W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 32-BIT ARM7TDMI-BASED MCU W90N745 16/32-bit ARM microcontroller Product Data Sheet W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Revision History REVISION DATE COMMENTS A 2006/06/23 Draft A1 2006/08/30 Add Electrical specification A2 2006/09/22 Delete Chapter 6: BLOCK DIAGRAM -I- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table of Contents1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 1 2. FEATURES ................................................................................................................................. 2 3. PIN DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 7 4. PIN ASSIGNMENT ..................................................................................................................... 8 5. PIN DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................... 13 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 24 6.1 ARM7TDMI CPU CORE ............................................................................................... 24 6.2 System Manager........................................................................................................... 25 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................25 6.2.2 System Memory Map......................................................................................................25 6.2.3 Address Bus Generation ................................................................................................28 6.2.4 Data Bus Connection with External Memory ..................................................................28 6.2.5 Bus Arbitration................................................................................................................37 6.2.6 Power Management .......................................................................................................38 6.2.7 Power-On Setting ...........................................................................................................41 6.2.8 System Manager Control Registers Map ........................................................................41 External Bus Interface .................................................................................................. 56 6.3.1 EBI Overview..................................................................................................................56 6.3.2 SDRAM Controller ..........................................................................................................56 6.3.3 EBI Control Registers Map .............................................................................................60 Cache Controller........................................................................................................... 79 6.4.1 On-Chip RAM .................................................................................................................79 6.4.2 Non-Cacheable Area ......................................................................................................79 6.4.3 Instruction Cache............................................................................................................80 6.4.4 Data Cache ....................................................................................................................82 6.4.5 Write Buffer ....................................................................................................................84 6.4.6 Cache Control Registers Map.........................................................................................84 Ethernet MAC Controller............................................................................................... 92 6.5.1 EMC Functional Description ...........................................................................................93 6.5.2 EMC Register Mapping ................................................................................................103 GDMA Controller ........................................................................................................ 158 6.6.1 GDMA Functional Description ......................................................................................158 6.6.2 GDMA Register Map ....................................................................................................159 USB Host Controller ................................................................................................... 168 6.7.1 USB Host Functional Description .................................................................................168 6.7.2 USB Host Controller Registers Map .............................................................................169 USB Device Controller................................................................................................ 192 6.8.1 USB Endpoints .............................................................................................................192 - II - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.8.2 Standard Device Request.............................................................................................192 6.8.3 USB Device Register Description .................................................................................192 Audio Controller .......................................................................................................... 231 6.9.1 IS Interface..................................................................................................................231 6.9.2 AC97 Interface .............................................................................................................232 6.9.3 Audio Controller Register Map......................................................................................235 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Controller ......................................... 254 6.10.1 UART0........................................................................................................................256 6.10.2 UART1........................................................................................................................256 6.10.3 UART2........................................................................................................................258 6.10.4 UART3........................................................................................................................260 6.10.5 General UART Controller ...........................................................................................261 6.10.6 High speed UART Controller ......................................................................................274 Timer/Watchdog Controller......................................................................................... 288 6.11.1 General Timer Controller ............................................................................................288 6.11.2 Watchdog Timer .........................................................................................................288 6.11.3 Timer Control Registers Map......................................................................................288 Advanced Interrupt Controller..................................................................................... 297 6.12.1 Interrupt Sources ........................................................................................................298 6.12.2 AIC Registers Map .....................................................................................................301 General-Purpose Input/Output ................................................................................... 314 6.13.1 GPIO Register Description .........................................................................................316 6.13.2 GPIO Register Description .........................................................................................317 2 I C Interface ................................................................................................................ 338 6.14.1 I2C Protocol ................................................................................................................339 6.14.2 I2C Serial Interface Control Registers Map .................................................................342 Universal Serial Interface............................................................................................ 349 6.15.1 USI Timing Diagram ...................................................................................................350 6.15.2 USI Registers Map .....................................................................................................351 PWM ........................................................................................................................... 358 6.16.1 PWM Double Buffering and Reload Automatically......................................................359 6.16.2 Modulate Duty Ratio ...................................................................................................359 6.16.3 Dead Zone Generator.................................................................................................360 6.16.4 PWM Timer Start Procedure ......................................................................................360 6.16.5 PWM Timer Stop Procedure.......................................................................................360 6.16.6 PWM Register Map ....................................................................................................361 Keypad Interface......................................................................................................... 371 6.17.1 Keypad Interface Register Map ..................................................................................372 6.17.2 Register Description ...................................................................................................373 - III - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.18 7. PS2 Host Interface Controller ..................................................................................... 380 6.18.1 PS2 Host Controller Interface Register Map...............................................................381 6.18.2 Register Description ...................................................................................................382 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................... 386 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................ 386 7.2 DC Specifications ....................................................................................................... 386 7.3 7.2.1 Digital DC Characteristics.............................................................................................386 7.2.2 USB Transceiver DC Characteristics............................................................................388 AC Specifications........................................................................................................ 389 7.3.1 EBI/SDRAM Interface AC Characteristics ....................................................................389 7.3.2 EBI/(ROM/SRAM/External I/O) AC Characteristics ......................................................390 7.3.3 USB Transceiver AC Characteristics............................................................................391 7.3.4 EMC RMII AC Characteristics ......................................................................................391 7.3.5 AC97/I2S Interface AC Characteristics.........................................................................393 7.3.6 I2C Interface AC Characteristics ...................................................................................395 7.3.7 USI Interface AC Characteristics ..................................................................................396 7.3.8 PS2 Interface AC Characteristics .................................................................................397 8. ORDERING INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 399 9. PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS................................................................................................ 400 10. APPENDIX A: W90N745 REGISTERS MAPPING TABLE .................................................... 401 - IV - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W90N745 is built around an outstanding CPU core, the 16/32 ARM7TDMI RISC processor which designed by Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. It offers 4K-byte I-cache/SRAM and 4K-byte Dcache/SRAM, is a low power, general purpose integrated circuits. Its simple, elegant, and fully static design is particularly suitable for cost sensitive and power sensitive applications. One 100/10 Mbit MAC of Ethernet controller is built-in to reduce total system cost. The W90N745 also provides one USB 1.1 host controller, one USB 1.1 device controller, one AC97/IS controller, one 2-channel GDMA, four independent UARTs, one watchdog timer, two 24-bit timers with 8-bit pre-scale, up to 31 programmable I/O ports, PS2 keyboard controller and an advanced interrupt controller. The external bus interface (EBI) controller provides for SDRAM, ROM/SRAM, flash memory and I/O devices. The system manager includes an internal 32-bit system bus arbiter and a PLL clock controller. With a wide range of serial communication and Ethernet interfaces, the W90N745 is suitable for communication gateways as well as many other general purpose applications. -1- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 2. FEATURES Architecture * Fully 16/32-bit RISC architecture * Little/Big-Endian mode supported * Efficient and powerful ARM7TDMI core * Cost-effective JTAG-based debug solution External Bus Interface * 8/16-bit external bus support for ROM/SRAM, flash memory, SDRAM and external I/Os * Support for SDRAM * Programmable access cycle (0-7 wait cycle) * Four-word depth write buffer for SDRAM write data * Cost-effective memory-to-peripheral DMA interface Instruction and Data Cache * Two-way, set-associative, 4K-byte I-cache and 4K-byte D-cache * Support for LRU (Least Recently Used) protocol * Cache can be configured as internal SRAM * Support cache lock function Ethernet MAC Controller * DMA engine with burst mode * MAC Tx/Rx buffers (256 bytes Tx, 256 bytes Rx) * Data alignment logic * Endian translation * 100/10 Mbit per second operation * Full compliance with IEEE standard 802.3 * RMII interface only * Station Management Signaling * On-chip CAM (up to 16 destination addresses) * Full-duplex mode with PAUSE feature * Long/short packet modes * PAD generation -2- W90N745CD/W90N745CDG DMA Controller * 2-channel general DMA for memory-to-memory data transfers without CPU intervention * Initialed by a software or external DMA request * Increments or decrements a source or destination address in 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit data transfers * 4-data burst mode UART * Four UART (serial I/O) blocks with interrupt-based operation * Support for 5-bit, 6-bit, 7-bit or 8-bit serial data transmit and receive * Programmable baud rates * 1, 1/2 or 2 stop bits * Odd or even parity * Break generation and detection * Parity, overrun and framing error detection * X16 clock mode * UART1 supports Bluetooth, and UART2 supports IrDA1.0 SIR Timers * Two programmable 24-bit timers with 8-bit pre-scaler * One programmable 20 bit with selectable additional 8-bit prescaler watchdog timer * One-shot mode, periodical mode or toggle mode operation Programmable I/Os * 31 programmable I/O ports * Pins individually configurable to input, output or I/O mode for dedicated signals * I/O ports are configurable for multiple functions Advanced Interrupt Controller * 24 interrupt sources, including 4 external interrupt sources * Programmable normal or fast interrupt mode (IRQ, FIQ) * Programmable as either edge-triggered or level-sensitive for 4 external interrupt sources * Programmable as either low-active or high-active for 4 external interrupt sources * Priority methodology is encoded to allow for interrupt daisy-chaining * Automatically mask out the lower priority interrupt during interrupt nesting -3- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Host Controller * USB 1.1 compliant * Compatible with Open HCI 1.0 specification * Supports low-speed and full speed devices * Build-in DMA for real time data transfer * Two on-chip USB transceivers with one optionally shared with USB device controller USB Device Controller * USB 1.1 compliant * Support four USB endpoints including one control endpoint and 3 configurable endpoints for rich USB functions Two PLLs * The external clock can be multiplied by on-chip PLL to provide high frequency system clock * The input frequency range is 3-30MHz; 15MHz is preferred. * One PLL for both CPU and USB host/device controller * One PLL for audio IS 12.288/16.934MHz clock source * Programmable clock frequency 4-Channel PWM * Four 16-bit timers with PWM * Two 8-bit pre-scalers & Two 4-bit dividers * Programmable duty control of output waveform (PWM) * Auto reload mode or one-shot pulse mode * Dead-zone generator 2 I C Master * 2-channel I2C * Compatible with Philips I2C standard, support master mode only * Support multi master operation * Clock stretching and wait state generation * Provide multi-byte transmit operation, up to 4 bytes can be transmitted in a single transfer * Software programmable acknowledge bit * Arbitration lost interrupt, with automatic transfer cancellation * Start/Stop/Repeated Start/Acknowledge generation * Start/Stop/Repeated Start detection * Bus busy detection -4- W90N745CD/W90N745CDG * Supports 7 bit addressing mode * Software mode I2C Universal Serial Interface (USI) * 1-channel USI * Support USI (Microwire/SPI) master mode * Full duplex synchronous serial data transfer * Variable length of transfer word up to 32 bits * Provide burst mode operation, transmit/receive can be executed up to four times in one transfer * MSB or LSB first data transfer * Rx and Tx on both rising or falling edge of serial clock independently * Two slave/device select lines * Fully static synchronous design with one clock domain 2-Channel AC97/IS Audio Codec Host Interface * AHB master port and an AHB slave port are offered in audio controller. * Always 8-beat incrementing burst * Always bus lock when 8-beat incrementing burst * When reach middle and end address of destination address, a DMA_IRQ is requested to CPU automatically KeyPad Scan Interface * Scan up to 16 rows by 8 columns with an external 4 to 16 decoder and 4x8 array without auxiliary component * Programmable debounce time * One or two keys scan with interrupt and three keys reset function. * Wakeup CPU from IDEL/Power Down mode PS2 Host Interface * APB slave consisted of PS2 protocol. * Connect IBM keyboard or bar-code reader through PS2 interface. * Provide hardware scan code to ASCII translation -5- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Power management * Programmable clock enables for individual peripheral * IDLE mode to halt ARM core and keep peripheral working * Power-Down mode to stop all clocks included external crystal oscillator. * Exit IDLE by all interrupts y Exit Power-Down by keypad,USB device and external interrupts Operation Voltage Range * 3.0 ~ 3.6 V for IO buffer * 1.62 ~ 1.98 V for core logic Operation Temperature Range * TBD Operating Frequency * Up to 80 MHz Package Type * 128-pin LQFP -6- W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 3. PIN DIAGRAM Figure 3.1 Pin Diagram -7- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 4. PIN ASSIGNMENT Table 4.1 W90N745 Pins Assignment PIN NAME 128-PIN LQFP Clock & Reset ( 3 pins ) EXTAL (15M) XTAL (15M) nRESET 40 41 25 JTAG Interface ( 5 pins ) TMS TDI TDO TCK nTRST 33 34 35 36 37 External Bus Interface ( 53 pins ) A [20:0] D [15:0] nWBE [1;0] / SDQM [1:0] nSCS [1:0] nSRAS nSCAS MCKE nSWE MCLK nWAIT / GPIO [30] / nIRQ [3] nBTCS nECS [3:0] nOE 89-86,84-82,80-77,75-71,69-65 110-111,113-116,118-122,124-128 108,107 100,99 101 102 98 106 104 96 97 90,92-94 95 -8- W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 4.1 W90N745 Pins Assignment, continued PIN NAME 128-PIN LQFP Ethernet Interface ( 10 pins ) PHY_MDC / GPIO [29] / KPROW [1] PHY_MDIO / GPIO [28] / KPROW [0] PHY_TXD [1:0] / GPIO [27:26] / KPCOL [7:6] PHY_TXEN / GPIO [25] / KPCOL [5] PHY_REFCLK / GPIO [24] / KPCOL [4] PHY_RXD [1:0] / GPIO [23:22] / KPCOL [3:2] PHY_CRSDV / GPIO [21] / KPCOL [1] PHY_RXERR / GPIO [20] / KPCOL [0] 64 63 62,60 59 58 57,55 54 53 ( 5 pins ) AC97/IS/PWM/UART3 AC97_nRESET / IS_MCLK / GPIO [0] / nIRQ [2] / USB_PWREN 44 -9- Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 4.1 W90N745 Pins Assignment, continued PIN NAME 128-PIN LQFP ( 5 pins ) AC97/IS/PWM/UART3 AC97_DATAI / IS_DATAI / PWM [0] / DTR3 / GPIO [1] AC97_DATAO / IS_DATAO / PWM [1] / DSR3 / GPIO [2] AC97_SYNC / IS_LRCLK / PWM [2] / TXD3 / GPIO [3] AC97_BITCLK / IS_BITCLK / PWM [3] / RXD3 GPIO [4] 45 46 47 48 USB Interface ( 4 pins ) DP0 DN 0 DP1 DN1 7 6 2 3 Miscellaneous ( 7 pins ) nIRQ [1] / GPIO [17] / USB_OVRCUR nIRQ [0] / GPIO [16] nWDOG / GPIO [15] / USB_PWREN TEST 32 31 38 26 - 10 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 4.1 W90N745 Pins Assignment, continued PIN NAME 128-PIN LQFP 2 ( 4 pins ) I C/USI(SPI/MW) SCL0 / SFRM / TIMER0 / GPIO [11] SDA0 / SSPTXD / TIMER1 / GPIO [12] SCL1 / SCLK / GPIO [13] / KPROW [3] SDA1 / SSPRXD / GPIO [14] / KPROW [2] 17 18 19 20 UART0/UART1/UART2/PS2 ( 6 pins ) TXD0 / GPIO [5] RXD0 / GPIO [6] TXD1 / GPIO [7] RXD1 / GPIO [8] CTS1 / TXD2(IrDA) / PS2_CLK / GPIO [9] RTS1 / RXD2(IrDA) / PS2_DATA / GPIO [10] 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 11 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 4.1 W90N745 Pins Assignment, continued PIN NAME 128-PIN LQFP XDMA nXDREQ / GPIO [19] / nXDACK / GPIO [18] / ( 2 pins ) 51 52 Power/Ground ( 36 pins ) VDD18 VSS18 VDD33 VSS33 USBVDD USBVSS PLLVDD18 PLLVSS18 21,43,49,85,112 22,50,81,109 9,23,42,61,76,103,117 16,24,39,56,70,91,105,123 1,8 4,5 27,30 28,29 - 12 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 5. PIN DESCRIPTION Table 5.1 W90N745 Pins Description PIN NAME IO TYPE DESCRIPTION Clock & Reset EXTAL (15M) XTAL (15M) nRESET I O IS 15MHz External Clock / Crystal Input 15MHz Crystal Output System Reset, active-low JTAG Interface TMS TDI TDO TCK nTRST IUS IUS O IDS IUS JTAG Test Mode Select, internal pull-up with 70K ohm JTAG Test Data in, internal pull-up with 70K ohm JTAG Test Data out JTAG Test Clock, internal pull-down with 58K ohm JTAG Reset, active-low, internal pull-up with 70K ohm O IOS IOS Address Bus (MSB) of external memory and IO devices. Address Bus of external memory and IO devices. Data Bus (LSB) of external memory and IO device. Write Byte Enable for specific device (nECS [1:0]). Data Bus Mask signal for SDRAM (nSCS [1:0]), active-low. SDRAM chip select for two external banks, active-low. Row Address Strobe for SDRAM, active-low. Column Address Strobe for SDRAM, active-low. SDRAM Clock Enable, active-high SDRAM Write Enable, active-low System Master Clock Out, SDRAM clock, output with slew-rate control External Bus Interface A [20:18] A [17:0] D [15:0] nWBE [1:0] / SDQM [1:0] nSCS [1:0] nSRAS nSCAS MCKE nSWE MCLK nWAIT / GPIO[30] / nIRQ3 nBTCS nECS [3:0] nOE IOS O O O O O O IUS O IO O External Wait, active-low. This pin indicates that the external devices need more active cycle during access operation. General Programmable In/Out Port GPIO[30]. If memory and IO devices in EBI do not need wait request, it can be configured as GPIO[30] or nIRQ3. ROM/Flash Chip Select, active-low. External I/O Chip Select, active-low. ROM/Flash, External Memory Output Enable, active-low. - 13 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.1 W90N745 Pins Description, continued PIN NAME IO TYPE DESCRIPTION IOU RMII Management Data Clock for Ethernet. It is the reference clock of MDIO. Each MDIO data will be latched at the rising edge of MDC clock. General Programmable In/Out Port [29] Keypad ROW[1] scan output. IO RMII Management Data I/O for Ethernet. It is used to transfer RMII control and status information between PHY and MAC. General Programmable In/Out Port [28] Keypad ROW[0] scan output. Ethernet Interface PHY_MDC / GPIO [29] / KPROW [1] PHY_MDIO / GPIO [28] / KPROW [0] PHY_TXD [1:0] / GPIO [27:26] / KPCOL [7:6] PHY_TXEN / IOU 2-bit Transmit Data bus for Ethernet. General programmable In/Out Port [27:26] Keypad column input [7:6], active low IOU PHY_TXEN shall be asserted synchronously with the first 2-bit of the preamble and shall remain asserted while all di-bits to be transmitted are presented. Of course, it is synchronized with PHY_REFCLK. General Programmable In/Out Port [25] Keypad column input [5], active low IOS Reference Clock. The clock shall be 50MHz +/- 50 ppm with minimum 35% duty cycle at high or low state. General Programmable In/Out port [24] Keypad column input [4], active low IOS 2-bit Receive Data bus for Ethernet. General Programmable In/Out Port [23:22] Keypad column input [3:2], active low IOS Carrier Sense / Receive Data Valid for Ethernet. The PHY_CRSDV shall be asserted by PHY when the receive medium is non-idle. Loss of carrier shall result in the de-assertion of PHY_CRSDV synchronous to the cycle of PHY_REFCLK, and only on 2-bit receive data boundaries. General Programmable In/Out port [21] Keypad column input [1], active low IOS Receive Data Error for Ethernet. It indicates a data error detected by PHY.The assertion should be lasted for longer than a period of PHY_REFCLK. When PHY_RXERR is asserted, the MAC will report a CRC error. General programmable In/Out port [20] Keypad column input [0], active low GPIO [25] / KPCOL [5] PHY_REFCLK / GPIO [24] / KPCOL [4] PHY_RXD [1:0] / GPIO [23:22] / KPCOL [3:2] PHY_CRSDV / GPIO [21] / KPCOL [1] PHY_RXERR / GPIO [20] / KPCOL [0] - 14 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.1 W90N745 Pins Description, continued PIN NAME IO TYPE AC97/IS/PWM/UART3 AC97_nRESET / IS_MCLK / IOU GPIO [0] / nIRQ [2] / USB_PWREN AC97_DATAI / IS_DATAI / IOU PWM [0] / DTR3 / GPIO [1] AC97_DATAO / IS_DATAO / PWM [1] / DSR3 / GPIO [2] IOU AC97_SYNC / IS_LRCLK / PWM [2] / TXD3 / GPIO [3] IOU AC97_BITCLK / IS_BITCLK / PWM [3] / RXD3 / GPIO [4] IOS USB Interface DP0 DN0 DP1 DN1 Miscellaneous IO IO IO IO nIRQ [1:0] / GPIO [17:16] / AC97 CODEC Host Interface RESET Output. IS CODEC Host Interface System Clock Output. General Purpose In/Out port [0] External interrupt request. USB host power enable output AC97 CODEC Host Interface Data Input. IS CODEC Host Interface Data Input. PWM Channel 0 output. Data Terminal Ready for UART3. General Purpose In /Out port [1] AC97 CODEC Host Interface Data Output. IS CODEC Host Interface Data Output. PWM Channel 1 output. Data Set Ready for UART3. General Purpose In/Out port [2] AC97 CODEC Host Interface Synchronous Pulse Output. IS CODEC Host Interface Left/Right Channel Select Clock. PWM Channel 2 output. Transmit Data for UART3. General Purpose In/Out port [3] AC97 CODEC Host Interface Bit Clock Input. IS CODEC Host Interface Bit Clock. PWM Channel 3 output. Receive Data for UART3. General Purpose In/Out port [4]. Differential Positive USB IO signal Differential Negative USB IO signal Differential Positive USB IO signal Differential Negative USB IO signal External Interrupt Request IOU USB_OVRCUR nWDOG / GPIO [15] / USB_PWREN TEST DESCRIPTION General Purpose I/O nIRQ1 is used as USB host over-current detection input IOU IDS Watchdog Timer Timeout Flag and Keypad 3-keys reset output, active low General Purpose In/output USB host power switch enable output This test pin must be short to ground or left unconnected - 15 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.1 W90N745 Pins Description, continued PIN NAME IO TYPE DESCRIPTION 2 I C/USI SCL0 / SFRM / TIMER0 / GPIO [11] SDA0 / SSPTXD / TIMER1 / GPIO [12] SCL1 / SCLK / GPIO [13] / KPROW [3] SDA1 / SSPRXD / GPIO [14] / KPROW [2] 2 IOU I C Serial Clock Line 0. USI Serial Frame. Timer0 time out output. General Purpose In/Out port [11]. IOU I C Serial Data Line 0 USI Serial Transmit Data Timer1 time out output General Purpose In/Out port [12] IOU I C Serial Clock Line 1 USI Serial Clock General Purpose In/Out port [13] Keypad row scan output [3] IDU I C Serial Data Line 1 USI Serial Receive Data General Purpose In/Out port [14] Keypad scan output [2] 2 2 2 UART0/UART1/UART2 TXD0 / IOU GPIO [5] RXD0 / IOU GPIO [6] TXD1 / IOU GPIO [7] RXD1 / IOU GPIO [8] CTS1/ TXD2(IrDA) / IOU PS2_CLK / GPIO [9] RTS1/ RXD2(IrDA) / IOU PS2_DATA / GPIO [10] XDMA nXDREQ / IO GPIO [19] / nXDACK / IO GPIO [18] / UART0 Transmit Data. General Purpose In/Out [5] UART0 Receive Data. General Purpose In/Out [6] UART1 Transmit Data. General Purpose In/Out [7] UART1 Receive Data. General Purpose In/Out [8] UART1 Clear To Send for Bluetooth application UART2 Transmit Data supporting SIR IrDA. PS2 Interface Clock Input/Output General Purpose In/Out [9] UART1 Request To Send for Bluetooth application UART2 Receive Data supporting SIR IrDA. PS2 Interface Bi-Directional Data Line. General Purpose In/Out [10] External DMA Request. General Purpose In/Out [19] External DMA Acknowledgement. General Purpose In/Out [18] - 16 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.1 W90N745 Pins Description, continued PIN NAME IO TYPE DESCRIPTION Power/Ground VDD18 P Core Logic power (1.8V) VSS18 G Core Logic ground (0V) VDD33 P IO Buffer power (3.3V) VSS33 G IO Buffer ground (0V) USBVDD P USB power (3.3V) USBVSS G USB ground (0V) DVDD18 P PLL Digital power (1.8V) DVSS18 G PLL Digital ground (0V) AVDD18 P PLL Analog power (1.8V) AVSS18 G PLL Analog ground (0V) - 17 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List PIN NO. DEFAULT FUNCTION0 FUNCTION1 FUNCTION2 FUNCTION3 USB1.1 Host/Device Interface 1 USBVDD USBVDD - - - 2 DP1 DP1 - - - 3 DN1 DN1 - - - 4 USBVSS USBVSS - - - 5 USBVSS USBVSS - - - 6 DN0 DN0 - - - 7 DP0 DP0 - - - 8 USBVDD USBVDD - - - 9 VDD33 VDD33 - - - UART[2:0]/PS2 Interface 10 GPIO[5] GPIO[5] UART_TXD0 - - 11 GPIO[6] GPIO[6] UART_RXD0 - - 12 GPIO[7] GPIO[7] UART_TXD1 - - 13 GPIO[8] GPIO[8] UART_RXD1 - - 14 GPIO[9] GPIO[9] UART_TXD2 UART_CTS1 PS2_CLK 15 GPIO[10] GPIO[10] UART_RXD2 UART_RTS1 PS2_DATA 16 VSS33 VSS33 - - - I C_SCL0 2 SSP_FRAM TIMER0 2 SSP_TXD TIMER1 2 SSP_SCLK KPI_ROW[3] 2 2 I C/USI Interface 17 18 19 GPIO[11] GPIO[12] GPIO[13] GPIO[11] I C_SDA0 GPIO[12] I C_SCL1 GPIO[13] 20 GPIO[14] GPIO[14] I C_SDA1 SSP_RXD KPI_ROW[2] 21 VDD18 VDD18 - - - 22 VSS18 VSS18 - - - 23 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 24 VSS33 VSS33 - - - System Reset & TEST 25 nRESET nRESET - - - 26 TEST TEST - - - - 18 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List, continued PLL Power/Ground 27 PLL_VDD18 PLL_VDD18 - - - 28 PLL_VSS18 PLL_VSS18 - - - 29 PLL_VSS18 PLL_VSS18 - - - 30 PLL_VDD18 PLL_VDD18 - - - External IRQ[1:0]/USB Over Current 31 GPIO[16] GPIO[16] nIRQ [0] - - 32 GPIO[17] GPIO[17] nIRQ [1] USB_OVRCUR - JTAG Interface 33 TMS TMS - - - 34 TDI TDI - - - 35 TDO TDO - - - 36 TCK TCK - - - 37 nTRST nTRST - - - WatchDog/USB Power Enable 38 GPIO[15] GPIO[15] nWDOG USB_PWREN - 39 VSS33 VSS33 - - - System Clock 40 EXTAL(15M) EXTAL(15M) - - - 41 XTAL(15M) XTAL(15M) - - - 42 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 43 VDD18 VDD18 - - - - 19 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List, continued PIN NO. DEFAULT FUNCTION0 FUNCTION1 FUNCTION2 FUNCTION3 nIRQ [2] USB_PWREN PWM0 UART_DTR3 PWM1 UART_DSR3 PWM2 UART_TXD3 PWM3 UART_RXD3 - - - - - - AC97/IS/PWM/UART3 Interface AC97_nRESET 44 GPIO[0] GPIO[0] or ISMCLK AC97_DATAI 45 GPIO[1] GPIO[1] or ISDATAI AC97_DATAO 46 GPIO[2] GPIO[2] or ISDATAO AC97_SYNC 47 GPIO[3] GPIO[3] or ISLRCLK AC97_BITCLK 48 GPIO[4] GPIO[4] or ISBITCLK 49 VDD18 VDD18 50 VSS18 VSS18 XDMAREQ 51 GPIO[19] GPIO[19] nXDREQ - - 52 GPIO[18] GPIO[18] nXDACK - - Ethernet RMII/KeyPad Interface 53 GPIO[20] GPIO[20] PHY_RXERR KPI_COL[0] - 54 GPIO[21] GPIO[21] PHY_CRSDV KPI_COL[1] - 55 GPIO[22] GPIO[22] PHY_RXD[0] KPI_COL[2] - 56 VSS33 VSS33 - - - 57 GPIO[23] GPIO[23] PHY_RXD[1] KPI_COL[3] - 58 GPIO[24] GPIO[24] PHY_REFCLK KPI_COL[4] - 59 GPIO[25] GPIO[25] PHY_TXEN KPI_COL[5] - 60 GPIO[26] GPIO[26] PHY_TXD[0] KPI_COL[6] - 61 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 62 GPIO[27] GPIO[27] PHY_TXD[1] KPI_COL[7] - 63 GPIO[28] GPIO[28] PHY_MDIO KPI_ROW[0] 64 GPIO[29] GPIO[29] PHY_MDC KPI_ROW[1] - 20 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List, continued PIN NO. DEFAULT FUNCTION0 FUNCTION1 FUNCTION2 FUNCTION3 Memory Address/Data/Control 65 A[0] A[0] - - - 66 A[1] A[1] - - - 67 A[2] A[2] - - - 68 A[3] A[3] - - - 69 A[4] A[4] - - - 70 VSS33 VSS33 - - - 71 A[5] A[5] - - - 72 A[6] A[6] - - - 73 A[7] A[7] - - - 74 A[8] A[8] - - - 75 A[9] A[9] - - - 76 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 77 A[10] A[10] - - - 78 A[11] A[11] - - - 79 A[12] A[12] - - - 80 A[13] A[13] - - - 81 VSS18 VSS18 - - - 82 A[14] A[14] - - - 83 A[15] A[15] - - - 84 A[16] A[16] - - - 85 VDD18 VDD18 - - - 86 A[17] A[17] - - - 87 A[18] A[18] - - - 88 A[19] A[19] - - - 89 A[20] A[20] - - - 90 nECS[3] nECS[3] - - - 91 VSS33 VSS33 - - - - 21 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List, continued PIN NO. DEFAULT FUNCTION0 FUNCTION1 FUNCTION2 FUNCTION3 Memory Address/Data/Control 92 nECS[2] nECS[2] - - - 93 nECS[1] nECS[1] - - - 94 nECS[0] nECS[0] - - - 95 nOE nOE - - - 96 nWAIT GPIO[30] nWAIT nIRQ [3] - 97 nBTCS nBTCS - - - 98 MCKE MCKE - - - 99 nSCS[0] nSCS[0] - - - 100 nSCS[1] nSCS[1] - - - 101 nSRAS nSRAS - - - 102 nSCAS nSCAS - - - 103 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 104 MCLK MCLK - - - 105 VSS33 VSS33 - - - 106 nSWE nSWE - - - 107 nWBE/SDQM[0] nWBE or SDQM[0] 108 nWBE/SDQM[1] nWBE or SDQM[1] 109 VSS18 VSS18 - - - 110 D[15] D[15] - - - 111 D[14] D[14] - - - 112 VDD18 VDD18 - - - 113 D[13] D[13] - - - 114 D[12] D[12] - - - 115 D[11] D[11] - - - 116 D[10] D[10] - - - 117 VDD33 VDD33 - - - 118 D[9] D[9] - - - 119 D[8] D[8] - - - 120 D[7] D[7] - - - - 22 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 5.2 W90N745 128-pin LQFP Multi-function List, continued PIN NO. DEFAULT FUNCTION0 FUNCTION1 FUNCTION2 FUNCTION3 Memory Address/Data/Control 121 D[6] D[6] - - - 122 D[5] D[5] - - - 123 VSS33 VSS33 - - - 124 D[4] D[4] - - - 125 D[3] D[3] - - - 126 D[2] D[2] - - - 127 D[1] D[1] - - - 128 D[0] D[0] - - - - 23 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 6.1 ARM7TDMI CPU CORE The ARM7TDMI CPU core is a member of the Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) family of generalpurpose 32-bit microprocessors, which offer high performance for very low power consumption. The architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are much simpler than those of micro-programmed Complex Instruction Set Computers. Pipelining is employed so that all parts of the processing and memory systems can operate continuously. The high instruction throughput and impressive real-time interrupt response are the major benefits. The ARM7TDMI CPU core has two instruction sets: (1) The standard 32-bit ARM set (2) A 16-bit THUMB set The THUMB set's 16-bit instruction length allows it to approach twice the density of standard ARM core while retaining most of the ARM's performance advantage over a traditional 16-bit processor using 16-bit registers. THUMB instructions operate with the standard ARM register configuration, allowing excellent interoperability between ARM and THUMB states. Each 16-bit THUMB instruction has a corresponding 32-bit ARM instruction with the same effect on the processor model. ARM7TDMI CPU core has 31 x 32-bit registers. At any one time, 16 sets are visible; the other registers are used to speed up exception processing. All the register specified in ARM instructions can address any of the 16 registers. The CPU also supports 5 types of exception, such as two levels of interrupt, memory aborts, attempted execution of an undefined instruction and software interrupts. A[31:0] Address Register Incrementer Bus PC Bus Address Incrementer Scan Control Instruction Decoder Control Logic Register Bank (31 x 32-bit registers) (6 status registers) B Bus 32 x8 Multiplier A Bus ALU Bus Instruction Pipeline Read Data Register Thumb Instruction Decoder Barrel Shifter Writer Data Register 32-bit ALU D[31:0] Figure 6.1.1 ARM7TDMI CPU Core Block Diagram - 24 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.2 6.2.1 System Manager Overview The W90N745 system manager has the following functions. 6.2.2 y System memory map y Data bus connection with external memory y Product identifier register y Bus arbitration y PLL module y Clock select and power saving control register y Power-On setting System Memory Map W90N745 provides 2G bytes cacheable address space and the other 2G bytes are non-cacheable. The On-Chip Peripherals bank is on 1M bytes top of the space (0xFFF0_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF) and the OnChip RAM bank's start address is 0xFFE0.0000, the other banks can be located anywhere (cacheable space:0x0000_0000~0x7FDF_FFFF if Cache ON; non-cacheable space: 0x8000_0000~0xFFDF_FFFF). The size and location of each bank is determined by the register settings for "current bank base address pointer" and "current bank size". Please note that when setting the bank control registers, the address boundaries of consecutive banks must not overlap. Except On-Chip Peripherals and On-Chip RAM, the start address of each memory bank is not fixed. You can use bank control registers to assign a specific bank start address by setting the bank's base pointer (13 bits). The address resolution is 256K bytes. The bank's start address is defined as "base pointer << 18" and the bank's size is "current bank size". In the event of an access requested to an address outside any programmed bank size, an abort signal is generated. The maximum accessible memory size of each external IO bank is 4M bytes (by word format), and 64M bytes on each SDRAM bank. - 25 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 0x7FFF_FFFF 512KB (Fixed) 0x7FF8.0000 512KB (Fixed) 0x7FF0_0000 RESERVED 8KB RESERVED 0x7FE0_0000 0xFFFF_FFFF 512KB (Fixed) 0xFFF8_0000 RESERVED 512KB (Fixed) 0xFFF0_0000 RESERVED 8KB 0xFFE0_0000 On-Chip AHB Peripherals RESERVED On-Chip RAM 4KB,4KB External I/O Bank 3 External I/O Bank 3 External I/O Bank 2 External I/O Bank 2 External I/O Bank 1 External I/O Bank 1 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB EBI Space EBI Space External I/O Bank 0 External I/O Bank 0 SDRAM Bank 1 SDRAM Bank 1 2MB - 64MB 2MB - 64MB SDRAM Bank 0 SDRAM Bank 0 2MB - 64MB 2MB - 64MB ROM/FLASH ROM/FLASH 256 KB - 4MB 0x0000 _0000 On-Chip APB Peripherals 256 KB - 4MB 256 KB - 4MB 0x8000 _0000 Figure 6.2.1 System Memory Map - 26 - 256 KB - 4MB W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.1 On-Chip Peripherals Memory Map BASE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION AHB Peripherals 0xFFF0_0000 Product Identifier Register (PDID) 0xFFF0_0004 Arbitration Control Register (ARBCON) 0xFFF0_0008 PLL Control Register 0(PLLCON0) 0xFFF0_000C Clock Select Register (CLKSEL) 0xFFF0_0010 PLL Control Register 1 (PLLCON1) 0xFFF0_0014 Audio IS Clock Control Register (ISCKCON) 0xFFF0_0020 IRQ Wakeup Control Register (IRQWAKEUPCON) 0xFFF0_0024 IRQ Wakeup Flag Register (IRQWAKEFLAG) 0xFFF0_0028 Power Manager Control Register (PMCON) 0xFFF0_0030 USB Transceiver Control Register (USBTXRCON) 0xFFF0_1000 EBI Control Register (EBICON) Control Registers 0xFFF0_1004 ROM/FLASH (ROMCON) Control Registers 0xFFF0_1008 SDRAM bank 0 - 1 Control Registers 0xFFF0_1018 External I/O 0 - 3 Control Registers 0xFFF0_2000 Cache Controller Control Registers 0xFFF0_3000 Ethernet MAC Controller Control Registers 0xFFF0_4000 GDMA 0 - 1 Control Registers 0xFFF0_5000 USB Host Controller Control Registers 0xFFF0_6000 USB Device Controller Control Registers 0xFFF0_9000 AC97/IS Controller Control Registers APB Peripherals 0xFFF8_0000 UART 0 (Tx, RX for console) 0xFFF8_0100 UART 1 (Tx, Rx, for bluetooth) 0xFFF8_0200 UART 2 (bluetooth CTS, RTS/ IrDA Tx, Rx) 0xFFF8_0300 UART 3 (micro-print DTR, DTS, Tx, Rx) 0xFFF8_1000 Timer 0 - 1, WDOG Timer 0xFFF8_2000 Interrupt Controller 0xFFF8_3000 GPIO 0xFFF8_6000 I2C-0 Control Registers 0xFFF8_6100 I2C-1 Control Registers 0xFFF8_6200 USI Control Registers 0xFFF8_7000 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Control Registers 0xFFF8_8000 KeyPad Interface Control Register (KPI) 0xFFF8_9000 PS2 Control Registers - 27 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.2.3 Address Bus Generation The W90N745 address bus generation is depended on the required data bus width of each memory bank. The data bus width is determined by DBWD bits in each bank's control register. The maximum accessible memory size of each external IO bank is 4M bytes. Table 6.2.2 Address Bus Generation Guidelines DATA BUS EXTERNAL ADDRESS PINS WIDTH A [20:0] 8-bit 16-bit 6.2.4 MAXIMUM ACCESSIBLE MEMORY SIZE A20 - A0 (Internal) A21 - A1 (Internal) 2M bytes 2M half-words Data Bus Connection with External Memory Memory formats The W90N745 can be configured as big endian or little endian mode by pull up or down the external data bus D14 pin. If D14 is pull up, then it is a little endian mode, otherwise, it is a big endian mode. Little endian In little endian format, the lowest addressed byte in a word is considered the least significant byte of the word and the highest addressed byte is the most significant. So the byte at address 0 of the memory system connects to data lines 7 through 0. For a word aligned address A, Figure 6.2.2 shows how the half-word at addresses A and A+2, and the bytes at addresses A, A+1, A+2, and A+3 map on to each other when D14 pin is High. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Half-word at address A Half-word at address A+2 Byte at address A+1 Byte at address A Byte at address A+3 Byte at address A+2 Figure 6.2.2 Little endian addresses of bytes and half-words within half words - 28 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Big endian In Big endian format, the W90N745 stores the most significant byte of a word at the lowest numbered byte, and the least significant byte at the highest-numbered byte. So the byte at address 0 of the memory system connects to data lines 31 through 24. For a word aligned address A, Figure 6.2.3 shows how the half-word at addresses A and A+2, and the bytes at addresses A, A+1, A+2, and A+3 map on to each other when the D14 pin is Low. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Half-word at address A Half-word at address A+2 Byte at address A Byte at address A+1 Byte at address A+2 Byte at address A+3 Figure 6.2.3 Big endian addresses of bytes and half-words within half words Connection of External Memory with Various Data Width The system diagram for W90N745 connecting with the external memory is shown in Figure 6.2.4. Below tables (Table 6.2.3 through Table 6.2.14) show the program/data path between CPU register and the external memory using little / big endian and word/half-word/byte access. Figure 6.2.4 Address/Data bus connection with external memory - 29 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.2.5 CPU registers Read/Write with external memory Table 6.2.3 and Table 6.2.4 Using big-endian and word access, Program/Data path between register and external memory WA = Address whose LSB is 0,4,8,C X = Don't care nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] = A means active and U means inactive Table 6.2.3 Word access write operation with Big Endian WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) ACCESS OPERATION XD WIDTH HALF WORD Bit Number CPU Reg Data SA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED XA nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data Timing Sequence 31 0 ABCD WA 31 0 AB CD 15 0 15 0 AB CD WA WA+2 BYTE 7 0 A WA 31 0 ABCD WA 31 0 A B C D 7 0 7 0 B C WA+1 WA+2 7 0 D WA+3 AA AA XA XA XA XA 15 0 AB 15 0 AB 1st write 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 2nd write 7 0 A 7 0 A 1st write 7 0 B 7 0 B 2nd write 7 0 C 7 0 C 3rd write 7 0 D 7 0 D 4th write - 30 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.4 Word access read operation with Big Endian READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) ACCESS OPERATION XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 CDAB 31 0 DCBA SA WA WA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 CD AB 31 0 31 0 CD XX CD AB 31 0 D C B A 31 0 31 0 D C X X D C B X 31 0 D X X X 31 0 D C B A XA WA WA+2 WA WA+1 WA+2 WA+3 SDQM [1-0] AA AA XA XA XA XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 AB 15 0 AB 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 B 7 0 B 7 0 A 7 0 A Timing Sequence 1st read 2nd read 1st read 2nd read 3rd read 4th read Table 6.2.5 and Table 6.2.6 Using big-endian and half-word access, Program/Data path between register and external memory. HA = Address whose LSB is 0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E X = Don't care nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] = A means active and U means inactive Table 6.2.5 Half-word access write operation with Big Endian ACCESS OPERATION WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA HA HA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 CD CD 31 0 CD CD 31 0 CD CD 7 0 C 31 0 CD CD 7 0 D XA HA HA HA+1 nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data AA XA XA 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 D 7 0 D 1st write 2nd write Timing Sequence - 31 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.6 Half-word access read operation with Big Endian ACCESS OPERATION READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 15 0 CD 15 0 DC SA HA HA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 DC 15 0 DX 15 0 DC XA HA HA HA+1 SDQM [1-0] AA XA XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 1st read 2nd read Timing Sequence Table 6.2.7 and Table 6.2.8 Using big-endian and byte access, Program/Data path between register and external memory. BA = Address whose LSB is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F BAL = Address whose LSB is 0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E BAU = Address whose LSB is 1,3,5,7,9,B,D,F - 32 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.7 Byte access write operation with Big Endian ACCESS OPERATION WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA BAL BAU BA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 D D D D 15 8 D 31 0 D D D D 7 0 D 31 0 D D D D 7 0 D XA BAL BAL BA nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data Timing Sequence AU UA XA 15 0 DX 15 8 D 15 0 XD 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 D Table 6.2.8 Byte access read operation with Big Endian ACCESS OPERATION READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 7 0 C 7 0 D 7 0 D SA BAL BAU BA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 D 15 8 D 7 0 D 7 0 D XA BAL BAL BA SDQM [1-0] AU UA XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data Timing Sequence 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 D 7 0 D 15 0 CD - 33 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.9 and Table 6.2.10 Using little-endian and word access, Program/Data path between register and external memory WA = Address whose LSB is 0,4,8,C X = Don't care nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] = A means active and U means inactive Table 6.2.9 Word access write operation with little Endian WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) ACCESS OPERATION XD WIDTH HALF WORD BYTE Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA WA WA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 AB CD 15 0 CD 15 0 AB 7 0 D 31 0 A B C D 7 0 7 0 C B XA WA WA+2 WA WA+1 WA+2 WA+3 nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data AA AA XA XA XA XA 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 AB 15 0 AB 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 B 7 0 B 7 0 A 7 0 A Timing Sequence 1st write 2nd write 1st write 2nd write 3rd write 4th write 7 0 A Table 6.2.10 Word access read operation with Little Endian READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) ACCESS OPERATION XD Width Half Word Byte Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA WA WA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 AB CD 31 0 31 0 XX CD AB CD 31 0 A B C D 31 0 31 0 X X C D X B C D 31 0 X X X D 31 0 A B C D XA WA WA+2 WA WA+1 WA+2 WA+3 SDQM [1-0] AA AA XA XA XA XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 AB 15 0 AB 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 B 7 0 B 7 0 A 7 0 A Timing Sequence 1st write 2nd write 1st write 2nd write 3rd write 4th write - 34 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.11 and Table 6.2.12 Using little-endian and half-word access, Program/Data path between register and external memory. HA = Address whose LSB is 0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E X = Don't care nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] = A means active and U means inactive Table 6.2.11 Half-word access write operation with little Endian ACCESS OPERATION WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD Width Half Word Byte Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA HA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 CD CD 31 0 CD CD 31 0 CD CD 7 0 D HA 31 0 CD CD 7 0 C XA HA HA HA+1 nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data AA XA XA 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 1st write 2nd write Timing Sequence Table 6.2.12 Half-word access read operation with Little Endian ACCESS OPERATION READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD Width Half Word Byte Bit Number CPU Reg Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD SA HA HA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 15 0 XD 15 0 CD XA HA HA HA+1 SDQM [1-0] AA XA XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 1st read 2nd read Timing Sequence - 35 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.2.13 and Table 6.2.14 Using little-endian and byte access, Program/Data path between register and external memory. BA = Address whose LSB is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F BAL = Address whose LSB is 0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E BAU = Address whose LSB is 1,3,5,7,9,B,D,F Table 6.2.13 Byte access write operation with little Endian ACCESS OPERATION WRITE OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD Width Half Word Byte Bit Number CPU Reg Data 31 0 ABCD 31 0 ABCD SA BAL BAU BA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 31 0 D D D D 7 0 D 31 0 D D D D 15 8 D 31 0 D D D D 7 0 D XA BAL BAL BA nWBE [1-0] / SDQM [1-0] Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data Timing Sequence UA AU XA 15 0 XD 7 0 D 15 0 DX 15 8 D 7 0 D 7 0 D Table 6.2.14 Byte access read operation with Little Endian ACCESS OPERATION READ OPERATION (CPU REGISTER I EXTERNAL MEMORY) XD Width Half Word Byte Bit Number CPU Reg Data 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 D SA BAL BAU BA Bit Number SD Bit Number ED 7 0 D 7 0 D 7 0 C 7 0 C 7 0 D 7 0 D XA BAL BAL BA SDQM [1-0] UA AU XA Bit Number XD Bit Number Ext. Mem Data 15 0 CD 15 0 CD 7 0 D 7 0 D 15 0 CD Timing Sequence - 36 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.2.5 Bus Arbitration The W90N745's internal function blocks or external devices can request mastership of the system bus and then hold the system bus in order to perform data transfers. Because the design of W90N745 bus allows only one bus master at a time, a bus controller is required to arbitrate when two or more internal units or external devices simultaneously request bus mastership. When bus mastership is granted to an internal function block or an external device, other pending requests are not acknowledged until the previous bus master has released the bus. W90N745 supports two priority modes, the Fixed Priority Mode and the Rotate Priority Mode, depends on the ARBCON register PRTMOD bit setting. Fixed Priority Mode In Fixed Priority Mode (PRTMOD=0, default value), to facilitate bus arbitration, priorities are assigned to each internal W90N745 function block. The bus controller arbitration requests for the bus mastership according to these fixed priorities. In the event of contention, mastership is granted to the function block with the highest assigned priority. These priorities are listed in Table 6.2.15. W90N745 allows raising ARM Core priority to second if an unmasked interrupt occurred. If IPEN bit, Bit 1 of the Arbitration Control Register (ARBCON), is set to "0", the priority of ARM Core is fixed to lowest. If IPEN bit is set to "1" and if no unmasked interrupt request, then the ARM Core's priority is still lowest and the IPACT=0, Bit 2 of the Arbitration Control Register (ARBCON) If there is an unmasked interrupt request, then the ARM Core's priority is raised to first and IPACT=1. If IPEN is set, an interrupt handler will normally clear IPACT at the end of the interrupt routine to allow an alternate bus master to regain the bus; however, if IPEN is cleared, no additional action need be taken in the interrupt handler. The IPACT bit can be read and written. Writing with "0", the IPACT bit is cleared, but it will be no effect as writing with "1". Table 6.2.15 Bus Priorities for Arbitration in Fixed Priority Mode BUS FUNCTION BLOCK PRIORITY 1 (Highest) IPACT = 0 IPEN = 1 AND IPACT = 1 Audio Controller (AC97 & IS) ARM Core 2 General DMA0 Audio Controller (AC97 & IS) 3 General DMA1 General DMA0 4 EMC DMA General DMA1 5 USB Host EMC DMA 6 USB Device USB Host ARM Core USB Device 7(Lowest) - 37 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Rotate Priority Mode In Rotate Priority Mode (PRTMOD=1), the IPEN and IPACT bits have no function (i.e. can be ignored). W90N745 uses a round robin arbitration scheme ensures that all bus masters have equal chance to gain the bus and that a retracted master does not lock up the bus. 6.2.6 Power Management W90N745 provide three power management scenarios to reduce power consumption. The peripherals' clocks can be enabled / disabled individually by controlling the co-responding bit in CLKSEL control register. Software can turn-off the unused modules' clocks to saving the unnecessary power consumption. It also provides idle and power-down modes to reduce power consumption. Figure 6.2.6 W90N745 system clock generation diagram - 38 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG IDLE MODE If the IDLE bit in Power Management Control Register (PMCON) is set, the ARM CORE clock source will be halted, the ARM CORE will not go forward. The AHB or APB clocks still active except the clock to cache controller and ARM are stopped. W90N745 will exit idle state when nIRQ or nFIQ from any peripheral is revived; like keypad, timer overflow interrupts and so on. The memory controller can also be forced to enter idle state if both MIDLE and IDLE bits are set. Software must switch SDRAM into self-refresh mode before forcing memory to enter idle mode. IDLE Period FOUT (PLL) HCLK idle_state MCLK (ARM) HCLK (cache) HCLK (memc) Case1. IDLE=1, PD=0, MIDLE=0 Figure 6.2.7 Clock management for system idle mode IDLE Period FOUT (PLL) HCLK idle_state MCLK (ARM) HCLK (cache) HCLK (memc) Case2. IDLE=1, PD=0, MIDLE=1 Figure 6.2.8 Clock management for system and memory idle mode - 39 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Power Down Mode This mode provides the minimum power consumption. When the W90N745 system is not working or waiting an external event, software can write PD bit "1" to turn off all the clocks includes system crystal oscillator to let ARM CORE enter sleep mode. In this state, all peripherals are also in sleep mode since the clock source is stopped. W90N745 will exit power down state when nIRQ/nFIQ is detected. W90N745 provides external interrupt nIRQ[1:0], keypad, and USB device interfaces to wakeup the system clock. 65536 clocks EXTAL HCLK idle _state pd_state wake up by pheripheral's interrupts HCLK (cache) Case3. IDLE=0, PD=1, MIDLE=0 Figure 6.2.9 Clock management for system power down mode and wake up - 40 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.2.7 Power-On Setting After power on reset, there are eight Power-On setting pins to configure W90N745 system configuration. POWER-ON SETTING PIN Internal System Clock Select Little/Big Endian Mode Select Boot ROM/FLASH Data Bus Width D15 D14 D [13:12] Default: Pull-Down in Normal Operation D9 Default: Pull-Up in Normal Operation D8 D15 pinInternal System Clock Select If pin D15 is pull-down, the external clock from EXTAL pin is served as internal system clock. If pin D15 is pull-up, the PLL output clock is used as internal system clock. D14 pinLittle/Big Endian Mode Select If pin D14 is pull-down, the external memory format is Big Endian mode. If pin D14 is pull-up, the external memory format is Little Endian mode. D [13:12] Boot ROM/FLASH Data Bus Width D [13:12] Pull-down Pull-down Pull-up Pull-up 6.2.8 BUS WIDTH Pull-down Pull-up Pull-down Pull-up 8-bit 16-bit RESERVED RESERVED System Manager Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION PDID 0xFFF0_0000 R Product Identifier Register 0xX090_0745 ARBCON 0xFFF0_0004 R/W Arbitration Control Register 0x0000_0000 PLLCON0 0xFFF0_0008 R/W PLL Control Register 0 0x0000_2F01 CLKSEL 0xFFF0_000C R/W Clock Select Register 0x1FFF_3FX8 PLLCON1 0xFFF0_0010 R/W PLL Control Register 1 0x0001_0000 ISCKCON 0xFFF0_0014 R/W Audio IS Clock Control Register 0x0000_0000 IRQWAKECON 0xFFF0_0020 R/W IRQ Wakeup Control register 0x0000_0000 IRQWAKEFLAG 0xFFFF_0024 R/W IRQ wakeup Flag Register 0x0000_0000 PMCON 0xFFF0_0028 R/W Power Manager Control Register 0x0000_0000 USBTxrCON 0xFFF0_0030 R/W USB Transceiver Control Register 0x0000_0000 - 41 - RESET VALUE Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Product Identifier Register PDID This register is read only and lets software can use it to recognize certain characteristics of the chip ID and the version number. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PDID 0xFFF0_0000 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION Product Identifier Register 28 27 PACKAGE 23 22 RESET VALUE 26 0xX090_0745 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 VERSION 21 20 19 CHPID 15 14 13 12 11 CHPID 7 6 5 4 3 CHPID BITS DESCRIPTION Package Type Select [31:30] PACKAGE [29:24] VERSION [23:0] CHIPID These two bits are power-on setting latched from pin D[9:8] Package [31:30] 0 1 Package Type 128-pin Package Version of chip The chip identifier of W90N745 is 0x090.0745 - 42 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Arbitration Control Register (ARBCON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION ARBCON 0xFFF0_0004 R/W Arbitration Control Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 27 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 IPACT IPEN PRTMOD RESERVED 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTION [31:3] RESERVED [2] IPACT [1] IPEN [0] PRTMOD Interrupt priority active. When IPEN="1", this bit will be set when the ARM core has an unmasked interrupt request. This bit is available only when the PRTMOD=0. Interrupt priority enable bit 0 = the ARM core has the lowest priority. 1 = enable to raise the ARM core priority to second This bit is available only when the PRTMOD=0. Priority mode select 0 = Fixed Priority Mode (default) 1 = Rotate Priority Mode - 43 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PLL Control Register0 PLLCON0 W90N745 provides two clock generation options - crystal and oscillator. The external clock via EXTAL(15M) Minput pin as the reference clock input of PLL module. The external clock can bypass the PLL and be used to the internal system clock by pull-down the data D15 pin. Using PLL's output clock for the internal system clock, D15 pin must be pull-up. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PLLCON 0xFFF0_0008 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PLL Control Register 28 27 0x0000_2F01 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 PWDEN 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 FBDV 7 FBDV 6 5 4 OTDV INDV BITS DESCRIPTION [31:17] RESERVED [16] PWDEN [15:7] FBDV Power down mode enable 0 = PLL is in normal mode (default) 1 = PLL is in power down mode PLL VCO output clock feedback divider Feedback Divider divides the output clock from VCO of PLL. PLL output clock divider OTDV [6:5] [6:5] OTDV [4:0] INDV 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 DIVIDED BY 1 2 2 4 PLL input clock divider Input divider divides the input reference clock into the PLL. - 44 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EXTAL USBCKS FIN INDV[4:0] GP0 Charge Pump PFD FBDV[8:0] PLL Input Divider (NR) VCO 48MHz Gen Output 480MHz Divider FOUT (NO) Feedback Divider (NF) Clock Divider & Selector 1 0 0 1 USB Module Internal System Clock ECLKS OTDV[1:0] CLKS[2:0] Figure 6.2.10 System PLL block diagram The formula of output clock of PLL is: FOUT = FIN NF 1 NR NO FOUTOutput clock of Output Divider FINExternal clock into the Input Divider NRInput divider value (NR = INDV + 2) NFFeedback divider value (NF = FBDV + 2) NOOutput divider value (NO = OTDV) - 45 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Clock Select Register (CLKSEL) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CLKSEL 0xFFF0_000C R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Clock Select Register 0x1FFF_7FX8 29 28 27 26 23 RESERVED 22 21 PS2 20 KPI 19 RESERVED 18 17 UART3 15 UART2 14 UART1 13 I2C1 12 I2C0 11 USBCKS 7 USBD 6 GDMA 5 USBH TIMER UART BITS [31:29] PS2 AC97 8 EMC 2 RESERVED 1 WDT 0 RESERVED 4 3 ECLKS CLKS 0 = Disable PS2 controller clock 1 = Enable PS2 controller clock Keypad controller clock enable bit [27] KPI 0 = Disable keypad controller clock 1 = Enable keypad controller clock [26] RESERVED - [25] RESERVED - [24] USI USI controller clock enable bit 0 = Disable USI controller clock 1 = Enable USI controller clock UART3 controller clock enable bit [23] UART3 0 = Disable UART3 controller clock 1 = Enable UART3 controller clock UART2 controller clock enable bit [22] UART2 0 = Disable UART2 controller clock 1 = Enable UART2 controller clock UART1 controller clock enable bit [21] UART1 0 = Disable UART1 controller clock 1 = Enable UART1 controller clock - 46 - SSP 16 PWM 9 PS2 controller clock enable bit [28] 24 RESERVED 10 DESCRIPTION RESERVED 25 RESET W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION 2 I C1 controller clock enable bit [20] 2 I C1 0 = Disable I2C1 controller clock 1 = Enable I2C1 controller clock I2C0 controller clock enable bit [19] I2C0 0 = Disable I2C0 controller clock 1 = Enable I2C0 controller clock [18] RESERVED PWM controller clock enable bit [17] PWM 0 = Disable PWM controller clock 1 = Enable PWM controller clock Audio Controller clock enable bit [16] AC97 0 = Disable AC97 controller clock 1 = Enable AC97 controller clock USB host/device 48MHz clock source Select bit [15] USBCKS 0 = USB clock 48MHz input from internal PLL (480MHz/10) 1 = USB clock 48MHz input from external GPIO0 pin, this pin direction must set to input. USB device clock enable bit [14] USBD 0 = Disable USB device controller clock 1 = Enable USB device controller clock GDMA controller clock enable bit [13] GDMA 0 = Disable GDMA clock 1 = Enable GDMA clock [12] RESERVED - [11] RESERVED EMC controller clock enable bit [10] EMC 0 = Disable EMC controller clock 1 = Enable EMC controller clock [9] RESERVED WDT clock enable bit [8] WDT 0 = Disable WDT counting clock 1 = Enable WDT counting clock - 47 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION USB host clock enable bit [7] USBH 0 = Disable USB host controller clock 1 = Enable USB host controller clock Timer clock enable bit [6] TIMER 0 = Disable timer clock 1 = Enable timer clock UART0 controller clock enable bit [5] UART0 0 = Disable UART0 controller clock 1 = Enable UART0 controller clock External clock select 0 = External clock from EXTAL pin is used as system clock [4] ECLKS 1 = PLL output clock is used as system clock After power on reset, the content of ECLKS is the Power-On Setting value. You can program this bit to change the system clock source. PLL output clock select CLKS [3:1] [3:1] CLKS System clock 0 0 0 58.594 KHz* 0 0 1 24 MHz 0 1 0 48 MHz 0 1 1 60 MHz 1 0 0 80 MHz 1 0 1 RESERVED 1 1 0 RESERVED 1 1 1 RESERVED Note: 1. This values are based on PLL output(FOUT) is 480MHz. 2. When 24Mhz ~ 80MHz is selected, the ECLKS bit must be set to 1. 3. About 58.594KHz setting, two steps are needed. First, clear ECLKS bit, and then clear CLKS. Software Reset bit [0] RESET This is a software reset control bit. Set logic 1 to generate an internal reset pulse. This bit is auto-clear to logic 0 at the end of the reset pulse. - 48 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PLL Control Register 1PLLCON1 W90N745 provides extra PLL to provide 12.288/16.934 MHz clock source to Audio Controller. It uses the same 15MHz crystal clock input source with system PLL mentioned above. