 48 35 Retrigger the scan time monitor OB 223 39 18 48 13 Change to stop status in case of non-uniform restart modes in multiprocessor mode OB 224 23 11 41 Block transfer of the interprocessor communication flags in multiprocessor mode OB 226 29 19 53 Read the contents of a system program memory location OB 227 31 14 48 Read the check sum of the system program memory OB 228 34.5 1) 21 56 Read status information of a program processing level 2) 2) 2) OB 230 - 237 1) 164 Set and trigger a new scan time monitor 2) 2) OB only available from version 09 C79000-K8576-C124-03 Functions for handling blocks See Manual "SIMATIC S5 - Standard Function Blocks Handling Blocks CPU 922, CPU 928, CPU 928B S5-135U, S5-155U Programmable Controllers" C79000-K8576-C124-03 165 List of Organization Blocks Execution times in s Organization Function = OB not available on this CPU Block CPU 922 CPU 928 CPU 928B CPU 948 Special Function OBs (continued) Initialize a shift register; n = number of pointers OB 240 120 - 805 73 + n * 12 105 + n * 12 OB 241 42 - 110 28 + n * 12 60 + n * 9 OB 242 12 17 46 Delete a shift register OB 250 158 114 144 Initialize a PID controller OB 251 < 730 425 455 Call a PID controller OB 254 85 + n * 1 80 + n * 0.2 112 + n * 0.7 1472 - 2869 Copy a DX data block (extension); n = number of data words to be transferred OB 255 85 + n * 1 80 + n * 0.2 112 + n * 0.7 1472 - 2869 Copy a DB data block; n = number of data words to be transferred 166 C79000-K8576-C124-03 Call a shift register; n = number of pointers C79000-K8576-C124-03 167 Intentionally blank! 168 C79000-K8576-C124-03 Siemens AG AUT 1282 D-76181 Karlsruhe Federal Republic of Germany From: Your Name: Your Title: Your Company: Street: City, Zip Code: Country: Phone: Please check any industry that applies to you: Automotive Chemical Electrical Machinery Food Instrument and Control Nonelectrical Machinery Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Plastic Pulp and Paper Textiles Transportation Other C79000-V8576-C068-01 Remarks Form Remarks Form Your comments and suggestions will help us to improve the quality and usefulness of our publications. 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