Platform8051 Design Development
30 Platform8051 Development Kit User’s Guide
Software development can be started in parallel with hardware design. Initially software can be
tested using a software simulator. Using the RTL simulation for software development is not
recommended. If this is attempted, it is important that the test code be kept extremely simple.
Running large amounts of code in simulation will be extremely slow. RTL simulation of a Core8051
system is best restricted to individual specific features. Full system verification is best accomplished
by testing the actual hardware.
When the customized RTL is completed and downloaded to a board for the first time, it is highly
recommended that a very simple software program be used to test out the hardware features before a
complex application code is loaded into the Core8051 memory. System debug can then be
accomplished using the OCI module and either the Keil or FS2 debugger.
A flow chart for this suggested development flow is shown in Figure 4-1 on page 29.
How to Obtain RTL or Netlists for Core8051 and
Contact Actel's worldwide staff of sales professionals who are ready to assist you with the purchase
of the IP or the evaluation kit, and help you instantiate your design on an Actel FPGA.
“Recommended Additional Products” on page 5 lists the full part numbers and ordering codes for
single-use netlists and RTL (-SN, -SR) and multiple-use netlists and RTL (-AN, -SN). In the
numbering scheme, S represents single-use, A represents multiple-use on Actel devices, N
represents netlists, and R represents RTL source code.
RTL or Netlist versions of Core8051 have the same OCI functionality. However, each netlist has
fixed parameters and cannot be adjusted. Netlist customers will receive netlists with a variety of OCI
parameter settings and targeting all supported Actel device families. If a specific set of parameters is
not in the default netlist release, it may be requested from Actel. However, new parameters or
changes to the design beyond the defined parameters will not be an option. All of the Core8051
parameters can be controlled by customers in the RTL version.
Working with Synplicity®
The PF8051 CD includes the folder /FPGA_design/src, which contains the top-level netlist and
Synplicity project files. However, these files cannot be compiled without the Core8051 and Core10/100
sub-modules, which are not included on the CD and must be purchased separately. The top-level netlist
is a useful reference for how to create memories, both on- and off-chip, as well as integrating other parts
of the Platform8051 system.
For more information about working with Synplicity, see the Core8051 User's Guide (located on the
CD). Also, more Synplicity information specific to the demonstration designs is available in “Basic
Platform8051 Demonstration Project” on page 51.