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PLLCON1 0xFFF0_0010 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PLL Control Register 1 28 27 0x0001_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 PWDEN1 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 FBDV1 7 FBDV1 6 5 4 OTDV1 INDV1 BITS DESCRIPTION [31:17] RESERVED [16] PWDEN1 [15:7] FBDV1 [6:5] OTDV1 [4:0] INDV1 PLL1 power down enable 0 = PLL1 is in normal mode 1 = PLL1 is in power down mode (default) PLL1 VCO output clock feedback divider Feedback Divider divides the output clock from VCO of PLL1. PLL1 output clock divider OTDV1 [6:5] Divided by 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 4 PLL1 input clock divider Input divider divides the input reference clock into the PLL1. - 49 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EXTAL FIN INDV1[4:0] PFD FBDV1[8:0] PLL1 Input Divider (NR) Charge Pump VCO Output 480MHz Divider FOUT (NO) to Audio Controller Feedback Divider (NF) OTDV1[1:0] Figure 6.2.11 Audio PLL block diagram The formula of output clock of PLL is: FOUT = FIN NF 1 NR NO FOUTOutput clock of Output Divider FINExternal clock into the Input Divider NRInput divider value (NR = INDV1 + 2) NFFeedback divider value (NF = FBDV1 + 2) NOOutput divider value (NO = OTDV1) - 50 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG IS Clock Control Register (ISCKCON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W ISCKCON 0xFFF0_0014 R/W 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 RESET VALUE IS PLL clock Control Register 28 27 RESERVED 20 19 RESERVED 12 11 RESERVED 4 3 PRESCALE BITS [31:9] DESCRIPTION 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 2 1 8 ISPLLEN 0 DESCRIPTION RESERVED IS PLL clock source enable [8] ISPLLEN Set this bit will enable PLL1 clock output to audio IS clock input. 1 = Enable PLL1 clock source for audio IS 0 = Disable PLL1 clock source for audio IS [7:0] PRESCALE The PLL1 is used by IS, if in use, software can using this prescaler to generate an appropriate clock nearly 12.288M or 16.934M. The clock is generated as below, and if PRESCALE =0, the PLL_AUDIO is the same frequency as FOUT "PLL_AUDIO = PLL_FOUT/(PRESCALE +1)" - 51 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG IRQ Wakeup Control Register (IRQWAKECON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE IRQWAKECON 0xFFF0_0020 R/W IRQ Wakeup Control Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 RESERVED 5 RESERVED IRQWAKEUPPOL BITS [31:6] 4 DESCRIPTION RESERVED nIRQ1 wake up polarity [5] IRQWAKEUPPOL[1] 1 = nIRQ1 is high level wake up 0 = nIRQ1 is low level wake up nIRQ0 wake up polarity [4] IRQWAKEUPPOL[0] 1 = nIRQ0 is high level wake up 0 = nIRQ0 is low level wake up [3:2] RESERVED nIRQ1 wake up enable bit [1] IRQWAKEUPEN[1] 1 = nIRQ1 wake up enable 0 = nIRQ1 wake up disable nIRQ0 wake up enable bit [0] IRQWAKEUPEN[0] 1 = nIRQ0 wake up enable 0 = nIRQ0 wake up disable - 52 - IRQWAKEUPEN W90N745CD/W90N745CDG IRQ Wakeup Flag Register (IRQWAKEFLAG) REGISTER ADDRESS IRQWAKEFLAG 0xFFF0_0024 31 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W IRQ Wakeup Flag Register 0x0000_0000 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED IRQWAKEFLAG This register is used to record the wakeup event, after clock recovery, software should check these flags to identify which nIRQ is used to wakeup the system. And clear the flags in IRQ interrupt sevice routine. BITS [31:2] DESCRIPTION RESERVED nIRQ1 wake up flag [1] IRQWAKEFLAG[1] 1 = chip is waked up by nIRQ1 0 = no active nIRQ0 wake up flag [0] IRQWAKEFLAG[0] 1 = chip is waked up by nIRQ0 0 = no active - 53 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Power Management Control Register (PMCON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PMCON 0xFFF0_0028 R/W 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 RESERVED DESCRIPTION Power Management Control Register 28 27 RESERVED 20 19 RESERVED 12 11 RESERVED 4 3 BITS [31:3] RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 MIDLE 1 PD 0 IDLE DESCRIPTION RESERVED Memory controller IDLE enable Setting both MIDLE and IDLE bits HIGH will let memory controller enter IDLE mode, the clock source of memory controller will be halted while ARM CORE enter IDLE mode. [2] MIDLE 1=memory controller will be forced into IDLE mode, (clock of memory controller will be halted), when IDLE bit is set. 0 = memory controller still active when IDLE bit is set. NOTE: Software must let SDRAM enter self-refresh mode before enable this function because SDRAM MCLK will be stopped. Power down enable [1] PD Setting this bit HIGH will let W90N745 enter power saving mode. The clock source 15M crystal oscillator and PLLs are stopped to generate clock. User can use nIRQ[3:0], keypad and external RESET to wakeup W90N745. 1 = Enable power down 0 = Disable IDLE mode enable [0] IDLE Setting this bit HIGH will let ARM Core enter power saving mode. The peripherals can still keep working if the clock enable bit in CLKSEL is set. Any nIRQ or nFIQ to ARM Core will let ARM CORE to exit IDLE state. 1 = IDLE mode 0 = Disable - 54 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Transceiver Control Register (USBTXRCON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W USBTXRCON 0xFFF0_0030 31 30 DESCRIPTION USB Transceiver Control Register R/W 29 RESET VALUE 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED BITS [31:1] USBHnD DESCRIPTION RESERVED USBHnD[0]: USB transceiver control [0] USBHnD There are two USB1.1 built-in transceivers for data transmission. One is dedicated for USB host and the other is shared with USB device. Software can program this bit to switch the transceiver path. 1 = HOST 0 = Device - 55 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.3 6.3.1 External Bus Interface EBI Overview W90N745 supports External Bus Interface (EBI), which controls the access to the external memory (ROM/FLASH, SDRAM) and External I/O devices. The EBI has seven chip selects to select one ROM/FLASH bank, two SDRAM banks, and four External I/O banks.The address bus is 21 bits. It supports 8-bit, 16-bit external data bus width for each bank. The EBI has the following functions 6.3.2 y SDRAM controller y EBI control register y ROM/FLASH interface y External I/O interface y External bus mastership SDRAM Controller The SDRAM controller module within W90N745 contains configuration registers timing control registerscommon control register and other logic to provide 816 bits SDRAM interface with a single 816 bits SDRAM device or two 8-bit devices wired to give a 16-bit data path. The maximum size of each bank is 64M bytes, and maximum memory size can span up to 128MB. The SDRAM controller has the following features y Supports up to 2 external SDRAM banks y Maximum size of each bank is 64M bytes y 816-bit data interface y Programmable CAS Latency 12 and 3 y Fixed Burst Length 1 y Sequential burst type y Auto Refresh Mode and Self Refresh Mode y Adjustable Refresh Rate y Power up sequence - 56 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SDRAM Components Supported Table 6.3.1 SDRAM supported by W90N745 SIZE 16M bits 64M bits 128M bits 256M bits TYPE BANKS ROW ADDRESSING COLUMN ADDRESSING 2Mx8 2 RA0~RA10 CA0~CA8 1Mx16 2 RA0~RA10 CA0~CA7 8Mx8 4 RA0~RA11 CA0~CA8 4Mx16 4 RA0~RA11 CA0~CA7 16Mx8 4 RA0~RA11 CA0~CA9 8Mx16 4 RA0~RA11 CA0~CA8 32Mx8 4 RA0~RA12 CA0~CA9 16Mx16 4 RA0~RA12 CA0~CA8 AHB Bus Address Mapping to SDRAM Bus Note: * indicates the signal is not used; ** indicates the signal is fixed at logic 0 and is not used; The HADDR prefixes have been omitted on the following tables. A14 ~ A0 are the Address pins of the W90N745 EBI interface; A14 and A13 are the Bank Select Signals of SDRAM. - 57 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SDRAM Data Bus Width: 16-bit A14 Total Type RxC R/C 16M 2Mx8 11x9 R ** C A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 10 ** 10* 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 ** 10 ** 10* AP 24* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ** 9 ** 9* 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 (BS1) (BS0) 16M 1Mx16 11x8 R C ** 9 ** 9* AP 24* 9* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 64M 8Mx8 12x9 R 10 11 10* 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 23 C 10 11 10* 22* AP 24* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R 10 9 10* 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 C 10 9 10* 22* AP 24* 23* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 11 10* 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 23 64M 4Mx16 12x8 128M 16Mx8 12x10 R C 10 11 10* 22* AP 24 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 128M 8Mx16 R 10 11 10* 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 23 C 10 11 10* 22* AP 24* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 256M* 32Mx8 13x10 R 10 11 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 24 C 10 11 23* 22* AP 25* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 256M 16Mx16 13x9 R 10 11 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 24 C 10 11 23* 22* AP 25* 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 12x9 19 SDRAM Data Bus Width: 8-bit A14 A13 Total Type RxC R/C 16M 2Mx8 11x9 R ** 9 ** 9* 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 C ** 9 ** 9* AP 23* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 64M 128M 256M 8Mx8 12x9 16Mx8 12x10 32Mx8 13x10 (BS1) (BS0) R 9 10 9* 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 22 C 9 10 9* 21* AP 23* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 R 9 10 9* 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 22 C 9 10 9* 21* AP 23 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R 9 10 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 23 C 9 10 22* 21* AP 24 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - 58 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SDRAM Power Up Sequence The SDRAM must be initialized predefined manner after power on.W90N745 SDRAM Controller automatically executes the commands needed for initialion and set the mode register of each bank to default value. The default value is -- Burst Length = 1 -- Burst Type = Sequential (fixed) -- CAS Latency = 2 -- Write Burst Length = Burst (fixed) The value of mode register can be changed after power up sequence by setting the value of corresponding bank's configuration register "LENGTH" and "LATENCY" bits and set the MRSET bit enable to execute the Mode Register Set command. SDRAM Interface A [ 1 0 :0 ] A [ 2 0 :0 ] A [ 1 0 :0 ] A13 BS0 A14 BS1 D [ 1 5 :0 ] D Q [ [ 1 5 :0 ] M CLK CLK M CKE CKE nSCS0 n S C S [ 1 :0 ] nCS nSRAS nRAS nSCAS nCAS nSW E nW E n S D Q M [ 1 :0 ] n S D Q M [ 1 :0 ] D Q M [ 1 :0 ] SDRAM 32M b 512Kx4x16 W 90N745 Figure 6.3.1 SDRAM Interface - 59 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.3.3 EBI Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION EBICON 0xFFF0_1000 R/W EBI control register 0x0001_0000 ROMCON 0xFFF0_1004 R/W ROM/FLASH control register 0x0000_0XFC SDCONF0 0xFFF0_1008 R/W SDRAM bank 0 configuration register 0x0000_0800 SDCONF1 0xFFF0_100C R/W SDRAM bank 1 configuration register 0x0000_0800 SDTIME0 0xFFF0_1010 R/W SDRAM bank 0 timing control register 0x0000_0000 SDTIME1 0xFFF0_1014 R/W SDRAM bank 1 timing control register 0x0000_0000 EXT0CON 0xFFF0_1018 R/W External I/O 0 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT1CON 0xFFF0_101C R/W External I/O 1 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT2CON 0xFFF0_1020 R/W External I/O 2 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT3CON 0xFFF0_1024 R/W External I/O 3 control register 0x0000_0000 CKSKEW 0xFFF0_1F00 R/W Clock skew control register (for testing) 0xXXXX_0038 - 60 - RESET VALUE W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EBI Control Register (EBICON) REGISTER ADDRESS EBICON 0xFFF0_1000 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W EBI control register 29 28 RESERVED 23 22 21 14 13 0x0001_0000 27 26 25 24 EXBE3 EXBE2 EXBE1 EXBE0 19 18 17 16 REFEN REFMOD CLKEN 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 20 RESERVED 15 RESET VALUE 12 REFRAT 7 6 5 4 REFRAT BITS [31:27] WAITVT LITTLE DESCRIPTION RESERVED External IO bank 3 byte enable [27] EXBE3 This function is used for some devices that with high and low bytes enable signals to control which byte will be write or mask data output when read. For this kind device, software can set this bit HIGH to implement this function. Detail pin interconnection is showed as Figure 6.3.8. 1 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte enable signals, nWE will be used as write strobe signal to SRAM. 0 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte write strobe signal. External IO bank 2 byte enable The bit function description is the same as EXBE3 above. [26] EXBE2 1 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte enable signals, nWE will be used as write strobe signal to SRAM. 0 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte write strobe signal. External IO bank 1 byte enable The bit function description is the same as EXBE3 above. [25] EXBE1 1 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte enable signals, nWE will be used as write strobe signal to SRAM 0 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte write strobe signal - 61 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION External IO bank 0 byte enable This bit function description is the same as EXBE3 above. [24] EXBE0 1 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte enable signals, nWE will be used as write strobe signal to SRAM 0 = nWBE[1:0] pin is byte write strobe signal [23:19] RESERVED Enable SDRAM refresh cycle for SDRAM bank0 & bank1 [18] REFEN This bit set will start the auto-refresh cycle to SDRAM. The refresh rate is according to REFRAT bits. 1 = enable refresh function 0 = disable refresh function Refresh mode of SDRAM for SDRAM bank Defines the refresh mode type of external SDRAM bank Software can write this bit "1" to force SDRAM enter self-refresh mode. [17] REFMOD 0 = Auto refresh mode 1 = Self refresh mode NOTE: If any read/write to SDRAM occurs then this bit will be cleared to "0" by hardware automatically and SDRAM will enters auto-refresh mode. Clock enable for SDRAM [16] CLKEN Enables the SDRAM clock enable (CKE) control signal 0 = Disable (power down mode) 1 = Enable Default Refresh count value for SDRAM [15:3] REFRAT The SDRAM Controller automatically provides an auto refresh cycle for every refresh period programmed into the REFRAT bits when the REFEN bit of each bank is set The refresh period is calculated as period = - 62 - value fMCLK W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION Valid time of nWAIT signal W90N745 recognizes the nWAIT signal at the next "nth" MCLK rising edge after the nOE or nWBE active cycle. WAITVT bits determine the n. [2:1] WAITVT WAITVT [2:1] 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 nth MCLK 1 2 3 4 Little Endian mode [0] LITTLE After power on reset, the content of LITTLE is the Power-On Setting value from D14 pin. If pin D14 is pull-down, the external memory format is Big Endian mode. If pin D14 is pull-up, the external memory format is Little Endian mode. For more detail, refer to Power-On Setting of System Manager. NOTE: This bit is read only. - 63 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG ROM/Flash Control Register ROMCON REGISTER ADDRESS ROMCON 0xFFF0_1004 31 R/W 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W ROM/FLASH control register 0x0000_0XFC 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 BASADDR 23 22 21 20 19 BASADDR 15 14 SIZE 13 12 11 10 RESERVED 7 6 9 8 1 0 tPA 5 4 3 tACC 2 BTSIZE BITS PGMODE DESCRIPTION Base address pointer of ROM/Flash bank [31:19] BASADDR The start address is calculated as ROM/Flash bank base pointer << 18. The base address pointer together with the "SIZE" bits constitutes the whole address range of each bank. The size of ROM/FLASH memory SIZE [10:8] [18:16] [15:12] SIZE RESERVED Byte 0 0 0 256K 0 0 1 512K 0 1 0 1M 0 1 1 2M 1 0 0 4M 1 0 1 RESERVED 1 1 0 RESERVED 1 1 1 RESERVED - - 64 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [11:8] [7:4] DESCRIPTION tPA Page mode access cycle time tPA[11:8] MCLK 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 7 0 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tPA[11:8] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 tACC Access cycle time tACC[11:8] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tACC[11:8] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 MCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MCLK 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 MCLK 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Boot ROM/FLASH data bus width This ROM/Flash bank is designed for a boot ROM. BASADDR bits determine its start address. The external data bus width is determined by the data bus signals D [13:12] power-on setting. [3:2] [1:0] BTSIZE PGMODE BTSIZE [3:2] 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Bus Width 8-bit 16-bit RESERVED RESERVED Page mode configuration PGMODE [1:0] 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 - 65 - D [13:12] Bus Width Pull-down Pull-down 8-bit Pull-down Pull-up 16-bit Pull-up Pull-down RESERVED Pull-up Pull-up RESERVED Mode Normal ROM 4 word page 8 word page 16 word page Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.3.2 ROM/FLASH Read Operation Timing Figure 6.3.3 ROM/FLASH Page Read Operation Timing - 66 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Configuration RegistersSDCONF0/1 The configuration registers enable software to set a number of operating parameters for the SDRAM controller. There are two configuration registers SDCONF0SDCONF1 for SDRAM bank 0bank 1 respectively. Each bank can have a different configuration. REGISTER ADDRESS SDCONF0 SDCONF1 0xFFF0_1008 0xFFF0_100C 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W SDRAM bank 0 configuration register R/W SDRAM bank 1 configuration register 29 28 0x0000_0800 0x0000_0800 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 BASADDR 23 22 21 20 BASADDR 15 14 13 MRSET RESERVED AUTOPR 7 6 5 COMPBK DBWD BITS RESERVED 12 11 10 LATENCY 4 9 8 RESERVED 3 2 COLUMN 1 0 SIZE DESCRIPTION [31:19] BASADDR [18:16] RESERVED [15] MRSET [14] RESERVED [13] AUTOPR [12:11] LATENCY Base address pointer of SDRAM bank 0/1 The start address is calculated as SDRAM bank 0/1 base pointer << 18. The SDRAM base address pointer together with the "SIZE" bits constitutes the whole address range of each SDRAM bank. SDRAM Mode register set command for SDRAM bank 0/1 This bit set will issue a mode register set command to SDRAM. Auto pre-charge mode of SDRAM for SDRAM bank 0/1 Enable the auto pre-charge function of external SDRAM bank 0/1 0 = Auto pre-charge 1 = No auto pre-charge The CAS Latency of SDRAM bank 0/1 Defines the CAS latency of external SDRAM bank 0/1 LATENCY [12:11] MCLK 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 REVERSED - 67 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION [10:8] RESERVED [7] COMPBK [6:5] DBWD Number of component bank in SDRAM bank 0/1 Indicates the number of component bank (2 or 4 banks) in external SDRAM bank 0/1. 0 = 2 banks 1 = 4 banks Data bus width for SDRAM bank 0/1 Indicates the external data bus width connect with SDRAM bank 0/1 If DBWD = 00, the assigned SDRAM access signal is not generated i.e. disable. DBWD [6:5] Bits 0 0 Bank disable 0 1 8-bit (byte) 1 0 16-bit (half-word) 1 1 REVERSED Number of column address bits in SDRAM bank 0/1 Indicates the number of column address bits in external SDRAM bank 0/1. COLUMN [4:3] [4:3] COLUMN Bits 0 0 8 0 1 9 1 0 10 1 1 REVERSED Size of SDRAM bank 0/1 Indicates the memory size of external SDRAM bank 0/1 Size of SDRAM Byte SIZE [2:0] [2:0] SIZE 0 0 0 Bank disable 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2M 4M 8M 16M 32M 64M REVERSED - 68 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Timing Control Registers SDTIME0/1 W90N745 offers the flexible timing control registers to control the generation and processing of the control signals and can achieve you use different speed of SDRAM REGISTER ADDRESS SDTIME0 0xFFF0_1010 R/W SDRAM bank 0 timing control register 0x0000_0000 SDTIME1 0xFFF0_1014 R/W SDRAM bank 1 timing control register 0x0000_0000 31 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION 28 27 RESET VALUE 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 tRDL [10:8] [7:6] 3 2 tRP BITS [31:11] tRCD 1 0 tRAS DESCRIPTION RESERVED - tRCD SDRAM bank 0/1, /RAS to /CAS delay tRCD [10:8] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 tRDL SDRAM bank 0/1, Last data in to pre-charge command tRDL [7:6] MCLK 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 4 - 69 - MCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [5:3] [2:0] DESCRIPTION tRP tRAS SDRAM bank 0/1, Row pre-charge time tRP [5:3] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 MCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SDRAM bank 0/1, Row active time tRAS [2:0] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 MCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 70 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.3.4 Access timing 1 of SDRAM Figure 6.3.5 Access timing 2 of SDRAM - 71 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG External I/O Control RegistersEXT0CON - EXT3CON The W90N745 supports an external device control without glue logic. It is very cost effective because address decoding and control signals timing logic are not needed. Using these control registers you can configure special external I/O devices for providing the low cost external devices control solution. REGISTER ADDRESS EXT0CON 0xFFF0_1018 R/W External I/O 0 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT1CON 0xFFF0_101C R/W External I/O 1 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT2CON 0xFFF0_1020 R/W External I/O 2 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT3CON 0xFFF0_1024 R/W External I/O 3 control register 0x0000_0000 31 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 BASADDR 23 22 21 20 BASADDR 15 14 13 ADRS SIZE 12 11 tACC 7 6 5 BITS [18:16] 9 8 tCOH 4 3 tACS [31:11] 10 2 1 tCOS 0 DBWD DESCRIPTION BASADDR SIZE Base address pointer of external I/O bank 0~3 The start address of each external I/O bank is calculated as "BASADDR" base pointer << 18. Each external I/O bank base address pointer together with the "SIZE" bits constitutes the whole address range of each external I/O bank. The size of the external I/O bank 0~3 SIZE [18:16] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 - 72 - Byte 256K 512K 1M 2M 4M 8M REVERSED REVERSED W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION Address bus alignment for external I/O bank 0~3 [15] ADRS When ADRS is set, external address (A20~A0) bus is alignment to byte address format, that is, A0 is internal AHB address bus HADDR[0] and A1 is AHB bus HADDR[1] and so forth. And it ignores DBWD [1:0] setting. Access cycles of external I/O bank 0~3 This parameter means nWE, nWBE and nOE active time clock. Detail timing diagram please refer to Figure 6.3.6 and 6.3.7 tACC[14:11] [14:11] tACC MCLK tACC[14:11] MCLK 0 0 0 0 Reversed 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 11 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 13 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 15 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 17 0 1 0 1 5 1 1 0 1 19 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 0 21 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 23 Chip selection hold time of external I/O bank 0~3 This parameters control nWBE and nOE hold time. Detail timing diagram please refer to Figure 6.3.6 and 6.3.7 [10:8] tCOH 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 tCOH [10:8] 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 - 73 - 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MCLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION Address set-up before nECS for external I/O bank 0~3 [7:5] tACS 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 tACS [7:5] 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MCLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chip selection set-up time of external I/O bank 0~3 When ROM/Flash memory bank is configured, the access to its bank stretches chip selection time before the nOE or new signal is activated. [4:2] tCOS 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 tCOS [4:2] 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 MCLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Programmable data bus width for external I/O bank 0~3 [1:0] DBWD DBWD [1:0] 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 - 74 - Width of Data Bus Disable bus 8-bit 16-bit RESERVED W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.3.6 External I/O write operation timing Figure 6.3.7 External I/O read operation timing - 75 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.3.8 External IO bank with 16-bit SRAM Clock Skew Control Register CKSKEW REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CKSKEW 0xFFF0_1F00 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Clock skew control register 28 27 0xXXXX_0018 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 DLH_CLK_REF 23 22 21 20 19 DLH_CLK_REF 15 14 13 12 11 RESVERED 7 6 5 4 SWPON 3 DLH_CLK_SKEW 2 MCLK_O_D - 76 - 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION Latch DLH_CLK clock tree by HCLK positive edge [31:16] DLH_CLK_REF [15:9] RESERVED The SDRAM MCLK is generated by inserting a delay (XOR2) chain in HCLK positive or negedge edge to adjust the MCLK skew. So software can read these bits to expore MCLK and HCLK relationship. [31:24] is used for positive edge and [23:16] is for negedge edge. SDRAM Initialization by Software [8] SWPON Set this bit "1" will issue a SDRAM power on default setting command sequence like system power on, this bit will be auto-clear by hardware while SDRAM initialization finish. Data latch Clock Skew Adjustment Due to PC board loading or too many devices connect to external address and data bus, it may causes SDRAM can not work correctly at high frequency (usually, > 80MHz) software can control MCLK_O_D[3:0] to adjust address and data bus to adjust setup/hold time. DLH_CLK_SKEW[7:4] [7:4] DLH_CLK_SKEW Gate Delay DLH_CLK_SKEW[7:4] Gate Delay 0 0 0 0 P-0 1 0 0 0 N-0 0 0 0 1 P-1 1 0 0 1 N-1 0 0 1 0 P-2 1 0 1 0 N-2 0 0 1 1 P-3 1 0 1 1 N-3 0 1 0 0 P-4 1 1 0 0 N-4 0 1 0 1 P-5 1 1 0 1 N-5 0 1 1 0 P-6 1 1 1 0 N-6 0 1 1 1 P-7 1 1 1 1 N-7 NOTE: P-x means Data latched Clock shift "X" gates delays by refer MCLKO positive edge, N-x means Data latched Clock shift "X" gates delays by refer MCLKO negative edge. - 77 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION MCLK output delay adjustment MCLK_O_D [3:0] [3:0] MCLK_O_D Gate Dela y MCLK_O_D [3:0] Gate Dela y 0 0 0 0 P-0 1 0 0 0 N-0 0 0 0 1 P-1 1 0 0 1 N-1 0 0 1 0 P-2 1 0 1 0 N-2 0 0 1 1 P-3 1 0 1 1 N-3 0 1 0 0 P-4 1 1 0 0 N-4 0 1 0 1 P-5 1 1 0 1 N-5 0 1 1 0 P-6 1 1 1 0 N-6 0 1 1 1 P-7 1 1 1 1 N-7 NOTE: "P-x" means MCLKO shift "X" gates delay by refer HCLK positive edge, "N-x" means MCLKO shift "X" gates delay by refer HCLK negative edge. MCLK is the output pin of MCLKO, which is an internal signal on chip. - 78 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.4 Cache Controller The W90N745 incorporates a 4KB Instruction cache, 4KB Data cache and 8 words write buffer. The ICache and D-Cache have similar organization except the cache size. To raise the cache-hit ratio, these two caches are configured two-way set associative addressing. Each cache has four words cache line size. When a miss occurs, four words must be fetched consecutively from external memory. The replacement algorithm is a LRU (Least Recently Used). If disabling the I-Cache / D-Cache, these cache memories can be treated as On-Chip RAM. The W90N745 also provides a write buffer to improve system performance. The write buffer can buffer up to eight words of data. 6.4.1 On-Chip RAM If I-Cache or D-Cache is disabled, it can be served as On-Chip RAM. If D-Cache is disabled, there has 4KB On-Chip RAM, its start address is 0xFFE01000. If I-Cache is disabled, there has 4KB On-Chip RAM and the start address of this RAM is 0xFFE00000. If both the I-Cache and D-Cache are disabled, it has 8KB On-Chip RAM starting from 0xFFE00000. The size of On-Chip RAM is depended on the I-Cache and D-Cache enable bits ICAEN, DCAEN in Cache Control Register (CAHCON). Table 6.4.1 The size and start address of On-Chip RAM ICAEN 6.4.2 ON-CHIP RAM DCAEN SIZE START ADDRESS 0 0 8KB 0xFFE0_0000 0 1 4KB 0xFFE0_0000 1 0 4KB 0xFFE0.1000 1 1 Unavailable Non-Cacheable Area Although the cache affects the entire 2GB system memory, it is sometimes necessary to define noncacheable areas when the consistency of data stored in memory and the cache must be ensured. To support this, the W90N745 provides a non-cacheable area control bit in the address field, A[31]. If A[31] in the ROM/FLASH, SDRAM, or external I/O bank's access address is "0", then the accessed data is cacheable. If the A [31] value is "1", the accessed data is non-cacheable. - 79 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.4.3 Instruction Cache The Instruction cache (I-cache) is a 4K bytes two-way set associative cache. The cache organization is 128 sets, two lines per set, and four words per line. Cache lines are aligned on 4-word boundaries in memory. The cache access cycle begins with an instruction request from the instruction unit in the core. In the case of a cache hit, the instruction is delivered to the instruction unit. In case of a cache miss, the cache initiates a burst read cycle on the internal bus with the address of the requested instruction. The first word received from the bus is the requested instruction. The cache forwards this instruction to the instruction unit of the core as soon as it is received from the internal bus. A cache line is then selected to receive the data that will be coming from the bus. A least recently used (LRU) replacement algorithm is used to select a line when no empty lines are available. When I-Cache is disabled, the cache memory is served as 4KB On-chip RAM. The I-Cache is always disabled on reset. The following is a list of the instruction cache features y 4K bytes instruction cache y Two-way set associative y Four words in a cache line y LRU replacement policy y Lockable on a per-line basis y Critical word first, burst access Instruction Cache Operation On an instruction fetch, bits 10-4 of the instruction's address point into the cache to retrieve the tags and data of one set. The tags from both ways are then compared against bits 30-11 of the instruction's address. If a match is found and the matched entry is valid, then it is a cache hit. If neither tags match nor the matched tag is not valid, it is a cache miss. Instruction Cache Hit In case of a cache hit, bits 3-2 of the instruction address is used to select one word from the cache line whose tag matches. The instruction is immediately transferred to the instruction unit of the core. Instruction Cache Miss On an instruction cache miss, the address of the missed instruction is driven on the internal bus with a 4word burst transfer read request. A cache line is then selected to receive the data that will be coming from the bus. The selection algorithm gives first priority to invalid lines. If neither of the two lines in the selected set is invalid, then the least recently used line is selected for replacement. Locked lines are never replaced. The transfer begins with the word requested by the instruction unit (critical word first), followed by the remaining words of the line, then by the word at the beginning of the lines (wraparound). Instruction Cache Flushing The W90N745 does not support external memory snooping. Therefore, if self-modifying code is written, the instructions in the I-Cache may become invalid. The entire I-Cache can be flushed by software in one operation, or can be flushed one line at a time by setting the CAHCON register bit FLHS or FLHA with the ICAH bit is set. As flushing the cache line, the "V" bit of the line is cleared to "0". The I-Cache is automatically flushed during reset. - 80 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Instruction Cache Load and Lock The W90N745 supports a cache-locking feature that can be used to lock critical sections of code into ICache to guarantee quick access. Lockdown can be performed with a granularity of one cache line. The smallest space, which can be locked down, is 4 words. After a line is locked, it operates as a regular instruction SRAM. Lines locked are not replaced during misses and not affected by flush per line command. To load and lock instruction, the following sequence should be followed: 1. Write the start address of the instructions to be locked into CAHADR register. 2. Set LDLK and ICAH bits in the CAHCON register. 3. Increased the address by 16 and written into CAHADR register. 4. Set LDLK and ICAH bits in the CAHCON register. 5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4, until the desired instructions are all locked. When using I-Cache load and lock command, there are some notes should be cared. y The programs executing load and lock operation should be held in a noncacheable area of memory. y The cache should be enabled and interrupts should be disabled. y Software must flush the cache before execute load and lock to ensure that the code to be locked down is not already in the cache. Instruction Cache Unlock The unlock operation is used to unlock previously locked cache lines. After unlock, the "L" bit of the line is cleared to "0". W90N745 has two unlock command, unlock line and unlock all. The unlock line operation is performed on a cache line granularity. In case the line is found in the cache, it is unlocked and starts to operate as a regular valid cache line. In case the line is not found in the cache, no operation is done and the command terminates with no exception. To unlock one line the following unlock line sequence should be followed: 1. Write the address of the line to be unlocked into the CAHADR Register. 2. Set the ULKS and ICAH bits in the CAHCON register. The unlock all operation is used to unlock the whole I-Cache. This operation is performed on all cache lines. In case a line is locked, it is unlocked and starts to operate as regular valid cache line. In case a line is not locked or if it is invalid, no operation is performed. To unlock the whole cache, set the ULKA and ICAH bits. - 81 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.4.4 Data Cache The W90N745 data cache (D-Cache) is a 4KB two-way set associative cache. The cache organization is 128 sets, two lines per set, and four words per line. Cache lines are aligned on 4-word boundaries in memory. The cache is designed for buffer write-through mode of operation and a least recently used (LRU) replacement algorithm is used to select a line when no empty lines are available. When D-Cache is disabled, the cache memory is served as 4KB On-chip RAM. The D-Cache is always disabled on reset. The following is a list of the data cache features y 4K bytes data cache y Two-way set associative y Four words in a cache line y LRU replacement policy y Lockable on a per-line basis y Critical word first, burst access y Buffer Write-through mode y 8 words write buffer y Drain write buffer Data Cache Operation On a data fetch, bits 10-4 of the data's address point into the cache to retrieve the tags and data of one set. The tags from both ways are then compared against bits 30-11 of the data's address. If a match is found and the matched entry is valid, then it is a cache hit. If neither tags match nor the matched tag is not valid, it is a cache miss. Data Cache Read Read HitOn a cache hit, the requested word is immediately transferred to the core. Read MissA line in the cache is selected to hold the data, which will be fetched from memory. The selection algorithm gives first priority to invalid lines and if both lines are invalid the line in way zero is selected first. If neither of the two candidate lines in the selected set is invalid, then one of the lines is selected by the LRU algorithm to replace. The transfer begins with the aligned word containing the missed data (critical word first), followed by the remaining word in the line, then by the word at the beginning of the line (wraparound). As the missed word is received from the bus, it is delivered directly to the core. Data Cache Write As buffer write-through mode, store operations always update memory. The buffer write-through mode is used when external memory and internal cache images must always agree. - 82 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Write HitData is written into both the cache and write buffer. The processor then continues to access the cache, while the cache controller simultaneously downloads the contents of the write buffer to main memory. This reduces the effective write memory cycle time from the time required for a main memory cycle to the cycle time of the high-speed cache. Write MissData is only written into write buffer, not to the cache (write no allocate). Data Cache Flushing The W90N745 allows flushing of the data cache under software control. The data cache may be invalidated through writing flush line (FLHS) or flush all (FLHA) commands to the CAHCON register. Flushing the entire D-Cache also flushed any locked down code. As flushing the data cache, the "V" bit of the line is cleared to "0". The D-cache is automatically flushed during reset. Data Cache Load and Lock The W90N745 supports a cache-locking feature that can be used to lock critical sections of data into DCache to guarantee quick access. Lockdown can be performed with a granularity of one cache line. The smallest space, which can be locked down, is 4 words. After a line is locked, it operates as a regular instruction SRAM. The locked lines are not replaced during misses and it is not affected by flush per line command. To load and lock data, the following sequence should be followed: 1. Write the start address of the data to be locked into CAHADR register. 2. Set LDLK and DCAH bits in the CAHCON register. 3. Increased the address by 16 and written into CAHADR register. 4. Set LDLK and DCAH bits in the CAHCON register. 5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4, until the desired data are all locked. When using D-Cache load and lock command, there are some notes should be cared. y The programs executing load and lock operation should be held in a noncacheable area of memory. y The cache should be enabled and interrupts should be disabled. y Software must flush the cache before execute load and lock to ensure that the data to be locked down is not already in the cache. Data Cache Unlock The unlock operation is used to unlock previously locked cache lines. After unlock, the "L" bit of the line is cleared to "0". W90N745 has two unlock command, unlock line and unlock all. The unlock line operation is performed on a cache line granularity. In case the line is found in the cache, it is unlocked and starts to operate as a regular valid cache line. In case the line is not found in the cache, no operation is done and the command terminates with no exception. To unlock one line the following unlock line sequence should be followed: 1. Write the address of the line to be unlocked into the CAHADR Register. 2. Set the ULKS and DCAH bits in the CAHCON register. - 83 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG The unlock all operation is used to unlock the whole D-Cache. This operation is performed on all cache lines. In case a line is locked, it is unlocked and starts to operate as regular valid cache line. In case a line is not locked or if it is invalid, no operation is performed. To unlock the whole cache, set the ULKA and DCAH bits. 6.4.5 Write Buffer The W90N745 provides a write buffer to improve system performance. The write buffer can buffer up to eight words of data. The write buffer may be enabled or be disabled via the WRBEN bit in the CAHCNF register, and the buffer is disabled and flushed on reset. Drain write buffer To force data, this is in write buffer, to be written to external main memory. This operation is useful in real time applications where the processor needs to be sure that a write to a peripheral has completed before program execution continues. To perform this command, you can set the DRWB and DCAH bits in CAHCON register. 6.4.6 Cache Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CAHCNF 0xFFF0_2000 R/W Cache configuration register 0x0000_0000 CAHCON 0xFFF0_2004 R/W Cache control register 0x0000_0000 CAHADR 0xFFF0_2008 R/W Cache address register 0x0000_0000 CTEST0 0xFFF6_0000 R/W Cache test register 0 0x0000_0000 CTEST1 0xFFF6_0004 R DESCRIPTION Cache test register 1 - 84 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Configuration Register (CAHCNF) Cache controller has a configuration register to enable or disable the I-Cache, D-Cache, and Write buffer. REGISTER ADDRESS CAHCNF 0xFFF0_2000 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Cache configuration register 0x0000_0000 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 WRBEN DCAEN ICAEN RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 RESERVED BITS [31:3] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Write buffer enable [2] WRBEN Write buffer is disabled after reset. 1 = enable write buffer 0 = disable write buffer D-Cache enable [1] DCAEN D-Cache is disabled after reset. 1 = enable D-cache 0 = disable D-cache I-Cache enable [0] ICAEN I-Cache is disabled after reset. 1 = enable I-cache 0 = disable I-cache - 85 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Control Register (CAHCON) Cache controller supports one Control register used to control the following operations. y Flush I-Cache and D-Cache y Load and lock I-Cache and D-Cache y Unlock I-Cache and D-Cache y Drain write buffer These command set bits in CAHCON register are auto-clear bits. As the end of execution, that command set bit will be cleared to "0" automatically. REGISTER ADDRESS CAHCON 0xFFF0_2004 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Cache control register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DRWB ULKS ULKA LDLK FLHS FLHA DCAH ICAH BITS DESCRIPTION [31:8] RESERVED [7] DRWB [6] ULKS [5] ULKA Drain write buffer Forces write buffer data to be written to main memory. Unlock I-Cache/D-Cache single line Unlocks the I-Cache/D-Cache per line. Both WAY and ADDR bits in CAHADR register must be specified. Unlock I-Cache/D-Cache entirely Unlocks the entire I-Cache/D-Cache, the lock bit "L" will be cleared to 0. Load and Lock I-Cache/D-Cache [4] LDLK Loads the instruction or data from external memory and locks into cache. Both WAY and ADDR bits in CAHADR register must be specified. - 86 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION Flush I-Cache/D-Cache single line [3] FLHS Flushes the entire I-Cache/D-Cache per line. Both WAY and ADDR bits in CAHADR register must be specified. Flush I-Cache/D-Cache entirely [2] FLHA [1] DCAH [0] ICAH To flush the entire I-Cache/D-Cache, also flushes any locked-down code. If the I-Cache/D-Cache contains locked down code, the programmer must flush lines individually D-Cache selected When set to "1", the command set is executed with D-Cache. I-Cache selected When set to "1", the command set is executed with I-Cache. NOTEWhen using the FLHA or ULKA command, you can set both ICAH and DCAH bits to execute entire I-Cache and D-Cache flushing or unlocking. But, FLHS and ULKS commands can only be executed with a cache line specified by CAHADR register in I-Cache or D-Cache at a time. If you set both ICAH and DCAH bits, and set FLHS or ULKS command bit, it will be treated as an invalid command and no operation is done and the command terminates with no exception. The Drain Write Buffer operation is only for D-Cache. To perform this operation, you must set DRWB and DCAH bits. If the ICAH bit is set when using DRWB command, it will be an invalid command and no operation is done and the command terminates with no exception. - 87 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Address Register (CAHADR) W90N745 Cache Controller supports one address register. This address register is used with the command set in the control register (CAHCON) by specifying instruction/data address. REGISTER ADDRESS CAHADR 0xFFF0_2008 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W Cache address register 29 28 27 WAY 23 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ADDR 22 21 20 ADDR 15 14 13 12 ADDR 7 6 5 4 ADDR BITS DESCRIPTION Way selection [31] WAY 0 = Way0 is selected 1 = Way1 is selected [30:0] ADDR The absolute address of instruction or data - 88 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Cache Test Register 0 (CTEST0) Cache test control register that configures the cache and tag ram testing enable or disable. In addition, this register controls the built-in-self-test (BIST) function of SRAM. REGISTER ADDRESS CTEST0 0xFFF6_0000 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Cache test register 0 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 BISTEN 7 13 12 RESERVED 6 5 BST_GP3 4 3 BST_GP2 BST_GP1 BST_GP0 2 RESERVED BITS [31:16] 1 0 CATEST DESCRIPTION RESERVED BIST mode enable [15] BISTEN [14:12] RESERVED [11] BIST_GP3 [10] BIST_GP2 When set to "1", BIST mode will be enabled, the selected memory groups begins to be tested by BIST. Memory group 3 is selected to test by BIST When set to "1", memory group 3, including data cache tag ram way 0 and way 1, are selected to be tested by BIST. Memory group 2 is selected to test by BIST When set to "1", memory group 2, including program cache tag ram way 0 and way 1, are selected to be tested by BIST. Memory group 1 is selected to test by BIST [9] BIST_GP1 When set to "1", memory group 1, including data cache ram way 0 and way 1, are selected to be tested by BIST. Memory group 0 is selected to test by BIST [8] BIST_GP0 [7:0] RESERVED When set to "1", memory group 0, including program cache ram way 0 and way 1, are selected to be tested by BIST. - ** Note: The 4 memory groups can be selected and tested simultaneously by BIST. - 89 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Cache Test Register 1 (CTEST1) Cache Test Register that will be read back to provide the status of cache RAM BIST. Whether the BIST is finish and all of bank of SRAM are tested successfully will be presented in this register. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CTEST1 0xFFF6_0004 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION Cache test register 1 28 27 FINISH 23 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 RESERVED 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BFAIL7 BFAIL6 BFAIL5 BFAIL4 BFAIL3 BFAIL2 BFAIL1 BFAIL0 BITS DESCRIPTION BIST completed [31] FINISH [30:8] RESERVED [7] BFAIL7 [6] BFAIL6 This bit is "0" initially. When BIST mode enabled, this bit will be "1" after BIST test completed. The values of BFAIL0-7 are valid only after FINISH = 1. BIST test fail for data cache tag ram way 1 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the data cache tag ram for way 1 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for data cache tag ram way 0 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the data cache tag ram for way 0 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for instruction cache tag ram way 1 [5] BFAIL5 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the instruction cache tag ram for way 1 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for instruction cache tag ram way 0 [4] BFAIL4 [3] BFAIL3 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the instruction cache tag ram for way 0 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for data cache ram way 1 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the data cache ram for way 1 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. - 90 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION BIST test fail for data cache ram way 0 [2] BFAIL2 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the data cache ram for way 0 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for instruction cache ram way 1 [1] BFAIL1 [0] BFAIL0 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the instruction cache ram for way 1 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. BIST test fail for instruction cache ram way 0 If this bit equals to "1", it indicates the instruction cache ram for way 0 is tested fail by BIST. "0" means the test is passed. - 91 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.5 Ethernet MAC Controller Overview The W90N745 provides an Ethernet MAC Controller (EMC) for LAN application. This EMC has its DMA controller, transmit FIFO, and receive FIFO. The Ethernet MAC controller consists of IEEE 802.3/Ethernet protocol engine with internal CAM function for Ethernet MAC address recognition, Transmit-FIFO, Receive-FIFO, TX/RX state machine controller and status controller. The EMC only supports RMII (Reduced MII) interface to connect with PHY operating on 50MHz REF_CLK. Features y Supports IEEE Std. 802.3 CSMA/CD protocol. y Supports both half and full duplex for 10M/100M bps operation. y Supports RMII interface. y Supports MII Management function. y Supports pause and remote pause function for flow control. y Supports long frame (more than 1518 bytes) and short frame (less than 64 bytes) reception. y Supports 16 entries CAM function for Ethernet MAC address recognition. y Supports internal loop back mode for diagnostic. y Supports 256 bytes embedded transmit and receive FIFO. y Supports DMA function. - 92 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.5.1 EMC Functional Description MII Management State Machine The MII management function of EMC is compliant to IEEE 802.3 Std. Through the MII management interface, software can access the control and status registers of the external PHY chip. Tow programmable register MIID (MAC MII Management Data Register) and MIIDA (MAC MII Management Data Control and Address Register) are for MII management function. Set the bit BUSY of MIIDA register will trigger the MII management state machine. After the MII management cycle is finished, the BUSY bit will be cleared automatically. Media Access Control (MAC) The function of W90N745 MAC fully meets the requirements defined by the IEEE802.3u specification. The following paragraphs will describe the frame structure and the operation of the transmission and receive. The transmission data frame sent from the transmit DMA will be encapsulated by the MAC before transmitting onto the MII bus. The sent data will be assembled with the preamble, the start frame delimiter (SFD), the frame check sequence and the padding for enforcing those less than 64 bytes to meet the minimum size frame and CRC sequence. The out going frame format will be as following 110101010 --- 10101010 10101011 d0 d1 d2 - dn Padding CRC31 CRC30 --- CRC0 As mentioned by the above format, the preamble is a consecutive 7-byte long with the pattern "10101010" and the SFD is a one byte 10101011 data. The padding data will be all 0 value if the sent data frame is less than 64 bytes. The padding disable function specified in the bit P of the transmit descriptor is used to control if the MAC needs to pad data at the end of frame data or not when the transmitted data frame is less than 64 bytes. The padding data will not be appended if the padding disable bit is set to be high. The bits CRC0 ... CRC31 are the 32 bits cyclic redundancy check (CRC) sequence. The CRC encoding is defined by the following polynomial specified by the IEEE802.3. This 32 bits CRC appending function will be disabled if the Inhibit CRC of the transmission descriptor is set to high. The MAC also performs many other transmission functions specified by the IEEE802.3, including the inter-frame spacing function, collision detection, collision enforcement, collision back off and retransmission. The collision back-off timer is a function of the integer slot time, 512 bit times. The number of slot times to delay between the current transmissions attempts to the next attempt is determined by a uniformly distributed random integer algorithm specified by the IEEE802.3. The MAC performs the receive functions specified by the IEEE 802.3 including the address recognition function, the frame check sequence validation, the frame disassembly, framing and collision filtering. - 93 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EMC Descriptors A link-list data structure named as descriptor is used to keep the control, status and data information of each frame. Through the descriptor, CPU and EMC exchange the information for frame reception and transmission. Two different descriptors are defined in W90N745. One named as Rx descriptor for frame reception and the other names as Tx descriptor for frame transmission. Each Rx descriptor consists of four words. There is much information kept in the descriptors and details are described as below. Rx Buffer Descriptor 3 3 2 1 0 9 O 1 1 6 5 0 Rx Status Receive Byte Count Receive Buffer Starting Address BO Reserved Next Rx Descriptor Starting Address Rx Descriptor Word 0 31 30 29 28 27 Owner 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved RP ALIE RXGD PTLE Reserved CRCE RXINTR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RBC 7 6 5 4 RBC Owner [31:30]: Ownership The ownership field defines which one, the CPU or EMC, is the owner of each Rx descriptor. Only the owner has right to modify the Rx descriptor and the others can read the Rx descriptor only. 00: The owner is CPU 01: Undefined 10: The owner is EMC 11: Undefined If the O=2'b10 indicates the EMC RxDMA is the owner of Rx descriptor and the Rx descriptor is available for frame reception. After the frame reception completed, if the frame needed NAT translation, EMC RxDMA modify ownership field to 2'b11. Otherwise, the ownership field will be modified to 2'b00. - 94 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG If the O=2'b00 indicates the CPU is the owner of Rx descriptor. After the CPU completes processing the frame, it modifies the ownership field to 2'b10 and releases the Rx descriptor to EMC RxDMA. Rx Status [29:16]: Receive Status This field keeps the status for frame reception. All status bits are updated by EMC. In the receive status, bits 29 to 23 are undefined and reserved for the future. RP [22]: Runt Packet The RP indicates the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor is a short frame (frame length is less than 64 bytes). 1'b0: The frame is not a short frame. 1'b1: The frame is a short frame. ALIE [21]: Alignment Error The ALIE indicates the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor is not a multiple of byte. 1'b0: The frame is a multiple of byte. 1'b1: The frame is not a multiple of byte. RXGD [20]: Frame Reception Complete The RXGD indicates the frame reception has completed and stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor. 1'b0: The frame reception not complete yet. 1'b1: The frame reception completed. PTLE [19]: Packet Too Long The PTLE indicates the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor is a long frame (frame length is greater than 1518 bytes). 1'b0: The frame is not a long frame. 1'b1: The frame is a long frame. CRCE [17]: CRC Error The CRCE indicates the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor incurred CRC error. 1'b0: The frame doesn't incur CRC error. 1'b1: The frame incurred CRC error. - 95 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG RXINTR [16]: Receive Interrupt The RXINTR indicates the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor caused an interrupt condition. 1'b0: The frame doesn't cause an interrupt. 1'b1: The frame caused an interrupt. RBC [15:0]: Receive Byte Count The RBC indicates the byte count of the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Rx descriptor. The four bytes CRC field is also included in the receive byte count. But if the SPCRC of register MCMDR is enabled, the four bytes CRC field will be excluded from the receive byte count. Rx Descriptor Word 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RXBSA 23 22 21 20 RXBSA 15 14 13 12 RXBSA 7 6 5 4 RXBSA BO RXBSA [31:2]: Receive Buffer Starting Address The RXBSA indicates the starting address of the receive frame buffer. The RXBSA is used to be the bit 31 to 2 of memory address. In other words, the starting address of the receive frame buffer always located at word boundary. BO [1:0]: Byte Offset The BO indicates the byte offset from RXBSA where the received frame begins to store. If the BO is 2'b01, the starting address where the received frame begins to store is RXBSA+2'b01, and so on. - 96 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Rx Descriptor Word 2 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved The Rx descriptor word 2 keeps obsolete information for MAC translation. Therefore, these information bits are undefined and should be ignored. Rx Descriptor Word 3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 NRXDSA 23 22 21 20 NRXDSA 15 14 13 12 NRXDSA 7 6 5 4 NRXDSA NRXDSA [31:0]: Next Rx Descriptor Starting Address The Rx descriptor is a link-list data structure. Consequently, NRXDSA is used to keep the starting address of the next Rx descriptor. The bits [1:0] will be ignored by EMC. So, all Rx descriptor must locate at word boundary memory address. - 97 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Tx Buffer Descriptor 3 3 1 0 1 1 6 5 O 3 2 1 0 Reserved I C P Transmit Buffer Starting Address Tx Status Transmit Byte Count Next Tx Descriptor Starting Address BO Tx Descriptor Word 0 31 30 29 28 Owner 23 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 IntEn CRCApp PadEn Reserved 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved Owner [31]: Ownership The ownership field defines which one, the CPU or EMC, is the owner of each Tx descriptor. Only the owner has right to modify the Tx descriptor and the other can read the Tx descriptor only. 0: The owner is CPU 1: The owner is EMC If the O=1'b1 indicates the EMC TxDMA is the owner of Tx descriptor and the Tx descriptor is available for frame transmission. After the frame transmission completed, EMC TxDMA modify ownership field to 1'b0 and return the ownership of Tx descriptor to CPU. If the O=1'b0 indicates the CPU is the owner of Tx descriptor. After the CPU prepares new frame to wait transmission, it modifies the ownership field to 1'b1 and releases the Tx descriptor to EMC TxDMA. IntEn [2]: Transmit Interrupt Enable The IntEn controls the interrupt trigger circuit after the frame transmission completed. If the IntEn is enabled, the EMC will trigger interrupt after frame transmission completed. Otherwise, the interrupt doesn't be triggered. 1'b0: Frame transmission interrupt is masked. 1'b1: Frame transmission interrupt is enabled. - 98 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG CRCApp [1]: CRC Append The CRCApp control the CRC append during frame transmission. If CRCApp is enabled, the 4-bytes CRC checksum will be appended to frame at the end of frame transmission. 1'b0: 4-bytes CRC appending is disabled. 1'b1: 4-bytes CRC appending is enabled. PadEN [0]: Padding Enable The PadEN control the PAD bits appending while the length of transmission frame is less than 60 bytes. If PadEN is enabled, EMC does the padding automatically. 1'b0: PAD bits appending is disabled. 1'b1: PAD bits appending is enabled. Tx Descriptor Word 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 TXBSA 23 22 21 20 TXBSA 15 14 13 12 TXBSA 7 6 5 4 TXBSA BO TXBSA [31:2]: Transmit Buffer Starting Address The TXBSA indicates the starting address of the transmit frame buffer. The TXBSA is used to be the bit 31 to 2 of memory address. In other words, the starting address of the transmit frame buffer always located at word boundary. BO [1:0]: Byte Offset The BO indicates the byte offset from TXBSA where the transmit frame begins to read. If the BO is 2'b01, the starting address where the transmit frame begins to read is TXBSA+2'b01, and so on. - 99 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Tx Descriptor Word 2 31 30 29 28 CCNT 27 26 25 24 Reserved SQE PAU TXHA 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 LC TXABT NCS EXDEF TXCP Reserved DEF TXINTR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 TBC 7 6 5 4 TBC CCNT [31:28]: Collision Count The CCNT indicates the how many collision occurred consecutively during a packet transmission. If the packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission, the CCNT will be 4'h0 and bit TXABT will be set to 1. SQE [26]: SQE Error The SQE indicates the SQE error found at end of packet transmission on 10Mbps half-duplex mode. The SQE error check will only be done while both bit EnSQE of MCMDR is enabled and EMC is operating on 10Mbps half-duplex mode. 1'b0: No SQE error found at end of packet transmission. 1'b0: SQE error found at end of packet transmission. PAU [25]: Transmission Paused THE PAU INDICATES THE NEXT NORMAL PACKET transmission process will be paused temporally because EMC received a PAUSE control frame, or S/W set bit SDPZ of MCMDR and make EMC to transmit a PAUSE control frame out. 1'b0: Next normal packet transmission process will go on. 1'b1: Next normal packet transmission process will be paused. TXHA [24]: Transmission Halted The TXHA indicates the next normal packet transmission process will be halted because the bit TXON of MCMDR is disabled be S/W. 1'b0: Next normal packet transmission process will go on. 1'b1: Next normal packet transmission process will be halted. - 100 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG LC [23]: Late Collision The LC indicates the collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. This means after the 64 bytes of a frame has transmitted out to the network, the collision still occurred. The late collision check will only be done while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. 1'b0: No collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. 1'b1: Collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. TXABT [22]: Transmission Abort The TXABT indicates the packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission, and then the transmission process for this packet is aborted. The transmission abort is only available while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. 1'b0: Packet doesn't incur 16 consecutive collisions during transmission. 1'b1: Packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission. NCS [21]: No Carrier Sense The NCS indicates the MII I/F signal CRS doesn't active at the start of or during the packet transmission. The NCS is only available while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. 1'b0: CRS signal actives correctly. 1'b1: CRS signal doesn't active at the start of or during the packet transmission. EXDEF [20]: Defer Exceed The EXDEF indicates the frame waiting for transmission has deferred over 0.32768ms on 100Mbps mode, or 3.2768ms on 10Mbps mode. The deferral exceed check will only be done while bit NDEF of MCMDR is disabled, and EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. 1'b0: Frame waiting for transmission has not deferred over 0.32768ms (100Mbps) or 3.2768ms (10Mbps). 1'b1: Frame waiting for transmission has deferred over 0.32768ms (100Mbps) or 3.2768ms (10Mbps). TXCP [19]: Transmission Complete The TXCP indicates the packet transmission has completed correctly. 1'b0: The packet transmission doesn't complete. 1'b1: The packet transmission has completed. DEF [17]: Transmission Deferred The DEF indicates the packet transmission has deferred once. The DEF is only available while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. 1'b0: Packet transmission doesn't defer. 1'b1: Packet transmission has deferred once. - 101 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG TXINTR [16]: Transmit Interrupt The TXINTR indicates the packet transmission caused an interrupt condition. 1'b0: The packet transmission doesn't cause an interrupt. 