Measurement Limits Min. Typ. Max. Units
AC Voltage 85.0 - 264.0 Volts
AC Current, 10A models ➀
AC Current, 32A models ➀
AC Current, 100A models ➀
Active Power: 10A models
Active Power: 32A models
Active Power: 100A models
Frequency 47.0 - 63.0 Hz
Power Factor .00 1.00 - -
Overcurrent Rating ➁1.5 x rated full-scale current
Sampling Rate 2-3 samples / sec
Voltage Accuracy ➂±1%
Current Accuracy ➂±1%
Power Accuracy ➂±2%
Frequency Accuracy ➂±0.1 Hz
Power Factor Accuracy ±3%
Measurement Bandwidth 140Hz (Voltage), 14kHz (Current)
Temperature Drift (0 to 60ºC) 0.5 Counts/ºC
Zero-Current Reading (within 2 sec.) 0.00 Amps
Zero-Power Reading (within 2 sec.) 0 Watts
UL/IEC61010-1 Measurement category II
Supply Voltage (TB1) (Measurement Category II)
All Models – 47-63 Hz 85 120 264 Vac
Supply Current ➃
All Models 35 50 110 mA
Power Supply Terminal Block
Wire Size 16-22AWG, solid or stranded
Insulation Strip Length 6.4mm (0.250 in)
Screw Tightening Torque 0.4Nm (3.6 lb-in)
Rated Voltage 300Vac
Display Type and Size 4 Digit LED, 9.14mm (0.36in) high
Overrange Indication Flashing ‘9999’ Watts ➄
Decimal Point Selection Automatically Set
Operating Temperature 0 – +60 °C
Storage Temperature –40 – +75 °C
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 – 85 %
Dimensions See mechanical specifi cations
Weight: 32A models
Weight: 100A models
1.3oz (37.9g)
1.5oz (43.5g)
Hex Nut Tightening Torque 0.14 N-m (20 ozf-in)
➀ Specifi ed full-scale currents are those passing through the power meter’s built-in current
transformer’s primary load-circuit.
➁ The overcurrent rating of 1.5 x the rated full-scale current is a continuous rating and applies
to the current passing through the built in current transformer. Accuracy is guaranteed up to
the rated current.
➂ ACM20 Power Meters are calibrated with near full-scale 60Hz sine-wave inputs.
➃ All specifi ed maximum supply currents are steady state; larger surge currents can occur at
initial application of line power.
➄ Applies to 10A and 32A models only.
Performance/Functional Specifi cations
Typical at TA=+ 25ºC, 120Vac @ 60Hz, unless otherwise noted
ACM20-2-AC1-R-C 10A, 85-264Vac Supply (Power Factor Reading)
ACM20-5-AC1-R-C 32A, 85-264Vac Supply (Power Factor Reading)
ACM20-4-AC1-R-C 100A, 85-264Vac Supply (Power Factor Reading)
ACM20-2-AC1-R-F-C 10A, 85-264Vac Supply (Frequency Reading)
ACM20-5-AC1-R-F-C 32A, 85-264Vac Supply (Frequency Reading)
ACM20-4-AC1-R-F-C 100A, 85-264Vac Supply (Frequency Reading)
IMPORTANT! To ensure safe and reliable operation, ACM20 power
meters must be installed and serviced by qualifi ed technical person-
nel. Contact Murata Power Solutions if there is any doubt regarding
their installation or operation.
1. Measurement Type: ACM20 series multifunction AC power meters
employ a precision energy metering integrated circuit and a low-
power microcontroller to measure and display the rms voltage and
current, active (real) power, power factor (or line frequency on ‘–F’
suffi x models) of ac mains supplies from 47-63Hz. Please note,
ACM20 power meters use the voltage present at their TB1 terminal
block and the secondary current of their built-in current transformer
L1 to calculate and then display VOLTS, AMPS, WATTS, power factor
(PF), or line frequency on ‘-F’ HERTZ models.
While the ACM20 displays the rms value of line voltage and line
current, the VOLTS reading has an upper limit of 140Hz (-3db point),
which means rectangular-shaped voltage waveforms, and waveforms
with sharp transitions, will read lower than their true-rms value. For
example, a square wave line voltage will read approximately 1-2%
lower, a triangle wave will read 3% lower, and a modifi ed sine wave
will read 18% lower. The oscillograms on page seven illustrate typical
ACM20 VOLTS readings when powered from four ac waveforms.
The 140Hz bandwidth limit does not apply to the WATTS reading nor
to the AMPS reading. The circuitry used for these two measurements
has an upper bandwidth of 14kHz. ACM20 power meters are mains
operated devices designed to measure ac currents and voltages,
within the specifi ed limits previously noted. DC currents and voltages
will not be measured accurately.
2. Basic Operation: Upon application of ac power to TB1, the unit will
fi rst perform a self-test routine and then continuously display ac volts
with the VOLTS LED annunciator illuminated. The display will remain
in the VOLTS mode as long as the front panel ‘SEL’ button is not
After the unit powers up to normal operation in the VOLTS reading
mode, momentarily (approximately one second) touching the ‘SEL’
button on the unit’s front panel three times in succession will cycle
the display to AMPS, WATTS, and end at PF (or HERTZ for ‘–F’ mod-
els). Momentarily touching ‘SEL’ a fourth time will return the display
back to the VOLTS reading mode.
Holding the ‘SEL’ button down for 3 seconds will place the unit in a
continuous auto-cycling mode, and the display will repetitively scroll
through all four measurements, with each measurement remaining
displayed for 3 seconds.
ACM20 Series
Four-Function AC Power Meters
MPM_ACM20 Series.B03 Page 2 of 6