1'b1: The packet transmission caused an interrupt. TBC [15:0]: Transmit Byte Count The TBC indicates the byte count of the frame stored in the data buffer pointed by Tx descriptor for transmission. Tx Descriptor Word 3 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 NTXDSA 23 22 21 20 NTXDSA 15 14 13 12 NTXDSA 7 6 5 4 NTXDSA NTXDSA [31:0]: Next Tx Descriptor Starting Address The Tx descriptor is a link-list data structure. Consequently, NTXDSA is used to keep the starting address of the next Tx descriptor. The bits [1:0] will be ignored by EMC. So, all Tx descriptor must locate at word boundary memory address. - 102 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.5.2 EMC Register Mapping The EMC implements many registers and the registers are separated into three types, the control registers, the status registers and diagnostic registers. The control registers are used by S/W to pass control information to EMC. The status registers are used to keep EMC operation status for S/W. And, the diagnostic registers are used for debug only. EMC Registers REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CONTROL REGISTERS (44) CAMCMR 0xFFF0_3000 R/W CAM Command Register 0x0000_0000 CAMEN 0xFFF0_3004 R/W CAM Enable Register 0x0000_0000 CAM0M 0xFFF0_3008 R/W CAM0 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM0L 0xFFF0_300C R/W CAM0 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM1M 0xFFF0_3010 R/W CAM1 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM1L 0xFFF0_3014 R/W CAM1 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2M 0xFFF0_3018 R/W CAM2 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2L 0xFFF0_301C R/W CAM2 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3M 0xFFF0_3020 R/W CAM3 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3L 0xFFF0_3024 R/W CAM3 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4M 0xFFF0_3028 R/W CAM4 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4L 0xFFF0_302C R/W CAM4 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5M 0xFFF0_3030 R/W CAM5 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5L 0xFFF0_3034 R/W CAM5 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6M 0xFFF0_3038 R/W CAM6 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6L 0xFFF0_303C R/W CAM6 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7M 0xFFF0_3040 R/W CAM7 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7L 0xFFF0_3044 R/W CAM7 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8M 0xFFF0_3048 R/W CAM8 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8L 0xFFF0_304C R/W CAM8 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9M 0xFFF0_3050 R/W CAM9 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9L 0xFFF0_3054 R/W CAM9 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10M 0xFFF0_3058 R/W CAM10 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10L 0xFFF0_305C R/W CAM10 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11M 0xFFF0_3060 R/W CAM11 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11L 0xFFF0_3064 R/W CAM11 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 - 103 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CONTROL REGISTERS (44) CAM12M 0xFFF0_3068 R/W CAM12 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM12L 0xFFF0_306C R/W CAM12 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13M 0xFFF0_3070 R/W CAM13 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13L 0xFFF0_3074 R/W CAM13 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14M 0xFFF0_3078 R/W CAM14 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14L 0xFFF0_307C R/W CAM14 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15M 0xFFF0_3080 R/W CAM15 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15L 0xFFF0_3084 R/W CAM15 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 TXDLSA 0xFFF0_3088 R/W Transmit Descriptor Link List Start Address Register 0xFFFF_FFFC RXDLSA 0xFFF0_308C R/W Receive Descriptor Link List Start Address Register 0xFFFF_FFFC MCMDR 0xFFF0_3090 R/W MAC Command Register 0x0000_0000 MIID 0xFFF0_3094 R/W MII Management Data Register 0x0000_0000 MIIDA 0xFFF0_3098 R/W MII Management Control and Address Register 0x0090_0000 FFTCR 0xFFF0_309C R/W FIFO Threshold Control Register 0x0000_0101 TSDR 0xFFF0_30A0 W Transmit Start Demand Register Undefined RSDR 0xFFF0_30A4 W Receive Start Demand Register Undefined DMARFC 0xFFF0_30A8 R/W Maximum Receive Frame Control Register 0x0000_0800 MIEN 0xFFF0_30AC R/W MAC Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000 Status Registers (11) MISTA 0xFFF0_30B0 R/W MAC Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 MGSTA 0xFFF0_30B4 R/W MAC General Status Register 0x0000_0000 MPCNT 0xFFF0_30B8 R/W Missed Packet Count Register 0x0000_7FFF MRPC 0xFFF0_30BC R MAC Receive Pause Count Register 0x0000_0000 MRPCC 0xFFF0_30C0 R MAC Receive Pause Current Count Register 0x0000_0000 MREPC 0xFFF0_30C4 R MAC Remote Pause Count Register 0x0000_0000 DMARFS 0xFFF0_30C8 R/W DMA Receive Frame Status Register 0x0000_0000 - 104 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Status Registers (11) CTXDSA 0xFFF0_30CC R Current Transmit Descriptor Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 CTXBSA 0xFFF0_30D0 R Current Transmit Buffer Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 CRXDSA 0xFFF0_30D4 R Current Receive Descriptor Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 CRXBSA 0xFFF0_30D8 R Current Receive Buffer Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 Diagnostic Registers (7) RXFSM 0xFFF0_3200 R Receive Finite State Machine Register 0x0081_1101 TXFSM 0xFFF0_3204 R Transmit Finite State Machine Register 0x0101_1101 FSM0 0xFFF0_3208 R Finite State Machine Register 0 0x0001_0101 FSM1 0xFFF0_320C R Finite State Machine Register 1 0x1100_0100 DCR 0xFFF0_3210 R/W Debug Configuration Register 0x0000_003F DMMIR 0xFFF0_3214 R Debug Mode MAC Information Register 0x0000_0000 BISTR 0xFFF0_3300 R/W BIST Mode Register 0x0000_0000 - 105 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Register Details CAM Command Register (CAMCMR) The EMC of W90N745 supports CAM function for destination MAC address recognition. The CAMCMR control the CAM comparison function, and unicast, multicast, and broadcast packet reception. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CAMCMR 0xFFF0_3000 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CAM Command Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved BITS [31:5] [4] [3] 4 3 2 1 0 ECMP CCAM ABP AMP AUP DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - ECMP The ECMP(Enable CAM Compare) controls the enable of CAM comparison function for destination MAC address recognition. If S/W wants to receive a packet with specific destination MAC address, configures the MAC address into anyone of 16 CAM entries, then enables that CAM entry and set ECMP to 1. 1'b0: Disable CAM comparison function for destination MAC address recognition. 1'b1: Enable CAM comparison function for destination MAC address recognition. CCAM The CCAM(Complement CAM Compare) controls the complement of the CAM comparison result. If the ECMP and CCAM are both enabled, the incoming packet with specific destination MAC address configured in CAM entry will be dropped. And the incoming packet with destination MAC address doesn't configured in any CAM entry will be received. 1'b0: The CAM comparison result doesn't be complemented. 1'b1: The CAM comparison result will be complemented. - 106 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [2] DESCRIPTIONS ABP The Accept Broadcast Packet controls the broadcast packet reception. If ABP is enabled, EMC receives all incoming packet it's destination MAC address is a broadcast address. 1'b0: EMC receives packet depends on the CAM comparison result. 1'b1: EMC receives all broadcast packets. [1] AMP The Accept Multicast Packet controls the multicast packet reception. If AMP is enabled, EMC receives all incoming packet it's destination MAC address is a multicast address. 1'b0: EMC receives packet depends on the CAM comparison result. 1'b1: EMC receives all multicast packets. [0] AUP The Accept Unicast Packet controls the unicast packet reception. If AUP is enabled, EMC receives all incoming packet it's destination MAC address is a unicast address. 1'b0: EMC receives packet depends on the CAM comparison result. 1'b1: EMC receives all unicast packets. CAMCMR SETTING AND COMPARISON RESULT CAMCMR Setting and Comparison Result The following table is the address recognition result in different CAMCMR configuration. The column Result shows the incoming packet type that can pass the address recognition in specific CAM configuration. The C, U, M and B represents the: C: It indicates the destination MAC address of incoming packet has been configured in CAM entry. U: It indicates the incoming packet is a unicast packet. M: It indicates the incoming packet is a multicast packet. B: It indicates the incoming packet is a broadcast packet. - 107 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG ECMP CCAM AUP AMP ABP RESULT 0 0 0 0 0 No Packet 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 0 0 1 0 M 0 0 0 1 1 M B 0 0 1 0 0 C U 0 0 1 0 1 C U B 0 0 1 1 0 C U M 0 0 1 1 1 C U M B 0 1 0 0 0 C U M B 0 1 0 0 1 C U M B 0 1 0 1 0 C U M B 0 1 0 1 1 C U M B 0 1 1 0 0 C U M B 0 1 1 0 1 C U M B 0 1 1 1 0 C U M B 0 1 1 1 1 C U M B 1 0 0 0 0 C 1 0 0 0 1 C B 1 0 0 1 0 C M 1 0 0 1 1 C N 1 0 1 0 0 C U 1 0 1 0 1 C U B 1 0 1 1 0 C U M 1 0 1 1 1 C U M 1 1 0 0 0 U M B 1 1 0 0 1 U M B 1 1 0 1 0 U M B 1 1 0 1 1 U M B 1 1 1 0 0 C U M B 1 1 1 0 1 C U M B 1 1 1 1 0 C U M B 1 1 1 1 1 C U M B - 108 - B B W90N745CD/W90N745CDG CAM Enable Register (CAMEN) The CAMEN controls the validation of each CAM entry. Each CAM entry must be enabled first before it can participate in the destination MAC address recognition. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CAMEN 0xFFF0_3004 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CAM Enable Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 CAM9EN CAM8EN Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 CAM15EN CAM14EN CAM13EN CAM12EN CAM11EN CAM10EN 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CAM7EN CAM6EN CAM5EN CAM4EN CAM3EN CAM2EN CAM1EN CAM0EN BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved CAM15EN [15:13] CAM14EN CAM13EN The CAM entry 13, 14 and 15 are for PAUSE control frame transmission. If S/W wants to transmit a PAUSE control frame out to network, the enable bits of these three CAM entries all must be enabled first. CAM entry 12 is enabled [12] CAM12EN 1'b0: CAM entry 12 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 12 enabled. CAM entry 11 is enabled [11] CAM11EN 1'b0: CAM entry 11 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 11 enabled. CAM entry 10 is enabled [10] CAM10EN 1'b0: CAM entry 10 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 10 enabled. - 109 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS CAM entry 9 is enabled [9] CAM9EN 1'b0: CAM entry 9 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 9 enabled. CAM entry 8 is enabled [8] CAM8EN 1'b0: CAM entry 8 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 8 enabled. CAM entry 7 is enabled [7] CAM7EN 1'b0: CAM entry 7 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 7 enabled. CAM entry 6 is enabled [6] CAM6EN 1'b0: CAM entry 6 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 6 enabled. CAM entry 5 is enabled [5] CAM5EN 1'b0: CAM entry 5 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 5 enabled. CAM entry 4 is enabled [4] CAM4EN 1'b0: CAM entry 4 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 4 enabled. CAM entry 3 is enabled [3] CAM3EN 1'b0: CAM entry 3 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 3 enabled. CAM entry 2 is enabled [2] CAM2EN 1'b0: CAM entry 2 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 2 enabled. CAM entry 1 is enabled [1] CAM1EN 1'b0: CAM entry 1 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 1 enabled. CAM entry 0 is enabled [0] CAM0EN 1'b0: CAM entry 0 disabled. 1'b1: CAM entry 0 enabled. - 110 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG CAM Entry Registers (CAMxx) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CAM0M CAM0L 0xFFF0_3008 0xFFF0_300C R/W R/W CAM0 Most Significant Word Register CAM0 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 CAM1M 0xFFF0_3010 R/W CAM1 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM1L 0xFFF0_3014 R/W CAM1 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2M 0xFFF0_3018 R/W CAM2 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2L 0xFFF0_301C R/W CAM2 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3M 0xFFF0_3020 R/W CAM3 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3L 0xFFF0_3024 R/W CAM3 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4M 0xFFF0_3028 R/W CAM4 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4L 0xFFF0_302C R/W CAM4 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5M 0xFFF0_3030 R/W CAM5 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5L 0xFFF0_3034 R/W CAM5 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6M 0xFFF0_3038 R/W CAM6 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6L 0xFFF0_303C R/W CAM6 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7M 0xFFF0_3040 R/W CAM7 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7L 0xFFF0_3044 R/W CAM7 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8M 0xFFF0_3048 R/W CAM8 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8L 0xFFF0_304C R/W CAM8 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9M 0xFFF0_3050 R/W CAM9 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9L 0xFFF0_3054 R/W CAM9 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10M 0xFFF0_3058 R/W CAM10 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10L 0xFFF0_305C R/W CAM10 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11M 0xFFF0_3060 R/W CAM11 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11L 0xFFF0_3064 R/W CAM11 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM12M 0xFFF0_3068 R/W CAM12 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM12L 0xFFF0_306C R/W CAM12 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13M 0xFFF0_3070 R/W CAM13 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13L 0xFFF0_3074 R/W CAM13 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14M 0xFFF0_3078 R/W CAM14 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14L 0xFFF0_307C R/W CAM14 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15M 0xFFF0_3080 R/W CAM15 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15L 0xFFF0_3084 R/W CAM15 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 - 111 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG CAMxM 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 MAC Address Byte 5 (MSB) 23 22 21 20 19 MAC Address Byte 4 15 14 13 12 11 MAC Address Byte 3 7 6 5 4 3 MAC Address Byte 2 BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS CAMxM The CAMxM(CAMx Most Significant Word) keeps the bit 47~16 of MAC address. The x can be the 0~14. The register pair {CAMxM, CAMxL} represents a CAM entry and can keep a MAC address. For example, if the MAC address 00-50-BA-33-BA-44 is kept in CAM entry 1, the register CAM1M is 32'h0050_BA33 and CAM1L is 32'hBA44_0000. - 112 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG CAMxL 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 MAC Address Byte 1 23 22 21 20 19 MAC Address Byte 0 (LSB) 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] CAMxL The CAMxL(CAMx Least Significant Word) keeps the bit 15~0 of MAC address. The x can be the 0~14. The register pair {CAMxM, CAMxL} represents a CAM entry and can keep a MAC address. For example, if the MAC address 00-50-BA-33-BA-44 is kept in CAM entry 1, the register CAM1M is 32'h0050_BA33 and CAM1L is 32'hBA44_0000. [15:0] Reserved - CAM15M 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Length/Type (MSB) 23 22 21 20 19 Length/Type 15 14 13 12 11 OP-Code (MSB) 7 6 5 4 3 OP-Code - 113 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS Length/Type Field of PAUSE Control Frame [31:0] Length/Type In the PAUSE control frame, a length/type field is defined and will be 16'h8808. OP Code Field of PAUSE Control Frame [15:0] OP-Code In the PAUSE control frame, an op code field is defined and will be 16'h0001. CAM15L 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Operand (MSB) 23 22 21 20 19 Operand 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Operand Pause Parameter, In the PAUSE control frame, an operand field is defined and controls how much time the destination Ethernet MAC Controller is paused. The unit of the operand is the slot time, the 512 bits time. Reserved - 114 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Transmit Descriptor Link List Start Address Register (TXDLSA) The Tx descriptor defined in EMC is a link-list data structure. The TXDLSA keeps the starting address of this link-list. In other words, the TXDLSA keeps the starting address of the 1st Tx descriptor. S/W must configure TXDLSA before enable bit TXON of MCMDR register. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE TXDLSA 0xFFF0_3088 R/W Transmit Descriptor Link List Start Address Register 0xFFFF_FFFC 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 TXDLSA 23 22 21 20 19 TXDLSA 15 14 13 12 11 TXDLSA 7 6 5 4 3 TXDLSA BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS TXDLSA The TXDLSA(Transmit Descriptor Link-List Start Address) keeps the start address of transmit descriptor link-list. If the S/W enables the bit TXON of MCMDR register, the content of TXDLSA will be loaded into the current transmit descriptor start address register (CTXDSA). The TXDLSA doesn't be updated by EMC. During the operation, EMC will ignore the bits [1:0] of TXDLSA. This means that each Tx descriptor always must locate at word boundary memory address. Receive Descriptor Link List Start Address Register (RXDLSA) The Rx descriptor defined in EMC is a link-list data structure. The RXDLSA keeps the starting address of this link-list. In other words, the RXDLSA keeps the starting address of the 1st Rx descriptor. S/W must configure RXDLSA before enable bit RXON of MCMDR register. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE RXDLSA 0xFFF0_308C R/W Receive Descriptor Link List Start Address Register 0xFFFF_FFFC - 115 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RXDLSA 23 22 21 20 19 RXDLSA 15 14 13 12 11 RXDLSA 7 6 5 4 3 RXDLSA BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS The RXDLSA(Receive Descriptor Link-List Start Address) keeps the start address of receive descriptor link-list. If the S/W enables the bit RXON of MCMDR register, the content of RXDLSA will be loaded into the current receive descriptor start address register (CRXDSA). The RXDLSA doesn't be updated by EMC. During the operation, EMC will ignore the bits [1:0] of RXDLSA. This means that each Rx descriptor always must locate at word boundary memory address. RXDLSA MAC Command Register (MCMDR) The MCMDR provides the control information for EMC. Some command settings affect both frame transmission and reception, such as bit FDUP, the full/half duplex mode selection, or bit OPMOD, the 100/10M bps mode selection. Some command settings control frame transmission and reception separately, likes bit TXON and RXON. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MCMDR 0xFFF0_3090 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC Command Register 29 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 Reserved 23 22 Reserved 15 14 SWR 21 20 19 18 17 16 LBK OPMOD EnMDC FDUP EnSQE SDPZ 13 12 11 10 9 8 NDEF TXON Reserved 7 Reserved 6 24 5 4 3 2 1 0 SPCRC AEP ACP ARP ALP RXON - 116 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:25] [24] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved SWR The SWR (Software Reset) implements a reset function to make the EMC return default state. The SWR is a self-clear bit. This means after the software reset finished, the SWR will be cleared automatically. Enable SWR can also reset all control and status registers, except for OPMOD bit of MCMDR register. The EMC re-initial is needed after the software reset completed. 1'b0: Software reset completed. 1'b1: Enable software reset. [23:22] [21] Reserved LBK The LBK (Internal Loop Back Select) enables the EMC operating on internal loop-back mode. If the LBK is enabled, the packet transmitted out will be loop-backed to Rx. If the EMC is operating on internal loop-back mode, it also means the EMC is operating on fullduplex mode and the value of FDUP of MCMDR register is ignored. Beside, the LBK doesn't be affected by SWR bit. 1'b0: The EMC operates in normal mode. 1'b1: The EMC operates in internal loop-back mode. [20] OPMOD The Operation Mode Select defines the EMC is operating on 10M or 100M bps mode. The OPMOD doesn't be affected by SWR bit. 1'b0: The EMC operates on 10Mbps mode. 1'b1: The EMC operates on 100Mbps mode. [19] EnMDC The Enable MDC Clock Generation controls the MDC clock generation for MII Management Interface. If the EnMDC is set to 1, the MDC clock generation is enabled. Otherwise, the MDC clock generation is disabled. Consequently, if S/W wants to access the registers of external PHY through MII Management Interface, the EnMDC must be set to high. 1'b0: Disable MDC clock generation. 1'b1: Enable MDC clock generation. [18] FDUP The Full Duplex Mode Select controls that EMC is operating on full or half duplex mode. 1'b0: The EMC operates on half duplex mode. 1'b1: The EMC operates on full duplex mode. - 117 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [17] DESCRIPTIONS EnSQE The Enable SQE Checking controls the enable of SQE checking. The SQE checking is only available while EMC is operating on 10M bps and half duplex mode. In other words, the EnSQE cannot affect EMC operation, if the EMC is operating on 100M bps or full duplex mode. 1'b0: Disable SQE checking while EMC is operating on 10Mbps and half duplex mode. 1'b1: Enable SQE checking while EMC is operating on 10Mbps and half duplex mode. The Send PAUSE Frame controls the PAUSE control frame transmission. If S/W wants to send a PAUSE control frame out, the CAM entry 13, 14 and 15 must be configured first and the corresponding CAM enable bit of CAMEN register also must be set. Then, set SDPZ to 1 enables the PAUSE control frame transmission. [16] SDPZ The SDPZ is a self-clear bit. This means after the PAUSE control frame transmission has completed, the SDPZ will be cleared automatically. It is recommended that only enables SPDZ while EMC is operating on full duplex mode. 1'b0: The PAUSE control frame transmission has completed. 1'b1: Enable EMC to transmit a PAUSE control frame out. [15:10] [9] Reserved NDEF The No Defer controls the enable of deferral exceed counter. If NDEF is set to high, the deferral exceed counter is disabled. The NDEF is only useful while EMC is operating on half duplex mode. 1'b0: The deferral exceed counter is enabled. 1'b1: The deferral exceed counter is disabled. - 118 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Frame Transmission ON controls the normal packet transmission of EMC. If the TXON is set to high, the EMC starts the packet transmission process, including the Tx descriptor fetching, packet transmission and Tx descriptor modification. [8] TXON It is must to finish EMC initial sequence before enable TXON. Otherwise, the EMC operation is undefined. If the TXON is disabled during EMC is transmitting a packet out, the EMC stops the packet transmission process after the current packet transmission finished. 1'b0: The EMC stops packet transmission process. 1'b1: The EMC starts packet transmission process. [7:6] [5] Reserved SPCRC The Strip CRC Checksum controls if the length of incoming packet is calculated with 4 bytes CRC checksum. If the SPCRC is set to high, 4 bytes CRC checksum is excluded from length calculation of incoming packet. 1'b0: The 4 bytes CRC checksum is included in packet length calculation. 1'b1: The 4 bytes CRC checksum is excluded in packet length calculation. [4] AEP The Accept CRC Error Packet controls the EMC accepts or drops the CRC error packet. If the AEP is set to high, the incoming packet with CRC error will be received by EMC as a good packet. 1'b0: The CRC error packet will be dropped by EMC. 1'b1: The CRC error packet will be accepted by EMC. The Accept Control Packet controls the control frame reception. If the ACP is set to high, the EMC will accept the control frame. Otherwise, the control frame will be dropped. [3] ACP It is recommended that S/W only enable AEP while EMC is operating on full duplex mode. 1'b0: The control frame will be dropped by EMC. 1'b1: The control frame will be accepted by EMC. - 119 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Accept Runt Packet controls the runt packet, which length is less than 64 bytes, reception. If the ARP is set to high, the EMC will accept the runt packet. [2] ARP Otherwise, the runt packet will be dropped. 1'b0: The runt packet will be dropped by EMC. 1'b1: The runt packet will be accepted by EMC. The Accept Long Packet controls the long packet, which packet length is greater than 1518 bytes, reception. If the ALP is set to high, the EMC will accept the long packet. [1] ALP Otherwise, the long packet will be dropped. 1'b0: The long packet will be dropped by EMC. 1'b1: The long packet will be accepted by EMC. The Frame Reception ON controls the normal packet reception of EMC. If the RXON is set to high, the EMC starts the packet reception process, including the Rx descriptor fetching, packet reception and Rx descriptor modification. [0] RXON It is must to finish EMC initial sequence before enable RXON. Otherwise, the EMC operation is undefined. If the RXON is disabled during EMC is receiving an incoming packet, the EMC stops the packet reception process after the current packet reception finished. 1'b0: The EMC stops packet reception process. 1'b1: The EMC starts packet reception process. - 120 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MII Management Data Register (MIID) The EMC provides MII management function to access the control and status registers of the external PHY. The MIID register is used to store the data that will be written into the registers of external PHY for write command or the data that is read from the registers of external PHY for read command. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MIID 0xFFF0_3094 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MII Management Data Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 MIIData 7 6 5 4 MIIData BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - MIIData The MII Management Data is the 16 bits data that will be written into the registers of external PHY for MII Management write command or the data from the registers of external PHY for MII Management read command. - 121 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MII Management Control and Address Register (MIIDA) The EMC provides MII management function to access the control and status registers of the external PHY. The MIIDA register is used to keep the MII management command information, like the register address, external PHY address, MDC clocking rate, read/write etc. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MIIDA 0xFFF0_3098 R/W MII Management Control and Address Register 0x0090_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 MDCON PreSP BUSY Write 11 10 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 MDCCR 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 PHYAD 5 4 3 Reserved PHYRAD BITS [31:24] 2 DESCRIPTIONS Reserved The MDC Clock Rating controls the MDC clock rating for MII Management I/F. [23:20] MDCCR Depend on the IEEE Std. 802.3 clause, the minimum period for MDC shall be 400ns. In other words, the maximum frequency for MDC is 2.5MHz. The MDC is divided from the AHB bus clock, the HCLK. Consequently, for different HCLKs the different ratios are required to generate appropriate MDC clock. The following table shows relationship between HCLK and MDC clock in different MDCCR configurations. The THCLK indicates the period of HCLK. [19] MDC The MDC Clock ON Always controls the MDC clock generation. If the MDCON is set to high, the MDC clock actives always. Otherwise, the MDC will only active while S/W issues a MII management command. 1'b0: The MDC clock will only active while S/W issues a MII management command. 1'b1: The MDC clock actives always. - 122 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [18] DESCRIPTIONS PreSP The Preamble Suppress controls the preamble field generation of MII management frame. If the PreSP is set to high, the preamble field generation of MII management frame is skipped. 1'b0: Preamble field generation of MII management frame is not skipped. 1'b1: Preamble field generation of MII management frame is skipped. The Busy Bit controls the enable of the MII management frame generation. If S/W wants to access registers of external PHY, it set BUSY to high and EMC generates the MII management frame to external PHY through MII Management I/F. [17] BUSY The BUSY is a self-clear bit. This means the BUSY will be cleared automatically after the MII management command finished. 1'b0: The MII management has finished. 1'b1: Enable EMC to generate a MII management command to external PHY. [16] Write The Write Command defines the MII management command is a read or write. 1'b0: The MII management command is a read command. 1'b1: The MII management command is a write command. [15:13] Reserved The PHY Address keeps the address to differentiate which external PHY is the target of the MII management command. [12:8] PHYAD [7:5] Reserved - [4:0] PHYRAD The PHY Register Address keeps the address to indicate which register of external PHY is the target of the MII management command. - 123 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MDCCR [23:20] MDC CLOCK PERIOD MDC CLOCK FREQUENCY 4'b0000 4 x THCLK HCLK/4 4'b0001 6 x THCLK HCLK/6 4'b0010 8 x THCLK HCLK/8 4'b0011 12 x THCLK HCLK/12 4'b0100 16 x THCLK HCLK/16 4'b0101 20 x THCLK HCLK/20 4'b0110 24 x THCLK HCLK/24 4'b0111 28 x THCLK HCLK/28 4'b1000 30 x THCLK HCLK/30 4'b1001 32 x THCLK HCLK/32 4'b1010 36 x THCLK HCLK/36 4'b1011 40 x THCLK HCLK/40 4'b1100 44 x THCLK HCLK/44 4'b1101 48 x THCLK HCLK/48 4'b1110 54 x THCLK HCLK/54 4'b1111 60 x THCLK HCLK/60 - 124 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MII Management Function Frame Format In IEEE Std. 802.3 clause 22.2.4, the MII management function is defined. The MII management function is used for the purpose of controlling the PHY and gathering status from the PHY. The MII management frame format is shown as follow. MANAGEMENT FRAME FIELDS PRE ST OP PHYAD REGAD TA DATA IDLE READ 1...1 01 10 AAAAA RRRRR Z0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Z WRITE 1...1 01 01 AAAAA RRRRR 10 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Z MII Management Function Configure Sequence READ WRITE 1. Set appropriate MDCCR. 1. Write data to MIID register 2. Set PHYAD and PHYRAD. 2. Set appropriate MDCCR. 3. Set Write to 1'b0 3. Set PHYAD and PHYRAD. 4. Set bit BUSY to 1'b1 to send a MII management frame out. 4. Set Write to 1'b1 5. 5. Wait BUSY to become 1'b0. Set bit BUSY to 1'b1 to send a MII management frame out. 6. Read data from MIID register. 6. Wait BUSY to become 1'b0. 7. Finish the read command. 7. Finish the write command. - 125 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG FIFO Threshold Control Register (FFTCR) The FFTCR defines the high and low threshold of internal FIFOs, including TxFIFO and RxFIFO. The threshold of internal FIFOs is related to EMC request generation and when the frame transmission starts. The FFTCR also defines the burst length of AHB bus cycle for system memory access. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W FFTCR 0xFFF0_309C R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0101 FIFO Threshold Control Register 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 Reserved 15 20 19 BLength 14 13 Reserved 12 11 10 9 Reserved 7 6 5 TxTHD 4 3 Reserved BITS [31:22] 8 2 1 0 RxTHD DESCRIPTIONS Reserved [21:20] Blength [19:10] Reserved The DMA Burst Length defines the burst length of AHB bus cycle while EMC accesses system memory. 2'b00: 4 words 2'b01: 8 words 2'b10: 16 words 2'b11: 16 words - - 126 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [9:8] DESCRIPTIONS TxTHD The TxFIFO Low Threshold controls when TxDMA requests internal arbiter for data transfer between system memory and TxFIFO. The TxTHD defines not only the low threshold of TxFIFO, but also the high threshold. The high threshold is the twice of low threshold always. During the packet transmission, if the TxFIFO reaches the high threshold, the TxDMA stops generate request to transfer frame data from system memory to TxFIFO. If the frame data in TxFIFO is less than low threshold, TxDMA starts to transfer frame data from system memory to TxFIFO. The TxTHD also defines when the TxMAC starts to transmit frame out to network. The TxMAC starts to transmit the frame out while the TxFIFO first time reaches the high threshold during the transmission of the frame. If the frame data length is less than TxFIFO high threshold, the TxMAC starts to transmit the frame out after the frame data are all inside the TxFIFO. 2'b00: Undefined. 2'b01: TxFIFO low threshold is 64B and high threshold is 128B. 2'b10: TxFIFO low threshold is 80B and high threshold is 160B. 2'b11: TxFIFO low threshold is 96B and high threshold is 192B. [7:2] Reserved [1:0] The RxFIFO High Threshold controls when RxDMA requests internal arbiter for data transfer between RxFIFO and system memory. The RxTHD defines not only the high threshold of RxFIFO, but also the low threshold. The low threshold is the half of high threshold always. During the packet reception, if the RxFIFO reaches the high threshold, the RxDMA starts to transfer frame data from RxFIFO to system memory. If the frame data in RxFIFO is less than low threshold, RxDMA stops to transfer the frame data to system memory. 2'b00: Depend on the burst length setting. If the burst length is 8 words, high threshold is 8 words, too. 2'b01: RxFIFO high threshold is 64B and low threshold is 32B. 2'b10: RxFIFO high threshold is 128B and low threshold is 64B. 2'b11: RxFIFO high threshold is 192B and low threshold is 96B. RxTHD - 127 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Transmit Start Demand Register (TSDR) If the Tx descriptor is not available for use of TxDMA after the TXON of MCMDR register is enabled, the FSM (Finite State Machine) of TxDMA enters the Halt state and the frame transmission is halted. After the S/W has prepared the new Tx descriptor for frame transmission, it must issue a write command to TSDR register to make TxDMA leave Halt state and contiguous frame transmission. The TSDR is a write only register and read from this register is undefined. The write to TSDR register has took effect only while TxDMA stayed at Halt state. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W TSDR 0xFFF0_30A0 W DESCRIPTION Transmit Start Demand Register BITS [31:0] RESET VALUE Undefined DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - Receive Start Demand Register (RSDR) If the Rx descriptor is not available for use of RxDMA after the RXON of MCMDR register is enabled, the FSM (Finite State Machine) of RxDMA enters the Halt state and the frame reception is halted. After the S/W has prepared the new Rx descriptor for frame reception, it must issue a write command to RSDR register to make RxDMA leave Halt state and contiguous frame reception. The RSDR is a write only register and read from this register is undefined. The write to RSDR register has took effect only while RxDMA stayed at Halt state. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W RSDR 0xFFF0_30A4 W BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTION Receive Start Demand Register DESCRIPTIONS Reserved -- - 128 - RESET VALUE Undefined W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Maximum Receive Frame Control Register (DMARFC) The DMARFC defines the maximum frame length for a received frame that can be stored in the system memory. It is recommend that only use this register while S/W wants to receive a frame which length is greater than 1518 bytes. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DMARFC 0xFFF0_30A8 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION Maximum Register Receive 28 27 29 RESET VALUE Frame Control 0x0000_0800 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 RXMS 7 6 5 4 RXMS BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - RXMS The Maximum Receive Frame Length defines the maximum frame length for received frame. If the frame length of received frame is greater than RXMS, and bit EnDFO of MIEN register is also enabled, the bit DFOI of MISTA register is set and the Rx interrupt is triggered. It is recommended that only use RXMS to qualify the length of received frame while S/W wants to receive a frame which length is greater than 1518 bytes. - 129 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MAC Interrupt Enable Register (MIEN) The MIEN controls the enable of EMC interrupt status to generate interrupt. Two interrupts, RXINTR for frame reception and TXINTR for frame transmission, are generated from EMC to CPU. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MIEN 0xFFF0_30AC R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC Interrupt Enable Register 28 27 26 0x0000_0000 25 Reserved 24 EnTxBErr 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 EnTDU EnLC EnTXABT EnNCS EnEXDEF EnTXCP EnTXEMP EnTXINTR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved EnCFR EnRxBErr EnRDU EnDEN EnDFO 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EnMMP EnRP EnALIE EnRXGD EnPTLE EnRXOV EnCRCE EnRXINTR Reserved BITS [31:25] [24] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - EnTxBErr The Enable Transmit Bus Error Interrupt controls the TxBErr interrupt generation. If TxBErr of MISTA register is set, and both EnTxBErr and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTxBErr or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the TxBErr of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: TxBErr of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: TxBErr of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. [23] EnTDU The Enable Transmit Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt controls the TDU interrupt generation. If TDU of MISTA register is set, and both EnTDU and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTDU or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the TDU of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: TDU of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: TDU of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. - 130 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS [22] DESCRIPTIONS EnLC The Enable Late Collision Interrupt controls the LC interrupt generation. If LC of MISTA register is set, and both EnLC and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnLC or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the LC of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: LC of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: LC of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. [21] EnTXABT The Enable Transmit Abort Interrupt controls the TXABT interrupt generation. If TXABT of MISTA register is set, and both EnTXABT and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTXABT or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the TXABT of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: TXABT of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: TXABT of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. [20] EnNCS The Enable No Carrier Sense Interrupt controls the NCS interrupt generation. If NCS of MISTA register is set, and both EnNCS and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnNCS or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the NCS of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: NCS of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: NCS of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. [19] EnEXDEF The Enable Defer Exceed Interrupt controls the EXDEF interrupt generation. If EXDEF of MISTA register is set, and both EnEXDEF and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnEXDEF or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the EXDEF of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: EXDEF of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: EXDEF of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. [18] EnTXCP The Enable Transmit Completion Interrupt controls the TXCP interrupt generation. If TXCP of MISTA register is set, and both EnTXCP and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTXCP or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the TXCP of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: TXCP of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: TXCP of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. - 131 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [17] DESCRIPTIONS EnTXEMP The Enable Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt controls the TXEMP interrupt generation. If TXEMP of MISTA register is set, and both EnTXEMP and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTXEMP or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the TXEMP of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: TXEMP of MISTA register is masked from Tx interrupt generation. 1'b1: TXEMP of MISTA register can participate in Tx interrupt generation. The EnTXINTR controls the Tx interrupt generation. [16] EnTXINTR If Enable Transmit Interrupt is enabled and TXINTR of MISTA register is high, EMC generates the Tx interrupt to CPU. If EnTXINTR is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated to CPU even the status bits 17~24 of MISTA are set and the corresponding bits of MIEN are enabled. In other words, if S/W wants to receive Tx interrupt from EMC, this bit must be enabled. And, if S/W doesn't want to receive any Tx interrupt from EMC, disables this bit. 1'b0: TXINTR of MISTA register is masked and Tx interrupt generation is disabled. 1'b1: TXINTR of MISTA register is unmasked and Tx interrupt generation is enabled. [15] [14] Reserved EnCFR -The Enable Control Frame Receive Interrupt controls the CFR interrupt generation. If CFR of MISTA register is set, and both EnCFR and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnCFR or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the CFR of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: CFR of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: CFR of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [13:12] [11] Reserved -- EnRxBErr The Enable Receive Bus Error Interrupt controls the RxBerr interrupt generation. If RxBErr of MISTA register is set, and both EnRxBErr and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRxBErr or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the RxBErr of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: RxBErr of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: RxBErr of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. - 132 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [10] DESCRIPTIONS EnRDU The Enable Receive Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt controls the RDU interrupt generation. If RDU of MISTA register is set, and both EnRDU and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRDU or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the RDU of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: RDU of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: RDU of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [9] EnDEN The Enable DMA Early Notification Interrupt controls the DENI interrupt generation. If DENI of MISTA register is set, and both EnDEN and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnDEN or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the DENI of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: DENI of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: DENI of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [8] EnDFO The Enable Maximum Frame Length Interrupt controls the DFOI interrupt generation. If DFOI of MISTA register is set, and both EnDFO and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnDFO or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the DFOI of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: DFOI of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: DFOI of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [7] EnMMP The Enable More Missed Packet Interrupt controls the MMP interrupt generation. If MMP of MISTA register is set, and both EnMMP and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnMMP or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the MMP of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: MMP of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: MMP of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [6] EnRP The Enable Runt Packet Interrupt controls the RP interrupt generation. If RP of MISTA register is set, and both EnRP and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRP or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the RP of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: RP of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: RP of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. - 133 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [5] DESCRIPTIONS EnALIE The Enable Alignment Error Interrupt controls the ALIE interrupt generation. If ALIE of MISTA register is set, and both EnALIE and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnALIE or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the ALIE of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: ALIE of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: ALIE of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [4] EnRXGD The Enable Receive Good Interrupt controls the RXGD interrupt generation. If RXGD of MISTA register is set, and both EnRXGD and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRXGD or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the RXGD of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: RXGD of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: RXGD of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [3] EnPTLE The Enable Packet Too Long Interrupt controls the PTLE interrupt generation. If PTLE of MISTA register is set, and both EnPTLE and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnPTLE or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the PTLE of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: PTLE of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: PTLE of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. [2] EnRXOV The Enable Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt controls the RXOV interrupt generation. If RXOV of MISTA register is set, and both EnRXOV and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRXOV or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the RXOV of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: RXOV of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: RXOV of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. - 134 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [1] DESCRIPTIONS EnCRCE The Enable CRC Error Interrupt controls the CRCE interrupt generation. If CRCE of MISTA register is set, and both EnCRCE and EnTXINTR are enabled, the EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnCRCE or EnTXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the CRCE of MISTA register is set. 1'b0: CRCE of MISTA register is masked from Rx interrupt generation. 1'b1: CRCE of MISTA register can participate in Rx interrupt generation. The Enable Receive Interrupt controls the Rx interrupt generation. [0] EnRXINTR If EnRXINTR is enabled and RXINTR of MISTA register is high, EMC generates the Rx interrupt to CPU. If EnRXINTR is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated to CPU even the status bits 1~14 of MISTA are set and the corresponding bits of MIEN are enabled. In other words, if S/W wants to receive Rx interrupt from EMC, this bit must be enabled. And, if S/W doesn't want to receive any Rx interrupt from EMC, disables this bit. 1'b0: RXINTR of MISTA register is masked and Rx interrupt generation is disabled. 1'b1: RXINTR of MISTA register is unmasked and Rx interrupt generation is enabled. - 135 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MAC Interrupt Status Register (MISTA) The MISTA keeps much EMC statuses, like frame transmission and reception status, internal FIFO status and also NATA processing status. The statuses kept in MISTA will trigger the reception or transmission interrupt. The MISTA is a write clear register and write 1 to corresponding bit clears the status and also clears the interrupt. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MISTA 0xFFF0_30B0 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC Interrupt Status Register 28 27 26 0x0000_0000 25 Reserved 24 TxBErr 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TDU LC TXABT NCS EXDEF TXCP TXEMP TXINTR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved CFR RxBErr RDU DENI DFOI 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MMP RP ALIE RXGD PTLE RXOV CRCE RXINTR Reserved BITS [31:25] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved The Transmit Bus Error Interrupt high indicates the memory controller replies ERROR response while EMC access system memory through TxDMA during packet transmission process. Reset EMC is recommended while TxBErr status is high. [24] TxBErr If the TxBErr is high and EnTxBErr of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the TxBErr status. 1'b0: No ERROR response is received. 1'b1: ERROR response is received. [23] TDU The Transmit Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt high indicates that there is no available Tx descriptor for packet transmission and TxDMA will stay at Halt state. Once, the TxDMA enters the Halt state, S/W must issues a write command to TSDR register to make TxDMA leave Halt state while new Tx descriptor is available. If the TDU is high and EnTDU of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the TDU status. 1'b0: Tx descriptor is available. 1'b1: Tx descriptor is unavailable. - 136 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [22] DESCRIPTIONS LC The Late Collision Interrupt high indicates the collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. This means after the 64 bytes of a frame has transmitted out to the network, the collision still occurred. The late collision check will only be done while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. If the LC is high and EnLC of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the LC status. 1'b0: No collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. 1'b1: Collision occurred in the outside of 64 bytes collision window. The Transmit Abort Interrupt high indicates the packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission, and then the transmission process for this packet is aborted. The transmission abort is only available while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. [21] TXABT If the TXABT is high and EnTXABT of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the TXABT status. 1'b0: Packet doesn't incur 16 consecutive collisions during transmission. 1'b1: Packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission. The No Carrier Sense Interrupt high indicates the MII I/F signal CRS doesn't active at the start of or during the packet transmission. The NCS is only available while EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. [20] NCS If the NCS is high and EnNCS of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the NCS status. 1'b0: CRS signal actives correctly. 1'b1: CRS signal doesn't active at the start of or during the packet transmission. The Defer Exceed Interrupt high indicates the frame waiting for transmission has deferred over 0.32768ms on 100Mbps mode, or 3.2768ms on 10Mbps mode. The deferral exceed check will only be done while bit NDEF of MCMDR is disabled, and EMC is operating on half-duplex mode. [19] EXDEF If the EXDEF is high and EnEXDEF of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the EXDEF status. 1'b0: Frame waiting for transmission has not deferred over 0.32768ms (100Mbps) or 3.2768ms (10Mbps). 1'b1: Frame waiting for transmission has deferred over 0.32768ms (100Mbps) or 3.2768ms (10Mbps). - 137 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Transmit Completion Interrupt indicates the packet transmission has completed correctly. [18] TXCP If the TXCP is high and EnTXCP of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the TXCP status. 1'b0: The packet transmission doesn't complete. 1'b1: The packet transmission has completed. [17] TXEMP The Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt high indicates the TxFIFO underflow occurred during packet transmission. While the TxFIFO underflow occurred, the EMC will retransmit the packet automatically without S/W intervention. If the TxFIFO underflow occurred often, it is recommended that modify TxFIFO threshold control, the TxTHD of FFTCR register, to higher level. If the TXEMP is high and EnTXEMP of MIEN register is enabled, the TxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the TXEMP status. 1'b0: No TxFIFO underflow occurred during packet transmission. 1'b0: TxFIFO underflow occurred during packet transmission. The Transmit Interrupt indicates the Tx interrupt status. If TXINTR high and its corresponding enable bit, EnTXINTR of MISTA register, is also high indicates the EMC generates Tx interrupt to CPU. If TXINTR is high but EnTXINTR of MISTA is disabled, no Tx interrupt is generated. [16] TXINTR The TXINTR is logic OR result of the bits 17~24 in MISTA register do logic AND with the corresponding bits in MIEN register. In other words, if one of the bits 17~24 in MISTA register is high and its corresponding enable bit in MIEN register is also enabled, the TXINTR will be high. Because the TXINTR is a logic OR result, clears bits 17~24 of MISTA register makes TXINTR be cleared, too. 1'b0: No status of bits 17~24 in MISTA is set or no enable of bits 17~24 in MIEN is turned on. 1'b1: At least one status of bits 17~24 in MISTA is set and its corresponding enable bit is turned on. [15] Reserved - 138 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Control Frame Receive Interrupt high indicates EMC receives a flow control frame. The CFR only available while EMC is operating on full duplex mode. [14] CFR If the CFR is high and EnCFR of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the CFR status. 1'b0: The EMC doesn't receive the flow control frame. 1'b1: The EMC receives a flow control frame. [13:12] Reserved The Receive Bus Error Interrupt high indicates the memory controller replies ERROR response while EMC access system memory through RxDMA during packet reception process. Reset EMC is recommended while RxBErr status is high. [11] RxBErr If the RxBErr is high and EnRxBErr of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the RxBErr status. 1'b0: No ERROR response is received. 1'b1: ERROR response is received. [10] RDU The Receive Descriptor Unavailable Interrupt high indicates that there is no available Rx descriptor for packet reception and RxDMA will stay at Halt state. Once, the RxDMA enters the Halt state, S/W must issues a write command to RSDR register to make RxDMA leave Halt state while new Rx descriptor is available. If the RDU is high and EnRDU of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the RDU status. 1'b0: Rx descriptor is available. 1'b1: Rx descriptor is unavailable. The DMA Early Notification Interrupt high indicates the EMC has received the Length/Type field of the incoming packet. [9] DENI If the DENI is high and EnDENI of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the DENI status. 1'b0: The Length/Type field of incoming packet has not received yet. 1'b1: The Length/Type field of incoming packet has received. - 139 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [8] DESCRIPTIONS DFOI The Maximum Frame Length Interrupt high indicates the length of the incoming packet has exceeded the length limitation configured in DMARFC register and the incoming packet is dropped. If the DFOI is high and EnDFO of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the DFOI status. 1'b0: The length of the incoming packet doesn't exceed the length limitation configured in DMARFC. 1'b1: The length of the incoming packet has exceeded the length limitation configured in DMARFC. [7] MMP The More Missed Packet Interrupt high indicates the MPCNT, Missed Packet Count, has overflow. If the MMP is high and EnMMP of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the MMP status. 1'b0: The MPCNT has not rolled over yet. 1'b1: The MPCNT has rolled over yet. Runt Packet Interrupt [6] RP The RP high indicates the length of the incoming packet is less than 64 bytes and the packet is dropped. If the ARP of MCMDR register is set, the short packet is regarded as a good packet and RP will not be set. If the RP is high and EnRP of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the RP status. 1'b0: The incoming frame is not a short frame or S/W wants to receive a short frame. 1'b1: The incoming frame is a short frame and dropped. The Alignment Error Interrupt high indicates the length of the incoming frame is not a multiple of byte. [5] ALIE If the ALIE is high and EnALIE of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the ALIE status. 1'b0: The frame length is a multiple of byte. 1'b1: The frame length is not a multiple of byte. - 140 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Receive Good Interrupt high indicates the frame reception has completed. [4] RXGD If the RXGD is high and EnRXGD of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the RXGD status. 1'b0: The frame reception has not complete yet. 1'b1: The frame reception has completed. The Packet Too Long Interrupt high indicates the length of the incoming packet is greater than 1518 bytes and the incoming packet is dropped. If the ALP of MCMDR register is set, the long packet will be regarded as a good packet and PTLE will not be set. [3] PTLE If the PTLE is high and EnPTLE of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the PTLE status. 1'b0: The incoming frame is not a long frame or S/W wants to receive a long frame. 1'b1: The incoming frame is a long frame and dropped. [2] RXOV The Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt high indicates the RxFIFO overflow occurred during packet reception. While the RxFIFO overflow occurred, the EMC drops the current receiving packer. If the RxFIFO overflow occurred often, it is recommended that modify RxFIFO threshold control, the RxTHD of FFTCR register, to higher level. If the RXOV is high and EnRXOV of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the RXOV status. 1'b0: No RxFIFO overflow occurred during packet reception. 1'b0: RxFIFO overflow occurred during packet reception. The CRC Error Interrupt high indicates the incoming packet incurred the CRC error and the packet is dropped. If the AEP of MCMDR register is set, the CRC error packet will be regarded as a good packet and CRCE will not be set. [1] CRCE If the CRCE is high and EnCRCE of MIEN register is enabled, the RxINTR will be high. Write 1 to this bit clears the CRCE status. 1'b0: The frame doesn't incur CRC error. 1'b1: The frame incurred CRC error. - 141 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS The Receive Interrupt indicates the Rx interrupt status. If RXINTR high and its corresponding enable bit, EnRXINTR of MISTA register, is also high indicates the EMC generates Rx interrupt to CPU. If RXINTR is high but EnRXINTR of MISTA is disabled, no Rx interrupt is generated. [0] The RXINTR is logic OR result of the bits 1~14 in MISTA register do logic AND with the corresponding bits in MIEN register. In other words, if one of the bits 1~14 in MISTA register is high and its corresponding enable bit in MIEN register is also enabled, the RXINTR will be high. RXINTR Because the RXINTR is a logic OR result, clears bits 1~14 of MISTA register makes RXINTR be cleared, too. 1'b0: No status of bits 1~14 in MISTA is set or no enable of bits 1~14 in MIEN is turned on. 1'b1: At least one status of bits 1~14 in MISTA is set and its corresponding enable bit is turned on. MAC General Status Register (MGSTA) The MGSTA also keeps the statuses of EMC. But the statuses in the MGSTA will not trigger any interrupt. The MGSTA is a write clear register and write 1 to corresponding bit clears the status. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MGSTA 0xFFF0_30B4 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC General Status Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 TXHA SQE PAU DEF 3 2 1 0 Reserved RFFull RXHA CFR Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 CCNT 4 - 142 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:12] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - TXHA The Transmission Halted high indicates the next normal packet transmission process will be halted because the bit TXON of MCMDR is disabled be S/W. 1'b0: Next normal packet transmission process will go on. 1'b1: Next normal packet transmission process will be halted. SQE The Signal Quality Error high indicates the SQE error found at end of packet transmission on 10Mbps half-duplex mode. The SQE error check will only be done while both bit EnSQE of MCMDR is enabled and EMC is operating on 10Mbps half-duplex mode. 1'b0: No SQE error found at end of packet transmission. 1'b0: SQE error found at end of packet transmission. PAU The Transmission Paused high indicates the next normal packet transmission process will be paused temporally because EMC received a PAUSE control frame, or S/W set bit SDPZ of MCMDR and make EMC to transmit a PAUSE control frame out. 1'b0: Next normal packet transmission process will go on. 1'b1: Next normal packet transmission process will be paused. [8] DEF The Deferred Transmission high indicates the packet transmission has deferred once. The DEF is only available while EMC is operating on halfduplex mode. 1'b0: Packet transmission doesn't defer. 1'b1: Packet transmission has deferred once. [7:4] CCNT The Collision Count indicates the how many collision occurred consecutively during a packet transmission. If the packet incurred 16 consecutive collisions during transmission, the CCNT will be 4'h0 and bit TXABT will be set to 1. [3] Reserved [11] [10] [9] [2] [1] [0] - RFFull The RxFIFO Full indicates the RxFIFO is full due to four 64-byte packets are kept in RxFIFO and the following incoming packet will be dropped. 1'b0: The RxFIFO is not full. 1'b1: The RxFIFO is full and the following incoming packet will be dropped. RXHA The Receive Halted high indicates the next normal packet reception process will be halted because the bit RXON of MCMDR is disabled be S/W. 1'b0: Next normal packet reception process will go on. 1'b1: Next normal packet reception process will be halted. CFR The Control Frame Received high indicates EMC receives a flow control frame. The CFR only available while EMC is operating on full duplex mode. 1'b0: The EMC doesn't receive the flow control frame. 1'b1: The EMC receives a flow control frame. - 143 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Missed Packet Count Register (MPCNT) The MPCNT keeps the number of packets that were dropped due to various types of receive errors. The MPCNT is a read clear register. In addition, S/W also can write an initial value to MPCNT and the missed packet counter will start counting from that initial value. If the missed packet counter is overflow, the MMP of MISTA will be set. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MPCNT 0xFFF0_30B8 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Missed Packet Count Register 28 27 0x0000_7FFF 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 MPC 7 6 5 4 MPC BITS [31:16] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved The Miss Packet Count indicates the number of packets that were dropped due to various types of receive errors. The following type of receiving error makes missed packet counter increase: [15:0] MPC Incoming packet is incurred RxFIFO overflow. Incoming packet is dropped due to RXON is disabled. Incoming packet is incurred CRC error. - 144 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG MAC Receive Pause Count Register (MRPC) The EMC of W90N745 supports the PAUSE control frame reception and recognition. If EMC received a PAUSE control frame, the operand field of the PAUSE control frame will be extracted and stored in the MRPC register. The MRPC register will keep the same while Tx of EMC is pausing due to the PAUSE control frame is received. The MRPC is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MRPC 0xFFF0_30BC R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC Receive Pause Count Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 MRPC 7 6 5 4 MRPC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15:0] MRPC The MAC Receive Pause Count keeps the operand field of the PAUSE control frame. It indicates how many slot time (512 bit time) the Tx of EMC will be paused. MAC Receive Pause Current Count Register (MRPCC) The EMC of W90N745 supports the PAUSE control frame reception and recognition. If EMC received a PAUSE control frame, the operand field of the PAUSE control frame will be extracted and stored into a down count timer. The MRPCC shows the current value of that down count timer for S/W to know how long the Tx of EMC will be paused. The MRPCC is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MRPCC 0xFFF0_30C0 R MAC Receive Pause Current Count Register 0x0000_0000 - 145 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 MRPCC 7 6 5 4 3 MRPCC BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - MRPCC The MAC Receive Pause Current Count shows the current value of that down count timer. If a new PAUSE control frame is received before the timer count down to zero, the new operand of the PAUSE control frame will be stored into the down count timer and the timer starts count down from the new value. MAC Remote Pause Count Register (MREPC) The EMC of W90N745 supports the PAUSE control frame transmission. After the PAUSE control frame is transmitted out completely, a timer starts to count down from the value of operand of the transmitted PAUSE control frame. The MREPC shows the current value of this down count timer. The MREPC is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W MREPC 0xFFF0_30C4 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE MAC Remote Pause Count Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 MREPC 7 6 5 4 3 MREPC - 146 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15:0] MREPC The MAC Remote Pause Count shows the current value of the down count timer that starts to count down from the value of operand of the transmitted PAUSE control frame. DMA Receive Frame Status Register (DMARFS) The DMARFS is used to keep the Length/Type field of each incoming Ethernet packet. This register is writing clear and writes 1 to corresponding bit clears the bit. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DMARFS 0xFFF0_30C8 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE DMA Receive Frame Status Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 RXFLT 7 6 5 4 RXFLT BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved RXFLT The Receive Frame Length/Type keeps the Length/Type field of each incoming Ethernet packet. If the bit EnDEN of MIEN is enabled and the Length/Type field of incoming packet has received, the bit DENI of MISTA will be set and trigger interrupt. And, the content of Length/Type field will be stored in RXFLT. - 147 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Current Transmit Descriptor Start Address Register (CTXDSA) The CTXDSA keeps the start address of Tx descriptor that is used by TxDMA currently. The CTXDSA is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS CTXDSA 0xFFF0_30CC 31 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R Current Transmit Descriptor Start Address Register 30 29 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 CTXDSA 23 22 21 20 19 CTXDSA 15 14 13 12 11 CTXDSA 7 6 5 4 3 CTXDSA BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS CTXDSA Current Transmit Descriptor Start Address Current Transmit Buffer Start Address Register (CTXBSA) The CTXDSA keeps the start address of Tx frame buffer that is used by TxDMA currently. The CTXBSA is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CTXBSA 0xFFF0_30D0 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION Current Transmit Address Register 28 27 Buffer RESET VALUE Start 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 CTXBSA 23 22 21 20 19 CTXBSA 15 14 13 12 11 CTXBSA 7 6 5 4 3 CTXBSA - 148 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS CTXBSA Current Transmit Buffer Start Address Current Receive Descriptor Start Address Register (CRXDSA) The CRXDSA keeps the start address of Rx descriptor that is used by RxDMA currently. The CRXDSA is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CRXDSA 0xFFF0_30D4 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION Current Receive Address Register 28 RESET VALUE Descriptor Start 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 CRXDSA 23 22 21 20 CRXDSA 15 14 13 12 CRXDSA 7 6 5 4 CRXDSA BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS CRXDSA Current Receive Descriptor Start Address Current Receive Buffer Start Address Register (CRXBSA) The CRXBSA keeps the start address of Rx frame buffer that is used by RxDMA currently. The CRXBSA is read only and write to this register has no effect. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CRXBSA 0xFFF0_30D8 R Current Receive Buffer Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 - 149 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 CRXBSA 23 22 21 20 19 CRXBSA 15 14 13 12 11 CRXBSA 7 6 5 4 3 CRXBSA BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS CRXBSA Current Receive Buffer Start Address Receive Finite State Machine Register (RXFSM) The RXFSM shows the current value of the FSM (Finite State Machine) of RxDMA and RxFIFO controller. The RXFSM is read only and write to it has no effect. The RXFSM is used only for debug. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE RXFSM 0xFFF0_3200 R Receive Finite State Machine Register 0x0081_1101 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 9 8 RX_FSM 23 22 RX_FSM Reserved 15 14 21 20 RxBuf_FSM 13 12 11 RXFetch_FSM 7 6 10 RXClose_FSM 5 4 3 RFF_FSM - 150 - 2 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:23] RX_FSM RxDMA FSM [22] Reserved - [21:16] RXBuf_FSM Receive Buffer FSM [15:12] RXFetch_FSM Receive Descriptor Fetch FSM [11:8] RXClose_FSM Receive Descriptor Close FSM [7:0] RFF_FSM RxFIFO Controller FSM Transmit Finite State Machine Register (TXFSM) The TXFSM shows the current value of the FSM (Finite State Machine) of TxDMA and TxFIFO controller. The TXFSM is read only and write to it has no effect. The TXFSM is used only for debug. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W TXFSM 0xFFF0_3204 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION Transmit Register Finite 28 RESET VALUE State Machine 0x0101_1101 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 9 8 TX_FSM 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 TxBuf_FSM 14 13 12 11 10 TXFetch_FSM 7 6 TXClose_FSM 5 4 3 Reserved 2 1 0 TFF_FSM - 151 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:24] TX_FSM TxDMA FSM [23:22] Reserved - [21:16] TXBuf_FSM [15:12] TXFetch_FSM Transmit Descriptor Fetch FSM [11:8] TXClose_FSM Transmit Descriptor Close FSM [7:5] Reserved - [4:0] TFF_FSM TxFIFO Controller FSM Transmit Buffer FSM Finite State Machine Register 0 (FSM0) The FSM0 shows the current value of the FSM (Finite State Machine) of the function module in EMC. The FSM0 is read only and write to it has no effect. The FSM0 is used only for debug. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W FSM0 0xFFF0_3208 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Finite State Machine Register 0 28 27 26 0x0001_0101 25 Reserved 23 22 21 24 TXMAC_FSM 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 1 0 TXMAC_FSM 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 TXDefer_FSM 6 5 4 3 2 STA_FSM BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:26] Reserved - [25:16] TXMAC_FSM TxMAC FSM [15:14] Reserved - [13:8] TXDefer_FSM Transmit Defer Process FSM [7:0] STA_FSM MII Management I/F FSM - 152 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Finite State Machine Register 1 (FSM1) The FSM1 shows the current value of the FSM (Finite State Machine) of the function module in EMC. The FSM1 is read only and write to it has no effect. The FSM1 is used only for debug. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W FSM1 0xFFF0_320C R 31 30 DESCRIPTION Finite State Machine Register 1 29 28 27 26 ARB_FSM Reserved 23 22 RESET VALUE 0x1100_0100 25 24 TxPause_FSM 21 20 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 AHB_FSM 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31] Reserved - [30:28] ARB_FSM Internal Arbiter FSM [27:24] TxPause_FSM Transmit PAUSE Control Frame FSM [23:14] Reserved - [13:8] AHB_FSM [13:8]: AHB Master FSM [7:0] RESERVED - Debug Configuration Register (DCR) The DCR is for debug only to multiplex different signal group out. In FPGA emulation, the signals are outputted to probe pins in emulation board. In real chip, the signals are outputted through the GPIO pins. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DCR 0xFFF0_3210 R/W DESCRIPTION Debug Configuration Register - 153 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_003f Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Enable 15 Reserved 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Out Config BITS [31:24] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved The Function Enable outputs two function enable signals to external stimulus circuit. [23:22] Enable [21:8] Reserved [7:6] Out The Flag Out provides two output flags to trigger Logic Analyzer for debug. These two bits can be written at any time. [5:0] Config The Configuration controls which group of internal signals can be multiplexed out for debug. Each group includes 16 signals. CONFIG At this stage, only the bit 22 is used for external random collision generator. The random collision generator used only in FPGA emulation. - SIGNALS CONFIG SIGNALS OUT [6], TransDone, GrantLost, 6'h00 Trans_CTR [4:0], LAST, TransCtrExpire, 6'h01 OUT [6], DMode_TxBuf_CS [6:0] DMode_TXFSM_CS [7:0] DMode_AHB_CS [5:0] 6'h02 6'h04 OUT [6], DMode_RXBuf_CS [5:0], DMode_RXFSM_CS [8:0] TxBuf_DRDY, TFF_WPTR [5:0], TX_START, OUT [6], TXFIFO_HT, TXFIFO_LT, 6'h03 DMode_TFF_CS [4:0], DMode_RFF_CS [7:0] 6'h05 TXSTART, READ, TFF_RPTR [5:0] - 154 - WRITE, RFF_WPTR [5:0], RXFIFO_HT, RXFIFO_LT, RxBuf_ACK, RFF_RPTR [5:0] W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. CONFIG SIGNALS 6'h06 R0_PTLE, RxStart, SFD, WasSFD, RxFrame, WrByte, Rx_OvFlow, 1'b0, R0_RBC [7:0] 6'h07 6'h08 Reserved 6'h09 6'h0A OUT [7:6], RegMISTA_Rx_W, RXERR_sync, R0_CRCE, R0_PTLE, R0_RP, RegMISTA_Tx_W, T0_EXDEF, T0_TXABT, T0_CCNT [3:0], 2'b00 6'h0B 6'h0C OUT [7:6], FrameWPtr [1:0], FrameRPtr [1:0], RFF_One, FrameWPtr_Inc, FrameRPtr_Inc, Rounding, NexPktStartPtr [5:0] 6'h0D 6'h0E R0_CRCE, Rx_OvFlow, R0_MRE, CRCERR, DAMATCH, RxFrame, SFD, RxMIIErr, SynStart, Hi_Lo_Syn, New_DataValid, L_RxFrame, RxStart, DataValid, Hi_Lo, RX_DV_In 6'h0F OUT [6], WRITE, RFF_WPTR [5:0], RxReuse, RxBuf_ACK, RFF_RPTR [5:0] 6'h10 WRITE, RFF_CS [7:1], RFF_WPTR [5:0], RXERR_sync, RxReuse 6'h11 OUT [6], TX_CLK, TX_EN, TXD [3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD [3:0], CRS, COL 6'h13 OUT [6], DMode_TxBuf_CS[6:0], DMode_TFF_CS[4:0], TXFIFO_UF, TXFIFO_HT, TXOK_sync 6'h12 6'h14 OUT [6], TXSTART, TX_START, DMode_TFF_CS [4:0], TXSTART_Set, TXSTART_Clr, TXSTART_Re_Set, FrameWaiting, Deferring, COL, TXCOL, TXCOL_sync OUT [6], READ, READ_sync, READ_Mask, ReadMask_sync, TFF_RPTR [5:0], DMode_TFF_CS [4:0] CONFIG SIGNALS R0_CRCE, RX_DV_In, SynStart, R0_DB, Rx_OvFlow, WRITECTR [2:0], RxByte [7:0] Reserved OUT [7:6], MCMDR_SDPZ_Clr, RegMCMDR_SDPZ_Clr, DMode_Pause_CS [3:0], MacCtlFra, PauseFra, PauseTx, MacCtlFra_sync, PauseFra_sync, PAUSE, Pause_en, FDUP OUT [7:6], ARB_REQ_Set, ARB_REQ_Clr, DMode_ARB_CS [2:0], TransDone, GrantLost, TransCtrExpire, Trans_CTR [4:0], BURST 6'h15 - 155 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Debug Mode MAC Information Register (DMMIR) The DMMIR keeps the information of MAC module for debug. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE DMMIR 0xFFF0_3214 R Debug Mode MAC Information Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 RBC 7 6 5 4 RBC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved - [15:0] RBC Receive Byte Count BIST Mode Register (BISTR) The BISTR controls the BIST (Built In Self Test) for embedded SRAM, 256B for RxFIFO and 256B for TxFIFO. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W BISTR 0xFFF0_3300 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE BIST Mode Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 Finish 0 BMEn Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved 4 3 BistFail - 156 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:5] [3:2] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved BistFail The BIST Fail indicates if the BIST test fails or succeeds. If the BistFail is low at the end, the embedded SRAM pass the BIST test, otherwise, it is faulty. The BistFail will be high once the BIST detects the error and remains high during the BIST operation. If BistFail[2] high indicates the embedded SRAM for TxFIFO BIST test failed. If BistFail[3] high indicates the embedded SRAM for RxFIFO BIST test failed. The BistFail is a write clear field. Write 1 to this field clears the content and write 0 has no effect. [1] Finish The BIST Operation Finish indicates the end of the BIST operation. When BIST controller finishes all operations, this bit will be high. The Finish is a write clear field. Write 1 to this field clears the content and write 0 has no effect. [0] BMEn The BIST Mode Enable is used to enable the BIST operation. If high enables the BIST controller to do embedded SRAM test. This bit is also used to do the reset for BIST circuit. It is necessary to reset the BIST circuit one clock cycle at least in order to initialize the BIST properly. The BMEn can be disabled by write 0. - 157 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.6 GDMA Controller The W90N745 has a two-channel general DMA controller, called the GDMA. The two-channel GDMA performs the following data transfers without the CPU intervention: y Memory-to-memory (memory to/from memory) y Memory -to - IO y IO- to -memory The on-chip GDMA can be started by the software or external DMA request nXDREQ. Software can also be used to restart the GDMA operation after it has been stopped. The CPU can recognize the completion of a GDMA operation by software polling or when it receives an internal GDMA interrupt. The W90N745 GDMA controller can increment source or destination address, decrement them as well, and conduct 8bit (byte), 16-bit (half-word), or 32-bit (word) data transfers. The GDMA includes the following features 6.6.1 y AMBA AHB compliant y Supports 4-data burst mode to boost performance y Provides support for external GDMA device y Demand mode speeds up external GDMA operations GDMA Functional Description The GDMA directly transfers data between source and destination. The GDMA starts to transfer data after it receives service requests from nXDREQ signal or software. When the entire data have been transferred completely, the GDMA becomes idle. Nevertheless, if another transfer is needed, then the GDMA must be programmed again. There are three transfer modes: Single Mode Single mode requires a GDMA request for each data transfer. A GDMA request (nXDREQ or software) causes one byte, one half-word, or one word to transfer if the 4-data burst mode is disabled, or four times of transfer width is the 4-data burst mode is enabled. Block Mode The assertion of a single GDMA request causes all of the data to be transferred in a single operation. The GDMA transfer is completed when the current transfer count register reaches zero. Demand Mode The GDMA continues transferring data until the GDMA request input nXDREQ becomes inactive. - 158 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.6.2 GDMA Register Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write, C: Only value 0 can be written REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Channel 0 GDMA_CTL0 0xFFF0_4000 R/W Channel 0 Control Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_SRCB0 0xFFF0_4004 R/W Channel 0 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_DSTB0 0xFFF0_4008 R/W Channel 0 Destination Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_TCNT0 0xFFF0_400C R/W Channel 0 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CSRC0 0xFFF0_4010 R Channel 0 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_4014 R Channel 0 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CTCNT0 0xFFF0_4018 R Channel 0 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CDST0 Channel 1 GDMA_CTL1 0xFFF0_4020 R/W Channel 1 Control Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_SRCB1 0xFFF0_4024 R/W Channel 1 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_DSTB1 0xFFF0_4028 R/W Channel 1 Destination Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_TCNT1 0xFFF0_402C R/W Channel 1 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CSRC1 0xFFF0_4030 R Channel 1 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_4034 R Channel 1 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CTCNT1 0xFFF0_4038 R Channel 1 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CDST1 Channel 0/1 Control Register (GDMA_CTL0, GDMA_CTL1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION GDMA_CTL0 0xFFF0_4000 R/W Channel 0 Control Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CTL1 0xFFF0_4020 R/W Channel 1 Control Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 RESERVED 29 28 TC_WIDTH 23 22 RW_TC SABNDERR 15 14 DM RESERVED 21 20 27 26 REQ_SEL 19 18 DABNDERR GDMAERR AUTOIEN 13 12 TWS 7 6 5 4 SAFIX DAFIX SADIR DADIR - 159 - RESET VALUE 25 24 REQ_ATV ACK_ATV 17 16 SOFTREQ TC BLOCK 11 10 9 8 SBMS RESERVED BME SIEN 3 2 GDMAMS 1 0 RESERVED GDMAEN Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31] RESERVED - [30:28] TC_WIDTH nRTC/nWTC active width selection, from 1 to 7 HCLK cycles. REQ_SEL External request pin selection, if GDMAMS [3:2]=00, REQ_SEL will be don't care. If REQ_SEL [27:26]=00, external request don't use. If REQ_SEL [27:26]=01, use nXDREQ. If REQ_SEL [27:26]=10, external request don't use. If REQ_SEL [27:26]=11, external request don't use. REQ_ATV nXDREQ High/Low active selection 1'b0 = nXDREQ is LOW active. 1'b1 = nXDREQ is HIGH active. [24] ACK_ATV nXDACK High/Low active selection 1'b0 = nXDACK is LOW active. 1'b1 = nXDACK is HIGH active. [23] RW_TC [27:26] [25] [22] [21] [20] Read/Write terminal count output selection. 1'b0 = output to nRTC. 1'b1 = output to nWTC. SABNDERR Source address Boundary alignment Error flag If TWS [13:12]=10, GDMA_SRCB [1:0] should be 00 If TWS [13:12]=01, GDMA_SRCB [0] should be 0 The address boundary alignment should be depended on TWS [13:12]. 1'b0 = the GDMA_SRCB is on the boundary alignment. 1'b1 = the GDMA_SRCB not on the boundary alignment The SABNDERR register bits just can be read only. DABNDERR Destination address Boundary alignment Error flag If TWS [13:12]=10, GDMA_DSTB [1:0] should be 00 If TWS [13:12]=01, GDMA_DSTB [0] should be 0 The address boundary alignment should be depended on TWS [13:12]. 1'b0 = the GDMA_DSTB is on the boundary alignment. 1'b1 = the GDMA_DSTB not on the boundary alignment The DABNDERR register bits just can be read only. GDMATERR GDMA Transfer Error 1'b0 = No error occurs 1'b1 = Hardware sets this bit on a GDMA transfer failure Transfer error will generate GDMA interrupt - 160 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS AUTOIEN Auto initialization Enable 1'b0 = Disables auto initialization 1'b1 = Enables auto initialization, the GDMA_CSRC0/1, GDMA_CDST0/1,and GDMA_CTCNT0/1 registers are updated by the GDMA_SRC0/1,GDMA_DST0/1,and GDMA_TCNT0/1 registers automatically when transfer is complete. [18] TC Terminal Count 1'b0 = Channel does not expire 1'b1 = Channel expires; this bit is set only by GDMA hardware, and clear by software to write logic 0. TC [18] is the GDMA interrupt flag. TC [18] or GDMATERR[20] will generate interrupt [17] BLOCK [19] Bus Lock 1'b0 = Unlocks the bus during the period of transfer 1'b1 = Locks the bus during the period of transfer SOFTREQ Software Triggered GDMA Request Software can request the GDMA transfer service by setting this bit to 1. This bit is automatically cleared by hardware when the transfer is completed. This bit is available only while GDMAMS [3:2] register bits are set on software mode (memory to memory). [15] DM Demand Mode 1'b0 = Normal external GDMA mode 1'b1 = When this bit is set to 1, the external GDMA operation is speeded up. When external GDMA device is operating in the demand mode, the GDMA transfers data as long as the external GDMA request signal nXDREQ is active. The amount of data transferred depends on how long the nXDREQ is active. When the nXDREQ is active and GDMA gets the bus in Demand mode, DMA holds the system bus until the nXDREQ signal becomes non-active. Therefore, the period of the active nXDREQ signal should be carefully tuned such that the entire operation does not exceed an acceptable interval (for example, in a DRAM refresh operation). [14] Reserved [16] - - 161 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS TWS Transfer Width Select 00 = One byte (8 bits) is transferred for every GDMA operation 01 = One half-word (16 bits) is transferred for every GDMA operation 10 = One word (32 bits) is transferred for every GDMA operation 11 = Reserved The GDMA_SCRB and GDMA_DSTB should be alignment under the TWS selection [11] SBMS Single/Block Mode Select 1'b0 = Selects single mode. It requires an external GDMA request for every incurring GDMA operation. 1'b1 = Selects block mode. It requires a single external GDMA request during the atomic GDMA operation. An atomic GDMA operation is defined as the sequence of GDMA operations until the transfer count register reaches zero. [10] Reserved [13:12] - BME Burst Mode Enable 1'b0 = Disables the 4-data burst mode 1'b1 = Enables the 4-data burst mode FF there are 16 words to be transferred, and BME [9]=1, the GDMA_TCNT should be 0x04; However, if BME [9]=0, the GDMA_TCNT should be 0x10. SIEN Stop Interrupt Enable 1'b0 = Do not generate an interrupt when the GDMA operation is stopped 1'b1 = Interrupt is generated when the GDMA operation is stopped SAFIX Source Address Fixed 1'b0 = Source address is changed during the GDMA operation 1'b1 = Do not change the destination address during the GDMA operation. This feature can be used when data were transferred from a single source to multiple destinations. [6] DAFIX Destination Address Fixed 1'b0 = Destination address is changed during the GDMA operation 1'b1 = Do not change the destination address during the GDMA operation. This feature can be used when data were transferred from multiple sources to a single destination. [5] SADIR Source Address Direction 1'b0 = Source address is incremented successively 1'b1 = Source address is decremented successively [9] [8] [7] - 162 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS [4] Destination Address Direction 1'b0 = Destination address is incremented successively 1'b1 = Destination address is decremented successively DADIR [3:2] GDMAMS GDMA Mode Select 00 = Software mode (memory-to-memory) 01 = External nXDREQ mode for external device 10 = Reserved 11 = Reserved [1] Reserved - GDMAEN GDMA Enable 1'b0 = Disables the GDMA operation 1'b1 = Enables the GDMA operation; this bit will be clear automatically when the transfer is complete on AUTOIEN [19] register bit is on Disable mode. [0] Channel 0/1 Source Base Address Register (GDMA_SRCB0, GDMA_SRCB1) The GDMA channel starts reading its data from the source address as defined in this source base address register. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GDMA_SRCB0 0xFFF0_4004 R/W Channel 0 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_SRCB1 0xFFF0_4024 R/W Channel 1 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 BITS [31:0] 28 27 SRC_BASE_ADDR [31:24] 20 19 SRC_BASE_ADDR [23:16] 12 11 SRC_BASE_ADDR [15:8] 4 3 SRC_BASE_ADDR [7:0] 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DESCRIPTIONS SRC_BASE_ADDR 32-bit Source Base Address - 163 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Channel 0/1 Destination Base Address Register (GDMA_DSTB0, DMA_DSTB1) Channel 0/1 Destination Base Address Register (GDMA_DSTB0, GDMA_DSTB1) The GDMA channel starts writing its data to the destination address as defined in this destination base address register. During a block transfer, the GDMA determines successive destination addresses by adding to or subtracting from the destination base address. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GDMA_DSTB0 0xFFF0_4008 R/W GDMA_DSTB1 0xFFF0_4028 R/W 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 RESET VALUE Channel 0 Destination Base Address Register Channel 1 Destination Base Address Register 28 27 DST_BASE_ADDR [31:24] 20 19 DST_BASE_ADDR [23:16] 12 11 DST_BASE_ADDR [15:8] 4 3 DST_BASE_ADDR [7:0] BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTION 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DESCRIPTIONS DST_BASE_ADDR 32-bit Destination Base Address Channel 0/1 Transfer Count Register (GDMA_TCNT0, GDMA_TCNT1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GDMA_TCNT0 0xFFF0_400C R/W Channel 0 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_TCNT1 0xFFF0_402C R/W Channel 1 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 DESCRIPTION 28 27 Reserved 20 19 TFR_CNT [23:16] 12 11 TFR_CNT [15:8] 4 3 TFR_CNT [7:0] - 164 - RESET VALUE 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:24] Reserved - [23:0] TFR_CNT The TFR_CNT represents the required number of GDMA transfers. The maximum transfer count is 16M -1. Channel 0/1 Current Source Register (GDMA_CSRC0, GDMA_CSRC1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GDMA_CSRC0 0xFFF0_4010 R Channel 0 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CSRC1 0xFFF0_4030 R Channel 1 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 23 22 15 14 7 6 29 28 27 CURRENT_SRC_ADDR [31:24] 21 20 19 CURRENT_SRC_ADDR [23:16] 13 12 11 CURRENT_SRC_ADDR [15:8] 5 4 3 CURRENT_SRC_ADDR [7:0] BITS [31:0] 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DESCRIPTIONS CURRENT_SRC_ADDR The 32-bit Current Source Address indicates the source address where the GDMA transfer is just occurring. During a block transfer, the GDMA determines the successive source addresses by adding to or subtracting from the source base address. Depending on the settings you make to the control register, the current source address will remain the same or will be incremented or decremented. - 165 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Channel 0/1 Current Destination Register (GDMA_CDST0, GDMA_CDST1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GDMA_CDST0 0xFFF0_4014 R Channel 0 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CDST1 0xFFF0_4034 R Channel 1 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 23 22 15 14 7 6 29 28 27 CURRENT_DST_ADDR [31:24] 21 20 19 CURRENT_DST_ADDR [23:16] 13 12 11 CURRENT_DST_ADDR [15:8] 5 4 3 CURRENT_DST_ADDR [7:0] BITS [31:0] 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DESCRIPTIONS CURRENT_DST_ADDR The 32-bit Current Destination Address indicates the destination address where the GDMA transfer is just occurring. During a block transfer, the GDMA determines the successive destination addresses by adding to or subtracting from the destination base address. Depending on the settings you make to the control register, the current destination address will remain the same or will be incremented or decremented. Channel 0/1 Current Transfer Count Register (GDMA_CTCNT0, GDMA_CTCNT1) The Current transfer count register indicates the number of transfer being performed. DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GDMA_CTCNT0 0xFFF0_4018 R Channel 0 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CTCNT1 0xFFF0_4038 R Channel 1 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 - 166 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 15 14 7 6 21 20 19 CURENT_TFR_CNT [23:16] 13 12 11 CURRENT_TFR_CNT [15:8] 5 4 3 CURRENT_TFR_CNT [7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:24] Reserved [23:0] CURRENT_TFR_CNT Current Transfer Count register The current transfer count register indicates the number of transfer being performed - 167 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.7 USB Host Controller The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a low-cost, low-to-mid-speed peripheral interface standard intended for modem, scanners, PDAs, keyboards, mice, and other devices that do not require a highbandwidth parallel interface. The USB is a 4-wire serial cable bus that supports serial data exchange between a Host Controller and a network of peripheral devices. The attached peripherals share USB bandwidth through a host-scheduled, token-based protocol. Peripherals may be attached, configured, used, and detached, while the host and other peripherals continue operation (i.e. hot plug and unplug is supported). A major design goal of the USB standard was to allow flexible, plug-and-play networks of USB devices. In any USB network, there will be only one host, but there can be many devices and hubs. The USB Host Controller has the following features: * Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) Revision 1.1 compatible. * USB Revision 1.1 compatible * Supports both low-speed (1.5 Mbps) and full-speed (12Mbps) USB devices. * Handles all the USB protocol. * Built-in DMA for real-time data transfer * Multiple low power modes for efficient power management 6.7.1 USB Host Functional Description AHB Interface The OpenHCI Host Controller is connected to the system by the AHB bus. The design requires both master and slave bus operations. As a master, the Host Controller is responsible for running cycles on the AHB bus to access EDs and TDs as well as transferring data between memory and the local data buffer. As a slave, the Host Controller monitors the cycles on the AHB bus and determines when to respond to these cycles. Configuration and non-real-time control access to the Host Controller operational registers are through the AHB bus slave interface. Host Controller List Processing The List Processor manages the data structures from the Host Controller Driver and coordinates all activity within the Host Controller. Frame Management Frame Management is responsible for managing the frame specific tasks required by the USB specification and the OpenHCI specification. These tasks are: 1) 2) 3) 4) Management of the OpenHCI frame specific Operational Registers Operation of the Largest Data Packet Counter. Performing frame qualifications on USB Transaction requests to the SIE. Generate SOF token requests to the SIE. - 168 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Interrupt Processing Interrupts are the communication method for HC-initiated communication with the Host Controller Driver. There are several events that may trigger an interrupt from the Host Controller. Each specific event sets a specific bit in the HcInterruptStatus register. Host Controller Bus Master The Host Controller Bus Master is the central block in the data path. The Host Controller Bus Master coordinates all access to the AHB Interface. There are two sources of bus mastering within Host Controller: the List Processor and the Data Buffer Engine. Data Buffer The Data Buffer serves as the data interface between the Bus Master and the SIE. It is a combination of a 64-byte latched based bi-directional asynchronous FIFO and a single Dword AHB Holding Register. USB Interface The USB interface includes the integrated Root Hub with two external ports, Port 1 and Port 2 as well as the Serial Interface Engine (SIE) and USB clock generator. The interface combines responsibility for executing bus transactions requested by the HC as well as the hub and port management specified by USB. 6.7.2 USB Host Controller Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HcRevision 0xFFF0_5000 R HcControl 0xFFF0_5004 R/W Host Controller Control Register 0x0000_0000 HcCommandStatus 0xFFF0_5008 R/W Host Controller Command Status Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptStatus 0xFFF0_500C R/W Host Controller Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptEnbale 0xFFF0_5010 R/W Host Controller Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptDisbale 0xFFF0_5014 R/W Host Controller Interrupt Disable Register 0x0000_0000 HcHCCA 0xFFF0_5018 R/W Host Controller Register Communication HcPeriodCurrentED 0xFFF0_501C R/W Host Controller Register Period HcControlHeadED 0xFFF0_5020 R/W Host Controller Control Head ED Register HcControlCurrentED 0xFFF0_5024 R/W HcBulkHeadEd 0xFFF0_5028 R/W Host Controller Bulk Head ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcBulkCurrentED 0xFFF0_502C R/W Host Controller Bulk Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 OpenHCI Registers Host Controller Revision Register Host Controller Register - 169 - Control 0x0000_0010 Area Current Current ED ED 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE OpenHCI Registers HcDoneHeadED 0xFFF0_5030 R/W Host Controller Done Head Register HcFmInterval 0xFFF0_5034 R/W Host Controller Frame Interval Register 0x0000_2EDF HcFrameRemaining 0xFFF0_5038 R Host Controller Register HcFmNumber 0xFFF0_503C R Host Controller Register HcPeriodicStart 0xFFF0_5040 R/W Host Controller Periodic Start Register 0x0000_0000 HcLSThreshold 0xFFF0_5044 R/W Host Controller Low Speed Threshold 0x0000_0628 Register HcRhDescriptorA 0xFFF0_5048 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor A 0x0100_0002 Register HcRhDescriptorB 0xFFF0_504C R/W Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor B 0x0000_0000 Register HcRhStatus 0xFFF0_5050 R/W Host Controller Register HcRhPortStatus [1] 0xFFF0_5054 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status 0x0000_0000 [1] HcRhPortStatus [2] 0xFFF0_5058 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status 0x0000_0000 [2] Frame Remaining Frame Root Number Hub Status 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 USB Configuration Registers TestModeEnable 0xFFF0_5200 R/W USB Test Mode Enable Register OperationalModeEnabl USB Operational 0xFFF0_5204 R/W e Register - 170 - Mode Enable 0x0XXX_XXXX 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Revision Register REGISTER OFFSET ADDRESS R/W HcRevision 0xFFF0_5000 R 31 30 29 23 22 21 15 14 13 7 6 5 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Host Controller Revision Register 28 27 Reserved 20 19 Reserved 12 11 Reserved 4 3 Revision BITS 0x0000_0010 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DESCRIPTION [31:8] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's [7:0] Revision Indicates the Open HCI Specification revision number implemented by the Hardware. Host Controller supports 1.0 specification. (X.Y = XYh) Host Controller Control Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcControl 0xFFF0_5004 31 30 23 22 15 14 7 6 HCFS 29 21 13 Reserved 5 BLE R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Control Register 28 27 Reserved 20 19 Reserved 12 11 4 CLE 3 ISE - 171 - 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 RWCE 2 PLE 9 RWC 1 8 IR 0 CBR Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION [31:11] Reserved [10] RWCE Reserved. Read/Write 0's RemoteWakeupConnectedEnable If a remote wakeup signal is supported, this bit enables that operation. Since there is no remote wakeup signal supported, this bit is ignored. RemoteWakeupConnected [9] RWC This bit indicated whether the HC supports a remote wakeup signal. This implementation does not support any such signal. The bit is hard-coded to `0.' InterruptRouting [8] INR This bit is used for interrupt routing: 0: Interrupts routed to normal interrupt mechanism (INT). 1: Interrupts routed to SMI. HostControllerFunctionalState This field sets the Host Controller state. The Controller may force a state change from USB SUSPEND to USB RESUME after detecting resume signaling from a downstream port. States are: [7:6] HCFS 00: USB RESET 01: USBRESUME 10: USBOPERATIONAL 11: USBSUSPEND [5] [4] BLE BulkListEnable When set this bit enables processing of the Bulk list. CLE Control Listenable When set this bit enables processing of the Control list. Isochronous Enable [3] ISE When clear, this bit disables the Isochronous List when the Periodic List is enabled (so Interrupt EDs may be serviced). While processing the Periodic List, the Host Controller will check this bit when it finds an isochronous ED. Periodic Listenable [2] PLE When set, this bit enables processing of the Periodic (interrupt and isochronous) list. The Host Controller checks this bit prior to attempting any periodic transfers in a frame. ControlBulkServiceRatio [1:0] CBR Specifies the number of Control Endpoints serviced for every Bulk Endpoint. Encoding is N-1 where N is the number of Control Endpoints (i.e. `00' = 1 Control Endpoint; `11' = 3 Control Endpoints) - 172 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Command Status Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcCommandStatus 0xFFF0_5008 R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION R/W Host Controller Command Status Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 15 14 20 Reserved 13 12 7 6 5 4 Reserved BITS 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 Reserved 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 BLF 1 CLF 0 HCR 11 Reserved 3 OCR DESCRIPTION [31:18] Reserved [17:16] SOC [15:4] Reserved [3] OCR Reserved ScheduleOverrunCount This field is increment every time the SchedulingOverrun bit in HcInterruptStatus is set. The count wraps from `11' to `00.' Reserved. Read/Write 0's OwnershipChangeRequest When set by software, this bit sets the OwnershipChange field in HcInterruptStatus. The bit is cleared by software. BulkListFilled [2] BLF Set to indicate there is an active ED on the Bulk List. The bit may be set by either software or the Host Controller and cleared by the Host Controller each time it begins processing the head of the Bulk List. ControlListFilled [1] CLF Set to indicate there is an active ED on the Control List. It may be set by either software or the Host Controller and cleared by the Host Controller each time it begins processing the head of the Control List. HostControllerReset [0] HCR This bit is set to initiate the software reset. This bit is cleared by the Host Controller, upon completed of the reset operation. - 173 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Interrupt Status Register All bits are set by hardware and cleared by software. REGISTER ADDRESS HcInterruptStatus 0xFFF0_500C R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 Reserved 23 OCH 22 21 20 15 14 13 7 Reserved 6 RHSC 5 FNO 19 Reserved 12 11 Reserved 4 3 URE RDT BITS [31] 27 26 25 24 Reserved 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 SOF 1 WDH 0 SCO DESCRIPTION Reserved Reserved OwnershipChange [30] OCH [29:7] This bit is set when the OwnershipChangeRequest bit of HcCommandStatus is set. Reserved RootHubStatusChange [6] RHSC [5] FNO [4] URE [3] RDT This bit is set when the content of HcRhStatus or the content of any HcRhPortStatus register has changed. FrameNumberOverflow Set when bit 15 of FrameNumber changes value. UnrecoverableError This event is not implemented and is hard-coded to `0.' ignored. Writes are ResumeDetected Set when Host Controller detects resume signaling on a downstream port. StartOfFrame [2] SOF Set when the Frame Management block signals a `Start of Frame' event. - 174 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION WritebackDoneHead [1] WDH Set after the Host HccaDoneHead. Controller has written HcDoneHead to SchedulingOverrun [0] SCHO Set when the List Processor determines a Schedule Overrun has occurred. Host Controller Interrupt Enable Register Writing a `1' to a bit in this register sets the corresponding bit, while writing a `0' leaves the bit unchanged. REGISTER ADDRESS HcInterruptEnable 0xFFF0_5010 31 30 29 MIE 23 OCE 22 21 15 14 13 7 Reserved 6 RHCE 5 FNOE R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Interrupt Enable Register 28 27 26 Reserved 19 18 Reserved 12 11 10 Reserved 4 3 2 UREE RDTE SOFE BITS 20 0x0000_0000 25 24 17 16 9 8 1 WDHE 0 SCHOE DESCRIPTION MasterInterruptEnable [31] MIE This bit is a global interrupt enable. A write of `1' allows interrupts to be enabled via the specific enable bits listed above. OwnershipChangeEnable [30] OCE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Ownership Change. [29:7] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's RootHubStatusChangeEnable [6] RHSCE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Root Hub Status Change. - 175 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION FrameNumberOverflowEnable [5] FNOE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Frame Number Overflow. [4] UnrecoverableErrorEnable UREE This event is not implemented. All writes to this bit are ignored. ResumeDetectedEnable [3] RDTE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Resume Detected. StartOfFrameEnable [2] SOFE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Start of Frame. WritebackDoneHeadEnable [1] WDHE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Write-back Done Head. SchedulingOverrunEnable [0] SCHOE 0: Ignore 1: Enable interrupt generation due to Scheduling Overrun. Host Controller Interrupt Disable Register Writing a `1' to a bit in this register clears the corresponding bit, while writing a `0' to a bit leaves the bit unchanged. REGISTER ADDRESS HcInterruptEnable 0xFFF0_5014 31 30 MIE OCE 23 22 29 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Interrupt Disable Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 SOFE 1 WDHE 0 SCHOE Reserved 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved RHSCE FNOE UREE 3 RDTE - 176 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31] DESCRIPTION MIE MasterInterruptEnable Global interrupt disable. A write of `1' disables all interrupts. OwnershipChangeEnable [30] OCE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Ownership Change. [29:7] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's RootHubStatusChangeEnable [6] RHSCE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Root Hub Status Change. FrameNumberOverflowEnable [5] FNOE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Frame Number Overflow. [4] UREE UnrecoverableErrorEnable This event is not implemented. All writes to this bit will be ignored. ResumeDetectedEnable [3] RDTE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Resume Detected. StartOfFrameEnable [2] SOFE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Start of Frame. WritebackDoneHeadEnable [1] WDHE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Write-back Done Head. SchedulingOverrunEnable [0] SCHOE 0: Ignore 1: Disable interrupt generation due to Scheduling Overrun. - 177 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Communication Area Register REGISTER ADDRESS R/W HcHCCA 0xFFF0_5018 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION Host Controller Register 29 28 Communication RESET VALUE Area 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 Reserved 2 1 0 HCCA 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 HCCA HCCA BITS DESCRIPTION HCCA [31:8] [7:0] HCCA Pointer to HCCA base address. Reserved Reserved Host Controller Period Current ED Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcPeriodCurretED 31 0xFFF0_501C 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Period Current ED Register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 PCED 23 22 21 20 PCED 15 14 13 12 PCED 7 6 5 4 PCED BITS DESCRIPTION [31:4] PCED [3:0] Reserved PeriodCurrentED. Pointer to the current Periodic List ED. Reserved. Read/Write 0's - 178 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Control Head ED Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcControlHeadED 31 0xFFF0_5020 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Control Head ED Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 CHED 23 22 21 20 CHED 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 CHED CHED Reserved BITS DESCRIPTION ControlHeadED [31:4] CHED [3:0] Reserved Pointer to the Control List Head ED. Reserved Host Controller Control Current ED Register REGISTER OFFSET ADDRESS HcControlCurrentED 0xFFF0_5024 31 30 29 R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION R/W Host Controller Control Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 CCED 23 22 21 20 CCED 15 14 13 12 CCED 7 6 5 4 CCED BITS Reserved DESCRIPTION [31:4] CCED [3:0] Reserved ControlCurrentED Pointer to the current Control List ED. Reserved. Read/Write 0's - 179 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Bulk Head ED Register REGISTER OFFSET ADDRESS HcBulkHEADED 0xFFF0_5028 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Bulk Head ED Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 BHED BHED 15 14 13 12 BHED 7 6 5 4 BHED Reserved BITS DESCRIPTION [31:4] BHED [3:0] Reserved BulkHeadED. Pointer to the Bulk List Head ED. Reserved. Read/Write 0's Host Controller Bulk Current ED Register REGISTER OFFSET ADDRESS R/W HcBulkCurrentED 31 0xFFF0_502C 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Bulk Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 BCED 23 22 21 20 BCED 15 14 13 12 BCED 7 6 5 4 BCED BITS Reserved DESCRIPTION [31:4] BCED [3:0] Reserved BulkCurrentED. Pointer to the current Bulk List ED. Reserved. Read/Write 0's - 180 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Done Head Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcDoneHead 0xFFF0_5030 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Done Head Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 DOHD DOHD 15 14 13 12 DOHD 7 6 5 4 DOHD Reserved BITS DESCRIPTION [31:4] DOHD [3:0] Reserved DoneHead. Pointer to the current Done List Head ED. Reserved. Read/Write 0's Host Controller Frame Interval Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcFmInterval 0xFFF0_5034 31 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W Host Controller Frame Interval Register 28 FINTVT 23 RESET VALUE 27 0x0000_2EDF 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 FSLDP 22 21 20 19 FSLDP 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 FINTV 6 5 4 3 FINTV - 181 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION 31 FrameIntervalToggle FINTVT This bit is toggled by HCD when it loads a new value into Frame Interval. FSLargestDataPacket [30:16] FSLDP [15:14] Reserved [13:0] FINTV This field specifies a value that is loaded into the Largest Data Packet Counter at the beginning of each frame. Reserved. Read/Write 0's Frame Interval This field specifies the length of a frame as (bit times - 1). For 12,000 bit times in a frame, a value of 11,999 is stored here. Host Controller Frame Remaining Register REGISTER ADDRESS R/W HcFmInterval 0xFFF0_5038 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Host Controller Frame Remaining Register 0x0000_0000 28 27 FRMT 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 FRM 6 5 4 3 FRM BITS DESCRIPTION [31] FRMT [30:14] Reserved FrameRemainingToggle Loaded with FrameIntervalToggle when Frame Remaining is loaded. Reserved. Read/Write 0's Frame Remaining [13:0] FRM When the Host Controller is in the USBOPERATIONAL state, this 14-bit field decrements each 12 MHz clock period. When the count reaches 0, (end of frame) the counter reloads with Frame Interval. In addition, the counter loads when the Host Controller transitions into USBOPERATIONAL. - 182 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Frame Number Register REGISTER ADDRESS R/W HcFmNumber 0xFFF0_503C R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Host Controller Frame Number Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 FRMN 7 6 5 4 FRMN BITS DESCRIPTION [31:16] Reserved [15:0] FRMN Reserved. Read/Write 0's FrameNumber This 16-bit incrementing counter field is incremented coincident with the loading of FrameRemaining. The count rolls over from `000Fh' to `0h.' Host Controller Periodic Start Register REGISTER ADDRESS HcPeriodicStart 0xFFF0_5040 31 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Host Controller Periodic Start Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 PERST 7 6 5 4 3 PERST - 183 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION [31:14] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's PeriodicStart [13:0] PERST This field contains a value used by the List Processor to determine where in a frame the Periodic List processing must begin. Host Controller Low Speed Threshold Register REGISTER ADDRESS R/W HcLSThreshold 0xFFF0_5044 R/W 31 30 23 22 15 14 DESCRIPTION Host Controller Register 29 28 27 Reserved 20 19 Reserved 12 11 21 13 Reserved 6 5 7 Low 4 3 LsTreshold BITS Speed RESET VALUE Threshold 0x0000_0628 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 LsThreshold 2 1 8 0 DESCRIPTION [31:12] Reserved Rsvd. Read/Write 0's [11:0] LsTreshold LSThreshold This field contains a value used by the Frame Management block to determine whether or not a low speed transaction can be started in the current frame. Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor A Register This register is only reset by a power-on reset. It is written during system initialization to configure the Root Hub. This bit should not be written during normal operation. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W HcRhDescriptorA 0xFFF0_5048 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor A 0x0100.0002 Register - 184 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 POTPGT 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 Reserved 7 6 5 12 11 10 9 8 OCPM OCPM DEVT NPSW PSWM 3 2 1 0 4 NDSP BITS DESCRIPTION PowerOnToPowerGoodTime [31:24] [23:13] POTPGT Reserved This field value is represented as the number of 2 ms intervals, which ensuring that the power switching is effective within 2 ms. Only bits [25:24] is implemented as R/W. The remaining bits are read only as `0'. It is not expected that these bits be written to anything other than 1h, but limited adjustment is provided. This field should be written to support system implementation. This field should always be written to a non-zero value. Reserved. Read/Write 0's NoOverCurrentProtection [12] NOCP Global over-current reporting implemented in HYDRA-2. This bit should be written to support the external system port over-current implementation. 0 = Over-current status is reported 1 = Over-current status is not reported OverCurrentProtectionMode [11] OCPM [10] DEVT Global over-current reporting implemented in HYDRA-2. This bit should be written 0 and is only valid when NoOverCurrentProtection is cleared. 0 = Global Over-Current 1 = Individual Over-Current DeviceType table of none-4is not a compound device. NoPowerSwitching [9] NPSW Global power switching implemented in HYDRA-2. This bit should be written to support the external system port power switching implementation. 0 = Ports are power switched. 1 = Ports are always powered on. PowerSwitchingMode [8] PSWM [7:0] NDSP Global power switching mode implemented in HYDRA-2. This bit is only valid when NoPowerSwitching is cleared. This bit should be written '0'. 0 = Global Switching 1 = Individual Switching NumberDownstreamPorts table of none-4 supports two downstream ports. - 185 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor B Register This register is only reset by a power-on reset. It is written during system initialization to configure the Root Hub. These bits should not be written during normal operation. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W R/W Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor B Register 0x0000_0000 HcRhDescriptorB 0xFFF0_504C 31 30 RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 PPCM 23 22 21 20 PPCM 15 14 13 12 DEVRM 7 6 5 4 DEVRM BITS DESCRIPTION PortPowerControlMask [31:16] PPCM Global-power switching. This field is only valid if NoPowerSwitching is cleared and PowerSwitchingMode is set (individual port switching). When set, the port only responds to individual port power switching commands (Set/ClearPortPower). When cleared, the port only responds to global power switching commands (Set/ClearGlobalPower). 0 = Device not removable 1 = Global-power mask Port Bit relationship - Unimplemented ports are reserved, read/write '0'. 0 : Reserved 1 : Port 1 2 : Port 2 ... 15 : Port 15 DeviceRemoveable table of none-4 ports default to removable devices. 0 = Device not removable 1 = Device removable [15:0] DEVRM Port Bit relationship 0 : Reserved 1 : Port 1 2 : Port 2 ... 15 : Port 15 Unimplemented ports are reserved, read/write '0'. - 186 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Host Controller Root Hub Status Register This register is reset by the USBRESET state. REGISTER OFFSET ADDRESS HcRhStstus 0xFFF0_5050 31 30 29 R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION R/W Host Controller Root Hub Status Register 28 27 26 25 0x0000_0000 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 Reserved 15 14 13 12 DRWE 7 11 10 17 16 OVIC LPSC 9 8 Reserved 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved BITS 1 0 OVRCI LOPS DESCRIPTION (Write) ClearRemoteWakeupEnable [31] CRWE [30:18] Reserved [17] OVIC Writing a '1' to this bit clears DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable. Writing a '1' has no effect. Reserved. Read/Write 0's OverCurrentIndicatorChange This bit is set when OverCurrentIndicator changes. Writing a '1' clears this bit. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) LocalPowerStatusChange Not supported. Always read '0'. [16] LPSC (Write) SetGlobalPower Write a '1' issues a SetGlobalPower command to the ports. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable [15] DRWE This bit enables ports' ConnectStatusChange as a remote wakeup event. 0 = disabled 1 = enabled (Write) SetRemoteWakeupEnable Writing a '1' sets DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable. Writing a '0' has no effect. [14:2] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's - 187 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION OverCurrentIndicator [1] This bit reflects the state of the OVRCUR pin. This field is only valid if NoOverCurrentProtection and OverCurrentProtectionMode are cleared. 0 = No over-current condition 1 = Over-current condition OVRCI (Read) LocalPowerStatus Not Supported. Always read '0'. [0] LOPS (Write) ClearGlobalPower Writing a '1' issues a ClearGlobalPower command to the ports. Writing a '0' has no effect. Host Controller Root Hub Port Status [1][2] This register is reset by the USBRESET state. ADDRESS HcRhPortStatus [1] 0xFFF0_5054 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status [1] 0x0000_0000 HcRhPortStatus [2] 0xFFF0_5058 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status [2] 0x0000_0000 31 23 15 30 22 Reserved 14 R/W RESET VALUE REGISTER DESCRIPTION 29 28 21 Reserved 20 19 13 27 26 6 Reserved 5 18 17 16 POCIC PSSC PESC CSC 12 11 10 9 4 3 2 1 8 PPS 0 SPR CPS SPS SPE DRM LSDA BITS [31:21] DESCRIPTION Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's PortResetStatusChange [20] PRSC 24 PRSC Reserved 7 25 This bit indicates that the port reset signal has completed. 0 = Port reset is not complete. 1 = Port reset is complete. - 188 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION PortOverCurrentIndicatorChange [19] POCIC This bit is set when OverCurrentIndicator changes. Writing a '1' clears this bit. Writing a '0' has no effect. PortSuspendStatusChange [18] PSSC This bit indicates the completion of the selective resume sequence for the port. 0 = Port is not resumed. 1 = Port resume is complete. PortEnableStatusChange [17] PESC This bit indicates that the port has been disabled due to a hardware event (cleared PortEnableStatus). 0 = Port has not been disabled. 1 = PortEnableStatus has been cleared. ConnectStatusChange [16] CSC This bit indicates a connect or disconnect event has been detected. Writing a '1' clears this bit. Writing a '0' has no effect. 0 = No connect/disconnect event. 1 = Hardware detection of connect/disconnect event. Note: If DeviceRemoveable is set, this bit resets to '1'. [15:10] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's (Read) LowSpeedDeviceAttached [9] LSDA This bit defines the speed (and bud idle) of the attached device. It is only valid when CurrentConnectStatus is set. 0 = Full Speed device 1 = Low Speed device (Write) ClearPortPower Writing a '1' clears PortPowerStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect (Read) PortPowerStatus [8] PPS This bit reflects the power state of the port regardless of the power switching mode. 0 = Port power is off. 1 = Port power is on. Note: If NoPowerSwitching is set, this bit is always read as '1'. (Write) SetPortPower Writing a '1' sets PortPowerStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect. [7:5] Reserved Reserved. Read/Write 0's - 189 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTION (Read) PortResetStatus [4] SPR 0 = Port reset signal is not active. 1 = Port reset signal is active. (Write) SetPortReset Writing a '1' sets PortResetStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) PortOverCurrentIndicator [3] CPS table of none-2 supports global over-current reporting. This bit reflects the state of the OVRCUR pin dedicated to this port. This field is only valid if NoOverCurrentProtection is cleared and OverCurrentProtectionMode is set. 0 = No over-current condition 1 = Over-current condition (Write) ClearPortSuspend Writing a '1' initiates the selective resume sequence for the port. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) PortSuspendStatus [2] SPS 0 = Port is not suspended 1 = Port is selectively suspended (Write) SetPortSuspend Writing a '1' sets PortSuspendStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) PortEnableStatus [1] SPE 0 = Port disabled. 1 = Port enabled. (Write) SetPortEnable Writing a '1' sets PortEnableStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect. (Read) CurrentConnectStatus 0 = No device connected. 1 = Device connected. [0] DRM NOTE: If DeviceRemoveable is set (not removable) this bit is always '1'. (Write) ClearPortEnable Writing '1' a clears PortEnableStatus. Writing a '0' has no effect. - 190 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Operational Mode Enable Register This register selects which operational mode is enabled. Bits defined as write-only are read as 0's. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION OperationalModeEnable 0xFFF0_5204 R/W USB Operational Mode Enable Register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 3 OVRCUR 2 8 SIEPD 0 Reserved 19 Reserved Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved 4 BITS [31:9] 1 Reserved DBREG BIT DESCRIPTION Reserved [8] SIEPD [7:4] Reserved Reserved. Read/write 0 SIE Pipeline Disable When set, waits for all USB bus activity to complete prior to returning completion status to the List Processor. This is a failsafe mechanism to avoid potential problems with the clk_dr transition between 1.5 MHz and 12 MHz. Reserved. Read/write 0 OVRCURP (over current indicator polarity) [3] OVRCURP [2:1] Reserved [0] DBREG When the OVRCURP bit is clear, the OVRCUR non-inverted to input into USB host controller. In contrast, when the OVRCURP bit is set, the OVRCUR inverted to input into USB host controller. Reserved. Read/write 0 Data Buffer Region 16 When set, the size of the data buffer region is 16 bytes. Otherwise, the size is 32 bytes. - 191 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.8 USB Device Controller The USB controller interfaces the AHB bus and the USB bus. The USB controller contains both the AHB master interface and AHB slave interface. CPU programs the USB controller through the AHB slave interface. For IN or OUT transfer, the USB controller needs to write data to memory or read data from memory through the AHB master interface. The USB controller also contains the USB transceiver to interface the USB. 6.8.1 USB Endpoints It consists of four endpoints, designated EP0, EPA, EPB and EPC. Each is intended for a particular use as described below: EP0: the default endpoint uses control transfer (In/Out) to handle configuration and control functions required by the USB specification. Maximum packed size is 16 bytes. EPA: designed as a general endpoint. This endpoint could be programmed to be an Interrupt IN endpoint or an Isochronous IN endpoint or a Bulk In endpoint or Bulk OUT endpoint. EPB: designed as a general endpoint. This endpoint could be programmed to be an Interrupt IN endpoint or an Isochronous IN endpoint or a Bulk In endpoint or Bulk OUT endpoint. EPC: designed as a general endpoint. This endpoint could be programmed to be an Interrupt IN endpoint or an Isochronous IN endpoint or a Bulk In endpoint or Bulk OUT endpoint. 6.8.2 Standard Device Request The USB controller has built-in hard-wired state machine to automatically respond to USB standard device request. It also supports to detect the class and vendor requests. For Get Descriptor request and Class or Vendor command, the firmware will control these procedures. 6.8.3 USB Device Register Description USB Control Register (USB_CTL) REGISTER USB_CTL 31 ADDRESS 0xFFF0_6000 30 29 R/W R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CCMD VCMD SIE_RCV SUS_TST RWU_EN SUSP USB_RST USB_EN - 192 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved [7] CCMD USB Class Command Decode Control Enable 0: Disable, the H/W circuit doesn't need to decode USB class command. It will return a stall status when it received a USB Class Command. 1: Enable, the H/W circuit decodes USB class command. It will assert an interrupt event when it received a USB Class Command. VCMD USB Vendor Command Decode Enable 0: Disable, the H/W circuit doesn't need to decode USB vendor command. It will return a stall status when it received a USB Vendor Command. 1: Enable, the H/W circuit decodes USB vendor command. It will assert an interrupt event when it received a USB Vendor Command. SIE_RCV USB SIE Differential RCV Source 0: RCV generated by the SIE 1: RCV generated by the USB transceiver SUS_TST USB Suspend Accelerate Test 0: Normal Operation 1: USB Suspend Accelerate Test (Only for Test) RWU_EN USB Remote Wake-up Enable 0: Disable USB Remote Wake-Up Detect 1: Enable USB Remote Wake-Up Detect SUSP USB Suspend Detect Enable 0: Disable USB Suspend Detect 1: Enable USB Suspend Detect USB_RST USB Engine Reset 0: Normal operation 1: Reset USB Engine USB_EN USB Engine Enable 0: disable USB Engine 1: enable USB Engine Note: set this bit to "0", the device is absent from host. After set this bit to "1", the host will detect a device attached. [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] - 193 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Class or Vendor command Register (USB_CVCMD) REGISTER ADDRESS USB_CVCMD 0xFFF0_6004 31 30 R/W R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB class or vendor command register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved CVI_LG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:5] [4:0] Reserved CVI_LG Byte Length for Class and Vendor Command and Get Descriptor Return Data Packet USB Interrupt Enable Register (USB_IE) REGISTER USB_IE 31 23 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_6008 30 22 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB interrupt enable register 0x0000_0000 29 28 27 26 25 24 21 Reserved 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RUM_CLKI RST_ENDI USB_CGI USB_BTI CVSI CDII CDOI VENI 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CLAI GSTRI GCFGI GDEVI ERRI RUMI SUSI RSTI - 194 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15] RUM_CLKI Interrupt enable for RESUME (for clock is stopped) 0: Disable 1: Enable [14] RST_ENDI Interrupt enable for USB reset end 0: Disable 1: Enable [13] USB_CGI Interrupt Enable for Device Configured 0: Disable 1: Enable Note: the interrupt occurs when device configured or dis-configured. [12] USB_BTI Interrupt Enable for USB Bus Transition 0: Disable 1: Enable CVSI Interrupt Enable Control for Status Phase of Class or Vendor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [10] CDII Interrupt Enable Control for Data-In of Class or Vendor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [9] CDOI Interrupt Enable Control for Data-Out of Class or Vendor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [8] VENI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Vendor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable CLAI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Class Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [6] GSTRI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Get_String_Descriptor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [5] GCFGI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Get_Configuration_Descriptor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable [11] [7] - 195 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS GDEVI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Get_Device_Descriptor Command 0: Disable 1: Enable ERRI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Error Detect 0: Disable 1: Enable [2] RUMI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Resume Detect 0: Disable 1: Enable [1] SUSI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Suspend Detect 0: Disable 1: Enable [0] RSTI Interrupt Enable Control for USB Reset Command Detect 0: Disable 1: Enable [4] [3] USB Interrupt status Register (USB_IS) REGISTER USB_IS 31 23 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF6_000C 30 22 R 29 21 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB interrupt status register 28 27 Reserved 20 19 26 18 0x0000_0000 25 24 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RUM_CLKS RSTENDS USB_CGS USB_BTS CVSS CDIS CDOS VENS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CLAS GSTRS GCFGS GDEVS ERRS RUMS SUSS RSTS - 196 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved Interrupt status for RESUME (for clock is stopped) [15] RUM_CLKS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt status for USB reset end [14] RSTENDS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Device Configured [13] USB_CGS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated(configured and dis-configured) Interrupt Status for USB Bus Transition [12] USB_BTS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for Status Phase of Class or Vendor Command [11] CVSS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for Data-In of Class or Vendor Command [10] CDIS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for Data-Out of Class or Vendor Command [9] CDOS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Vendor Command [8] VENS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Class Command [7] CLAS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated - 197 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS Interrupt Status for USB Get_String_Descriptor Command [6] GSTRS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Get_Configuration_Descriptor Command [5] GCFGS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Get_Device_Descriptor Command [4] GDEVS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Error Detect [3] ERRS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Resume Detect [2] RUMS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Suspend Detect [1] SUSS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated Interrupt Status for USB Reset Command Detect [0] RSTS 0: No Interrupt Generated 1: Interrupt Generated USB Interrupt Status Clear (USB_IC) REGISTER USB_IC ADDRESS 0xFFF6_0010 R/W R/W DESCRIPTION USB interrupt status clear register - 198 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 23 22 21 28 Reserved 20 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RUM_CLKC RSTENDC USB_CGC USB_BTC CVSC CDIC CDOC VENC 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CLAC GSTRC GCFGC GDEVC ERRC RUMC SUSC RSTC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15] RUM_CLKC Interrupt status clear for RESUME (for clock is stopped) 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [14] RSTENDC Interrupt status clear for USB reset end 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status USB_CGC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Device Configured 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status USB_BTC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Bus Transition 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status CVSC Interrupt Status Clear for Status Phase of Class or Vendor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [10] CDIC Interrupt Status Clear for Data-In of Class or Vendor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [9] CDOC Interrupt Status Clear for Data-Out of Class or Vendor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [13] [12] [11] - 199 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS VENC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Vendor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status CLAC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Class Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [6] GSTRC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Get_String_Descriptor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [5] GCFGC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Get_Configuration_Descriptor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [4] GDEVC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Get_Device_Descriptor Command 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [3] ERRC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Error Detect 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [2] RUMC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Resume Detect 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [1] SUSC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Suspend Detect 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status RSTC Interrupt Status Clear for USB Reset Command Detect 0: NO Operation 1: Clear Interrupt Status [8] [7] [0] USB Interface and String Register (USB_IFSTR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W USB_IFSTR 0xFFF06014 R/W DESCRIPTION USB interface and string register - 200 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Reserved 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 STR6_EN STR5_EN Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 STR4_EN STR3_EN STR2_EN STR1_EN INF4_EN INF3_EN INF2_EN INF1_EN BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:10] Reserved USB String Descriptor-6 Control [9] STR6_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB String Descriptor-5 Control [8] STR5_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB String Descriptor-4 Control [7] STR4_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB String Descriptor-3 Control [6] STR3_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB String Descriptor-2 Control [5] STR2_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB String Descriptor-1 Control [4] STR1_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable - 201 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS USB Interface-4 Control [3] INF4_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB Interface-3 Control [2] INF3_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB Interface-2 Control [1] INF2_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB Interface-1 Control [0] INF1_EN 0: Disable 1: Enable USB Control transfer-out port 0 (USB_ODATA0) REGISTER ADDRESS USB_ODATA0 0xFFF06018 31 30 R/W 29 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-out port 0 register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ODATA0 23 22 21 20 ODATA0 15 14 13 12 ODATA0 7 6 5 4 ODATA0 BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS ODATA0 Control Transfer-out data 0 - 202 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Control transfer-out port 1 (USB_ODATA1) REGISTER ADDRESS USB_ODATA1 0xFFF0601C 31 30 R/W R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-out port 1 register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ODATA1 23 22 21 20 ODATA1 15 14 13 12 ODATA1 7 6 5 4 ODATA1 BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS ODATA1 Control Transfer-out data 1 USB Control transfer-out port 2 (USB_ODATA2) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W USB_ODATA2 0xFFF06020 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-out port 2 register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ODATA2 23 22 21 20 ODATA2 15 14 13 12 ODATA2 7 6 5 4 ODATA2 BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS ODATA2 Control Transfer-out data 2 - 203 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Control transfer-out port 3 (USB_ODATA3) REGISTER ADDRESS USB_ODATA3 0xFFF06024 31 30 R/W R 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-out port 3 register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ODATA3 23 22 21 20 ODATA3 15 14 13 12 ODATA3 7 6 5 4 ODATA3 BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS ODATA3 Control Transfer-out data 3 USB Control transfer-in data port0 Register (USB_IDATA0) REGISTER USB_IDATA0 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06028 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB transfer-in data port0 register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 IDATA0 23 22 21 20 IDATA0 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 4 IDATA0 IDATA0 BITS [31:6] DESCRIPTIONS IDATA0 Control transfer-in data0 - 204 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Control transfer-in data port 1 Register (USB_IDATA1) REGISTER USB_IDATA1 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0602C 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-in data port 1 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 IDATA1 23 22 21 20 IDATA1 15 14 13 12 IDATA1 7 6 5 4 IDATA1 BITS [31:6] DESCRIPTIONS IDATA1 Control transfer-in data1 USB Control transfer-in data port 2 Register (USB_IDATA2) REGISTER USB_IDATA2 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06030 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-in data port 2 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 IDATA2 23 22 21 20 IDATA2 15 14 13 12 IDATA2 7 6 5 4 IDATA2 BITS [31:6] DESCRIPTIONS IDATA2 Control transfer-in data2 - 205 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Control transfer-in data port 3 Register (USB_IDATA3) REGISTER USB_IDATA3 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06034 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer-in data port 3 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 IDATA3 23 22 21 20 IDATA3 15 14 13 12 IDATA3 7 6 5 4 IDATA3 BITS [31:6] DESCRIPTIONS IDATA3 Control transfer-in data3 USB SIE Status Register (USB_SIE) REGISTER USB_SIE 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06038 30 R 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB SIE status Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 USB_DPS USB_DMS Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved - 206 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:2] Reserved [1] USB_DPS USB Bus D+ Signal Status 0: USB Bus D+ Signal is low 1: USB Bus D+ Signal is high USB_DMS USB Bus D- Signal Status 0: USB Bus D- Signal is low 1: USB Bus D- Signal is high [0] USB Engine Register (USB_ENG) REGISTER USB_ENG ADDRESS 0xFFF0603C R/W DESCRIPTION R/W RESET VALUE USB Engine Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Reserved 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 SDO_RD CV_LDA CV_STL CV_DAT Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved BITS 4 DESCRIPTIONS [31:4] Reserved [3] SDO_RD Setup or Bulk-Out Data Read Control 0: NO Operation 1: Read Setup or Bulk-Out Data from USB Host NOTE: this bit will auto clear after 32 HCLK CV_LDA USB Class and Vendor Command Last Data Packet Control 0: NO Operation 1: Last Data Packet for Data Input of Class and Vendor Command NOTE: this bit will auto clear after 32 HCLK [2] - 207 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [1] [0] DESCRIPTIONS CV_STL USB Class and Vendor Command Stall Control 0: NO Operation 1: Return Stall for Class and Vendor Command NOTE: this bit will auto clear after 32 HCLK CV_DAT USB Class and Vendor Command return data control 0: NO Operation 1: The Data Packet for Data Input of Class and Vendor Command or Get Descriptor command is ready. NOTE: this bit will auto clear after 32 HCLK USB Control Register (USB_CTLS) REGISTER USB_CTLS 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06040 30 R 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB control transfer status register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 CONF 7 6 5 4 Reserved CTLRPS ITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] [15:8] Reserved CONF [7:5] [4:0] USB configured value Reserved CTLRPS Control transfer received packet size - 208 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Configured Value Register (USB_CONFD) REGISTER USB_CONFD 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06044 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB Configured Value register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 CONFD BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] [7:0] Reserved CONFD Software configured value USB Endpoint A Information Register (EPA_INFO) REGISTER EPA_INFO 31 Reserved 23 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06048 R/W 30 29 EPA_TYPE 22 21 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint A information register 28 27 EPA_DIR 26 0x0000_0000 25 Reserved 20 24 EPA_MPS 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 EPA_MPS 15 14 13 12 EPA_ALT 7 6 EPA_INF 5 4 3 EPA_CFG 2 EPA_NUM - 209 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31] Reserved [30:29] EPA_TYPE Endpoint A type 00: reserved 01: bulk 10: interrupt 11: isochronous [28] EPA_DIR Endpoint A direction 0: OUT 1: IN [27:26] Reserved [25:16] EPA_MPS Endpoint A max. packet size [15:12] EPA_ALT Endpoint A alternative setting (READ ONLY) [11:8] EPA_INF Endpoint A interface [7:4] EPA_CFG Endpoint A configuration [3:0] EPA_NUM Endpoint A number USB Endpoint A Control Register (EPA_CTL) REGISTER EPA_CTL 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0604C 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint A control register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 Reserved 6 EPA_ZERO 5 EPA_STL_CLR 4 EPA_THRE EPA_STL - 210 - EPA_RDY EPA_RST EPA_EN W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [6] EPA_ZERO Send zero length packet to HOST [5] EPA_STL_CLR CLEAR the Endpoint A stall(WRITE ONLY) Endpoint A threshold (only for ISO) [4] 1: once available space in FIFO over 16 bytes, DMA accesses memory EPA_THRE 0: once available space in FIFO over 32 bytes, DMA accesses memory [3] EPA_STL Set the Endpoint A stall [2] EPA_RDY The memory is ready for Endpoint A to access [1] EPA_RST Endpoint A reset [0] EPA_EN Endpoint A enable USB Endpoint A interrupt enable Register (EPA_IE) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION EPA_IE 0xFFF06050 R/W USB endpoint A Interrupt Enable register 31 30 29 28 27 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPA_CF_IE EPA_BUS_ERR_IE EPA_DMA_IE EPA_ALT_IE EPA_TK_IE EPA_STL_IE - 211 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPA_CF_IE Endpoint A clear feature interrupt enable [4] EPA_BUS_ERR_IE Endpoint A system bus error interrupt enable [3] EPA_DMA_IE Endpoint A DMA transfer complete interrupt enable [2] EPA_ALT_IE Endpoint A alternate setting interrupt enable [1] EPA_TK_IE Endpoint A token input interrupt enable [0] EPA_STL_IE Endpoint A stall interrupt enable USB Endpoint A Interrupt Clear Register (EPA_IC) REGISTER EPA_IC ADDRESS 0xFFF06054 31 30 R/W W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint A interrupt clear register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPA_CF_IC EPA_BUS_ERR_IC EPA_DMA_IC EPA_ALT_IC EPA_TK_IC EPA_STL_IC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPA_CF_INT_IC Endpoint A clear feature interrupt clear [4] EPA_BUS_ERR_IC Endpoint A system bus error interrupt clear [3] EPA_DMA_IC Endpoint A DMA transfer complete interrupt clear - 212 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS [2] EPA_ALT_IC Endpoint A alternate setting interrupt clear [1] EPA_TK_IC Endpoint A token input interrupt clear [0] EPA_STL_IC Endpoint A stall interrupt clear USB Endpoint A Interrupt Status Register (EPA_IS) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W EPA_IS 0xFFF06058 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint A interrupt status register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPA_CF_IS EPA_BUS_ERR_IS EPA_DMA_IS EPA_ALT_IS EPA_TK_IS EPA_STL_IS BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPA_CF_IS Endpoint A clear feature interrupt status [4] EPA_BUS_ERR_IS Endpoint A system bus error interrupt status [3] EPA_DMA_IS Endpoint A DMA transfer complete interrupt status [2] EPA_ALT_IS Endpoint A alternative setting interrupt status [1] EPA_TK_IS Endpoint A token interrupt status [0] EPA_STL_IS Endpoint A stall interrupt status - 213 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint A Address Register (EPA_ADDR) REGISTER EPA_ADDR ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0605C R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint A address register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 EPA_ADDR 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPA_ADDR 15 14 13 12 11 EPA_ADDR 7 6 5 4 3 EPA_ADDR BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS EPA_ADDR Endpoint A transfer address USB Endpoint A transfer length Register (EPA_LENTH) REGISTER EPA_LENTH 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06060 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION USB endpoint register 28 A RESET VALUE transfer length 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPA_LENTH 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPA_LENTH 7 6 5 4 3 EPA_LENTH - 214 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPA_LENTH Endpoint A transfer length USB Endpoint B Information Register (EPB_INFO) REGISTER EPB_INFO 31 Reserved 23 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06064 R/W 30 DESCRIPTION USB endpoint B information register 29 EPB_TYPE 22 RESET VALUE 28 27 EPB_DIR 21 26 0x0000_0000 25 Reserved 20 24 EPB_MPS 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 EPB_MPS 15 14 13 12 EPB_ALT 7 6 EPB_INF 5 4 3 2 EPB_CFG BITS EPB_NUM DESCRIPTIONS [31] Reserved Endpoint B type 00: reserved [30:29] EPB_TYPE 01: bulk 10: interrupt 11: isochronous Endpoint B direction [28] EPB_DIR 0: OUT 1: IN [27:26] [25:16] Reserved EPB_MPS Endpoint B max. packet size - 215 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS [15:12] EPB_ALT Endpoint B alternative setting (READ ONLY) [11:8] EPB_INF Endpoint B interface [7:4] EPB_CFG Endpoint B configuration [3:0] EPB_NUM Endpoint B number USB Endpoint B Control Register (EPB_CTL) REGISTER EPB_CTL ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06068 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint B control register 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved EPB_ZERO EPB_STL_CLR EPB_THRE EPB_STL EPB_RDY EPB_RST EPB_EN BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:7] Reserved [6] EPB_ZERO Send zero length packet back to HOST [5] EPB_STL_CLR Clear the Endpoint B stall(WRITE ONLY) Endpoint B threshold (only for ISO) [4] EPB_THRE 1: once available space in FIFO over 16 bytes, DMA accesses memory 0: once available space in FIFO over 32 bytes, DMA accesses memory [3] EPB_STL Set the Endpoint B stall - 216 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS [2] EPB_RDY The memory is ready for Endpoint B to access [1] EPB_RST Endpoint B reset [0] EPB_EN Endpoint B enable USB Endpoint B interrupt enable Register (EPB_IE) REGISTER EPB_IE 31 30 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION 0xFFF0606C R/W USB endpoint B Interrupt Enable register 29 28 27 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPB_CF_IE EPB_BUS_ERR_IE EPB_DMA_IE EPB_ALT_IE EPB_TK_IE EPB_STL_IE BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPB_CF_IE Endpoint B clear feature interrupt enable [4] EPB_BUS_ERR_IE Endpoint B system bus error interrupt enable [3] EPB_DMA_IE Endpoint B DMA transfer complete interrupt enable [2] EPB_ALT_IE Endpoint B alternate setting interrupt enable [1] EPB_TK_IE Endpoint B token input interrupt enable [0] EPB_STL_IE Endpoint B stall interrupt enable - 217 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint B Interrupt Clear Register (EPB_IC) REGISTER EPB_IC 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF06070 30 W 29 DESCRIPTION USB endpoint register 28 B interrupt 27 RESET VALUE clear 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPB_CF_IC EPB_BUS_ERR_IC EPB_DMA_IC EPB_ALT_IC EPB_TK_IC EPB_STL_IC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPB_CF_IC Endpoint B clear feature interrupt clear [4] EPB_BUS_ERR_IC Endpoint B system bus error interrupt clear [3] EPB_DMA_IC Endpoint B DMA transfer complete interrupt clear [2] EPB_ALT_IC Endpoint B alternate setting interrupt clear [1] EPB_TK_IC Endpoint B token input interrupt clear [0] EPB_STL_IC Endpoint B stall interrupt clear USB Endpoint B Interrupt Status Register (EPB_IS) REGISTER EPB_IS ADDRESS 0xFFF06074 R/W R DESCRIPTION USB endpoint register - 218 - B interrupt RESET VALUE status 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPB_CF_IS EPB_BUS_ERR_IS EPB_DMA_IS EPB_ALT_IS EPB_TK_IS EPB_STL_IS BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPB_CF_IS Endpoint B clear feature interrupt status [4] EPB_DMA_IS Endpoint B system bus error interrupt status [3] EPB_DMA_IS Endpoint B DMA transfer complete interrupt status [2] EPB_ALT_IS Endpoint B alternative setting interrupt status [1] EPB_TK_IS Endpoint B token interrupt status [0] EPB_STL_IS Endpoint B stall interrupt status USB Endpoint B Address Register (EPB_ADDR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W EPB_ADDR 0xFFF06078 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint B address register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPB_ADDR 23 22 21 20 19 EPB_ADDR 15 14 13 12 11 EPB_ADDR 7 6 5 4 3 EPB_ADDR - 219 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS EPB_ADDR Endpoint B transfer address USB Endpoint B transfer length Register (EPB_LENTH) REGISTER EPB_LENTH 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0607C 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION USB endpoint register 28 B RESET VALUE transfer length 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPB_LENTH 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPB_LENTH 7 6 5 4 3 EPB_LENTH BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPB_LENTH Endpoint B transfer length USB Endpoint C Information Register (EPC_INFO) REGISTER EPC_INFO ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION 0xFFF06080 R/W USB endpoint C information register - 220 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 Reserved 23 30 29 EPC_TYPE 22 28 27 EPC_DIR 21 20 26 25 Reserved 24 EPC_MPS 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 EPC_MPS 15 14 13 12 EPC_ALT 7 6 EPC_INF 5 4 3 EPC_CFG BITS 2 EPC_NUM DESCRIPTIONS [31] Reserved Endpoint C type 00: reserved [30:29] EPC_TYPE 01: bulk 10: interrupt 11: isochronous Endpoint C direction [28] EPC_DIR 0: OUT 1: IN [27:26] Reserved [25:16] EPC_MPS Endpoint C max. packet size [15:12] EPC_ALT Endpoint C alternative setting (READ ONLY) [11:8] EPC_INF Endpoint C interface [7:4] EPC_CFG Endpoint C configuration [3:0] EPC_NUM Endpoint C number - 221 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint C Control Register (EPC_CTL) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE EPC_CTL 0xFFF06084 R/W USB endpoint C control register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved EPC_ZERO EPC_STL_CLR EPC_THRE EPC_STL EPC_RDY EPC_RST EPC_EN BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:7] Reserved [6] EPC_ZERO Send zero length packet back to HOST [5] EPC_STL_CLR Clear the Endpoint C stall(WRITE ONLY) Endpoint C threshold (only for ISO) [4] EPC_THRE 1: once available space in FIFO over 16 bytes, DMA accesses memory 0: once available space in FIFO over 32 bytes, DMA accesses memory [3] EPC_STL Set the Endpoint C stall [2] EPC_RDY The memory is ready for Endpoint C to access [1] EPC_RST Endpoint C reset [0] EPC_EN Endpoint C enable - 222 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint C interrupt enable Register (EPC_IE) REGISTER EPC_IE 31 30 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION 0xFFF0608 8 R/W USB endpoint C Interrupt Enable register 29 28 27 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPC_CF_IE EPC_BUS_ERR_IE EPC_DMA_IE EPC_ALT_IE EPC_TK_IE EPC_STL_IE BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPC_CF_IE Endpoint C clear feature interrupt enable [4] EPC_DMA_IE Endpoint C system bus error interrupt enable [3] EPC_DMA_IE Endpoint C DMA transfer complete interrupt enable [2] EPC_ALT_IE Endpoint C alternate setting interrupt enable [1] EPC_TK_IE Endpoint C token input interrupt enable [0] EPC_STL_IE Endpoint C stall interrupt enable USB Endpoint C Interrupt Clear Register (EPC_IC) REGISTER EPC_IC ADDRESS 0xFFF0608C R/W W DESCRIPTION USB endpoint C interrupt clear register - 223 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 23 22 21 20 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 EPC_ALT_IC EPC_TK_IC EPC_STL_IC Reserved Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 EPC_CF_IC EPC_BUS_ERR_IC EPC_DMA_IC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPC_CF_IC Endpoint C clear feature interrupt clear [4] EPC_DMA_IC Endpoint C system bus error interrupt clear [3] EPC_DMA_IC Endpoint C DMA transfer complete interrupt clear [2] EPC_ALT_IC Endpoint C alternate setting interrupt clear [1] EPC_TK_IC Endpoint C token input interrupt clear [0] EPC_STL_IC Endpoint C stall interrupt clear USB Endpoint C Interrupt Status Register (EPC_IS) REGISTER EPC_IS ADDRESS 0xFFF06090 R/W R DESCRIPTION USB endpoint register - 224 - C interrupt RESET VALUE status 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved 4 EPC_CF_IS 3 EPC_BUS_ERR_IS EPC_DMA_IS BITS EPC_ALT_IS EPC_TK_IS EPC_STL_IS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] EPC_CF_IS Endpoint C clear feature interrupt status [4] EPC_BUS_ERR_IS Endpoint A system bus error interrupt status [3] EPC_DMA_IS Endpoint A DMA transfer complete interrupt status [2] EPC_ALT_IS Endpoint A alternative setting interrupt status [1] EPC_TK_IS Endpoint A token interrupt status [0] EPC_STL_IS Endpoint A stall status USB Endpoint C Address Register (EPC_ADDR) REGISTER EPC_ADDR 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_6094 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB endpoint C address register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPC_ADDR 23 22 21 20 19 EPC_ADDR 15 14 13 12 11 EPC_ADDR 7 6 5 4 3 EPC_ADDR - 225 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS EPC_ADDR Endpoint C transfer address USB Endpoint C transfer length Register (EPC_LENTH) REGISTER ADDRESS EPC_LENTH 31 0xFFF0_6098 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W USB endpoint C transfer length register 28 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPC_LENTH 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPC_LENTH 7 6 5 4 3 EPC_LENTH BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPC_LENTH Endpoint C transfer length USB Endpoint A Remain transfer length Register (EPA_XFER) REGISTER EPA_XFER ADDRESS 0xFFF0_609C R/W DESCRIPTION R/W USB endpoint A remain transfer length register - 226 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPA_XFER 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPA_XFER 7 6 5 4 3 EPA_XFER BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPA_XFER Endpoint A remain transfer length USB Endpoint A Remain packet length Register (EPA_PKT) REGISTER ADDRESS EPA_PKT 0xFFF0_60A0 31 30 R/W RESET VALUE DESCRIPTION R/W USB endpoint A remain packet length register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 EPA_PKT 4 3 2 1 0 EPA_PKT BITS Descriptions [31:10] [9:0] Reserved EPA_PKT Endpoint A remain packet length - 227 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint B Remain transfer length Register (EPB_XFER) REGISTER EPB_XFER 31 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION 0xFFF0_60A4 R/W USB endpoint B remain transfer length register 30 29 28 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPB_XFER 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPB_XFER 7 6 5 4 3 EPB_XFER BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPB_XFER Endpoint B remain transfer length USB Endpoint B Remain packet length Register (EPB_PKT) REGISTER EPB_PKT 31 ADDRESS 0xFFF0_60A8 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W USB endpoint B remain packet length register 29 28 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 EPB_PKT 4 3 EPB_PKT - 228 - 2 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:10] [9:0] Reserved EPB_PKT Endpoint B remain packet length USB Endpoint C Remain transfer length Register (EPC_XFER) REGISTER EPC_XFER 31 ADDRESS 0xFFF0_60AC 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W USB endpoint C remain transfer length register 29 28 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 EPC_XFER 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 EPC_XFER 7 6 5 4 3 EPC_XFER BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:20] [19:0] Reserved EPC_XFER Endpoint C remain transfer length - 229 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Endpoint C Remain packet length Register (EPC_PKT) REGISTER EPC_PKT 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_60B0 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION USB endpoint length register 28 C 27 remain RESET VALUE packet 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 EPC_PKT 4 3 EPC_PKT BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:10] [9:0] Reserved EPC_PKT Endpoint C remain packet length - 230 - 2 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.9 Audio Controller The audio controller consists of IS/AC-link protocol to interface with external audio CODEC. One 8-level deep FIFO for read path and write path and each level has 32-bit width (16 bits for right channel and 16 bits for left channel). One DMA controller handles the data movement between FIFO and memory. The following are the property of the DMA. * Always 8-beat incrementing burst * Always bus lock when 8-beat incrementing burst * When reach middle and end address of destination address, a DMA_IRQ is requested to CPU automatically An AHB master port and an AHB slave port are offered in audio controller. 6.9.1 IS Interface The IS interface signals are shown as Figure 6.9.1 MCLK BCLK Audio Controller LRCLK Audio DOUT Codec DIN Figure 6.9.1 The interface signal of IS - 231 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG The 16 bits IS and MSB-justified format are support, the timing diagram is shown as Figure 6.9.2 LRC LK L e ft 1 2 R ig h t 3 1 2 BCK DATA B2 M SB LSB M SB I2S b u s LRC LK L e ft 1 2 R ig h t 3 1 2 BCK DATA M SB B2 LSB B3 M SB B2 M S B - J u s tif ie d f o r m a t Figure 6.9.2 The format of IS The sampling rate, bit shift clock frequency could be set by the control register ACTL_ISCON. 6.9.2 AC97 Interface The AC97 interface, called AC-link is supported. For input and output direction, each frame contains a Tag slot and 12 data slots. However, in the 12 data slots, only 4 slots are used in W90N745, other 8 slots are not supported, and the control data and audio data are transferred in the 4 valid slots. Each slot contains 20 bits data. The interface signals are shown as Figure 6.9.3 SYNC BCLK Audio Controller DIN Audio Codec DOUT RESETB Figure 6.9.3 The interface signal of AC-link - 232 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG The signal format is shown as Figure 6.9.4 Frame (48 KHz) Data phase Tag phase SYN 12.288 MHz BCL . . . . . . DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . DOU B255 B0 MS B1 B15 B16 Slot 0 LS B35 B36 Slot 1 B55 B56 Slot 2 B75 B76 B95 B96 Slot 4 Slot 3 B255 Slot 5 -12 Figure 6.9.4 The signal format of AC-link The structure of output frame is shown as below: SLOT # 0 CONTENT Tag BITS 15-0 PHASE Tag phase 1 2 3 4 CMD CMD PCM PCM ADDR DATA 19-0 19-0 5 6 7 8 9 LEFT RIGHT Unused 19-0 159 - 0 19-0 10 11 12 Data phase The output frame data format is shown as following: SLOT # BIT 15 Tag (slot 0) CMD ADDR (slot 1) DESCRIPTION Frame validity bit, 1 is valid, 0 is invalid. 14 - 3 Slot validity, but in W90N745, only bits 6-3 are used, bits 14-7 are unused. Bit 3 is corresponding to slot 1, bit 4 is corresponding to slot 2, etc.. 1 is valid, 0 is invalid. The unused bits 14-7 should be cleared to 0. 2-0 This field should be cleared to 0. 19 Read/write control, 1 for read and 0 for write 18-12 Control register address 11 - 0 This field should be cleared to 0 - 233 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. SLOT # CMD DATA (slot 2) PCM LEFT (slot 3) PCM RIGHT (slot 4) BIT DESCRIPTION 19 - 4 Control register write data. It should be cleared to 0 if current operation is read. 3-0 19 - 4 This field should be cleared to 0 PCM playback data for left channel 3-0 This field should be cleared to 0 19 - 4 PCM playback data for right channel 3-0 This field should be cleared to 0 The structure of input frame is shown as below: Slot # 0 Content Tag Bits 0-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 status status PCM PCM ADDR DATA LEFT RIGHT Unused 19-0 19-0 19-0 19-0 159 - 0 10 11 12 The input frame data format is shown as following: SLOT # BIT 15 Tag (slot 0) Frame validity bit, 1 is valid, 0 is invalid. 14 - 3 Slot validity, but in W90N745, only bits 6-3 are used, bits 14-7 are unused. Bit 3 is corresponding to slot 1, bit 4 is corresponding to slot 2, etc.. 1 is valid, 0 is invalid. The unused bits 14-7 should be cleared to 0. 2-0 This field should be cleared to 0. 19 18-12 Status ADDR (slot 1) DESCRIPTION 11 10 This bit should be cleared to 0 Control register address echo which previous frame requested PCM data for left channel request, it should be always 0 when VRA=0 (VRA: Variable Rate Audio mode). PCM data for right channel request (Same as Bit 11). 9-0 This field should be cleared to 0 Status DATA (slot 2) 19 - 4 Control register read data which previous frame requested. It should be cleared to 0 if this slot is invalid. 3-0 This field should be cleared to 0 PCM LEFT 19 - 4 PCM record data for left channel (slot 3) 3 -0 This field should be cleared to 0 PCM RIGHT 19 - 4 PCM record data for right channel (slot 4) 3 -0 This field should be cleared to 0 - 234 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.9.3 Audio Controller Register Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write, C: Only value 0 can be written REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ACTL_CON 0xFFF0_9000 R/W Audio controller control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_RESET 0xFFF0_9004 R/W Sub block reset control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_RDSTB 0xFFF0_9008 R/W DMA destination base address register 0x0000_0000 for record ACTL_RDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_900C R/W DMA destination length register for 0x0000_0000 record ACTL_RDSTC 0xFFF0_9010 DMA destination register for record ACTL_RSR 0xFFF0_9014 R/W Record status register ACTL_PDSTB 0xFFF0_9018 R/W DMA destination base address register 0x0000_0000 for play ACTL_PDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_901C R/W DMA destination length register for 0x0000_0000 play ACTL_PDSTC 0xFFF0_9020 DMA destination register for play ACTL_PSR 0xFFF0_9024 R/W ACTL_ISCON 0xFFF0_9028 R/W IS control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACCON 0xFFF0_902C R/W AC-link control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACOS0 0xFFF0_9030 R/W AC-link out slot 0 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACOS1 0xFFF0_9034 R/W AC-link out slot 1 0x0000_0080 ACTL_ACOS2 0xFFF0_9038 R/W AC-link out slot 2 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS0 0xFFF0_903C R AC-link in slot 0 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS1 0xFFF0_9040 R AC-link in slot 1 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS2 0xFFF0_9044 R AC-link in slot 2 0x0000_0000 R R current current Play status register address 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 address 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0004 Audio controller control registers (ACTL_CON) REGISTER ACTL_CON ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9000 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Audio controller control register 0x0000_0000 The ACTL_CON register control the basic operation of audio controller. - 235 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved R_DMA_IRQ T_DMA_IRQ 7 6 5 4 3 FIFO_TH Reserved Reserved BITS Reserved - [14] Reserved - [13] Reserved - [11] 2 IS_AC_PIN_SEL 1 BLOCK_EN[1:0] Reserved R_DMA_IRQ When recording, when the DMA destination current address reach the DMA destination end address or middle address, the R_DMA_IRQ bit will be set to 1 automatically, and this bit could be cleared to 0 by CPU. The bit is hardwired to ARM as interrupt request signal with an inverter. The R_DMA_IRQ bit is read/write (write 1 to clear) T_DMA_IRQ Transmit DMA interrupt request bit. When DMA current address reach the middle address (((ACTL_DESE - ACTL_DESB)-1)/2 + ACTL_DESB) or reach the end address ACTL_DESB, the bit T_DMA_IRQ will be set to 1, and this bit could be clear to 0 by write "1" by CPU. And the bit is hardwired to ARM as interrupt request signal with an inverter. The T_DMA_IRQ bit is read/write (write 1 to clear). IS or AC-link pin selection [8] 0 DESCRIPTIONS [15] [12] Reserved IS_AC_PIN_SEL [7] FIFO_TH [6] Reserved * If IS_AC_PIN_SEL = 0, the pins select IS * If IS_AC_PIN_SEL = 1, the pins select AC-link The IS_AC_PIN_SEL bis is read/write FIFO threshold control bit * If FIFO_TH=0, the FIFO threshold is 8 level * If FIFO_TH=1, the FIFO threshold is 4 level The FIFO_TH bit is read/write Audio interface type selection [2:1] BLOCK_EN[1:0] [0] Reserved * If BLOCK_EN[0]=0/1, IS interface is disable/enable * If BLOCK_EN[1]=0/1, AC-link interface is disable/enable The BLOCK_EN[1:0] bits are read/write - 236 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Sub-block reset control register (ACTL_RESET) REGISTER ACTL_RESET ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9004 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Sub block reset control 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_RESET register control the reset operation in each sub block. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ACTL_RESET 15 14 13 RECORD_SINGLE[1:0] 12 6 5 AC_PLAY IS_RECORD IS_PLAY 4 BITS [16] [15:14] 10 PLAY_SINGLE[1:0] 7 [31:17] 11 9 AC_RECOR D Reserved 3 2 Reserved 8 1 0 AC_RESET IS_RESET DESCRIPTIONS Reserved ACTL_RESET RECORD_SINGLE [1:0] Audio controller reset control bit 1 = the whole audio controller is reset 0 = the audio controller is normal operation The ACTL_RESET bit is read/write record single/dual channel select bits 2'b11= the record is dual channel 2'b01= the record only select left channel 2'b10= the record only select right channel 2'b00 is reserved Note that, when ADC is selected as record path, it only support left channel record. The PLAY_SINGLE[1:0] bits are read/write - 237 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [13:12] [8] [7] [6] [5] [1] [0] DESCRIPTIONS PLAY_SINGLE [1:0] AC_RECORD AC_PLAY IS_RECORD IS_PLAY Playback single/dual channel select bits PLAY_SINGLE[1:0]=11, the playback is in stereo mode PLAY_SINGLE[1:0]=10, the playback is in mono mode PLAY_SINGLE[1:0]= 00 & 01 is reserved The PLAY_SINGLE[1:0] bits are read/write AC link record control bit AC_RECORD=0, the record path of AC link is disable AC_RECORD=1, the record path of AC link is enable The AC_RECORD bit is read/write AC link playback control bit AC_PLAY=0, the playback path of AC link is disable AC_PLAY=1, the playback path of AC link is enable The AC_PLAY bit is read/write IS record control bit IS_RECORD=0, the record path of IS is disable IS_RECORD=1, the record path of IS is enable The IS_RECORD bit is read/write IS playback control bit IS_PLAY=0, the playback path of IS is disable IS_PLAY=1, the playback path of IS is enable The IS_PLAY bit is read/write AC_RESET AC link sub block RESET control bit AC_RESET=0, release the AC link function block from reset mode AC_RESET=1, force the AC link function block to reset mode The AC_RESET bit is read/write IS_RESET IS sub block RESET control bit IS_RESET=0, release the IS function block from reset mode IS_RESET=1, force the IS function block to reset mode The IS_RESET bit is read/write DMA record destination base address (ACTL_RDSTB) REGISTER ACTL_RDSTB ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9008 R/W DESCRIPTION DMA record destination base address - 238 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG The value in ACTL_RDSTB register is the record destination base address of DMA, and only could be changed by CPU. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_RDSTB[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_RDSTB[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_RDSTB[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_RDSTB[7:0] BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS AUDIO_RDSTB[31:0] 32-bit record destination base address The AUDIO_RDSTB[31:0] bits is read/write. DMA destination end address (ACTL_RDST_LENGTH) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ACTL_RDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_900C R/W DMA record destination address length 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_RDST_LENGTH register is the record destination address length of DMA, and the register could only be changed by CPU. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_RDST_L[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_RDST_L[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_RDST_L[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_RDST_L[7:0] - 239 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS 32-bit record destination address length [31:0] AUDIO_RDST_L[31:0] The AUDIO_RDST_L[31:0] bits is read/write. DMA destination current address (ACTL_RDSTC) REGISTER ACTL_RDSTC ADDRESS 0xFFF0_9010 R/W RO DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE DMA record destination current address 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_RDSTC is the DMA record destination current address, this register could only be read by CPU. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_RDSTC[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_RDSTC[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_RDSTC[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_RDSTC[7:0] BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS AUDIO_RDSTC[31:0] 32-bit record destination current address The AUDIO_RDSTC[31:0] bits is read only. Audio controller record status register (ACTL_RSR) REGISTER ACTL_RSR ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9014 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Audio controller FIFO and DMA status register for record 0x0000_0000 - 240 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 17 16 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved 2 R_FIFO_FULL BITS R_DMA_END_IRQ R_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ DESCRIPTIONS [31:3] Reserved Record FIFO full indicator bit [2] R_FIFO_FULL R_FIFO_FULL=0, the record FIFO not full R_FIFO_FULL=1, the record FIFO is full The R_FIFO_READY bit is read only DMA end address interrupt request bit for record [1] R_DMA_END_IRQ R_DMA_END_IRQ=0, means record DMA address does not reach the end address R_DMA_END_IRQ=1, means record DMA address reach the end address The R_DMA_END_IRQ bit is readable, and only can be clear by write "1" to this bit DMA address interrupt request bit for record [0] R_DMA_MIDDLE _IRQ R_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ=0, means record DMA address does not reach the middle address R_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ=1, means record DMA address reach the middle address The R_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ bit is readable, and only can be clear by write "1" to this bit DMA play destination base address (ACTL_PDSTB) REGISTER ACTL_PDSTB ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9018 R/W DESCRIPTION DMA play destination base address RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_PDSTB register is the play destination base address of DMA, and only could be changed by CPU. - 241 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_PDSTB[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_PDSTB[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_PDSTB[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_PDSTB[7:0] BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS AUDIO_PDSTB[31:0] 32-bit play destination base address The AUDIO_PDSTB[31:0] bits is read/write. DMA destination end address (ACTL_PDST_LENGTH) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ACTL_PDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_901C R/W DMA play destination address length 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_PDST_LENGTH register is the play destination address length of DMA, and the register could only be changed by CPU. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_PDST_L[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_PDST_L[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_PDST_L[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_PDST_L[7:0] - 242 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS 32-bit play destination address length AUDIO_PDST_L[31:0] The AUDIO_PDST_L[31:0] bits is read/write. DMA destination current address (ACTL_PDSTC) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9020 RO ACTL_PDSTC DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE DMA play destination current address 0x0000_0000 The value in ACTL_PDSTC is the DMA play destination current address, this register could only be read by CPU. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 AUDIO_PDSTC[31:24] 23 22 21 20 19 AUDIO_PDSTC[23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 AUDIO_PDSTC[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 AUDIO_PDSTC[7:0] BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS AUDIO_PDSTC[31:0] 32-bit play destination current address The AUDIO_PDSTC[31:0] bits is read/write. Audio controller playback status register (ACTL_PSR) REGISTER ACTL_PSR ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9024 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Audio controller FIFO and DMA status register for playback 0x0000_0004 - 243 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 17 16 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved 2 P_FIFO_EMPTY P_DMA_END_IRQ P_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:3] Reserved Playback FIFO empty indicator bit [2] P_FIFO_EMPTY P_FIFO_EMPTY=0, the playback FIFO is not empty P_FIFO_EMPTY=1, the playback FIFO is empty The P_FIFO_EMPTY bit is read only DMA end address interrupt request bit for playback [1] P_DMA_END_IRQ P_DMA_END_IRQ=0, means playback DMA address does not reach the end address P_DMA_END_IRQ=1, means playback DMA address reach the end address The P_DMA_END_IRQ bit is readable, and only can be clear by write "1" to this bit DMA address interrupt request bit for playback [0] P_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ=0, means playback DMA address does not reach the middle address P_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ P_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ=1, means playback DMA address reach the middle address The P_DMA_MIDDLE_IRQ bit is readable, and only can be clear by write "1" to this bit IS control register (ACTL_ISCON) REGISTER ACTL_ISCON ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9028 R/W DESCRIPTION IS control register The ACTL_ISCON is the IS basic operation control register. - 244 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 PRS[3:0] 13 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 7 6 BCLK_SEL[1:0] 5 4 3 FS_SEL MCLK_SEL FORMAT BITS [31:20] Reserved DESCRIPTIONS Reserved IS frequency pre-scaler selection bits. (FPLL is the input PLL frequency, MCLK is the output main clock) PSR[3:0]=0000, MCLK=FPLL/1 PSR[3:0]=0001, MCLK=FPLL/2 PSR[3:0]=0010, MCLK=FPLL/3 PSR[3:0]=0011, MCLK=FPLL/4 PSR[3:0]=0100, MCLK=FPLL/5 PSR[3:0]=0101, MCLK=FPLL/6 PSR[3:0]=0110, MCLK=FPLL/7 PSR[3:0]=0111, MCLK=FPLL/8 [19:16] PRS[3:0] PSR[3:0]=1000, reserved PSR[3:0]=1001, MCLK=FPLL/10 PSR[3:0]=1010, reserved PSR[3:0]=1011, MCLK=FPLL/12 PSR[3:0]=1100, reserved PSR[3:0]=1101, MCLK=FPLL/14 PSR[3:0]=1110, reserved PSR[3:0]=1111, MCLK=FPLL/16 (when the division factor is 3/5/7, the duty cycle of MCLK is not 50%, the high duration is 0.5*FPLL) The PSR[3:0] bits are read/write - 245 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS IS serial data clock frequency selection bit [7:6] BCLK_SEL [1:0] BCLK_SEL[1:0]=00, 32fs is selected (fs is sampling rate), when FS_SEL=0, the frequency of bit clock is MCLK/8, when FS_SEL=1, the frequency of bit clock is MCLK/12. BCLK_SEL[1:0]=01, 48fs is selected (only when FS_SEL=1, this term could be selection), when FS_SEL=1, the frequency of bit clock is MCLK/8. The BCLK_SEL[1:0] bits are read/write IS sampling frequency selection bit [5] FS_SEL FS_SEL=0, FMCLK/256 is selected (FMCLK is the frequency of signal MCLK) FS_SEL=1, FMCLK/384 is selected The FS_SEL bit is read/write IS MCLK output selection bit [4] MCLK_SEL MCLK_SEL=0, IS MCLK output will follow the PRS[3:0] setting. MCLK_SEL=1, IS MCLK output will be the same with FPLL. The MCLK_SEL bit is read/write IS format selection bits [3] FORMAT [2:0] Reserved FORMAT=0, IS compatible format is selected FORMAT=1, MSB-justified format is selected The FORMAT bit is read/write - AC-link Control Register (ACTL_ACCON) REGISTER ACTL_ACCON ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_902C R/W DESCRIPTION AC-link control register The ACTL_ACCON register is the AC-link basic operation control register. - 246 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 AC_BCLK_PU_EN AC_R_FINISH AC_W_FINISH BITS [6] [5] [4] [3] AC_W_RES AC_C_RES Reserved DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - AC_BCLK_PU_EN This bit controls the AC_BCLK pin pull-high resister. AC_BCLK_PU_EN=0, the AC_BCLK pin pull-high resister will be disabled AC_BCLK_PU_EN=1, the AC_BCLK pin pull-high resister will be enabled The AC_BCLK_PU_EN bit is read/write. AC_R_FINISH AC-link read data ready bit. When read data indexed by previous frame is shifted into ACTL_ACIS2, the AC_R_FINISH bit will be set to 1 automatically. After CPU read out the read data, AC_R_FINISH bit will be cleared to 0. AC_R_FINISH=0, read data buffer has been read by CPU AC_R_FINISH=1, read data buffer is ready for CPU read The AC_R_FINISH bit is read only AC_W_FINISH AC-link write frame finish bit. When writing data to register ACTL_ACOS0, the AC_W_FINISH bit will be set to 1 automatically. After AC-link interface shift out the register ACTL_ACOS0, the AC_W_FINISH bit will be cleared to 0. AC_W_FINISH=0, AC-link control data out buffer has been shifted out to codec by CPU and data out buffer is empty. AC_W_FINISH=1, AC-link control data out buffer is ready to be shifted out(After users have wrote data into register ACTL_ACOS0) The AC_W_FINISH bit is read only - 247 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS AC_W_RES AC-link warm reset control bit, when this bit is set to 1, (AC-link begin warn reset procedure, after warn reset procedure finished, this bit will be cleared automatically) the interface signal AC_SYNC is high, when this bit is set to 0, the interface signal AC_SYNC is controlled by AC_BCLK input when this bit is set to 1. Note the AC-link spec. shows it need at least 10 us high duration of AC_SYNC to warn reset AC97. AC_W_RES=0, AC_SYNC pin is controlled by AC_BCLK input pin AC_W_RES=1, AC_SYNC pin is forced to high The AC_W_RES bit is read/write [1] AC_C_RES AC-link cold reset control bit, when this bit is set to 1, the interface signal AC_RESETB is low, when this bit is set to 0, the signal AC_RESETB is high. Note the AC-link spec. shows it need at least 10 us low duration of AC_RESETB to cold reset AC97. AC_C_RES=0, AC_RESETB pin is set to 1 AC_C_RES=1, AC_RESETB pin is set to 0 The AC_C_RES bit is read/write [0] Reserved [2] - AC-link output slot 0 (ACTL_ACOS0) REGISTER ACTL_ACOS0 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9030 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 AC-link out slot 0 The ACTL_ACOS0 register store the slot 0 value to be shift out by AC-link. Note that write data to ACTL_ACOS0 register when AC_W_FINISH bit (ACTL_ACCON[3]) is set is invalid. Therefore, check AC_W_FINISH bit status before write data into ACTL_ACOS0 register. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 VALID_ FRAME - 248 - SLOT_VALID[3:0] W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:5] Reserved Frame valid indicated bits [4] VALID_FRAME=1, any one of slot is valid VALID_FRAME=0, no any slot is valid The VALID_FRAME bits are read/write VALID_FRAME Slot valid indicated bits [3:0] SLOT_VALID[0]= 1/0, indicate Slot 1 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[1]= 1/0, indicate Slot 2 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[2]= 1/0, indicate Slot 3 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[3]= 1/0, indicate Slot 4 valid/invalid The SLOT_VALID[3:0] bits are read/write SLOT_VALID [3:0] The AC-link output slot 1 (ACTL_ACOS1) REGISTER ACTL_ACOS1 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9034 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0080 AC-link out slot 1 The ACTL_ACOS1 register store the slot 1 value to be shift out by AC-link. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 R_WB 6 5 4 R_INDEX[6:0] - 249 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved Read/Write select bit [7] R_WB [6:0] R_INDEX[6:0] R_WB=1, a read specified by R_INDEX[6:0] will occur, and the data will appear in next frame R_WB=0, a write specified by R_INDEX[6:0] will occur, and the write data is put at out slot 2 The R_WB bit is read/write External AC97 CODEC control register index (address) bits The R_INDEX[6:0] bits are read/write AC-link output slot 2 (ACTL_ACOS2) REGISTER ACTL_ACOS2 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9038 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AC-link out slot 2 0x0000_0000 The ACTL_ACOS2 register store the slot 2 value to be shift out by AC-link. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 WD[15:8] 7 6 5 4 WD[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:0] Reserved [15:0] WD[15:0] AC-link write data The WD[15:0] bits are read/write - 250 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AC-link input slot 0 (ACTL_ACIS0) REGISTER ACTL_ACIS0 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_903C R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AC-link in slot 0 0x0000_0000 The ACTL_ACIS0 store the shift in slot 0 data of AC-link. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved BITS [31:5] SLOT_VALID[3:0] CODEC_READY DESCRIPTIONS Reserved External AC97 audio CODEC ready bit [4] CODEC_READY CODEC_READY=0, indicate external AC97 audio CODEC is not ready CODEC_READY=1, indicate external AC97 audio CODEC is ready The CODEC_READY bit is read only Slot valid indicated bits [3:0] SLOT_VALID[3:0] SLOT_VALID[0]= 1/0, indicate Slot 1 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[1]= 1/0, indicate Slot 2 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[2]= 1/0, indicate Slot 3 valid/invalid SLOT_VALID[3]= 1/0, indicate Slot 4 valid/invalid The SLOT_VALID[3:0] bits are read - 251 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AC-link input slot 1 (ACTL_ACIS1) REGISTER ACTL_ACIS1 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9040 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AC-link in slot 1 0x0000_0000 The ACTL_ACIS1 stores the shift in slot 1 data of AC-link. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 R_INDEX[6] 3 2 R_INDEX[5:0] BITS [31:9] [8:2] 1 0 SLOT_REQ[1:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved R_INDEX[6:0] Register index. The R_INDEX[6:0] echo the register index (address) when a register read has been requested in the previous frame. The R_INDEX[6:0] bits are read only Slot request. The bits indicate if the external codec need new PCM data that will transfer in next frame. [1:0] SLOT_REQ[1:0] Any bit in SLOT_REQ[1:0] is set to 1, indicate external codec does not need a new sample in the corresponding slot[3:4] of the next frame Any SLOT_REQ[1:0] is clear to 0, indicate external codec need a new sample in the corresponding slot[3:4] of the next frame The SLOT_REQ[1:0] bits are read only - 252 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AC-link input slot 2 (ACTL_ACIS2) REGISTER ACTL_ACIS2 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF0_9044 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AC-link in slot 2 0x0000_0000 The ACTL_ACIS2 stores the shift in slot 2 data of AC-link. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 RD[15:8] 7 6 5 4 RD[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15:0] RD[15:0] AC-link read data. The RD[15:0] bits are read only - 253 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.10 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Controller Asynchronous serial communication block include 4 UART blocks and accessory logic. They can be described as follow: * UART0 It is merely a general purpose UART. It does not include any accessory function. * Clock Source : 15MHz UART Type : general UART FIFO Number : 16-byte receiving FIFO and 16 byte transmitting FIFO Modem Function : N/A Accessory Function : N/A UART1 It is designed for general purpose UART or Bluetooth transceiver. It includes a high speed UART block with 64-byte receiving FIFO and 64-byte transmitting FIFO. It includes 5 clock sources: 15M, 30M, 43.6M, 48M and 60M. Programmer can feel free to choose the clock source and divisor number for suitable baud rate. Clock Source : 15MHz from external crystal 30M, 43.6M, 48M, 60M (optional function for Bluetooth HCI transport layer) * UART Type : high speed UART FIFO Number : 64-byte receiving FIFO and 64 byte transmitting FIFO Modem Function : CTS and RTS (optional for Bluetooth. If they were enabled, TX & RX in UART2 will be cut off) Accessory Function : Bluetooth (optional) Baud Rate (max) : 1.875MHz I/O pin : TXD1, RXD1, RTS, CTS (optional) UART2 It is designed for general purpose UART or IrDA SIR. The part of UART includes 16-byte receiving FIFO and 16-byte transmitting FIFO. TXD2/RXD2 of UART2 occupy the same pins with RTS and CTS of UART1. Once the Bluetooth function has been enabled, UART2 should be disabled. Clock Source : 15MHz UART Type : general UART - 254 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG * FIFO Number : 16-byte receiving FIFO and 16 byte transmitting FIFO Modem Function : N/A Accessory Function : IrDA SIR (optional) I/O Pin : TXD2, RXD2. I/O Pin Share with : UART1 (Bluetooth function) UART3 It is also merely a general purpose UART. It does not include any accessory function. It share four I/O pins with AC97/IS. Clock Source : 15MHz UART Type : general UART FIFO Number : 16-byte receiving FIFO and 16 byte transmitting FIFO Modem Function : DTR, DSR Accessory Function : N/A I/O Pin : TXD3, RXD3, DTR, DSR I/O Pin Share with : AC97_DATAO, AC97_DATAI, AC97_SYNC, AC97_BITCLK Table 6.10.1 W90N745 UART features list BLOCK NUMBER UART TYPE CLOCK SOURCE 0 General UART 15M 1 High speed UART 15M, 43.6M, 60M 2 General UART 15M 3 General UART 15M 30M, 48M, MODEM FUNCTION SIGNALS IO PINS DESIGN TARGET N/A TxD0, RXD0 General UART CTS, RTS TXD1, RXD1, CTS1, RTS1 General Bluetooth N/A TX2, RX2 General SIR DTR, DSR TXD3, RXD3, DRT3, DSR3 General UART - 255 - UART/ UART/IrDA Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.10.1 UART0 UART0 is a general UART block. It is same as the UART in W90N740 but without Modem I/O signals. More detail function description, please refer to section 7.10.5 General UARTcontroller description Table 6.10.2 UART0 Register Map ADDRESS R/W OTHER CONDITION RESET VALUE UART0_RBR 0xFFF8_0000 R DLAB=0 Undefined UART0_THR 0xFFF8_0000 W DLAB=0 Undefined UART0_IER 0xFFF8_0004 R/W DLAB=0 0x0000_0000 UART0_DLL 0xFFF8_0000 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART0_DLM 0xFFF8_0004 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART0_IIR 0xFFF8_0008 R 0x8181_8181 UART0_FCR 0xFFF8_0008 W Undefined UART0_LCR 0xFFF8_000c R/W 0x0000_0000 Reserved 0xFFF8_0010 UART0_LSR 0xFFF8_0014 R 0x6060_6060 Reserved 0xFFF8_0018 UART0_TOR 0xFFF8_001c R/W 0x0000_0000 REGISTER 6.10.2 UART1 The UART1 is designed for general purpose UART or Bluetooth HCI transport layer. It is a high speed UART with 64-byte receive FIFO and 64-byte transmit FIFO. To perform 1.875MHz maximum baud rate, UART1 has 5 clock sources, 15M, 30M, 43.6M, 48M, and 60M. The first one is from external 15M crystal clock and the other are divided from system PLL 480MHz output. More detail about high speed UART, please refer to next section 7.10.6 High Speed UART controller function description. The block UART1 offer 4 I/O signals, TX, RX, CTS, and RTS. CTS and RTS are used as flow control for Bluetooth. CTS and RTS share the same I/O pins with TX and RX in block UART2. - 256 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.10.3 UART1 Register Map ADDRESS R/W OTHER CONDITION RESET VALUE UART1_RBR 0xFFF8_0100 R DLAB=0 Undefined UART1_THR 0xFFF8_0100 W DLAB=0 Undefined UART1_IER 0xFFF8_0104 R/W DLAB=0 0x0000_0000 UART1_DLL 0xFFF8_0100 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART1_DLM 0xFFF8_0104 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART1_IIR 0xFFF8_0108 R 0x8181_8181 UART1_FCR 0xFFF8_0108 W Undefined UART1_LCR 0xFFF8_010c R/W 0x0000_0000 UART1_MCR 0xFFF8_0110 R/W 0x0000_0000 UART1_LSR 0xFFF8_0114 R 0x6060_6060 UART1_MSR 0xFFF8_0118 R 0x0000_0000 UART1_TOR 0xFFF8_011c R/W 0x0000_0000 UART1_UBCR 0xFFF8_0120 R/W 0x0000_0000 REGISTER UART1 Bluetooth Control Register (UART1_UBCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W UART1_UBCR 0xFFF8_0120 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W UART 1 Bluetooth Control Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved UBCR[2:0] - 257 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:3] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved UBCR is a 3 bits register which is used to select clock source to generate suitable baud rate: 000: 15Mhz from external crystal [2:0] UBCR 100: 30Mhz divided from PLL 480Mhz 101: 43.6Mhz divided from PLL 480Mhz 110: 48Mhz divided from PLL 480Mhz 111: 60Mhz divided from PLL 480Mhz 6.10.3 UART2 UART2 contains 2 features: general UART and IrDA SIR decoder/encoder. UART is same as the UART of W90N740 but without modem function. Please read the spec of section 7.10.5 General UART controller function description. The IrDA SIR is described as follow: Table 6.10.4 UART2 Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W OTHER CONDITION RESET VALUE UART2_RBR 0xFFF8_0200 R DLAB=0 Undefined UART2_THR 0xFFF8_0200 W DLAB=0 Undefined UART2_IER 0xFFF8_0204 R/W DLAB=0 0x0000_0000 UART2_DLL 0xFFF8_0200 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART2_DLM 0xFFF8_0204 R/W DLAB=1 0x0000_0000 UART2_IIR 0xFFF8_0208 R 0x8181_8181 UART2_FCR 0xFFF8_0208 W Undefined UART2_LCR 0xFFF8_020c R/W 0x0000_0000 Reserved 0xFFF8_0210 UART2_LSR 0xFFF8_0214 Reserved 0xFFF8_0218 UART2_TOR 0xFFF8_021c R/W 0x0000_0000 UART2_IRCR 0xFFF8_0220 R/W 0x0000_0040 Undefined R 0x6060_6060 Undefined UART2 IrDA Control Register (UART2_IRCR) REGISTER ADDRESS UART2_IRCR 0xFFF8_0220 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W UART 2 IrDA Control Register - 258 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0040 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved INV_RX INV_TX Reserved Reserved LB BITS TX_SELECT IrDA_EN DESCRIPTIONS [31:7] Reserved [6] INV_RX [5] INV_TX [4:3] Reserved Reserved 1: Inverse RX input signal 0: No inversion 1: Inverse TX output signal 0: No inversion Reserved IrDA loop back mode for self test. [2] LB 1: enable IrDA loop back mode 0: disable IrDA loop back mode [1] TX_SELECT [0] IrDA_EN 1: enable IrDA transmitter 0: enable IrDA receiver 1: enable IrDA block 0: disable IrDA block - 259 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.10.4 UART3 UART3 is a general UART block. It is same as the UART in W90N740 but with some Modem I/O signals. More detail general UART function description, please refer to next section 7.10.5 General UART controller. Table 6.10.5 UART3 register map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W OTHER CONDITION RESET VALUE UART3_RBR UART3_THR UART3_IER UART3_DLL UART3_DLM UART3_IIR UART3_FCR UART3_LCR UART3_MCR UART3_LSR UART3_MSR UART3_TOR 0xFFF8_0300 0xFFF8_0300 0xFFF8_0304 0xFFF8_0300 0xFFF8_0304 0xFFF8_0308 0xFFF8_0308 0xFFF8_030c 0xFFF8_0310 0xFFF8_0314 0xFFF8_0318 0xFFF8_031c R W R/W R/W R/W R W R/W R/W R R R/W DLAB=0 DLAB=0 DLAB=0 DLAB=1 DLAB=1 Undefined Undefined 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x8181_8181 Undefined 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x6060_6060 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 UART3 Modem Control Register (UART3_MCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W UART3_MCR 0xFFF8_0310 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W UART 3 Modem Control Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved LBME Reserved Reserved Reserved DTR# Note: UART3_MCR is subset of MCR in W90N745. Please refer to section 7.10.5 `General UART Controller'. - 260 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG UART3 Modem Status Register (UART3_MSR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W UART3_MSR 0xFFF8_0318 31 30 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE UART 3 Modem Status Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved DSR# Reserved Reserved Reserved DDSR Reserved Note: UART3_MSR is subset of MSR in W90N745. Please refer to section 7.10.5 `General UART Controller'. 6.10.5 General UART Controller The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) performs a serial-to-parallel conversion on data characters received from the peripheral such as MODEM, and a parallel-to-serial conversion on data characters received from the CPU. There are five types of interrupts, i.e., line status interrupt, transmitter FIFO empty interrupt, receiver threshold level reaching interrupt, time out interrupt, and MODEM status interrupt. One 16-byte transmitter FIFO (TX_FIFO) and one 16-byte (plus 3-bit of error data per byte) receiver FIFO (RX_FIFO) has been built in to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the CPU. The CPU can completely read the status of the UART at any time during the operation. The reported status information includes the type and condition of the transfer operations being performed by the UART, as well as any error conditions (parity, overrun, framing, or break interrupt) found. The UART includes a programmable baud rate generator that is capable of dividing crystal clock input by divisors to produce the clock that transmitter and receiver needed. The equation is BaudOut = crystal clock / 16 * [Divisor + 2]. The UART includes the following features: y Transmitter and receiver are buffered with a 16-byte FIFO each to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the CPU. y Subset of MODEM control functions (DSR, DTR, by IP selection) y Fully programmable serial-interface characteristics: -- 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit character -- Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and detection -- 1-, 1&1/2, or 2-stop bit generation -- Baud rate generation - 261 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG y Line break generation and detection y False start bit detection y Full prioritized interrupt system controls y Loop back mode for internal diagnostic testing UART Control Registers Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write, C: Only value 0 can be written REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION UART_RBR 0x00 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART_THR 0x00 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART_IER 0x04 R/W Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 UART_DLL 0x00 R/W UART_DLM 0x04 R/W UART_IIR 0x08 R Interrupt Identification Register UART_FCR 0x08 W FIFO Control Register Undefined UART_LCR 0x0C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART_MCR 0x10 R/W Modem Control Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 UART_LSR 0x14 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 UART_MSR 0x18 R MODEM Status Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 UART_TOR 0x1C R/W Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x8181_8181 Note: Real register address = 0xFFF8_0000+ (UART number - 1) * (0x0100) + offset Note: All of these registers are implemented 8-bit in UART design and it will be repeated 4 times before send to APB bus. For example, when ARM CPU read register UARTn_BRR, ARM CPU will get UART0_RBR = {RBR[7:0], RBR[7:0], RBR[7:0], RBR[7:0]}. UART Receive Buffer Register (UART_RBR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_RBR 0x00 R DESCRIPTION Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) - 262 - RESET VALUE Undefined W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 8-bit Received Data BITS DESCRIPTIONS By reading this register, the UART will return an 8-bit data received from SIN pin (LSB first). 8-bit Received Data [7:0] UART Transmit Holding Register (UART_THR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_THR 0x00 W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) 29 28 Undefined 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 8-bit Transmitted Data BITS [7:0] DESCRIPTIONS 8-bit Transmitted Data By writing to this register, the UART will send out an 8-bit data through the SOUT pin (LSB first). - 263 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG UART Interrupt Enable Register (UART_IER) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_IER 0x04 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 0 nDBGACK_EN MSIE RLSIE THREIE RDAIE Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 RESERVED BITS [31:5] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved ICE debug mode acknowledge enable 0 = When DBGACK is high, the UART receiver time-out clock will be held 1 = No matter what DBGACK is high or not, the UART receiver timer-out clock will not be held [4] nDBGACK_EN [3] MSIE MODEM Status Interrupt (Irpt_MOS) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_MOS 1 = Enable Irpt_MOS [2] RLSIE Receive Line Status Interrupt (Irpt_RLS) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_RLS 1 = Enable Irpt_RLS [1] [0] THREIE Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt (Irpt_THRE) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_THRE 1 = Enable Irpt_THRE RDAIE Receive Data Available Interrupt (Irpt_RDA) Enable and Time-out Interrupt (Irpt_TOUT) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_RDA and Irpt_TOUT 1 = Enable Irpt_RDA and Irpt_TOUT - 264 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG UART Divider Latch (Low Byte) Register (UART_DLL) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_DLL 0x00 R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Baud Rate Divider (Low Byte) BITS [7:0] DESCRIPTIONS The low byte of the baud rate divider Baud Rate Divider (Low Byte) UART Divisor Latch (High Byte) Register (UART_DLM) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_DLM 0x04 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Baud Rate Divider (High Byte) - 265 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS The high byte of the baud rate divider Baud Rate Divider (High Byte) [7:0] This 16-bit divider {DLM, DLL} is used to determine the baud rate as follows Baud Rate = Crystal Clock / {16 * [Divisor + 2]} Note: This definition is different from 16550 UART Interrupt Identification Register (UART_IIR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_IIR 0x08 R 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Interrupt Identification Register 29 28 0x8181_8181 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 FMES 5 RFTLS BITS 4 DMS IID NIP DESCRIPTIONS [7] FMES FIFO Mode Enable Status This bit indicates whether the FIFO mode is enabled or not. Since the FIFO mode is always enabling, this bit always shows the logical 1 when CPU is reading this register. [6:5] RFTLS RX FIFO Threshold Level Status These bits show the current setting of receiver FIFO threshold level (RTHO). The meaning of RTHO is defined in the following FCR description. [4] DMS DMA Mode Select The DMA function is not implemented in this version. When reading IIR, the DMS is always returned 0. [3:1] IID Interrupt Identification The IID together with NIP indicates the current interrupt request from UART [0] NIP No Interrupt Pending There is no pending interrupt. - 266 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.10.6 Interrupt Control Functions IIR [3:0] PRIORITY INTERRUPT TYPE INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT RESET CONTROL ---1 -- None None -- 0110 Highest Receiver Line Status (Irpt_RLS) Overrun error, parity error, framing error, or break interrupt Reading the LSR 0100 Second Received Data Available (Irpt_RDA) Receiver FIFO level is reached Receiver FIFO drops below the threshold level Second Receiver FIFO Time-out (Irpt_TOUT) Receiver FIFO is non-empty and no activities are occurred in the receiver FIFO during the TOR defined time duration Reading the RBR Third Transmitter Holing Register Empty (Irpt_THRE) Transmitter holding register empty Reading the IIR (if source of interrupt is Irpt_THRE) or writing into the THR Fourth MODEM Status (Irpt_MOS) The CTS, DSR, or DCD bits are changing state or the RI Reading the MSR bit is changing from high to (optional) low. 1100 0010 0000 threshold Note: These definitions of bit 7, bit 6, bit 5, and bit 4 are different from the 16550 UART FIFO Control Register (UART_FCR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_FCR 0x08 W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE FIFO Control Register 29 28 Undefined 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 DMS TFR RFR FME Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 RFITL 5 4 RESERVED - 267 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS RX FIFO Interrupt (Irpt_RDA) Trigger Level [7:6] RFITL [7:6] Irpt_RDA Trigger Level (Bytes) 00 01 01 04 10 08 11 14 RFITL [3] [2] [1] [0] DMS DMA Mode Select The DMA function is not implemented in this version. TFR TX FIFO Reset Setting this bit will generate an OSC cycle reset pulse to reset TX FIFO. The TX FIFO becomes empty (TX pointer is reset to 0) after such reset. This bit is returned to 0 automatically after the reset pulse is generated. RFR RX FIFO Reset Setting this bit will generate an OSC cycle reset pulse to reset RX FIFO. The RX FIFO becomes empty (RX pointer is reset to 0) after such reset. This bit is returned to 0 automatically after the reset pulse is generated. FME FIFO Mode Enable Because UART is always operating in the FIFO mode, writing this bit has no effect while reading always gets logical one. This bit must be 1 when other FCR bits are written to; otherwise, they will not be programmed. UART Line Control Register (UART_LCR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_LCR 0x0C R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Line Control Register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 DLAB BCB SPE EPE PBE NSB - 268 - WLS W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS Divider Latch Access Bit [7] DLAB 0 = It is used to access RBR, THR or IER. 1 = It is used to access Divisor Latch Registers {DLL, DLM} Break Control Bit [6] BCB When this bit is set to logic 1, the serial data output (SOUT) is forced to the Spacing State (logic 0). This bit acts only on SOUT and has no effect on the transmitter logic. Stick Parity Enable 0 = Disable stick parity [5] SPE 1 = Parity bit is transmitted and checked as a logic 1 if bit 4 is 0 (odd parity), or as a logic 0 if bit 4 is 1 (even parity). This bit has effect only when bit 3 (parity bit enable) is set. Even Parity Enable [4] EPE 0 = Odd number of logic 1's are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity bits. 1 = Even number of logic 1's are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity bits. This bit has effect only when bit 3 (parity bit enable) is set. Parity Bit Enable [3] PBE 0 = Parity bit is not generated (transmit data) or checked (receive data) during transfer. 1 = Parity bit is generated or checked between the "last data word bit" and "stop bit" of the serial data. Number of "STOP bit" 0= One " STOP bit" is generated in the transmitted data [2] NSB 1= One and a half " STOP bit" is generated in the transmitted data when 5-bit word length is selected; Two " STOP bit" is generated when 6-, 7- and 8-bit word length is selected. Word Length Select [1:0] WLS WLS[1:0] Character length 00 5 bits 01 6 bits 10 7 bits 11 8 bits - 269 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG UART Modem Control Register (UART_MCR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_MCR 0x10 R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Modem Control Register (Optional) 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved BITS [31:5] 4 3 2 1 0 LBME Reserve Reserve Reserved DTR# DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - Loop-back Mode Enable 0 = Disable [4] LBME 1 = When the loop-back mode is enabled, the following signals are connected internally SOUT connected to SIN and SOUT pin fixed at logic 1 DTR# connected to DSR# and DTR# pin fixed at logic 1 [3:1] Reserved Complement version of DTR# (Data-Terminal-Ready) signal [0] DTR Writing 0x00 to MCR, the DTR# bit are set to logic 1's; Writing 0x0f to MCR, the DTR# bit are reset to logic 0's. UART Line Status Control Register (UART_LSR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_LSR 0x14 R DESCRIPTION Line Status Register - 270 - RESET VALUE 0x6060_6060 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ERR_RX TE THRE BII FEI PEI OEI RFDR BITS [31:8] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved - RX FIFO Error 0 = RX FIFO works normally [7] ERR_RX 1 = There is at least one parity error (PE), framing error (FE), or break indication (BI) in the FIFO. ERR_RX is cleared when CPU reads the LSR and if there are no subsequent errors in the RX FIFO. Transmitter Empty [6] TE 0 = Either Transmitter Holding Register (THR - TX FIFO) or Transmitter Shift Register (TSR) are not empty. 1 = Both THR and TSR are empty. Transmitter Holding Register Empty 0 = THR is not empty. 1 = THR is empty. [5] THRE THRE is set when the last data word of TX FIFO is transferred to Transmitter Shift Register (TSR). The CPU resets this bit when the THR (or TX FIFO) is loaded. This bit also causes the UART to issue an interrupt (Irpt_THRE) to the CPU when IER [1]=1. Break Interrupt Indicator [4] BII This bit is set to a logic 1 whenever the received data input is held in the "spacing state" (logic 0) for longer than a full word transmission time (that is, the total time of "start bit" + data bits + parity + stop bits) and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. Framing Error Indicator [3] FEI This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "stop bit" (that is, the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as a logic 0), and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. - 271 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS Parity Error Indicator [2] This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "parity bit", and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. PEI Overrun Error Indicator [1] An overrun error will occur only after the RX FIFO is full and the next character has been completely received in the shift register. The character in the shift register is overwritten, but it is not transferred to the RX FIFO. OE is indicated to the CPU as soon as it happens and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. OEI RX FIFO Data Ready [0] 0 = RX FIFO is empty RFDR 1 = RX FIFO contains at least 1 received data word. LSR [4:2] (BII, FEI, PEI) are revealed to the CPU when its associated character is at the top of the RX FIFO. These three error indicators are reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. LSR [4:1] (BII, FEI, PEI, OEI) are the error conditions that produce a "receiver line status interrupt" (Irpt_RLS) when IER [2]=1. Reading LSR clears Irpt_RLS. Writing LSR is a null operation (not suggested) UART Modem Status Register (UART_MSR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_MSR 0x18 R 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 MODEM Status Register (Optional) 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved DSR# Reserved Reserved Reserved DDSR Reserved - 272 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved [5] DSR# [4:2] Reserved [1] DDSR [0] Reserved - Complement version of data set ready (DSR#) input (This bit is selected by IP) DSR# State Change (This bit is selected by IP) This bit is set whenever DSR# input has changed state, and it will be reset if the CPU reads the MSR. - Whenever any of MSR [3:0] is set to logic 1, a Modem Status Interrupt is generated if IER[3]=1. Writing MSR is a null operation (not suggested). UART Time Out Register (UART_TOR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W UART_TOR 0x1C R/W 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Time Out Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 TOIE TOIC BITS DESCRIPTIONS - [31:8] Reserved [7] TOIE Time Out Interrupt Enable The feature of receiver time out interrupt is enabled when TOR [7] = IER[0] = 1. TOIC Time Out Interrupt Comparator The time out counter resets and starts counting (the counting clock = baud rate) whenever the RX FIFO receives a new data word. Once the content of time out counter (TOUT_CNT) is equal to that of time out interrupt comparator (TOIC), a receiver time out interrupt (Irpt_TOUT) is generated if TOR [7] = IER [0] = 1. A new incoming data word or RX FIFO empty clears Irpt_TOUT. [6:0] - 273 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.10.6 High speed UART Controller The High Speed Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (HS_UART) performs a serial-toparallel conversion on data characters received from the peripheral, and a parallel-to-serial conversion on data characters received from the CPU. There are five types of interrupts, they are, transmitter FIFO empty interrupt, receiver threshold level reaching interrupt, line status interrupt (overrun error or parity error or framing error or break interrupt) ,time out interrupt, and Modem status interrupt . One 64-byte transmitter FIFO (TX_FIFO) and one 64-byte (plus 3-bit of error data per byte) receiver FIFO (RX_FIFO) has been built in to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the CPU. The CPU can completely read the status of the UART at any time during the operation. The reported status information includes the type and condition of the transfer operations being performed by the UART, as well as any error conditions (parity, overrun, framing, or break interrupt) found. The UART includes a programmable baud rate generator that is capable of dividing crystal clock input by divisors to produce the clock that transmitter and receiver needed. The equation is Baud Out = crystal clock / 16 * [Divisor + 2]. The UART includes the following features: y Transmitter and receiver are buffered with a 64-byte FIFO each to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the CPU. y Subset of MODEM control function(selected by IP) y Fully programmable serial-interface characteristics: 3/4 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-bit character 3/4 Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and detection 3/4 1-, 1&1/2, or 2-stop bit generation 3/4 Baud rate generation y False start bit detection y Full-prioritized interrupt system controls y Not support Loop back mode High Speed UART Control Registers Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write, C: Only value 0 can be written REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION HSUART_RBR 0x00 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined HSUART_THR 0x00 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined HSUART_IER 0x04 R/W Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 HSUART_DLL 0x00 R/W Divisor Latch Register (LS)(DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 HSUART_DLM 0x04 R/W Divisor Latch Register (MS)(DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 - 274 - RESET VALUE W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_IIR 0x08 R Interrupt Identification Register 0x8181_8181 HSUART_FCR 0x08 W FIFO Control Register HSUART_LCR 0x0C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 HSUART_MCR 0x10 R/W Modem Control Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 HSUART_LSR 0x14 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 HSUART_MSR 0x18 R MODEM Status Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 HSUART_TOR 0x1C Undefined 0x0000_0000 R/W Time Out Register Note: Real register address = 0xFFF8_0000+ (UART number - 1) * (0x0100) + offset NOTE: All of these registers are implemented 8-bit in UART design and it will be repeated 4 times before send to APB bus. For example, when ARM CPU read register UART1_BRR, ARM CPU will get UART1_RBR = {RBR[7:0], _RBR[7:0], RBR[7:0], RBR[7:0]}. HSUART Receive Buffer Register (HSUART_RBR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W HSUART_RBR 0x00 31 30 R 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 8-bit Received Data BITS [7:0] DESCRIPTIONS 8-bit Received Data By reading this register, the UART will return an 8-bit data received from SIN pin (LSB first). - 275 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG HSUART Transmit Holding Register (HSUART_THR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_THR 0x00 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 8-bit Transmitted Data BITS DESCRIPTIONS [7:0] By writing to this register, the UART will send out an 8-bit data through the SOUT pin (LSB first). 8-bit Transmitted Data HSUART Interrupt Enable Register (HSUART_IER) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_IER 0x04 R/W Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 0 nDBGACK_EN MSIE RLSIE THREIE RDAIE Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 RESERVED 5 - 276 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:5] Reserved ICE debug mode acknowledge enable 0 = When DBGACK is high, the UART receiver time-out clock will be held 1 = No matter what DBGACK is high or not, the UART receiver timerout clock will not be held [4] nDBGACK_EN [3] MSIE MODEM Status Interrupt (Irpt_MOS) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_MOS 1 = Enable Irpt_MOS [2] RLSIE Receive Line Status Interrupt (Irpt_RLS) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_RLS 1 = Enable Irpt_RLS [1] THREIE Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt (Irpt_THRE) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_THRE 1 = Enable Irpt_THRE RDAIE Receive Data Available Interrupt (Irpt_RDA) Enable and Time-out Interrupt (Irpt_TOUT) Enable 0 = Mask off Irpt_RDA and Irpt_TOUT 1 = Enable Irpt_RDA and Irpt_TOUT [0] HSUART Divider Latch (Low Byte) Register (HSUART_DLL) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_DLL 0x00 R/W Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Baud Rate Divider (Low Byte) - 277 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved - [7:0] Baud Rate Divisor (Low Byte) The low byte of the baud rate divider HSUART Divisor Latch (High Byte) Register (HSUART_DLM) REGISTER OFFSET HSUART_DLM 0x04 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Baud Rate Divider (High Byte) BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved [7:0] Baud Rate Divisor (High Byte) The high byte of the baud rate divider This 16-bit divider {DLM, DLL} is used to determine the baud rate as follows Baud Rate = Crystal Clock / {16 * [Divisor + 2]} HSUART Interrupt Identification Register (HSUART_IIR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_IIR 0x08 R Interrupt Identification Register 0x8181_8181 - 278 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 FMES 5 RFTLS 4 DMS BITS [31:8] IID NIP DESCRIPTIONS Reserved FIFO Mode Enable Status [7] FMES This bit indicates whether the FIFO mode is enabled or not. Since the FIFO mode is always enable, this bit always shows the logical 1 when CPU is reading this register. RX FIFO Threshold Level Status [6:5] RFTLS These bits show the current setting of receiver FIFO threshold level (RTHO). The meaning of RTHO is defined in the following FCR description. DMA Mode Select [4] DMS [3:1] IID [0] NIP The DMA function is not implemented in this version. When reading IIR, the DMS is always returned 0. Interrupt Identification The IID together with NIP indicates the current interrupt request from UART. No Interrupt Pending There is no pending interrupt. - 279 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Interrupt Control Functions INTERRUPT RESET CONTROL IIR [3:0] PRIORITY INTERRUPT TYPE INTERRUPT SOURCE ---1 -- None 0110 Highest Receiver Line Status (Irpt_RLS) None Overrun error, parity error, framing error, or break interrupt 0100 Second Received Data Available (Irpt_RDA) Receiver FIFO threshold level is reached Receiver FIFO drops below the threshold level Second Receiver FIFO Timeout (Irpt_TOUT) Receiver FIFO is nonempty and no activities are occurred in the receiver FIFO during the TOR defined time duration Reading the RBR 0010 Third Transmitter Holing Register Empty (Irpt_THRE) Transmitter register empty Reading the IIR (if source of interrupt is Irpt_THRE) or writing into the THR 0000 Fourth MODEM Status (Irpt_MOS) 1100 holding -Reading the LSR The CTS bits are changing Reading the MSR state . (optional) Note: These definitions of bit 7, bit 6, bit 5, and bit 4 are different from the 16550. HSUART FIFO Control Register (HSUART_FCR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_FCR 0x08 W FIFO Control Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 DMS TFR RFR FME Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 RFITL - 280 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:8] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved RX FIFO Interrupt (Irpt_RDA) Trigger Level [7:4] RFITL RFITL Irpt_RDA Trigger Level (Bytes) 0000 01 0001 04 0010 08 0011 14 0100 30 0101 46 0110 62 others 62 DMA Mode Select [3] DMS The DMA function is not implemented in this version. TX FIFO Reset [2] TFR Setting this bit will generate an OSC cycle reset pulse to reset TX FIFO. The TX FIFO becomes empty (TX pointer is reset to 0) after such reset. This bit is returned to 0 automatically after the reset pulse is generated. RX FIFO Reset [1] RFR Setting this bit will generate an OSC cycle reset pulse to reset RX FIFO. The RX FIFO becomes empty (RX pointer is reset to 0) after such reset. This bit is returned to 0 automatically after the reset pulse is generated. FIFO Mode Enable [0] FME Because UART is always operating in the FIFO mode, writing this bit has no effect while reading always gets logical one. This bit must be 1 when other FCR bits are written to; otherwise, they will not be programmed. - 281 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG HSUART Line Control Register (HSUART_LCR) REGISTER OFFSET HSUART_LCR 0x0C R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W Line Control Register BITS 0x0000_0000 DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved [7] DLAB [6] BCB [5] SPE [4] EPE [3] PBE [2] NSB Divider Latch Access Bit 0 = It is used to access RBR, THR or IER. 1 = It is used to access Divisor Latch Registers {DLL, DLM}. Break Control Bit When this bit is set to logic 1, the serial data output (SOUT) is forced to the Spacing State (logic 0). This bit acts only on SOUT and has no effect on the transmitter logic. Stick Parity Enable 0 = Disable stick parity 1 = Parity bit is transmitted and checked as a logic 1 if bit 4 is 0 (odd parity), or as a logic 0 if bit 4 is 1 (even parity). This bit has effect only when bit 3 (parity bit enable) is set. Even Parity Enable 0 = Odd number of logic 1's are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity bits. 1 = Even number of logic 1's are transmitted or checked in the data word and parity bits. This bit has effect only when bit 3 (parity bit enable) is set. Parity Bit Enable 0 = Parity bit is not generated (transmit data) or checked (receive data) during transfer. 1 = Parity bit is generated or checked between the "last data word bit" and "stop bit" of the serial data. Number of "STOP bit" 0= One " STOP bit" is generated in the transmitted data 1= One and a half " STOP bit" is generated in the transmitted data when 5-bit word length is selected; Two " STOP bit" is generated when 6-, 7- and 8-bit word length is selected. Word Length Select WLS[1:0] [1:0] WLS Character length 00 5 bits 01 10 6 bits 11 8 bits - 282 - 7 bits W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 DLAB BCB SPE EPE PBE NSB WLS HSUART Modem Control Register (HSUART_MCR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_MCR 0x10 R/W Modem Control Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RTS Reserved Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved LBME BITS [31:5] 4 Reserved DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Loop-back Mode Enable 0 = Disable [4] LBME 1 = When the loop-back mode is enabled, the following signals are connected internally: SOUT connected to SIN and SOUT pin fixed at logic 1 RTS# connected to CTS# and RTS# pin fixed at logic 1 - 283 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS [3:2] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Complement version of RTS# (Request-To-Send) signal [1] Writing 0x00 to MCR, RTS# bit are set to logic 1's; RTS# Writing 0x0f to MCR, RTS# bit are reset to logic 0's. [0] Reserved - HSUART Line Status Control Register (HSUART_LSR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_LSR 0x14 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ERR_RX TE THRE BII FEI PEI OEI RFDR BITS [31:8] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved RX FIFO Error 0 = RX FIFO works normally [7] ERR_RX 1 = There is at least one parity error (PE), framing error (FE), or break indication (BI) in the FIFO. ERR_RX is cleared when CPU reads the LSR and if there are no subsequent errors in the RX FIFO. Transmitter Empty [6] TE 0 = Either Transmitter Holding Register (THR - TX FIFO) or Transmitter Shift Register (TSR) are not empty. 1 = Both THR and TSR are empty. - 284 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. BITS DESCRIPTIONS Transmitter Holding Register Empty 0 = THR is not empty. [5] THRE 1 = THR is empty. THRE is set when the last data word of TX FIFO is transferred to Transmitter Shift Register (TSR). The CPU resets this bit when the THR (or TX FIFO) is loaded. This bit also causes the UART to issue an interrupt (Irpt_THRE) to the CPU when IER [1]=1. Break Interrupt Indicator [4] BII This bit is set to a logic 1 whenever the received data input is held in the "spacing state" (logic 0) for longer than a full word transmission time (that is, the total time of "start bit" + data bits + parity + stop bits) and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. Framing Error Indicator [3] FEI This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "stop bit" (that is, the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as a logic 0), and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. Parity Error Indicator [2] PEI This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid "parity bit", and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. Overrun Error Indicator [1] OEI An overrun error will occur only after the RX FIFO is full and the next character has been completely received in the shift register. The character in the shift register is overwritten, but it is not transferred to the RX FIFO. OE is indicated to the CPU as soon as it happens and is reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. RX FIFO Data Ready [0] RFDR 0 = RX FIFO is empty 1 = RX FIFO contains at least 1 received data word. LSR [4:2] (BII, FEI, PEI) are revealed to the CPU when its associated character is at the top of the RX FIFO. These three error indicators are reset whenever the CPU reads the contents of the LSR. LSR [4:1] (BII, FEI, PEI, OEI) are the error conditions that produce a "receiver line status interrupt" (Irpt_RLS) when IER [2]=1. Reading LSR clears Irpt_RLS. Writing LSR is a null operation (not suggested). - 285 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG HSUART Modem Status Register (HSUART_MSR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_MSR 0x18 R MODEM Status Register (Optional) 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved CTS# BITS Reserved DCTS DESCRIPTIONS [31:5] Reserved [4] CTS# [3:1] Reserved [0] 4 DCTS Complement version of clear to send (CTS#) input (This bit is selected by IP) CTS# State Change (This bit is selected by IP) This bit is set whenever CTS# input has changed state, and it will be reset if the CPU reads the MSR. Whenever any of MSR [0] is set to logic 1, a Modem Status Interrupt is generated if IER[3]=1. Writing MSR is a null operation (not suggested). - 286 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG HSUART Time Out Register (HSUART_TOR) REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE HSUART_TOR 0x1C R/W Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 TOIE TOIC BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved [7] TOIE Time Out Interrupt Enable The feature of receiver time out interrupt is enabled only when TOR [7] = IER[0] = 1. Time Out Interrupt Comparator [6:0] TOIC The time out counter resets and starts counting (the counting clock = baud rate) whenever the RX FIFO receives a new data word. Once the content of time out counter (TOUT_CNT) is equal to that of time out interrupt comparator (TOIC), a receiver time out interrupt (Irpt_TOUT) is generated if TOR [7] = IER [0] = 1. A new incoming data word or RX FIFO empty clears Irpt_TOUT. - 287 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.11 Timer/Watchdog Controller 6.11.1 General Timer Controller The timer module includes two channels, TIMER0 and TIMER1, which allow you to easily implement a counting scheme for use. The timer can perform functions like frequency measurement, event counting, interval measurement, clock generation, delay timing, and so on. The timer possesses features such as adjustable resolution, programmable counting period, and detailed information. The timer can generate an interrupt signal upon timeout, or provide the current value of count during operation. The general TIMER Controller includes the following features y AMBA APB interface compatible y Two channels with a 8-bit presale counter/24-bit down counter and an interrupt request each y Independent clock source for each channel y Maximum uninterrupted time = (1 / 25 MHz) * (256) * (2^24), if TCLK = 25 MHz 6.11.2 Watchdog Timer 6.11.3 Timer Control Registers Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write REGISTER ADDRESS R/W/C DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE TCSR0 0xFFF8_1000 R/W Timer Control and Status Register 0 0x0000_0005 TCSR1 0xFFF8_1004 R/W Timer Control and Status Register 1 0x0000_0005 TICR0 0xFFF8_1008 R/W Timer Initial Control Register 0 0x0000_0000 TICR1 0xFFF8_100C R/W Timer Initial Control Register 1 0x0000_0000 TDR0 0xFFF8_1010 R Timer Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 TDR1 0xFFF8_1014 R Timer Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 TISR 0xFFF8_1018 R/W Timer Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 WTCR 0xFFF8_101C R/W Watchdog Timer Control Register 0x0000_0400 Timer Control Register 0/1 (TCSR 0/1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION TCSR0 0xFFF8_1000 R/W Timer Control and Status Register 0 0x0000_0005 TCSR1 0xFFF8_1004 R/W Timer Control and Status Register 1 0x0000_0005 - 288 - RESET VALUE W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 nDBGACK_EN CEN IE 23 22 21 28 27 26 25 24 CRST CACT Reserved 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 MODE[1:0] 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 PRESCALE[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS ICE debug mode acknowledge enable [31] nDBGACK_EN 0 = When DBGACK is high, the TIMER counter will be held 1 = No matter DBGACK is high or not, the TIMER counter will not be held Counter Enable [30] CEN 0 = Stops/Suspends counting 1 = Starts counting Interrupt Enable 0 = Disable TIMER Interrupt. [29] IE 1 = Enable TIMER Interrupt. If timer interrupt is enabled, the timer asserts its interrupt signal when the associated counter decrements to zero. Timer Operating Mode MODE [28:27] MODE Timer Operating Mode 00 The timer is operating in the one-shot mode. The associated interrupt signal is generated once (if IE is enabled) and CEN is automatically cleared then. 01 The timer is operating in the periodic mode. The associated interrupt signal is generated periodically (if IE is enabled). 10 The timer is operating in the toggle mode. The interrupt signal is generated periodically (if IE is enabled). And the associated signal (tout) is changing back and forth with 50% duty cycle. 11 Reserved. - 289 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS Counter Reset Set this bit will reset the TIMER counter, and also force CEN to 0. [26] CRST 0 = No effect. 1 = Reset Timer's prescale counter, internal 24-bit counter and CEN. Timer is in Active [25] CACT This bit indicates the counter status of timer. 0 = Timer is not active. 1 = Timer is in active. [24:8] Reserved Reserved Prescale [7:0] PRESCALE Clock input is divided by PRESCALE+1 before it is fed to the counter. If PRESCALE=0, then there is no scaling. Timer Initial Count Register 0/1 (TICR0/1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W TICR0 0xFFF8_1008 R/W Timer Initial Control Register 0 0x0000_0000 TICR1 0xFFF8_100C R/W Timer Initial Control Register 1 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 TIC [23:16] 15 14 13 12 TIC [15:8] 7 6 5 4 TIC [7:0] - 290 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:24] [23:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved TIC Reserved Timer Initial Count This is a 24-bit value representing the initial count. Timer will reload this value whenever the counter is decremented to zero. NOTE1: Never write 0x0 in TIC, or the core will run into unknown state. NOTE2: No matter CEN is 0 or 1, whenever software write a new value into this register, TIMER will restart counting using this new value and abort previous count. Timer Data Register 0/1 (TDR0/1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W TDR0 0xFFF8_10010 R Timer Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 TDR1 0xFFF8_10014 R Timer Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 31 30 DESCRIPTION 29 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 TDR [23:16] 15 14 13 12 11 TDR [15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 TDR [7:0] BITS [31:24] [23:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved TDR Reserved Timer Data Register The current count is registered in this 24-bit value. NOTE: Software can read a correct current value on this register only when CEN = 0, or the value represents here could not be a correct one. - 291 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG - 292 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Timer Interrupt Status Register (TISR) REGISTER TISR 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_1018 R/W 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Timer Interrupt Status Register 29 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 TIF1 TIF0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved BITS DESCRIPTIONS Timer Interrupt Flag 1 This bit indicates the interrupt status of Timer channel 1. [1] TIF1 0 = It indicates that the Timer 1 dose not countdown to zero yet. 1 = It indicates that the counter of Timer 1 has decremented to zero. The interrupt flag is set if it was enable. NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. Timer Interrupt Flag 0 This bit indicates the interrupt status of Timer channel 0. [0] TIF0 0 = It indicates that the Timer 0 dose not countdown to zero yet. 1 = It indicates that the counter of Timer 0 has decremented to zero. The interrupt flag is set if it was enable. NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W WTCR 0xFFF8_101C R/W DESCRIPTION Watchdog Timer Control Register - 293 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0400 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 WTE WTIE 5 4 WTIS BITS [31:11] WTCLK nDBGACK_EN WTTME 3 2 1 0 WTIF WTRF WTRE WTR DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved Watchdog Timer Clock [10] This bit is used for deciding whether the Watchdog timer clock input is divided by 256 or not. Clock source of Watchdog timer is Crystal input. WTCLK 0 = Using original clock input 1 = The clock input will be divided by 256 NOTE: When WTTME = 1, set this bit has no effect on WDT clock (using original clock input). ICE debug mode acknowledge enable [9] nDBGACK_EN 0 = When DBGACK is high, the Watchdog timer counter will be held 1 = No matter DBGACK is high or not, the Watchdog timer counter will not be held Watchdog Timer Test Mode Enable [8] WTTME For reasons of efficiency, the 26-bit counter within the Watchdog timer is considered as two independent 13-bit counters in the test mode. They are operated concurrently and separately during the test. This approach can save a lot of time spent in the test. When the 13bit counter overflows, a Watchdog timer interrupt is generated. 0 = Put the Watchdog timer in normal operating mode 1 = Put the Watchdog timer in test mode Watchdog Timer Enable [7] WTE 0 = Disable the Watchdog timer (This action will reset the internal counter) 1 = Enable the Watchdog timer - 294 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS Watchdog Timer Interrupt Enable [6] WTIE 0 = Disable the Watchdog timer interrupt 1 = Enable the Watchdog timer interrupt Watchdog Timer Interval Select These two bits select the interval for the Watchdog timer. No matter which interval is chosen, the reset timeout is always occurred 512 WDT clock cycles later than the interrupt timeout. [5:4] WTIS WTIS Interrupt Timeout Reset Timeout Real Time Interval (CLK=15MHz/256) 00 214 clocks 214 + 1024 clocks 0.28 sec. 01 216 clocks 216 + 1024 clocks 1.12 sec. 10 218 clocks 218 + 1024 clocks 4.47 sec. 11 220 clocks 220 + 1024 clocks 17.9 sec. Watchdog Timer Interrupt Flag [3] WTIF If the Watchdog timer interrupt is enabled, then the hardware will set this bit to indicate that the Watchdog timer interrupt has occurred. If the Watchdog timer interrupt is not enabled, then this bit indicates that a timeout period has elapsed. 0 = Watchdog timer interrupt does not occur 1 = Watchdog timer interrupt occurs NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. Watchdog Timer Reset Flag [2] WTRF When the Watchdog timer initiates a reset, the hardware will set this bit. This flag can be read by software to determine the source of reset. Software is responsible to clear it up manually. If WTRE is disabled, then the Watchdog timer has no effect on this bit. 0 = Watchdog timer reset does not occur 1 = Watchdog timer reset occurs NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. - 295 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS Watchdog Timer Reset Enable [1] WTRE Setting this bit will enable the Watchdog timer reset function. 0 = Disable Watchdog timer reset function 1 = Enable Watchdog timer reset function Watchdog Timer Reset [0] WTR This bit brings the Watchdog timer into a known state. It helps reset the Watchdog timer before a timeout situation occurring. Failing to set WTR before timeout will initiates an interrupt if WTIE is set. If the WTRE bit is set, Watchdog timer reset will be occurred 512 WDT clock cycles after timeout. This bit is self-clearing. 0 = No operation 1 = Reset the contents of the Watchdog timer - 296 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.12 Advanced Interrupt Controller An interrupt temporarily changes the sequence of program execution to react to a particular event such as power failure, watchdog timer timeout, transmit/receive request from Ethernet MAC Controller, and so on. The ARM7TDMI processor provides two modes of interrupt, the Fast Interrupt (FIQ) mode for critical session and the Interrupt (IRQ) mode for general purpose. The IRQ exception is occurred when the nIRQ input is asserted. Similarly, the FIQ exception is occurred when the nFIQ input is asserted. The FIQ has privilege over the IRQ and can preempt an ongoing IRQ. It is possible to ignore the FIQ and the IRQ by setting the F and I bits in the current program status register (CPSR). The W90N745 incorporates the advanced interrupt controller (AIC) that is capable of dealing with the interrupt requests from a total of 32 different sources. Currently, 31 interrupt sources are defined. Each interrupt source is uniquely assigned to an interrupt channel. For example, the watchdog timer interrupt is assigned to channel 1. The AIC implements a proprietary eight-level priority scheme that differentiates the available 31 interrupt sources into eight priority levels. Interrupt sources within the priority level 0 have the highest priority and the priority level 7 has the lowest. To work this scheme properly, you must specify a certain priority level to each interrupt source during power-on initialization; otherwise, the system shall behave unexpectedly. Within each priority level, interrupt source that is positioned in a lower channel has a higher priority. Interrupt source that is active, enabled, and positioned in the lowest channel within the priority level 0 is promoted to the FIQ. Interrupt sources within the priority levels other than 0 can petition for the IRQ. The IRQ can be preempted by the occurrence of the FIQ. Interrupt nesting is performed automatically by the AIC. Though interrupt sources originated from the W90N745 itself are intrinsically high-level sensitive, the AIC can be configured as either low-level sensitive, high-level sensitive, negative-edge triggered, or positive-edge triggered to each interrupt source. When the W90N745 is put in the test mode, all interrupt sources must be configured as positive-edge triggered. The advanced interrupt controller includes the following features: y AMBA APB bus interface y External interrupts can be programmed as either edge-triggered or level-sensitive y External interrupts can be programmed as either low-active or high-active y Has flags to reflect the status of each interrupt source y Individual mask for each interrupt source y Proprietary 8-level interrupt scheme to ease the burden from the interrupt y Priority methodology is adopted to allow for interrupt daisy-chaining y Automatically masking out the lower priority interrupt during interrupt nesting y Automatically clearing the interrupt flag when the external interrupt source is programmed to be edge-triggered - 297 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.12.1 Interrupt Sources Table 6.12.1 W90N745 Interrupt Sources PRIORITY 1 (Highest) NAME MODE SOURCE WDT_INT Positive Level Watch Dog Timer Interrupt 2 nIRQ0 Programmable External Interrupt 0 3 nIRQ1 Programmable External Interrupt 1 4 Reserved - - 5 Reserved - - 6 AC97_INT Positive Level AC97 Interrupt 7 Reserved - - 8 Reserved - - 9 UART_INT0 Positive Level UART Interrupt0 10 UART_INT1 Positive Level UART Interrupt1 11 UART_INT2 Positive Level UART Interrupt2 12 UART_INT3 Positive Level UART Interrupt3 13 T_INT0 Positive Level Timer Interrupt 0 14 T_INT1 Positive Level Timer Interrupt 1 15 USBH_INT0 Positive Level USB Host Interrupt 0 16 USBH_INT1 Positive Level USB Host Interrupt 1 17 EMCTX_INT Positive Level EMC TX Interrupt 18 EMCRX_INT Positive Level EMC RX Interrupt 19 GDMA_INT0 Positive Level GDMA Channel Interrupt 0 20 GDMA_INT1 Positive Level GDMA Channel Interrupt 1 21 Reserved - - 22 USBD_INT Positive Level USB Device Interrupt 23 Reserved - - 24 Reserved - - 2 25 I C_INT0 Positive Level I2C Interrupt0 26 I2C_INT1 Positive Level I2C Interrupt1 27 SSP_INT Positive Level SSP Interrupt 28 PWM _INT Positive Level PWM Timer interrupt 29 KPI_INT Positive Level Keypad Interrupt 30 PS2_INT Positive Level PS2 Interrupt 31 nIRQ2/3_INT Positive Level GPIO0 & GPIO30 Interrupt - 298 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Functional Description Hardware Interrupt Vectoring The hardware interrupt vectoring can be used to shorten the interrupt latency. If not used, priority determination must be carried out by software. When the Interrupt Priority Encoding Register (AIC_IPER) is read, it will return an integer representing the channel that is active and having the highest priority. This integer is equivalent to multiplied by 4 (shifted left two bits to word-align it) such that it may be used directly to index into a branch table to select the appropriate interrupt service routine vector. Priority Controller An 8-level priority encoder controls the nIRQ line. Each interrupt source belongs to priority group between of 0 to 7. Group 0 has the highest priority and group 7 the lowest. When more than one unmasked interrupt channels are active at a time, the interrupt with the highest priority is serviced first. If all active interrupts have equal priority, the interrupt with the lowest interrupt source number is serviced first. The current priority level is defined as the priority level of the interrupt with the highest priority at the time the register AIC_IPER is read. In the case when a higher priority unmasked interrupt occurs while an interrupt already exits, there are two possible outcomes depending on whether the AIC_IPER has been read. If the processor has already read the AIC_IPER and caused the nIRQ line to be de-asserted, then the nIRQ line is reasserted. When the processor has enabled nested interrupts and reads the AIC_IPER again, it reads the new, higher priority interrupt vector. At the same time, the current priority level is updated to the higher priority. If the AIC_IPER has not been read after the nIRQ line has been asserted, then the processor will read the new higher priority interrupt vector in the AIC_IPER register and the current priority level is updated. When the End of Service Command Register (AIC_EOSCR) is written, the current interrupt level is updated with the last stored interrupt level from the stack (if any). Therefore, at the end of a higher priority interrupt, the AIC returns to the previous state corresponding to the preceding lower priority interrupt which had been interrupted. Interrupt Handling When the IRQ line is asserted, the interrupt handler must read the AIC_IPER as soon as possible. This can de-assert the nIRQ request to the processor and clears the interrupt if it is programmed to be edge triggered. This allows the AIC to assert the nIRQ line again when a higher priority unmasked interrupt occurs. The AIC_EOSCR (End of Service Command Register) must be written at the end of the interrupt service routine. This permits pending interrupts to be serviced. - 299 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Interrupt Masking Each interrupt source, including FIQ, can be enabled or disabled individually by using the command registers AIC_MECR and AIC_MDCR. The status of interrupt mask can be read in the read only register AIC_IMR. A disabled interrupt doesn't affect the servicing of other interrupts. Interrupt Clearing and Setting All interrupt sources (including FIQ) can be individually set or clear by respectively writing to the registers AIC_SSCR and AIC_SCCR when they are programmed to be edge triggered. This feature of the AIC is useful in auto-testing or software debugging. Fake Interrupt When the AIC asserts the nIRQ line, the processor enters interrupt mode and the interrupt handler reads the AIC_IPER, it may happen that AIC de-asserts the nIRQ line after the processor has taken into account the nIRQ assertion and before the read of the AIC_IPER. This behavior is called a fake interrupt. The AIC is able to detect these fake interrupts and returns all zero when AIC_IPER is read. The same mechanism of fake interrupt occurs if the processor reads the AIC_IPER (application software or ICE) when there is no interrupt pending. The current priority level is not updated in this situation. Hence, the AIC_EOSCR shouldn't be written. ICE/Debug Mode This mode allows reading of the AIC_IPER without performing the associated automatic operations. This is necessary when working with a debug system. When an ICE or debug monitor reads the AIC user interface, the AIC_IPER can be read. This has the following consequences in normal mode: y If there is no enabled pending interrupt, the fake vector will be returned. y If an enabled interrupt with a higher priority than the current one is pending, it will be stacked. In the second case, an End-of-Service command would be necessary to restore the state of the AIC. This operation is generally not performed by the debug system. Therefore, the debug system would become strongly intrusive, and could cause the application to enter an undesired state. This can be avoided by using ICE/Debug Mode. When this mode is enabled. The AIC performs interrupt stacking only when a write access is performed on the AIC_IPER. Hence, the interrupt service routine must write to the AIC_IPER (any value) just after reading it. When AIC_IPER is written, the new status of AIC, including the value of interrupt source number register (AIC_ISNR), is updated with the value that is kept at previous reading of AIC_IPER The debug system must not write to the AIC_IPER as this would cause undesirable effects. The following table shows the main steps of an interrupt and the order in which they are performed according to the mode: - 300 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG ACTION NORMAL MODE Calculate active interrupt ICE/DEBUG MODE Read AIC_IPER Read AIC_IPER Determine and return the vector of the active interrupt Read AIC_IPER Read AIC_IPER Push on internal stack the current priority level Read AIC_IPER Write AIC_IPER Acknowledge the interrupt (Note 1) Read AIC_IPER Write AIC_IPER No effect (Note 2) Read AIC_IPER Notes: y nIRQ de-assertion and automatic interrupt clearing if the source is programmed as level sensitive. y Note that software which has been written and debugged using this mode will run correctly in normal mode without modification. However, in normal mode writing to AIC_IPER has no effect and can be removed to optimize the code 6.12.2 AIC Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AIC_SCR1 0xFFF8_2004 R/W Source Control Register 1 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR2 0xFFF8_2008 R/W Source Control Register 2 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR3 0xFFF8_200C R/W Source Control Register 3 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR4 0xFFF8_2010 R/W Source Control Register 4 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR5 0xFFF8_2014 R/W Source Control Register 5 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR6 0xFFF8_2018 R/W Source Control Register 6 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR7 0xFFF8_201C R/W Source Control Register 7 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR8 0xFFF8_2020 R/W Source Control Register 8 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR9 0xFFF8_2024 R/W Source Control Register 9 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR10 0xFFF8_2028 R/W Source Control Register 10 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR11 0xFFF8_202C R/W Source Control Register 11 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR12 0xFFF8_2030 R/W Source Control Register 12 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR13 0xFFF8_2034 R/W Source Control Register 13 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR14 0xFFF8_2038 R/W Source Control Register 14 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR15 0xFFF8_203C R/W Source Control Register 15 0x0000_0047 - 301 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Registers Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AIC_SCR16 0xFFF8_2040 R/W Source Control Register 16 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR17 0xFFF8_2044 R/W Source Control Register 17 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR18 0xFFF8_2048 R/W Source Control Register 18 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR19 0xFFF8_204C R/W Source Control Register 19 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR20 0xFFF8_2050 R/W Source Control Register 20 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR21 0xFFF8_2054 R/W Source Control Register 21 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR22 0xFFF8_2058 R/W Source Control Register 22 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR23 0xFFF8_205C R/W Source Control Register 23 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR24 0xFFF8_2060 R/W Source Control Register 24 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR25 0xFFF8_2064 R/W Source Control Register 25 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR26 0xFFF8_2068 R/W Source Control Register 26 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR27 0xFFF8_206C R/W Source Control Register 27 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR28 0xFFF8_2070 R/W Source Control Register 28 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR29 0xFFF8_2074 R/W Source Control Register 29 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR30 0xFFF8_2078 R/W Source Control Register 30 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR31 0xFFF8_207C R/W Source Control Register 31 0x0000_0047 AIC_IRSR 0xFFF8_2100 R Interrupt Raw Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IASR 0xFFF8_2104 R Interrupt Active Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_ISR 0xFFF8_2108 R Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IPER 0xFFF8_210C R Interrupt Priority Encoding Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_ISNR 0xFFF8_2110 R Interrupt Source Number Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IMR 0xFFF8_2114 R Interrupt Mask Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_OISR 0xFFF8_2118 R Output Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_MECR 0xFFF8_2120 W Mask Enable Command Register Undefined AIC_MDCR 0xFFF8_2124 W Mask Disable Command Register Undefined AIC_SSCR 0xFFF8_2128 W Source Set Command Register Undefined AIC_SCCR 0xFFF8_212C W Source Clear Command Register Undefined AIC_EOSCR 0xFFF8_2130 W End of Service Command Register Undefined 0xFFF8_2200 W ICE/Debug mode Register Undefined AIC_TEST - 302 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Source Control Registers (AIC_SCR1 ~ AIC_SCR31) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AIC_SCR1 0xFFF8_2004 R/W Source Control Register 1 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR2 0xFFF8_2008 R/W Source Control Register 2 0x0000_0047 yyy yyy yyy yyy yyy AIC_SCR28 0xFFF8_2070 R/W Source Control Register 28 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR29 0xFFF8_2074 R/W Source Control Register 29 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR30 0xFFF8_2078 R/W Source Control Register 30 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR31 0xFFF8_207C R/W Source Control Register 31 0x0000_0047 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED SRCTYPE BITS [31:8] PRIORITY DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved Interrupt Source Type Whether an interrupt source is considered active or not by the AIC is subject to the settings of this field. Interrupt sources other than nIRQ0, nIRQ1 should be configured as level sensitive during normal operation unless in the testing situation. [7:6] SRCTYPE SRCTYPE [7:6] Interrupt Source Type 0 0 Low-level Sensitive 0 1 High-level Sensitive 1 0 Negative-edge Triggered 1 1 Positive-edge Triggered - 303 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS [5:3] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved Priority Level [2:0] Every interrupt source must be assigned a priority level during initiation. Among them, priority level 0 has the highest priority and priority level 7 the lowest. Interrupt sources with priority level 0 are promoted to FIQ. Interrupt sources with priority level other than 0 belong to IRQ. For interrupt sources of the same priority level that located in the lower channel number has higher priority. PRIORITY AIC Interrupt Raw Status Register (AIC_IRSR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_IRSR 0xFFF8_2100 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Interrupt Raw Status Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 IRS31 IRS30 IRS29 IRS28 IRS27 IRS26 IRS25 IRS24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 IRS23 IRS22 IRS21 IRS20 IRS19 IRS18 IRS17 IRS16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IRS15 IRS14 IRS13 IRS12 IRS11 IRS10 IRS9 IRS8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IRS7 IRS6 IRS5 IRS4 IRS3 IRS2 IRS1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS This register records the intrinsic state within each interrupt channel. [31:1] IRSx IRSx: Interrupt Status Indicate the intrinsic status of the corresponding interrupt source 0 = Interrupt channel is in the voltage level 0 1 = Interrupt channel is in the voltage level 1 [0] Reserved Reserved - 304 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Interrupt Active Status Register (AIC_IASR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_IASR 0xFFF8_2104 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Interrupt Active Status Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 IAS31 IAS30 IAS29 IAS28 IAS27 IAS26 IAS25 IAS24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 IAS23 IAS22 IAS21 IAS20 IAS19 IAS18 IAS17 IAS16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IAS15 IAS14 IAS13 IAS12 IAS11 IAS10 IAS9 IAS8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IAS7 IAS6 IAS5 IAS4 IAS3 IAS2 IAS1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS This register indicates the status of each interrupt channel in consideration of the interrupt source type as defined in the corresponding Source Control Register, but regardless of its mask setting. [31:1] IASx IASx: Interrupt Active Status Indicate the status of the corresponding interrupt source 0 = Corresponding interrupt channel is inactive 1 = Corresponding interrupt channel is active [0] Reserved Reserved AIC Interrupt Status Register (AIC_ISR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_ISR 0xFFF8_2108 R DESCRIPTION Interrupt Status Register - 305 - RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 IS31 IS30 IS29 IS28 IS27 IS26 IS25 IS24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 IS23 IS22 IS21 IS20 IS19 IS18 IS17 IS16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IS15 IS14 IS13 IS12 IS11 IS10 IS9 IS8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IS7 IS6 IS5 IS4 IS3 IS2 IS1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS This register identifies those interrupt channels whose are both active and enabled. ISx: Interrupt Status Indicates the status of corresponding interrupt channel 0 = Two possibilities: (1) The corresponding interrupt channel is inactive no matter whether it is enabled or disabled; (2) It is active but not enabled 1 = Corresponding interrupt channel is both active and enabled (can assert an interrupt) [31:1] ISx [0] Reserved Reserved AIC IRQ Priority Encoding Register (AIC_IPER) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_IPER 0xFFF8_210C R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Interrupt Priority Encoding Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 VECTOR - 306 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [6:2] DESCRIPTIONS Vector When the AIC generates the interrupt, VECTOR represents the interrupt channel number that is active, enabled, and has the highest priority. If the representing interrupt channel possesses a priority level 0, then the interrupt asserted is FIQ; otherwise, it is IRQ. The value of VECTOR is copied to the register AIC_ISNR thereafter by the AIC. This register was restored a value 0 after it was read by the interrupt handler. This register can help indexing into a branch table to quickly jump to the corresponding interrupt service routine. VECTOR [6:2]: Interrupt Vector 0 = no interrupt occurs 1 ~ 31 = representing the interrupt channel that is active, enabled, and having the highest priority [0] Reserved Reserved AIC Interrupt Source Number Register (AIC_ISNR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_ISNR 0xFFF8_2110 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Interrupt Source Number Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 BITS [31:5] [4:0] IRQID DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved The purpose of this register is to record the interrupt channel number that is active, enabled, and has the highest priority. IRQID IRQID [4:0]: IRQ Identification Stands for the interrupt channel number - 307 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Interrupt Mask Register (AIC_IMR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_IMR 0xFFF8_2114 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Interrupt Mask Register 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 IM31 IM30 IM29 IM28 IM27 IM26 IM25 IM24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 IM23 IM22 IM21 IM20 IM19 IM18 IM17 IM16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IM15 IM14 IM13 IM12 IM11 IM10 IM9 IM8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IM7 IM6 IM5 IM4 IM3 IM2 IM1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:1] IM x [0] Reserved IMx: Interrupt Mask This bit determines whether the corresponding interrupt channel is enabled or disabled. Every interrupt channel can be active no matter whether it is enabled or disabled. If an interrupt channel is enabled, it does not definitely mean it is active. Every interrupt channel can be authorized by the AIC only when it is both active and enabled. 0 = Corresponding interrupt channel is disabled 1 = Corresponding interrupt channel is enabled Reserved AIC Output Interrupt Status Register (AIC_OISR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_OISR 0xFFF8_2118 R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 Output Interrupt Status Register 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 IRQ FIQ RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED - 308 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG The AIC classifies the interrupt into FIQ and IRQ. This register indicates whether the asserted interrupt is FIQ or IRQ. If both IRQ and FIQ are equal to 0, it means there is no interrupt occurred. BITS [31:2] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved IRQ [1]: Interrupt Request [1] 0 = nIRQ line is inactive. IRQ 1 = nIRQ line is active. FIQ [0]: Fast Interrupt Request [0] 0 = nFIQ line is inactive. FIQ 1 = nFIQ line is active AIC Mask Enable Command Register (AIC_MECR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_MECR 0xFFF8_2120 W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Mask Enable Command Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 MEC31 MEC30 MEC29 MEC28 MEC27 MEC26 MEC25 MEC24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 MEC23 MEC22 MEC21 MEC20 MEC19 MEC18 MEC17 MEC16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 MEC15 MEC14 MEC13 MEC12 MEC11 MEC10 MEC9 MEC8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MEC7 MEC6 MEC5 MEC4 MEC3 MEC2 MEC1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS MEC x: Mask Enable Command [31:1] MEC x 0 = No effect 1 = Enables the corresponding interrupt channel [0] Reserved Reserved - 309 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Mask Disable Command Register (AIC_MDCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_MDCR 0xFFF8_2124 W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Mask Disable Command Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 MDC31 MDC30 MDC29 MDC28 MDC27 MDC26 MDC25 MDC24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 MDC23 MDC22 MDC21 MDC20 MDC19 MDC18 MDC17 MDC16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 MDC15 MDC14 MDC13 MDC12 MDC11 MDC10 MDC9 MDC8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MDC7 MDC6 MDC5 MDC4 MDC3 MDC2 MDC1 RESERVED BITS DESCRIPTIONS MDC x: Mask Disable Command [31:1] 0 = No effect MDCx 1 = Disables the corresponding interrupt channel [0] Reserved Reserved AIC Source Set Command Register (AIC_SSCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_SSCR 0xFFF8_2128 W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Source Set Command Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 SSC31 SSC30 SSC29 SSC28 SSC27 SSC26 SSC25 SSC24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SSC23 SSC22 SSC21 SSC20 SSC19 SSC18 SSC17 SSC16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 SSC15 SSC14 SSC13 SSC12 SSC11 SSC10 SSC9 SSC8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SSC7 SSC6 SSC5 SSC4 SSC3 SSC2 SSC1 RESERVED - 310 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:1] DESCRIPTIONS When the W90N745 is under debugging or verification, software can activate any interrupt channel by setting the corresponding bit in this register. This feature is useful in hardware verification or software debugging. SSCx SSCx: Source Set Command 0 = No effect. 1 = Activates the corresponding interrupt channel [0] Reserved Reserved AIC Source Clear Command Register (AIC_SCCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_SCCR 0xFFF8_212C W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Source Clear Command Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 SCC31 SCC30 SCC29 SCC28 SCC27 SCC26 SCC25 SCC24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 SCC23 SCC22 SCC21 SCC20 SCC19 SCC18 SCC17 SCC16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 SCC15 SCC14 SCC13 SCC12 SCC11 SCC10 SCC9 SCC8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SCC7 SCC6 SCC5 SCC4 SCC3 SCC2 SCC1 RESERVED BITS [31:1] DESCRIPTIONS SCCx When the W90N745 is under debugging or verification, software can deactivate any interrupt channel by setting the corresponding bit in this register. This feature is useful in hardware verification or software debugging. SCCx: Source Clear Command 0 = No effect. 1 = Deactivates the corresponding interrupt channels [0] Reserved Reserved - 311 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC End of Service Command Register (AIC_EOSCR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W W AIC_EOSCR 0xFFF8_2130 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE End of Service Command Register Undefined 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BITS [31:0] DESCRIPTIONS EOSCR This register is used by the interrupt service routine to indicate that it is completely served. Thus, the interrupt handler can write any value to this register to indicate the end of its interrupt service. AIC ICE/Debug Register (AIC_TEST) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W AIC_TEST 0xFFF8_2200 W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Undefined ICE/Debug mode Register 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED - 312 - TEST W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:1] [0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved TEST Reserved This register indicates whether AIC_IPER will be cleared or not after been read. If bit0 of AIC_TEST has been set, ICE or debug monitor can read AIC_IPER for verification and the AIC_IPER will not be cleared automatically. Write access to the AIC_IPER will perform the interrupt stacking in this mode. TEST: ICE/Debug mode 0 = normal mode. 1 = ICE/Debug mode. - 313 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.13 General-Purpose Input/Output The General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) module possesses 31 pins and serves multiple function purposes. Each port can be configured by software to meet various system configurations and design requirements. Software must configure each pin before starting the main program. If a pin is not used for multiplexed functions, the pin can be configured as I/O port Two extended interrupts nIRQ2 (GPIO0 pin) and nIRQ3 (nWAIT pin) are used the same interrupt request (channel #31) of AIC. It can be programmed as low/high sensitive or positive/negative edge triggered. When interrupt #31 assert in AIC, software can poll XISTATUS status register to identify which interrupt occur. These 31 IO pins are divided into 7 groups according to its peripheral interface definition. y Port0: 5-pin input/output port y Port1: 2-pin input/output port y Port2: 10-pin input/output port y Port3: Reserved y Port4: 1-pin input/output port y Port5: 13-pin input/output port y Port6: Reserved need updated Table 6.13.1 GPIO multiplexed functions table PORT0 Configurable Pin Functions 0 GPIO0 AC97_nRESET (IS_MCLK) nIRQ2 USBPWREN 1 GPIO1 AC97_DATAI (IS_DATAI) PWM0 DTR3 2 GPIO2 AC97_DATAO (IS_DATAO) PWM1 DSR3 3 GPIO3 AC97_SYNC (IS_LRCLK) PWM2 TXD3 4 GPIO4 AC97_BITCLK (IS_BITCLK) PWM3 RXD3 PORT1 Configuration Pin Functions 0 GPIO18 - nXDACK - 1 GPIO19 - nXDREQ - PORT2 Configuration Pin Functions 0 GPIO20 PHY_RXERR KPCOL0 - 1 GPIO21 PHY_CRSDV KPCOL1 - 2 GPIO22 PHY_RXD[0] KPCOL2 - 3 GPIO23 PHY_RXD[1] KPCOL3 - - 314 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Table 6.13.1 GPIO multiplexed functions table, continued 4 GPIO24 PHY_REFCLK KPCOL4 - 5 GPIO25 PHY_TXEN KPCOL5 - 6 GPIO26 PHY_TXD[0] KPCOL6 - 7 GPIO27 PHY_TXD[1] KPCOL7 - 8 GPIO28 PHY_MDIO KPROW0 - 9 GPIO29 PHY_MDC KPROW1 - PORT3 Configuration Pin Functions RESERVED PORT4 0 PORT5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PORT6 Configuration Pin Functions GPIO30 GPIO5 GPIO6 GPIO7 GPIO8 GPIO9 GPIO10 GPIO11 GPIO12 GPIO13 GPIO14 GPIO15 GPIO16 GP1O17 nWAIT nIRQ3 Configuration Pin Functions TXD0 RXD0 TXD1 RXD1 TXD2 CTS1 RXD2 RTS1 SCL0 SFRM SDA0 SSPTXD SCL1 SCLK SDA1 SSPRXD nWDOG USBPWREN nIRQ0 nIRQ1 USBOVRCUR Configuration Pin Function PS2CLK PS2DATA TIMER0 TIMER1 KPROW3 KPROW2 - RESERVED - 315 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.13.1 GPIO Register Description REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO_CFG0 0xFFF8_3000 R/W GPIO Port0 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR0 0xFFF8_3004 R/W GPIO Port0 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT0 0xFFF8_3008 R/W GPIO Port0 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN0 0xFFF8_300C R GPIO Port0 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG1 0xFFF8_3010 R/W GPIO port1 configuration register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR1 0xFFF8_3014 R/W GPIO port1 direction control register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT1 0xFFF8_3018 R/W GPIO port1 data output register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN1 0xFFF8_301C R GPIO port1 data input register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG2 0xFFF8_3020 R/W GPIO Port2 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR2 0xFFF8_3024 R/W GPIO Port2 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT2 0xFFF8_3028 R/W GPIO Port2 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN2 0xFFF8_302C R GPIO Port2 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG4 0xFFF8_3040 R/W GPIO Port4 Configuration Register 0x0015_5555 GPIO_DIR4 0xFFF8_3044 R/W GPIO Port4 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT4 0xFFF8_3048 R/W GPIO Port4 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN4 0xFFF8_304C R GPIO Port4 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG5 0xFFF8_3050 R/W GPIO Port5 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR5 0xFFF8_3054 R/W GPIO Port5 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT5 0xFFF8_3058 R/W GPIO Port5 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 - 316 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Register Description, continued. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GPIO_DATAIN5 0xFFF8_305C R GPIO_DBNCECON 0xFFF8_3070 R/W GPIO_XICFG 0xFFF8_3074 R/W GPIO_XISTATUS 0xFFF8_3078 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO Port5 Data Input Register GPIO Input Debounce Control Register Extend Interrupt Configure Register Extend Interrupt Status Register 0xXXXX_XXXX 0x0000_0000 0xXXXX_XXX0 0xXXXX_XXX0 6.13.2 GPIO Register Description GPIO Port0 Configuration Register (GPIO_CFG0) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_CFG0 0xFFF8_3000 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE GPIO port0 configuration register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 PT0CFG3 PT0CFG4 4 3 PT0CFG2 11 PT0CFG0 NAME 2 PT0CFG1 10 TYPE 1 NAME 0 PT0CFG0 01 TYPE NAME 00 TYPE NAME TYPE O GPIO0 I/O AC97RESET PORT0_0 USB_PWREN O nIRQ2 I or ISMCLK 11 PT0CFG1 NAME 10 TYPE NAME 01 TYPE NAME 00 TYPE NAME TYPE O GPIO1 I/O AC97DATAI PORT0_1 DTR3 O PWM0 O or ISDATAI - 317 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued 11 PT0CFG2 10 NAME TYPE NAME 01 TYPE NAME 00 TYPE NAME TYPE O GPIO2 I/O AC97DATAO PORT0_2 DSR3 I PWM1 O or ISDATAO 11 PT0CFG3 10 NAME TYPE NAME 01 TYPE NAME 00 TYPE NAME TYPE O GPIO3 I/O AC97SYNC PORT0_3 TXD3 O PWM2 O or ISLRCLK 11 PT0CFG4 10 NAME PORT0_4 TYPE RXD3 O NAME PWM3 01 TYPE O 00 NAME TYPE AC97BITCLK I or ISBITCLK NAME TYPE GPIO4 I/O O GPIO Port0 Direction Register (GPIO_DIR0) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_DIR0 31 0xFFF8_3004 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port0 in/out direction control and pull-up enable register R/W 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 PUPEN0[3:0] 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED OMDEN0[4:0] - 318 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION [31:20] RESERVED [19:16] PUPEN0 [15:5] RESERVED [4:0] GPIO3 -GPIO0 port pin internal pull-up resister enable There are 4 bits for this register, the corresponding bit is set to "1" will enable pull-up resister on IO pin. 1 = enable 0 = disable After power on the pull-up resisters are disabled. NOTE: GPIO4 is used as AC97 BITCLK input, an IO pad with Schmitt trigger input buffer PDB04SDGZ is implemented for this pin. Due to TSMC IO library without pull-up register, an external pull-up resister is necessary. GPIO4 ~GPIO0 output mode enable 1 = output mode 0 = input mode NOTE: Output mode enable bits are valid only when bit PT0CFG4-0 is configured as general purpose I/O mode. Each port pin can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding control bit. OMDEN0 GPIO Port0 Data Output Register (GPIO_DATAOUT0) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GPIO_DATAOUT0 0xFFF8_3008 R/W 29 28 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port0 data output register 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED DATAOUT0 BITS [31:5] [4:0] DESCRIPTION RESERVED - DATAOUT0 PORT0 data output value Writing data to this register will reflect the data value on the corresponding port0 pin when it is configured as general purpose output pin. And writing data to reserved bits is not effective. - 319 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Port0 Data Input Register (GPIO_DATAIN0) REGISTER GPIO_DATAIN0 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_300C R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port0 data input register 28 27 0xXXXX_XXXX 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED DATAIN0 BITS DESCRIPTION [31:5] RESERVED [4:0] DATAIN0 PORT0 data input value The DATAIN0 indicates the status of each GPIO0~GPIO4 port pin regardless of its operation mode. The reserved bits will be read as "0". GPIO Port1 Configuration Register (GPIO_CFG1) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_CFG1 31 0xFFF8_3010 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W RESET VALUE GPIO port1 configuration register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED PT1CFG1 - 320 - PT1CFG0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG *In the following pin definition, mark with shading is default function. 11 PT1CFG0 NAME 10 TYPE PORT1_0 TYPE NAME TYPE NAME TYPE - - nXDACK O GPIO18 I/O 11 NAME PORT1_1 10 TYPE 00 NAME - PT1CFG1 01 01 00 NAME TYPE NAME TYPE NAME TYPE - - nXDREQ I GPIO19 I/O - GPIO Port1 Direction Register (GPIO_DIR1) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_DIR1 31 R/W 0xFFF8_3014 30 DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE GPIO port0 in/out direction control and pull-up enable register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 PUPEN1[1:0] 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED BITS [31:18] OMDEN1[1:0] DESCRIPTION RESERVED - [17:16] PUPEN1 GPIO19 ~ GPIO18 port pins internal pull-up resister enable This is a 2-bit registers, set corresponding bit to "1" will enable pull up resister in IO pin. 1 = enable 0 = disable After power on the resisters are disabled. [15:2] RESERVED - - 321 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. [1:0] GPIO19 ~ GPIO18 output mode enable 1 = enable 0 = disable NOTE: Output mode enable bits are valid only when bit PT1CFG1-0 is configured as general purpose I/O mode. Each port pin can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding control bit. OMDEN1 GPIO Port1 Data Output Register (GPIO_DATAOUT1) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W GPIO_DATAOUT1 0xFFF8_3018 R/W 29 28 31 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port1 data output register 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED BITS [31:2] DATAOUT1[1:0] DESCRIPTION RESERVED PORT1 data output value [1:0] DATAOUT1 Writing data to this register will reflect the data value on the corresponding port1 pin when it is configured as general purpose output pin. And writing data to reserved bits is not effective. GPIO Port1 Data Input Register (GPIO_DATAIN1) REGISTER GPIO_DATAIN1 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_301C R/W DESCRIPTION GPIO port1 data input register - 322 - RESET VALUE 0xXXXX_XXXX W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED DATAIN1[1:0] BITS DESCRIPTION [31:2] RESERVED [1:0] DATAIN1 Port1 input data register The DATAIN1 indicates the status of each GPIO19~GPIO18 pin regardless of its operation mode. The reserved bits are read as 0s. GPIO Port2 Configuration Register (GPIO_CFG2) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_CFG2 31 0xFFF8_3020 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE GPIO port2 configuration register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 PT2CFG9 13 PT2CFG7 7 12 11 PT2CFG6 6 5 PT2CFG3 PT2CFG8 10 9 PT2CFG5 4 3 PT2CFG2 8 PT2CFG4 2 1 PT2CFG1 0 PT2CFG0 *In the following pin definition, mark with shading is default function. PT2CFG0 PORT2_0 11 Name 10 Type RESERVED 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL0 I PHY_RXERR I GPIO20 I/O - 323 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PT2CFG1 PORT2_1 PT2CFG2 PORT2_2 PT2CFG3 PORT2_3 PT2CFG4 PORT2_4 PT2CFG5 PORT2_5 PT2CFG6 PORT2_6 PT2CFG7 PORT2_7 PT2CFG8 PORT2_8 PT2CFG9 PORT2_9 11 Name 10 Type RESERVED 11 Name RESERVED 11 Name Type 11 Type 11 Type 11 Type 11 Type 11 KPCOL1 I PHY_CRSDV I GPIO21 I/O 01 Type 11 Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL2 I PHY_RXD[0] I GPIO22 I/O 01 RESERVED 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL3 I PHY_RXD[1] I GPIO23 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL4 I PHY_REFCLK I GPIO24 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL5 I PHY_TXEN O GPIO25 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL6 I PHY_TXD[0] O GPIO26 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPCOL7 I PHY_TXD[1] O GPIO27 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPROW0 O PHY_MDIO I/O GPIO28 I/O 10 Type 00 Name 10 RESERVED Name Type 10 RESERVED Name Name 10 RESERVED Name Type 10 RESERVED Name Name 10 RESERVED Name Type 10 RESERVED Name Name 10 Type 00 01 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type KPROW1 O PHY_MDC O GPIO29 I/O - 324 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Port2 Direction Register (GPIO_DIR2) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_DIR2 31 R/W 0xFFF8_3024 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION GPIO port2 in/out direction control and pull-up enable register 28 27 26 RESERVED 23 22 21 RESET VALUE 25 0x0000_0000 24 PUPEN2[9:8] 20 19 18 17 16 10 9 8 PUPEN2[7:0] 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 OMDEN2[9:8] 4 3 2 1 0 OMDEN2[7:0] BITS [31:26] DESCRIPTION RESERVED - [25:16] PUPEN2 GPIO29 ~ GPIO20 port pin internal pull-up resister enable There are 10 bits for this register, the corresponding bit is set to "1" will enable pull-up resister on IO pin. 1 = enable 0 = disable After power on, the registers are disabled. [15:10] RESERVED - OMDEN2 GPIO19 ~ GPIO20 output mode enable 1 = output mode 0 = input mode NOTE: Output mode enable bits are valid only when bit PT2CFG9-0 is configured as general purpose I/O mode. Each port pin can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding control bit. [9:0] - 325 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PGPIO Port2 Data Output Register (GPIO_DATAOUT2) REGISTER GPIO_DATAOUT2 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_3028 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port2 data output register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 DATAOUT2[9:8] 4 3 2 1 0 DATAOUT2[7:0] BITS [31:10] DESCRIPTION RESERVED PORT2 data output value [9:0] Writing data to this register will reflect the data value on the corresponding port2 pin when it is configured as general purpose output pin. And writing data to reserved bits is not effective. DATAOUT2 GPIO Port2 Data Input Register (GPIO_DATAIN2) REGISTER GPIO_DATAIN2 31 30 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_302C R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port2 data input register 28 27 0xXXXX_XXXX 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 DATAIN2[9:8] 4 3 DATAIN2[7:0] - 326 - 2 1 0 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:10] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Port2 input data register [9:0] The DATAIN2 indicates the status of each GPIO18~GPIO27 pin regardless of its operation mode. The reserved bits will be read as 0s. DATAIN2 GPIO Port4 Configuration Register (GPIO_CFG4) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_CFG4 31 0xFFF8_3040 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W RESET VALUE GPIO port4 configuration register 28 27 0x0015_5555 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 RESERVED 15 20 19 PT4CFG10 14 13 RESERVED 12 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED *In the following pin definition, mark with shading is default function. 11 PT4CFG10 NAME PORT4_10 10 TYPE RESERVED 01 00 NAME TYPE NAME TYPE NAME TYPE nIRQ3 I nWAIT I GPIO28 I/O - 327 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Port4 Direction Register (GPIO_DIR4) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_DIR4 31 R/W 0xFFF8_3044 30 DESCRIPTION GPIO port4 in/out direction control and pull-up enable register R/W 29 28 27 RESERVED 23 22 21 RESET VALUE 26 PUPEN4[ 10] 20 19 0x0000_0000 25 24 RESERVED 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 OMDEN4 [10] 4 3 2 RESERVED 1 0 RESERVED BITS [31:27] DESCRIPTION RESERVED - [26] PUPEN4 GPIO28 pin internal pull-up resister enable There is 1 bit for this register, the bit is set to "1" will enable pull-up resister on IO pin. 1 = enable 0 = disable After power on the pull-up resister is disabled [25:11] RESERVED GPIO28 output mode enable 1 = enable 0 = disable [10] OMDEN4 NOTE: Output mode enable bits are valid only when bit PT4CFG10 is configured as general purpose I/O mode. Each port pin can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding control bit. [9:0] RESERVED - - 328 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Port4 Data Output Register (GPIO_DATAOUT4) REGISTER GPIO_DATAOUT4 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_3048 R/W 30 29 28 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port4 data output register 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 DATAOUT4[10 ] 5 4 3 2 RESERVED 1 0 RESERVED BITS [31:11] DESCRIPTION RESERVED PORT4 data output value [10] DATAOUT4 [9:0] RESERVED Writing data to this register will reflect the data value on the corresponding port4 pin when it is configured as general purpose output pin. And writing data to reserved bits is not effective. - GPIO Port4 Data Input Register (GPIO_DATAIN4) REGISTER GPIO_DATAIN4 31 30 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_304C R/W 29 28 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port4 data input register 27 0xXXXX_XXXX 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 DATAIN4[10] 4 3 2 RESERVED 1 0 RESERVED - 329 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:11] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Port4 input data register [10:0] DATAIN4 The DATAIN4 indicates the status of GPIO28 pin regardless of its operation mode. The reserved bits will be read as 0s [9:0] RESERVED - GPIO Port5 Configuration Register (GPIO_CFG5) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_CFG5 31 0xFFF8_3050 30 R/W R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port5 configuration register 28 27 26 0x0000_0000 25 RESERVED 23 22 21 PT5CFG11 15 20 13 PT5CFG7 7 PT5CFG12 19 PT5CFG10 14 12 5 PT5CFG3 18 17 PT5CFG9 11 PT5CFG6 6 24 PT5CFG8 10 9 PT5CFG5 4 3 PT5CFG2 16 8 PT5CFG4 2 1 PT5CFG1 0 PT5CFG0 *In the following pin definition, mark with shading is default function. PT5CFG0 PORT5_0 PT5CFG1 PORT5_1 PT5CFG2 PORT5_2 11 Name 10 Type Name 01 Type RESERVED RESERVED 11 10 Name Type Name Type RESERVED 11 10 Type RESERVED Name Name Type Name Type TXD0 O GPIO5 I/O 01 RESERVED Name 00 00 Name Type Name Type RXD0 I GPIO6 I/O 01 Type RESERVED - 330 - 00 Name Type Name Type TXD1 O GPIO7 I/O W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PT5CFG3 PORT5_3 PT5CFG4 PORT5_4 11 Name 10 Type Name 00 01 Type RESERVED RESERVED 11 10 Name Type Name Type RXD1 I GPIO8 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type Name Type PS2CLK O CTS1 I TXD2 IO GPIO9 I/O Continued PT5CFG5 PORT5_5 PT5CFG6 PORT5_6 PT5CFG7 PORT5_7 PT5CFG8 PORT5_8 PT5CFG9 PORT5_9 PT5CFG10 PORT5_10 11 10 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type Name Type PS2DATA I/O RTS1 IO RXD2 I GPIO10 I/O 11 10 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type Name Type TIMER0 O SFRM O SCL0 I/O GPIO11 I/O 11 10 01 Name Type Name Type TIMER1 O SSPTX D O 11 Name SDA0 10 00 Type Name Type I/O GPIO12 I/O 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type Name Type KPROW2 O SSPSCLK O SCL1 I/O GPIO13 I/O 11 10 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type Name Type KPROW3 O SSPRXD I/O SDA1 I/O GPIO14 I/O 11 Name 10 Type RESERVED 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type USBPWREN O nWDOG O GPIO15 I/O - 331 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 11 PT5CFG11 Name PORT5_11 10 Type Name RESERVED Name PORT5_12 Type RESERVED 11 PT5CFG12 01 Name Type Name Type nIRQ0 I GPIO16 I/O 10 Type RESERVED 00 01 00 Name Type Name Type Name Type USBOVCUR I nIRQ1 I GPIO17 I/O GPIO Port5 Direction Register (GPIO_DIR5) REGISTER GPIO_DIR5 31 ADDRESS 0xFFF8_3054 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION GPIO port5 in/out direction control and pull-up enable register R/W 28 27 RESERVED 23 22 RESET VALUE 26 0x0000_0000 25 24 PUPEN5[12:8] 21 20 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 PUPEN5[7:0] 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 OMDEN5[12:8] 5 4 3 2 OMDEN5[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTION [31:29] RESERVED [28:16] PUPEN5 [15:13] RESERVED [12:0] OUTEN5 GPIO17 ~ GPIO5 port pin internal pull-up resister enable There are 13 bits for this register, the corresponding bit is set to "1" will enable pull-up resister on IO pin. 1 = enable 0 = disable After power on the pull-up resisters are disable. GPIO17 ~ GPIO5 output mode enable 1 = output mode 0 = input mode NOTE: Output mode enable bits are valid only when bit PT5CFG12-0 is configured as general purpose I/O mode. Each port pin can be enabled individually by setting the corresponding control bit. - 332 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Port5 Data Output Register (GPIO_DATAOUT5) REGISTER GPIO_DATAOUT5 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_3058 R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port5 data output register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 DATAOUT5[12:8] 5 4 3 2 DATAOUT5[7:0] BITS [31:13] DESCRIPTION RESERVED PORT5 data output value [12:0] Writing data to this register will reflect the data value on the corresponding port5 pin when it is configured as general purpose output pin. And writing data to reserved bits is not effective. DATAOUT5 GPIO Port5 Data Input Register (GPIO_DATAIN5) REGISTER GPIO_DATAIN5 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_305C R/W 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO port5 data input register 28 0xXXXX_XXXX 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 RESERVED 7 6 DATAIN5[12:8] 5 4 3 2 DATAIN5[7:0] - 333 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:13] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Port5 input data register [12:0] The DATAIN5 indicates the status of each GPIO17~GPIO5 pin regardless of its operation mode. The reserved bits will be read as 0s. DATAIN5 GPIO Debounce Control Register (GPIO_DBNCECON) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO_DBNCECON 0xFFF8_3070 R/W GPIO debounce control register 0xXXXX_XX00 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 DBEN1 DBEN0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 RESERVED 5 3 DBCLKSEL BITS [31:7] 4 RESERVED DESCRIPTION RESERVED Debounce Clock Selection [6:4] DBCLKSEL [3:2] RESERVED These 3 bits are used to select the clock rate for de-bouncer circuit. The relationship between the system clock HCLK and the de-bounce clock TCLK_BUN is as follows: TCLK_BUN = HCLK / 2DBCLKSEL Debounce circuit enable for GPIO17 (nIRQ1) [1] DBEN1 1 = enable 0 = disable Debounce circuit enable for GPIO16 (nIRQ0) [0] DBEN0 1 = enable 0 = disable - 334 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Interrupt Configuration Register (GPIO_XICFG) REGISTER ADDRESS GPIO_XICFG 31 0xFFF8_3074 30 R/W R/W 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Extend interrupt configure register 0xXXXX_XX00 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 EnIRQ2 DBE2 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 EnIRQ3 DBE3 5 4 ISTYPE3 BITS [31:8] ISTYPE2 DESCRIPTION RESERVED Enable nIRQ3 Setting this bit 1 to enable nIRQ3. 1 = Enable nIRQ3 [7] EnIRQ3 0 = Disable nIRQ3 The AIC interrupt channel 31 is reserved for nIRQ3 and nIRQ2 (wired-OR), if this bit is set and nIRQ3 occur, then it will send an interrupt request signal into AIC module. Debounce circuit enable for nIRQ3 (alternative function of nWAIT pin) [6] DBE3 The nIRQ3 shares the same debounce circuit with nIRQ[3:0], software can configure debounce sampling time in GPIO_DEBNCE control register. DBE3 function is the same as DBE0 in GPIO_DBENCE register. 1 = Enable debounce 0 = Disable debounce nIRQ3 source type ISTYPE3 [5:4] ISTYPE3 Interrupt Source Type 2'b00 LOW level sensitive 2'b01 HIGH level sensitive 2'b10 Negative edge triggered 2'b11 Positive edge triggered - 335 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS [3] [2] DESCRIPTION EnIRQ2 Enable nIRQ2 Setting this bit 1 to enable nIRQ2 1 = Enable nIRQ2 0 = Disable nIRQ2 The AIC interrupt channel 31 is reserved for nIRQ3 and nIRQ2 (wire-OR), if this bit is set and nIRQ2 occur, then it will send an interrupt request signal into AIC module. DBE2 Debounce circuit enable for nIRQ2 (alternative function of GPIO0 pin) 1 = Enable debounce 0 = Disable debounce The nIRQ2 shares the same debounce circuit with nIRQ[1:0], software can configure debounce sampling time in GPIO_DEBNCE control register. DBE2 function is the same as DBE0 in GPIO_DBENCE register. nIRQ2 source type [1:0] ISTYPE2 ISTYPE2 2'b00 2'b01 2'b10 2'b11 - 336 - Interrupt Source Type LOW level sensitive HIGH level sensitive Negative edge triggered Positive edge triggered W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Interrupt Status Register (GPIO_XISTATUS) REGISTER GPIO_XISTATUS 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_3078 R/W 30 29 28 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Extend interrupt status register 27 0xXXXX_XX00 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 nIRQ3 nIRQ2 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RESERVED BITS [31:2] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Interrupt 3 status [1] nIRQ3 When interrupt input is detected with ISTYPE3 triggered condition, this flag will be set. It must be cleared by software. 1 = interrupt nIRQ3 is detected. 0 = No interrupt Interrupt 2 status [0] nIRQ2 When interrupt input is detected with ISTYPE2 triggered condition, this flag will be set. It must be cleared by software. 1 = interrupt nIRQ2 is detected. 0 = no interrupt - 337 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.14 I2C Interface I2C is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient method of data exchange between devices. The I2C standard is a true multi-master bus including collision detection and arbitration that prevents data corruption if two or more masters attempt to control the bus simultaneously. Serial, 8-bit oriented bi-directional data transfers can be made up to 100 kbit/s in Standard-mode, up to 400 kbit/s in the Fast-mode, or up to 3.4 Mbit/s in the High-speed mode. Only 100kbps and 400kbps modes are supported directly. For High-speed mode special IOs are needed. If these IOs are available and used, then High-speed mode is also supported. Data is transferred between a Master and a Slave synchronously to SCL on the SDA line on a byteby-byte basis. Each data byte is 8 bits long. There is one SCL clock pulse for each data bit with the MSB being transmitted first. An acknowledge bit follows each transferred byte. Each bit is sampled during the high period of SCL; therefore, the SDA line may be changed only during the low period of SCL and must be held stable during the high period of SCL. A transition on the SDA line while SCL is high is interpreted as a command (START or STOP). 2 The I C Master Core includes the following features: * AMBA APB interface compatible * Compatible with Philips I2C standard, support master mode * Multi Master Operation * Clock stretching and wait state generation * Provide multi-byte transmit operation, up to 4 bytes can be transmitted in a single transfer * Software programmable acknowledge bit * Arbitration lost interrupt, with automatic transfer cancellation * Start/Stop/Repeated Start/Acknowledge generation * Start/Stop/Repeated Start detection * Bus busy detection * Supports 7 bit addressing mode * Fully static synchronous design with one clock domain * Software mode I2C - 338 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.14.1 I2C Protocol Normally, a standard communication consists of four parts: 1) START or Repeated START signal generation 2) Slave address transfer 3) Data transfer 4) STOP signal generation SCL 1 2 SDA A6 A5 7 8 9 1 2 3-7 8 9 A0 R/W ACK D7 D6 D5 - D1 D0 NACK ACK P S or Sr A4 - A1 LSB MSB MSB P or Sr LSB Sr Figure 6.14.1 Data transfer on the I2C-bus S SLAVE ADDRESS R/W A DATA A DATA A/A P data transfer (n bytes + acknowledge) '0'(write) from master to slave A = acknowledge (SDA low) A = not acknowledge (SDA high) S = START condition P = STOP condition from slave to master A master-transmitter addressing a slave receiver with a 7-bit address The transfer direction is not changed S SLAVE ADDRESS R/W A DATA A DATA A P data transfer (n bytes + acknowledge) '1'(read) A master reads a slave immediately after the first byte (address) - 339 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG START or Repeated START signal When the bus is free/idle, meaning no master device is engaging the bus (both SCL and SDA lines are high), a master can initiate a transfer by sending a START signal. A START signal, usually referred to as the S-bit, is defined as a HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH. The START signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer. A Repeated START (Sr) is a START signal without first generating a STOP signal. The master uses this method to communicate with another slave or the same slave in a different transfer direction (e.g. from writing to a device to reading from a device) without releasing the bus. The I2C core generates a START signal when the START bit in the Command Register (CMDR) is set and the READ or WRITE bits are also set. Depending on the current status of the SCL line, a START or Repeated START is generated. STOP signal The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal. A STOP signal, usually referred to as the P-bit, is defined as a LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL is HIGH. SCL SDA START condition STOP condition START and STOP conditions Slave Address Transfer The first byte of data transferred by the master immediately after the START signal is the slave address. This is a 7-bits calling address followed by a RW bit. The RW bit signals the slave the data transfer direction. No two slaves in the system can have the same address. Only the slave with an address that matches the one transmitted by the master will respond by returning an acknowledge bit by pulling the SDA low at the 9th SCL clock cycle. The core treats a Slave Address Transfer as any other write action. Store the slave device's address in the Transmit Register (TxR) and set the WRITE bit. The core will then transfer the slave address on the bus. MSB A6 LSB A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W slave address The first byte after the START procedure - 340 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Data Transfer Once successful slave addressing has been achieved, the data transfer can proceed on a byte-bybyte basis in the direction specified by the RW bit sent by the master. Each transferred byte is followed by an acknowledge bit on the 9th SCL clock cycle. If the slave signals a Not Acknowledge (NACK), the master can generate a STOP signal to abort the data transfer or generate a Repeated START signal and start a new transfer cycle. If the master, as the receiving device, does Not Acknowledge (NACK) the slave, the slave releases the SDA line for the master to generate a STOP or Repeated START signal. To write data to a slave, store the data to be transmitted in the Transmit Register (TxR) and set the WRITE bit. To read data from a slave, set the READ bit. During a transfer the core set the I2C_TIP flag, indicating that a Transfer is In Progress. When the transfer is done the I2C_TIP flag is cleared, the IF flag set if enabled, then an interrupt generated. The Receive Register (RxR) contains valid data after the IF flag has been set. The software may issue a new write or read command when the I2C_TIP flag is cleared. SCL SDA data line stable; data valid change of data allowed Bit transfer on the I2C-bus clock pulse for acknowledgement SCL FROM MASTER 1 2 8 9 DATA OUTPUT BY TRANSMITTER not acknowledge DATA OUTPUT BY RECEIVER S acknowledge START condition Acknowledge on the I2C-bus - 341 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.14.2 I2C Serial Interface Control Registers Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write NOTE1: The reset value of I2C_WR0/1 is 0x3F only when SCR, SDR and SER are connected to pull high resistor. REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C Interface 0 2 I C_CSR0 0xFFF8_6000 2 R/W 2 0x0000_0000 2 I C0 Control and Status Register I C_DIVIDER0 0xFFF8_6004 R/W I C0 Clock Prescale Register 0x0000_0000 I2C_CMDR0 0xFFF8_6008 R/W I2C0 Command Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C_SWR0 0xFFF8_600C 2 I C_RxR0 R/W 0xFFF8_6010 2 I C_TxR0 R 0xFFF8_6014 2 0x0000_003F 2 0x0000_0000 I C0 Software Mode Control Register I C0 Data Receive Register R/W 2 I C0 Data Transmit Register 0x0000_0000 I2C Interface 1 I2C_CSR1 0xFFF8_6100 2 I C_DIVIDER1 R/W 0xFFF8_6104 2 R/W I2C1 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C1 Clock Prescale Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C_CMDR1 0xFFF8_6108 R/W I C1 Command Register 0x0000_0000 I2C_SWR1 0xFFF8_610C R/W I2C1 Software Mode Control Register 0x0000_003F I2C_RxR1 0xFFF8_6110 R I2C1 Data Receive Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C_TxR1 0xFFF8_6114 R/W 2 I C1 Data Transmit Register 0x0000_0000 I2C Control and Status Register 0/1 (I2C_CSR0/1) REGISTER 2 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C_CSR0 0xFFF8_6000 R/W I C Control and Status Register 0 0x0000_0000 I2C_CSR1 0xFFF8_6100 R/W I2C Control and Status Register 1 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 I2C_RxACK I2C_BUSY I2C_AL I2C_TIP 3 2 1 0 Reserved IF IE I2C_EN Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 Tx_NUM 4 - 342 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS [31:12] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved 2 [11] [10] I C_RxAC K 2 I C_BUSY Reserved Received Acknowledge From Slave (Read only) This flag represents acknowledge from the addressed slave. 0 = Acknowledge received (ACK). 1 = Not acknowledge received (NACK). I2C Bus Busy (Read only) 0 = After STOP signal detected. 1 = After START signal detected. I C_AL Arbitration Lost (Read only) This bit is set when the I2C core lost arbitration. Arbitration is lost when: A STOP signal is detected, but no requested. The master drives SDA high, but SDA is low. I2C_TIP Transfer In Progress (Read only) 0 = Transfer complete. 1 = Transferring data. NOTE: When a transfer is in progress, you will not allow writing to any register of the I2C master core except SWR. [5:4] Tx_NUM Transmit Byte Counts These two bits represent how many bytes are remained to transmit. When a byte has been transmitted, the Tx_NUM will decrease 1 until all bytes are transmitted (Tx_NUM = 0x0) or NACK received from slave. Then the interrupt signal will assert if IE was set. 0x0 = Only one byte is left for transmission. 0x1 = Two bytes are left to for transmission. 0x2 = Three bytes are left for transmission. 0x3 = Four bytes are left for transmission. [3] Reserved Reserved [9] [8] 2 [2] IF Interrupt Flag The Interrupt Flag is set when: Transfer has been completed. Transfer has not been completed, but slave responded NACK (in multi-byte transmit mode). Arbitration is lost. NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. [1] IE Interrupt Enable 0 = Disable I2C Interrupt. 1 = Enable I2C Interrupt. [0] I2C_EN I2C Core Enable 0 = Disable I2C core, serial bus outputs are controlled by SDW/SCW. 1 = Enable I2C core, serial bus outputs are controlled by I2C core. - 343 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG I2C Prescale Register 0/1 (I2C_DIVIDER 0 /1) REGISTER 2 I C_DIVIDER0 2 I C_DIVIDER1 31 ADDRESS 0xFFF8_6004 0xFFF8_6104 30 29 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W RESET VALUE 2 0x0000_0000 2 0x0000_0000 I C Clock Prescale Register 0 R/W I C Clock Prescale Register 1 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 DIVIDER[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 DIVIDER[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS Clock Prescale Register [15:0] DIVIDER It is used to prescale the SCL clock line. Due to the structure of the I2C interface, the core uses a 5*SCL clock internally. The prescale register must be programmed to this 5*SCL frequency (minus 1). Change the value of the prescale register only when the "I2C_EN" bit is cleared. Example: pclk = 32MHz, desired SCL = 100KHz prescale = 32 MHz - 1 = 63 ( dec ) = 3 F ( hex ) 5 100 KHz - 344 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG I2C Command Register 0/1 (I2C_CMDR 0/1) REGISTER ADDRESS 2 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C_CMDR0 0xFFF8_6008 R/W I C Command Register 0 0x0000_0000 I2C_CMDR1 0xFFF8_6108 R/W I2C Command Register 1 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 0 START STOP READ WRITE ACK Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved 2 NOTE: Software can write this register only when I C_EN = 1. BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:5] Reserved [4] START [3] STOP Generate Stop Condition Generate stop condition on I2C bus. [2] READ Read Data From Slave Retrieve data from slave. [1] WRITE Write Data To Slave Transmit data to slave. [0] ACK Reserved Generate Start Condition Generate (repeated) start condition on I2C bus. Send Acknowledge To Slave When I2C behaves as a receiver, sent ACK (ACK = `0') or NACK (ACK = `1') to slave. NOTE: The START, STOP, READ and WRITE bits are cleared automatically while transfer finished. READ and WRITE cannot be set concurrently. - 345 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG I2C Software Mode Register 0/1(I2C_SWR 0/1) REGISTER 2 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C_SWR0 0xFFF8_600C R/W I C Software Mode Control Register 0 0x0000_003F I2C_SWR1 0xFFF8_610C R/W I2C Software Mode Control Register 1 0x0000_003F 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 Reserved 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved SDR SCR Reserved SDW SCW 2 2 Note: This register is used as software mode of I C. Software can read/write this register no matter I C_EN is 0 or 1. But SCL 2 and SDA are controlled by software only when I C_EN = 0. BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:6] Reserved Reserved [5] Reserved Reserved [4] SDR Serial Interface SDA Status (Read only) 0 = SDA is Low. 1 = SDA is High. [3] SCR Serial Interface SCK Status (Read only) 0 = SCL is Low. 1 = SCL is High. [2] Reserved [1] SDW Serial Interface SDA Output Control 0 = SDA pin is driven Low. 1 = SDA pin is tri-state. SCW Serial Interface SCK Output Control 0 = SCL pin is driven Low. 1 = SCL pin is tri-state. [0] Reserved - 346 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG I2C Data Receive Register 0/1 (I2C_RxR 0/1) REGISTER 2 OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C_RXR0 0xFFF8_6010 R I C Data Receive Register 0 0x0000_0000 I2C_RXR1 0xFFF8_6110 R I2C Data Receive Register 1 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Rx [7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:8] Reserved [7:0] Rx Reserved Data Receive Register The last byte received via I2C bus will put on this register. The I2C core only used 8-bit receive buffer. - 347 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG I2C Data Transmit Register 0/1 (I2C_TxR 0/1) REGISTER 2 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C_TXR0 0xFFF8_6014 R/W I C Data Transmit Register 0x0000_0000 I2C_TXR1 0xFFF8_6114 R/W I2C Data Transmit Register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Tx [31:24] 23 22 21 20 Tx [23:16] 15 14 13 12 Tx [15:8] 7 6 5 4 Tx [7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS Data Transmit Register The I2C core used 32-bit transmit buffer and provide multi-byte transmit function. Set CSR[Tx_NUM] to a value that you want to transmit. I2C core will always issue a transfer from the highest byte first. For example, if CSR[Tx_NUM] = 0x3, Tx[31:24] will be transmitted first, then Tx[23:16], and so on. [31:0] Tx In case of a data transfer, all bits will be treated as data. In case of a slave address transfer, the first 7 bits will be treated as 7bit address and the LSB represent the R/W bit. In this case, LSB = 1, reading from slave LSB = 0, writing to slave - 348 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.15 Universal Serial Interface The USI is a synchronous serial interface performs a serial-to-parallel conversion on data characters received from the peripheral, and a parallel-to-serial conversion on data characters received from CPU. It can generate an interrupt signal when data transfer is finished and can be cleared by writing 1 to the interrupt flag. The active level of device/slave select signal can be chosen to low active or high active, which depends on the peripheral it's connected. Writing a divisor into DIVIDER register can program the frequency of serial clock output. This master core contains four 32-bit transmit/receive buffers, and can provide burst mode operation. The maximum bits can be transmitted/received is 32 bits, and can transmit/receive data up to four times successive. The USI (Microwire/SPI) Master Core includes the following features: * AMBA APB interface compatible * Support USI (Microwire/SPI) master mode * Full duplex synchronous serial data transfer * Variable length of transfer word up to 32 bits * Provide burst mode operation, transmit/receive can be executed up to four times in one transfer * MSB or LSB first data transfer * Rx and Tx on both rising or falling edge of serial clock independently * 1 slave/device select lines * Fully static synchronous design with one clock domain - 349 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.15.1 USI Timing Diagram The timing diagram of USI is shown as following. mw_ss_o mw_sclk_o mw_so_o MSB (Tx[7]) Tx[6] Tx[5] Tx[4] Tx[3] Tx[2] Tx[1] LSB (Tx[0]) mw_si_i MSB (Rx[7]) Rx[6] Rx[5] Rx[4] Rx[3] Rx[2] Rx[1] LSB (Rx[0]) CNTRL[LSB]=0, CNTRL[Tx_NUM]=0x0, CNTRL[Tx_BIT_LEN]=0x08, CNTRL[Tx_NEG]=1, CNTRL[Rx_NEG]=0, SSR[SS_LVL]=0 Figure 6.15.1 USI Timing mw_ss_o mw_sclk_o mw_so_o LSB (Tx[0]) Tx[1] Tx[2] Tx[3] Tx[4] Tx[5] Tx[6] MSB (Tx[7]) mw_si_i LSB (Rx[0]) Rx[1] Rx[2] Rx[3] Rx[4] Rx[5] Rx[6] MSB (Rx[7]) CNTRL[LSB]=1, CNTRL[Tx_NUM]=0x0, CNTRL[Tx_BIT_LEN]=0x08, CNTRL[Tx_NEG]=0, CNTRL[Rx_NEG]=1, SSR[SS_LVL]=0 Figure 6.15.2 Alternate Phase SCLK Clock Timing - 350 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.15.2 USI Registers Map R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USI_CNTRL 0xFFF8_6200 R/W Control and Status Register 0x0000_0004 USI_DIVIDER 0xFFF8_6204 R/W Clock Divider Register 0x0000_0000 USI_SSR 0xFFF8_6208 R/W Slave Select Register 0x0000_0000 Reserved 0xFFF8_620C N/A Reserved USI_Rx0 0xFFF8_6210 R Data Receive Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx1 0xFFF8_6214 R Data Receive Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx2 0xFFF8_6218 R Data Receive Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx3 0xFFF8_621C R Data Receive Register 3 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx0 0xFFF8_6210 W Data Transmit Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx1 0xFFF8_6214 W Data Transmit Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx2 0xFFF8_6218 W Data Transmit Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx3 0xFFF8_621C W Data Transmit Register 3 0x0000_0000 N/A NOTE 1: When software programs CNTRL, the GO_BUSY bit should be written last. - 351 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USI_Control and Status Register (USI_CNTRL) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USI_CNTRL 0xFFF8_6200 R/W USI Control and Status Register 31 30 29 28 0x0000_0004 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 IE IF 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 SLEEP 7 6 5 11 10 Reserved LSB 3 2 1 0 Tx_NEG Rx_NEG GO_BUSY 4 Tx_BIT_LEN BITS Tx_NUM DESCRIPTIONS [31:18] Reserved [17] IE Interrupt Enable 0 = Disable USI Interrupt. 1 = Enable USI Interrupt. IF Interrupt Flag 0 = It indicates that the transfer dose not finish yet. 1 = It indicates that the transfer is done. The interrupt flag is set if it was enable. NOTE: This bit is read only, but can be cleared by writing 1 to this bit. SLEEP Suspend Interval These four bits provide the configuration of suspend interval between two successive transmit/receive in a transfer. The default value is 0x0. When CNTRL [Tx_NUM] = 00, setting this field has no effect on transfer. The desired interval is obtained according to the following equation (from the last falling edge of current sclk to the first rising edge of next sclk): (CNTRL[SLEEP] + 2)*period of SCLK SLEEP = 0x0 ... 2 SCLK clock cycle SLEEP = 0x1 ... 3 SCLK clock cycle ...... SLEEP = 0xe ... 16 SCLK clock cycle SLEEP = 0xf ... 17 SCLK clock cycle [16] [15:12] Reserved - 352 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS [11] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved Reserved LSB Send LSB First 0 = The MSB is transmitted/received first (which bit in TxX/RxX register that is depends on the Tx_BIT_LEN field in the CNTRL register). 1 = The LSB is sent first on the line (bit TxX[0]), and the first bit received from the line will be put in the LSB position in the Rx register (bit RxX[0]). Tx_NUM Transmit/Receive Numbers This field specifies how many transmit/receive numbers should be executed in one transfer. 00 = Only one transmit/receive will be executed in one transfer. 01 = Two successive transmit/receive will be executed in one transfer. 10 = Three successive transmit/receive will be executed in one transfer. 11 = Four successive transmit/receive will be executed in one transfer. Tx_BIT_LEN Transmit Bit Length This field specifies how many bits are transmitted in one transmit/receive. Up to 32 bits can be transmitted. Tx_BIT_LEN = 0x01 ... 1 bit Tx_BIT_LEN = 0x02 ... 2 bits ...... Tx_BIT_LEN = 0x1f ... 31 bits Tx_BIT_LEN = 0x00 ... 32 bits [2] Tx_NEG Transmit On Negative Edge 0 = The mw_so_o signal is changed on the rising edge of mw_sclk_o. 1 = The mw_so_o signal is changed on the falling edge of mw_sclk_o. [1] Rx_NEG Receive On Negative Edge 0 = The mw_si_i signal is latched on the rising edge of mw_sclk_o. 1 = The mw_si_i signal is latched on the falling edge of mw_sclk_o. [10] [9:8] [7:3] [0] GO_BUSY Go and Busy Status 0 = Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. 1 = Writing 1 to this bit starts the transfer. This bit remains set during the transfer and is automatically cleared after transfer finished. NOTE: All registers should be set before writing 1 to the GO_BUSY bit in the CNTRL register. When a transfer is in progress, writing to any register of the USI(Microwire/SPI) master core has no effect. - 353 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USI Divider Register (USI_DIVIDER) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USI_Divider 0xFFF8_6204 R/W USI Clock Divider Register 31 30 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 DIVIDER[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 DIVIDER[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS Clock Divider Register The value in this field is the frequency divider of the system clock pclk to generate the serial clock on the output mw_sclk_o. The desired frequency is obtained according to the following equation: [15:0] DIVIDER f sclk = f pclk (DIVIDER + 1)* 2 NOTE: Suggest DIVIDER should be at least 1. - 354 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USI Slave Select Register (USI_SSR) REGISTER USI_SSR 31 ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0xFFF8_6208 R/W USI Slave Select Register 30 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 ASS SS_LVL Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved BITS [3] [2] SSR[1:0] DESCRIPTIONS ASS SS_LVL Automatic Slave Select 0 = If this bit is cleared, slave select signals are asserted and deasserted by setting and clearing related bits in SSR register. 1 = If this bit is set, mw_ss_o signals are generated automatically. It means that device/slave select signal, which is set in SSR register is asserted by the USI controller when transmit/receive is started by setting CNTRL[GO_BUSY], and is de-asserted after every transmit/receive is finished. Slave Select Active Level It defines the active level of device/slave select signal (mw_ss_o). 0 = The mw_ss_o slave select signal is active Low. 1 = The mw_ss_o slave select signal is active High. Slave Select Register [1:0] SSR If SSR[ASS] bit is cleared, writing 1 to any bit location of this field sets the proper mw_ss_o line to an active state and writing 0 sets the line back to inactive state. If SSR[ASS] bit is set, writing 1 to any bit location of this field will select appropriate mw_ss_o line to be automatically driven to active state for the duration of the transmit/receive, and will be driven to inactive state for the rest of the time. (The active level of mw_ss_o is specified in SSR[SS_LVL]). NOTE: This interface can only drive one device/slave at a given time. Therefore, the slave select of the selected device must be set to its active level before starting any read or write transfer. - 355 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USI Data Receive Register 0/1/2/3 (USI_Rx0/1/2/3) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W USI_RX0 0xFFF8_6210 R USI Data Receive Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_RX1 0xFFF8_6214 R USI Data Receive Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_RX2 0xFFF8_6218 R USI Data Receive Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_RX3 0xFFF8_621C R USI Data Receive Register 3 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Rx [31:24] 23 22 21 20 Rx [23:16] 15 14 13 12 Rx [15:8] 7 6 5 4 Rx [7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS Data Receive Register [31:0] Rx The Data Receive Registers hold the value of received data of the last executed transfer. Valid bits depend on the transmit bit length field in the CNTRL register. For example, if CNTRL[Tx_BIT_LEN] is set to 0x08 and CNTRL[Tx_NUM] is set to 0x0, bit Rx0[7:0] holds the received data. NOTE: The Data Receive Registers are read only registers. A Write to these registers will actually modify the Data Transmit Registers because those registers share the same FFs. - 356 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Data Transmit Register 0/1/2/3 (Tx0/1/2/3) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W USI_TX0 0xFFF8_6210 W USI Data Transmit Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_TX1 0xFFF8_6214 W USI Data Transmit Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_TX2 0xFFF8_6218 W USI Data Transmit Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_TX3 0xFFF8_621C W USI Data Transmit Register 3 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 Tx [31:24] 23 22 21 20 Tx [23:16] 15 14 13 12 Tx [15:8] 7 6 5 4 Tx [7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS Data Transmit Register [31:0] Tx The Data Transmit Registers hold the data to be transmitted in the next transfer. Valid bits depend on the transmit bit length field in the CNTRL register. For example, if CNTRL[Tx_BIT_LEN] is set to 0x08 and the CNTRL[Tx_NUM] is set to 0x0, the bit Tx0[7:0] will be transmitted in next transfer. If CNTRL[Tx_BIT_LEN] is set to 0x00 and CNTRL[Tx_NUM] is set to 0x3, the core will perform four 32-bit transmit/receive successive using the same setting (the order is Tx0[31:0], Tx1[31:0], Tx2[31:0], Tx3[31:0]). NOTE: The RxX and TxX registers share the same flip-flops, which means that what is received from the input data line in one transfer will be transmitted on the output data line in the next transfer if no write access to the TxX register is executed between the transfers. - 357 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.16 PWM The W90N745 have 4 channels PWM timers. They can be divided into two groups. Each group has 1 Prescaler, 1 clock divider, 2 clock selectors, 2 16-bit counters, 2 16-bit comparators, 1 Dead-Zone generator. They are all driven by PCLK (80 MHz). Each channel can be used as a timer and issue interrupt independently. Two channels PWM timers in one group share the same prescaler. Clock divider provides each channel with 5 clock sources (1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16). Each channel receives its own clock signal from clock divider which receives clock from 8-bit prescaler. The 16-bit counter in each channel receive clock signal from clock selector and can be used to handle one PWM period. The 16-bit comparator compares number in counter with threshold number in register loaded previously to generate PWM duty cycle. The clock signal from clock divider is called PWM clock. Dead-Zone generator utilize PWM clock as clock source. Once Dead-Zone generator is enabled, output of two PWM timer in one group is blocked. Two output pin are all used as Dead-Zone generator output signal to control off-chip power device. To prevent PWM driving output pin with unsteady waveform, 16-bit counter and 16-bit comparator are implemented with double buffering feature. User can feel free to write data to counter buffer register and comparator buffer register without generating glitch. When 16-bit down counter reaches zero, the interrupt request is generated to inform CPU that time is up. When counter reaches zero, if counter is set as toggle mode, it is reloaded automatically and start to generate next cycle. User can set counter as one-shot mode instead of toggle mode. If counter is set as one-shot mode, counter will stop and generate one interrupt request when it reaches zero. The value of comparator is used for pulse width modulation. The counter control logic changes the output level when down-counter value matches the value of compare register. The PWM timer features are shown as below: z Two 8-bit prescalers and two clock dividers z Four clock selectors z Four 16-bit counters and four 16-bit comparators z Two Dead-Zone generator - 358 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.16.1 PWM Double Buffering and Reload Automatically W90N745 PWM Timers have a double buffering function, enabling the reload value changed for next timer operation without stopping current timer operation. Although new timer value is set, current timer operation still operate successfully. The counter value can be written into PWM_CNR0, PWM_CNR1, PWM_CNR2, PWM_CNR3 and current counter value can be read from PWM_PDR0, PWM_PDR1, PWM_PDR2, PWM_PDR3. The auto-reload operation copies from PWM_CNR0, PWM_CNR1, PWM_CNR2, PWM_CNR3 to down-counter when down-counter reaches zero. If PWM_CNR0~3 are set as zero, counter will be halt when counter count to zero. If auto-reload bit is set as zero, counter will be stopped immediately. 6.16.2 Modulate Duty Ratio The double buffering function allows CMR written at any point in current cycle. The loaded value will take effect from next cycle. - 359 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.16.3 Dead Zone Generator W90N745 PWM is implemented with Dead Zone generator. They are built for power device protection. This function enables generation of a programmable time gap at the rising of PWM output waveform. User can program PWM_PPR [31:24] and PWM_PPR [23:16] to determine the Dead Zone interval. Dead zone generator operation PWM_out1 PWM_out1_n PWM_out1_DZ PWM_out1_n_DZ Dead zone interval 6.16.4 PWM Timer Start Procedure 1. Setup clock selector (PWM_CSR) 2. Setup prescaler & dead zone interval (PWM_PPR) 3. Setup inverter on/off, dead zone generator on/off, toggle mode /one-shot mode, and PWM timer off. (PWM_PCR) 4. Setup comparator register (PWM_CMR) 5. Setup counter register (PWM_CNR) 6. Setup interrupt enable register (PWM_PIER) 7. Enable PWM timer (PWM_PCR) 6.16.5 PWM Timer Stop Procedure Method 1 : Set 16-bit down counter(PWM_CNR) as 0, and monitor PWM_PDR. When PWM_PDR reaches to 0, disable PWM timer (PWM_PCR). (Recommended) Method 2 : Set 16-bit down counter(PWM_CNR) as 0. When interrupt request happen, disable PWM timer (PWM_PCR). (Recommended) Method 3 : Disable PWM timer directly (PWM_PCR). (Not recommended) - 360 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.16.6 PWM Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION PWM_PPR 0xFFF8_7000 R/W PWM Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_CSR 0xFFF8_7004 R/W PWM Clock Select Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_PCR 0xFFF8_7008 R/W PWM Control Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR0 0xFFF8_700C R/W PWM Counter Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR0 0xFFF8_7010 R/W PWM Comparator Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR0 0xFFF8_7014 R PWM Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR1 0xFFF8_7018 R/W PWM Counter Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR1 0xFFF8_701C R/W PWM Comparator Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR1 0xFFF8_7020 R PWM Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR2 0xFFF8_7024 R/W PWM Counter Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR2 0xFFF8_7028 R/W PWM Comparator Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR2 0xFFF8_702C R PWM Data Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR3 0xFFF8_7030 R/W PWM Counter Register 3 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR3 0xFFF8_7034 R/W PWM Comparator Register 3 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR3 0xFFF8_7038 R PWM Data Register 3 0x0000_0000 PWM_PIER 0xFFF8_703C R/W PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_PIIR 0xFFF8_7040 R/C PWM Interrupt Indication Register 0x0000_0000 - 361 - RESET VALUE Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Prescaler Register (PWM_PPR) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_PPR 0xFFF8_7000 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W PWM Prescaler Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 DZI1 23 22 21 20 DZI0 15 14 13 12 CP1 7 6 5 4 CP0 BITS [31:24] DESCRIPTIONS DZI1 DZI1: Dead zone interval register 1, these 8-bit determine dead zone length. The 1 unit time of dead zone length is received from clock selector 2. [23:16] DZI0 DZI0: Dead zone interval register 0, these 8-bit determine dead zone length. The 1 unit time of dead zone length is received from clock selector 0. CP1 : Clock prescaler 1 for PWM Timer channel 2 & 3 [15:8] CP1 Clock input is divided by (CP1 + 1) before it is fed to the counter. 2 & 3 If CP1=0, then the prescaler 1 output clock will be stopped. CP0 : Clock prescaler 0 for PWM Timer channel 0 & 1 [7:0] CP0 Clock input is divided by (CP0 + 1) before it is fed to the counter. 0 & 1 If CP0=0, then the prescaler 0 output clock will be stopped. - 362 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Clock Select Register (PWM_CSR) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_CSR 0xFFF8_7004 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W PWM Clock Select Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 Reserved 13 12 CSR3 7 6 Reserved 5 CSR1 BITS Reserved 4 CSR2 3 2 Reserved 1 0 CSR0 DESCRIPTIONS [14:12] CSR3 Select clock input for channel 3 [10:8] CSR2 Select clock input for channel 2. [6:4] CSR1 Select clock input for channel 1 [2:0] CSR0 Select clock input for channel 0 CSR3 INPUT CLOCK DIVIDED BY 000 2 001 4 010 8 011 16 100 1 - 363 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Control Register (PWM_PCR) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_PCR 0xFFF8_7008 31 30 R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W PWM Control Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 PCR19 PCR18 PCR17 PCR16 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 PCR15 PCR14 PCR13 PCR12 PCR11 PCR10 PCR09 PCR08 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCR07 PCR06 PCR05 PCR04 PCR03 PCR02 PCR01 PCR00 BITS DESCRIPTIONS Channel 3 toggle/one shot mode [19] PCR 19 1 = toggle mode 0 = one shot mode Channel 3 Inverter on/off [18] PCR 18 1 = inverter on 0 = inverter off [17] PCR 17 Reserved Channel 3 enable/disable [16] PCR 16 1 = enable 0 = disable Channel 2 toggle/one shot mode [15] PCR 15 1 = toggle mode 0 = one shot mode Channel 2 Inverter on/off [14] PCR 14 1 = inverter on 0 = inverter off [13] PCR 13 Reserved - 364 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTIONS Channel 2 enable/disable [12] PCR 12 1 = enable 0 = disable Channel 1 toggle/one shot mode [11] PCR 11 1 = toggle mode 0 = one shot mode Channel 1 Inverter on/off [10] PCR 10 1 = inverter on 0 = inverter off [09] PCR 09 Reserved Channel 1 enable/disable [08] PCR 08 1 = enable 0 = disable [07] PCR 07 Reserved [06] PCR 06 Reserved Dead-Zone generator 1 enable/disable [05] PCR 05 1 = enable dead-zone generator 0 = disable dead-zone generator Dead-Zone generator 0 enable/disable [04] PCR 04 1 = enable dead-zone generator 0 = disable dead-zone generator Channel 0 toggle/one shot mode [03] PCR 03 1 = toggle mode 0 = one shot mode Channel 0 Inverter on/off [02] PCR 02 1 = inverter on 0 = inverter off [01] PCR 01 Reserved Channel 0 enable/disable [00] PCR 00 1 = enable 0 = disable - 365 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Counter Register 0/1/2/3 (PWM_CNR0/1/2/3) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_CNR0 0xFFF8_700C R/W PWM Counter Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR1 0xFFF8_7018 R/W PWM Counter Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR2 0xFFF8_7024 R/W PWM Counter Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR3 0xFFF8_7030 R/W PWM Counter Register 3 0x0000_0000 31 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 CNRx[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 CNRx[7:0] BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved CNRx CNR: PWM counter/timer buffer. Inserted data range: 65535~0. Unit: 1 PWM clock cycle Note 1: One PWM counter countdown interval = CNR + 1.If CNR is loaded as zero, PWM counter will be stopped. Note 2: Programmer can feel free to write data to CNR at any time, and it will be reloaded when PWM counter reaches zero. - 366 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Comparator Register 0/1/2/3 (PWM_CMR0/1/2/3) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_CMR0 0xFFF8_7010 R/W PWM Comparator Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR1 0xFFF8_701C R/W PWM Comparator Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR2 0xFFF8_7028 R/W PWM Comparator Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR3 0xFFF8_7034 R/W PWM Comparator Register 3 0x0000_0000 31 30 R/W 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 CMRx[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 CMRx[7:0] BITS [31:16] [15:0] DESCRIPTIONS Reserved CMRx CMR: PWM comparator register Inserted data range: 65535~0. CMR is used to determine PWM output duty ratio. Note 1: PWM duty = CMR + 1.If CMR is loaded as zero, PWM duty = 1 Note 2: Programmer can feel free to write data to CMR at any time, and it will be reloaded when PWM counter reaches zero. - 367 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Data Register 0/1/2/3 (PWM_PDR 0/1/2/3) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PWM_PDR0 0xFFF8_7014 R PWM Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR1 0xFFF8_7020 R PWM Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR2 0xFFF8_702C R PWM Data Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR3 0xFFF8_7038 R PWM Data Register 3 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION 28 RESET VALUE 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 2 1 0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 PDRx[15:8] 7 6 5 4 3 PDRx[7:0] BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:16] Reserved [15:0] PDRx PDR: PWM Data register. User can monitor PDR to get current value in 16-bit down counter. - 368 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Interrupt Enable Register (PWM_PIER) REGISTER ADDRESS PWM_PIER 0xFFF8_703C 31 R/W 30 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE R/W PWM Interrupt Enable Register 29 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 PIER3 PIER2 PIER1 PIER0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 Reserved BITS 4 DESCRIPTIONS [31:4] Reserved - [3] PIER3 Enable/Disable PWM counter channel 3 interrupt request 1 = enable 0 = disable [2] PIER2 Enable/Disable PWM counter channel 2 interrupt request 1 = enable 0 = disable [1] PIER1 Enable/Disable PWM counter channel 1 interrupt request 1 = enable 0 = disable [0] PIER0 Enable/Disable PWM counter channel 0 interrupt request 1 = enable 0 = disable - 369 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PWM Interrupt Indication Register (PWM_PIIR) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W/C PWM_PIIR 0xFFF8_7040 R/C 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PWM Interrupt Indication Register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 PIIR3 PIIR2 PIIR1 PIIR0 Reserved 23 22 21 20 Reserved 15 14 13 12 Reserved 7 6 5 4 Reserved BITS DESCRIPTIONS [3] PIIR3 PWM counter channel 3 interrupt flag [2] PIIR2 PWM counter channel 2 interrupt flag [1] PIIR1 PWM counter channel 1 interrupt flag [0] PIIR0 PWM counter channel 0 interrupt flag Note: User can clear each interrupt flag by writing a zero to corresponding bit in PIIR - 370 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.17 Keypad Interface W90N745 Keypad Interface (KPI) is an APB slave with 4-row scan output and 8-column scan input. KPI scans an array up to 16x8 with an external 4 to 16 decoder. It can also be programmed to scan 8x8 or 4x8 key array. If the 4x8 array is selected then external decoder is not necessary because the scan signals are dived by W90N745 itself. For minimum pin counts application, an auxiliary priority encoder (TTL 74148) can be used to encode 8 columns input to 3 binary code and one indicator flag. Total 8 pins are required to implement 16x8 key scan. Any 1 or 2 keys in the array that pressed are debounced and encoded. The keypad controller scan key matrix from ROW0 COL 0 AE 1 AE 2 .... AE 7, ROW1 COL 0 AE 1 AE 2 ... AE 7 till to ROW 16 (or ROW 8 or ROW 4) COL 0 AE 0 AE 1 .... AE 7. If more than 2 keys are pressed, only the keys or apparent keys in the array with the lowest address will be decoded. KPI also supports 2-keys scan interrupt and specified 3-keys interrupt or chip reset. If the 3 pressed keys matches with the 3 keys defined in KPI3KCONF, it will generate an interrupt or chip reset to nWDOG reset output depend on the ENRST setting. The interrupt is generated whenever the scanner detects a key is pressed. The interrupt conditions are 1 key, 2 keys and 3keys. W90N745 provides one keypad connecting interface. The interface is in Ethernet RMII PHY interface 2 and I C interface 2 SDA1, SCL1 (GPIO18-27). Software should set KPSEL bit to "0" in KPICONF register to select MAC PHY interface for connecting keypad matrix. The keypad interface has the following features: z maximum 16x8 array z programmable debounce time z low-power wakeup mode z programmable three-key reset - 371 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.17.1 W90N745 Keypad Interface 6.17.1 Keypad Interface Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION KPICONF 0xFFF8_8000 R/W Keypad Controller Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 KPI3KCONF 0xFFF8_8004 R/W Keypad Controller 3-keys Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 KPILPCONF 0xFFF8_8008 R/W Keypad Controller Low Power Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 KPISTATUS 0xFFF8_800C R/O Keypad Controller Status Register 0x0000_0000 - 372 - RESET VALUE W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.17.2 Register Description Keypad Controller Configuration Register (KPI_CONF) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE KPICONF 0xFFF8_8000 R/O key pad configuration register 0x0000_0000 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 RESERVED 15 21 20 19 18 ENCODE ODEN KPSEL ENKP 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 14 KSIZE DBTC 7 6 5 4 PRESCALE BITS [31:22] DESCRIPTION RESERVED Enable Encode Function [21] ENCODE If an auxiliary 8 to 3 encoder is used to minimize keypad interface pin counts, user can connect encoder data to KPI_COL[2:0] and indicator flag (low active) to KPI_COL[3]. 1 = enable encoder function 0 = default. (8 column inputs) Open Drain Enable [20] ODEN If there are more than one key are pressed in the same column, then "short-circuit" will appear between active scan and inactive scan row. Software can set this bit HIGH to enable scan output KPI_ROW[3:0] pins work as "open-drain" to avoid the "short-circuit". 1 = Open drain 0 = push-pull driver Key pad select [19] KPSEL Software should set this bit to "0" to select MAC PHY interface for connecting keypad matrix. 0 = pin #53~55, #57~60, #62~65 #19 and #20 are used as keypad interface - 373 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTION Key pad scan enable [18] ENKP Setting this bit high enable the key scan function. 1 = enable key pad scan 0 = disable key pad scan Key array size [17:16] KSIZE KSIZE Key array size 2'b00 4x8, 3x8, 2x8, 1x8 2'b01 8x8, 7x8, 6x8, 5x8 2'b1x 16x8, 15x8, 14x8, 13x8, 12x8, 11x8, 10x8, 9x8 Debounce terminal count [15:8] DBTC Debounce counter counts the number of consecutive scans that decoded the same keys. When de-bounce counter counter is equal to terminal count it will generate a key scan interrupt. Row scan cycle pre-scale value This value is used to prescale row scan cycle. The prescale counter is clocked by 0.9375MHz clock. Key array scan time = 1.067us x PRESCALE x16 ROWS [7:0] PRESCALE The following example is the scan time for PRESCALE = 0xFA Tscan_time = 1.067us x 250 x16 = 4.268ms If debounce terminal count = 0x05, key detection interrupt is fired in approximately 21.34ms. The array scan time can range from 17.07us to 1.118 sec. - 374 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Figure 6.17.2 Keypad Interface with row decoder and column encoder Keypad Controller 3-keys Configuration Register (KPI3KCONF) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W KPI3KCONF 0xFFF8_8004 W/R 31 30 29 28 DESCRIPTION three-key register 27 configuration 26 RESERVED 23 22 21 RESERVED 15 RESERVED 19 18 K32R 14 13 RESERVED 7 20 12 5 0x0000_0000 25 24 EN3KY ENRST 17 16 K32C 11 10 K31R 6 RESET VALUE 9 8 K31C 4 3 K30R 2 1 0 K30C - 375 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG BITS DESCRIPTION [31:26] RESERVED [25] EN3KY Enable three-keys detection Setting this bit enables hardware to detect 3 keys specified by software Enable three-key reset Setting this bit enable hardware reset when three-key is detected. [24] [23] ENRST RESERVED EN3KY ENRST Function 0 X three-key function is disable 1 0 generate three-key interrupt 1 1 hardware reset by three-key-reset The #2 key row address [22:19] K32R The #2 means the row address and the column address is the highest of the specified 3-kyes. [18:16] K32C The #2 key column address [15] RESERVED The #1 key row address [14:11] K31R The #1 means the row address and the column address is the 2nd of the specified 3-kyes. [10:8] K31C The #1 key column address [7] RESERVED The #0 key row address [6:3] K30R The #0 means the row address and the column address is the lowest of the specified 3-kyes. [2:0] K30C The #0 key column address Application Note: Due to hardware scan from {row[0], col[0]}, {row[0], col[1]}, ..., to {row[15], col[7]} the {K30R,K30C} should be filled the lowest address of the three-keys. For example, if {2,0} {4,6}, {1,3} keys are defined as three-keys. Software should set {K30R, K30C} = {1, 3}, {K31R, K31C} = {2, 0} and {K32R, K32C} = {4, 6}. - 376 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG KeyPad Interface Low Power Mode Configuration Register (KPILPCONF) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W KPILPCOF 0xFFF8_8008 W/R 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Low power configuration register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 WAKE 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 LPWCEN 7 6 5 4 RESERVED BITS [31:17] LPWR DESCRIPTION RESERVED Lower power wakeup enable [16] WAKE Setting this bit enables low power wakeup 1 = wakeup enable 0 = not enable Low power wakeup column enable [15:8] LPWCEN [7:4] RESERVED Specify columns for low power wakeup. For example, if user wants to use keys in row N and column 0, 2, 5 to wake up W90N745, then the LPWCEN should be fill 8'b00100101. Low power wakeup row address [3:0] LPWR Define the row address keys used to wakeup. For 16x8 or 8x8 (with 4:16 or 3:8 decoder) keypad key configuration, LPWR means "Hex" code but for 4x8 (without decoder), LPWR means "binary" code. For example, if user wants to use all keys on row 3 of 16x8 keypad to wakeup W90N745, then 0x3 should be fill into this register but for 4x8 keypad it should be filled as 4'b1000. - 377 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Key Pad Interface Status Register (KPISTATUS) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W KPISTATUS 0xFFF8_800C R/O 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION key pad status register 28 RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RESERVED INT 3 K R S T PDWAKE 3KEY 2KEY 1KEY 15 13 12 11 10 9 8 14 RESERVED 7 KEY1R 6 5 RESERVED KEY1C 4 3 KEY0R 1 0 KEY0C BITS [31:22] 2 DESCRIPTION RESERVED Key interrupt [21] INT This bit indicates the key scan interrupt is active and that one or two keys have changed status. The interrupt also occur when the three specified keys are detected if ENRST bit in KPI3KFCON is cleared. It will be cleared by hardware automatically when software read KPISTATUS register. 3-Keys reset flag [20] 3KRST This bit is a record flag for software reference, it will be set after 3keys reset occur. 1 = 3 keys reset 0 = not reset. This bit is cleared while it is read. Power Down Wakeup flag [19] PDWAKE This flag indicates the chip is wakeup from power down by keypad 1 =wakeup up by keypad 0 = not wakeup Specified three-key is detected. [18] 3KEY This flag indicates specified-three-keys was detected. Software can read this bit to know the keypad interrupt is 3 key or not. - 378 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued BITS DESCRIPTION Double-key press [17] 2KEY This bit indicates that 2 keys have been detected. Software can read {KEY1R, KEY1C} and {KEY0R, KEY0C} to know which two keys are pressed. Single-key press [16] 1KEY [15] RESERVED This bit indicates that 1 key has been detected. Software can read {KEY0R, KEY0C} to know which key is pressed. KEY1 row address [14:11] KEY1R [10:8] KEY1C [7] RESERVED This value indicates key1 row address. The keypad controller scan keypad matrix from row 0, column0 AE1 AE2 .... AE 7 and then row1 column 0 AE 1 AE 2 AE7 so the lowest key address will be stored in {KEY0R, KEY0C}. This register stores the 2nd address, if more than one key is pressed. KEY1 column address This value indicates key1 column address.. KEY1 row address [6:3] KEY0R [2:0] KEY0C This value indicates key0 row address. This value indicates key0 row address. This value indicates key1 row address. The keypad controller scan keypad matrix from row 0, column0 AE1 AE2 .... AE 7 and then row1 col 0 AE 1 AE 2 AE ...AE 7 still to row16 (or 8, or 4) column 0 AE 1 AE 2 ..... AE 7 so the lowest key address will be stored in {KEY0R, KEY0C}. KEY1 column address This value indicates key0 row address. - 379 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.18 PS2 Host Interface Controller W90N745 PS2 host controller interface is an APB slave consisted of PS2 protocol. It is used to connect to your IBM keyboard or other device through PS2 interface. For example, the IBM keyboard will sends scan codes to the host controller, and the scan codes will tell your Keyboard Bios what keys you have pressed or released. Besides Scan codes, commands can also be sent to the keyboard from host. The most common commands would be the setting/resetting of the status indicators (i.e. the Num lock, Caps Lock & Scroll Lock LEDs). The PS2 interface implements a bi-directional protocol. The keyboard can send data to the Host and the Host can send data to the Keyboard using two PS2 Clock and PS2 Data lines. Both the PS2 Clock and Data lines are Open Collector bi-directional I/O lines. The Host has the ultimate priority over direction. The keyboard is free to send data to the host when both the PS2 Data and PS2 Clock lines are high (Idle). If the host takes the PS2 Clock line low, the keyboard will buffer any data until the PS2 Clock is released, ie goes high. The transmission of data in the forward direction, ie Keyboard to Host is done with a frame of 11 bits. The first bit is a Start Bit (Logic 0) followed by 8 data bits (LSB First), one Parity Bit (Odd Parity) and a Stop Bit (Logic 1). Each bit should be read on the falling edge of the clock. The Keyboard will generate the clock. The frequency of the clock signal typically ranges from 20 to 30 KHz. The Host to Keyboard Protocol is initiated by taking the PS2 data line low. It is common to take the PS2 Clock line low for more than 60us and then the KBD data line is taken low, while the KBD clock line is released. After that, the keyboard will start generating a clock signal on its PS2 clock line. After the first falling edge has been detected, host will load the first data bit on the PS2 Data line. This bit will be read into the keyboard on the next falling edge, after which host place the next bit of data. This process is repeated for the 8 data bits. It will follow an Odd Parity Bit after the data byte. - 380 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.18.1 PS2 Host Controller Interface Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PS2CMD 0xFFF8_9000 R/W PS2 Host Controller Command Register 0x0000_0000 PS2STS 0xFFF8_9004 R/W PS2 Host Controller Status Register 0x0000_0000 PS2SCANCODE 0xFFF8_9008 RO PS2 Host Controller RX Scan Code 0x0000_0000 Register PS2ASCII RO PS2 Host Controller RX ASCII Code 0x0000_0000 Register 0xFFF8_900C - 381 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 6.18.2 Register Description PS2 Host Controller Command Register (PS2_CMD) REGISTER PS2CMD 31 ADDRESS R/W 0xFFF8_9000 30 DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE Command register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 TRAP_SHIFT EnCMD 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 2 PS2CMD BITS [31:10] DESCRIPTIONS RESERVED Trap Shift Key Output to Scan Code Register [9] TRAP_SHIFT If the shift key scan code (0x12 0r 0x59) is received by host, software can indicate host whether to update to scan code register or not. No ASCII or SCAN codes will be reported for the shift keys if this bit is set. In this condition, host will only report the shift keys at the RX_shift_key bit of Status register and no interrupt will occur for the shift keys. This is useful for those who wish to use the ASCII data stream and don't want to "manually" filter out the shift key codes. This bit is clear by default. Enable write PS2 Host Controller Commands [8] EnCMD This bit enables the write function of Host controller comm device. Set this bit will start the write process of PS2CMD cont hardware will automatically clear this bit while write pro finished. PS2 Host Controller Commands [7:0] PS2CMD This command filed is sent by the Host to the Keyboard. Th common command would be the setting/resetting of the Indicators (i.e. the Num lock, Caps Lock & Scroll Lock LEDs). - 382 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PS2 Host Controller Status Register (PS2_STS) REGISTER ADDRESS PS2STS 31 0xFFF8_9004 30 R/W DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE Status register 28 0x0000_0000 27 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 RESERVED 5 4 TX_err TX_IRQ BITS [31:6] 3 RESERVED RX_IRQ DESCRIPTIONS RESERVED This Transmit Error Status bit indicates software that device doesn't response ACK after Host wrote a command to it. [5] [4] TX_err TX_IRQ This bit is valid when TX_IRQ is asserted. It will automatically reset after software starts next command writing process. This bit is read only. This Transmit Complete Interrupt bit indicates software that the process of Host controller writing command to device is finished. Software needs to write one to this bit to clear this interrupt. [3:1] Reserved [0] This Receive Interrupt bit indicates software that Host controller receives one byte data from device. This data is stored at PS2_SCANCODE register. Software needs to write one to this bit to clear this interrupt after reading receiving data in RX_SCAN_CODE register. Note that the reception of the Extend (0xE0) and Release (0xF0) scan code will not cause an interrupt by host. The case of the shift key codes will be determined by the TRAP_SHIFT bit of PS2_CMD register. RX_IRQ - 383 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PS2 Host Controller RX Scan Code Register (PS2_SCANCODE) REGISTER ADDRESS PS2SCANCODE 31 R/W 0xFFFF_9008 30 DESCRIPTION R/W 29 RESET VALUE PS2 Host RX Scan Code Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RX_shift_key RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 2 RX_releaseRX_extend 1 0 RX_SCAN_CODE BITS DESCRIPTIONS [31:11] RESERVED - [10] RX_shift_key This Receive Shift Key bit indicates that left or right shift key on the keyboard is hold. This bit is read only and will clear by host when the release shift key codes are received. RX_release Receive Released Byte When one key has been released, the keyboard will send F0 (hex) to inform Host controller. This bit indicates software that Host controller receives release byte (F0). This bit is read only and will update when host has received next data byte. RX_extend Receive Extend Byte A handful of the keys on keyboard are extended keys and thus require two more scan code. These keys are preceded by an E0 (hex). This bit indicates software that Host controller receives extended byte (E0). This bit is read only and will update when host has received next data byte. RX_SCAN_CODE PS2 Host Controller Received Data Field This field stores the original data content transmitted from device. This filed is valid when RX_IRQ is asserted. Note that host will not report "Extend" or "Release" scan code to this field and not generate interrupt if they are received by host, i.e. 0xE0 and 0xF0. The case of the shift key codes will be determined by the TRAP_SHIFT bit of PS2_CMD register. [9] [8] [7:0] - 384 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG PS2 Host Controller RX ASCII Code Register (PS2_ASCII) REGISTER ADDRESS R/W PS2ASCII 0xFFF8_900C R/W 31 30 29 DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PS2 Host RX ASCII Code Register 28 27 0x0000_0000 26 25 24 18 17 16 10 9 8 2 1 0 RESERVED 23 22 21 20 19 RESERVED 15 14 13 12 11 RESERVED 7 6 5 4 3 RX_ASCII_CODE BITS [31:8] DESCRIPTIONS RESERVED PS2 Host Controller Received Data Filed [7:0] RX_ASCII_CODE This field stores the ASCII data content transmitted from device. Therefore, this part translates the scan code into an ASCII value. It will be read as 0x2E when there is no ASCII code mapped to the scan code stored in RX_SCAN_CODE register. This filed is valid when RX_IRQ is asserted. - 385 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Ambient temperature ............................................................................. -40 C ~ +85C Storage temperature ............................................................................ -40 C ~ +125C Voltage on any pin ............................................................................... -0.5V ~ 6V Power supply voltage (Core logic) ............................................................ -0.5V ~ 1.92V Power supply voltage (IO Buffer) ............................................................. -0.5V ~ 3.6V Injection current (latch-up testing) ......................................................... 100mA Crystal Frequency .................................................................................... 4MHz ~ 30MHz 7.2 DC Specifications 7.2.1 Digital DC Characteristics (Normal test conditions: VDD33/USBVDD = 3.3V+/- 0.3V, VDD18/DVDD18/AVDD18 = 1.8V+/- 0.18V TA = -40 C ~ +85 C unless otherwise specified) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MIN. MAX. UNIT VDD33/ USBVDD VDD18/ DVDD18/ AVDD18 Power Supply 3.00 3.60 V Power Supply 1.62 1.98 V VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 5.5 V 1.47 1.5 V 0.89 0.95 V - 0.4 V 2.4 - V VT+ VT- Schmitt threshold Schmitt threshold Trigger positive-going trigger negative-going VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Depend driving Depend driving - 386 - on on W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MIN. MAX. UNIT ICC1 1.8V Supply Current FCPU = 80MHz - 150 mA ICC2 3.3V Supply Current FCPU = 80MHz - 60 mA ICCRTC RTC 1.8V Supply Current FRTC 32.768KHZ - 7 uA IIH Input High Current VIN = 2.4 V -1 1 A IIL Input Low Current VIN = 0.4 V -1 1 A IIHP Input High Current (pull-up) VIN = 2.4 V -15 -10 A IILP Input Low Current (pull-up) VIN = 0.4 V -55 -25 A IIHD Input High Current (pull-down) VIN = 2.4 V 25 60 A IILD Input Low Current (pull-down) VIN = 0.4 V 5 10 A = Table 7.2.1 TSMC IO DC Characteristics PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3V 0.8V VIH Input High Voltage 2V 5.5V VT Threshold point 1.46V 1.59V 1.75V VT+ Schmitt trig low to high threshold point 1.47V 1.50V 1.50V VT- Schmitt trig, high to low threshold point 0.90V 0.94V 0.96V II Input leakage current @VI= 3.3V or 0V +/- 10uA Ioz Tri-state output leakage current @Vo =3.3V or 0V +/- 10UA RPU Pull-up resister 44K 66K 110K RPD Pull-down resister 25K 50K 110K VOL Output low voltage @IOL(min) VOH Output high voltage @IOH (min) 0.4V 2.4V - 387 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Continued. PARAMETER IOL IOH MIN. TYP. MAX. Low level output current @VOL = 0.4V 4mA 4.9mA 7.4mA 9.8mA Low level output current @VOL = 0.4V 8mA 9.7mA 14.9mA 19.5mA Low level output current @VOL = 0.4V 12mA 14.6mA 22.3mA 29.3mA High level output current @VOH = 2.4V 4mA 6.3mA 12.8mA 21.2mA High level output current @VOH = 2.4V 8mA 12.7mA 25.6mA 42.4mA High level output current @VOH = 2.4V 12mA 19.0mA 38.4mA 63.6mA NOTE: The values in this table are copied from TSMC 1P5M IO library tpz937g_240b silicon report. This table is just for reference. More precision DC vaule should refer to Alpha-Test result. 7.2.2 USB Transceiver DC Characteristics SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT VDI Differential Input Sensitivity DP - DM 0.2 VCM Differential Common Mode Range Includes VDI range 0.8 2.5 V VSE Single Ended Receiver Threshold 0.8 2.0 V VOL Static Output Low Voltage RL of 1.5 K to 3.6 V 0.3 V VOH Static Output High Voltage RL of 15 K to VSS 2.8 3.6 V VCRS Output Signal Crossover Voltage 1.3 2.0 V ZDRV Driver Output Resistance 28 43 CIN Pin Capacitance 20 pF Steady state drive - 388 - V W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3 AC Specifications 7.3.1 EBI/SDRAM Interface AC Characteristics 1.5V MCLK TDSU D[31:0] TDH Iutput Valid 1.5V SDRAM input to W90P710 MCLK D[31:0] 1.5V TDO 1.5V Output Valid W90P710 write to SDRAM SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. MAX. UNIT TDSU D [31:0] Setup Time 2 ns TDH D [31:0] Hold Time 2 ns TDO D [31:0], A [24:0], nSCS [1:0], SDQM [3:0], CKE, nSWE, nSRAS, nSCAS 2 - 389 - 7 ns Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3.2 EBI/(ROM/SRAM/External I/O) AC Characteristics MCLK TNECSO TNECSO nECS[3:0] TADDO A[21:0] nOE Address Valid TNOEO TNOEO TDSU D[31:0] nWAIT nWBE[3:0] TDH R Data TNWASU TNWAH TNWBO TNWBO TDO D[31:0] SYMBOL Write Data Vaild DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNIT TADDO Address Output Delay Time 2 7 ns TNCSO ROM/SRAM/Flash or External I/O Chip Select Delay Time 2 7 ns TNOEO ROM/SRAM or External I/O Bank Output Enable Delay 2 7 ns TNWBO ROM/SRAM or External I/O Bank Write Byte Enable Delay 2 7 ns TDH Read Data Hold Time 7 ns TDSU Read Data Setup Time 0 ns TDO Write Data Output Delay Time (SRAM or External I/O) 2 TNWASU External Wait Setup Time 3 ns TNWAH External Wait Hold Time 1 ns - 390 - 7 ns W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3.3 USB Transceiver AC Characteristics Rise Time CL Fall Time 90% Differential Data Lines 90% 10% 10% CL tR Full Speed: 4 to 20ns at CL = 50pF tF Low Speed: 75ns at CL = 50pF, 300ns at CL = 350pF Data Signal Rise and Fall Time USB Transceiver AC Characteristics SYMBOL DESCRIPTION CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNIT TR Rise Time CL = 50 pF 4 20 ns TF Fall Time CL = 50 pF 4 20 ns TRFM Rise/Fall Time Matching 90 110 % TDRATE Full Speed Data Rate 11.97 12.03 Mbps 7.3.4 Average bit rate (12 Mb/s 0.25%) EMC RMII AC Characteristics The signal timing characteristics conforms to the guidelines specified in IEEE Std. 802.3. TFREQ PHY_REFCLK TDUTY TTXO PHY_TXEN PHY_TXD[1:0] TTXH valid data TRXS PHY_RXERR PHY_RXD[1:0] PHY_CRSDV TRXH valid data - 391 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SYMBOL DESCRIPTION TFREQ RMII reference clock frequency TDUTY RMII clock duty TTXO MIN TYP MAX 50 UNIT MHz 35% 50% 65% ns Transmit data output delay 5 - 15 ns TTXH Transmit data hold time 2 - - ns TRXS Receive data setup time 4 - - ns TRXH Receive data hold time 2 - - ns PHY_MDC TMDO TMDH PHY_MDIO (Write) valid data TMDS PHY_MDIO (Read) SYMBOL TMDH valid data DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNIT 15 ns TMDO MDIO Output Delay Time 0 TMDSU MDIO Setup Time 5 ns TMDH MDIO Hold Time 5 ns - 392 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3.5 AC97/I2S Interface AC Characteristics TCLK_PERIOD AC97_BCLK TOD AC97_DATAO AC97_SYNC TISU TIHD TOH AC97_DATAI SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION MIN TYP. MAX UNIT TCLK_PERIOD AC97 Bit Clock Frequency -- 12.288 -- MHz TOD AC97_DATAO and AC97_SYNC output delay from AC97_BCLK rising edge -- -- 30 ns TOH AC97_DATAO and AC97_SYNC output hold time from AC97_BCLK rising edge 5 -- -- ns TISU AC97_DATAI input setup time to AC97_BCLK falling edge 10 -- -- ns TIHD AC97_DATAI input hold AC97_BCLK falling edge 5 -- -- ns time - 393 - from Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG TBCLK_PERIOD I2S_BCLK Tout_delay I2S_DATAO I2S_RLCLK TDOH TDIS TDIH I2S_DATAI SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION MIN MAX Note:depend on codec spec. and register setting UNIT TBCLK_PERIOD IIS Bit Clock Frequency Tout_delay IIS_DATAO and IIS_RLCLK output delay from IIS_BCLK falling edge -- 30 ns TDOH IIS_DATAO and IIS_RLCLK data output hold time from IIS_BCLK falling edge 0 -- ns TDIS IIS_DATAI input setup time to IIS_BCLK rising edge 10 -- ns TDIH IIS_DATAI input hold time from IIS_BCLK rising edge 100 -- ns - 394 - MHz W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3.6 I2C Interface AC Characteristics THIGH SCL TSU:STO TLOW Thd:STA TSU:DAT2 TSU:DAT SDA Thd:DAT SCL TSU:SAT SDA SYMBOL THIGH TLOW Thd:STA TSU:DAT THD:DAT TSU:DAT2 TSU:STO TSU:STA DESCRIPTION I2C Clock high time I2C clock low time Start condition hold time Receive data setup time Transmit data output delay Receive data hold time Transmit data hold time SDA setup time (before STOP condition) Stop condition setup time Restart condition setup time - 395 - MIN MAX UNIT 1 1 1 0.1 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 0.9 - us us us us us us us us us us Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 7.3.7 USI Interface AC Characteristics Tlag FUSI SFRM Tlead SCLK TCLKH TCLKL SSPTXD (TX_NEG =1) TOD TOD SSPTXD (TX_NEG =0) Tlag FUSI SFRM Tlead SCLK TIH TCLKH TCLKL SSPRXD (RX_NEG =1) TISU TIH SSPRXD (RX_NEG =0) TISU - 396 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNIT FUSI USI clock frequency - 20 MHz TCLKH USI clock high time 12.5 - ns TCLKL USI clock low time - - ns TISU Data input setup time - 14 ns TIH Data input hold time 0 - ns Tlead USI enable lead time 12.5 - ns Tlag USI enable lag time 12.5 - ns TOD USI output data valid time - 30 ns 7.3.8 PS2 Interface AC Characteristics T4 T3 1st CLK PS2_CLK 2nd CLK 10th CLK 11th CLK T5 T1 PS2_DATA T2 Start Bit Bit 0 Parity Bit Timing for data received from the auxiliary device T7 PS2_CLK T8 1st CLK 2nd CLK 9th CLK 10th CLK 11th CLK T9 PS2_DATA Bit 0 Parity Bit STOP Bit Timing for data send to the auxiliary device - 397 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MIN. MAX. UNIT T1 Time from DATA transition to falling edge of CLK 5 25 us T2 Time form rising edge of CLK to DATA transition 5 T4-5 us T3 Duration of CLK inactive 30 50 us T4 Duration of clock active 30 50 us T5 Time to auxiliary device inhibit after clock 11 to ensure the auxiliary device does not start another transmission 0 50 us T7 Duration of CLK inactive 30 50 us T8 Duration of CLK active 30 50 us T9 Time to fom inactive to active CLK transition, used to time when the auxiliary device samples DATA 30 50 us - 398 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 8. ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER NAME PACKAGE DESCRIPTION W90N745CD LQFP128 128 Leads, body 14 x 14 x 1.4 mm W90N745CDG LQFP128 128 Leads, body 14 x 14 x 1.4 mm, Lead free package - 399 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 9. PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS 128L LQFP (14X14X1.4 mm footprint 2.0mm) - 400 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG 10. APPENDIX A: W90N745 REGISTERS MAPPING TABLE R: read only, W: write only, R/W: both read and write, C: Only value 0 can be written System Manager Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION PDID 0xFFF0_0000 R ARBCON 0xFFF0_0004 R/W Arbitration Control Register 0x0000_0000 PLLCON 0xFFF0_0008 R/W PLL Control Register 0x0000_2F01 CLKSEL 0xFFF0_000C R/W Clock Select Register 0x1FFF_3FX8 PLLCON1 0xFFF0_0010 R/W PLL Control Register 2 0x0001_0000 ISCKCON 0xFFF0_0014 R/W Audio IS Clock Control Register 0x0000_0000 Product Identifier Register RESET VALUE 0xX090.0710 IRQWAKECON 0xFFF0_0020 R/W IRQ Wakeup Control register 0x0000_0000 IRQWAKEFLAG 0xFFFF_0024 R/W IRQ wakeup Flag Register 0x0000_0000 PMCON 0xFFF0_0028 R/W Power Manager Control Register 0x0000_0000 USBTxrCON 0xFFF0_0030 R/W USB Transceiver Control Register 0x0000_0000 External Bus Interface Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE EBICON 0xFFF0_1000 R/W EBI control register 0x0001_0000 ROMCON 0xFFF0_1004 R/W ROM/FLASH control register 0x0000_0XFC SDCONF0 0xFFF0_1008 R/W SDRAM bank 0 configuration register 0x0000_0800 SDCONF1 0xFFF0_100C R/W SDRAM bank 1 configuration register 0x0000_0800 SDTIME0 0xFFF0_1010 R/W SDRAM bank 0 timing control register 0x0000_0000 SDTIME1 0xFFF0_1014 R/W SDRAM bank 1 timing control register 0x0000_0000 EXT0CON 0xFFF0_1018 R/W External I/O 0 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT1CON 0xFFF0_101C R/W External I/O 1 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT2CON 0xFFF0_1020 R/W External I/O 2 control register 0x0000_0000 EXT3CON 0xFFF0_1024 R/W External I/O 3 control register 0x0000_0000 CKSKEW 0xFFF0_1F00 R/W Clock skew control register (for testing) 0xXXXX_0038 - 401 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Cache Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CAHCNF 0xFFF0_2000 R/W Cache configuration register 0x0000_0000 CAHCON 0xFFF0_2004 R/W Cache control register 0x0000_0000 CAHADR 0xFFF0_2008 R/W Cache address register 0x0000_0000 EMC Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS CAMCMR 0xFFF0_3000 CAMEN R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_3004 R/W CAM Command Register R/W CAM Enable Register CAM0M 0xFFF0_3008 R/W CAM0 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM0L 0xFFF0_300C R/W CAM0 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM1M 0xFFF0_3010 R/W CAM1 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM1L 0xFFF0_3014 R/W CAM1 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2M 0xFFF0_3018 R/W CAM2 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM2L 0xFFF0_301C R/W CAM2 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3M 0xFFF0_3020 R/W CAM3 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM3L 0xFFF0_3024 R/W CAM3 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4M 0xFFF0_3028 R/W CAM4 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM4L 0xFFF0_302C R/W CAM4 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5M 0xFFF0_3030 R/W CAM5 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM5L 0xFFF0_3034 R/W CAM5 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6M 0xFFF0_3038 R/W CAM6 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM6L 0xFFF0_303C R/W CAM6 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7M 0xFFF0_3040 R/W CAM7 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM7L 0xFFF0_3044 R/W CAM7 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8M 0xFFF0_3048 R/W CAM8 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM8L 0xFFF0_304C R/W CAM8 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9M 0xFFF0_3050 R/W CAM9 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM9L 0xFFF0_3054 R/W CAM9 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10M 0xFFF0_3058 R/W CAM10 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM10L 0xFFF0_305C R/W CAM10 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11M 0xFFF0_3060 R/W CAM11 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM11L 0xFFF0_3064 R/W CAM11 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 - 402 - 0x0000_0000 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EMC Registers Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE CAM12M 0xFFF0_3068 R/W CAM12 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM12L 0xFFF0_306C R/W CAM12 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13M 0xFFF0_3070 R/W CAM13 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM13L 0xFFF0_3074 R/W CAM13 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14M 0xFFF0_3078 R/W CAM14 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM14L 0xFFF0_307C R/W CAM14 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15M 0xFFF0_3080 R/W CAM15 Most Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 CAM15L 0xFFF0_3084 R/W CAM15 Least Significant Word Register 0x0000_0000 TXDLSA 0xFFF0_3088 R/W Transmit Descriptor Link List Start Address Register 0xFFFF_FFFC RXDLSA 0xFFF0_308C MCMDR 0xFFF0_3090 R/W Receive Descriptor Link List Start Address 0xFFFF_FFFC Register 0x0000_0000 R/W MAC Command Register MIID 0xFFF0_3094 R/W MII Management Data Register MIIDA 0xFFF0_3098 R/W MII Management Control and Address Register 0x0090_0000 FFTCR 0xFFF0_309C R/W FIFO Threshold Control Register TSDR 0xFFF0_30A0 W Transmit Start Demand Register Undefined RSDR 0xFFF0_30A4 W Receive Start Demand Register Undefined DMARFC 0xFFF0_30A8 R/W Maximum Receive Frame Control Register 0x0000_0800 MIEN MISTA 0xFFF0_30AC 0xFFF0_30B0 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 MGSTA 0xFFF0_30B4 R/W MAC Interrupt Enable Register R/W MAC Interrupt Status Register R/W MAC General Status Register MPCNT 0xFFF0_30B8 0x0000_7FFF MRPC 0xFFF0_30BC R/W Missed Packet Count Register R MAC Receive Pause Count Register MRPCC 0xFFF0_30C0 R MAC Receive Pause Current Count Register 0x0000_0000 MREPC 0xFFF0_30C4 R MAC Remote Pause Count Register 0x0000_0000 DMARFS 0xFFF0_30C8 CTXDSA 0xFFF0_30CC CTXBSA 0xFFF0_30D0 R Current Transmit Buffer Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 CRXDSA 0xFFF0_30D4 R Current Receive Descriptor Start Address 0x0000_0000 Register CRXBSA 0xFFF0_30D8 R Current Receive Buffer Start Address Register 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0101 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 R/W DMA Receive Frame Status Register 0x0000_0000 R Current Transmit Descriptor Start Address 0x0000_0000 Register - 403 - 0x0000_0000 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG EMC Registers Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE RXFSM 0xFFF0_3200 R Receive Finite State Machine Register 0x0081_1101 TXFSM 0xFFF0_3204 R Transmit Finite State Machine Register 0x0101_1101 FSM0 0xFFF0_3208 R Finite State Machine Register 0 0x0001_0101 FSM1 0xFFF0_320C R Finite State Machine Register 1 0x1100_0100 DCR 0xFFF0_3210 DMMIR BISTR 0x0000_003F 0xFFF0_3214 R/W Debug Configuration Register R Debug Mode MAC Information Register 0xFFF0_3300 R/W BIST Mode Register 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 GDMA Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION GDMA_CTL0 0xFFF0_4000 R/W Channel 0 Control Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_SRCB0 0xFFF0_4004 R/W Channel 0 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_DSTB0 0xFFF0_4008 R/W Channel 0 Destination Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_TCNT0 0xFFF0_400C R/W Channel 0 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CSRC0 0xFFF0_4010 R Channel 0 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CDST0 GDMA_CTCNT 0 GDMA_CTL1 0xFFF0_4014 R Channel 0 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_4018 R Channel 0 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_4020 R/W Channel 1 Control Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_SRCB1 0xFFF0_4024 R/W Channel 1 Source Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_DSTB1 0xFFF0_4028 R/W Channel 1 Destination Base Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_TCNT1 0xFFF0_402C R/W Channel 1 Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CSRC1 0xFFF0_4030 R Channel 1 Current Source Address Register 0x0000_0000 GDMA_CDST1 GDMA_CTCNT 1 0xFFF0_4034 R Channel 1 Current Destination Address Register 0x0000_0000 0xFFF0_4038 R Channel 1 Current Transfer Count Register 0x0000_0000 - 404 - RESET VALUE W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Host Controller Registers Map REGISTER DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ADDRESS R/W HcRevision 0xFFF0_5000 R HcControl 0xFFF0_5004 R/W Host Controller Control Register 0x0000_0000 HcCommandStatus 0xFFF0_5008 R/W Host Controller Command Status Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptStatus 0xFFF0_500C R/W Host Controller Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptEnbale 0xFFF0_5010 R/W Host Controller Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000 HcInterruptDisbale 0xFFF0_5014 R/W Host Controller Interrupt Disable Register 0x0000_0000 HcHCCA 0xFFF0_5018 R/W Host Controller Communication Area Register 0x0000_0000 HcPeriodCurrentED 0xFFF0_501C R/W Host Controller Period Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcControlHeadED 0xFFF0_5020 R/W Host Controller Control Head ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcControlCurrentED 0xFFF0_5024 R/W Host Controller Control Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcBulkHeadEd 0xFFF0_5028 R/W Host Controller Bulk Head ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcBulkCurrentED 0xFFF0_502C R/W Host Controller Bulk Current ED Register 0x0000_0000 HcDoneHeadED 0xFFF0_5030 R/W Host Controller Done Head Register 0x0000_0000 HcFmInterval 0xFFF0_5034 R/W Host Controller Frame Interval Register 0x0000_2EDF HcFrameRemaining 0xFFF0_5038 R Host Controller Frame Remaining Register 0x0000_0000 HcFmNumber 0xFFF0_503C R Host Controller Frame Number Register 0x0000_0000 HcPeriodicStart 0xFFF0_5040 R/W Host Controller Periodic Start Register 0x0000_0000 HcLSThreshold 0xFFF0_5044 R/W Host Controller Low Speed Threshold Register 0x0000_0628 HcRhDescriptorA 0xFFF0_5048 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor A Register 0x0100_0002 HcRhDescriptorB 0xFFF0_504C R/W Host Controller Root Hub Descriptor B Register 0x0000_0000 HcRhStatus 0xFFF0_5050 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Status Register 0x0000_0000 HcRhPortStatus [1] 0xFFF0_5054 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status [1] 0x0000_0000 HcRhPortStatus [2] 0xFFF0_5058 R/W Host Controller Root Hub Port Status [2] 0x0000_0000 OpenHCI Registers Host Controller Revision Register 0x0000_0010 USB Configuration Registers TestModeEnable 0xFFF0_5200 R/W USB Test Mode Enable Register OperationalModeEnable 0xFFF0_5204 R/W USB Operational Mode Enable Register - 405 - 0x0XXX_XXXX 0x0000_0000 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Device Register Map REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USB_CTL 0xFFF0_6000 R/W USB control register 0x0000_000 0 VCMD 0xFFF0_6004 R/W USB class or vendor command register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IE 0xFFF0_6008 R/W USB interrupt enable register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IS 0xFFF0_600 C USB interrupt status register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IC 0xFFF0_6010 R/W USB interrupt status clear register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IFSTR 0xFFF0_6014 R/W USB interface and string register 0x0000_000 0 USB_ODATA0 0xFFF0_6018 R USB control transfer-out port 0 register 0x0000_000 0 USB_ODATA1 0xFFF0_601 C R USB control transfer-out port 1 register 0x0000_000 0 USB_ODATA2 0xFFF0_6020 R USB control transfer-out port 2 register 0x0000_000 0 USB_ODATA3 0xFFF0_6024 R USB control transfer-out port 3 register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IDATA0 0xFFF0_6028 R/W USB transfer-in data port0 register 0x0000_000 0 USB_IDATA1 0xFFF0_602 C R/W USB control transfer-in data port 1 0x0000_000 0 USB_IDATA2 0xFFF0_6030 R/W USB control transfer-in data port 2 0x0000_000 0 USB_IDATA3 0xFFF0_6034 R/W USB control transfer-in data port 3 0x0000_000 0 USB_SIE 0xFFF0_6038 R USB SIE status Register 0x0000_000 0 USB_ENG 0xFFF0_603 C R/W USB Engine Register 0x0000_000 0 USB_CTLS 0xFFF0_6040 R USB control transfer status register 0x0000_000 0 USB_CONFD 0xFFF0_6044 R/W USB Configured Value register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_INFO 0xFFF0_6048 R/W USB endpoint A information register 0x0000_000 0 R - 406 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB endpoint A control register 0x0000_000 0 0xFFF0_6050 R/W USB endpoint A Interrupt Enable register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_IC 0xFFF0_6054 W USB endpoint A interrupt clear register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_IS 0xFFF0_6058 R USB endpoint A interrupt status register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_ADDR 0xFFF0_605 C R/W USB endpoint A address register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_LENTH 0xFFF0_6060 R/W USB endpoint A transfer length register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_INFO 0xFFF0_6064 R/W USB endpoint B information register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_CTL 0xFFF0_6068 R/W USB endpoint B control register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_IE 0xFFF0_606 C R/W USB endpoint B Interrupt Enable register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_IC 0xFFF0_6070 W USB endpoint B interrupt clear register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_IS 0xFFF0_6074 R USB endpoint B interrupt status register 0x0000_000 0 EPB_ADDR 0xFFF0_6078 R/W USB endpoint B address register 0x0000_000 0 EPA_CTL 0xFFF0_604 C EPA_IE R/W - 407 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USB Device Register Map, continued REGISTER OFFSET R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE EPB_LENTH 0xFFF0_607C R/W USB endpoint B transfer length register 0x0000_0000 EPC_INFO 0xFFF0_6080 R/W USB endpoint C information register 0x0000_0000 EPC_CTL 0xFFF0_6084 R/W USB endpoint C control register 0x0000_0000 EPC_IE 0xFFF0_6 088 R/W USB endpoint C Interrupt Enable register 0x0000_0000 EPC_IC 0xFFF0_608C W USB endpoint C interrupt clear register 0x0000_0000 EPC_IS 0xFFF0_6090 R USB endpoint C interrupt status register 0x0000_0000 EPC_ADDR 0xFFF0_6094 R/W USB endpoint C address register 0x0000_0000 EPC_LENTH 0xFFF0_6098 R/W USB endpoint C transfer length register 0x0000_0000 EPA_XFER 0xFFF0_609C R/W USB endpoint A remain transfer length 0x0000_0000 register EPA_PKT 0xFFF0_60A0 R/W USB endpoint A remain packet length 0x0000_0000 register EPB_XFER 0xFFF0_60A4 R/W USB endpoint B remain transfer length 0x0000_0000 register EPB_PKT 0xFFF0_60A8 R/W USB endpoint B remain packet length 0x0000_0000 register EPC_XFER 0xFFF0_60AC R/W USB endpoint C remain transfer length 0x0000_0000 register EPC_PKT 0xFFF0_60B0 USB endpoint C remain packet length 0x0000_0000 register R/W Audio Control Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ACTL_CON 0xFFF0_9000 R/W Audio controller control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_RESET 0xFFF0_9004 R/W Sub block reset control register 0x0000_0000 DMA destination base address 0x0000_0000 register for record DMA destination length register for ACTL_RDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_900C R/W 0x0000_0000 record DMA destination current address ACTL_RDSTC 0xFFF0_9010 R 0x0000_0000 register for record ACTL_RDSTB 0xFFF0_9008 R/W ACTL_RSR 0xFFF0_9014 R/W Record status register 0x0000_0000 DMA destination base address 0x0000_0000 register for play DMA destination length register for ACTL_PDST_LENGTH 0xFFF0_901C R/W 0x0000_0000 play ACTL_PDSTB 0xFFF0_9018 R/W - 408 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Audio Control Register Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE ACTL_PDSTC 0xFFF0_9020 R ACTL_PSR 0xFFF0_9024 R/W ACTL_ISCON 0xFFF0_9028 R/W IS control register ACTL_ACCON 0xFFF0_902C R/W AC-link control register 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACOS0 0xFFF0_9030 R/W AC-link out slot 0 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACOS1 0xFFF0_9034 R/W AC-link out slot 1 0x0000_0080 ACTL_ACOS2 0xFFF0_9038 R/W AC-link out slot 2 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS0 0xFFF0_903C R AC-link in slot 0 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS1 0xFFF0_9040 R AC-link in slot 1 0x0000_0000 ACTL_ACIS2 0xFFF0_9044 R AC-link in slot 2 0x0000_0000 DMA destination current address register for play 0x0000_0000 Play status register 0x0000_0004 0x0000_0000 Cache Controller Test Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W CTEST0 0xFFF6_0000 R/W CTEST1 0xFFF6_0004 R DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE Cache test register 0 0x0000_0000 Cache test register 1 0x0000_0000 UART0 Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE UART0_RBR 0xFFF8_0000 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART0_THR 0xFFF8_0000 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 UART0_IER 0xFFF8_0004 R/W UART0_DLL 0xFFF8_0000 R/W UART0_DLM 0xFFF8_0004 R/W UART0_IIR Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0xFFF8_0008 R Interrupt Identification Register UART0_FCR 0xFFF8_0008 W FIFO Control Register Undefined UART0_LCR 0xFFF8_000C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART0_LSR 0xFFF8_0014 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 UART0_TOR 0xFFF8_001C R Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 - 409 - 0x8181_8181 Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG High Speed UART1 Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W UART1_RBR 0xFFF8_0100 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART1_THR 0xFFF8_0100 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART1_IER 0xFFF8_0104 R/W Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 UART1_DLL 0xFFF8_0100 R/W UART1_DLM 0xFFF8_0104 R/W UART1_IIR 0xFFF8_0108 R Interrupt Identification Register UART1_FCR 0xFFF8_0108 W FIFO Control Register Undefined UART1_LCR 0xFFF8_010C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART1_MCR 0xFFF8_0110 R/W Modem Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART1_LSR 0xFFF8_0114 R Line Status Register 0x6060.6060 UART1_MSR 0xFFF8_0118 R MODEM Status Register 0x0000_0000 UART1_TOR 0xFFF8_011C R Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 UART1 Bluetooth Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART1_UBCR 0xFFF8_0120 R/W DESCRIPTION Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0x8181_8181 UART2 Control Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE UART2_RBR 0xFFF8_0200 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART2_THR 0xFFF8_0200 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 UART2_IER 0xFFF8_0204 R/W UART2_DLL 0xFFF8_0200 R/W UART2_DLM 0xFFF8_0204 R/W UART2_IIR Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0xFFF8_0208 R Interrupt Identification Register UART2_FCR 0xFFF8_0208 W FIFO Control Register Undefined UART2_LCR 0xFFF8_020C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART2_MCR 0xFFF8_0210 R/W Modem Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART2_LSR 0xFFF8_0214 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 UART2_MSR 0xFFF8_0218 R MODEM Status Register 0x0000_0000 UART2_TOR 0xFFF8_021C R Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 UART2_IRCR 0xFFF8_0220 R/W IrDA Control Register - 410 - 0x8181_8181 0x0000_0040 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG UART3 Control Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE UART3_RBR 0xFFF8_0300 R Receive Buffer Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined UART3_THR 0xFFF8_0300 W Transmit Holding Register (DLAB = 0) Undefined Interrupt Enable Register (DLAB = 0) 0x0000_0000 UART3_IER 0xFFF8_0304 R/W UART3_DLL 0xFFF8_0300 R/W UART3_DLM 0xFFF8_0304 R/W UART3_IIR Divisor Latch Register (LS) (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch Register (MS) (DLAB = 1) 0x0000_0000 0x0000_0000 0xFFF8_0308 R Interrupt Identification Register 0x8181_8181 UART3_FCR 0xFFF8_0308 W FIFO Control Register Undefined UART3_LCR 0xFFF8_030C R/W Line Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART3_MCR 0xFFF8_0310 R/W Modem Control Register 0x0000_0000 UART3_LSR 0xFFF8_0314 R Line Status Register 0x6060_6060 UART3_MSR 0xFFF8_0318 R MODEM Status Register 0x0000_0000 UART3_TOR 0xFFF8_031C R Time Out Register 0x0000_0000 Timer Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION TCR0 0xFFF8_1000 R/W Timer Control Register 0 0x0000_0005 TCR1 0xFFF8_1004 R/W Timer Control Register 1 0x0000_0005 TICR0 0xFFF8_1008 R/W Timer Initial Control Register 0 0x0000_00FF TICR1 0xFFF8_100C R/W Timer Initial Control Register 1 0x0000_00FF TDR0 0xFFF8_1010 R Timer Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 TDR1 0xFFF8_1014 R Timer Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 TISR 0xFFF8_1018 R/C Timer Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 WTCR 0xFFF8_101C R/W Watchdog Timer Control Register 0x0000_0000 - 411 - RESET VALUE Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE AIC_SCR1 0xFFF8_2004 R/W Source Control Register 1 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR2 0xFFF8_2008 R/W Source Control Register 2 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR3 0xFFF8_200C R/W Source Control Register 3 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR4 0xFFF8_2010 R/W Source Control Register 4 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR5 0xFFF8_2014 R/W Source Control Register 5 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR6 0xFFF8_2018 R/W Source Control Register 6 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR7 0xFFF8_201C R/W Source Control Register 7 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR8 0xFFF8_2020 R/W Source Control Register 8 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR9 0xFFF8_2024 R/W Source Control Register 9 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR10 0xFFF8_2028 R/W Source Control Register 10 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR11 0xFFF8_202C R/W Source Control Register 11 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR12 0xFFF8_2030 R/W Source Control Register 12 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR13 0xFFF8_2034 R/W Source Control Register 13 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR14 0xFFF8_2038 R/W Source Control Register 14 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR15 0xFFF8_203C R/W Source Control Register 15 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR16 0xFFF8_2040 R/W Source Control Register 16 0x0000_0000 AIC_SCR17 0xFFF8_2044 R/W Source Control Register 17 0x0000_0000 AIC_SCR18 0xFFF8_2048 R/W Source Control Register 18 0x0000_0000 AIC_SCR19 0xFFF8_204C R/W Source Control Register 19 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR20 0xFFF8_2050 R/W Source Control Register 20 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR21 0xFFF8_2054 R/W Source Control Register 21 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR22 0xFFF8_2058 R/W Source Control Register 22 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR23 0xFFF8_205C R/W Source Control Register 23 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR24 0xFFF8_2060 R/W Source Control Register 24 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR25 0xFFF8_2064 R/W Source Control Register 25 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR26 0xFFF8_2068 R/W Source Control Register 26 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR27 0xFFF8_206C R/W Source Control Register 27 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR28 0xFFF8_2070 R/W Source Control Register 28 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR29 0xFFF8_2074 R/W Source Control Register 29 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR30 0xFFF8_2078 R/W Source Control Register 30 0x0000_0047 AIC_SCR31 0xFFF8_207C R/W Source Control Register 31 0x0000_0047 - 412 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG AIC Control Registers Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION AIC_IRSR 0xFFF8_2100 R Interrupt Raw Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IASR 0xFFF8_2104 R Interrupt Active Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_ISR 0xFFF8_2108 R Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IPER 0xFFF8_210C R Interrupt Priority Encoding Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_ISNR 0xFFF8_2110 R Interrupt Source Number Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_IMR 0xFFF8_2114 R Interrupt Mask Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_OISR 0xFFF8_2118 R Output Interrupt Status Register 0x0000_0000 AIC_MECR 0xFFF8_2120 W Mask Enable Command Register Undefined AIC_MDCR 0xFFF8_2124 W Mask Disable Command Register Undefined AIC_SSCR 0xFFF8_2128 W Source Set Command Register Undefined AIC_SCCR 0xFFF8_212C W Source Clear Command Register Undefined AIC_EOSCR 0xFFF8_2130 W End of Service Command Register Undefined AIC_TEST 0xFFF8_2200 W ICE/Debug mode Register RESET VALUE Undefined GPIO Control Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO_CFG0 0xFFF8_3000 R/W GPIO Port0 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR0 0xFFF8_3004 R/W GPIO Port0 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT0 0xFFF8_3008 R/W GPIO Port0 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN0 0xFFF8_300C R GPIO Port0 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG1 0xFFF8_3010 R/W GPIO port1 configuration register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR1 0xFFF8_3014 R/W GPIO port1 direction control register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT1 0xFFF8_3018 R/W GPIO port1 data output register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN1 0xFFF8_301C R GPIO port1 data input register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG2 0xFFF8_3020 R/W GPIO Port2 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR2 0xFFF8_3024 R/W GPIO Port2 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT2 0xFFF8_3028 R/W GPIO Port2 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN2 0xFFF8_302C R GPIO Port2 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_CFG4 0xFFF8_3040 R/W GPIO Port4 Configuration Register 0x0015_5555 GPIO_DIR4 0xFFF8_3044 R/W GPIO Port4 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT4 0xFFF8_3048 R/W GPIO Port4 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN4 GPIO Port4 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX 0xFFF8_304C R - 413 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG GPIO Control Register Map, continued REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE GPIO_CFG5 0xFFF8_3050 R/W GPIO Port5 Configuration Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DIR5 0xFFF8_3054 R/W GPIO Port5 Direction Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAOUT5 0xFFF8_3058 R/W GPIO Port5 Data Output Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_DATAIN5 GPIO Port5 Data Input Register 0xXXXX_XXXX GPIO_DBNCECON 0xFFF8_3070 R/W GPIO Input Debounce Control Register 0x0000_0000 GPIO_XICFG 0xFFF8_3074 R/W Extend Interrupt Configure Register 0xXXXX_XXX0 GPIO_XISTATUS 0xFFF8_3078 R/W Extend Interrupt Status Register 0xXXXX_XXX0 0xFFF8_305C R I2C Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE 2 I C Interface 0 2 2 I C_CSR0 0xFFF8_6000 R/W I C0 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0000 I2C_DIVIDER0 0xFFF8_6004 R/W I2C0 Clock Prescale Register 0x0000_0000 I2C_CMDR0 0xFFF8_6008 R/W I2C0 Command Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C_SWR0 2 I C_RxR0 2 I C_TxR0 0xFFF8_600C 0xFFF8_6010 0xFFF8_6014 R/W R R/W 2 0x0000_003F 2 0x0000_0000 I C0 Software Mode Control Register I C0 Data Receive Register 2 I C0 Data Transmit Register 0x0000_0000 2 I C Interface 1 I2C_CSR1 2 I C_DIVIDER1 2 I C_CMDR1 2 I C_SWR1 2 I C_RxR1 2 I C_TxR1 0xFFF8_6000 0xFFF8_6004 0xFFF8_6008 0xFFF8_600C 0xFFF8_6010 0xFFF8_6014 R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W I2C1 Control and Status Register 0x0000_0000 2 0x0000_0000 2 0x0000_0000 2 0x0000_003F 2 0x0000_0000 2 0x0000_0000 I C1 Clock Prescale Register I C1 Command Register I C1 Software Mode Control Register I C1 Data Receive Register I C1 Data Transmit Register - 414 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG USI Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE USI_CNTRL 0xFFF8_6200 R/W Control and Status Register 0x0000_0004 USI_DIVIDER 0xFFF8_6204 R/W Clock Divider Register 0x0000_0000 USI_SSR 0xFFF8_6208 R/W Slave Select Register 0x0000_0000 Reserved 0xFFF8_620C N/A Reserved USI_Rx0 0xFFF8_6210 R Data Receive Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx1 0xFFF8_6214 R Data Receive Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx2 0xFFF8_6218 R Data Receive Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_Rx3 0xFFF8_621C R Data Receive Register 3 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx0 0xFFF8_6210 W Data Transmit Register 0 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx1 0xFFF8_6214 W Data Transmit Register 1 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx2 0xFFF8_6218 W Data Transmit Register 2 0x0000_0000 USI_Tx3 0xFFF8_621C W Data Transmit Register 3 0x0000_0000 N/A PWM Control Registers Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PWM_PPR 0xFFF8_7000 R/W PWM Prescaler Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_CSR 0xFFF8_7004 R/W PWM Clock Select Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_PCR 0xFFF8_7008 R/W PWM Control Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR0 0xFFF8_700C R/W PWM Counter Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR0 0xFFF8_7010 R/W PWM_PDR0 0xFFF8_7014 R PWM_CNR1 0xFFF8_7018 PWM_CMR1 PWM Comparator Register 0 0x0000_0000 PWM Data Register 0 0x0000_0000 R/W PWM Counter Register 1 0x0000_0000 0xFFF8_701C R/W PWM Comparator Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR1 0xFFF8_7020 R PWM Data Register 1 0x0000_0000 PWM_CNR2 0xFFF8_7024 R/W PWM Counter Register 2 0x0000_0000 PWM_CMR2 0xFFF8_7028 R/W PWM_PDR2 0xFFF8_702C R PWM_CNR3 0xFFF8_7030 PWM_CMR3 PWM Comparator 2 0x0000_0000 PWM Data Register 2 0x0000_0000 R/W PWM Counter Register 3 0x0000_0000 0xFFF8_7034 R/W PWM Comparator Register 3 0x0000_0000 PWM_PDR3 0xFFF8_7038 R PWM Data Register 3 0x0000_0000 PWM_PIER 0xFFF8_703C R/W PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0x0000_0000 PWM_PIIR 0xFFF8_7040 R/C PWM Interrupt Indication Register 0x0000_0000 - 415 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2 W90N745CD/W90N745CDG KPI Control Register Map REGISTER KPICONF ADDRESS R/W DESCRIPTION 0xFFF8_8000 R/W Keypad controller configuration Register RESET VALUE 0x0000_0000 KPI3KCONF 0xFFF8_8004 R/W Keypad controller 3-keys configuration register 0x0000_0000 KPILPCONF 0xFFF8_8008 R/W Keypad controller low power configuration 0x0000_0000 register KPISTATUS 0xFFF8_800C R/O Keypad controller status register 0x0000_0000 PS2 Control Register Map REGISTER ADDRESS R/W/C DESCRIPTION RESET VALUE PS2CMD 0xFFF8_9000 R/W PS2 Host Controller Command Register 0x0000_0000 PS2STS 0xFFF8_9004 R/W PS2 Host Controller Status Register 0x0000_0000 PS2SCANCODE 0xFFF8_9008 RO PS2 Host Controller RX Scan Code 0x0000_0000 Register PS2ASCII RO PS2 Host Controller RX ASCII Code 0x0000_0000 Register 0xFFF8_900C - 416 - W90N745CD/W90N745CDG Important Notice Winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or sustain life. Further more, Winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure of Winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. - 417 - Publication Release Date: September 22, 2006 Revision A2